CIA and The Generals

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National Security Information

All opinions expressed in this study arc those of the author. They do
not necessarily represent the views of the Central Intelligence Agency
or any other component of the US Intelligence Community.
1\11 material on this page
is unclassified
(b)( 1)
To the Memory o f j L , . . , , ~ ~ ~
Whose Outpost Witnessed
the Fatal Moment
Acknowledgments D
If this account of Agency involvement in supporting and influenc-
ing military government in Saigon succeeds in conveying any of the
spirit of the times, the credit goes in large part to the officers, both
retired and serving, who consented to be interviewed. Their candor and
generosity with their time have contributed most of whatever verisimili-
tude this narrative may possess. I Ilong service in
Saigon and his gift of total recalI have been especialIy valuable in this
regard. The author must also be grateful for the uninhibited style of CIA
correspondence during the period of the Agency's experience in Vietnam;
this also has facilitated the attempt to re-create some of the atmosphere in
which events ran their course.
Every member of the History Staff reviewed a draft of this study in
1994 and contributed to whatever merits it may possess. Special thanks
go to former CIA Chief Historians Kay Oliver and J. Kenneth McDonald
for their especially rigorous and insightful critiques. Jeffrey Clarke,
Chief Historian at the U.S. Army Center of Military History, also read a
draft and made welcome suggestions. Any errors remaining uncorrected
are the responsibility of the author.D
Acknowledgments v
Foreword : ix
Introduction 1
Chapter 1: Involuntary Passivity 9
Chapter 2: Preserving a Line of Communication 23
Chapter 3: Looking for a Way OuL. .41
Chapter 4: The Tet Offensive and Political
Vietnamizatlon 65
Chapter 5: Distractions and Frustrations 91
Chapter 6: Squeezing Thieu 117
Chapter 7: Trying To Preserve the Status Quo 141
Chapter 8: The Fatal Moment 157
Chapter 9: Surrender Politics and Evacuation Logistics ......... 181
Chapter 10: A Military Decision 199
Epilogue 221
Note on Sources 233
Index 235
This volume is one of three by author Thomas Ahern on CIA activi-
ties in South Vietnam. Ahern's concentration on the actions and opera-
tions of CIA officers in the field, not CIA Headquarters, makes these
volumes unique. CIA and the Generals: Covert Support to Military Gov-
ernment in South Vietnam, traces the tortuous course of events in Saigon
following the fall of President Ngo Dinh Diem. Ahern strikingly illus-
trates Saigon Station efforts to work with and understand the various mili-
tary governments of South Vietnam which followed Diem, and carefully
details CIA attempts to stabilize and urge democratization on the changing
military regimes in order to save South Vietnam from Communism.D
The massive American commitment to strengthen the South Viet-
namese government saw the Station and the field offices not only report-
ing on rapidly fluctuating conditions, but also attempting to influence or
reform the various regimes themselves. Ahem's study outlines CIA pro-
grams from the fall of Diem in 1963 to the withdrawal of US combat
forces in 1973, and continues through the final South Vietnamese col- ,
lapse in 1975.0
Based on the massive CIA holdings from the period and interviews
with key CIA participants, Ahem's work breaks new ground and sets a
high standard, CIA and the Generals clearly shows, for example, the
increasing pressure on CIA field officers "to get will] the program" and
devote less attention to reporting on government corruption and the integ-
rity of the South Vietnamese political process. Ahem also reveals the
sharp splits that often developed between CIA officers in the field and
their counterparts in other agencies, especially Ambassador Henry Cabot
Lodge and White House advisers and US military officials, over policies
and operations.O
Ahern describes the collapse of the Saigon government and the final
days of CIA in-country operations in riveting derail. Though the reader
knows the unhappy outcome, the struggle of CIA officers to forestall the
ultimate fall of South Vietnam offers poignant reflections on US actions.
Soon to follow this volume will be Ahern's companion works; CIA
and the House of Ngo: Covert Action and the Government of Ngo Dinh
Diem, and The CIA and Rural Pacification in South Vietnam. Read
together, these works provide a comprehensive review of a tragic era in
American foreign policy and a sharp analytical look at CIA programs and
reporting from the field. D
Gerald K. Haines
CIA Chief Historian
October 1998
* National capital
IC0 12 68717
Figure I North and South Vietnam, 1968
t neitend
o 50
100 Mil
Introduction D
The rule of the House of Ngo ended on 1 November 1963, after a
group of President Diem's generals, encouraged by the US Government,
surrounded the Palace with units they brought into Saigon from Bien Hoa
and the Mekong Delta. The military coup d'etat against Ngo Dinh Diem
and his brother and adviser Ngo Dinh Nhu terminated an American com-
mitment to their regime that had endured since 1954. After the French
defeat at Dien Bien Phil in May of that year, the United States invoked
the domino theory of Communist expansionism when it sponsored Diem
as the leader of an effort to create a nation south of the demilitarized zone
at the 17th paraJlel. Working mainly through his younger brother, Nhu,
the CIA Station in Saigon tried for the next nine years to help create
national political institutions. With the Special Forces of Diem's army,
CIA also pioneered the rural self-defense units that constituted the first
expression of US counterinsurgency practice in Vietnam.O
These efforts, especially the self-defense units among ethnic and
religious minority groups, enjoyed some local successes. But Diem
never placed real importance on winning the voluntary allegiance of the
peasantry, and his own sporadic efforts with Nhu to mobilize the popula-
tion against the Communists were clumsy and halfhearted. Instead, Diem'
had from the beginning relied primarily on the suppression of known and
suspected Communists to contain the insurgent threat. This repression
decimated-indeeel, by 1959, had nearly destroyed-the Communist
political organization in the South. But the combination of Diem's essen-
tial indifference to the conditions of peasant life and his often indiscrimi-
nate campaign against the Communists alienated much of the rural
population. When in late 1959 Hanoi added a military dimension to its
original strategy of political organization and agitation, the burgeoning
insurgency rapidly weakened Diem's hold on the countryside. D
The spreading insurgency prompted an intensified US commitment
to Diem's survival, and a concomitant expansion of American military
and economic aid. By the spring of 1963, when Buddhist-inspired popu-
lar unrest signaled the paralysis of the regime's authority, the US military
advisory presence stood at some 12,000. Diem's draconian suppression of
Buddhists dissent offended American standards of religious freedom.
Coinciding with a sagging campaign against the insurgency, it persuaded
Washington to approve, in late August, Ambassador Henry Cabot
Lodge's proposal to unseat Diem. '0
Having taken over the Joint General Staff Headquarters on 1
November, the rebels arrested and executed Col. Le Quang Tung, the
Diem loyalist and longtime Station contact who commanded the Special
Forces, and called on Diem and his brother Nhu to surrender. Under
cover of darkness, the President and Nhu slipped through the cordon
around the Palace, but the next morning coup leader Gen. Duong Van'
Minh tracked them to their refuge in a Catholic church in the Chinese
quarter. Earlier American appeals for safe conduct for Diem and Nhu
were ignored when one of Minh's officers loaded them into an armored
personnel carrier and there shot them to death. D
Seeing the government's failure solely in terms of Diem's weak-
nesses as a leader, both the Americans and the generals had concentrated
exclusively on the mechanics of the coup, giving no attention to the
structure or policy direction of a successor government. Indeed, the gen-
erals explicitly disclaimed having any plans for this, twice telling their
CIA contacts that they wanted American guidance for the postcoup
period. Thus, when Diem fell, the organization, staffing, and policy line
of the new government all were still undecided. The Agency had indeed
secured the generals' commitment to an intensified campaign against the
Communists and their agreement to a more active American role in pur-
suing it, but no specifics had yet been discussedD
No such discussions ever took place, and no coherent program
ever devised. Had the effort been made, it would have revealed that Diem
and his coterie were only part of the problem. An ill-led army and a scle-
rotic bureaucracy, both still practicing the authoritarian style of their
decayed dynastic and colonial predecessors, presided over a body politic
divided along religious, ethnic, and class lines. Tension persisted
between a Buddhist majority and the heavily Catholic government, and
also between Buddhist and Catholic factions in the military officer corps.
Among members of the political and military elites, mutual hostility con-
tinued between native Southerners and people from, the North. Mutual
antipathy also divided ethnic Vietnamese from minorities such as the eth-
nic Cambodians and the mountain tribes. Finally, a rigid social structure
and--espeeially in the Mekong Delta-a regressive land tenure system
'Most accounts of the Second Indochina War look at the insurgency from the US-GVN perspective,
To understand how the Vietnamese Communists brought the Saigon government to its knees reo
quires some familiarity with the competition between them for the loyalty of the rural population.
The best account known to the author of this aspect of the i n ~ n c y is Jeffrey Race, War Comes
to Long All (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1972)'LJ
impeded vertical social mobility for the peasantry, leaving the Viet Cong
as the main channel for the satisfaction of political goals or personal
The military governments that succeeded Diem followed a less
repressive course than the late President, but like him failed to gain the
political or military initiative against the Communists. By late 1964
South Vietnam was close to collapse. Having received a Congressional
carte blanche in the August 1964 Tonkin Gulf Resolution, President Lyn-
don Johnson responded in March 1965 with the introduction of US
ground combat forces into South Vietnam. Hanoi, which until 1964 had
limited its infiltration to individual military and political cadres, mostly
native Southerners, had already begun sending integral combat units to
By the summer of 1965, US ground forces in Vietnam numbered
125,000 and were rapidly growing. They prevented Hanoi from exploit-
ing the weakness of the Saigon government and bought time to try to
build political stability in South Vietnam. But in 1966, the political if not
the military initiative remained in the hands of the North. A growing
American casualty list and the uncertain prospects of driving Hanoi out
of the war gradually converted the near-unanimous approval of the 1964
Tonkin Gulf Resolution into widespread Congressional and popular
opposition to the war. Looking for a way out, the Johnson administration
responded with new emphasis on the pacification programs designed to
win peasant loyalty and destroy the Viet Cong political organization. It
also began looking for informal channels to Hanoi that might' allow a
negotiated settlement on politically acceptable terrns.
One debilitating problem, that of revolving-door government in
Saigon, ended with the election of Gen. Nguyen Van Thieu as President
in SeptemberI9G7. Then, at the beginning of 1968, the Tet offensive
resulted in grievous losses to the Communist political organization as
well as to its attacking military forces, but Saigon's pacification efforts
also suffered grave setbacks. The shock produced by the Communists'
ability 10 conduct a coordinated, nationwide, surprise offensive, however
unsuccessful in military terms, drove antiwar sentiment in the US to new
heights. It also drove a President out of office, for it was the major cause
of Lyndon Johnson's decision, announced in late March, not to seek a
second full tcrm.D .
'The Johnson administration's conduct of the war is well described in George C. Herring, LBI and
vietnam: A Different Kind ofWar (Austin. TX: The University of Texas Press, 1994). A good gen-
crul account of the Vietnam war. emphasizing the evolution of US policy, is Herring's America's
Longest Wur: The United Slates and VielnQ17I19501975 (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Sccond Edi-
tion, 1986)0
The search for informal channels to the Communists was largely
supplanted by the opening of preliminary talks with the North Vietnam-
ese in Paris in May 1968. After another Communist offensive that month,
the so-called mini-Tet, South Vietnamese and Allied forces regained the
military .initiative. Bloody ground combat and intensive air bombard-
ment. decimated the Communists' rural organization, and by the end of
the year a renewed pacification drive had brought "relatively secure" sta-
tus to an unprecedented 73% of the South's population.
Ambiguously phrased claims of pacification results did nothing to
assuage public opposition to the war in the United States, and Hubert
Humphrey's close association as Vice President with Lyndon Johnson's
war policy cost him the 1968 election. The new President, Richard M.
Nixon, did not produce the "secret plan" for ending the war that he had
promised during the campaign. He did, however, accelerate what he
called the "Vietnamization" of the war, beefing up South Vietnamese
forces; in mid-1969, he announced the first US troop withdrawals.D
For the next three years, Vietnamization and the formal peace nego-
tiations, which got under way in January 1969, produced only stalemate.
With Washington's support of Saigon and continuing Chinese-Soviet aid
to the North, the combatants struggled to extend their territorial reach in
the South, anticipating eventual agreement in Paris. The Communists
broke the military deadlock with their Easter offensive of 1972, threaten-
ing Saigon's hold on its northern provinces, but were finally beaten off by
a combination of South Vietnamese ground forces and American air
power. In October, the Communists agreed to cease-fire terms, and on
the eve of the US presidential election Nixon aide Henry Kissinger
announced that '.'peace is at hand." The proclaimed breakthrough helped
seal the fate of Democrat George McGovern's candidacy, and Nixon
won reelection in a landslide, Hanoi then balked, provoking the "Christ-
mas bombing" of North Vietnam that was followed by signature of the
accords in January 1973.D
American attention then turned to cease-fire implementation and an
effort to make the Saigon government militarily self-sustaining despite
the continued presence of North Vietnamese divisions in the South.
Whatever its potential, this undertaking came under intensified political
auack as the Nixon administration fought for its life in the face of the
Watergate scandal. When Nixon resigned on9 August 1974, to be suc-
ceeded by Gerald Ford, the US Mission in Saigon was hearing the first
taint indications of a major Communist offensive in 1975. The assault
'The US Mission's pacification figure is given in "Vietnam: A Draft Chronology, 1940-1973" (U),
CIA History Staff. September 1974. Hereafter cited as "Vietnam Cbronology."O
came in January, and, despite heroic resistance by some South Vietnam-
ese units, the denouement began with the catastrophic retreat from the
Central Highlands in mid-March 1975. Corrununist victories in centTal
Vietnam accelerated into a march on Saigon, and on 30 April the Second
Indochina War ended for the United States when the last evacuation heli-
copter roared off the Embassy roof into the predawn darkness.D
The CIA Station that; for its size, played such a disproportionately
large role in the political history of South Vietnam, was composed of
some two hundred people when the Diem regime was deposed in late
1963. The operational sections included action components charged with
rural pacification and intelligence. Other Station elements dealt with both
recruited and noncontrolled figures in the GVN and in the non-Commu-
nist opposition, using them partly for intelligence and partly in efforts to
develop democratic institutions.D
Agency programs, especially the rural pacification projects,
expanded in response to the growing US commitment. By the time the
Communists launched their Tet offensive in. 1968, the CIA presence in
South Vietnam had reached about one thousand people, including the six
hundred working in the provinces under four regional chiefs. The size of
the Station began to diminish in 1969, as CIA and the rest of the US
Government gradually withdrew from direct participation in the conflict.
The regional outposts were maintained, but from then until the end, intel-
ligence and influence ~ r a t i o n s at the top of the GVN became the heart
of the Station's work. U
This second part of the political history of the CIA in South Viet-
nam unfolds against the background of a massive but never unconditional
US effort to prevent Hanoi from conquering the South. It begins after the
fall of Diem in late 1963, when Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge, having
decided that the appearance of an independent Saigon government was
more important to American interests than helping to fill the Vietnamese
leadership vacuum, enjoined the Station from accepting the generals'
invitation to advise them. When the new regime's instability forced
Lodge to modify this injunction, the Station resnmed close contact with
several of the generals, but only to monitor the series of mutinies and
coups that began in January 1964.D
The Station's stable of unofficial contacts acquired particular impor-
tance during episodes of tension in which formal communication at the
policy level virtually ceased. These links also gradually led to intermit-
tent resumption of the kind of Station engagement. in political action that
had largely defined its relationship with the Diem regime. Although the
Agency had now shifted its main covert action emphasis from party orga-
nization to provincial pacification operations, it tried also to help stabilize
the national political scene, through contacts with the dissident Buddhist
leadership as well as with the generals. In addition, beginning in 1966,
the Station began using its informal channels as an instrument of commu-
nication and persuasion as the Johnson Administration sought Thieu's
cooperation in the effort to contact presumptively moderate elements in
the National Liberation FronvD
The eight-year rule of Gen. Nguyen Van Thieu began in September
1967 when he and Nguyen Cao Ky won election on a joint presidential
ticket. During the campaign, Agency access to Ky's and Washington's
anxiety to preserve at least the appearance of an honest electoral process
had combined to turn the Station into a political consultant, trying to
enhance the attractiveness of the Thieu-Ky ticket even as it struggled to
. limit procedural abuses.D
After the election in September, Thieu began a thorough purge of
his new Vice President's mostly Northern supporters in the government
and the military, and the Station found itself in a scramble to develop new
access to the Southerners around Thieu.]
The January 1968 Tet offensive, whose scope and precise timing
the Communists managed to conceal from US and South Vietnamese
intelligence, plunged the Saigon government and its adherents into a
political malaise that threatened their will to continue. This prompted the
United States to try once more to help build a popular political base in
the South, and the Station became the instrument of this final effort to
create a political organization on the US model in South Vietnam. But
President Thien's indifference to the American partiality for genuinely
representative government eventually nullified whatever potential this
initiative may have had.D
In any case, the growing American perception of Thieu as indis-
pensable to political stability in South Vietnam gradually reduced the
pressure on the Vietnamese for progress toward authentic democracy. As
early as 1970, the American focus shifted to the need to ensure a Thieu
victory in the 1971 elections while avoiding the appearance of an elec-
toral process manipulated in his favor. Again, the Station became deeply
involved as it joined in the maneuvers designed to achieve this self-con-
rradictory goal. D
'Tlie history of the CIA contribution to the pacification programs of the 195475 period is treated
in a separate forthcoming History Staff stody.D
The Communists' largest offensive since Tet 1968 began on 30
March 1972, and the Station concluded that South Vietnamese depen-
dence on US combat air as well as advisory support would continue as
long as the Soviets and the Chinese supported Hanoi. As the offensive
gradually receded, the principal Station service to US policy became that
of supporting American pressure on Thieu to accede to the terms bein
worked out with the North Vietnamese in Paris.
the Sta-
tion mobilized its agents and other contacts for both intelligence and
influence purposes. D .
President Thieu finally approved the cease-fire terms in January
1973, and CIA intelligence collection on the Saigon government, and
efforts to influence it, turned to questions of truce implementation. In
one dramatic episode, the Station was instrumental in securing Saigon's
adherence to a protocol on the lines of cease-fire demarcation between
the forces of North and South.D
Cease-fire implementation receded into the background in late
1974, when the Station's most reliable source on Communist intentions
predicted a major offensive for early 1975. For the next several months,
the Station tracked North Vietnamese initiatives and South Vietnamese
reaction. In mid-March, the South Vietnamese forces in the Central High-
lands collapsed. Da Nang fell shortly thereafter, and the chaotic failure
of the evacuation effort there persuaded the Station that no mass evacua-
tion of the government's military and civilian adherents from Saigon
could succeed. Accordingly, the Chief of Station and the Ambassador
launched fin ultimately desperate effort to help broker a political settle-
ment that would preserve a non-Communist South Vietnam long enough
to permit orderly evacuation. The fate of this effort, and its dire effects on
evacuation planning, constitute the final chapter of CIA's involvement in
the politics of tile Republic of Vietnam. D .
Chapter 1
Involuntary Passivity D
The generals who overthrew Ngo Dinh Diem lost no time in mak-
ing it known to CIA that they had meant what they said, as coup planning
evolved, about seeking US guidance in the formation of a successor
regime. Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge moved equally promptly to
ensure that no such guidance would be given, and his moratorium on US
Mission contacts with the new leadership lasted until January. Even then,
he sharply restricted the range of subjects on which the Station could
advise the Vietnamese. n
The day after the'aiath of the Ngo brothers, Bui Diem, a Dai Viet
politician well known to the Station, reaffirmed that the generals would
count heavily on American advice in deciding how to ensure the constitu-
tionality of their new regime. On 4 November 1963, Gen. Tran Van "Lit-
tle Minh,"1 I bemoaned the
generals' inca aeit to meet the challenge of running the country and
berated for being unable to say what the US Government
At the same time, "Little Minh" exposed the potential for friction
with the Americans when he described "Big Minh's" five-minute tan-
trum over an Embassy request for the release of labor leader Tran Quoc
Buu, who,[ .. Ihad enjoyed close ties to
both the Em5assy ancfNgOUinllNhu. Minh had exploded in rage at what
he interpreted as US distrust of him, and rejected advice from his Prime
Minister, Nguyen Ngoc Tho, to let the Americans have what they wanted.
Headquarters reacted to the incident by asking the Station to get "Big
Minh" to look at the international ramifications of his jailing a respected
labor leader.
'elA Critic Mcssa e no, 25 3 Noveillber 1963j ISAIG2196, 4 Novem-
bcr 1%3 'fran VanMinh was often-called Little Minh to dis-
I iuguish hUll rom t lc p rica y Imposing and professionally more senior Duong Van Minh.D
'SAIG 2196;1 5 November 1963,1 1
The Station apparently did not do this. Indeed, having functioned
as the primary link to the dissident generals while they prepared the coup
against Diem, it found itself abruptly divested of any role in helping them
set up a government. Immediately after the coup. Ambassador Lodge
had restricted US Mission contact with the generals on the ground that
they had to be made to look independent of the United States, This
applied as much to discreet CIA contacts as to the normally more visible
relationships with other Mission elements, The Station was thus helpless
either to respond to appeals like the one from "Little Minh" or to
assuage "Big Minh's" fears of US interference with the new regime, The
opportunity to help the new government make the most of its ehance to
succeed thus slipped away.3D
After a request from Gen. Tran Van Don on 4 November, the Sta-
tion succeeded in persuading Lodge to let it brief "Big Minh" on the
covert programs. The Station wanted to use this opening to influence the
Vietnamese on a broader range of political and governmental issues, but
Lodge imposed a narrow focus, limiting the briefing to intelligence and
security matters, Acting COS David Smith thought this approach wasted
an opportunity for constructive US influence on the structure and poli-
cies of the new government. "We were the ones they turned to," and
Smith believed they needed and deserved help. Instead, enjoined not to
become involved, the Station simply watched the generals as they quar-
reled over responsibility for the bloodshed and looting that accompanied
the COllP and over promotions and cabinet nominations.
The Station had, of course, been reporting from the day after the
coup on the volatility of the new political climate. Only Duong Van Minh
looked like an impressive leader; CIA in Saigon judged him to be per-
haps the only man capable of holding the generals and the civilian politi-
cians together. But he was also a reticent soldier whose "simple and even
naive political outlook" might qualify him as a "Vietnamese Naguib. If
he is," the Station presciently wondered, "who will be his Nasser?' 0
While monitorihg the generals' efforts to find the right people for
the new government, CIA Headquarters also worried about fallout from
its participation in the coup. Gen. Ton That Dinh had already made a
'David Smith, interview by the author, Silver Spring, MD (hereafter cited as Smith interview),
6 October 1992. Recordings, transcripts, and notes for the interviews conducted for this study are
on file in the CIA's History Staff office. (Smith served as DCOS from June 1962 to June 1964. and
was Acting Chief of Station between John Richardson's departure in early October 1963 and Peer
de Silva's arrival in December 1963.)0
'SAIG 2191, November 1963. and SAIG 2223, 5 November 1963,1
Smith interview, 60ctobcr 1992;1 I
'Undated "History ofthc Vietnamese Generals' Coup of 1/2 November 1963," ofwluch a Vietnam
desk "niccr,1 Inoted that SArG 2662 of 25 November 1963 indicated it had been
written by Station officers John Riordan, Clifford Strathern; also,c=Jadded, "undoubtedly by
Dave Smith, thc ACOS."O ~
pointed request for the departure of Col. Gilbert Layton, the Station
officer whose counterpart had been Col, Le Quang Tung, the Special
Forces commander shot after his arrest by the coup committee. DDP
Richard Helms asked if Lou Conein, the Station's principal liaison to the
coup committee, should perhaps not go on leave while the dust settled,
but Acting COS David Smith replied that Conein's rapport with the gen-
erals was indispensable and should be fully exploited. Apparently infer-
ring that Helms doubted Conein's discretion, Smith argued that any leaks
would probably come from other agencies. He prevailed, and Conein
FE Division Chief William Colby arrived in Saigon on TDY on 5
November. He made a series of calls on the generals, but Lou Conein
remained the Station's principal contact with the new regime. Conein's
effectiveness rested on friendships with the Vietnamese that in several
cases dated back to his service as an ass officer in Vietnam in 1945. He
was less strong on political substance, and this limited his role essen-
tially to that of intermediary. But under the restrictions imposed by
Lodge, the personal confidence he enjoyed sufficed to meet the Station's
needs for liaison with the generals. Colby described the Embassy atmo-
sphere in a cable that predicted a Lodge effort to arrange the recall of
Gen. Paul Harkins, chief of the Military Assistance CommandlVietnam
(MACY). The Ambassador's recent expulsion of cbs John Richardson
was "only the overture to the opera," Colby wrote, adding that Lodge was
"running very much a vest-pocket operation" which tolerated only those
subordinates who could "operate on a tactical level rather than as co-
workers in the strategic vineyard." The US Mission's Country Team
would have to "learn to adjust to' his style or be replaced."7D
The New Regime: Divided Against ItselfD
Two weeks after the coup, Colby's round of calls took him to see
Gen. Nguyen Khanh at Da Lat. Allhough Khanh had been the first to
advise CIA of serious planning for a coup, he had soon found himself
replaced as go-between with CIA by Tran Van Don. At the end of Janu-
ary, Khanh would depose the ineffectual "Big Minh." Now, however,
Colby found him growing a beard that Khanh vowed to keep until he was
convinced that the new regime was on the "right path." Colby listened to
a downbeat assessment of the problems facing the generals, and later
'SAKi 234.';, 8 November 1963'
SAIG 2357, 9 November 1963;
L-. ---J and SAIG 2499,16 November 1963.1 _
reported that Khanh's only question to him had concerned the whereabouts
of a former CIA contact named Russ Miller. Colby kept the query in mind,
and Miller shortly began a series of TDY visits to Saigon that culminated
in a PCS assignment in December 1964.
Meanwhile, divested by Ambassador Lodge of any consultative role
in shaping the new Saigon government, the Station responded vigorously
to General Don's invitation to discuss the more limited field of intelli-
gence, paramilitary, and pacification programs. With Lodge's approval,
Acting COS David Smith and his colleagues opened the first of several
meetings with the new Vietnamese leadership on 13 November. "Big
Minh" attended, with the other two principals on the Military Revolution-
ary Committee (MRC), Tran Van Don and Le Van Kim, but Minister of
Security Ton That Dinh curiously failed to appear; the other generals
charged with intelligence and security matters also were absent. The Sta-
tion described Kim as the "principal interrogator," who had a better
grasp of the material than his compatriots. "Big Minh," who seemed to
rely for advice on Don and Kim, was clearly startled by the scope of the
programs that the Station outlined.
0 '
Kim was the only MRC member to attend all of the following three
sessions. His incisive questions, one of them concerning the net effect of
raids on North Vietnam that fed Hanoi's propaganda apparatus while
inflicting trivial damage, won the Station's respect. He also astutely noted
the shortage of Vietnamese managerial talent and suggested that the Sta-
tion's admirable organizational proposals might have to be tailored to the
strengths and limitations of available personnel. Kim did not know in
November that the already-limited pool of potential leaders was about to
lose him, along with Tran Van Don and the more easily expendable Ton
That Dinh and Mai Huu Xuan. When Nguyen Khanh seized power in late
January 1964, he arrested them, and none resumed an active role in the
government or army after being released. 10D
Subsequent sessions drew working-level Vietnamese participants,
who relayed the MRC's approval in principle of several Station reorgani-
zation proposals, and its suggestion for an expanded National Interroga-
tion Center. But it was clear that the Vietnamese were concerned at least
as much with personal rivalries as with flow charts. One Vietnamese
counterproposal, for example, called for removing the key Central Intelli-
gence Organization (CIO) from the control of Generals Ton That Dinh
and Mai Huu Xuan." D
"Memorandum of Conversation, William E. Colby and Nguyen Khanh on 14 November 1963,
16 November 1963l I IRussell Miller, interview by the author, Washington, DC
(hereafter cited as Miller interview), 7 April 19920 .
"SAIC;2 . ' i . ~ 5 , 19 November 1963'1 I
'''SAKi 2555. 19November 1963
"SAle; 2650, 23 November 1963
L.- _
The Vietnamese generals were still struggling with their new gov-
emmcntal responsibilities, and with each other, when President John F.
Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas on 22 November. During Kennedy's
time in office, the commitment of US military personnel had grown from
875 to over 16,000, and civilian programs including those of the CIA had
grown proportionately. Against this background, new President Lyndon
B. Johnson sought in the last weeks of 1963 to penetrate the many uncer-
tainties about the new regime and its ability to reinvigorate the war
against the Communists. To this end, he dispatched a factfinding mission
in late December, headed by Defense Secretary Robert S. McNamara and
including DCI John A. McCone.
Johnson now displayed his penchant for hands-on management by
also involving himself directly in selecting a new chief for the Saigon
Station. In office for less than two weeks, he found time to write McCone
on 2 December about a permanent replacement for Richardson as COS.
Either bring in a "top-notch man," he instructed, or "promote the man on
the spot." He asserted personal control over the appointment, telling
McCone he awaited a nomination from among the Agency's "best and
most experienced." McCone's reply testified to David Smith's outstand-
in erformancc but named P e Silva the new cos. I
, de Silva was about to leave Wash-
mgton or argon w ell he was taken one night to the White House.
There he met President Johnson, whose only instructions were not to for-
get that they were entering an election year.' 3D
But Johnson was well aware of the conflict played out in the press
between Lodge and Richardson and wanted no repetition. On 7 Decem-
ber, he cabled Lodge with categorical instructions about the relationship
he expected to obtain between the Ambassador and the new Chief of
It is of the first importance that there be the most complete under-
standing and cooperation between you and him ... I am concerned
not only to sustain effective cooperation, but to avoid any mutterings
in the press... I cannot overemphasize the importance which I per-
sonally attach to correcting the situation which has existed in Saigon
in the past, and which I saw myself when I was out there.
I2"VielnHm Chronology," p. 42.n
Il Lyndon B. Johnson, for Director McCone 2 December I . . d Memorandum
for the President, n.cI.;boll . interview by the
author, Langley, VA(herea fer 18November 1992; De Silva later re-
counted the While House incident lol in Saigon.D
"'J. S. Eannan, Inspector General, Memorandum for the Director, "Record on Vietnam" ,
J2 November 1964, History Staff files.D

