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Service Learning Report #2 Amber Holsapple Ivy Tech Community College

SERVICE LEARNING REPORT #2 INTASC Standard, Description, and Rationale Standard #2 Learning Differences The teacher uses understanding of individual differences and diverse cultures and communities to ensure inclusive learning environments that enable each learner to meet high standards.

Service Learning Report #2 March 20, 2013 EDUC 101

Description This paper will give the reader my outlook on my Service Learning schools culture setting and students as well as my impression on the school itself. Rationale Learning standard number two Learning Differences applies to this paper because in order for the teachers at this location to be a positive influence on the children in their environment, they must first understand the students cultures and difference. They are teaching in the kids community and therefore must adjust their teaching to fit.


Climate/Culture 1. What feeling do you get upon entering the building? I feel like I am entering an elementary school. There is nothing out of the ordinary about the school other than it seems smaller than most elementary schools; but that may be the layout. 2. How are you greeted by the office staff? The secretary in the office asks me my business and I explain. She then gives me a book to sign in and tells me to wait while she contacts my teacher. Overall she is helpful and nice. She also made sure to check my identification, which made me feel like the students were being kept safe. 3. Are there vending machines located in common areas of the school? No there are not. I have yet to find one; I keep forgetting to ask a member of the staff. 4. How is appropriate and inappropriate behavior handled outside of the classroom? Students are sent to the office where the secretary and principal talk to them about their behavior. Parents are called when necessary or if a problem with a student persists. 5. How and how often are the parents contacted? Parents are contacted by telephone. They are contacted when a student repeats the same bad behavior or if there is behavior bad enough to speak to them immediately, such as a fight. 6. What partnerships does the school have with the community? I know that Indy Parks and Recreation is a community program that comes in and helps with the childrens learning program after school.

SERVICE LEARNING REPORT #2 Building Atmosphere 1. What is the atmosphere in the library, cafeteria, gym, and specialty areas? I have not found the library yet, but the atmosphere is that of discipline. Students are expected to behave and stay quiet and orderly when told. 2. What is the condition of the building? The building is kept very clean and is in overall very good condition.

3. What is displayed on the bulletin boards and hallways of the school? Recently there have been a large number of Blacks in history due to Black History Month. This includes illustrations done by the students as well as drawings from their interpretations of stories from history, their personal goals as individuals, and their personal heroes. There are many future-education-oriented banners and boards that are set up to inspire the children to attend college and to stay in school. 4. Is student work visible in the building? If so what and where? Yes. The teachers use the walls outside of their classrooms to hang the students work. The work includes drawings, colorings, or small reports done by the students. Programs Offered 1. Does the school have a full time Nurse, ESL or Special Education or Physical Education Teacher? There is a nurses office located within the schools main office right next to the principals office. 2. Is breakfast served at the school to all of the students? If not, to which ones? NA 3. Doe the school have an afterschool program? If so, what does it offer and which students attend? There are a few programs after school. There is boys basketball, a dance group,

SERVICE LEARNING REPORT #2 boys to men, real men read, and an Indy Parks program to help students with homework and reading. 4. Dies the school have a gifted and talented or and honor roll program? NA

5. Does the school offer tutoring for students who need academic assistance, if so, when and with whom? Mon-Thurs from 4pm-6pm with staff from Indy Parks and Recreation. 6. Does the school offer athletic or sports programs? That I know of, there is basketball and dance. 7. Does the school have a volunteer Coordinator, Parent Center or PTA Organization? NA

SERVICE LEARNING REPORT #2 Introduction Joyce Kilmer Academy is an elementary school located on the busy street of Keystone

Avenue. The first time I went there it was the middle of the school day and the traffic was heavy; I was not expecting the school to be located directly next to the road. I thought that this was an unusual location for a school and it gave me the impression that this was not going to be a school with a lot of extra money for the children to have a lot of different fun activities like many elementary schools do. Building Atmosphere After parking I realized that the entrance was on the exact opposite side of the school than the parking lot. This meant that unless I was a member of the school staff I had to walk to the other side of the building. There was not a clear path to the entrance doors so I had to walk in the mud unless I wanted to walk all the way to the road first. I wondered if the staff or principal realized this or even cared. Upon entrance to the building everything looked normal. This school appeared the same as any other elementary school on the inside. The office was small and decorated for the present holiday. I noticed that the staff was not as welcoming as I had imagined they would be; I was expecting a tour or some sort of introduction to the school but there was none. As I walked through the school I passed by classroom after classroom like any other school. There was a difference though; I had not seen a library or a large multi-purpose room of any sort. When I arrived at the classroom there was a more dramatic cultural difference than I had expected.

SERVICE LEARNING REPORT #2 Climate/Culture The children were loud and walking around and were much more active than any group of their age that I had ever seen. In this setting the students were treated as little children, and they were, but they were old enough to behave better than they did. The adults in the school

constantly battled with the children to stop talking or to sit down and respecting one another was an even bigger issue than I thought possible. They were obviously accustomed to being babied or treated like younger children then they were. I had many questions to ask, and after a conversation with the teacher I was aware that there was not a white student in the entire school. I found that to be a strange fact since I myself had been to plenty of schools without many white students, yet I had never before heard of a school without even one white student. The teacher also made me aware of the misbehavior that was dealt with on a day-to-day basis. This school was definitely a big change for me; it was more of a climate shock. Programs Offered The school has a low budget and therefore cannot have many programs for the students. They use their money for important supplies that the children need to learn. This IPS school offers after school tutoring for all the children and a couple of special tutoring groups for the young men. There is also basketball and a group for the girls to participate. Conclusions I feel that Joyce Kilmer Academy has a nice name, but needs more funding to make it better on the inside as well. I have yet to find out if there is a library and after talking to some of the students I have been made aware that they do not even have plays for special occasions. I love the kids at this school and I can see the talent that they are all capable of, but I am upset with the fact that they themselves or others may not realize their potential.

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