Figure 2 Area Under Communist Control, 1962
5'0 100 Miles
50 100 Kilometers
! ,
_ International boundary
* National capita l
D Communist
. Kontum
Areas of Communist Concentration
(government areas not shown)
7438 99-97
The Republican Ambassador did not take kindly 10 being so
instructed by his Democratic President, and responded peevishly to
Mcfunc's subsequent request thai he protect de Silva's cover: "I certainly
cannot lake responsibility for keeping any man's name OUI of the press
who works for the US Government in Vietnam. . . . It is not clear to me
what his cover is. In fact the whole arrangement is stilI somewhat obscure
to me...." Indeed, it was naive of McCone to think that de Silva's
Agency affiliation could be concealed in Saigon, as the mere fact of his
succeeding Richardson would have sufficed to expose him.ISO
Unlike the youthful Smith, who had launched his CIA career as a
2nd lieutenant with the Lansdale Station in 1955, de Silva was already
the veteran chief of three major Stations-{ I
c:::J-when he arrived in Saigon. Bornin 1917, he graduated from the
US Military Academy at West Point in 1941, and at the end of World War
II was serving as Chief of Security for the Manhattan Project. He joined
the Agency as a US Army colonel. 16D
In December 1963, as de Silva prepared to leave I I
Agency and other official US observers in Saigon were trying to gauge
the effects of the coup on the war in the countryside. While General Har-
kins's MACV was lowering its estimate of Viet Cong (VC) strength,
CIA analysts in Saigon saw Communist forces actually growing. After
arriving with McNamara on 18 December, McCone quickly concluded
that tension within the Military Revolutionary Council (MRC), contin-
ued disarray and corruption in the government, and what he agreed was
growing VC strength added up to a doubtful prognosis for the South Viet-
namese. He noted also that the Military Revolutionary Council (MRC)
was starting from a much more unfavorable position than had been rec-
ognized: "It is abundantly clear that [Vietnamese] statistics received over
the past year or more ... on which we gauged the trend of the war were
grossly in error."
Mutiny Against the MutilleersD
VC gains, if the Southern generals recognized them as such, did
nothing to unify the junta or to mobilize the civilian politicians against the
growing threat. In mid-December, the MRC sent the stilI unshaven Nguyen
Khanh to Da Nang, the farthest from Saigon of the four Vietnamese Army
(ARVN) corps commands. In early January 1964, Duong Van Minh shook
"Dc Silva official personnel filc:c=]interview, 18November 1992.0
"BlincJ MemorandullI, "Military Situation in Critical Areas of Vietnam," 13 December 1963,D
I I McCone mcmorandum "Hi hli hts D' cussions in Saigon 18-20 De-
comber 1963," 21 December 1963, "Viet Cong" is a Vietnamese
term, adopted early in the Diem regime and earing a pejorative connotation, for Vietnamese Com-
munisr, Both Americans, who usually abbreviated it to "ve," and Saigon's officials applied it to
any member of either the military or the political arm of the indigenous though Hanoi-directed
Communist movement in South Vietnam. The VC were thus distinguished from the integral units
of thc North Vietnamese Army deployed into South Vietnam after late 1964.0
up the military hierarchy and took over as commander in chief of the
armed forces. Two weeks later, the new commander of the Vietnamese
Special Forces claimed to the Station that Gen. Tran Van Don was discuss-
ing the neutralization of South Vietnam with a visiting French official. The
Station seems to have enjoyed no other access to these events, possibly
because Station officer Al Spera, to whom Nguyen Khanh had conveyed
the first news of military coup planning, and. Lou Conein both were
Spera was no longer stationed in Vietnam. During his tour of duty,
he had earned two GVN decorations, unprecedented among CIA officers
there. But his superiors saw him as abrasive and headstrong, and after
General Khanh asked McCone to return him to Saigon, when the DCI
visited in December, Colby and Assistant DDP Tom Karamessines com-
bined to block the move.
Lou Conein, having been summoned to see State Department offi-
cials Averell Harriman arid Roger I-Iilsman, was in Washington. Conein
urged them to help the junta-s-the Military Revolutionary Council
some forward momentum by assigning to each of its
principal members a known and trusted American adviser working
directly under the Ambassador. Conein later heard that Lodge vetoed the
idea. In any case, as it turned out, Nguyen Khanh was already preparing
10 replace General Minh. zoO
Meanwhile, new Chief of Station Peer de Silva was assiduously
keeping the generals at arm's length. Shortly after de Silva's arrival in
late December, Gen. Nguyen Khanh invited him to visit Da Nang. Telling
Smith that the COS could not travel at the whim of every Vietnamese
general, de Silva declined. He sent Conein, instead, who got one of the
early indications of Khanh's dissatisfaction with "Big Minh." Although
similar warnings began to come in from other sources, Lodge thought
Station reporting reflected an obsession with coup plotting. If Khanh is
unhappy, he instructed the Station, just tell him to take it easy.21D
Despite de Silva's cool response to his invitation, Khanh sent a
messenger to the Station again on 27 January asking the COS to see
him in Da Nang the next day. De Silva was now willing, but his reply,
" Iundated news clipping of Reuters dis-
patch, I Ii I I The abbreviation
"ARVN." pronounced "Akvcn," became the standard American term for the Army of the Republic
,,, Thomas II. Karamcssincs, Mcmorandum for Mr. Helms. "Mr. Al Spera," 27 March 1964,0
" Lucien Conein, interview by the author, McLean, VA (hereinafter cited as Conein interview).
1(, November 199'2. Station officcrl !recalled that McCone told Colby to nn1ange I
Spcra's return 10 Vietnam. but once back in Washington Colby did not follow through. (Sec
18November 199220
interview, 19October 1992U

coordinated with Lodge, regretted that he could see Khanh no earlier
than 29 January. Khanh agreed to meet then in Saigon, but Lodge now
changed his mind. He prohibited the meeting, for reasons not recorded,
and de Silva cancelled it on the pretext of illness. 220
Khanh then turned to an old friend, Col. Jasper Wilson of MACV,
with his claim that the French were maneuvering with Gen. Mai Huu
Xuan, who had served them in various internal security organs, for the
neutralization of South Vietnam. De Silva reported on this meeting in his
own channel, adding information from other sources alleging a French-
backed move toward neutralization.
In Saigon on 29 January, Khauh repeated his allegations to Wilson.
He added Generals Tran Van Don and Le Van Kim to his list of alleged
neutralist plotters and hinted that he and his allies would use any neces-
sary force to thwart them. According to the Ambassador's account of
this meeting-he had Wilson reporting directly to him-Khanh added
that he wanted to use Wilson as his exclusive channel to the Embassy:
"Khanh's absolute refusal to deal with any American other than Wilson is
due to an unfortunate experience 'with a CIA representative named
Spera, before the Oct. 31 [sic] coup.''' Lodge's report, transmitted late 29
January, added that he was keeping de Silva and General Harkins
Lodge may in fact have kept Harkins posted, but he said nothing to
de Silva until the COS inquired about the matter early that evening.
Lodge then acknowledged that Wilson had seen Khanh; he had written a
telegram, he said, and the COS would be receiving a copy. De Silva later
asked Lodge's deputy, David Nes, about his exclusion from the session
with Wilson, but Nes would say only that his instructions had prevented
him from informing anyone but General Harkins.
At 0315 hours on 30 January, the Embassy radioed a report from
Wilson at the airborne brigade headquarters that Khanh intended to move
'within the hour "to secure changes in the composition of the MRC ...
Minh has been informed of this and agrees. The only definite statement
we have yet is that Premier Tho must go." Twenty minutes later, Nes
'1 Ic. 31 January 1964 (retyped and attached to William E. Colby, Memorandum for
Direclor of Central Intelligence, "Inler-Agency relationships in Saigon," 31 January 1964)J1
L. _ linterview, 18 November 1992. Lodge reported to ~
Ion on 29 January that Khanh had insisted on Colonel Wilson as his sole link to the Embassy in this
matter. (See Foreign Relations of the United States. 1964-1968, Volume I, Vietnam. 1964, (Wash-
ington, DC, US Government Printing Office, 1992J, p. 39)0
"PilUS, 1964-1968, I, 1964, PI'. 36-37;L,1 _ ~ ~ ~ I
"1mIS, ICJ64-1961'i, t, 1964, pp. 37-39; Earman, "Record on Vietnam." It is nul known whether
Khanh concealed from Wilson his overtures 10 de Silva, or whether-perhaps reacting to a per-
ceived rebuff from the COS-he actually intended on 29 January to use Wilson as his sole inter-

summoned de Silva to the Embassy, where the COS learned that Khanh
and associates including Gen. Tran Thien Khiem were about to depose
General Minh's government. The new junta proceeded to arrest five of
their colleagues on grounds of plotting with the French to neutralize
South Vietnam. They spared "Big Minh"-indeed, installed him as figure-
head Chief of State-but remanded Generals Don, Kim, Dinh, Xuan, and
Nguyen Van Vy to house arrest in the resort town of Da Lat. 26D
Lodge's exclusion of de Silva, during this episode, may have
reflected a suspicion that the new COS had been sent to restore the auton-
omy the Ambassador thought the Station had enjoyed before Richard-
son's dismissal. Smith interpreted Lodge's October request for him to be
named COS as confirmation that Lodge thought he had him and the Sta-
tion well under control. Smith had been content to leave him with this
impression, and had deliberately not corrected Lodge's apparent belief
that after Richardson's departure the Ambassador sawall Station corre-
spondence." 0
Restoration of a Limited MandateD
Whatever the reason for Lodge's quarantine of the Station, it ended
when Conein returned just as the coup ended. On 31 January 1964, he
saw Khanh, who complained of Conein's absence during the previous
five days. No longer disposed, if he ever had been, to make MACV his
sole US interlocutor, he now proposed having two US liaison officers,
with Conein reporting to Ambassador Lodge and Jasper Wilson to
MACV commander General Harkins. Three days later, Khanh sent a car
and escort to bring Conein to see him, but Coneindisappointed him when
he had to advise that he still lacked instructions from Lodge on the liai-
SOli question. Nevertheless, Khanh wanted him continuously available on
"I 1 JFVSA 171I8, 7 February 1964, 1 IConein interview, 19 February 1992;
George MeT. ahin, Intervention: HowAmerica Became III valved ill Vietnam(Garden City, New
York: Anchor Hooks, 1987), p. 200. Neutralist sentiment may well have been growing at this time,
hut neither Khanh nor the Station ever produced credible evidence of collusion between France and
the generals to neutralize South Vietnam, According tol Iperhaps the Station's
leading (,spcrt on South Vietnamese politics, Khiem WHS the "mastermind" of the January coup (see
I 1Memorandum to Chief of Station, ''Thich Tri Quang," 26 August 1968j I
"Smith interview, 19 October 1992. Lodge made his altitude toward Smith more explicit at a meet-
ing with him and de Silva shortly after the new COS's arrival. Someone mentioned Lodge's earlier
request for Smith, and the DCOS quickly assured Lodge he had always expected a more senior re-
placement, to which the Ambassador sneered, "Do you think I give a damn about you?"D
live minutes' notice and dismissed Conein's protest that all this violated
diplomatic protocol: "1don't give a damn."2sD
As Khanh insisted on seeing Conein, Lodge could not very well
object. On 3 February, Khanh outlined his intentions to Conein, saying he
would give the "boudoir politicians" a week to propose a civilian prime
minister. He said he wanted Conein to be his principal adviser on intelli-
gence and security matters, but Conein let him know that such a role was
out of the question. So instead of organizations and programs, they talked
about Khanh', plan mreptitiously to record meetings
generals.r== J
It soon became clear to the Station that Nguyen Khanh had no more
capacity than General Minh to unify the officer corps in a new campaign
to mobilize the country against the Viet Congo As before, the Station con-
tinued to cultivate second-level officers, some of whom made no pre-
tense of unconditional loyalty to Khanh. One such was Col. Nguyen Cao
Ky, the flamboyantly charismatic new chief of the Vietnamese Air Force.
In early February, Ky told Russ Miller, now in Vietnam on TOY, that
young officers would have to' get the command assignments they wanted,
.or Khanh's regime could meet the same fate as Minh's." D
Gen. Nguyen Van Thieu, as Khanh's new ARVN Chief of Staff,
comported himself more discreetly in a conversation with. Dave Smith,
insisting that he wanted to use the Dai Viet and other nationalist parties
only to help root out the clandestine Viet Cong organization. But other
sources began as early as February to claim that Thieu and the Dai Viets
were already plotting against KhanhyD
The Station repeated for General Khanh the briefing on Station pro-
grams it had recently delivered to officers including Kim and Don, who
were now under detention. Khanh endorsed the pacification programs,
but temporized on the Station's perennial recommendation for central-
ized management of Saigon's intelligence collection and analysis. Khanh
offered new Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Ton Hoan, a Dai Viet politi-
cian known to the Station since the early 1950s, as liaison on pacifica-
tion matters. Accepting this, de Silva noted the Station's practice of
maintaining contact with non-Communist dissidents as well as with local
officials. He assured Khanh of his innocuous purpose in this-he merely
"Lucicn COlicin, Memorandum for the Record, "Meeting with Major General Nguyen Khanh,
Chairman of the Military Council," 31 January 1964; Conein, Memorandum for the Record,
"Meeting with General Khauh," 3 February 1964;
"Concin MR of 3 February 1964; Couein intervie'-w",7"D;!<-e""'c-em'b"c""'r
"Concin interview, 7 December [992; FVS 10,182,8 Februa 1964
"David Smith, Contact Report, 8 February 1964, and passim, 'L......_-,-_-'

wanted to keep abreast of the various shades of political opinion-and
asked for Khanh's forbearance. During a typically informal session with
Conein in mid-February, Khanh vilified the French in a way reminiscent
of Ngo Dinh Nhu, and threatened to expel French officials as a warning
to de Gaulle, He asked if Conein "knew five or six bastards" he would
like to have kicked out; Conein temporized by saying he would see if the
Station had any candidates. Khanh also asked Conein to train his secu-
rity detail, and the Station arranged this in March. nO
Despite his longtime contact with CIA, Khanh remained something
of an enigma. A Station assessment of early March 1964 saw intelli-
gence, energy, and organization, but also a moody loner with an overin-
flated ego. Whatever his flaws, the near-vacuum of South Vietnamese
leadership first noted by Agency officers in the early 1950s had not been
filled, and there was little to work with. In the Station's opinion, no one
else, civilian or military, came close to having Khanh's ability. But he
was faced with the traditional "fractionalization" of Vietnamese politics.
first the French and then Diem had unified the politicians in opposition
to them, but now, as the Station saw it, "the centrifugal forces in Viet-
namese politics may become more pronounced than ever." Like Diem
and then Duong Van Minh, Khanh would require unqualified US sup-
port; without it, he would probably disappear in a neutralist putsch.
Operating under the Lodge restrictions, the Station could not even
try to help Khanh grow into his new responsibilities. Conein supple-
mented Embassy efforts to ensure the safety of the so-called Da Lat gen-
erals, but his meetings with Khanh were devoted mostly to political gossip
and such trivialities as office logistics and a Khanh request that Conein
develop for him a contingency plan for escape from Saigon. The Station
was as well connected as ever, but in its enforced passivity could only lis-
ton while the other generals calumniated Khanh and each othcr.
'I IMemorandum for the Record, "Briefing of General Khanh, 11 February 1964,"
14 February 1964; Lucien Conein, Memorandum for COS, "Breakfast with General Nguyen
Khanh," 17 February 1964J [Given the Agency's well-known complicity in
autircgimc activity as far back as late 1960, it is doubtful that Khanh took de Silva's assurances at
Iacc valuc.O
"William S. Read, Memorandum for COS, "Khanh's Leadership and Cohesiveness of Govern-
u",nt,'O 6 March 1964,[ IKhanh provoked different reactions in different Agency
observers, Coucin thought him a manipulator and habitual liar, while Colby saw in him a percep-
tive, courageous leader with the potential to control the military and run the counlry. (See Conein
interview, 'I December 1992; William Colby, Lost ViCI(1)' [Chicago: Contemporary Books, 1989J,
"Ollleinlllcnlur:lIIc!ums of meetings with Khanh, 8 April 1964 and 1 May 1964J
c=JVolumc II, pClssim; Conein interview, 19 February 19920
The Price of Disunity0
In the spring of 1964, as the government position in the country-
side continued to deteriorate, Kbanh began urging' on Ambassador Lodge
a massive US military commitment against the North. The purpose would
be to divert Hanoi's resources, permitting the South to accelerate the slow
and painful process of pacification. CIA Headquarters worried that
Kbanh's emphasis on retaliation against Hanoi would undermine the
province-by-province approach that Washington thought essential to
regain the initiative against the Viet Cong on the ground. Lodge, sharing
Khanh's anxiety about invasion, thought that Vo Nguyen Giap, the North
Vietnamese general who defeated the French at Dien Bien Phu, might
now seize the five northern provinces of South Vietnam. Khanh talked in
less apocalyptic terms than these when Defense Secretary McNamara vis-
ited Saigon again in mid-May, but Mcblamara nevertheless concluded
that the Government of Vietnam (GVN) had lost some 200 villages--12
percent of the total-to the Viet Cong since September 1963.
As spring gave way to summer in 1964, the CIA acknowledged
VC gains by devoting increasing resources to the effort in the country-
side. It paid pro forma attention to Nguyen Ton Hoan, Saigon's pacifica-
tion chief, but substantive liaison with the Vietnamese on the rural
programs took place mostly at the province-chief level, and the subject
intruded relatively little into the management of the Station's most senior
contacts. Here, the main question was still governmental stability.
Although professionally more capable than Duong Van Minh, Khanh
lacked Minh's personal prestige in the officer corps, and the intensified
factionalism predicted by the Station quickly surfaced. As the summer
monsoon approached, the Station was using its agents and personal con-
tacts among the generals to monitor the internecine quarrels that were to
result in the fall of Nguyen Khanh in February 1965.0
At least partly in response to US pressure, Khanh released the "Da
Lat generals"-Don, Dinh, Xuan, Kim, and Vy-at the end of May
1964, and over lunch Conein explored their state of mind. Tran Van Don
insisted that he supported Khanh, despite his recent incarceration, but no
other point of substance emerged, and during the rest of the session
Conein heard only the usual backbiting and recrimination. The Station's
access to Khanh at this time produced minor ancillary benefits in addition
to reporting, as when Russ Miller secured the release of a Vietnamese
"FlWS, /964-1968. I, 1964. 284-87,296-97,323; Chester L. Cooper, Memorandum to UleDCI,
"Comments 011 Saigon LimDis Cabic 2108," 4 May 1 9 6 4 ~ I
Special Forces officer and Station contact who had been languishing in
jail since his boss, Colonel Tung, and Diem were assassinated.
l 6
Nevertheless, policy-level communication took place, for the
moment, in policy channels. This was as it should be, in protocol terms,
butleft open the question of whether active Station participation in the
American dialog with the Minh and then the Khanh regimes might have
helped to unify the generals and enlist popular support for the govern-
ment. It might have made no difference: Minh's and Khanh's stated
desire for Agency advice may have been pro forma. Or it might have had
an effect similar to that of the Station's decisive intervention on behalf of
Ngo Dinh Diem in 1955, helping only to postpone a fate that the govern-
ment's weaknesses made inevitable. Be that as it may, David Smith had
a point: it was in fact to the CIA that the key generals turned, in late 1963
and early 1964, for advice Oil the way to govern the country, But Colby
had been right when he predicted that Ambassador Lodge would run a
one-man show.D
[1----,-- _
Chapter 2
Preserving a Line of Communication D
Henry Cabot Lodge left Saigon in June 1964 to join Barry Goldwa-
ter's presidential campaign. He took with him the bipartisan protection on
Vietnam policy that John F. Kennedy had constructed by sending a
Republican to Vietnam. Now, his support of the hawkish Goldwater
threatened Johnson's campaign strategy of disavowing the prospect of a
massive or protracted American commitment in Vietnam. The President
met this challenge by choosing Maxwell Taylor as his new Ambassador
to Saigon. Taylor offered not only a distinguished combat record from
World War II but also a reputation as the US military's foremost intellec-
tual. Under Kennedy, he had become Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff and a presidential confidant. As Ambassador, both his formidable
professional qualifications and his links to the martyred Kennedy would
help neutralize Republican attacks on Johnson's allegedly halfhearted
response to Communist encroachments in Vietnam. '0
Arriving in Saigon in July, Taylor faced an enormous challenge,
that of instilling in a dispirited ally the will to pursue the struggle against
the Communists. In pursuit of this objective, he launched a concerted
effort to develop personal relationships with important Vietnamese both
ill and outside government. His purpose was, unfortunately, not well
served by an imperious. style that soon alienated most of the Vietamese
military leadership; as we shall see, the resulting tension soon generated a
reprise of the Station's periodic service as interpreter and intermediary
between the Embassy and the ruling generals. Taylor displayed no more
enthusiasm [or such an Agency role than Lodge had done; it was forced
on him by the imperative of continued communication between the
United States and the various actual and aspirant power centers in the
Vietnamese military.20
I Kahin, Intervention, p. 214.0-,
'Miller interview, 7 April1992.Lj
In any case, the problem was not just personalities: substantive
issues and the pressures of an American presidential campaign also con-
tributed to the friction with the generals. InMay, as noted earlier, Khanh
had urged visiting Defense Secretary McNamara to begin air attacks on
North Vietnam. Washington was already locked in debate on this issue
and wanted Khanh to abstain from any public statement pending a US
decision. The matter was all the more sensitive because of the Johnson
campaign's eagerness to brand Goldwater as the proponent of an
expanded war. But Khanh went public on 19 July, calling for a "march to
the North." 'Two days later, General Ky issued a more explicit call to
bomb the North. Taylor protested to Khanh this apparent move to force
the US hand, and Khanh retorted that the bombing idea had originated
with the Americans. There was conflict also over the future of "Big
Minh," to whom Khanh and his allies had awarded the ceremonial post of
chief of state. Secretary of State Dean Rusk wanted the generals to
exploit his prestige and Buddhist affiliation to rally popular support for
tile war, but pressure was growing from Catholic clements in ARVN for
his reJl1oval.3D
Ambassador Taylor thought this discord reflected nothing more than
conflicting American and Vietnamese perceptions of how best to combat
the Viet Congo De Silva, by contrast, thought he saw in the dispute some-
thing deeper than disagreement over strategy and bilateral protocol:
The shakiness of Khanh's position, the tremors that are running
through the [Saigon] leadership, and the reports of acute war weari-
ness and actions possibly under way to sense out [sic] the French on
the subject of negotiations ... represent not only a maneuver to cat-
alyze USG reactions, but [also] a grave crisis facing Khanh and his
leadership, and appear to me to be a crisis involving t.he
will of the present leadership to continue the war.' U
Whether influenced by Saigon's military or simply in response to
the continuing decline in South Vietnamese fortunes, the Johnson Admin-
istration was disposed to reply in kind when, on 2 August, North Viet-
namese PT boats attacked the US destroyer Maddox off the coast of
North Vietnam. Two clays later, the US Navy reported more attacks, and
President Johnson ordered retaliation against Hanoi's gunboats and sup-
purling facilities; Congress backed him on 7 August with near-unanimous
passage of the joint Tonkin Gulf resolution. 50
'Knhin, Intervention pp.
'Harman,"Record 011 Vietnam."
'''VicllHlIll Chronology," pp. 46-47.

Although directly responsive to Khanh's and Ky's urge to take the
war to the North, US air attacks and the Tonkin Gulf resolution did not
relieve the friction among the Saigon generals. They convened in secret
on 16 August at the resort town of Vung Tau, where Ky took advantage
of Minh's absence to urge his removal as chief of state. A majority
agreed, and on the 16th Khanh announced the abolition of Minh's posi-
tion and his own ascendancy to supreme power.
This provoked rioting by both Buddhists ailcrCatholics, and Khanh
resigned. He then returned, now as the leader of a triumvirate with "Big"
Minh and Tran Thien Khiem, that he said would form a civilian govern-
ment within 60 days. In the resulting confusion, the Station used its clan-
destine sources to assess the political balance of power, withI I
I Ireporting directly on the generals' deliberations and on
a continuing spate of coup rumors. A Station agent I I
furnished an authoritative perspective on the Northern faction in the mili-
tary, and another agent at the field-grade level reported on the other main
faction, the one influenced by the southern wing of the Dai Viet Party.
They reported, among other things, Khanh's effort to eliminate the Dai
Viet politicians from government, and a Station contact I I
I Inow warned of an imminent coup by Dai Viet sympa-
thizers in the military.
With the generals progressively more divided, and Khanh's rela-
tionship with Taylor increasingly tense, the Station's window on the plans
and perceptions of the generals was now clouded by the departure of
Lou Conein. As Conein later recalled it, Khanh had summoned him to
Dalat for a recitation of his grievances against Taylor, which he wanted
conveyed directly to the Ambassador. COS de Silva saw no alternative
to honoring this request, and he and Conein later found Taylor leaving
the tennis court. The Ambassador had no questions or comments about
their account, except at the end, when he frostily inquired whether
Conein was sure he understood French, the language of the meeting with
Khanh. A day or so later, on 2 September 1964, Taylor told de Silva that
Conciu's usefulness had come to an end.' D .
'FVS 10.605, 18 August 1964 FVSA 18282,18 January 1965'LI__-----.JIf<'VSA
18:142, 26 January 1965
'rVSA 18282; rvs 10,o8ICil:CC-- FVSA 18342;1 120 August
19(;4,1 IFVS 10,684,30 August'1964,1 I
'Conein interview, 19 February 1992; Eatman, "Record on Vielllam."O
The Dai Viets Against KhanhD
After Conein's unceremonious departure, the COS tried to pick up
the slack. On 11 September, Khanh told him that he had a letter from the
activist monk, Thich Tri Quang, promising him Buddhist support; Khanh
also implicitly confirmed the uncertainty of his own position when he
acknowledged Quang's douhtful sincerity. Meanwhile, the Station's
sources in the various factions regaled their case officers with accounts of
convoluted plotting: Dai Viet officers against Khanh, and Pham Ngoc
Thao and General Ky, with Khanh's endorsement, against the Dai Viets.
On 13 September, a coalition of southern Catholics and Dai Viets-then
Brig. Gen. Nguyen Van Thieu among them-fulfilled the prediction of the
Dai Viet source, bringing troop units toward Saigon in a halfhearted coup
attempt thai Kyand his alii" quickly squelched. Khanh seized
tunity to effect the bloodless purge of senior Dai Viet officers that
aid he had been preparing since the beginning of September.
y's role in putting down the coup established him as a major
player in the game of military politics, and his subsequent erratic talk
sparked concern at CIA Headquarters. Ky was reported to be threatening
to defect to Hanoi even as he pressed for bombing of the North, and
Headquarters asked the Station to "undertake some intensive cultivation
of Ky to learn his thinking and to influence it." The Station doubted that
Ky was politically ambitious, beyond some muscle flexing as a king-
maker, and deprecated his ability: he was "childish and often irresponsi-
ble ... not particularly intelligent or sophisticated." It might become
necessary, the Station thou ht, to ut Russ Miller back in touch with
Miller arrived on one of his TDY visits at the end of September
1964 and saw both Ky and Gen. Cao Van Vien, Chief of the Joint Gen-
eral Staff As the apparently self-appointed spokesmen for the military's
"young Turks," Ky affirmed his support of Khanh and urged Miller to
'Saigon Embassy Telegram 815. 11 September 1964,1 1 lMemorandum
"Plalls III Purge the Dai Vict Party Military 2 seremher 1964J Jextract from
IEmhaSSYrrAirgram 1\-158,25 July 1974, FVS 10,702,2 September 1964.11
he. Dai Viet Party arose early in t io t 1 century as a nationalist political party
to the French colonia] power. Conspiratorinl in style, its membership was drawn mostly from the
small Frcnch-educated professional c1ass.n
,.\ 1SAlG H92o,'22September 1964;0 I AHeadquar-
ters observer thought more highly of Ky. describing him at this time as "probably one of the most
eal'able and inlluential military lenders in Smah Vietnam," See blind memorandum, "Air Com-
modore Ngnyen Cao Ky." 2H September 1964"L- -l

get Khanh to risk unpopularity by consolidating his power at the expense
of the factions. Vien, whom Miller regarded as an apolitical military pro-
fessional, offered no prescriptions but insisted on the importance of the
political dimension: "The battle will not be won militarily until there is
an improvement in the generals' political strength and a corresponding
reduction in VC political strength."!' D
FE Division Chief William Colby was also in Saigon, and he and
Miller visited Khanh in Dalat on 3 October. Khanh complained that his
longtime interlocutors Spera and Conein were now both gone, and the
timing of Conein's departure-the day before the aborted 13 September
coup-suggested some ulterior Agency motive. Colby replied vaguely
that Spera's continued presence would have caused "certain complica-
tions," and that Conein's high profile meant that his "usefulness had
passed." But he added that Khanh's old friend Miller would shortly return
to Saigon for a new tour. Khanh immediately proposed to make Miller
his informal contact with the US Mission. Colby noted the protocol
anomaly of such an Agency relationship with the Prime Minister and
suggested that Khanh choose an intermediary through whom to maintain
indirect contact. 12D
With or without Spera and Conein, it seemed that communication
between the governments needed improvement. Khanh's distaste for Tay-
lor's authoritarian style had by late September hardened into a distrust of
the Ambassador that Colby's deputy at Headquarters described as "very
deep and not totally without foundation."13D
Upheaval on the Vietnamese side complicated access to its principal
actors. Gen. Tran Thien Khiem, a longtime Miller contact, had played a
leading if ambiguous role in the Khanh regime: possibly the instigator of
anti-Khanh demonstrations during the Summer of 1964, he was at the
same time Khanh's Minister of Defense. He then joined the triumvirate
that followed Khanh's resignation offer in late August. In early October,
Khanh moved against Khiem, sending him to West Germany on a con-
trived diplomatic mission. In a final session with Russ Miller, Khiern
railed about Khanh's indulgence of Buddhist dissidence, and said that
only the lack of hard proof of Buddhist neutralism and anti-Americanism
prevented him from mounting a coup against Khanh. ' 4D
"I IFVS 10,821, 1 October 19641 I I
"Unsigned memorandum of conversation among Gen. Nguyen Khanh and Messrs. William Colby
and Russ Miller, 3 October 1964,1 I
IJ FR US, 19641968, 1, Vietnam, 1964, p. 805; Robert J. Myers, Memorandum for the Record
"Meelin on Possible Action to Su JOlt South Vietnam, 25 September 1964," 3 October 1964,0
"O ce of Current Intelligence, Intelligence Brief, "Tran Thien Khiem, Vietnamese Ambassador.
designate tothe US," 10 December 1964; FVS 10.854,8 October 1964;1 I I
Despite the tension between Khanh and Taylor, they consulted in
October about the composition of the civilian government that Khanh had
pledged would replace his military regime. Using the Miller channel,
Khanh worked to sabotage "Big Minh's" reputation with Taylor by
accusing him of having negotiated with the French for a neutralist solu-
tion to the war. But, true to his assurances to Taylor and to Miller that he
would step down, he relinquished the prime ministry in October, turning
it over to the veteran civilian politician Tran Van Huong: he held on,
however, to his command of the armed forces. Meanwhile, Russ Miller
was keeping an eye on Nguyen Cao Ky. The unpredictable Air Force
commander now looked more sensitive to broad policy issues, worrying
aloud to Miller about possible US disengagement from Vietnam after the
November 1964 American presidential elections. As Headquarters now
saw him, he had outgrown his role as mere spokesman for the "young
Turk" general officers, and as their de facto leader was probably the most
powerful man in South Vietnam. II D
Taylor Against KhanhD
The cordiality of the Station's contact with Khanh represented one
fruit of Miller's practice of getting to know anyone who might at some
point be useful. He had contrived an introduction to Khanh during his
first Vietnam tour, which had ended in 1962. They got along well, as
reflected in Khanh's inquiry about him almost two years later, and when
Miller returned for a new tour of duty in Saigon in December 1964 he
and Mrs. Miller were promptly invited to a holiday reception hosted by
the general. Arriving at the party, the Millers found themselves the only
foreigners in attendance. As Miller later recalled it, while they were talk-
ing to Khanh, Mrs. Miller winced at some infelicity in her husband's
French. Khanh noticed, and told her not to worry, as he and Mr. Miller
understood each other very well. 16D
This empathy, characteristic of Agency relationships with its Viet-
namese contacts, probably influenced Khanh's choice of Miller to inform
the Americans of the military's next move. At five in the morning on 20
December, he called Miller in to announce the abolition of the High
National Council, which the military had set up in August to give the
I' ','NUS 1964-'<)68 I lIi(II"'/I 19M, passim;FVS 10,902, 17October1964,1 1 I
L , - ; : ; - ~ : - : - - - , . . ~ , . . . . . . --,-",a1.:.::...,ldblind memorandum, "Air Commodore NguyenCaoKy,"
Alsosee SaigonEmbassyAirgrarn A-158,
appearance of civilian participation in government. Khanh justified this
on the ground that the Council had tried to prevent the forced retirement
of senior officers including Duong Van "Big Minh." Worried about armed
forces unity, Ambassador Taylor had also tried to discourage Minh's dis-
missal, and Khanh's apparent defiance infuriated him. He summoned to
his office four of the young officers involved, including Ky and Thieu,
and accused them of jeopardizing US support for Vietnam. Khanh
refused to make an appearance at the Embassy, so Taylor went to see
him at Joint General Staff headquarters. Khanh repeated the rationale he
had given Miller for dissolving the Council, and Taylor declared that
Khanh no longer enjoyed his confidence. Khanh offered to resign his
command, a move which the Ambassador encouraged. 11D
Khanh did not follow through on this offer, however, and in the
ensuing standoff his intentions remained mysterious. Looking for clarifi-
cation, Taylor authorized Miller to visit Khanh at Vung Tau on 22
December. Khanh recounted his side of the confrontation with Taylor,
with whom he was now "at absolute checkmate." In what looked to
Miller like a pro forma gesture, Khanh again offered to resign in the
interests of an effective war effort. He urged Miller to try to arrange a
visit by.Defense Secretary McNamara or DCI McCone to verify the grav-
ity of the crisis, and warned that he or the "young Turks" might soon
hold a press conference protesting Taylor's interference, even at the risk
of provoking anti-American demonstrations.
D .
The press conference seems not to have taken place, but some of
the generals began agitating for Taylor's recall. On 30 December, Miller
drove to Khanh's villa. The atmosphere was cordial, but Khanh insisted
on conversing at the dining room table, which Miller inferred was
bugged. Having had a week to reflect, Khanh was less adamant about
Taylor's departure, but reacted hesitantly to Miller's suggestion that he
invite the Ambassador to Vung Tau for a reconciliation. The Ambassador,
apprised of Miller's proposal, was equally noncommittal. Khanh then
suddenly adopted the idea and tried to force the issue by inviting Miller
and both Taylor and the Deputy Ambassador, U. Alexis Johnson, to din-
ner on 3 January 1965. Taylor and Johnson declined, and de Silva
explained to Headquarters that "several noses had to have their joints
adjusted." The Station's efforts were finally rewarded 011 7 January, when
"FRUS, 1964-/968, t. Vietnam, /964, pp. 1014-1023; FVSA 18212, 29 December 1964,0
.c::=J Unsigned Memorandum for the Record, "Some Thoughts on Possible Vietnamese Reac-
tions to U.S. Positions taken since 20 December 1964,"5 January 1965,1 I
the CrISIS passed with a compromise in which the generals agreed
through Miller to restore civilian government, but without reconstituting
the High National Council.
While the Station labored to preserve US communications with
General Khanh, its agents reported on the "young Turks'" growing influ-
ence in the government and their disenchantment, also growing, with
Khanh. One source reported in early January that the "young Turks" were
determined to oust Khanh as armed forces commander, despite the tem-
porary solidarity produced by the Ambassador's criticism of the entire
group. One school of Station thought doubted this, believing that US
pressure for civilian government, accompanied by threats to reduce mili-
tary and economic aid, put Khanh in a position that no one would covet.
And for the moment, the military and the politicians merely continued
arguing about a new cabinet and about the way to treat dissident Bud-
Presumably to mollify the Dai Viets, Khanh eventually settled on
one of their veteran leaders, Phan Huy Quat, as his new Prime Minister.
Most of the cabinet portfolios went to civilians, but Khanh also inserted
two of the "young Turks": Nguyen Van Thieu was promoted to major
general and became Vice-Prime Minister and Minister of the Armed
Forces on 18 January. At the same time, Air Force Commander Nguyen
Cao Ky accepted concurrent appointment as Minister of Youth and
Sports. He launched his tenure, according to a Station agent I I
by mandating a youth organization along Nazi lines; it should have a uni-
form with black tunic, boots, and armband with a special insignia. Ky
thought the West German Embassy might have useful literature on the
subject, but someone suggested a briefing by his predecessor before he
proceeded. At this session, Ky recognized that the real task was to pre-
pare rural youth to defend their hamlets against the Viet Cong, for which
flashy uniforms would not suffice.
"FYS 11.12S. 30 December 1964. and SAIG 0915.5 January 19651 I IRussMiller.
Memorandum for the Record. "Miller Meeting with General Khanh on 30 Dec 1100-1215hours at
YungTau." 31 December 1964J IMiller interview. 7 April 1992. On 6 January. meeting
Khauh at YungTau. General Westmorelandoffered to serve as intermediary with Ambassador Tay-
lor. Khanh hnd already mentioned an emissary. presumably Russ Miller, sent by Taylor. and re-
sponilcd (0 Wesunorelaud that "he wanted to spare me from getting involved in politics" (see
WillinmE. Wcsuuorclaud, Memorandumfor the Record, "Meeting with General Khanh," 6 January
I'.)(i5, I.yndon B. Johnson Library, Westmoreland Papers. History Backup, #12).D.-- ,
'''IJlind Mcuroruudum, upparcntly by Station officer Harry Petersen. 4 January 1965.1 I
l'vlFR. "l'ossihlc Vietnamese Reactions"; and passim. Volume II.I IVolume11, passim.
" Si\IG 133(i.26 Jalll;::"")!.... . .:.:19c..:6:.::.15.L1 ~ m c II. passim; F1YS 1J.275.
30 January 1%5,aud
I U .
However out of touch he might be with the problems of the civil
society, Ky kept a close watch on military politics. On 3 February, he
told Russ Miller that Khanh had lost the support of all his colleagues
and would have to be removed. His apparently sarcastic prediction of
Khanh's survival under US protection provoked Ambassador Taylor to
send Miller back to him with the message that "we are in no way prop-
ping up General Khanh or backing him in any fashion." Miller's traf-.
ficking with the mutually suspicious generals seems not to have
damaged his credit with any of them, as he simultaneously continued the
liaison with Khanh, a task that included setting up a meeting with the
visiting McGeorge Bundy, President Johnson's National Security
Adviser, on 5 February 1965.
The End of the Khanh RegimeD
Bundy was in Saigon at the beginning of another round of military
escalation and political chaos. On 7 February 1965, the Viet Cong
attacked the US airbase at Pleiku, in the central highlands, killing eight
Americans and inflicting serious material damage. The same day, US
planes retaliated with bombing raids on North Vietnam. Two weeks later,
after an initially inconclusive military coup, Nguyen Khanh acceded to
Maxwell Taylor's desire and resigned. I IGen. Tran Van "Lit-
tle Minh" then became acting commander of the armed forces, while
Nguyen Van Thieu took over the Armed Forces Council from Khanh. But
the ante had been raised on both sides. The VC followed up their Pleiku
attack by planting a bomb in a US barracks at Qui Nhon, killing 23 more
Americans, and on 2 March the US replaced its earlier ad hoc retaliatory
raids against the North with the sustained bombing campaign known as
Operation Rolling Thunder. 23D
This military coup, the second since the fall of Ngo Dinh Diem,
began on 19 February, when the same Dai Viet and militantly Catholic
officers responsible for the September 1964 attempt against Khanh tried
again. Again, the Station served as an Embassy link to both the sponsors
of the coup and its target. Russ Miller arrived home for lunch that day to
find waiting for him the same army dentist who had provided cover for a
meeting between LOll Conein and Tran Van Don during the conspiracy
against Ngo Dinh Diem. Captain Long fidgeted about, refusing even a
'1 1 ISaigon Ernbassay Telegram 2389, 3 February
1965, Lyndon B. Johnson Library. National Security File, Vietnam, Volume XXVII; SAIG 1576.
5 February 1965.1 I
""Vietnam Chronology," pp. 52.53.0
soft drink, until the stroke of one. At that point, he opened up, listing for
Miller the military commanders supporting the announcement being
made at that moment by Chief of State Pharo Khac Suu, that Khanh was
being dismissed. Ky and his allies immediately repudiated this move,
and the resulting impasse threatened fratricidal violence.
The "young Turks" objection to the move against Khanh concerned
timing and means, not ends,and Ky explained to Miller on 21 February
that Brig. Gen. Lam Van Phat and the other mutineers should have given
Khanh a chance to make good on his earlier expressed willingness to
resign. Now, personal honor had come into play, and Khanh was stand-
ing fast. On the 22nd, Ambassador Taylor convened his staff to find a
solution to the impasse. General Westmoreland volunteered to "chopper
down there" to Vung Tau to see Khanh, but Taylor vetoed this as impossi-
ble to conceal from American newsmen. So Miller went instead, and lis-
tened to Khanh's side of the story. Back in Saigon, he described Khanh's
terms for resignation; the Ambassador then authorized him and Deputy
Chief of Station Gordon Jorgensen to convey these to Ky and the other
members of the Armed Forces Council.25D
Late that night, the two drove to Vietnamese Air Force Headquar-
ters, where an aide ushered them into a housekeeping closet. There they
waited until about midnight, when Ky joined them. On the way in,
Miller had seen enough activity to conclude that the entire Armed Forces
Council must be present. He asked why, and Ky explained that Khanh's
skill at manipulating his colleagues made it imperative to keep everybody
in sight. Ky stayed with the visitors until almost dawn-they never left
the utility room--while Jorgensen pressed for a face-saving exit for
Khanh. Ky seemed amenable to the suggested terms-whatever his
faults, Miller thought, vindictiveness was not among them-and the
Americans finally left to report back to the Embassy.
"Embassy Airgram A-15R; Miller interviews, 5 November 1991 and 19 February 1992; D'en-
tugou PII/lf,..\', Gravel Edition (Boston: Beacon Press, 1971J,II, p. 295.DOnce the coup attempt
got under way, MACV provided another channel to the rebels, as the senior adviser to the Air
Force, Brig. Gen. Robert B. Rowland, accompanied Lam Van Phat, one of the Dai Viet princi-
pals, and Communist agent Pham Ngoc Thao, representing Ambassador to Washington Tran
Thien Khiem, to Bien Hoa Airbase to confer with Ky (see Blind Memorandum, "Saigon Coup
Situation as of 12:00 EST, February 19: 1965," Lyndon R. Johnson Library, National Security
File, Vietnam, Volume l[b]).O
"FVS 11,393, 19 February, 1965, and SAIG 2062, 22 February 1965,1 \Miller in-
terviews, 19 February 1992 and 7 April 1992. One Station cable said that Miller went to Vung Tau
with Col. Jasper Wilson, Khnnh's fanner adviser in I Corps, and Kahin says there was a "C1A of-
ticcr accompanying Wilson" who reported Khanh's side of the story. In a 1992 interview, Miller
said he could not rccnll traveling with Wilson, and that Wilson certainly did not attend this meeting
with Khanh. See SAIG 2062, 22 February 1965,[ IKahin, Intervention, p. 301; Miller
interview, 19 February 1992.0
"SAIG2062; Miller interviews, 19 February and 7 April 1992.D
C01268717 ..sUllPet-
But Ky could not deliver, at least not immediately, for Khanh had
antagonized too many of his AFC colleagues with divisive maneuvers
and an alleged order for an armored attack on key facilities at Tan Son
Nhut airport and in Saigon. Despite the standoff, the Station remained
optimistic about a bloodless outcome" telling Headquarters that "Khanh
may twist and turn a bit more but [we] believe his shoulders are about to
be pinned to [the] mat for good." Events justified this optimism when, on
24 February t965, Khanh relinquished command of the armed forces,
accepting exile as a roving ambassador; I IGen. Tran
Van Minh replaced him. Nguyen Van Thieu replaced Khanh in his capac-
ity as chairman of the Armed Forces Council. 27[]
Khanh's departure was the third in little more than a year of a Viet-
namese leader whom the US had once held to be irreplaceable, and this
change of command did no more than its predecessors had to end the
political malaise in Saigon. The civilian Cabinet left behind by Khanh
had little authority and no energy. Popular enthusiasm for the war contin-
ued to sag, and the police broke up a neutralist group's press conference
which the media described as the "first open effort to rally support
against the war effort." The latest change at the top also aggravated the
perennial management crisis that impaired the Station's working-level
intelligence liaison, as the chief of the Central Intelligence Organization
chose to go into exile with Khanh.
Further decay in the government's position in the countryside
accompanied political apathy in Saigon. Pacification languished, even in
the provinces around Saigon to which both the US Mission and the Viet-
namese had given first priority. Nothing in the record suggests that Tran
Van Minh provided more effective leadershi of the armed forces than his
predecessors had,
Looking for ways to jolt Saigon out of its paralysis, US officials
debated whether to try imposing a joint military command on the Viet-
namese and then seeding ARVN units with American troops. These
ideas gradually gave way to a more direct application of US military
power. The Rolling Thunder bombing campaign began on 2 March, as
"SAIG 2062; Reuters dispatch. 25 february 1965,1 IAn example of the fluidity of po-
litical fortunes in South Vietnam is Tran Thien Khiem, at this time still Ambassador to Washington
after having been exiled by Nguyen Khanh, Reporting on the new alignment. nan Van Minh eval-
uated Khiern as "militarily and politically ... 'dead. ,n Later, under Nguyen VanThieu, Khiem rose
to hecome Interior Minister, Chief of the Joint General Staff, and eventually Prime Minister. (See
I ~ I .
"Reuters and OPI dIspatches, 25 Febl11ary'1965, and FVS 11,413,22 February 1965, all
already noted, and the Administration deployed its first integral combat
ground forces when it landed US Marines at Da Nang on 8 March to
assure the security of the US airbase there.
The Emergence of Thieu and KyO
The air war against the North and the arrival of US ground forces in
the South represented not merely an expanded American commitment but
de facto assumption of the burden of fighting the burgeoning insurgency
and its sponsors in Hanoi. Meanwhile, the political disorder that inhib-
ited the South Vietnamese war effort once again thrust the Station into
the kind of exercise at which it excelled: exploiting its sources on all
sides of a complicated problem to get a balanced perspective. [:=J
I [Tran Van Minh and Marine Gen. Le Nguyen Khang, and
the Station's stable of witting contacts included eight more generals.
Civilian contacts supplemented these military sources. One of these was
Prime Minister Pilan Huy Quat, long ac uainted with A enc officers,
L..... ,-_.,----,--.- ----.---__,------,-__-.-;--;----c;-;;--;:;-:---:-;-'
was a casual contact, however, an Army colonel acquainted with Station
officer Stuart Methven, who offered the personal papers Khanh had left
behind when JJC went into exile. I I
I IThey turned out to contain no important revela-
tions, but one customer for them was Ambassador Taylor, who wanted a
complete set.30
While the Station sorted out the personalities and prospects of the
new regime, the Viet Cong exploited the vulnerability of the Embassy to
terrorist attack. On 29 March 1965, a car bomb detonated directly in front
of the annex adjoining the Chancery. Flying glass killed a Station secre-
tary and wounded others, including COS de Silva, who was evacuated
and replaced by his deputy, Gordon Jorgensen.
At 51, Jorgensen was five years older than de Silva. Born in Japan
of missionary parents, he had served in the Pacific as an Army intelli-
gence officer, ending the war as a lieutenant colonel. Entering the Agency
ill 1953, he went to Vientiane in 1960 and as Chief of Station there
"Jclrrcy c. Clarke, Advice and Support: The Filial Years (Washington, DC: Center of Military
History, 1988),PI'. 85-96; Harry G, Summers, Jr. Vietllam War Almanac (Facts on File Publica-
lions, 19H5), (11', 34-3,'i,D
,"'SAIG 2342, 4 Mllrch,I_9_63---'- ..l-FV_S-,A 18515, 18 March 1965,,--1 -'I FVSA
17236,16 March [964, passim.D
-""Vie-Inmn Chronology," 1', 54.

launched the Laotian paramilitary programs. He was at Headquarters as
second in command of CTA paramilitary operations before coming to
Saigon in late 1963,320
Jorgensen set out to continue de Silva's efforts to build rural paci-
fication programs while helping to shore up the GVN's morale. Mean-
while, Headquarters wanted to debrief Nguyen Khanh on his claimed
links to the Vietnamese Communists. During an early April visit in
New York, Conein asked him about these connections, wanting to know
if they involved Hanoi or the National Liberation Front. Khanh claimed
to have good contacts with both, some of them handled by Col. Le Van
Nhieu, the former Commissioner of Saigon's Central Intelligence Orga-
nization who had accompanied him into exile. Khanh claimed he could
reestablish these contacts, but would do so only if Washington had an
"overall strategic plan involving contact with Hanoi and penetration of
the National Liberation Front." Curiously, there seems to have been no
followthrough on this topic; Khanh's old friend Al Spera saw Colonel
Nhieu during the summer, but there is no record that he inquired about
contacts with Hanoi or the NLF.JJ D
In mid-May, Prime Minister Quat sent fellow Dai Viet and Station
contact Bui Diem to tell Jorgensen about a cache of "really black" money
left behind by Nguyen Khanh. Quat wanted to surface its existence and
donate it to some worthy cause, but hesitated to do so without the avail.
ability of other resources he could devote to ad hoc political and organi-
zational expenses. Jorgensen noted for Headquarters that this accorded
with the Agency's mandate to help strengthen the Quat government, but
nothing appears to have come of it. The Quat administration survived, in
any case, only another month, when the generals ended the experiment
with civilian government. They replaced the former Armed Forces Coun-
cil with the Military Directorate, and on 18 June 1965 Nguyen Van
Thieu became its chairman and de facto Chief of State, with Air Vice
Marshal Nguyen Cao Ky serving as Prime Minister. J4D
1 I
"William Colby, Memorandum for the DDP, "Memorandum ou Discussions with Lt. General

CII Khallh, I and 2 April 1965," 6 April 1965, Job 78-597R, Box 1, Folder 10, ARC;D
passim. No evidence has been found 10 support Kahin's claim in Intervention thai the US
roveuuncm had information in early 1965 on correspondence between Khanh and Huynh Tan
Phat, secretary of the NLF Central Committee: that discussed a negotiated settlement. Kahin seems
to have relied mainly on Khanh's statements, and Khanh, as Russ Miller saw him, was quick to
sense what an interlocutor wanted to hear (see Kahin, Intervention, pp. 295-296, and Miller inter-
view, 6 April 1993). The National Liberation Front for South Vietnam, usually called the National
Libcratiou Frcnt or simply NLP. was created by Hanoi in December 1960 to mobilize both Com-
munist and non-Communistopponents of Ngo Dinh Diem in the armed insurgency launched a year
"PVSA [8717,15 May IGravel, II, pp.296, 361-362; Embassy AirgramA-158.D

With their accession to power, the personal and professional styles
of Thieu and Ky became of intense interest to US officials. Thieu's
reserved personality made him difficult to judge, and a valid assessment
of this enigmatic figure was further complicated, for CIA, by a shortage
of sources among the Southern-born officers who surrounded him. But
everyone found him cautious, perhaps to a fault; some thought him xeno-
phobic and suspicious to the point of paranoia.
Ky represented an entirely different problem. He was readily acces-
sible to the Station and literally surrounded by CIAI 1contacts,
and the task was to determine what, if anything, lay behind the flashy
exterior. As of June 1965,1 IStation contacts depicted a
first-class pilot and a poor administrator whose genuine charisma had
given Air Force morale a dramatic boost when he became its commander
in late 1963. He was also a thrill seeker and risk taker, according to D
1 Iintimates, renowned for his drinking, gambling, and an
endless' succession of girlfriends; he also indulged a penchant for insub-
ordination. A second c::=Jhad reported, after Ky's brief arrest for com-
plicity in the February 1962 bombing of the Palace, that he would
probably support another such venture "for the thrill, not for political rea-
Ky tackled his new job with characteristically brash energy and
shortly produced a 26-point agenda for prosecuting the war. But there
were at best no short-term prospects that his program could reverse the
regime's sagging fortunes. As the total of American forces in Vietnam
climbed past 50,000 men in June 1965, President Johnson authorized the
commitment of US ground forces to offensive operations. In the atmo-
sphere of desperation that prevailed in the US Mission in Saigon, COS
Jorgensen set out to reduce the Station's role as a channel to the military
leadership and to concentrate on trying to help stem VC advances in the
countryside. He saw General Ky on 2] June 1965-they had not met
since the utility-room conference on 22 February-s-and briefed him on
the rural intelligence and pacification programs. Ky asked if Russ Miller
was still around. He was, but had already begun to withdraw from his
role as middleman between the Embassy and the Vietnamese military.
Jorgensen told Headquarters that, while he anticipated future contact
with Ky. he t h o ~ h t the Ambassador would prefer that it be confined to
CIA busil1ess.J1U
'j !1'{/.I'simO
"Exlracl from FVS 8321. 28 December 1962; Extract fromI !report of 11 March 1962;
and pllssim,! I '---------'
"SAle; 4747. 22 June 1965; FVSA 18889.6 July J965;1 !Gravel, 11, p. 363; Miller
interview, 12 November 1991.0
Fi r 3 Communist and Government
Territorial Control in outh Vietnam, 1965
- International boundary
s'o 100 Mile.
National capital
Neit her controlled
50 100 Kilometer.
, !
743700 9-97
Ky endo rsed the field programs and accepted an offer to tour the
Station's pacifica tion train ing ce nter at Vung Tau. But like all his prede-
cess or s, he parried an offer of CIA hel p with the organization and staffing
of South Vietname e int ell igence. Also like his predecessors, he worri ed
about the Agency's att itude toward pot enti al coup sponsors. Jorgensen
noted that he had given warning information to Prime Minister Quat dur-
ing a brief coup scare in May. Ky smiled and said he hoped the Station
would do the same for him; Jorgensen assured him it would. JeD
The Station and the An Quang Buddhists D
Quat's civilian government had been popular with the Buddhist
leadership, and its demise threatened a return of the Buddhist-led unrest
that preceded the fall of Ngo Dinh Diem. This would have compounded
au already-desperate military situation, and the Station tried to help pre-
vent it with token material support for the An Quang Buddhists led by the
Venerable Tri Quang. Mutually hesitant negotiations produced an agree-
ment in August 1965; the Station would subsidize An Quang training
programs, with the understanding that the activity would remain nonpo-
litical. Quang's suspicion of the new Thieu-Ky regime-he was nearly
paranoid about Thieu's alleged Catholic and Diemist sympathies-made
his relationship with CIA an uneasy one, and Headquarters worried that
he would use Agency money to finance dissident activity. But payments
continued at least through December, by which time he had received
some 2,000,000 piasters, about $12,500.
Station officers in touch with other An Quang leaders reinforced
this modest initiative, but COS Jorgensen otherwise held the line on Sta-
tion involvement in policy issues. As it happened, a change of US ambas-
sadors abetted this preference. Maxwell Taylor, burdened by frigid
relationships with the Vietnamese and his antipathy toward the use of US
ground forces, had not been asked to spend a second year in Saigon; he
resigned on 8 July 1965. President Johnson, as eager as Kennedy had
been to have. a Republican on the front lines, replaced him with Henry
Cabot Lodge, who returned in August for his second tour as US Ambas-
sador to South Vietnam:
As in late 1963, after the coup against Diem, Lodge assigned the
Station no part in the handling of government contacts. His characteristic
passivity with respect to Vietnamese internal politics not only elimi-
nated any action role for the Station in this area, but also quickly brought
""VS" IHH89; SAIG 4862. 27 June 1965; unsigned Memorandum for the Record, "Marshall
Nguyen COlO Ky Visit 10thc CAS Vung Tau Training Sites, n.d.;L.----, I ,
''FVSi\ \) 1965: FVSW 8571, 9 September 1965;
Il!::VSA 19515, 14 December 1965; attachment 3 to FVSA 26;';'05""4',"'26--,i\Tu'g'u-C: st' 1"' 9"" 8"; - --'-
c=.=1 Policy authurity fur this came from NSAM 328, 6 April 1965, a document which pre-
scribed a 12-p"illt program the Agellcy was 10 can'y out in Vietnam. mainly in the field of rural
pacirkalioll1 . I
"Kahin, Intervention. p, Gravel. II. p. 365; "VIetnam Chronology," p. 580

him head to head with the dissident Buddhists. While Lodge argued that
wartime stresses made new elections impracticable, the An Quang Bud-
dhists were insisting on the indispensability of elections to legitimize
the government. The modest Station subsidy to Tri Quang thus continued
in the shadow of the Buddhists' distrust of the generals and disagreement
with the Americans. 41D .
During the last months of 1965, as the growing US military com-
mitment slowed Communist military exploitation of Saigon's political
weakness, COS Jorgensen accelerated the expansion of the pacification
programs that he saw as indispensable to the government's recovery in
the countryside. Although the CIA role was nominally limited to advice
and support, the Agency adopted the suggestions of various local Viet-
namese officials, then furnished the organizational initiative and all the
resources, and exercised de facto control of programs carried out at the
province level. Like the US military, it had essentially dispensed with the
faltering Vietnamese leadership in Saigon and taken charge of its portion
of the war.D
rL '-"M""""""j'nndum to Chief of Station, "Thich Tri Quang," 26 August 1968,D
__ by the author, NewportBeach, CA, 3 June 1993(hereafter

Chapter 3
Looking for aWay autO
The arrival at Da Nang of the US Third Marine Regiment in early
March 1965 had introduced the first American combat units to Vietnam
and brought the US military presence to 27,000 men. On 6 April, Presi-
dent Johnson authorized the commitment of US forces to offensive
ground operations in South Vietnam. In May, the US Army's 173rd Air-
borne Brigade arrived, and as its combat forces grew; the US started to
assume the major burden of combat with Viet Cong and North Vietnam-
ese regulars. By December, US forces numbered 180,000, and by June
1966 some 285,000.
Even before the introduction of US forces, burgeoning domestic
opposition to the war had forced the Administration to give at least the
appearance of openness to a negotiated settlement. Indeed, there was
some real hope in the State Department that the US could find exploitable
tensions between the NLF and its Northern sponsors, and in the summer
of 1965 Assistant Secretary William Bundy asked CIA to explore this
possibility. DCT Richard Helms thought the idea impractical and very
risky: The Agency could not guarantee the discretion of the third-country
contacts through whom it would have to work, and if US sponsorship
were revealed, it would suggest to both Hanoi ancl Saigon that American
will was flagging. The Admistration was not deterred, but it took another
year before the Agency became actively involved.
'Harry G. Summers, Jr., Vietflam IVar Almanac, pp. 33-36; "Vietnam Chronology," p. 70.D
'Richard Helms. Memorandum for Mr. William P. Bundy, "Possible Contact with the National Lib-
cration Front," 2 Jnly 19651 I
Buddhist Alienation D
In January 1966, Prime Minister Ky provoked renewed dissidence
when he proposed to substitute an appointed committee for the elected
consitituent assembly that was to write a new constitution and restore
civilian government. The Buddhists' militant faction in Hue launched the
so-called Struggle Movement, which commanded the sympathy of senior
ARVN generals in the northern provinces. Militant Catholics and Diem
loyalists contended against anti-Diem and pro-Dai Viet elements in the
military, while both these groupings opposed Buddhist-supported neutral-
ism. And there were divisions within these factions. The military had its
Buddhist sympathizers, and some Catholics were hostile to the unrecon-
structed Dielllists. CIA in Saigon used its sources] I
I Ito try to elucidate for its customers this multidi-
mensional conflict, while General Westmoreland and Marine General
Lewis W. Walt, the latter based in Da Nang, dealt with the contending
generals, J D
As Prime Minister Ky replaced one unsuccessful I Corps com-
mander after another, and the confrontation hardened, people started pre-
paring to blow up each other's bridges. In mid-May, Vietnamese
engineers linked to the Struggle Movement wired with explosives a key
bridge and the major munitions depot which it served. General Walt
arranged a consultation at the bridge with the ARVN officer command-
ing the engineers, and while they conferred, Walt's own engineers surrep-
titiously cut the wires. When the US Marines advanced, the ARVN
officer ordered the charges detonated, but it was too late, and the Ameri-
cans promptly secured the bridge.
With the GVN still temporizing, the US Mission worried about dis-
sident ARVN forces coming to Buddhist aid if violence broke out in Da
Nang. Accordingly, Agency officers in Da Nang, headed by a renowned
paramilitary swashbuckler called Rip Robertson, began preparing
charges with which to blow the bridges these forces would have to use.
At this point, on 19 May, Ky and Thieu made their move, and before
Struggle Movement sympathizers could prevent it, the Buddhist pagodas
and military installations occupied by dissidents all had come under
Saigon's control. I D
'Clarke. The Final Years. PI', 127-128;Gravel. If. pp, 367. 369-388, Examples of Station reporting
are rvs 12.572. 24 January 1966. findl I land
numerous reports] a
"Clarke. Th" Filial Years. p. 138.
'Ihid.; Gary Williams. interviewby the author. Langley. VA, 17February 1995, Williams was then
stationed in Da Nang and was conscripted to help Robertsonprepare the chargesD
The successful military move did not end the sectarian dissidence.
The US Mission continued to fear the disintegration of the South Vietnam-
ese state and, even without such a catastrophic outcome, the effect on US
opinion of continued Vietnamese squabbling while American troops bore
the burden of combat. In late May the Embassy and MACV sponsored a
meeting between Ky and his opponents at the US base at Chu Lai.
The Struggle Movement took on an anti-American tinge when dem-
onstrators in Hue burned the USIS library and sacked the Consulate in
late May. Ambassador Lodge, alarmed to the verge of panic by the Bud-
dhist threat to a reinvigorated war effort, wrote to President Johnson that
the Struggle Movement was "entering its fanatic if not macabre stage,"
and cited the "plentiful supply of Buddhists-mystics and mental defec-
tives-ready to bum themselves and men ruthless enough to use them."
Communist professionals were using the Buddhists, he maintained, and
the "evidence was everywhere."7D
In fact, no persuasive intelligence reporting supported Lodge's
vision of a Communist-instigated Struggle Movement. But he was not
alone in allowing his distaste for the dissident clergy to prevent him
from considering the implications of Buddhist alienation for the GVN's
standing with its urban constituency. In his memoirs, Peer de Silva lam-
pooned the Venerable Tri Quang in terms that recalled World War II pro-
paganda depicting the Japanese as buck-toothed rodents. William Colby
did likewise, if in less scurrilous terms, when he dismissed his one cleri-
cal contact as a mindless obstructionist. D
The Struggle Movement episode came to an end in June when
troops luyal to Ky and Thieu suppressed not only the militants of Tri
Quang's faction but also the more moderate Buddhist Institute. In the
overheated atmosphere that accompanied this confrontation, no program
of aid to the Buddhists could survive, and the Station's subsidy to Tri
, Quang came to a definitive haIt.D
'Clarkc, The Final Years, pp. 139-143; David Gustin, interviewby the author, Langley, VA, I July
,L9intcrview, 3 JUlie 1 9 9 3 ~ e e r de Silva, Sub Rosa: nut CIA and the Uses of Intelli-
gence (Times Hooks. 1978), p. I 8 William E. Colby, Lost Victory (Contemporary Books.
19H9), p, 2330Clarke, The Piflal ears, p.14?1 1nterview.3 June 19930 Saigon
G176. 6 Augus! 1968.1 1
The Indirect Approach to LeverageD
Against this politically fragile background, COS Gordon Jorgensen
still had occasional cause to bring Agency influence to bear on the gener-
als, but he indulged his usual preference to use his agent stable as a sub-
stitute for direct Station representations at the top of the government.
Servicin an Embass re uest for exam Ie, he used
to prevent the execution of a condemned pnsoner
which if carried out seemed likely to result in the death of a West German
then in VC hands. A little earlier, in late 1965 and early 1966, CTA had
also created confidential relationshi s with two more generals,
In general, the ascendancy of Northerners in the latest po itical
constellation multiplied the value of the Station's stable of agents and
contacts, in which Northerners also predominated. I
The more senior the agent or contact, the more likely he was to be
pursuing his own agenda, and the reporting from such sources some-
.times merited a skeptical reception. I Ifor example,
told FE Division Chief Colby a convoluted story about Nguyen Khanh's
efforts to keep Thieu off-balance. Khanh had allegedly warned Thieu
against Lou Conein, claiming that Conein was trying to get Thieu
arrested. Thieu was allegedly grateful to Khanh, but developed a resent-
ment of Conein that threatened his return to Vietnam in late 1965 as a
member of Maj. Gen. Edward Lansdale's new team. One nominally
recruited general.] Iturned out to be useless even in a
series of sensitive positions]
~ Iby 'ootm", was a pwlifi, and oo",,,,lIy reliable
source, but even his cooperation had its limits, at least when policy dif-
ferences came into play. He failed, for example, to warn his case officer,
I lof Ky's decision to send Vietnamese Marines to Da Nang
to confront dissident Gen. Ngryen Cjanh Thi in the spring of 1966,' Later
reproached for this omission, retorted, "If we tell you, you tell us
not to do it.",oD
Back IntoPalace Liaison D
In mid-1966, with US combat forces carrying the burden of offen-
sive operations against the Communists, government, stability was still
the dominant political issue. Station disengagement from Palace liaison
had now endured a full year, while CIA expanded its programs in the
countryside. Ky was planning elections to a' constitutional constituent
assembly that summer, and the problem of campaign financing drew the
Agency back into involvement with the military leadership." D
One of Prime Minister Ky's closest confidants was Gen. Nguyen
Ngoc Loan, who as chief of both the National Police and the Military
Security Service also conducted liaison with the Station on intelligence
and security matters, He importuned the Station for money to replenish
police funds he had used to subsidize the campaigns of Ky allies, Ambas-
sador Lodge asked the Station to oblige him, and Headquarters approved
a subsidy of 10 million piasters (about $85,000) which the Station
passed to Loan on 25 August. 12 D .
This return to active involvement with the leadership coincided
with the departure of Gordon Jorgensen. His replacement, John Hart, had
run other large Stations,
e seems not to have shared
-rvsw 8614.18 October 1965.1 jClarke, The Final Years, p, 137;1 1
/IIJ.I'S;III. Lansdale was never a CIA employee, and his 1965mission to assist Lodge with pacifica-
tion planning did not have Agency sponsorship. With respect to the quality of the Vietnamese mil-
itnry leadership at this juncture, it is worth noting that Cao's immediate predecessor in J Corps,
after the removal of General Thi, was the emotionally unstable Gen. Ton 111at Dinh, so well known
to fonner Station officer Lucien Conein.D
"j I interview by author, Langley, VA, 27 Aril1993.D
"UnsIgned dran blind memorandum, n.d., I Apparently prepared at Headquarters,
p l ' O b a ~ n late J966.0
"lhid,U '
Jorgensen's reservations about direct dealings at the top, and in mid-
October asked Headquarters to consider giving Loan another 14 million
piasters to replace police and MSS funds diverted to the election cam-
paign. According to Loan, Ky needed this support to avoid having to
declare to his peers in the Military Directorate that he had used money
from the Prime Minister's secret fund for political purposes. Hart noted
that Ky was trying at the moment to resolve another cabinet crisis, and
thought Lodge would approve CIA support designed to strengthen Ky's
No reply has been found, and the proposal may have been over-
taken by the controversy over Loan himself that came to a head when
Headquarters suggested his removal. As for the original to-million-pias-
ter subsidy, while it may have spared Ky some embarrassment, its influ-
ence on the electoral outcome was apparently slight, as the only
available reference to its use concerns support to two unsuccessful candi-
dates in Da Nang,
The discussion over Loan's future-it did not address the means by
which he might be unseated-brought into focus once more the peren-
nial problem facing the Agency and the rest of the US Mission as they
looked for Vietnamese officials meriting US support. Loan was energetic
and highly intelligent, manipulative, and entirely loyal to Ky. But he did
not look to the US for guidance, and in personal style sometimes
appeared to be playing the clown. COS Hart later recalled having liked
him; even if Loan "never agreed with anything I ever said," he was
"absolutely honest," and perhaps the only Vietnamese official of Hart's
acquaintance who would openly disagree with an American. ISO
To Russ Miller, who saw them together after he returned to Saigon
in early 1967, the fastidious Hart looked repelled by Loan's "scruffy
fatigues and open-toed sandals," and put off as well by Loan's chronic
unavailability for an appointment. But there were more substantial rea-
SOliS for reservations about Loan. Among them were his contempt for
individual legal rights and for programs aimed at ingratiating the govern-
ment with the peasantry, an attitude that put him at odds with American
convictions on these issues. I.D
"SAI(; Xl94, 15 October 19GG. and .'lAIG8359.19 October 1966,1 1The first of
IIH:-se messages responds to 11 snggestion about Loan made hy Headquarters in II cable that has not
h ( ~ ( ' . 1 1 rOlllltl.D
"The election results are mentioned in the memorandum cited in footnote 9. D
\'I'\'SA 208(i5, 5 September 19GG.1 1John Hart, interview by the author, Washington.
1)(: (hereafter cited as [-]nrl interview), 19 April 1993'6
"" Miller interview, 7 April1992j Ipassim.
S e ~

US .\I i.u iol1 VietrUl m- Oct"ha 1% 7. If. 10 r., hack row] G. lJ. Jacobson.
,\ Ii,u ion Coordinator; Edwurdlansdule, Senior Li aison Offiar: Donald G. /lftJc!J01WM.
f lirt ' d OT, USA//): John A. Calhoun. t ' olucal Counselor: John Hart. Special kHiM(lfll to t l n-
Amhw wdor: Charle,l COOf't'r. f..i:ollomic Cmmw-Ior; lin",! row] Robert W Komer. IJl'fl/l ty to
COMUS "MeVfor RIJ: UKt'nt' M. UH: k, . INI'Il 'YAmbassador; El/.04'Orth Bunk" . AmheJ,uwlor:
Gen. WiJlkl m C. "'fo.flmm'W" land. Commaruft'T MACV;' BtJrf ) ' Zort hiun, Director; JUSPAO.
PItl " fI c_ nrsy 01)f/I", 1ltu1.
Whatever his retrospect ive opinion of Loan, Hart described himself
:IS "not ;111 admirer" when the Amba ssador pressed him. in October J966,
to ohject to the Headquart ers call for Loan' s removal. Swa llowi ng his
reserva tions. Han agreed that the police chief was i ndispen sable to Kyat
a moment when the US was counting on Ky to produce a constit ution and
a stable civilian government. Loan soo n became important to CIA as
well, as events unfolded that led to the St ation' s two most important
politi cal initiati ves of 1967,ll C
In the first of these init iati ves, the Station tried to establi sh clnndes-
nne contact with the National Liberation Front for Sout h Vietnam
(NLFSVN. usually abbreviated NtF), which although direct ed from
l lanoi wax composed mainly of southern Vietna mese. The Station pro-
posed to identify presumed moderate clement s in the NLF and to set up
a conununications cha nnel 10 any of these who might be int erested in a
dialog that excl uded Hanoi. The seco nd initi ative invol ved a renewed
effort tn deal with perpetually unstable governmen t in Saigon. Here, the

" SAIG R:WJ[ ]
May 1967 arrival of Ellsworth Bunker as US Ambassador and the
approach of presidential elections in South Vietnam ushered in a new
CIA effort to influence Vietnamese politics,
The Search for a Negotiating ChannelD
The effort to contact the NLF arose from two developments which,
as 1966 drew to a close, began to reinforce each other. First was John
Hart's decision, when he took over the Station in the spring of that year,
to reduce its reliance on Saigon's intelligence services for its coverage of
the Viet Congo To acquire unilateral sources in the NLF and the southern
wing of Hanoi's Communist party, he set up a Viet Cong Branch, headed
by I Iwhich began collating Station holdings and vetting con-
tacts with possible access. By the end of the year, these efforts had pro-
duced several leads, the most promising of which involved the chief of
the NLF's foreign affairs committeeYD
The second development arose from Hanoi's evident will to con-
, tinue the war despite its heavy losses to American ground and air forces
in the South and the devastation of the bombing campaign in the North.
As we have seen, Defense Secretary McNamara had already concluded
that military victory was impossible, and in early 1966 he was privately
urging a political settlement and a coalition government. In August, a
reluctant President Johnson made a pro forma concession to such pres-
sure when he named W. Averell Harriman as his "ambassador for
peace." Harriman jumped with characteristic energy into this new arena.
Uninhibited by the kind of reservations expressed a year earlier by DCI
Helms, he began a vigorous search for avenues to potential negotiating
The Saigon Station's involvement began on the day in late 1966
when the Ambassador instructed John Hart to make available ,a small air-
craft to lly into neighboring Cambodia on a mission that Lodge would not
describe. The COS could not blindly risk a plane and pilot, and when he
insisted on more information, Lodge outlined a White House-directed
operation aimed at the defection of NLF Chairman Nguyen Huu Tho. A
Vietnamese employee of the US economic aid mission (acting in good
faith, it later turned out) had brought his American supervisor the claim
"SA[e; 202S, 2.1January 19(\7,1 1Gravel, II. p. 428D
Hanoi created the NLP in December 1960 to help mobilize non-Communist elements in the mili-
tary against Diem launched the year before. D
'''llllri interview, 19 April j l)93;Dinterview, 27 April 1993; Lewis Lapham, telephone inter-
view by the author, Brunswick. ME, 29 June 1993,1 1
"Herring, UIJ alld Vietnam, pp, 102-[200

of a Vietnamese acquaintance that NLF Chairman Nguyen Huu Tho
wanted to defect. USOM went to Political Counselor Philip Habib, who
took the matter to Lodge, who characteristically did not consult his intel-
ligence adviser, the COS, but communicated directly with Washington.
There, the National Security Council staff-this gambit was apparently
not turned over to Harriman-seized on the proposal and sent instruc-
tions that led to Lodge's demand for an aircraft. At this point, CIA took
over the case, and the Station put the self-proclaimed intermediary under
surveillance when he next left Saigon, allegedly to see Tho. In fact, he
made only an innocuous visit to the Delta city of My Tho, and when con-
fronted by the Station confessed to having fabricated the story.210
The principal in this affair did, however, have NLF contacts, and
the exploration of these led to a daughter of Nguyen HUll Tho who was
living in Saigon. By this time, Washington had abandoned the defection
approach. and was treating the case as a prospective communications
channel to the NLF. In this context the Station tried different approaches
to Tho's daughter. She claimed to be estranged from her father and
refused to cooperate. Washington's fascination with the idea of a direct
NLF connection persisted in the face of this setback; I lremem-
bercd Defense Secretary McNamara's interest, during this period, when
the Secretary devoted all but a few minutes of a Station briefing to the
question of NLF contacts.
In this atmosphere, the Station proposed the first of several ave-
nues-"alliong shots," asl Isawthem-to the NLF. The target \
was Tan Buu Kiem, chief of the NLF's Foreign Affairs Committee,
whose dossier indicated some ideological flexibility and whose wife was
a prisoner of the Saigon government. The Station proposed to get her
released and send her to her husband in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, in a
good will gesture intended to establish a basis for direct communica-
tions. On 25 January 1967, Ambassador Lodge endorsed the effort, which
the Station described to Headquarters as aimed at getting Kiem's
endorsement of an approach "more intent on resolving the war than in
prosecuting it." This formulation implicitly but consciously acknowl-
edged that any resulting negotiations would involve compromises by the
US as well as the NLF, and some role in the Saigon government for
"Dintcrview, 27 I\pri11993. Already in June 1966, Ambassador Lodge had begun a series of
secret meetings with a Polish member of the International Control Commission inSaigon to ex-
plore a political settlement (see "Vietoam Chronology," p. 69). D
27 April I993Dthought the McNamara briefing took place before Bunker's
arrival on I May. which would place it during the period of President Johnson's exchange of letters
with Ho Chi Minh on the subject of private, direct talks between the US and North Vietnam (see
"Vietnam Chronology," p. 80).0

whatever NLF elements might agree to a settlement. But even if no bar-
gaining resulted, the Station hoped for intelligence on the degree of NLF
allegiance to Hanoi, and on its autonomous control, if any, of military
n .
On'z8 January, Lodge obtained Prime Minister Ky's agreement in
principle to proceed. Why Ky did so, given the evident potential for a
US-NLF deal behind Saigon's back, is unclear, but I Irecalled
that he seemed ready to try to identify and reach some accommodation
with anti-Hanoi elements in the NLF. Russ Miller, who had returned at
Ambassador Lodge's request for another year in Saigon, negotiated the
details with Ky and General Loan. As a result, Kiem's wife, Pham Thi
Yen, was released to Station custody on 16 February. After several days
in the relative comfort of an Agency facility I IYen seemed to
her case officers "inclined toward constructive solution of [the] Vietnam
conflict rather than blind acceptance of [the] party hierarchy's dogmatic
requirement to continue." At the same time, she displayed no awareness
of any dissension in NFL ranks over Northern dominance. She rejected
the Station's effort to get her to carry clandestine radio gear, but agreed to
take its message to her husband. Russ Miller escorted her to the Tay
Ninh-Cambodian border on 28 February and sent her on her way with
Station-supplied Cambodian documentation. It was indeed a long shot,
and two months later the Station had received no NLF reactionyD
A similar initiative, sometime in late 1967 or early 1968, involved
Gen. Duong Van Minh, living in exile in Bangkok. He had a brother
known to be a senior North Vietnamese Army officer, and the Station
wanted Minh to contact him, hoping this would lead to useful intelli-
gence. Miller carried the request, which Minh rejected on the grounds
that he and his brother had made their r ~ c t i v e choices, and there
would be no further contact between them. 25 U
"SlIigon 2025. 25 January 1967,1 1interview,
27 i\prilI993.D
"Saigun222'1, 2HJanuary 1967: Saigon 2576, 7 February 1967:1 I
1 121 February 1967: Saigo1l3379, 28 February 1967: blind memorandum, "CIA Pcn-
ctnuion and Dclection l'rogram Directed at the Viet Cong and National front for tile Liberation of
Smuh Vietnam," ,I April J 967;1 IDespite his chronic sus-
picion of Agency autonomy in Vietnam, Lodge welcomed having a reliable intermediary who en-
joyed the generals' persona) confidence. For his request fur Miller, see Douglas S. Blaufarb,
Memorandum Ior the DD/I', "CIA Case Officer Contacts with President Thien and Vice President
Ky," 21 January 1969,1 I
"Miller interview, 7 April 1'192. Miller could not remember exactly when he put this to MinhD
The Station as Campaign ConsultantD
With the search for NLF contacts momentarily dormant, the Amer-
ican focus shifted back to the Saigon political arena. The Constitution of
the second Republic of South Vietnam took force on 1 April 1967, and a
national executive was to be elected in the fall. On 1 May 1967,
Ellsworth Bunker arrived in Saigon to replace the departed Henry
Cabot Lodge. Already almost 73 years old, Bunker was an energetic,
bluntspoken man who had left the family sugar business to begin a
series of senior Foreign Service assignments as Ambassador to Buenos
Aires in 1951.
With the US Mission under Bunker's activist leadership, the embry-
onic election campaign created a new opportunity for the US Govern-
ment to broker the creation of a simulacrum of representative government
in the South. In fact, the Station had tentatively reentered the political
field even before Bunker's arrival; in Febrnary, it proposed to [ I
I . [ Ito Prime Minister Ky that he launch a
united front to mobilize voter support for Ky's expected candidacy. West-
moreland and Bunker both favored Thieu, but Washington decided to
maintain strict neutrality between the principal contenders. General West-
moreland inadvertently subverted this stance when in May he assured
Nguyen Van Thieu of Thieu's indispensability in ensuring ARVN's con-
tinued unity. With that exception, the Americans watched from the side-
lines as Generals Ky and Thieu competed for their military colleagues'
In March, an American publisher solicited a book from Prime Min"
ister Ky. Always alert to a chance, however remote or indirect, to get the
Vietnamese leadershi committed to American policy, the Station urged
to "get Ky publicly on record in support of
Lm-t,..-II;-.u,..-a.. ll, ta..,.-,-e-p-r,..-o-g-ra-lms." And Ky should give the proceeds to
charity. Whether Ky acceded to these points or even had them presented
to him is unknown; the book never appeared. The Station's confidence
that Ky's public endorsement of particular programs would bind him to
implement them was in any case probably somewhat wishful. 28 D
Airgrat\l.A;158D WhosWhoinAmerica:Volume 35 (1968-1969) (Chicago: Marquis-
Who s Who, Inc.).U .
"SAIO 3415, I March 1967.1 IClarke, The Filial Years, pp. 261-262.l1rhe un-
questionably sincere American commitment to democracy for South Vietnam was tem-
pered by the fear that too much too fast would only weaken the war effort. Shortly before his
departure, Ambassador Lodge echoed a MACV assessment when he said that any ncw Saigon
government would have 10 be dominated by the military. The trick was to strike the balance be-
tween "adequate civilian participation" and a "proper role" for the military. (Quoted in Clarke,
1"e I'illal Years, pp. 259-261. 29 I .

C012 6871 7
Ky's man, General Loan, visited Washington in May and made it
plain that he saw no reason not to exploit the government apparatus to get
Ky elected to the presidency. CIA Headquarters seemingly paid little
attention to this, perhaps because DDP Richard Helms and FE Division
Chief Colby were more interested in the approach to the NLF. Helms
forcefully urged more initiatives like the one to Tan Buu Kiem of the
NLF Foreign Affairs Committee, and Loan tepidly agreed that the Cen-
tral Intelligence Organization might be the best instrument for this.
Meanwhile, in Saigon, the rumor mill impeded American efforts to be
perceived as having no preference between Thieu and Ky. The chief of
the police Special Branch told a Station agent that the rumored imminent
removal of John Hart and Ed Lansdale would serve local politicians as
proof of US bias against Ky, if it took place, and of favoritism toward
him if it didn'U
Ellsworth Bunker had been in Saigon less than two weeks when on
12 May Prime Minister Nguyen Cao Ky announced his presidential can-
didacy. Unlike Lodge, Bunker had no reservations about using CIA's
political contacts in Saigon. He promptly enlisted the Station to help ful-
fill a Washington mandate to ensure fair elections, and to prevent a split
in the Vietnamese military while the US preserved its neutrality between
Thieu and Ky. As it turned out, Bunker needed all the help he could get,
as this objective was threatened from the outset by General Loan, who
upon his return from Washington had put into conspicuous action his
belief in using government resources to promote Ky's bid. Washington
and the US Mission now switched their earlier positions on Loan, as
State rejected Bunker's 19 June proposal to force Loan's removal, and
suggested using Miller to approach .Ky directly to curb campaign
excesses. George Carver, the DCT's Special Assistant for Vietnam
Affairs (SAVA), thought Loan's activities a symptom of Saigon's political
malaise, not a cause, and suspected that Bunker's proposal reflected little
more than the influence of John Hart's "personal distaste for and dislike
of Loall.":IOD .
Miller saw Ky on 21 June, probably before the Station learned of
Washington's response to the Bunker recommendation. Kyacknowledged
the possibly damaging effects of Loan's activism, and said he intended to
remove Loan from command of the Military Security Service, and reduce
his engagement in the electoral campaign. Ky also proposed to convene
all province and district chiefs to enjoin them against any campaign
.'-- ---,-L J-,SAIG 6070, 3 May 1967'L.1 L _
""Gravel, II, 4()()-402; Headquarters 44,20 June 1967, and George A Carver, Jr., Memoran-
dum for the Director. "Bunker's 19 June Message to Rusk (Saigon 8185)," 20 June 1 9 6 7 ~
~ -

excesses on his behalf. Ky did not know, presumably, that the two aides
who had spent live hours with him that day, advocating precisely these
measures, werel I IStation guidance. Ky said noth-
ing of this 'session to Miller, who had the satisfaction of hearing his mes-
sage presented as if it were Ky's own idea. The Station reported that the
Ambassador was delighted, and that he proposed to use the Station's
"advisory services" as a regular supplement to the direct consultation
with Ky being urged on him by State. 31D
Trying To Guarantee a Fair ]1'ightD
Bunker would have preferred active US support for Ky, but
accepted Washington's decision to confine US Mission contacts with him
to promoting an honest campaign. He assumed that Ky would win, even
if Thieu stayed in the race, a belief rudely confuted on 30 June, when
after a two-day marathon meeting of more than 50 senior Vietnamese
military leaders, Ky agreed to take the second position on a Thieu-Ky
ticket. Headquarters conveyed its dismay that, despite the Station's sta-
ble of sources in the military, the junta was able to "spring a surprise."
But the decision concluded a contentious session whose outcome no one
could have predicted. Miller recalled Ky's subsequent rationale for relin-
quishing the top spot as a and unconvincing appeal to its contribu-
tion to the national interest. J2U
In any case, Ky did not propose, he said, to relinquish real power.
On 2 July, he insisted to Miller that Thieu had agreed to serve in a fig-
urehead role, with Ky having "broad authority in the new government
as though he were President in fact." The Station seems not to have
explored the anomaly of Ky's having given up the top position if he
were ill fact strong enough to dominate Thieu, and Miller later recalled
having recognized the problem only after the election in September.
Washington too seems to have taken Ky's claim at face value, as Head-
quarters' only question about it concerned the context of his remarks.
CIADocumentLibraI' . Sai on 8452. 25 June 1967,and
Saigon 8486, 26 JUlie 1967,
"George 11.. Carvel', Jr., Met':-no:-Cr=an"'d::":m=-n'-fo:-::"r""'th:-::"e"D""'il::-'ec=-to:-Cr,'''''''B-::Cun'k::-e1::"C's"2<T"iJ""'un,..,.-{e Message to Rusk,"
26 1967 with atlachments Gravel II, p. 4021 T
L- J- ---.JMillerinterview, 6 April

~ t
The Station replied that Miller had simply listened, that Ky had not
solicited his endorsement or even opinion of the proposed arrangement
with ThieuyD
The Thieu-Ky ticket faced a competing civilian slate. Fearing the
instability of an inevitably weak civilian government, the United States
wanted the military to win. But it also wanted Thieu and Ky to abstain
from irregularities that would discredit the election. Ambassador Bunker
accepted and sent to Washington as his own an 11 July recommendation
drafted by the visiting George Carver for an effort, not to support the mil-
itary ticket, but to keep its activities acceptable to the US. Carver then
returned to Washington, where he lobbied the DCI to support the pro-
posal. As it happened, Ky had offered at the 21 June session with Miller
to put him in touch with a campaign official named Nguyen Xuan
Phong, the Oxford-educated Minister of Social Welfare. Probably in the
context of the Carver-Bunker proposal, Miller took up the Ky offer, meet-
ing Phong on 14 July and launching the Station effort to influence the
Bunker and the Station thought they would enjoy more leverage if
the Station funded a front organization of religious sects and political
groups favoring Thieu and Ky and supported those of its contacts running
for the National Assembly. But Washington was smarting under the expo-
sure of CIA funding to the US National Student Association and other
domestic organizations and refused even to consider it. Secretary of
State Rusk cabled Bunker in Agency channels, urging him to establish a
closer relationship with Thieu even while pursuing the CIA advisory
effort with Ky, and to ensure that Thieu and Ky arrived at a clear mutual
understanding of their respective roles during and after the election.
Miller succeeded in getting Phong to press the funding question with
Ky, who released 5,000,000 piasters in mid-July to support the religious-
political fronl. Ky had instructed Phong both to keep Miller fully
informed or campaign planning and to give full consideration to American
- IDocument Library; Miller interview, 6 April 1993;
George A. Carver, Memorandum for the Record, "Background to the Acquisition of Prime Minis-
ter Ky's Comments on the Thicu-Ky Slate, and the Alleged Agreement that Thieu will be a Fig-
urehead [IudKy Ihe Ileal Power if the Slate Wins! I" 4 July 1967.c=J
"Ceorge A. Carver, .11'., Memorandum for the Director, "13 July White House VietnamCommittee
Meeting," D .lilly 1'Jo7.! Iundated, unsi ned memorandum for the
Ambassndor, presumably written by Russ Miller ill mid-July 1967,
'\(jt:llrgc A. Carl'('I', .11'., Memorandum for Mr. Belljamin Read, "Tra-'=n7. s1"" m!7. 11""a'-o""', .""", lII::r.
er Messagc,,:'.-
14Julv 1%7;
L..,---,---,---..J The NSA nap induced an atmosphere at Slate which questioned the viability of any
cluudcstiuc relationship, and the Department senl useries uf allxious queries about the security of
till, Millcr-I'houg connection! VJassim)D
S e c ~
suggestions. Phong began to do both, and his 20 July account of Thieu's
having "swallowed a bitter pill" in accepting a circumscribed presidential
role lent credibility to the claim of Ky's ascendancy. Miller noted that
Phong seemed to think he could run a subtle campaign, keeping govern-
ment employees from any egregious abuses while encouraging them to
advertise Saigon's accomplishments. But the Station apparently feared
that an election completely honest could be an election lost: it accepted
without comment Phong's stated intention to exploit General Loan's
police apparatus "in critical areas which require more effort to swing the
vote to Thieu and Ky."36D
State wanted reassurance that the Vietnamese were giving the US
Mission a voice in shaping the style-and substance of the Thieu-Ky cam-
paign. The Station replied on 23 July that Miller had already listed poten-
tial platform topics for Phong, who had in turn promised to turn over
documentation on recent government accomplishments, prepared by the
various ministries, to be used in preparing campaign themes. Miller's fre-
quent sessions with Phong required a variety of meeting places to avoid
creating a detectable pattern, and by late July they were alternating
among six safehouses and apartments in Saigon. Meanwhile, Hart com-
plained to Headquarters that the Station's rigorous effort to maintain the
appearance of US detachment. from election preparations was being
undermined by Gen. Ed Lansdale's overt embrace of the new front. orga-
nization, the All-Vietnam Bloc. Lansdale defended this, according to
Hart, on the basis that its leaders consulted him as a friend, not as a for-
eign officialYD .
On 26 July, Miller gave Phong a list of platform suggestions
approved by Bunker, and the next day Ky said they agreed with his own
thinking, especially those dealing with civil service pay, corruption, and
increased emphasis on the rural population. Ky did not, apparently, vet
the ideas with Thieu, whose participation in the campaign he at one
point derided as "completely silly." Meanwhile, the campaign was falter-
ing, at least partly for lack of money, and Ky threatened that, lacking US
funding support, he would be forced to rely on General Loan to extract
"loan-type levies on various citizens with resultant, unfavorable reper-
cussions." Phong wanted to avoid this kind of coercive fundraising, and
the need to make deals with unsavory people, but Miller stood on his
.:-=r--------,-------'I Miller report of 20 July meeting
L- S.aigon9743, 26 July 1967; and Saigon
9821,27 July 1967; hether Hart got Bunker to intervene
with Lansdale is not known. Lansdale's rationale for his involvement with the All-Vietnam Bloc
is characteristic of his self-image as an avuncular, disinterested, quasi-autonomous mentor to well-
intentioned hut politically unsophisticated leaders in underdeveluped countries.D
instructions. The Station rationalized that an impecunious Thieu-Ky
campaign might look more like an honest campaign, but also antici-
pated the same effects from an unresolved money crunch that Phong did.
A few days later, Phong mentioned the distribution of 8,000,000 pias-
ters in the Mekong Delta. Ky had not revealed the source of the money,
and Phong could only surmise that it came from General Loan.
n .
Having denied. material support to the military slate, the mMis-
sion had only moral suasion to apply when it heard of campaign irregu-
larities. On 11 August, Bunker relayed to Ky the complaints of
opposition civilian candidates that the government was obstructing their
campaigns. On the same day, Miller lectured Phong about the apparently
deliberate diversion of an airplane carrying opposition candidates to a
campaign event: "Ky himself should help us, CIA, convey a good
impression of him by behaving in a proper manner," Phong insisted that
Ky had a clear conscience with respect to treatment of the opposition.
Ky was more receptive to advice about his platform style, and the Sta-
tion took credit for having taught him to avoid being provoked by opposi-
tion taunts at campaign appearances. 39 D
At this point, in mid-August, officials of Tran Van Huong's civilian
slate appealed to Ambassador Bunker for campaign funds. Bunker saw
in this a way out of the constraints that limited his influence on the Thieul
Ky campaign, and asked Washington for authority to fund both cam-
paigns. The answer was a categorical no, and the normally activist CIA
Station was relieved. COS Hart cabled that he doubted the Huong group's
security Bating apologetically that he had already voiced his misgivings
to Bunker: "It is unusual to find us acting more conservative than the pol-
icymakers , but then Vietnam is an unusual place." Casting about for other
ways to improve the campaign's public image, Bunker came up with a
proposal to get Ky to resign as Prime Minister for the last two weeks
before the 3 September voting. The idea was to offset charges that Ky
was using the government 'apparatus to rig the election. Russ Miller
found himself appointed to broach this with him and was probably not
surprised when Ky summarily turned it down, ~ o D
"MilicI' rcpol'lnf26 July meeting with Phong, dated 27 July J967; undated Millerre20l't 01'27 July
mectin' with Phon; Snigon9906, 29 July 1967; Saigon 0098. 3 August 1967;C ~
1--_--,_,..--__r\lso, Miller report of II August meeting with Phung, 12 Allgustl967.0
'--_-,.>-\\--,'ilh respect 10 "loan-type levies," it is not clear whether the pun was intentional 01' inad-
"Miller report of II August meetillg with Phong, 12 August 1967; undated report of 2g August
[<)67 Miller meeting with I'hongC ~
"Saigon 06R5, 16 August 1<)67; lIeadquarlers 898. 19 August 1967; Saigou 0754, 17 August J967;
Saiglln O'n2, 22 Augus: 1967;1 I
~ ~ .
The Huang campaign faded in the last days before 3 September,
and the Thieu-Ky ticket won with 35% of the vote, a smaller share than
expected. The Station thought the result might be due in part to workers
who had pocketed campaign money and then sat back hoping for the
best. The Station expressed satisfaction that the Phong contact had per-
mitted the injection of Station ideas into the campaign, provided some
leverage on the military slate to and produced excellent intel-
ligence coverage on Thieu and Ky.4\ LJ
The Ascendancy of Nguyen Van Thieu D
The Phong connection provided early evidence of Thieu's attitude
toward playing second fiddle from the concertmaster's chair. Thieu and
Ky were scheduled to appear on the US television program Meet the
Press just after the election, but Phong reported that a junior aide to
Thieu called to tell Ky the new President would appear alone. An article
in a Saigon newspaper suggested the intention behind this when it
quoted a Thieu assistant as saying that Ky would henceforth do what
Thieu told him to do. The Embassy worried that all this might provoke
Ky to resign, while the Station feared only that he would stay, behaving
in "divisive and destructive fashion."42D .
Miller tried to contact Ky, presumably to urge restraint, but Hart
was already concentrating on using his agents to get the election results
validated-Catholics and others were alleging election fraud-s-and on
establishing a regular, direct contact with Thieu. Miller thought the Sta-
tion's rush to abandon Ky shortsighted and risky-who knew when he
might be back on top?-but within ten days of the election he had
obtained an appointment with the President. At this session, Thieu
agreed to Bunker's desire for an informal "special link" between them.
The link was Miller, who later recalled that an early agenda item was
Thieu's procrastination on a matter involving the exchange rate for the
scrip used by US troops in place of currency. Displaying some annoyance
"Clarke, 71,e Fillal Years, p. 2G4D undated blind memorandum, "Russ Miller on 28 August
1967," and McmoranJum, "Evaluation and Summary of the Phong Operation." 'I September 1967,
'''Blino memorandum. 12 September 1967, apparently the record of a Miller meeting with Phong.
I ISaicon 1887, J1 September t967. and Saigon 1924. 12 September 1967.1 I


with the topic, Thieu abruptly switched languages-Miller couldn't
recall whether they had started in French or in English-but agreed to
fulfill his earlier commitment.
With the Thieu-Ky victory not yet certified, US officials turned their
attention to the Lower House elections scheduled for December. Ambas-
sador Bunker used CIA communications to ask State for authority to
recruit National Assembly candidates at $1,500 each, and the Acting Sec-
retary of S'tate approved, authorizing Bunker to go as high as $3,000
each. Always ready to make a new beginning, FE Division Chief Colby
urged the Station to get Ky's All-Vietnam Bloc, and other groups if possi-
ble, focused on substantive issues as "a starter toward the kind of pro-
grammatic political development" that he thought the future would
In the week before the validation vote on 2 October, the Station
mobilized its political contacts, making fifty separate approaches aimed
at preventing an embarrassing repudiation of the election results. One
opponent of Thien and Ky, in an access of "naivete or crudeness,"
acknowledged that he and his allies were concerned less with rectifying
electoral fraud than with "the possibility of extracting a certain profit
through political blackmai1." Whatever the effect of the Station's pressure
tactics, the members of the Provisional Legislative Assembly were left in
no doubt about the US preference for a validated result. The Constituent
Assembly approved the result, 58 to 43, and Thieu and Ky were sworn
into office on 31 October 1967.
An Ambiguous NLF OvertureD
Six weeks earlier, in a move apparently unconnected to the Febru-
ary release 0(' Pham Thi Yen as a probe of the NLF, the NLF had used the
hardline anti-Communist General Loan of the police to establish direct
communication with the US Mission in Saigon, On 18 August, Loan told
the Station that he had arrested a VC cadre who was carrying a letter for
Ambassador Bunker from Tran Bach Dang, a member of the Presidium
"'Saigon 192'1; Miller interview,(i April 1993. Bunker could presumably have used one of his For-
cign Service subordinates as intermediary. but they seemed not to resent his using the Station in-
stead. Miller recalledthai when hc Icft a fcwmonths later, Political Counselor ArchibaldCalhoun.
wurkinj; on vel'y short notice, hosted a farewell party for him (sec Miller interview,6 April 1993).
2436,23 September
"Saigon 29112. 'i October 19671.- -.1 "VietnamChronology,"

s ~
of the NLF Central Committee. The note suggested a prisoner exchange,
with the NLF to free unnamed POWs after Saigon released several
imprisoned NLF officials." n
Previously suspicious'sr an American end run, Loan now favored
accepting Dang's proposal to use as intermediary an imprisoned minor
NLF official named Truong Binh Tong. Bunker persuaded President-elect
Thien to help explore this prospect of liberating US POWs, and Loan
released Tong to John Hart's custody on 9 September. The Station imme-
diately dispatched him to Cu Chi District, west of Saigon, and on into
VC territory in Cambodia. Twelve days later, on 22 September, he
returned with word that Tran Bach Dang was ready to begin negotiations.
Hoping to dispense with the need for a courier, the Station now equipped
Tong with clandestine radio equipment before sending him back. US
ground units were engaged with the Communists' in the area of Tong's
infiltration point,' and Hart arranged with MACV commander General
Westmoreland for a 24-hour suspension of offensive operations in order to
improve Tong's chances of surviving when he left on 29 September.
The Station waited almost four weeks without further contact.
The NLF did not activate the radio link, but Tong returned to Saigon on
25 October with a message reaffirming interest in a prisoner exchange
and perhaps "continuing to other, larger matters." Pursuing thistanta-
lizing theme, the NLF letter stated a general position slightly softer
than its public line, but explicitly excluded Thieu andKy as acceptable
interlocutors about future political arrangements in South Vietnam.
Vice President Hubert Humphrey visited Saigon just after Tong's
return, and the Station gave him a one-hour briefing. Like McNamara
earlier in the year, Humphrey devoted a few minutes to the pacification
programs, but gave his main attention to the prospects of the NLF link,
reading both Tran Bach Dang's latest message and the debriefing report
from Tong. Four days later, on 4 November, Ambassador Bunker
reviewed the operation with President Thieu. On the 5th, Miller visited
the Palace to discuss mechanics. Thieu designated General Loan as his
action officer, but explicitly reserved the political aspect to himself.
The days that followed saw Embassy and Station in tortuous
exchanges with Thieu and Loan, and with Washington, over the language
of a reply to the Front. The Mission hoped to advance the prospects of a
'1 linterview, 27 April 1993; blind memorandum, "Synopsis of tbel I
Case." 26 August 19711 (bereafter referred to as "Synopsis").
"Synopsis: undated memorandum to C/VNO,I p. 16 Novem-
her 1971, (hereafter cited ac=Jmemorandum).D
"'rJitirafed abstract of the case (hereafter cited as
Saigon 4057, t November 1967;'-- --'
S e ~ t
~ t
prisoner exchange and begin exploring the political potential of the new
channel while simultaneously assuaging the Saigon generals' apprehen-
sions. Thien worried mostly about the damage to his government's legiti-
macy that would follow revelation of a prisoner release negotiated
directly between the NLF and the Americans. But he saw no alternative
to US management of the link, if he was to avoid the even more damag-
ing political fallout from disclosure of any direct Saigon dealings with the
Front. 50
Loan worried more about accommodating the enemy too much,
and about the purity of US motives, and Miller had an uncomfortable ses-
sion with him and Interior Minister Vien as they interrogated him about
US purposes. Loan thought the NLF should release two American offic-
ers hefore Saigon freed any more Viet Congo Ambassador Bunker, want-
ing to soften Thicu's "distrust and cynicism," adopted Loan's position.
On [(1 November, Thieu confirmed to Miller his approval of a channel
aimed at prisoner exchange, but repeated his earlier anxiety about having
any of his own people directly involved. The Embassy responded to this a
few days later by telling Thieu that, if he worried about the NLF exploit-
ing the fact of negotiations, President Johnson worried that our breaking
off contact might give Hanoi a propaganda windfall. Thieu should under-
stand that the Administration could not give the North any basis to claim
US Government indifference to the fate of American prisoners. At this
point, two American noncommissioned officers were released, but they
had not been named in the Tran Bach Dang channel, whose role in this,
if any, remained unknown." D
In the last week of November, with the authenticity of the Dang
channel still at issue, General Loan provoked a crisis that. t.hreatened to
end the affair amici mutual embarrassment and recrimination. Miller con-
fronted him with evidence of Saigon leaks about the operation, and at the
same time expressed US concern about rumors that Loan was resigning
as national police chief. Loan confirmed having submitted his resigna-
lion, adding that Ky had rejected it. But Loan anticipated trouble with
Thien's new civilian government, saying that its apparent indifference to
pro-Communists among its appointees would inevitably collide with his
aggressive approach to countersubversion." 0
On the even more contentious question of the Dang channel, Miller
wanted to know why the government, after ten months of cooperation on
approaches to the NLF, now appeared to be sabotaging the venture. US
objectives had not changed, he noted, from the original goals of prisoner
"'1 labstrael.D
.II/bid; Miller interview, 7 April 1992.0
"Saigon I) 17(lsh:l; 11series of cables onthcl
December 19C>7,LI ---'
~ a s e bears three-digit numbers), 2

exchange and communication on "any broader political matters the NLF
might wish to discuss." Loan insisted that he still favored the program,
but acknowledged some disagreement on tactics. At the policy level, he
noted, there was President Thicu's fear that the Americans were acquiring
too much leverage on Saigon in pressing for release of VC prisoners.
And there might indeed have been leaks, Loan added, but as a result of
poor security in the Interior Ministry and not as a matter of deliberate
The depth of the disagreement over tactics became evident when
Miller and Loan met again the next day. Miller, speaking for the Ambas-
sador, wanted the release of all the prisoners requested by Tran Bach
Dang, while Loan insisted that the NLF would regard such a concession
as a sign of weakness on the anti-Communist side. He thought only two
should go back, Tong and the bearer of Dang's original letter, pending the
release of prisoners in NLF hands. Miller insisted that such an insignifi-
cant gesture would provoke Dang into closing the channel. Loan then
took refuge in a jurisdictional argument, asserting that Thieu's delegation
of authority to him did not apply to the question at hand, which involved
not just operational planning but strategic national policy. He would not,
he said, decide whom to release, and Miller asked if he could at least
quote him to the Interior Minister as having no objection to the US pro-
posal. After a painful silence, Loan agreed.
Miller tried to restore a collegial atmosphere, emphasizing the need
for a joint approach to the venture, and wondered aloud whether Loan
would really prefer to see bilateral US-NLF contacts that excluded the
South. Loan pessimistically but presciently replied that it would surely
come to that, if not now then later. When this happened, he said, Saigon's
forces would face the combined NLF, VC, and North Vietnamese Army

Interior Minister Linh Quang
Vien was even less accommodating when Miller saw him on the 29th.
Repeating all of Loan's arguments, he refused to take the American pro-
posal to Thieu. It would only encourage a Communist hard line, he
insisted, and the release of so many prisoners would also seriously dam-
age police morale,soD
On I December, seeing President Thieu on Ambassador Bunker's
instructions, Miller got an even stonier reception to the US proposal to
release up to ten Vc. Thieu accused thc Americans of naivete and Loan
of playing anti-Thieu politics by opposing the release in order to make
"Saigon 019, 2 December 1967'LI --.-J
"Sni g!m020, 2 December 1967'LI ---..J

the President look like an American puppet if he granted it. Professing
anxiety that this could undermine his support in both the military and the
population at large, Thieu said that, against the background of his internal
political problems, prisoner exchange was a "drop of water in the
Bunker saw Thieu in early December and used alleged leaks by
Loan to pressure Thieu into one concession, namely, the release from
prison of Tran Bach Dang's wife, Mai Thi Vang. Along with the courier
who had carried Dang's original message in August, she was delivered
into US custody on 15 December. Miller was at this point walking the
minefield of Vietnamese sensitivities, trying to negotiate the text of a
message to Dang that would avoid even the implication of any juridical
parity between the NLF and the Saigon government. With this achieved,
the Station dispatched the courier and Truong Binh Tong into VC terri-
tory west of Saigon in late December. Dang's wife was still recuperat-
ing from harsh treatment as a prisoner-she had at first looked
disoriented, and only after several days of care began to emerge "from
sullen pessimism to cooperative optimism." At this point, apparently
receptive to the idea of direct US-NLF contact, she was flown to the US
Army base at Cu Chi. There she boarded a truck in a convoy to Tay
Ninh City and was dropped off en route 011 5 January 1968.
Ky saw Miller and Loan on 15 January and reaffirmed his interest
in the Dang channel for its intelligence potential and as access to possible
dissidents in the NLF. Tong returned to Saigon three days later, predicting
the release of two American and two Vietnamese officers. Later in the
month, the Communists released two US and 14 ARVN prisoners, and
Dang claimed, in a subsequent message, that he was responsible. But his.
failure to identify them before the fact, and his refusal to activate the
radio link, called into question his good faith.
Nevertheless, Washington did not let even the Communists' massive
Tet offensive of 30 January, apparently aimed at breaking Saigon's will
10 resist, interfere with further exploration of the Dang channel. With the
enemy still pressing the attack in much of the country, Miller went to see
Thieu on 3 February. Urging some Saigon concession, Miller pointed out
that the Communists had released over 70 American and Vietnamese pris-
oners, while Saigon had made just one abortive move to release 40 sick
." S,Ii!,on021, 2 December 1%7.1 I
"Saigon (9), (i December 1967; Saigon 140. RDecember 1967; Saigon 256.13 December 1967;
Saigon :H)9, 15 December 1%7; Saigon3?5, 15 December 1967; Saigon 360, 20 December 1967;
Saigon (;175, 2:1 December 1967; Saigon 6462.29 December 1967; Saigon 855, 5 January 196R;
"1 Saigon 064, 16January I96R, and Saigon n07, 30 January 1968j
I I '-----------
s ~
and wounded Communist POWs. At Bunker's bidding, Miller stressed
"highest level Washington's continuing interest in getting an active pris-
oner exchange going.':" D
This interest led to further pressure on the Saigon government.
Apparently seeing Ky as the nearest thing to a Vietnamese ally on the
subject, the Station sent Miller to him on 8 February. Miller relayed the
expressed opinion of the intermediary, Tong, that Tet reflected a "prelude
to [the Communists'] desire to go to the bargaining table," and urged the
release of four more prisoners. Ky promised to try to persuade Thieu, and
to do what he could to keep General Loan in line. It now turned out that
two of the four VC had died, apparently by Communist fire, during the
Tet offensive, but Bunker persisted, reporting to Washington principals
including Rusk, McNamara, and Walt Rostow about Miller's success in
preserving Ky's support. After last-ditch resistance from Loan and Inte-
rior Minister Vien, Tong and three more of Saigon's NLF prisoners
crossed into Communist territory on 22 February 1968. Tong never
returned to the Station, and for all practical purposes the operation was
defunct. 61D
It had not, in any case, served to advance Washington's original
purpose of informal political discussions-if not outright negotiations-
with the NLF. With a nervous and skeptical Saigon government looking
over the American shoulder, and with briefly encouraging prospects of
arranging POW releases, the political aspect was deferred until CIA
could have direct contact with Tran Bach Dang. The Communists may
well have used the channel simply to monitor the intensity of American
interest in negotiations. In any case, as someone at Headquarters noted
later, "Whatever interest either party had in this ratline diplomacy was
by the opening of the Paris talks."
"Saigon 447, 4 February 1968;1 1
'I [Abstract; Saigon Embassy Telegram 673, 16 February 1968,1 I(sent
in CIA channels); Synopsis, pp. 5-6.n
,----.J CNNO/SVN, Meu!orandum to Chief, Vietnam OflerationsLLI----I
L ll.d. (apparently written sometime in 1971)'LI _

Chapter 4
The Tet Offensive and Political Vietnamization D
The urgency attached to the informal channel to the NLF did not
distract the Station from its more routine collection and assessment
responsibilities. In December 1967, agent reporting had begun to predict
a major Communist offensive in the New Year. The first of these indica-
tions coincided with a debate between the Station and Headquarters over
the performance and prospects of Nguyen VanThieu after his first three
months as President of South Vietnam. A Headquarters appraisal of 14
. December said that Thieu had shown few signs of launching "promising
new programs for the country." It noted complaints about his "dilettante
approach," and alluded to evidence of GVN indecision and military
resentment of his civilian cabinet The legislature was not legislating,
and the anticorruption campaign he had promised was at a standstill. I D
The Station agreed that tile government was preoccupied with its
own organization and staffing, but thought this inevitable, given the
absence of a party organization that might have accelerated the post-elec-
toral transition. The Station acknowledged other problems, including the
enmity between Thieu and Ky, but saw personal and institutional rivalries
as only one feature of a political climate of "soul searching ... on the
American role in this country and ... real differences of opinion on how
to prosecute and resolve the war." The Station proposed to help generate
reforms and GVN momentum.!
Headquarters responded with an extraordinary cable, generated by
an impatient 16 January 1968 phone call to DCI Richard Helms from
Walt Rostow, the President's National Security Adviser. Rostow had
'I I
Figure 5 Communist and Government
Territorial Control in South Vietnam, 1967
- International boundary
National capital
Neither controlled
100 Kilometers
50 ' ,00 M ile.
743701 9-97
Entrunce 10 US Embauy
in SaiRfm. J I JUnlu,Jry
JlOdgt',f Parka, Chit'fofS1lllion JIIPl'fm .HtJff. l ' i l ' ~ ..iflg VC bodies. 31 Januarv 19M.
~ l
I k \f nf("/;tl/l in S d i ~ m l atter \/C uttuck , JI Januurv / 96X.
Press interview 11)' AmhasroJor Hunk" .. J/ JomuJry / 96H.
C01268717 ~ t
repudiated what he saw as Bunker's tolerance of the barriers to political
mobilization in South Vietnam, and Headquarters told Saigon that he
was demanding "early results, not [at the] next election some years
hence." Accordingly, Headquarters wanted the Station to assess the possi-
bility of the "forced draft creation of political groupings with wide
appeal" if the GVN were suddenly-and admittedly improbably-to find
itself, after a negotiated settlement, competing for votes with the VCI
NLF. No Station reply to this has been found. It appears that, whatever its
reaction to the idea, subsequent Embassy and Station efforts to generate
political mobilization reacted more to the Communists' Tet offensive
than to guidance from Washington. 3D
The Tet OffensiveD
COS John Halt had just been evacuated from Vietnam for treat-
ment of a detached retina when, on 31 January 1968, Viet Cong and
North Vietnamese units launched a coordinated, nationwide assault on
GVN and US installations. In Saigon, Communist troops briefly occu-
pied part of the US Embassy before those not killed were driven off.
Although the offensive failed to generate a mass uprising against the'
GVN, if that was its purpose, the pacification programs suffered major
disruption, and the Communists held the former Imperial Citadel at Hue
until 24 February. With US troop strength in Vietnam at 495,000, General
Westmoreland suggested the need for even more US forces.
The Tet offensive generated more excitement for some Station per-
sonnel than for others. The attack on the Embassy in predawn darkness
found only the Station Duty Officer and the communications night shift
present. The Chief of Station's secretary lived only a few hundred yards
away from the Embassy, and she called new COS Lewis Lapham, Hart's
former deputy, to describe the firing. Lapham then called the duty officer,
who reported that he was lying flat on Hie floor to stay as far as possible
below window level. Station communications had already told him of a
Headquarters demand for information about the offensiveand he wanted
to know how to reply. Lapham told him simply to report what he was
hearing and seeing; for the moment, nothing else could be done. Station
s ~
Fi ure 10
Principal Targets of the Tet Offensive, January 1968
_ International boundary
* National capital
_ Military region
Q- Significant attack
Prolonged confrontation
~ O 100 M ile.
743698 -S97
security urged Lapham to stay home, which he did until a heavily armed
escort arrived at about 0900 hours to lake him to the Embassy. now
cleared of Viet Cu ng. sO
' Laphaminterview, 29 June 1993_ Alanky Iowan witha background in covert action. Laphamhad
enure to Saigo n in 1967 as the Deputy COS in charge of thc Station's pacifica tion progrnms-D
S c ~ t
~ t
Russ Miller remembered calling his various contacts that day to
see if he could help. General Loan wanted weapons and ammunition for
the police, and Miller and another volunteer-a "GS-15 from TSD [Tech-
nical Services Division)"-Ioaded a 2 1I2-ton truck at the Station arsenal
near Tan Son Nhut near the airport and drove it to National Police Head-
quarters on Le Van Duyet Street. Next day, they did the same for the Mil-
.itary Security Service. General Loan fought at the side of his police until
the assault was repelled; it was at this point that Loan summarily exe-
cuted, in the presence of a wire service photographer, a VC captured after
killing the entire family of one of Loan's senior officers" 0
Meanwhile, some of the Station's provincial offices were still taking
fire. The Agency compound at Quang Tri, the northernmost province 'cap-
ital, had come under heavy attack, and I [heading the CIA
office there, later received the Intelligence Star for valor in organizing
and leading its defense. 70
The Communists' ability to hide the scale and timing of such a
gigantic coordinated operation produced an intelligence embarrassment
of major proportions. Beginning in December 1967, the Station had
indeed obtained predictions of a seasonal offensive on a much larger
scale than those of earlier years. According to a report from Long An
Province, the VC were promising their cadres that offensive operations
would end after the Tet holidays, and that the formation of a coalition
government, to be dominated by the NLF, would follow. An assessment
by the Agency's Nha Trang Base completed on 20 January said that "the
most ambitious goal of the campaign in II Corps calls for the liberation of
Kontum and/or Pleiku provinces ... in a decisive phase of the war." By
this time, MACV and NSA were receiving similar fragmentary indica-
tions of preparations for a major offensive. And a Station report dissemi-
nated just two days before the assault described the establishment of six
VC "subregions" in and around Saigon, directly subordinate to the Cen-
tral Office for South Vietnam (COSVN); in retrospect, these could be
seen as part of the planning for attacks on the capital. sO
All this sufficed to make the Station apprehensive and restive, as
Lew Lapham later recalled, and General Westmoreland was sufficiently
concerned to order US battalions into the Saigon area and to put all
forces on maximum alert. But no reporting specified the objectives or
'Miller interview, 7 April 1992.n
'Hart interview, 19 A ril 1993; taoi13m interview, 29 June 1993.
timing of the anticipated action. Then, on 29 January, an ARVN report
intercepted by US intelligence specified Tet as the launch date. But it
was too late, even if the report seemed authoritative, for it to affect the
state of US or ARVN preparedness. In any case, the US Mission-espe-
cially MACV-and official Washington both had been reluctant to credit
Hanoi with the capacity to launch a nationwide offensive; this mindset,
reinforced in Saigon by the holiday atmosphere of Tet, prevented an ade-
quate reaction to the available fragmentary intelligence. Thus, despite
Westmoreland's redeployments, Hanoi achieved almost
complete tactical surprise,
Considering the scale of the assault and the extent of the surprise,
the Station's various pacification teams performed acceptably well, and a
mood of euphoria began to emerge as the offensive was gradually
repelled. At the same time, Lapham recalled, the intelligence failure,
even though mitigated by some valid reporting, could not help but intro-
duce a countervailing note of despondence. 10
Opinion among CIA officers varied, after GVN and US forces
defeated the offensive, on what it implied about the relative political
strength of the GVN and the Communists. Some thought the Commu-
nists' ability to mobilize in secret such massive forces implied an omi-
nous GVN failure to compete successfully for the allegiance of the South
Vietnamese peasants among whom the VC prepared the assault. Others,
noting the fearful losses inflicted on both the Communist military forces
and their political organization, saw Tet 1968 as an unqualified victory
for the government. John Hart, presiding over the Station until just days
before the assault, was one of the latter: the Communists had presented a
serious threat, but "we stamped on it." Lapham doubted that anyone had
won, In his more balanced view, GVN inability to prevent the offensive
had allowed massive damage to its authority and to its pacification
'Laphuill interview, 29 June 1993; Harold P. Ford, CIA History Staff Study, "1967-1968: CIA, The
Order of Hattlc Controversy, and the Tet Offensive," October 1993, 25-41. A Saigon operations
officer, Patrick McHugh, later recalled a pre-Tet argument with a Station analyst who shared the
MACV )-2 opinion that the Communists were simply incapable of such a broad, coordinated of-
fcnsive, Mcliugh said he had maintained that abundant reporting of an enemy buildup required the
recognition Ihat Hanoi might, at least, intend exactly that. (See Patrick McHugh, interview by the
author, Langley, VA, 14 July 1994.) The Tet offensive rendered largely moot the debate that raged
through 1%7 between Agency and military intelligence analysts over the numbers and relevance
10VC capnbilitics ofpart-time guerrillas and other support personnel. That debate was in any case
driven more hy politics than serious professional disagreement. The US military feared the politi-
cal consequences of acknowledging that, after more than two of massive US ground combat
operations, the enemy's numerical strength had grown (see Harold P. Ford, CIAand the Vietnam
l'oticynvakcrs: Three Episodes, 19621968, CIA History Staff, 1998)0
"Lnpluuu interview, 29 June 19930

~ t
efforts, while the Communists, who he thought must have aimed at
destroying Saigon's will to resist, were beaten off with enormous
"Operation Shock"D
If observers in Vietnam were at worst ambivalent about the signifi-
cance of Tet, news of the offensive left many of the Vietnam-watchers at
CIA Headquarters close to despair. On 2 February, DDP Bill Colby sent
Director Helms a jeremiad apparently composed by the so-called breth-
ren, an informal group of CIA analysts, operations managers, and SAVA
staffers chaired by George Carver. Called Operation Shock and written
only two days after the offensive began, its title reflected not only its
intended impact on Nguyen Van Thieu but also the effect of Tet on the
authors themselves. Tom Donohue, then. on George Carver's staff,
thought the impact of Tet particularly traumatic on those, like himself,
who had interpreted a late-19G7 Viet Cong recruiting drought as a sign
of declining VC capabilities. The very scale of the Tet offensive con-
founded this view and called i n ~ u e s t i o n the belief that the GVN might
finally have turned the eorner.
The paper summarized all the conventional complaints about the
GVN, asserting that the Vietnamese generals had "developed a compla-
cent assurance that American support is immutable." This complacency
had led to cronyism, a halfhearted war effort, a sclerotic leadership cadre,
and "only a casual attention to mobilizing popular support and engaging
the population actively in the war." These "attitudes and habits" simply
had to be changed, and the authors departed from more conventional for-
mulas when they urged a "frontal attack" on this GVN lassitude." D
The attack would include insistence on a greater US role in setting
GVN performance standards and in GVN decisionmaking during an
"emergency effort" of unstated duration. An ultimatum to General Thieu
would repudiate the "gradualism" of the GVN's approach to the war
effort and would require him to combine the Interior and Defense Minis-
tries under Maj. Gen. Nguyen Due Thang, the well-regarded chief of
Saigon's pacification forces. The Ministry of Revolutionary Develop-
ment, housing the American-supported pacification teams and all other
relevant GVN assets, would also be subordinated to Thang. "D
1011, VA, 9 September 1996.
" Helms, Memorandum, "An Immediate Programfor Viclnam."O
"Operation Shock" prescribed a powerful role for Vice President
Ky, who as Thieu's proposed Chief of Staff and Director of Operations
would supervise a purge of all military and civilian officials guilty of cor-
ruption or other abuses. Ky would have a second mandate, that of orga-
nizing a national political front, uniting all non-Communist elements in a
"massive rallying of the entire population ... to develop the country and
free it of Viet Cong terror." President Thieu was to be given 100 days in
which to comply with American demands and make satisfactory
progress. The US would furnish any required additional material sup-
port, "outside normal channels if necessary."15n
No one can seriously have thought that PreSident Thieu would con-
sent to put his nemesis Nguyen Cao Ky in charge of both a mass corrup-
tion purge and a national political front. In any case, the "brethren"
seemed to harbor little hope that their prescription would work even if it
were rigorously applied. Of its prospects to succeed they ventured to say
only that "we might, of course, find that sufficient momentum has been
achieved to warrant continued U.S. support." Apparently doubting that
this would occur, they proceeded to outline the options available to the
US if it failed.
0 .
First would he a demand for Thieu's resignation in favor of anyone
who had distinguished himself during the 100-day grace period. Second,
the US could suspend the bombing of North Vietnam and initiate talks
with Hanoi, either as a prelude to withdrawal or to energize the GVN.
Third, it could begin to treat the National Liberation Front as a legiti-
mate negotiating partner, conducting a "dialogue" with it on the possibil-
ity of forming a coalition government. 11D
The authors concluded without stating a policy preference, and
DCI Helms sent their effort; without comment, to four of the Vietnam
policy principals. No response from them has been recorded, but Admin-
istration "doves" like Undersecretary of State Nicholas deB. Katzenbach
and Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Nitze presumably found its tone con-
genial, while hardliners Walt Rostow, at the White House, and JCS Chair-
. man Gen. Earle Wheeler did not. Nevertheless, while lacking the formal
authority of a national estimate, the "Operation Shock" proposal put the
Agency on record as inferring from the Tet offensive that radical
changes in the US approach to Vietnam were now required. IS D
II Ibid.
S n ~
/ ; ~ " .
C012 68717
On 27 March, the substance of this view got directly to the Presi-
dent. Johnson demanded the same briefing that George Carver had given
the so-called wise men-Dean Acheson, Clark Clifford, and Supreme
Court Justice Abc Fortas among them-and which was followed by their
unwelcome recommendation that he "throw in the towel." George Allen,
afraid that Carver's characteristic optimism might reassert itself, implored
him not to slight the negative side of the argument. And in fact Carver
gave the balanced presentation Allen was hoping for. Four days later, the
President declared a partial hait to the bombing of North Vietnam, called
for negotiations with Hanoi, and announced his withdrawal as a candidate
for reelection. Vice President Hubert Humphrey, present at the briefing,
later wrote to Carver thanking him for his "brutally frank and forthright
analysis. The President's speech of March 31 indicated that your briefings
had a profound effect on the course of U.S. policy on Vietnam."'.D
Pursuing Nonpartisan Political MobilizationD
In Saigon, ferocious resistance by GVN and allied forces had tem-
pered the initial shock of the Tet offensive, and US officials there did not
see in it the apocalyptic implications that George Carver's people found
inescapable. Ambassador Runker nevertheless sensed impaired morale on
the GVN side even as the offensive was being beaten off. He appealed to
President Thieu to try to "inspire his nation in this hour of crisis" with a
major address supplementing his "rather brief and defensive statement"
of 31 January.2D
The Station usin an a ent
offered propaganda themes
aimed at both South Vietnamese and third-country audiences. The agent
asserted that VC attacks on such symbolic targets as General Staff Head-
quarters and the Presidential Palace had administered a severe psycholog-
ical shock to the South Vietnamese body politic, and the Station tried to
help him create for Thieu "an eloquent and impressive statement to fill
the psychological vacuum." But the US Information Service had primacy
ill such matters, and in any case- Thieu fired the agent in March for criti-
cizing the government's post-Tet handling of the media. The Station I I
"Allen, "The Indo-China War,\', 1950-1975," p. 334-335; Harold P. Pord, CIA and the Victnam
Policymakcrs: T'llI'ce Episodes, 1962-1968 (CIA History Staff 1998). p. 182; "Vietnam
Chronology," p. 102.0
"Saigon 7786. I February 1968,1 _

"Saigon 80G8, 6 February 19G8, and passbn.l Ipassim. The agent,
I Iwas only one of several Station agents of influence whose political ideology
had always been suspect as the result of their early affiliation with the Viet Minh and of subsequent
allegations (If Communist sympathies. The sincerity of his views on the effects ofTet is therefore
uncertain. c==t.xotic background had onc feature often found in the Station's civilian agents of
influence, namely, a degree of Westernization that allowed them to serve as a kind of cultural com-
pnulor, interpreting their countrymen to the Agency. But this very cosmopolitanism rendered them
suspect to their generally xenophobic compatriots, even while it made them useful to the GVN, and
thus Iimitcd their access to the government's inner councils.c::::Jwesternizing experience began
I [where he arrived with no facility in English, but where-
prcsumhlyJ!y his own later account-within five months he became managing editor of the school
papcr.C JAt that point, the Fm had already heard
Ihal he had been a "gun runnel' for the Communist Party m Indochina and was sympathetic to Ho
Chi Minh ... [He had said] Ihat all Americans talk about Communism but no one has ever told him
what is wrong with it." I Ipassilll.) 0
"Lapham interview, 29 June 1993; Kaplowitz interview, 20 July 1993.n
'.' lbid.; Eleazer A. Williams, unpublished Individual Research Papel,,""The Election Process in
Vicrnam: The Road 10 a Functioning Polity," National War College, Washington, DC, March 1971
(hereafter referred to as Williams, "Election Process"), 65.0
~ t
urgent imperative, for President Johnson's partial bombing suspension
and proposal to negotiate with Hanoi had served notice that US support to
the GVN no longer aimed at defeating the Communists.
As it worked out, neither the NSF nor Thieu's FDF prospered.
Kaplowitz later thought it naive to have expected otherwise, but at the
time he and the other Mission proponents of political mobilization still
hoped to find a formula that would ameliorate Vietnamese factionalism.
While these efforts continued, the approach of peace negotiations and
the gradual eclipse of the Station's best political sources, mostly Ky asso-
ciates, emphasized the need for improved intelligence coverage of the
Thieu regime.
"Williams, "Election Process," pp, 68-70.0
"Koulowitz interview, 20 July 1993.n
Photograph of
Coo Ky inscribed to
Ralph Katmsh . c. /%9.
Photo I:I1U"'$1 0/
Ralpll KatnnJr.
the Sl3bleD
,--"L---------"a;;n;; dr;; w;\';;; 'e:;;- n Russ Miller's third tour in
"",e"Ii "' ,a:::,:: n--::: e'''' ' d:i: e::d''i,::- , """; t:;: h:: e- s :::p::r'- i,:: ,g:-: of 1968 Ambassador Bunker wanted a
replacement. Leaving his post as Deput y COS inl IRalph Katrosh
arrived in Saigon 10 face the challenge of earning the confidence of the
mutually antipathetic leaders of the South Vietnamese Government. li e
began by trying to persuade them that nothing either one said to him was
shared with the other. To emphasize this comparuueutat ion, he avoided
going directly fromThi eu's office 10 Ky's. or vice versa. always returning
to the Embassy between sessions eve n when he was scheduled to visit
roth. Whether this ploy worked, or W3S even noticed, both Thieu and Ky
soon began to tal k to Katrosh as if they trusted him not to betray their
comments about each other. The contact with Ky even developed a

social side, and the Vice President's aide would call Katrosh, usually on
I short notice,S . .1
Katrosh was still working to persuade the feuding Vietnamese prin-
cipals of his discretion when CIA became the instrument of the latest US
gambit to promote political cohesion in the South. The disproportionate
influence of Ky's people in the National Salvation Front had ended that
group's attraction for the US Mission, and Thieu's Free Democratic Front
had an equally partisan cast. The point, for the Americans, was to over-
come partisanship, and Bunker began to push a broader front he called
the National Alliance for Social Revolution or Lien Minh, an abbreviation
of its Vietnamese title. This required joint Thieu-Ky sponsorship, and
Bunker sent Ralph Katrosh to get them to appear together at the inaugural
eventYD .
Katrosh started with Thieu, telling him that President Nixon
wanted to sec him and Ky work together. The President's face "puckered
up like a prune" at the thought of appearing with Ky. After 20 minutes of
denigrating his Vice President, Thieu asserted that, even if he agreed, Ky
would never do so. Katrosh acknowledged this hurdle and asked permis-
sion to approach Ky. Thien finally permitted this, and Katrosh then
repeated the exercise with Ky, who reciprocated Thieu's abuse, telling
Katrosh for Washington's benefit how Thieu was ruining the country.
But like Thieu, he gave in, mid the two appeared together on 4 July 1968
to inaugurate the Lien Minh, which incorporated, at least nominally, the
Thien and Ky organizations and included Tran Quoc Buu's labor union
and 25 other minor groups.nO
Bunker tried to involve Thieu personally in Lien Minh organiza-
tional activity, sending Katrosh with incremental payments of a CIA
cash subsidy. But Thieu resisted direct participation, and in August the
Ambassador felt constrained to remind him of the high priority the US
attached to a functioning national political organization. Thieu responded
with the claim that Vietnamese contributions to the program were
already twice the American, moving Bunker to ask the 303 Committee,
the Washington interagency group charged with covert action policy, to
"H1al1farh memorhudum, "CiA Case Officer Contacts with President Thieu and Viee President
Ky:" Ralph Kntrusb, interview by the author, Arlington, VA (hereafter cited as Katrosh interview),
2X May 19lJ2.n
"Saigol1 :\!J4(t"7February 1969.1 ~ a t r o s h interview, 19 May 1993;
Ralph Katrosh, interview by the author, Bethesda, MD (hereafter cited as Katrosh interview),
)'J:\ 0
"Kntruxh interviews, 19 May and 26 June J9930 Williams, "Election Process." 72-730
approve $400,000 for the last four months of 1968. Thieu could perhaps
do more, Bunker said, but serious training and other activity had already
begun. :,,[]
Perhaps it had, but Thieu's support of Lien Minh appeared to
Katrosh to reflect deference to American wishes more than it did personal
conviction. Thieu would subject him to obscure lectures on the problems
of developing Western-style institutions in Vietnam, conveying a lack of
enthusiasm that Katrosh took to be the message intended for Bunker.
During his first weeks in Saigon, Katrosh had taken over the contact
with Ky's former campaign manager, Nguyen Xuan Phong, who
described the progress of Thieu's maneuvering to reduce Ky's influence.
Katrosh also began calling on Gen. Tran Thien Khiem, brought back
from Washington by 'President Thieu. Now Interior Minister, Khiem
with reporting, I Ion his relationship
with Thieu. At the same time, the Station maintained oilier Rolicy-level
access through unilateral contacts-j }-and
its liaison with Saigon's intelligence and security services. General Loan,
severely wounded leading the police against a new wave of Communist
attacks in early May, was replaced as Director General by a Thieu man,
Col. Tran Van Hai.
The Station knew Hai very well, r
1-_..,..----,,-,.,.. --,----_--,----_-::----,----'1 And it seems that Rai did, in fact,
mandate full cooperation with US advisers to the nolice."
"'almsh interview. 19 Mny 1993: Saigon 85322, I September _
28 May 1992.0
"Ralph Katrosh. Memorandum for the Record, "Conversation with Minister for Chieu Hoi Ngu-
yen Xunn Phong." 21 Mny1968, and passim. I I I
I !Snigon 4016,14 June 19681 I
"FYSi\ 26799. 13 December 19681 IFVSA 27825, 25 April 1969.1 I
I IColoncl. Inter Brigadier General, Hai's cooperation took place mainly III the context
ofthe pacification programs, There is no record that he assumed Loan's role as occasional spokes-
man Ior the Saigon governmcnl.D

of 1968, [ I the' Station
needed all the new access it could find. Thieu was now finishing the
removal of Ky's associates.l I
I Ifrom positions of political influence. The resulting loss of access
compounded the problems created by the personal ambitions and some-
times doubtful loyalties of certain of the Station's remaining sources.
Almost every political action agent had his own agenda, whether
he acknowledged it or not, and this complicated the problem of assessing
loyalty. The limits of I I responsiveness to Station guidance
emerged in an Embassy assessment of his performance I Ihe
was a "confining influence" on Thieu, "likely to undermine any effort to
broaden political support for the government." But whether this obstruc-
tionism iniplied Communist-directed sabotage of Saigon's political mobi-
lization efforts, or merely personal interests or limitations, remained
obscure. In any case, Thieu knew of and condoned I Iconnection
with the Station, using it for a time to supplement his channel to the
Embassy via Russ Miller and then Ralph Katrosh.

I 25995 12 Senlem!>c, 1968 I I
"Saigon Embassy Ex,hs 2004\l, 21 Febrnary 1968; Saigon 0539,12 August 1967; PVSA 29228,
14October J969; and passim,1 IA marginal note on the Embassy message, presum-
ably hy a Cli\ Headquarters officer, says, "meaning that our political agent won't follow instruc-
Preserving Communication With the ClientD
Neither CJnor any other of its contacts gave the Station early
warning of Thieu's declaration of a coup alert on 8 September 1968, but
there may have been nothing to predict, as police chief Tran Van Hai
evaluated it, two days later, as an example of Thieu's chronic paranoia.
Fantasy or not, the incident had repercussions that quickly involved the
Station. Upon hearing of the alert, acting Ambassador Samuel Berger had
called General Ky, interrupting an official birthday party at midnight to,
as Berger put it ... "check out coup reports." Ky thought he was being
accused of plotting against Thieu and hung up on Berger. At a 12 Sep-
tember press conference, he alleged that foreign schemers were trying to
topple the government. In private with Thieu, he was more explicit about
his unhappiness with Berger. At this point, as it had been doing at inter-
vals since 1955, the Station undertook to save Vietnamese face and
restore communications at the government-to-government level. Berger
sent Katrosh to Ky with roses and an apology couched in terms of Wash-
ington's extreme sensitivity to signs of political instability in Saigon. Ky,
quick to anger but not one to hold a grudge, accepted the gesture. 42 D
US pressure on Thieu to join the projected peace talks in Paris may
have encouraged the paranoia that led him to declare still another coup
alert on 8 October. Lt. Gen. Dang Van Quang, Thieu's military assistant,
told Katrosh that he doubted the existence of any serious coup planning,
and deplored the isolation that induced Thieu's perpetual anxiety. Doing
precisely the opposite of what the President feared, the Station now used
its stable of military contacts to pass the word to Ky followers that the
US adamantly opposed any move against Thieu. Perhaps Thieu got wind
of this; in any case, he called in Katrosh to review with him the entire
episode, giving every appearance of openness to the US viewpoint. 43 D
On 31 October, President Johnson announced a total bombing halt
in North Vietnam. He had just sent President Thieu an ultimatum, telling
him that negotiations with Hanoi would proceed, with or without a
Saigon representation. Thieu repudiated both negotiations and the
bombing suspension in a speech on 2 November. The resulting tension
"Saigon 9219, 19 Octobcr 1968 flVSA 10872, 10 October
196M passim; Saigon 0702, 23 November J968
\-__-r ---.Jcxlracl fromauachmentto FVSA 27,013, 21 January 1969,0
J 01268717
USMission lmIflCil-S"iJ.:'JII. HI'lnum-Nol'!''''!'l'' /Wil\. II. to r.. hod rowl Uovd } Of I1W I ,
rl"fltl omic CmUl.lf'lor. 1.1. '11";,\ J. I AI/I'lllm. '\'1"'1";1111\. \ \ /.1(1/111 to ,I/(' Ambassador: ,\101"/ ;" F 111''-:'.
I'o/ilil'lll ClJIlfl.I/'/or; J Nidl'1, niTl'dol" JUSI'AO: (;nlrgf' S. Newman. Sfll 'dlll ,\\.\i,I/I/I/I
10' /''-1'\ ,1 ; H(/(/t:l" C. Abruhutu. AIJIIII//i\fmri,', Co/ul\do,-: (i/'orgl ' I ). Jacobson..\fi u iol/
Coore/indlor: [jront nJII'/ William L C"II1\', Ot'fl ll1\ /0 COMUS MACV tor CoRnS; SWI/lld /)
Hl'rt:a. J)qlllh' AmlJll\\ddor: UI\I\ "orr/, Hlllrka. AmJ'IHIIl/Jor; Gen. Creighton W Ahrums,
CommmJt/,.,; USMACv" Donald G. M tJc/ )Oll d lJ. /),rr-dor, VSA II) .
PIwIo f1/ I ,,-'g ,..",.....
was nut ameliorated by Richard M. Ni xon' s elecnou to the presidency
0 11 .'l November, and the icy relationship between Washington and the
GVN led to a one -month hiatus in the Station's liaison with Thieu."O
The St ati on met this development by sending Ralph Katrosh more
frequently to see General Quang, In mid-November, despite the continu-
ing stando ff with Thicu, the two had a cordial sess ion during which they
agreed that a Vietnamese National Intellig ence Coordinating Committee,
whose cs tahlishm Itt had been a longtime Station goal, might have pre-
vented the intelligence failure that led to the October coup scare. And
Ounn g subsequently got Thieu 10 authorize such a body, though wheth er
it ever served the desired purpose is unknown.C
Resuming the Thieu contact on 19 November, Katrosh assured him
of Hilliker' s continuing support; Thicu, in turn, reaffirmed his commit-
mcnt to Lien Minh. The Station still had 4,000,000 piasters ($2.\ 000) for
the I-Ic'" Millh subsidy. which Kat rosh deli vered to :l Palace functi onary.
Richa rd Nixo n's new admini strat ion would have to approve any midi-
tiunal fundin g, und Bunk er urged a briefing at the White House in order
"I lxuact nom cmll<tssyAIll;J;UII A-15M. 25 July 197.1] tSaigou 0102, 0
" S;III' U1tt2; ;IUarhlll("J\I !t. !7VSA 27.013.1 1Ji1l1ll ary 1969, AIKI I)(1SsimJ
to ensure continued support. Meanwhile, he said, he needed an addi-
tional stopgap authorization of $100,000, pending a 303 Committee deci-
sion Oil the larger program then before it.46D
Bunker's optimistic progress report was couched in general terms:
"Governing bodies are meeting, . . . cadres are beginning- to develop
projects, 'people's committees' have been elected in all Saigon pre-
cincts," and "We discern steady if slow movement forward." He
acknowledged problems of internal dissension, weak leadership, and
lack of participation by religious groups; and Washington's message
approving the $100,000 asked for more detailed reporting on the results
of US support.
0 .
Peace Negotiations and a NewStation CharteC
Nixon retained Bunker as his Ambassador to Saigon, but Lew
Lapham's tour as COS came to an end when Theodore Shackley
replaced him in November. One of the postwar generation of operations
managers, Ted Shackley brought good Polish-he had been raised in a
Polish-American house-and fluent German when he joined the Agency
at the entry level in 1951. He served five years in Germany,
in the Berlin tunnel operation, before taking over thel_....,--.,---;-;;__LJ
I lin ]962. Coming to Saigon from two and a half years as
COS in Vientiane, he brought a mandate from DCI Richard Helms to
emphasize inteIligence collection and preparations for the long-term
political struggle that Washington expected to follow a peace agreement.
At the same time, he was gradually to pare down the Station's role in
rural pacification."0
Shackley at once proposed to enter the Palace liaison, but Deputy
COS Bill Edwards urged him to reconsider, pointing out that Katrosh's
status as authoritative spokesman for the Station and the Ambassador
would be undermined by adding the COS as a participant. Shackley
acceded, but did not encourage Bunker's use of Katrosh as an Embassy
stalking horse. In any case, Thieu now began to delegate even more of
"Slligon 07020
"Ibid. Whether Bunker supplied the requested information is not knownD
"Shackleyl IJoseph Lazarsky, interview by the author, Middleburg, VA(here-
after cited as Lazarsky interview). 14June [993; Theodore interview by the author, Sum-
ncr, MD (hereafter cited as Shackley interview), 26 June 1993.U

his dealings with CIA to General Quang and press secretary Hoang Due
Nha. Nevertheless, Katrosh continued the Thieu liaison, though with
reduced frequency, until he left in September 1969.
As momentum grew, in November 1968, for the launching of peace
talks, the Station's relationship with Thieu led to a perspective slightly
more sympathetic than the Embassy's on his refusal to endorse the bomb-
ing suspension and join negotiations. The Station thought him under real
pressure to prove his anti-Communist credentials to his hardline North-
erners, and that his temperament made it impossible for him to bend to
US demands for immediate agreement. It was partly a question of face,
but also of his aversion to decisions that did .not merely ratify events:
"The idea of taking this bombing halt/negotiationsbuIl by the horns on a
kind of sudden death basis is not Thieu's favorite sport." The Station
advocated more patience, and in the weeks that followed worked with
Bunker gradually to bring Thieu into line.
Multilateral DistrllstD
In January 1969, probably just to get Ky out of Saigon, Thieu sent
him to Paris, not as chief of the Saigon delegation, but as an ex officio
observer. Ky's old friend Russ Miller I I
at Headquarters' behest] [made periodic visits to exploit their long-
time acquaintanceship. They first met on 7 February, and Ky still dis-
played the greater flexibility toward dealing with the North and the NLF
that had distinguished him fromThieu-and most of Ky's fellow-North-
erners-while the Saigon Station and Ambassador Bunker were pursuing
contacts in the NLF Ky said he expected an agreement by the end of the
year, and that he intended to urge Thieu to accept concessions on NLF
participation that the North would find hard to reject, but which the South
could survive. Ky's perspective always attracted high-level interest, and
"Kalrosh interview, 28 May J992. Throughout Katrosh's tour, as he recalled it, the Station channel
10 the Palace was readily accepted hy all witting Embassy officers except Deputy Ambassador
Saurucl Berger, who appeared to resent the Station's prominent role. Katrosh recalled both Lapham
nud Shackley as having an excellent command of the complexities of internal GVN politics;
Lapham's style was one of intellectual detachment, whereas Shackley tended toward advocacy of
'''Sail;lln 0177, 15 November 1968,1 Iextract from attachment
10 I'VSi\ n,o11,21 Junuary 1969. The Station also had to deal with minor crises such as Ky's un-
welcome propnsnl to attend the Nixon inaugural in a gesture reciprocating Vice President Hum-
phrcy's presence at the Thieu-Ky inauguration. Katrosh was deputized to tell him that the "unique
,\ nll.r;e:1I1 chnrnctcr" of the event limited foreign participation to chiefs of diplomatic mission. (Sec
Miller drove to the Embassy after each of these evening sessions to brief
US delegation leader Cyrus Vance, who would sleep in his office while
waiting, and Philip Habib, who would drive in from home. 51D
In Saigon, despite a' productive and apparently cordial relationship
with Ralph Katrosh, Thieu's mistrust of the US focused increasingly on
the CIA, which he saw as an ubiquitous power either beyond Washing-
ton's control or being used by the US Government to thwart Saigon's
desires. He told one visitor that "between the infiltrating Communists and
the American CIA, the government is stuck." Furthermore, the Station
was provoking Buddhist agitation and encouraging neutralist groups. Pre-
sumably referring to the Station's program of NLF contacts, Thieu
alleged unilateral Agency contacts with the Communists: "A VC could
sleep in the US Embassy and I would not know it" In mid-November
1968, Thieu made a vague allegation to Ambassador Bunker about CIA
involvement with the Buddhists, and this gave the Station a pretext to
reassure Thieu of the Agency's unconditional commitment to him. He
professed to be mollified, but Bill Nelson, Colby's successor as Chief FE,
was worried enough to send the DCJa memorandum in February 1969
warning that, in a crisis involving either the US Government or his
domestic rivals, Thieu might well publicly denounce the Agency or
undertake some other unfortunate action against it.
Even Ky, relatively open to his American interlocutors,
them with some reserve. His views as transmitted by I -ll2!:..
example, varied from those he expressed to Ralph Katrosh.
explained this by saying that Ky sometimes treated a Katrosh meeting
with some misgivings, assuming as he did that his answers to Katrosh's
questions would soon reach US policymakers. This did not necessarily
mean that Ky was always more candid with his coterie of Northern-born
generals, but the Station drew the obvious inference that he was at least
tailoring his remarks for different audiences.
As we have seen, President Thieu's gradual exclusion from his
entourage of the generals around NguyenCao Ky had by mid-1968
already severely reduced the political access of the Station's agents and
contacts in ARVN. At the same time, Thieu's suspicion of US purposes
created an adversarial climate that increased the need for clandestine cov-
erage of his intentions. in early
1 1
the Station tried to make
as Gen. Do Cao Tri, who
"I I IMiller interview, 7 April 19920
"Willinm E. Nelson, Chief, Far East Division, Memurandum for the DCI, "President Thieu's Com-
mcnts on CIA," 5 February I
"Snigon 8216, 7 May 1969,

had the merit of being a Southerner and a capable commander, but who
was reported to be "volatile, exuberant, and bombastic," massively cor-
rupt, and like Thieu suspicious of US motives in Vietnam. At the same
time, the Station launched an elaborate scenario designed to achieve
informal yet secure contact with Gen. Duong Van "Big" Minh, thought
to have residual political ambition as well as Buddhist sympathies and
connections. The Tri collaboration produced some intelligence, before his
death in a helicopter crash in early 1971, but the Minh gambit seems to
have failed." D
Nguyen Van !hicu and Political MobilizationD
The eclipse of the Station's military sources enhanced the impor-
tance, especially for influence purposes, of the few civilian contacts
around Thieu who showed any disposition to exeed their official charter
with their Station contacts. One of these wasl IstiIl not
exonerated of Communist connections, whom the Station enlisted in Jan-
uary 1969 to urge its Lien Minh program on Thieu. At the Station's
behest, he did a memorandum for Thieu "reflecting" the Station's view
that thc organization would grow only if the President directed Saigon's
governmental machinery to provide discreet but effective support.
Thieu's reaction is not known, but he was in any case not the only one
with doubts about the organization's prospects. Headquarters had already
asked for more evidence of results, and State used CIA communications
to tell Bunker on 11 February that the 303 Committee would postpone its
decision on additional funding support until Bunker had learned more
about Thien's attitude and intentions. The problem, from Washington's
perspective, involved not only doubts about Lien Minh's "impact" in
Vietnam but also concern about public reaction in the US to any revela-
tion of the Agency's support for it.llD
Another problem was the vagueness of Thieu's intentions regarding
the composition and program of a political front. So far as Bunker could
determine, in mid-February, Thieu might actually encourage two such
organizations, associating himself with both. Tn early March, after Thieu
asserted an intention to enlarge the existing front, the Lien Minh, Bunker
and Shackley again confronted a money crunch: Bunker still did not
have a firm proposal from Thieu ancl could not get funds without one.
',I I/JII.I"lilll; FVSX0021J, 18 February1969,1 I
"f'VSA 26971,13 January 1969,1 1 L------'-----rl---'I
I IFadingenthusiasmin Washington for Lien Minh may be attributable at least in
pari \0 Walt Rostow'sdeparturewhenthe Nixonadministration tookofficeon 20January1969,0
~ .
Like everyone else on his Country Team, Bunker was convinced of the
need for Thiel! to broaden his political constituency in order to compete
with the NLF in what everyone expected to be a long-term division of
the two Vietnams. Reluctant to let the front expire when it was "about to
reach take-off stage," he instructed Shackley to ask Headquarters to get
authority to make the April 1969 subsidy payment, Shackley's request
sounds pro forma: the front was making "limited but sustained progress"
and needed to be "kept alive" until Washington decided its future. But
this apparently sufficed, as Katrosh delivered1 Ion 19
An earlier Thieu discourse to Bunker, late in March, on Vietnam-
ese political dynamics might have been taken word-far-word from one of
Ngo Dinh Nhu's disquisitions to the Station in 1954. Like Nhu, the Presi-
dent saw the old line non-Communist politicians as representing almost
no one but themselves, and useless if brought into the government. What
he needed were cadres "who will work and not just talk" and a program
to inspire the masses with a "political revolution." Like Nhu, Thieu
acknowledged the absence ofa structure to rival that of the Communists,
adding that nothing could be done without public recognition that the
struggle was about to shift to the political arena. People were now ready,
he thought, and he intended to exploit this by deploying an Information
Ministry cadre in every hamlet and village, adding other leadership
cadre-for women, youth, and self-defense units-at the village level to
a total of perhaps 50,000 people. All such cadres would have as one
responsibility "keeping an eye on the Communists."l7n
It is not known whether President Thieu tried to imple-
ment this scheme. But on 25 May 1969, whether as a serious move to
compete with the Communists or as a pro forma response to continued
US pressure, he created a second political umbrella organization, .the
National Social Democratic Front. The NSDF apparently enjoyed a
broader base than the Lien Minh, and the US Mission promptly shifted its
material support to the new grouping. But the results were equally disap-
pointing, partly because so many politicians refusedto work with the
controversial Huong; these included Tran Van Don, whose National Sal-
valion Front declined to join the NSDF. Shackley feared that the unpopu-
I'll' Huong survived as a Palace functionary because of a Thieu perception
"Saigon 4338.15 February 1968, and Saigon 5580 II March 1968,1 I
lshackley interview, 26 June 1993; Saigon 7436,19 .
1 '-----
1969,1 IThieu's analysis and proposed so-
lution arc nearly identical to those of Ngo Dinh Diem in the mid-1950s. The role of the Information
Ministry in Diem's "Denunciation of Communists" campaign appears to have served as Thieu's
model in 1969 (sec CIA and the House of NgoJD

89 .
that CIA liked him, In the event, the NSDF failed even to merge its con-
stituent parts, which at best represented only a small fraction of the coun-
t.ry's polit.ical int.erest.s. The Station subsidy continued until June 1969 at
an average rate of about I Iand at an unknown level
through the rest of the year.saD
During the experiment with the there was sporadic talk
among US officials about. integrating urban political mobilization with
the nat.ion-building side of rural pacification. The regular lunch meetings
of the US Mission Council turned periodically to this topic, and Vietnam-
ese, including LL Col. Nguyen Be, chief of the Station's pacification
training, urged the extension of NSDF organizing to the countryside. But
President Thieu made it clear that, for him, pacification was part of the
military struggle, not a political task, and the Mission never tried to force
the issue. It probably could not have succeeded-Thieu was no more
open to argument than Ngo Dinh Diem had been, and trained, mot.ivat.ed
manpower had always been lacking. Nevertheless, Thieu's attitude indi-
cated that, like Diem before him, he saw the struggle with the Commu-
nists exclusively in terms of isolating and.destroying a malevolent alien
presence. Like Diem, he would offer no leadership in presenting a com-
peting ideology or program. 50
"WilliHIIIS, "likctiull Process," 74-79; Shackley interview, 13July 19;:.:93::J1
I I,II/ssilll; untitled draft Station memorandum, 8 May 1969.1 IThe Mission
Cuuucil included the Ambassndor, his deputy, and the heads of the autonomous US agencies rep-
resented ill Vietuum, The most importaut of these were MACV, the US Agency for International'
Development, the US InformationService, and the clA.D
"'Shackley interview, 26 June 1l)')J. The interpretationofThicu's position is the author's. D

Chapter 5
Distractions and Frustrations D
In June 1969, Ted Shackley had been running the Station for just
six months when the murder of a suspected double agent by a US Spe-
cial Forces unit-the so-called Green Beret incident-threatened to asso-
ciate the CIA with crimes against civilians. The 1968 murder of villagers
by American troops at My Lai had just come to light, and CIA, already
under attack for some of its activity against the Viet Cong organization,
risked being added to the list of alleged war cdrninals.D
The incident began with a request from a US Special Forces intelli-
gence unit at Nha Trang for assistance in disposing of an agent it believed
to be controlled by the Communists. Unwilling to turn the man over to
GVN security elements-they would discover that he had been used for
unilateral Special Forces operations into Cambodia-e-the Army wanted
CIA assistance in killing him. The Special Forces made their first approach
directly to the Station in mid-June, but saw only two Shackley outer-office
aides, who they later claimed gave a noncommital response.I
Still looking for help, two Special Forces officers visited
c==Jacting chief in Nha Trang, on 17 and 18 June 1969.,.--L--r:
C:: e=- n't ""a
cable to his boss, Base Chief Dean Almy, attending a conference in
Saigon, that arrived on the morning of 19 June. Upon reading it, Almy
headed for the COS's office, where Shackley's secretary, I I
intercepted him and refused to interrupt a meeting then in progress. So
Almy left the cable with her, making a point of its urgency. But] I
failed to give it to Shackley, who left the next day for a weekend in
Hong Kong.
1 Dean Almy, telephone interview by the author, Bath, ME. 12 December 1994.Drhe dates cited
arc taken from David Com, Blond Ghost: Ted Shackley and the CIA:1 Crusades (Simon and
Schuster, ]lJ94),pp. 195-201.0
I Ahny said that, away from Nha Trang, he lacked the authority to release a cable and thus needed
Shackley's intervention to gel a reply tal I
Dack in Nha Trang on 20 June, Almy received yet another visit
from the Special Forces. At this session, he told them that, whatever the
popular fantasy on the subject, the CIA simply did not kill its agents, and
he could 1I0t help them with theirs. But, according to their later testi-
mony, the Special Forces officers had already been told by [ Ithat
"Shack won't mind, he killed hundreds of guys in Laos." Such an off-
hand remark could not have constituted Agencyapproval, especially for
something not in the Agency's power to grant, and even if taken as
authoritative was now effectively countermanded by Almy's refusal. But
the Special Forces officers now decided to act. Without advising Almy,
they took the agent out to sea in a small boat that night, shot him to
death, and dumped the body overboard." D
Back from Hong Kong, Shackley finally saw the original I I
query and cabled Nha Trang that eliminating the agent was out of the
question, He ordered Nha Trang to get Special Forces' assurance that the
agent was safe, and when this was not forthcoming took the matter to
Ambassador Bunker and General Abrams. A sergeant who participated
in the murder SOOIl volunteered a confession, and the case became public
in August. Counsel for the accused launched an early example of the
"CIA defense," demanding voluminous but unspecified Agency corre-
spondcncc and testimony from various Agency officials. As Richard
Helms later recalled it, the Nixon White House appeared to support Army
efforts, under Secretary Stanley Resor, to establish Agency complicity.
These failed, as the Station had done no more than unintentionally, if
clumsily, fail promptly to make its position clear. The cases against the
defendants were eventually dismissed, and the episode left a residue of
public suspicion of the Agency at a time opposition to the
Vietnam war and to the Agency's role in it.
Other PmhlemsD
Meanwhile, almost two years after Nguyen Van Thieu's election to
the presidency, Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker and the Station had not yet
abandoned their joint effort to talk him into a serious political mobilization
'Tile quotation is from Almy interview, 12 December 19940 Ahny remembered being called to
Saigon witill the alleged statement about Shackley became known. The COS de-
Ilwndl'dItI know if illl'as true, and his facc "the color of arclunent," denied it. The fli)
:dlusioll to Lao" if made II,
I Ihe lImong tn c's irregu\"-lu-r
Blond (NIOSI, pp. I
'Corn, ltlond Ghost, PI'. Richard Helms, telephone interview by the author. Washing-
ton. DC, licccmbcr 1994.D
campaign. The Americans had indeed won. Vietnamese acquiescence to a
vastly intensified pacification program, and the military and police
resources devoted to this were making serious inroads on the Communist
organization in the countryside. But the final American push for political
organizing at the national level met the same fate as all its predecessors,
and it died in 1970. Thereafter, the Station's political program was con-
fined to participation in Bunker's perennial effort, notably in the presiden-
tial election of 1971, to support and energize Thieu while pushing for
cosmetic refinements in GVN institutions.D
But in mid-1969, the political struggle still looked worth an effort.
Unfortunately for American purposes, the obstacles to getting President
Thieu's acceptance of the US political prescription were compounded by
two irritants that threatened Embassy and Station rapport with their senior
government contacts. The first was Thieu's hostility to Lower House Dep-
uty Tran Ngoc Chau. Chau had once been the darling of the Station offic-
ers who devised the Agency's pacification programs after the fall of Ngo
Dinh Diem. As chief of the Delta province of Kien Hoa, Chau originated
one such program, the so-called Census-Grievance apparatus, which elic-
ited intelligence on local Communists while giving villagers a theoreti-
cally privileged channel for complaints about GVN performance.sD
Chau also allowed the Station to use Kien Hoa as a testing ground
for the Counter-Terror Teams, later called Provincial Reconnaissance
Units, that tried to make life as insecure for Communist officials as it was
for Saigon's representatives in the countryside. When the Station needed
a new Vietnamese commander for its training center at Vung Tau in late
1965, it persuaded the government to let Chau leave Kien Hoa to take
the job. The assignment failed-Chau brought in weak assistants, and
his egocentrism alienated his Vietnamese superiors-and he left the
Army after less than a year at Vung Tau to go into politics.
Elected to the National Assembly's Lower House, Chau called for an
accommodation with non-Communist elements in the NLF. In early 1969,
he asked for CIA support of his constituency-building. The Station begged
off, seeing Chau's program as too extreme and his faction as a potential
competitor to the Lien Minh, but Chau seems to have traded on his CIA
contacts anyway to give the impression of Agency backing. When in June
1969 Thieu had had enough of this gadfly, he took Chau's insinuations of
an Agency connection seriously enough to check with the Station before
proceeding against him. Concerned to allay Thieu's perennial suspicions,
Shackley assured the chief of the police Special Branch that he had no
'I Ipassim. The author set up the Station pacification programs in the northern tier of
in 1964 and early 1965 and worked with Chau during this period.D
interest in Chau and no objection to legal action against him. It was the
State Department, worried about US press reaction to a prosecution, that
urged Bunker to intercede with Thieu on Chau's behalf.
. The charge was unauthorized contact with the North, in the person
of Chau's brother, Tran Ngoc Bien. Chau had first told the Station of a
Communist connection in late 1964, when he said "some high ranking
people from Hanoi" had contacted him; Chau wanted a meeting with
Ambassador Maxwell Taylor to "explain 'requirements for victory,'" but
this seems not to have taken place. About a year later, Chau again men-
tioned Communist contacts, but still did not identify them. Donohue and
Jorgensen agonized over this development, for Chau refused to include
the Saigon government in any exploitation of this opening. On this occa-
sion, Jorgensen decided that unilateral exploration of such an anonymous
channel posed an unacceptable risk to Chau's viability in the cadre pro-
grams. Accordingly, he let the matter drop.sO
In 1967, Chau finally identified Hien as his Communist visitor after
the Station confronted him with information from other sources. Eager at
that time to forge unofficial channels to the Communists, the Station
wanted to meet Bien directly, but Chau refused to arrange it]
IThieu then launched his tor- '-__---= ~ _ - ----.J
tuous effort to prosecute Chau, beginning with a legally dubious device
to lift his parliamentary immunity and ending with conviction by a mili-
tary court and a 20-year sentence in early 1970.
Despite the Station's disavowal of Chau, his protection by a senior
US adviser, John Paul Vann, and subsequent US appeals for clemency
probably confirmed Thieu in his suspicion of Chau as a CIA agent. But
Chan constituted, at this point, the lesser of the two current irritants in
Station relations with the Vietnamese leadership. The more troublesome,
because it embarrassed President Thieu, involved an agent of Hanoi in
Doc Lap Palace. By early 1969, a joint operation of the Station and
police Special Branch had identified Huynh Van Trang, an intelligence
'FVSA 27261, III February 1969; undated, untitled draft memorandum; FVSW 10340,20 Febru-
my IlJriH; Saigoll 054'1, 27 June 1969; Stale Department INR Intelligence Note 430, 4 June 1969;
Saigon 11'1(,. II July 1969;1 [9hackley interview, 26 June 19930
'SAKi 7749. () November 1965,1 IDonohue interview, 23 January 1995.n
'I Saigoll H101,20 December 1969, and passimI IChau made his 1964 rev@ation to the
author, who remembers the claim of Communist contacts hut not the request for a meeting with
Taylor. Shackley later claimed Ihat when he disavowed Chau 10 the Palace he was unaware of the
J967 ellort to get Chau 10 introduce Hien to the Station (sec Shackley interview, 26 June 1993).
Hilt ill December 1%9. Ihe Station cabled a review of the case that mentions this; it is not known
how long before this the Hien episode had come to light (see Saigon 8101)0
~ - '
aide to Thieu, as a probable Communist agent. AI Isup-
ported the reporting agent's bona tides, and when Trang's handler was
captured, his confession confirmed the police reporting. In July, the Sta-
tion began pressing Thieu's military assistant, General Quang, to have
Trong arrested. Thieu, eager to avoid embarrassment, had wanted the
matter handled quietly, but acceded to American urging, and Trong was
picked up on 24 July 1969.
The arrest generated intense press criticism of Palace security, and
Thieu reacted with angry defensiveness, blaming his police chief and the
Station for forcing his hand. The Station urged National Police chief
Colonel Hai and General Quang to explain to Thieu that President
Nixon's impending visit made it unavoidable: the Secret Service had to
be informed, and it would never permit Nixon to enter the Palace with
Trang still at liberty. liD
Meanwhile, as it tried to mollify Thieu, the Station acquired new
insights into the Communist use of influence agents from the interroga-
tion of Trong's case officer. Disappointed at Trang's limited access to
Thicu, the agent's superiors had begun feeding him analyses on such
things as the peace talks and the economic and financial situation in
South Vietnam. These were all calculatedly pessimistic, and Trong was to
offer them when Thieu looked depressed. According to Trong's handler,
Hanoi hoped that they would help discourage Thieu to the point that he
saw no alternative to negotiations with the NLF.12D .
The Station's Palace liaison survived both the Trong affair and
Thieu's suspicion of Agency collusion with Tran Ngoc Chau. The atmo-
sphere permitted Ralph Katrosh to make one more plea for a more pro-
fessional Vietnamese intelligence effort before he left Saigon in
September 1969. In the latest of a series of CIA representations dating
back to 1954, Katrosh praised Nguyen Khac Binh, the able and coopera-
tive new chief of the Central Intelligence Organization, and urged Thieu
to provide the high-quality people needed to help Binh raise professional
standards. Thieu said he would do what he could, but apparently did
nothing. He had earlier given Katrosh the impression that he cared as lit-
tle for the CIO, a US-sponsored creation of the early 1960s, as he did for
American-style political organization. 13 D
IOFYSA 27,060, 28 January 1969; Saigon 1736,25 July 1969; Saigon 2885, 18 August 1969;
Saigon Embtel 15273,29 July 1969;1 I
"Saigon 1736; Saigon 2885; Saigon Airgram A-194, 7 July 1973;[ l
"Saigon 1736. Whether the prescribed diet of bad news improved Trong's access to Thieu is not
"FYSA 28701, 3 September 1969,1 IKatrosh interview, 19 May 1993.0
S e { ' ~
("01. Khat' B,'nh. ('hi4of "I'Courai 111tf' lIigf'nCt' Urxani:.,tltiofl.
ti t Natimllll lml'rmgatitm Center Headquarters, c. / 970,
rllO'fJco" rlrJ, Df Jm. rph
But despite the frequent necessit y for Katrosh (0 raise uncongenia l
subjec ts, President Th ien seemed genuinely to value their relationship,
making the rare ges ture, upon Katrosh's departure. of awarding him the
Fifth Class National Order Medal. Katrosh later recalled having adopted
a practice of delivering his messages in the most direct possible way-
"I lcrc is what IWashington and Dunker} want and this is why they want
ir'-and lhou hi 111; eu had found lhis hel -.,
" Kalrm.h inl(I't'K: w. 19 Katrosh recalled that the medal earned with it the right of burial
;11 Ihe IIrthe (iVN L.;

The Final Push for Political MobilizationD.
On 3 November 1969, President Nixon delivered a vigorous speech
reaffirming US support for the anti-Communist cause in Vietnam. Three
weeks later. the DCI's principal Vietnam adviser. George Carver. talked
with Thieu in Saigon, and gained the impression that the President "hon-
estly believes the US is going to stand firm behind him ... and the Com-
munists are going to run out of steam." Perhaps this belief justified in
Thieu's mind his continuing indifference to the political mobilization
that Bunker and the Station had so long urged upon him. The Station
saw no substantive accomplishment or organizational momentum in the
NSDF and was ready to see Thieu abandon it.
Whatever the fate of the NSDF, there remained the need to find a
successful political mobilization technique. but the Station cautioned
against optimism about enlisting Thieu's cooperation. His contempt for
the Westernized politicians in Saigon and, in Carver's phrase, the "alien
institutional toys they call political parties," meant that political mobiliza-
tion would remain at best his fourth priority. Vietnamization of the mili-
tary effort, pacification, and the economy all would take precedence.
Furthermore, Thieu continued to insist that the South Vietnamese were
"not interested in [political] doctrine," but simply "wanted to lead better
and more prosperous lives without being afraid." In these circumstances,
the Station doubted it could find any formula capable of winning Thieu's
unreserved support.
The .State Department drew the obvious conclusion and told Bun-
ker in Agency channels that the lack of results had made Washington
skeptical about the merits of continued support of the NSDF. Shackley
had already told Headquarters of his intention to review with Ambassa-
dor Bunker the entire issue of covert political support of the GVN. At
their meeting on 4 December, the COS identified several other potential
recipients of US support if the NSDF failed, including the durable labor
"Saigon 7268. 30 November 1969,
"Saigon 6423, 9 November 1969, and-Saigon 7163,27 November 1969
I lAs had been true since the mid-19S0s, CIA thinking
zation ill Vietnam focused here almost exclusively on organizational mechanics, with litlle atten-
tionlo political issues or principles.D .
leader Tran Quoc Buu and the perennially dissident An Quang Buddhists.
Bunker endorsed these ideas, and the Station reported that he would
raise with President Thieu "appropriate portions" of its memorandum on
the subjecl.
Shackley s report provoked a tense cable from CFE William Nelson
accusing the Station of getting out ahead of Headquarters and the NSC on
support for South Vietnamese political mobilization. Shackley's rejoin-
der reminded Headquarters that he had given advance notice of the
intended review, with no reaction from Washington. Regarding the sub-
stance of the complaint, the COS assured Nelson that both he and Bun-
ker understood the need, before doing anything else, to get Thieu's
reaction to Washington's expressed disappointment with a languishing
NSDF. Nelson's reaction is not known, but Washington deliberated for
three months before the NSC approved $225,000 in mid-March 1970 for
continued funding of Thieu's political mobilization efforts.
Bunker and the Station continued trying to get President Thieu to
take these efforts seriously, but Shackley did not serve as Bunker's
intermediary as Katrosh had, and the Station increasingly emphasized
indirect approaches to Thieu. In doing so, it encountered not only the
customary Vietnamese resistance to American political principles, but
also growing suspicion of US purposes. This was true even of people
the Station was trying to exploit as agents of influence. General Khiem,
for example, had been a cooperative Station' contact as concurrent Inte-
rior Minister and Deputy Prime Minister for Pacification, and the Sta-
tion thought him a distinct improvement, as Prime Minister, over his
predecessor. But as urban discontent led by students and Army veterans
festered in the spring of 1970, he told Thieu he agreed that the United
States was supporting the disturbances in order to bring down the
Saigon regime, arrange a coalition government, and end the war.
At the end of April, President Nixon ordered US troops into Cam-
bodia in search of enemy logistic and command installations, In early
May, he launched the first major bombing raids on the North since
"Saigon 7163; Dircclor 57975,2 December 1969, and Saigon 7517, 5 Decemher 1969) I
I ISaigon7517 refers to the Station's memorandum to Bunker, sent
to Head uartcrs as FVSA 29783, which has not been found,D
, Saigon 7675,10 December 1969;1 I
correspondence, particularly the Washington end, appears to overlook
'Ihicu's well-known reservations about what had always heen an American initiative. Washington
and the US Mission in Saigon presumably discussed the matter further before March 1970, but the
correspondence has not been fonnd,D
"'Undated I III. passim; Saigon 12077, 9 April
1970,1 said that Khiem had a reputation for
"deviousness and cunning and seems to have been motivated throughout his career primarily by

October 1968. The Cambodian incursion, especially, provoked massive
protests in the United States, and National Guard soldiers killed six stu-
dents at Kent State University and Jackson State College. Intensified US
operations might have been expected to bolster South Vietnamese
morale, even if they alienated domestic American opinion. Any such
effect was transient, for President Nixon followed the June withdrawal
of US troops from Cambodia with a resumption of the American force
reduction in South Vietnam. 21D
In this atmosphere, Shackley tried to awaken Thieu to the danger of a
disaffected South Vietnamese public. On 6 May, the Station drafted a pro-
gram calculated to "defuse some of the more troublesome irritants" between
governors and governed. In Bunker's absence, acting Ambassador ,Berger
told Shackley he concurred, but judged the program too provocative to
broach directly with President Thieu. Prime Minister Khiem seemed a
potentially more receptive audience, but even here, Berger thought it better
to package the message as an intelligence appraisal, to be delivered by the
COS, rather than to go himself with an overt political demarche. Khiem
received Shackley the same day, 6 May, and after listening to the CIA pro-
posal agreed to develop the terms of a "political position on the current con-
stitutional crisis;" he would submit this to Thieu if it appeared likely to win
substantial public support. "0
For Shackley, the outcome demonstrated Khiem's unwillingness to
"move boldly in raising any issues with Thieu." For, although Khiem
seemed clearly to share the Mission's view of the crisis, he would "take
political soundings with Thieu but no more. In short, where we were
looking for decisiveness and rapidity of action we have every reason to
believe we will get nothing more than oriental time-consuming dissem-
bling." The Station saw no evidence that the Communists had fomented
the unrest, which despite its fragmentation threatened Saigon's authority.
"Only Thieu can save Thien," Shackley wrote, and only Ambassador
Bunker and President Nixon could reach him with sufficient force to
stand a chance of getting him to regain lost credibility through essential
reforms, The COS wanted a letter from Nixon to Thieu, followed by an
urgent appeal from Bunker that Thieu move decisively to deal with cor-
ruption, police misconduct, and his own government's defiance of
Supreme Court rulings.nO
"Herring, America:S Longest War, t>jJ. 233-239; "Vietnam Chronology," pp. 121-122.0
"Saigon D459, 9 May 1970,C I
"lhid.; Saigon 13460,9 May 1970, and Saigon 1 3 5 ~ I . 11 May 1970,1 1
OThis correspondence does not acknowledge that reform might have posed a threat to Thieu
from the generals whose corruption he would have had to ehallcnge.D
The standoff between the regime and its non-Communist urban con-
stituency now resembled that of the last months of the Diem regime. Try-
ing to work out a reconciliation formula, the Station created a 27-page
prescription for Headquarters' benefit that implicitly recognized Thieu's
dilemma-he had to quell popular disturbances while trying to persuade
the politically alienated of his reformist purposes-but did not specify
how he was simultaneously to put down these disorders and soften the
public perception of police brutality. It concentrated instead on the proto-
col of proposed government contacts with dissident An Quang Buddhists
and on the content of suggested public addresses by Prime Minister
Khiern, The Station also proposed major new programs of political mobi-
lization, land reform, and economic improvements. Here, as with the
problem of police action against public disorder, the means of implemen-
tation got little attention; the problem of attracting capable and dedicated
people to staff such new programs, for example, drew only the facile
observation that there were "many good men lying fallow."24D
Declining Interest in Political ModernizationD
This omission may have reflected a degree of indifference to
what Station management saw as just one more well-intentioned initia-
tive by George Carver to impose Western forms on South Vietnamese
politics. AlLhough the very dimensions of the Station's May 1970 pre-
scription and the effort to get Thieu's attention to its main provisions
imply some sense of urgency, Lazarsky later remembered the affair as
a routine matter given a dutiful Station response. As the DCOS later
recalled his own reaction, he had equated Thieu's position with that of
Indonesia's General Suharto: each had control of his armed forces, and
that was the only power base either one required.
The Station's attitude toward the dissident Buddhists reflected a
similar ambivalence. Management had little interest in them-Lazarsky,
using a term he said he borrowed from Burma's General Ne Win, called
them the "Asian unemployed"-but the Station did resume the effort,
suspended after the 1966 rebellion in Central Vietnam, to involve them
.. ,Snigou 13541. With respect to "good mcn lying fallow," throughout the Agency's involvement in
Vietnam. its management in Saigon at least implicitly assumed that enough competent and rnoti-
vntcrl people were available to staff essential programs. if only the GVN devoted enough energy 10
recruiting thcmD
"I .uzarsky interview, 14 June 1993. Tcd Shackley, interviewed in 1993, did notl'ccalltheepisodeD
in the political rocess. In 1 70, the Station's longtime channel to the
Buddhists, urged several prominent monks to run for
the Senate. was Vu Van Mau, once Ngo Dinh Diem's for-
eign minister.
U .
Aiming to reduce the monks' dependence on dissident veterans and
students, I Ibacked up his encouragement with modest financial
.support. Most of them won, and for a time after the 30 August elections
urban rioting stopped while they tried to work within the system. At the
tactical level, this effort produced better results than the Mission's larger
program of support to political mobilization by the Thieu government:
the NSDF, despite renewed US funding in March, did not even sponsor a
senatorial ticket, and the candidates of three of its constituent parties all
IOSt,27D. .
American interest in mass political mobilization largely subsided
after the 1970 senatorial elections, as the US Mission in Saigon turned
its attention to the Presidential contest scheduled for October 1971. As
of late 1970, Vice President Ky seemed unlikely to run, and US officials
already worried about the effect on Thieu's political legitimacy if he ran
unopposed. Ambassador Bunker proposed to forestall this outcome by
persuading ex-Chief of State and Buddhist ally Duong Van "Big Minh"
to seek the office.
Bunker anticipated some difficulty with the moody former general,
It was not that the US wanted Minh to unseat Thieu. Minh's devo-
tion to the war effurt looked doubtful, and a question of unauthorized
contacts with the North through a brother in Hanoi had not been resolved.
"Laznrsky interview, 14June 1993.0
'c=!nterview, 3 June 1993; Williams, "111e Election Process," pp. 88,101. Six often olher
c,iildioiiies, supported by the Station at an average of $2,000 each. also won (Srel I
I IllldSaigon 18214, 1 September . Station had always
found the Buddhists' goals obscure at best, and their political detachment unattractive. Lazarsky de-
scribed the leadership in terms borrowed from Madame Nhu's notorious allnsions to "Buddhist bar-
bcqucs," conveying the same bemused contempt expressed by former COSs William Colby and Peer
de Silva. Vu Van Mau served. for about 48 hours, as the last Prime Minister of South Vietnalll.D
"Saigon 22018.17 November 1970,j I
I __--------

Minh's ability was equally suspect: I
I ----------;I,..........a
Vietnamese colleague and Station agent who once described him, affec-
tionately, as having "the body of an elephant and the brain of a mouse."
But he would have been a credible candidate, likely with An Quang Bud-
dhist support, to have won 20 percent to 30 percent of the vote.
Despite Minh's reluctance, a Thieu victory was not to be taken for
granted, and in January 1971 Ambassador Bunker wanted action to
ensure it. The Station also wanted a solid foot in the opposition camp
against the possibility, however remote, of a Thieu defeat. And it wanted
ten more "responsive" people in the Lower House, where its ten existing
agents were already able to stimulate or block legislation. For these tasks,
and to support pro-Thieu Lower House candidates, the Station wanted
(and. presumably got; the record is incomplete) $252,000. As elections
approached, the Station redefined, in effect, its longtime goal of Vietnam-
ese political mobilization; this now meant simply generating votes for
Nguyen Van Thien. Shackley approached General Quang in one phase of
a Station effort to get Thieu to press the Catholics to unite behind him
ami to court the Chinese minority and the tribal highlanders. Thieu appar-
ently took some of Quang's advice, as the COS asserted in April that
moves taken by Thieu after such colloquies with Quang demonstrated
the efficacy of this channel. 31D
Varying Perceptions of VietnamizationD
As the Paris negotiations dragged on, US ground forces continued
their withdrawal in pursuit of the Nixon administration's policy of Viet-
numization, In February 1971, Saigon and the US tested ARVN's self-
sufficiency on the ground with a major incursion, supporled by Ameri-
can airpower, into South Laos. ARVN casualties were heavy and the
results disappointing. In the aftermath of the operation, called Lamson
719, DDP Thomas Karamessines assigned the Station the delicate task of
reporting on resulting ARVN morale problems without unnecessarily jar-
ring ambassadorial or MACV sensitivities. Shackley replied that Bunker
"'Shackley interview. 26 .Inne 1993:Saigon 220.18: Groth interview. 29 July 1992;1
17 Februnry 1968,1 I
"FVST29:i42. 10 Novcmbcr 1970, and Saigon 24763, 18 January 1971.1 _
I'VSA 3:i093, II April I 1

Jmpt'h LA:af"lky and ls.
Gen. Thmg "m QWlng.
President Thien 's S"l 'c;af
AU;.Hw II for Militurv und
Security Affairs. u ,t' .\hll ry:.
\-1\. /lJ7/ .
PIwIo ~ _ n ~ t ' of
Josrplt IAWln., _
and Abrams both expected the unvamishcd truth from him, and that he
would "stoicully absorb .my irritation" on their pan that his reporting
might provoke.~ 2 D
In fact. as Station management saw it, ARVN had "come out smell -
ing like a half-decent rose," despite the casualties and limited gains.
When DCOS Joe Lazarsky left Vietnam some weeks later, he shared
what he later recalled as General Abra ms 's optimism about Saigon's
prospects of survival. In MR 3, by contras t, ROI C Don Gregg thought
that the nearly complete withdrawal of US forces had len a vacuum, in
mid197J , whi ch ARVN had yet 10 fill. In some pl aces, the Co mmunists
were busy filling that vacuum, whi ch Gre gg thought reflect ed President
Th ien' s reluctance, in an election year, to take the casualt ies that a more
aggressive stulice would incur. Even pacification asse ts like PRU and the
Poli ce Special Branch had "sagged badly" in June, and ARVN in MR
was esse ntially passive, its morale "a question mark," nO
As was chronically the case in OIC CIA establishment in Vietnam,
the intuiti ve j udgments of working-level St atioll officers tended to the
most pessi mistic, Vietnamese linguist I Ihad come to
know a pair of ARVN par atroopers in 1970, lind Ihey looked him up
' a.lI ke, TIle [-'fila! Years. pp. 472-474' Director 1 179,26 March 1971. and Saigon 28188.
27 Ml\rch 1911.[
ul. 1l 7.tlu ky inlcr', Li". "' w' I4],"m"c" "' 99"3C" ; Memorandu m. "MR 3 Mourht y Report for June 1971," 7 Jul y
197 1, peepnred hy Donald P. Gregg. who provided a sanitized ancldec lass ified C'opy,D
whenever their battalion was in the Saigon area. Their unit was commit-
ted to Lamson 719, and several months after the ARVN withdrawal one
of the two appeared at I [door, His gung-ho paratrooper spirit
had vanished; so had his buddy and most of the unit when they were
overrun in Laos. I [gathered that the morale of the other survi-
vors had been similarly shattered, and he later remembered thinking that
"if this is what a member of an elite unit looked and felt like, the rest of
ARVN must be in a hell of a fix."34D
The 1971 Presidential ElectionD
Subjective questions like military morale were in any case not to
be definitively answered. With presidential elections scheduled for 3
October, GVN and US attention gravitated to the political sphere. As Sta-
tion officers like Gregg and I Iworried about ARVN resolve,
Thieu and Ky began trying to use the Agency to advance their respective
candidacies. In early July, Thieu's press secretary, Hoang Due Nha,
sought Shackley's endorsement of a South Vietnamese election informa-
tion office in Washington. Failing in this-the COS referred him to the
State Department-Nha asked Shackley to arrange Washington briefings
for him on US antiwar groups and on government monitoring of terrorist
organizations like the Weathermen. Bunker declined to get involved,
while Headquarters opposed the information office idea and rejected the
briefing request.35D
On 24 July, Thieu announced his candidacy, and "Big Minh" ful-
filled Ambassador Bunker's hopes whcn hc followed suit two days later.
Vice President Ky declared on 4 August, hut the Supreme Court rejected
his filing the next day, citing his failure to meet the terms of the election
law, which Thieu had formulated with Ky in mind. Minh then began
threatening to withdraw. This would have reintroduced the prospect of an
unopposed election, and on 19 August Ambassador Bunker visited Minh
to persuade him to stay in thc race.]
Lt"-w"'x-'-t--:crla""'y-," M'-IJ-nTtl-tCT11!--cc\'--1l1:--rl:,""'lC"""t--:W=IttL1CTdIJ=aC::wC:-.--'rf'1lh1::c
= -=pT
1t o=-=y-:-=w-=e-=n

"'1 Inote to the. author, 10November 1994.0..1-- _
"'Saigon3:J503, 9 July 1971,andLI --l _


respect: the press got hold of the Bunker approach, presumably from
someone in Minh's entourage, and one story included the probably ficti-
tious claim that the offer specified a campaign fund of $3 million.
The Supreme Court reversed itself on 20 August, reinstating Ky,
but he withdrew on 23 August, leaving Thieu as the sale candidate, This
did not mean that Ky was resigned to a Thieu victory, as he now tried to
use the Agency to generate US pressure for electoral reforms, He began
by smuggling aide Dang Due Khoi to Phnom Penh, whence Khoi flew to
Washington in early September and appealed to an old Agency contact
to put him in touch with National Security Adviser Henry Kissinger.
DCI Helms informed Kissinger of this overture, summarizing Ky's
appeal to force Thieu to conduct fair elections. But the American com-
mitment to a Thieu victory overshadowed concerns about electoral fair
play. Khoi did see Deputy Assistant Secretary William Sullivan, but Ky
got no satisfaction." D
While Helms in Washington was conveying Ky's message to Kiss-
inger, COS Shackley and Prime Minister Khiem were trying to influence
each other's principals in Saigon. On 7 September, Shackley urged that
Thieu be induced to allow opposition, at least to the extent of specifying
the mechanics of casting a negative vote. Khiem conveyed this to Thieu,
and two days later noted in the same context that the President had not
yet specified how many votes would constitute avictory in this singleton
election. He thought Bunker should pin Thieu down on this matter, and
more basically should try to avoid the embarrassment of a one-man elec-
tion by persuading Minh and Ky to reactivate their candidacies. Shack-
ley met the Prime Minister several more times before the election, once
when Bunker could not get in to see Thieu, and Khicm again urged
ambassadorial pressure. As the COS later recalled it, Bunker did keep
trying to prevent an unopposed election, but in vain.
President Thieu won 91.5 percent of the votes cast on 3 October;-
nearly 90 percent of registered voters cast ballots, Five days later, the Viet
Cong released an American prisoner, Sgt. John Sexton, in Cambodia.
The New York l1mes,
2,L,4J'ul-Y.'I:-A"U-C-ns-'t', 2"'0""A:-n-g-us-t7
"' 7;-;r- - - - - .".- !s-o-re-c-; al:;- le--; d--; th-e-;: B:-u-:- nker offer. but Shackley
said in 1993 that he believed his own research. after the press allegations, determined that there had
been none. (Scc! Jinterview, 3 June 1993, and Shackley interview. 26 June 1993.)IJ
""Vietnam Chronology," p.131; The New York Times, 21 August 1971 (U); William E. Nelson,
Memorandum for Director of Central Intelligence, "Comments of Dang Due KllOi un Current
Views of Vice President Ky," 7 IThe New
York Times, 4 September 1971. U
'''Saigon 36887. 7 Sc tember 1971' Sai on 37001 9 September 1971; Saigon 37059, 10September
1971; and passim, Theodore Shackley, interview by the author,
Sumner, MD, 23 July 1993,
This had been preceded in August by a letter, apparently authorized by
Tran Bach Dang, the Conununist principal in the dormant NLF operation,
which proposed new prisoner exchanges. But no channel for a reply had
yet been set up when Sexton emerged from the jungle, and the two devel-
opments might have been unrelated. Sexton brought messages containing
instructions for contact with his captors, and on 27 October the Commu-
nists used the Embassy telephone number sent to them with a North Viet-
namese lieutenant released in reciprocity for Sexton. The caller claimed
to represent Tran Bach Dang and offered to release captured Foreign Ser-
vice Officer Douglas Ramsey for two high-ranking Communists.
Informed of the proposal, President Thieu agreed to further communica-
tion in this channel, but postponed any commitment on prisoner
exchanges until after his inauguration. No formula acceptable to Thieu,
the United States, and the Communists ever emerged, and the dialog pro-
duced no further exchanges.
The Wal' Is Not Over, and We Have Not WonD
With President Thieu installed for another four-year term, Ambas-
sador Bunker moved to reduce the Station's involvement at the top. In
January 1972, with Deputy Ambassador Berger and MACV commander
General Weyand both seeing Prime Minister Khiem, Bunker asked
Shackley to withdraw, The COS later recalled this as a logical decision
at a time when the Paris talks and Vietnamization were high on the
agenda, and an informal CIA interlocutor with Khiem risked undercutting
the designated contacts. But Khiem occasionally asked to see him any-
way, and one such meeting took place on 17 January"oD
The main order of business was Communist intentions for the Tel
holiday, but Khiem also made the first recorded reference to Thieu's pro-
posed Democracy Party, describing it in terms that made it sound like a
replica of Ngo Dinh Nhu's Can Lao (Labor) Party. Entirely unlike the
American notion of mass-based political parties, it would be a semi secret
cadre organization based on the Army and the bureaucracy, providing
Thieu with an unofficial instrument for controlling the governmental
"'''Viclnaill Chronology," p. 131 ISummary, 19-23;1 fnterview,24
1OI31ind memorandum, "Tenth Conversation Between Prime Minister Khiem and CAS Station
Chief." 20January 19721 f'>aigon 43430, 19January 1972,1 1
1 ISImck1ey interview, 26 June 19930
~ 6 - -
apparatus. In this context, Khiem remarked that anyone working with
Thieu did so strictly on the President's terms, imposing no conditions and
without expecting any security of tenure.
But all this came as an aside. The immediate question concerned
the timing and scale of new Communist military initiatives. Khiem and
Shackley agreed that the North probably intended a major assault;
Khiem expected Hanoi to try to destroy rural pacification and overrun
ARVN strong points in order to embarrass President Nixon during his
visit to Beijing, planned for February. Shackley conveyed this to Head-
quarters, saying that the series of high points foreseen in Station projec-
tions as recently as December now looked like plans for a general
This foreboding climate prevailed when Thomas Polgar arrived to
replace Ted Shackley in late January 1972. Born and raised in Hungary,
Polgar like his predecessor had a native command of an East European
language and fluent German as well. Five years older than Shackley, he
had been with the Agency since its creation in 1947. Polgar had wide
experience in EuropeI IHe
was seeing East Asia for the first time.43 0
Polgar remembered that, when he learned of the Saigon appoint-
ment, he pointed out to DCI Helms, an old friend as well as colleague,
that he had no background in Asian operations. No matter, Helms
responded, Polgar would have four permanent items on his Saigon
agenda, none of them operational. First was his relationship with the
Embassy, After that, in no particular order, came MACV, the media, and
Congressional visitors. Polgar left Washington with this mandate and
with the prognosis offered by Defense Secretary Melvin Laird during a
ceremonial call at the Pentagon: the US role in Vietnam was like that in
divided Germany and Korea, and Americans would be there for 40
Despite omens of a major Communist offensive, Shackley departed
Vietnam optimistic about its prospects: military operations into Laos and
Cambodia in 1971 had bought time, rice production was up, and the
., Mcmoraudum, "Tenth Conversation." William Colby wrote that once, returning from a rural in-
spcction trip with Thieu,"thc President remarked that Diem had run the country quite well" (see
Colby, Lost Victory, p. 294)0He had also told Colby, in September 1970, that he could easily
create a political party, but that when Diem had done so, it proved to be "only a facade," and a basis
for "corruption and improper influence" (see Saigon 18593, 8 September 1 9 7 0 ~ I
"Memorandum, "Tenth Conversation;" Saigon 43598, 22 January 1972,1 1
I I .
"('olgaI' official personnel file.D
"Thomas Polgar, interview by the author, Maitland, FL, 29-30 July 1993.0
C012687 17
TM Creighton Abrunu. and l honliJ. ' Polgar. January 1972.
pltofo of nu-.
economy was booming. The curve was risi ng, in his view, despite ubiqui-
tous official corruption. which in his view was a real probl em, but one
greatly exa ggerated by rumor. Polgar largely acce pted this evaluati on as
he took command of the Saigon Station; lO him as to most if not all his
predecessors. the situation seemed so well defined as to obviate the need
for close analysis. Within days of his arrival, he was ass uri ng National
Police Commissioner Dinh that "the war in Vietnam would eve ntually be
WOIl, not by milit ary action, but by the acquisition of intelligence fol-
lowed by police action."4'0
TI,e DC! ' s mandate 10 the new COS said nothing about Station
dea lings with the Saigon gove rnment. and Ambassador Bunker. as we
have seen, had curtailed the CIA role after the presidential elections.
"Shackley imerview, 2b June 1993; Pul ga. interview, 29-30 July 1993; Philip Potter. Memoran-
dum (01 the: Record. wuh Neuonat t'oliceCommissioner N u eon Khac Binh," n.d., bUI
with reference i nthe: text tc the date o(lhe meetmg ill 2 Pebruary 1972
Ie economic pwune also illdudc:J the lugh inflation Ihal had"'o'-"'"ocd=Th=,, '-' .u'",""t=p,-,,, ocv",ou = ,J
:tu devalue the pi;u;tet and raise interest ritte(see "Viet nam Chronology," p. 132). With
III conupuun, Shac kley tha t he had vigorously tnvesugeted hili Palace conner. General
(Ju,mg, nowrious tor ltllcgcJ corruption, bUI had bee n unable 10 confirm any speci fic insta nce of it
Shackley inte rview, 26 June JlJ93)D
~ t
Nevertheless, Polgar soon found himself heavily involved. Tran Thien
Khiem, Prime Minister since August 1969, had told Shackley that he
would not resume his informal CIA relationship with the new COS. But
he soon reversed himself, and Polgar reported on 22 March that he and
Khiem had agreed to continue the dialog. Indeed, Khiem took the occa-
sion of this inaugural meeting to ensure that Polgar understood the Presi-
dent's style: Thieu had a most suspicious nature, he said, adding that he
thought Bunker had more influence over Thieu than anyone else, and pre- .
dieting that this would not transfer to the Ambassador's successor.
Polgar inherited from Shackley warm relations with both Ambassa-
dor Bunker and MACV commander Gen. Creighton Abrams; the general
had taken the trouble to attend Shackl<;y:'s leavetaking at Tan Son Nhut.
But the prevailing cordiality did not imply the absence of tension or dis-
agreement. Abrams particularly disliked overt contacts between the Sta-
tion and senior ARVN commanders and any reporting even implicitly
critical of MACV's advisory and training performance with ARVN. But
he and Polgar established -a personal as well as professional relationship,
based on mutual friends and a shared taste for classical music." n
The media and Congressional visitors did not intrude mu'chduring
Polgar's first weeks, when the US Mission worried mainly about a Com-
munist offensive during the January Tet holidays or during President
Nixon's visit to China during the last week of February. But these events
passed with no major initiative from Hanoi; meanwhile, US troop
strength on the ground in Vietnam dipped below 100,000. Then, on 30
March, North Vietnamese Army units, including armor and heavy artil-
lery, entered the demilitarized zone to launch what became known as the
Easter offensive. As Polgar recalled it, MACV J-2 had predicted the time
and place of the DMZ assault in "one of the most prescient cables I have
ever seen." The Station's agent sources, who in late 1971 had already
warned of Communist strategic intentions, were less precise at the tacti-
cal level; they had correctly foreseen attacks in the Central Highlands,
but apparently had lacked access to preparations above the DMZ.4SD
On 6 April, Tom Polgar sounded for the first time the note that
henceforth dominated his perspective on South Vietnam's future,
namely, its indefinite dependence on US support: "the illusion that [the]
war is over and we have won is shattered." He expected ARVN to hold
out, despite heavy losses, but "American support in the air and in military
"Saigon 43430; Saigon 46343, 22 March 1972{ . IBlind Mem-
orandum, "Meeting Between New Vietnam StatlouCliief U11d-Primc Minister Tran Thien Khiem,"
23 March 1972.1 IIn fact, Bunker stayed another year and a halfD
"I'olgar interview, 29..30 July 1 9 ~
""Vietnam Chronology," p, 135U Polgar interview. 29-30July 1993.0
Figure 16
Principal Targets of the Easter Offensive, 1972
- International boundary
* National capital
District town overrun
o District town under
enemy pressure
50 100 Mil.
Major enemy thrust
743702 9-97
11 0
and civilian advisory capacities remain [sic] essential for survival of a
non-Communist Vietnam as long as Soviets and China continue support
to North Vietnam."49D
With the Easter offensive still gaining momentum, an apocalyptic
cable from his Bien Hoa base forced Polgar's attention to corruption in
the government. The message described the corrosive effects of the VC
.shadow supply system, in which Saigon's officials accommodated, for a
price, Communist needs for local stocks of food, medicine, and other
supplies. The ARVN commander of Military Region (MR) 3 seemed to
take it for granted that Communist combat units infiltrating his area
would be locally supplied, and the base. chief saw an urgent need for a
rigorous resource control system. Without it, he thought, there would be
sustained main unit fighting in MR 3 inside of .one year. Polgar said he
intended to take up the matter with the Mission Council, but years later
did not recall what action, if any, the Council recommended or under-
Whatever the overall effect of corruption or of the absence of
resource controls, new evidence of institutional malaise in the intelli-
gence ancl security organs had surfaced two weeks earlier in a late March
meeting with Col. Nguyen Khac Binh, chief of the CIO and concurrently
National Police commander. He deplored both the malign influence of the
French-trained old guard and President Thieu's refusal to detail from
ARVN the high-quality, middle-grade officers he needed to improve
police effectiveness, including that of Special Branch, the Station's intel-
ligence liaison. The Station responded with the lame hope that attrition
would take care of the old guard. And to a discouraged intimation that
Binh wanted to resign it could only suggest that ~ u l a r rotation of
police commanders would probably be a good thing.
U .
"Saigon 46947, (, April 1972,1 IA Defense Department
task force dispatched after the ollenslve to evaluatc Its effects came up with a more comprehensive
critique: "Coutinucd social injustice, open political chicanery, and economic dependence on the
United Slates would ultimately give the people little to fight for against an 0 onent whose deter-
mination appeared unshaken." sec Clarke The Final Years .489
"Saigon 46947; Polgar in-
terview, 29-30 Jii y .. n retrospect, olgar saw official corruption as having had little effect on
the fate of the GVN; he thought of it as something endemic in Third World countries, including
members of the Communist Bloc. The term "Military Region" was adopted in July 1970 to replace
the word "Corps" 10 designate Ihe basic areas of ARVN territorial responsibility. What had been
called the Capital Military District hecamc MR 5.0
"JiVSA 38598,5 April 19721 I
Conflicting Assessments of the Easter Offel1siveD
As with the 1968 Tet offensive, the reactions of US observers to
the 1972 Easter offensive sharply diverged. Regular units of the North
Vietnamese Army were besieging An Loe, north of Saigon, when COS
Polgar reported himself "perplexed by [the] overoptimistic position
taken by Ambassador Bunker," who seemed to have adopted General
Abrams's position that "this is the final offensive-s-the enemy has noth-
ing left." After a bow to their collective experience and expertise, Polgar
said that intelligence didn't support them, that the Communists could
repeat the current offensive, assuming only continued Soviet support and
the use of Laotian and Cambodian territory. Polgar said he was even pre-
pared to accept that Saigon's forces might be doing better than had a half
million US troops a few years before, but insisted that the Vietnamese
depended utterly on American combat air support,S2D
Whatever Abrams thought about Communist capabilities, he also
had his reservations about ARVN leadership. On 22 April, he complained
to Polgar about the lethargy of ARVN's reporting system, and the result-
ing tendency of the generals around Thieu to second-guess the field com-
manders on the basis of outdated information. Abrams clearly believed
that "President Thieu's contribution to some recent tactical decisions did
not represent [the] epitome of wisdom." In an unusual move, the general
asked if the Station could "insinuate" to the Palace that Thieu ought to
rely more on briefings by his field commanders. Despite the implied trib-
ute to the Station's influence, Polgar noted that only Abrams himself and
the Ambassador were situated to have any impact on thisYD
Polgar continued to call the military situation as he saw it, and in
early May showed Bunker an assessment that included a devastating
critique of ARVN commanders. Many owed their positions to their
demonstrated loyally to Thien, and many of these were incompetent.
The leadership had failed catastrophically to prepare for the attacks in
MR 2, which included the Central Highlands, despite intelligence that
predicted to the day when the attack there would come,s4D
Bunker forbade the dissemination of this report, even though
Abrams had just said essentially the same things to Thieu. Headquarters
worried that Station candor might create friction with the Ambassador or
MACV, but Polgar wrote back that Bunker genuinely appreciated it. His
reassuring words did not mention Abrams, and Polgar shortly afterward
"Saigon 477720
'''Snigon4H:169, 4 MnyI972'LI _

complained that MACV's realism seemed to be confined to the back
channel. Abrams and General Weyand understood the problem, but "pub-
lished MACV material [is] consistently overoptimistic and seldom if
ever critical of ARVN."ll D
I Isome insights into the functioning of the ARVN
command under the latest Communist onslaught. MR 2 commander Gen.
Ngo Dzu simply panicked and fled from Corps headquarters at Pleiku to
coastal Nha Trang, leaving the de facto leadership of ARVN forces in the
interior to MR 2 senior adviser John Paul Vann. ARVN leadership in MR
I also cracked. I I
I Irefused to return to Pleiku.! IThieu
was considering replacing him with a known incompetent named Phan
Trang Chinh. Acting on an ostensibly spontaneous impulse, Bunker sent
Thieu a list of candidates on which Chinh's name did not appear. Thieu
picked one that did, that of Gen. Nguyen Van Toan. Toan had recently
been relieved as 2nd Division commander on charges of corruption and
was at the moment defending himself against charges of illicit relations
with prepubescent girls. But he had something the situation required,
namely, a reputation as a enuine combat leader.
illuminated Thieu's own functioning
under pressure, and gained the impression that military
reverses had loosened his connection with reality. One of them remem-
bered a surrealistic performance during the crisis in which Thieu ago-
nized with] lover the minutest details 0.1' his appearance
at the celebration of a national holiday." D
Nevertheless, by late June, Polgar saw some basis for renewed opti-
mism. US intelligence suggested that airstrikes on rear area North Viet-
namcse units had blunted Hanoi's fighting instruments. ARVN had rallied
from its April funk, and Saigon's control had not diminished except for
the areas physically occupied by invading forces. This confirmed, for
Polgar, that the population had come to be "content to live with the Thieu
regime." Polgar believed, as Thieu did, and Diem before him, that "who-
ever controls the machinery of government can be sure of having ade-
quate even if passive acceptance by [the] population." This argument
ignored the ineluctable pressure on the rural population to take sides, but
"Sai on 48392 5 Ma 1972 Also, Saigon 48449, 6 May
1972 '.' on 48245, 2 May 1972; Saigon 49362.24 May 1972;
Ihe criticisms of ARVN leadership and MACV's offi-
rule constitute a nearly exact reprise of themes being
played al (he same poinr in Ngo Dinh Diem's career, in J961. One of the most Interesting features
of (he Thien regime is irs imitation, conscious or otherwise, of Diem's.D
.<t==Jinterview, 24 August 1992;r---lnote to the author, 10 November 1994.0
24 August 1992.0--

CIA, earlier the most vigorous proponent of a "one-war" strategy, now
joined the rest of the US Government in either abdicating the ideological
struggle or assuming that Saigon had won it. 58D
Polgar expanded on this point of view when Gen. Alexander Haig
visited Saigon in late June: if the North Vietnamese were defeated,
"there should be no problem with pacification.... It is not [a] question of
[a] 'tight for hearts and minds' but simply one of who controls city hall."
The COS dismissed Haig's question about the prospect of a general
uprising: there had been no uprisings or any other significant action by
the indigenous Communist organization, even where the North Vietnam-
ese Army had made "authentic gains," and ARVN was now fighting
By mid-July, Thieu aide General Quang was reassuring Polgar that
the South Vietnamese presence had not suffered serious damage in the
populated areas of the Mekong Delta, although it would take hard work
farther south, in An Xuyen and Chuong Thien Provinces, to "restore or
establish" government control. In August, with the immediate threat
largely surmounted, the hardy-unity-through-crisis theme surfaced again
in a Station meeting with Judge Tran Si Tan, a Thieu confidant and inter-
mittent channel to the Agency. According to Tan, Thieu still believed
that, with continued US support, South Vietnam could resist political and
military pressure from the North. To be sure, Thieu would have to rely on
relatively mediocre military and politieal leaders, but he hoped that fear
of a Communist takeover would galvanize the disparate South Vietnam-
ese military and political elements into an effective resistance force.
Looking for a New Political Action StrategyD
A September 1972 exchange between Bill Colby-now the
Agency's Executive Director/Comptroller-and COS Polgar revealed
continuing disagreement inside CIA about US political goals in South
Vietnam. Colby wrote to the COS urging him to develop a new political
action strategy for South Vietnam. Colby would leave specific action
proposals to the Station, but he thought it essential that they be aimed at
strengthening GVN institutions for protracted competition with the
"Saigon 51007, 2H June 1972,1 1
"Saigon5ll:ll, I July 19721 I
"'Saigon 518H6, 18Jnly 1972.1 IRichard Helms, DOl', Memo-
randum to Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs Henry A. Kissinger, "President
Thien's Reactions to His Discussions With Dr. Kissinger," 28 August 1972,1 I
Communists after a cease-fire, Going "far beyond improving President
Thicu's image, or even supporting him," the effort should emphasize the
"development of political mechanisms and structures which' hopefully
will outlive him."6ID .
Confident as always of CIA's ability to bend foreign leaders to its
will, Colby called on Polgar to exploit the Station's "unique relation-
ships" with South Vietnamese leaders, taking the initiative in an area "so
difficult for other agencies to enter." What obstructed the participation of
. other US officials he did not say, but CIA would in any case not have to
commit substantial new funds or personnel. It should suffice, Colby
thought, to apply "good counsel and imagination," so long as these quali-
ties served the pursuit of an overall strategy.62D
Polgar's reply repudiated Colby's main thesis. Pointing out that the
investment of billions of American dollars and a gigantic civilian effort
had not resulted in US-style political institutions taking root in Vietnam,
the COS doubted that CIA could succeed where others had failed. In lan-
guage recalling Edward Lansdale's advocacy of Ngo Dinh Diem, Polgar
called instead for "constant, generous, and sincere moral and material
support to ... President Thieu, no matter what internal policies he pur-
sues, as long as [these] do not damage fundamental U,S. interests." 63 D
Having adopted Lansdale's formula for an essentially uncondi-
tional commitment to a Saigon ruler, Polgar rejected Lansdale's faith in
the transforming power of American ideals. Arguing that democracy was
too antipathetic to the Vietnamese tradition to constitute a real alternative,
the COS thought the US should abandon what he called the "social
reformist/missionary" approach. A more laissez-alter approach would
result in a regime "more autocratic-not more democratic," but if this
trend was accompanied by better security, the populace would welcome
it. For Polgar, intermittent US efforts to liberalize the South Vietnamese
political system constituted a somewhat arbitrary end in themselves,
essentially unrelated to the survival of the GVN.64 D
Colby had always been more of the Lansdale view. A military
emergency might justify authoritarian measures, but the government must
always concern itself with its integrity and competence in the eyes of the
governed if it was to mobilize them in their own defense. But the static
quality of Colby's latest proposal, with its call for unspecified "struc-
tures" and "mechanisms," perpetuated the CIA proclivity to ignore politi-
cal substance in the pursuit of political forms. Although Polgar surely
"FVSW-14175. I September 1972. copy in History Staff fiJes.D
"FVSA 39312. 19 September 1972, copy in History Staff fiIcs.D
S P ~
~ 5 - '
erred in his belief in physical security as the single determinant of politi-
cal loyalty, his resistance to the proposal is easy to understand, for it con-
tained no more substance than did earlier Agency political action
Without any common ground on ends, let alone on means, the
exchange came to an end. Its only result was to illustrate, eighteen years
after the original American commitment to South Vietnam, the continued
absence in CIA-as in the rest of the US Government-of any shared
concept of US operational goals there. The question remained: what was
the implication for the United States if both Colby and Polgar were right,
if political modernization was essential to the GVN's long-term survival,
ancl if this modernization was impossible?D
Chapter 6
Squeezing ThieuD
Whatever the theoretical merits of unconditional support to Presi-
dent Thieu, the Station found itself by late summer 1972 in something of
an adversarial relationship with the GVN. For almost a year, from August
1972 to June 1973, it had as the main item on its agenda to help the
administration get Saigon's adherence to the terms of a cease-fire agree-
ment as these emerged from the Paris negotations with North Vietnam.
Part of this effort involved the exploitation of I
I Ivarious agents to keep Washington apprised of the
Vietnamese bottom line, But the Station also brought its liaison contacts
to bear in the gradually escalating effort to wear down President Thieu's
resistance to terms t h a t ~ m i t t e d the continued presence of Hanoi's
troops in South Vietnam. U
On 17 August 1972, National Security Adviser Henry Kissinger
arrived in Saigon on the first of several visits, sometimes delegated to
Alexander Haig, aimed at winning President Thien's adherence to the
US position being developed in the Paris negotiations. Here Kissinger
renewed an ac uaintance with Torn Polgar that dated to 1958,
Their common origin in Central
-;:E:;-I-u-o-p-e-a-n-;d,--;si-n-;li7"la-r-e-x-p-e-n;--' e-n-ce-s----,-in----"th;--e-.,U-J.
Army facilitated communica-
tion, and in Saigon Polgar thought their "instinctive understanding of
each other" had survived the intervening 14 years.ID
The relationship allowed Polgar to escape occasional tense
moments, as on the evening after Kissinger's meeting with Thieu, when
the COS was summoned to the Ambassador's residence. A pajama-clad
I Henry A, Kissinger, While House Years (Boston: Little, Brown, and Co" 1979), pp, 1319-260
Polgar interview, 29-30 July 1993. Polgar said that Kissinger made an overture for his services on
the NSC, sometime in 1969, bur that ocr Helms had quashed it on the basis that a team including
Kissinger and Polgar would be "too smart for the State Department." Helms gave Polgar to under-
stand that he thought it not to the Agency's advantage for the Del to be seen in apparent collusion
with Kissinger against S,ate.D
National Security Adviser complained of Thieu's intransigence and
instructed Polgar to put the Station's contacts to work to soften his resis-
tance. Polgar objected that the nature of the relationships made this
impossible, and Kissinger said Polgar should take it as an order. Turning
to Bunker in mock despair, he asked what to do in the face of such insub-
ordination. Bunker, as Polgar recalled it, said he stood with the COS.
Despite <hi' frustration, Kissinger metgni,," thi' the Station', sources,
especially the penetration of the VC in gave it unique access to
information on what he was telling t e Communists in Paris. Accord-
ingly, he gave Polgar "full White House clearance" and brought him up
to date on the status of the talks: "This way," he said, "you will know
what to keep out of your reporting." The arrangement served Kissinger's
purposes even as it created a problem for Polgar, who was now forbid-
den to share with Headquarters some of the information on the Paris talks
he acquired not only from Kissinger but also from clandestine CIA
Upon Kissinger's departure the next day, Thieu retreated into
almost total inaccessibility. On 15 September, Prime Minister Khiem
told Polgar that, perhaps as a result of his talks with Kissinger, Thieu now
feared that Hanoi was in a position to make a peace offer that President
Nixon, in an election year, could not refuse. Moving to solidify his con-
trol in the countryside, Thieu had therefore just abolished the election of
hamlet officials and reestablished the Diemist system of their appoint-
ment by province and district chiefs. Polgar protested to Khiem that this
could have waited two months (presumably until after the US presidential
election), and Khiem claimed to have advised Thieu to this effect. But
Thieu, increasingly given to Diem-like pronouncements, had replied that
"in the current situation great firmness must be shown." Reporting to
Ambassador Bunker, Polgar discovered from him that Kissinger had, in
fact, "scared the daylight out of Thieu" when he told him that if Hanoi
offered a cease-tire and release of American POWs, the US would have
to accept, whatever the military situation. 3D
As Kissinger and Le Due Tho neared agreement in Paris-they
came to terms early on 12 October-a retired ARVN general with a jun-
ior position in the Thieu cabinet reported the terms of the President's hard-
line position; it demanded, among other things, enforcement of a peace
, !'olgar interview, 29-30 July 1993. Numerous subsequent cables testify to Polgar's tortuous effort,
while respecting Kissinger's constraints. to keep Headquarters at least generally informcd.D
"Saigon 53332, 18 August 1972,1 IBlind Memorandum, "15 September Meet-
ing Hctwccn the CIA Station Chief in Vietnam and Prime Minister Tran Thicn Khiem," 19 Septem-
ber I ISaigon 54604, 16 September 1972,1 1

agreement by the US, the USSR, and China. Despite such reporting, the
National Security Adviser was back in Saigon on 18 October, expecting
Lo get Thieu's agreement to the terms worked out with Le Due 1'ho.'O
Kissinger had seven meetings with the Vietnamese during this
visit, six of them attended by 1'hieu1 I
-lIn one of them, Kissinger insisted to

Thien that, "you have to trust me," and Thieu responded, "I see no reason
to trust you."sD
At their second meeting, on the evening of the 19th, Thieu
demanded a Vietnamese-language version of the Paris draft, which Kiss-
inger acknowledged he co'uld not supply. But Thieu now got from the
jointly run agent inl Ia summary of the draft, circulated to the
district level, that emanated from the Hanoi delegation in Paris. Trans-
latcd by the Station and shown to Kissinger, it provoked a frown and the
comment, "This has the unpleasant smell of truth." Polgar told Headquar-
ters that the report constituted a major scoop. But as Kissinger antici-
pated, it only added to his headaches with Thieu, who already opposed
several other provisions, and now fiercely objected to wording used to
describe the admininistrative structure that a cease-fire would bring into
Thieu abruptly postponed the next meeting scheduled for 21 October,
and when Bunker called the Palace to protest, Nha hung up on him. Thieu
then treated Bunker to a paranoid-sounding, hysterical phone call. But
negotiations resumed at 0800 hours on 22 October. There were two meet-
ings that day, both of them limited to the principals. At the first, though
still refusing to speak English, Thieu presented a calm, dignified front, but
at the second, he reverted to his emotional state of the evening before,
weeping with rage as he rejected the entire Paris formula. Kissinger insisted
'Kissinger, White HOl/Sf. Years, pp. 1355. 1366-1367f-.-J-."'-''-''!!J'''''-J"",,-\
Secretary of State WilliamRogers. 19 OctoberI'
'Kissinger, White House Years. pp. 1366-13R5t-- -'
interview, 29-30 July 1993.0 ---,
(SaigonS6126. 22 October 1972,1 linterview,
SNovember 1993; Polgar interview, 29-30 July 1993. A curious aspect of the Paris negotiations is
J Iauoi's assiduousattentionto keepingits 10IVcr echelons informed, while Kissingerworkedno less
assiduouslytocompartment the proceedings evenfromother high-levelnationalsecurityofficialsD

that a deal was imperative and inevitable. At one point, he claimed that
President Nixon was risking a confrontation with the Congress by omitting
any consultation over the several billion dollars in airstrikes and military
supplies already invested in preparing South Vietnam to survive a cease-fire
agreement. But Thieu's resistance did not waver, and Kissinger faced the
prospect of being forced into a unilateral deal with Hanoi.
Kissinger took Bunker with him to say goodbye to Thiel] on 23
Uredicted disaster if Thieu did 'b-u""'t
lier argumentation. 1
IKissinger was not,
lo:"iI"li"ji-- e-:i"d-,
and he told Pol-
gar he'd never come backaD
Before leaving Saigon on 23 October, Kissinger ordered Polgar to
report all reliable information on Thieu's reactions both to the negotia-
tions and to Kissinger personally. Three days later, having received an
account of Thieu's bitter criticism of Kissinger, the COS worried that
Headquarters might hesitate to pass it along, and sought to disarm any
such reluctance by saying that Kissinger knew exactly what to expect:
Thieu had already voiced his distrust directly.9D
The report of Thieu's reaction to Kissinger reinforced earlier
impressions of his almost childlike faith in President Nixon-a "frank and
honest man who, .. will never betray the [Saigon government] and the
Vietnamese people." But Thieu said he feared Governor Averell Harri-
man, whom he saw as ambitious for the Nobel Peace Prize, arid Kissinger,
a "prideful man" who appeared to confuse American interests with his
own ambitions and prejudices. The best course for the regime was to help
ensure Nixon's reelection, and Thieu had just given orders both to the
government and to the legislature forbidding criticism of the United
States, Whatever his reservations about Kissinger, Thieu now softened
'Kissinger, While House Year.I, pp. 1382.13851 linterviews, 24 August 1992 and
5 November 1993.0
'Kissingc.r, White HOI/.I'e Year,I', pp. 139013911 linterview,5 November 1993; Polgar
interview, 2930 July 1993.1 lillustrative of the
1IIl1tllally alicll mcnlal involved in these negotiations, was Thieu's remark,l 1
1 . Jabout verifying the departure of NOl1h Vietnamese
troop trom Laos. Easy, said Thieu, you ollly had to count teeth;everyoue knows that the Lao have
fewer than the Vietnamese] I
"Sail'oll 5(;272, 26 October 19721 1P0lgar mterview, 29-30 July 1993-0
/GO-- .
the line he had drawn only a week before: Lower House chairman
Nguyen Ba Can told1 Ithat the President now objected only
to the draft provision allowing North Vietnamese forces to remain in the
South, and to the formula for a coalition commission charged with subse-
quent political arrangements. 10
Polgar was now getting more on Thieu's antipathy for Kissinger
than it seemed prudent to transmit to Washington. Policy differences
alone might well have provoked hostility, but I I
thought Kissinger's consistently peremptory manner at least partly to
"Peace Is at Hand"[ I
On 25 October, the Station's I D
I I provided details of the agreement about to be
announced. The Communists were exulting, for example, that North
Vietnamese troops could stay in the South, and that the United States
had pledged $7 billion in war reparations. The next day, Hanoi
announced conclusion of an accord, and Kissinger, describing his own
acceptance of the agreement as partial, declared nevertheless that "peace
is at hand."'2D
However near at hand, agreement continued to elude the negotia-
tors in Paris. During the next two weeks, the Station kept Headquarters
apprised of the GVN osition on dis uted oints. It also continued to
relay reports from the
om 0 gar began to wonder why this
reporting was receiving such highly restricted dissemination; it seemed to
him that US officials with an urgent need to know were being denied
information already known to the Communist negotiators.D
On 3 November, FE Division Chief Bill Nelson explained this
apparent anomaly partly in terms of Henry Kissinger's penchant for
secrecy: "He has been even more sensitive than in Saigon on restricting
s " ~
~ l ~ '
info to him only." The result was that "no one at the analytical levels of
the Washington Intelligence Community has been privy to the details of
these negotiations nor, to a large extent, have their superiors. This has
been a tightly controlled operation with no explanation from the [US] side
until 26 October press conference which was a very careful disclosure
operation." 13D
Nelson identified two other reasons for the rigid eompartmentation:
with elections imminent, the Democrats would "be delighted to have any
scrap of material they could which would embarrass the current Adminis-
tration." Further, the press was "desperately searching" for news of the
negotiations, and "experience over the past two years has shown that, on a
topic ... as hot as this one, information is bound to leak out if given ...
widespread dissemination in the Intelligence Community.
Nelson assured Polgar that his reporting was "getting to the only
place in town where it counts," i.e., to the White House, "and its recipi-
cnts arc most grateful." Headquarters would relax its dissemination con-
trols as soon as possible. Meanwhile, in a situation that for a "professional
intelligence organization ... is not easy to live with ... we will all simply
have to make the best of it."
Despite the ambiguity of Kissinger's declaration of peaee at hand, it
helped ensure President Nixon's landslide victory over George McGov-
ern on 7 November. It did not, however, reflect the resolution of Thieu's
objections to the impending deal. Although GVN reservations about the
terms of the cease-fire had nan-owed, Thieu remained intransigent about
the remaining points, especially the North Vietnamese military presence.
Bunker pressed the COS into service to monitor Thieu's state of mind
and try to bring him around. Shortly after a brief trip to the United States,
Polgar saw Khiem in late November, and at Bunker's request used the
occasion to describe the atmosphere in Washington. He found Khiem
entirely comfortable with the cease-fire terms, and optimistic about the
government's future, assuming as he did continued US support. But
Thien, he said, was another matter. The President was driven by "emo-
tionally tinged attitudes brought about partly by his resentment of Dr.
Kissinger." 1<0
Repeating what the Station had often heard about Thieu, Khiem
described his abhorrence of quick decisions. Khiem deplored Kissinger's
imposition of a deadline and especially his practice ofdiscussing contro-
versial points with Thiel! in the presence of other Vietnamese, especially
I.' The word "disclosure," added
by hand, replaced the word "political."
"Saigon 57.'>:16, 27 November J972'LI .....J
C012687 17
IIfT/m crmer left] Roam-)' Landreth; G..f1,.ml Quang. and Tho mas PoJ/:ur.
til QIU,"!:'! office for Landreth. late / 971 or I'arl.\' / 973.
nu. oj n.-. rolpr.
the hardline Vice President Huong, leaving Thi eu no maneuv ring room.
Khiem regre tted that Bunker had not been allowed to brief Th ieu as
events progressed, as this kind of incremental pressure might gradually
have broug ht the President to think of the US solution as hi s ownY'-------'
The standoff with Thien dragged on into early December. Hunker
tried 10 inti midate him by showing him ostensible top secret memoran-
dums from Nixon to Kissinger, one of which agonized over possible Co n-
gres siona l suspension of Vietnam aid if the deadlock over Nor th
Vietnamese troop withdrawal persisted. The Ambassador reinforced thi s
gamhit by sending Polgar to Press Secretary Hoang Due Nha with the
message that Nixon's demand for Saigon' s signature of the peace agree-
mcnt , present ed to a South Vietnamese delegation in Washington,
should he taken in dead earnest. Intelligcnce on Thieu's reacti on to these
pre ssures sugges ted an intenti on tu circumvent the terms of the US agrcc-
mcnt with Hanoi , taki ng the "ce nter of [the] stage away from Kissinger,"
and Polgar feared that di sscruimui on of such reporting would result in
"brui sed ego!'; in [lhe] Wh ite Ii ouse." ul]
Grasping at a tactic first proposed by Ngo Dinh Nhu just before the
fall of the Diem regime. Thi cu began to consider resigning. hopi ng
thereby 10 deflect us pressure which he thought aimed at him personall y.
" Ul/tiD
' SIUgOl I 57732auJ SlIiltun 57734. I December 1972J 'i..-....
51813. 4 l>ettmber 1972,

TlUJnkH l ' o / ~ t l r . [second fmm left], General QWlng, und USO/ll P"bJic Safety Division director
Mr. /tit-Grath aI NIJllonnJ Poila' Chn'.flmtU t'anv. /9n.
PIwIo toMnn, oJn.c-r PDlIlG'.

According to agent I Ireporting, a new government composed
of trusted hardliners would makcno concessions, and Thieu would
shortly return in response to ostensibly "spontaneous demands" from
ARVN and the general population. Perceptible progress in Paris on 7 and
8 December and Thieu's reported recognition that "failure to sign would
mean 'sudden death' for South Vietnam" pushed this momentarily into
the background. Nevertheless, as of the 10th, Thieu reportedly intended
only to "accept" the a reement, as to sign it would brand him a puppet of
the United States.
the Station's variegated agent stable made the
UniteLd-S-ta-t-es-a-w-i-tn-e-ss-t-o-JThieu's struzzlc with his fatal dilemma. I
-:-:--:- -,----_--;---:--,I But
the most authoritative reporter at this juncture was perhaps retired Gen.
Pham Van Dong, then Minister of Veterans' Affairs, who attended a 12
December meeting at which Thieu compared signing the agreement to
taking poison-it would ratify a continued North Vietnamese Army pres-
ence in the South-while abstention would produce slow suffocation
from the termination of US aid. The President asserted that the agree-
ment guaranteed an ultimate Communist takeover, and although he would
not tum on the Americans, he would not sign. Meanwhile, Polgar's privi-
leged position with Kissinger enabled him to inform Headquarters that
the Communists, too, were presenting problems: chief negotiator Le Due
Tho was claiming that Hanoi disagreed with certain of his proposed con-
cessions, and he would require consultations in Hanoi.
.Thieu's nephew Hoang Due Nha argued with the Station's Palace
liaison, Rodney Landreth, Saigon's case for greater US pressure on Hanoi,
rather than on Saigon, for the concessions needed for an agreement. Nha
acknowledged Saigon's vulnerability to an aid cutoff, but refused to
accept that "the US could have made so many sacrifices over the years
only to abandon the very principles [it] came to fight for in the first place;
the OI's weren't exactly here on Rand R." Nha argued, presumably on
Thieu's behalf, that withdrawal of US support would "lower US prestige
among the free world and Communists alike," and the US could not afford
to risk "its honor and adherence to commitments and principles...."21 D
"Saigon 57838, 5 December 1972; Saigon 58039, 9 December 1972; Saigon 58046, 9 December
}972; Saigon 58147,13 December J972;.L- -----,....-::-:-::-:,.-J
Also see Saigon 58149,13 De-
14 December 1972; I I

On 13 December, the day of Landreth's colloquy with Nha, Vice
President Huong's son told] Ithat Thieu was still evaluat-
ing the consequences of a refusal to sign. Echoing Nha's argument, he
said Thieu doubted the United States would risk delivering South Viet-
nam to the Communists by terminating material support. But the Vice
President admitted that Thieu was gambling on an American perception
that he, Thieu, was indispensable to the survival of the South. 22 D
Kissinger's assistant Gen. Alexander Haig came to Saigon to turn
up the heat and saw Thieu on 19 December, Polgar's report said that the
atmosphere was more cordial than during Kissinger's October visit-the
entire session took place in English-but Thieu insisted on giving Haig a
scaled response to the letter that President Nixon had sent with Haig.
Ambassador Bunker doubted that it would give Nixon much satisfaction,
and Haig now pointed out to Thieu that an agreement was now an Ameri-
can political necessity: wording was of secondary importance, especially
as no one bad any illusions about Communist good faith. Bunker thought
Thieu understood the argument, but lacked the psychological flexibility to
make the change of tactics that Haig was demanding." D
On 21 December, Prime Minister Khiem assured Polgar that he
understood the effect of US public and Congressional opinion on
Nixon's options, and Saigon's need to ensure continued material support
by signing the peace agreement. But he reinforced Bunker's assessment
of Thieu, reminding Polgar of their meeting in November at which he
had predicted the failure of the pressure tactics that Haig had just applied,
Thicu still resented what he took to be an ultimatum, but according to
Khiem had now come a long way toward the American position. The sole
remaining stumblingblock, a serious one, to be sure, was the "juridical
presence of North Vietnamese troops in South Vietnam." Khiem feared
that Thieu overestimated President Nixon's power to impose a hardline
position on the Congress. And he again attributed part of Thieu's remain-
ing intransigence to deep resentment of Kissinger, whom Tran Van Don
had just reported to have made a contemptuous remark about Saigon's
peace equities in a meeting with the French. Khiem promised to keep
working on Thieu and urged that Ambassador Bunker do the same, but
the contest of wills between Thieu and Kissinger cOlltinued.
"Saig""5B20I, 13 December 1972'1
:'Sa;g"" 5x,n'l, 20 December 1972,
"'Saig"" 5H453, 21 December 1972,
~ 6 - -
The Paris Agreement and San ClementeD
On 12 January 1973, after the suspension of the "Christmas bomb-
ing" of the North provoked by Le Due Tho's mid-December equivoca-
tions, one of the Station's VC penetrations predicted that the United
States and Hanoi would sign a cease-fire agreement on the 20th. Barred
by Kissinger's rules from saying more, the Station told Headquarters to
rush the report to it, as it would understand the significance of the
reported date. Also, there were signs that the Saigon government had at
least an inkling of the impending agreement, and Bunker, worried about
Kissinger's sensitivities, importuned Polgar to alert Headquarters. The
COS obliged, hoping to "prevent unnecessary suspicion and aggrava-
tion" in the White House resulting from leaks that might appear to have
originated on the US side. 21 D .
On 16 January, Haig delivered another ultimatum from Nixon,
which threatened to denounce Thieu as an obstacle to peace if he refused
to sign. Thieu continued to hang tpugh, telling Haig only that he would
have a reply the following day. I
1 --'IAbout 15 minutes after Haig's departure,
Thieu came in and read Nixon's letter to his hastily assembled NSC. The
ensuing discussion dealt exclusively with implementation measures; ref-
erences to Thien's "carom shot" tactics made it clear I Ithat
his apparent intransigence was designed to s ueeze whatever he could
out of the Americans before he tinall si ned. 26
Other sources, also told the
Station that day that Tnieu had-bowed to the inevitable and would now
sign: Haig was relieved and grateful for these indications that he need
not worry about the tactics to be employed with Thieu on the 17th. Thieu
did indeed give Haig a letter for Nixon asking for more changes, but the
issue was now decided. It remained only for Thieu to communicate his
decision to his government and the Army. On 20 January, he convened
the National Security Council. A weeping Vice President Huong
recounted I Ithis gloomy assembly and his offer of himself as
scapegoat. Huang said he had compared South Vietnam to a carriage
standing on a collapsing bridge, in danger no matter which way it moved
"Saigon 59(j64, 12 January 19'13.1 1
"Kissinger, While House leal'S, 1469-70
I --Jlilllerview.5 November 19930
~ .
and had spoken up in favor of signing as the lesser of two evils. Having
let the fiercely anti-Communist Huong take the lead, Thieu could now
more safely defy his right wing, and he proceeded to endorse Huong's
recognition of the inevitable.
D .
On 23 January, alluding to US pressure to sign, he told a cabinet
meeting that the Paris agreement reflected a consensus among the US,
China, and the USSR; South Vietnamese acquiescence had been unavoid-
able. But he credited his own intransigence of October 1972 for prevent-
ing an even more unfavorable outcome; the resulting Christmas bombing,
he said, would hinder Communist military operations in the South for at
least three months.
0 .
Thien did not know how much he himself had contributed to the
pressure aRl?lied by the White House; Haig told Bunker after the signing
IhilU-' [had been indispensable in getting Thieu's agreement. I
Fighting in South Vietnam continued at virtually pre-cease-Iire lev-
els after signature of the Paris agreement, and in mid-February Polgar
complained to Headquarters in the privacy channel that the "significance
of ongoing fighting is underplayed by MACV." As the Station saw it, the
VC and the North Vietnamese had expected to benefit from the cease-fire
(0 consolidate their control in such places as Quang Ngai and the Delta.
But at least in the Delta, they seemed to have moved too soon, and
ARVN was now hunting down exposed small units. This explained, for
Polgar, Hanoi's current pressure on Kissinger to end the combat. Two
weeks later, noting ARVN recapture of most of the Communists' January
"Saigon 59211, 17 January 1973: Saigon 59260,18 January 1973: Saigon 59370, 22 January
1'17:\; and1'{/ssilll;h--l--,-,,-""''''''"'rr- ~ ~ - - - ,
"Sa; 'on 5')407, 2:1.Janllarv 1\.173,1 I
S e ~ t
b 012687 17

Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker lind lim n ' Ki.uinxu . San Clemente. CA. April/973.
PI"'1lI b.l' Thomaf
President Nguven \hn Thieu in Saigon victorv parade celebrating the end of the ,Von h
It''namf''.ft' YW 1t'r 0ff,",f;\., and Ihl' signing of'lv cease-fire C1RtY't'""nl, / 9 ) un, /97.{
- >y ""-1'DIpr.

C01268 717
and Nixon;
San Clemente . CA.
Apnl 197J
L. ..... 1'1"'10 b, 11w IIUJS r " IKtlr.
" I,lI1 d grab," the Stat ion interpreted lI anoi' s stalling on prisoner release
as all cflort to recover by dipl oma tic means the initi at ive their ar med
forces had lost " O
Pre sident Nixon had promised to receive Pres ident Th ien whe n a
cease- fire ca me into effect, and he made good on this when he invited
Thien for an early April visit to the Western While House at Sa n Clem-
cute. Ambassador Bunker included the COS in the accompanying
!': mh:lssy party, and on 31 March Polgar had arrived early at the airport
when he encountered Hungarian General Szuecs,n
I It"'11l'cl,u,,, y 1973. ' nd Saigon 60823. 2ll 1993[
\I lI11I'rvi ,'w, 29-.'\" July I 9l:'J.D
~ t
The occasion for Szuecs's presence was the arrival of Gen. Tran
VanTra, commander of the military forces of the Provisional Revolution-
ary Government (PRG). As they waited for Tra's plane to land, Szuecs
pointed to two Communist officers leading a Communist honor guard
from the Paris-mandated Joint Military Commission and asked, "Do you
know those characters?" Polgar did not, and Szuecs introduced him to the
young North Vietnamese captain, in English, as "the most important man
in the American Embassy, next to Ambassador Bunker." The officer
responded with a polite, "Would he like to review the troops?" and Polgar
accepted the invitation.
Shortly after their arrival at San Clemente, Bunker complained to
the COS that he had not been invited to the only dinner that Nixon
would host for Thieu. He thought Thieu would find this incomprehensi-
ble. Polgar apparently agreed, for he took the matter to Kissinger, who
was "outraged" to discover that the tenth and last place had been appro-
priated by H. R. Haldeman, Nixon's Chief of Staff. Haldeman summarily
rejected Kissinger's request that he withdraw, whereupon the Secretary of
State went directly to the President, who decided the matter in Bunker's
The office politics of the occasion did not end with this episode.
Kissinger was hospitable to Polgar and once invited him to breakfast,
but the Haldeman-run kitchen failed to deliver anything to Kissinger's
room. They repaired to the staff mess, where Kissinger's assistant, Gen.
Brent Scowcroft, joined them. Nothing of great moment was discussed,
but that afternoon Ambassador-designate Graham Martin knocked on
Polgar's door. He had heard about the breakfast, and in what Polgar
came to see as his customary "conspirative and manipulative" way,
looked concerned that the COS might undercut him with Kissinger. But
Polgar assured him that as COS he worked for the Ambassador, and
despite this strained first meeting they' got along well in Saigon, after
Marlin's midsummer arrival; it was not until after the faJI of the South
that Martin grew hostile. As to substantive matters, Polgar listened while
Nixon promised Thieu a billion dollars in military aid and another billion
for the economy; the COS thought this episode helped explain Thieu's
abiding faith in Nixon's loyalty to the Saigon regime.
"Ibid. Polgar did not indicate that he thought this description. despite its disregard for well-estab-
lished protocol, represented <mything but Szuecs's sober estimate of his status in the US Mission.
The PRG replaced the National Libcration Front after the signing of the truce accord in Paris in
January 1973.0 .
."Polgar interview, 29-30 July 1993.0
b012687 17

lforrgroundl LJ. Gen. Tran Van Tra. commander (if Provincial Rf'vo!utimlll ry
Go"nnlMnI!orrf's. Tim SOli Nit ", Airpon. Marrh /97.{
PItofo co'''' n, of"'-..
Back in Saigon. the chance meet ing with General Szuecs at the air-
port was foll owed by the visit of a lI ungarian Army doct or who knew of
the Stati on-operated clinic and wanted a malari a drug for his people on
the Comrniss ion. Then a Hungarian First Secre tary came to call. appar-
ently announcing an intell igence affiliation when he introdu ced himself
as a Polga r "col league." They chatted later ove r a drink, and "one thing
10..1 ro another," but Polgar ' s Hungari an contacts had not yet assumed the
urge ncy thaI they acquired in April 1975. Neve rtheless , Communist rep-
rcscntution un the Commiss ion did give the Station access to new recruit-
IIlClI l targets, and it later made what Polgar called a "sensational"C]
recruitment in the Mekong Delta .uO
The establishmen t of cease- fire machinery in the So uth did not
mean uuu all parties now "greed all impleme ntation measures. Kissinger
and l .e Due Tho had begun renegotiati ng some of the January provisions
' lI /i,l . il HI' lk'alSthatthe II1I 1llOltrl,lIlSwere ' L1 ltiYMiJ1&Polgal. no evidence has been found
u'Ilectcd, allc;lsl "chile Aplil 1974. ouy 5IJeI: il,C operational obJcctive.l

Thomas Polgar reviewing I!mwr RUlJrd IJ.ut'mhit'd for General Tra: Wilh unidt'mifi,d Communist
offict'r. Tan &H1 Nhul Ai'J'fm. Marr:h / 973.
,.Iu" o C'O"n,., of 17Iom4J Polpr.
and Th ieu objected 10 the proposed wording of a protocol on line s of
demarcation between Saigon- and Communist -control led territory. A
four-power couuuunlque was scheduled for release on 7 June, and Act -
ing Amba ssador Charles Sheldon Whitehouse-Bunker had now departed
after six years of grueling service-was trying to get a Palace appoint.
menl to secure Thicu's concurrence. With Thieu playing hard to get, Pol -
gar saw General Quang Ih;:u day 10 repeat the familiar argument that
co ntinuing US support of South Vietnam far exceeded in importance any
"sema ntic triumphs at [the] conference table." Neither Quang nor Thicu
knew that Nixon was to meet that day with Congress ional leaders, and
he urgentl y needed Thieu' s agreement ; Pol gar conveyed this point lO
Quang. III so doing. he may have spar ked the summons to Whit ehouse
that Thi el! issued later that aftemoon.I'D
But Whit ehou se fail ed to move the President. In the view of the
COS, Thi en's obsti nacy stemmed from three perceptions. AI the tacti cal
level, Pol gar saw him as distrustful of both US and North Viet namese
motives for renegotiating the implementation terms. and as convinced
that GVN territorial ga ins since January made further concessions
64959. 7 June 197J' L I -'
unnecessary. Underlying these considerations, as Polgar saw the matter,
were Thieu's personal hostility to Kissinger and his resentment at
Hanoi's being allowed to "call the tune while South Vietnam is reduced
to ... client status."37D
The standoff continued. On 10 June, Whitehouse instructed Polgar
to rehearse once more with Quang the US line on the damage to the
Saigon cause if Congress even briefly suspended logistic support in
retaliation for GVN intransigence. A Station officer found Quang at
Mass at the Saigon cathedral and intruded long enough to set up the
meeting. Quang accepted Polgar's argument, as he had three days earlier,
but Thieu continued to insist on the "minor changes" that he thought
essential to avoid the "legalization of the division of South Vietnam."
Nevertheless, Polgar thought Thieu would come around: "My gut feeling
is that one more Nixon letter will do the trick."38D
But Thieu's advisers, Quang included, unanimously and vigorously
supported his insistence on including in the communique a provision of
the January agrecement concerning general elections. MPPRY confirmed
Quang in this, and the Station's flash report led Nixon to overrule
Ambassador William Sullivan in Paris, instructing him to reopen this
point with Tho. The Nixon message to Thieu announcing this concession
arrived at 0600 hours 13 June, and Polgar saw Quang an hour later to
give advance word. Quang anticipated a debate in Thieu's National Secu-
rity Council, with himself and Joint General Staff chief Cao Van Vien
urging signature over the objections of hawkish civilians like Hoang Due
Nha. Polgar said that the end of the road had been reached, and urged
Quang to get Presidential concurrence by noon. Quang and Vien pre-
vailed, and a rupture with the United States was avoided when all parties
signed the four-power protocol that day in Paris. Polgar told Headquar-
ters he thought the Station had been instrumental in getting agreement
with the Vietnamese, and DCI Colby responded with an "emphatic well
done" for action exemplifying "the interaction of intelligence collection
and political action at their respective finest."39D
"Saigon RJUIIC 1973.1 I
"Sai '1111 32R3. 10June 1973J
I '''S:Oi gOlli 2R9. 13JUIIC 1973, and Saigon 3287,13 June ---J
Trying To Draw the Bottom LineD
In the summer of 1973, COS Polgar saw Thieu's forces as having
gained at the expense of the North Vietnamese and the Viet Cong in the
six months since the Paris agreements: the Communists had introduced
some armor and artillery, but Saigon was "forging ahead and consolidat-
ing its control over most of the populated areas of South Vietnam."
Generally speaking, "the VC didn't amount to anything." In making
this assessment, Polgar apparently assigned no particular significance to
the intelligence furnished months earlier by the! Jpenetration
on the Communist decision to shift their emphasis from military to
political struggle. Years later, he defined pacification as complete when
the government controlled all its province and district capitals; from his
point of view, the government had never enjoyed full "territorial integ-
rity," and persisting VC control of some hamlets did not offer evidence
. of a failed pacification effort, at least during the "pre-storm calm" that
prevailed from April 1973 to November 1974. And the "sweet cancer"
of corruption was universal in Southeast Asia; the essential point as Pol-
gar saw it was that Nguyen Cao Ky and then Nguyen Van Thieu had
succeeded where their predecessors failed by establishing security and
by offering the fundamentally apolitical peasant the prospect of
improved living standards.
Polgar's OCOS, Conrad LaGueux, was less confident that the mas-
sive American investment in the rural economy had produced greater
loyalty to the regime: in his retrospective opinion, "the VC had exten-
sive popular support." One of Polgar's officers in the Indications and
Assessment Branch (lAB) remembered the working level as less san-
guine even than LaGueux. Robert Vandaveer had run the Station's office
in Hue for two years before he came to Saigon in mid-1973 to join lAB.
Explaining the reason for this assignment, Polgar told Vandaveer that
the "social democratic" bias of the branch, staffed by 01 officers, needed
to be balanced by a DO presence; Vandaveer took this to mean that Pol-
gar wanted to see more commitment to the government cause and less
agonizing about its weaknesses. The COS did not prohibit reporting bad
news, but he did impose strict standards of verification, and a require-
ment that such reporting be "put into perspective." In practice, this meant
that reports of government corruption, individual instances of which
were hard to confirm, were seldom disseminated. And when a village
"Saigoll0499H. HJUlie I973'LI -.-Jlpolgar interview, 2930 July 1993.0
S e c ~
~ 5 - -
headquarters, for example, was lost to a Communist landgrabbing opera-
tion after the Paris agreement, the report had to specify the much greater
number of villages remaining under Saigon's contro1.
4 1
The requirement for "perspective" did not apply to good news, and
Vandaveer thought that when retired Major General Timmes made his
periodic tours to debrief his ARVN contacts on the Station's behalf, Pol-
gar accepted his usually upbeat reporting at face value. As Vandaveer
saw it, the divergent views of management and the working level reflected
a Mission-wide phenomenon, with the Mission Council clinging to an
optimistic, "get with the program" mentality that echoed the style of the
now-departed US combat forces. Station analysts, on the other hand,
looked at the reporting of Hanoi's infiltration of men and supplies in a
"mood of foreboding," and many street case officers were entirely cyni-
cal about the integrity of the South Vietnamese political process.
Political CosmeticsD
Whatever the political views of the peasantry in 1973, the US com-
mitment to Nguyen Van Thieu's continued stewardship of South Vietnam
had already brought an end to the chronic struggle to Westernize the
national political process in South Vietnam. As late as 1971, as we have
seen, COS Ted Shackley was anticipating at least the possibility of a gen-
uine political struggle following the conclusion of a cease-fire. But in
June 1973, as partial senatorial elections approached, the Agency and the
State Department were concerned more with Saigon's image in the
United States than with the vitality of its democratic institutions. Head-
quarters enjoined the Station to make contacts in both the opposition and
government parties to give the elections "as much an appearance of a
genuine multi-party exercise as possible." Polgar promised to try, but
noted that (here was little he could do about it: Vietnamese resentment of
US pressure to sign the Paris communique, reinforcing a "generally
diminished faith that the United States will live up to its commitments,"
meant that US "leverage is now the smallest in many a year."43D
11 Conrnd l..aGueux, interview by the author, Arlington, VA, 23 November 1992;Robert Vandaveer,
interview by the author, Munich, Germany, 3 September 1993. As far back as mid-I971, well be-
fon' Polgar's arrival. management was restraining the working-level proclivity to report corrup-
tiun. AS the 1971 presidential election approached, Vandavccr got instructions in Hue to "keep the
fecal filter elcan.'D
""Vandav\\cr interview, 3 September 1993. Vandaveer said his own doubts about the GVN's long-
term prospects were doubtless influenced by his service in Hue, where persistent student opposi-
tion to Thien and support of the dissident An Quang Buddhists led him to see an "objective absur-
dity" in th" idea of a Catholic rcgime laking root in a Buddhist country, D
"Sai/,on 6)%6, 17June. 1973,1 1Polgar interview, 29-30 July
~ t
On 18 June, the Station documented the leverage gap by recount-
ing its efforts with] Icontacts like labor leader Tran Quoc Buu,
retired Generals Huynh Van Cao and Pham Van Dong, and Lower House
Chairman Nguyen Ba Can to generate an opposition slate. Station pres-
sure could not offset the prospect of almost certain defeat, and Buu, for
example, flatly refused to run at the head of a Social Democratic Alli-
ance ticket. He would name somebody else to do this, he said, if the gov-
ernment extended the filing deadline, but Buu would not himself ask for
the extension. Whatever generated this anticipation of failure, whether it
was recognized lack of voter appeal or anticipated election-rigging by
the military, the outcome ensured the absence of an opposition slate.
In the weeks between Ellsworth Bunker's departure and Graham
Martin's July arrival, Polgar had to deal with reports of a rift between Pres-
ident Thieu and Prime Minister Khicm. Concerned about the destabilizing
potential of such a development, Acting Ambassador Whitehouse encour-
aged Polgar to take the bull by the horns and simply ask Khiem about it.
The Prime Minister readily acknowledged some recent tension, whieh he
attributed partly to his withdrawal as head of the senatorial slate of Thieu's
Democracy Party and partly to his opposition to hawkish advisers like
Hoang Due Nha-"aggressive, arrogant, and persuasive"-and another
civilian Thieu aide named Nguyen VanNgan. Khiem, whose pretensions as
a man of fearless, principled action Polgar had learned to distrust, said that
he and Gen. Cao Van Vien found themselves opposing Nha and Ngan's
push for a "fully centralized, absolutist" regime on the Ngo Dinh Diem
model. Khiem said he did not think South Vietnam ready for representa-
tive democracy, but he wanted at least the appearance of one, even if that
meant that the regime occasionally yielded to the opposition.'sO
In July 1973, at the midpoint of what COS Polgar retrospectively
called the prestorm calm, Graham Martin arrived as US Ambassador to
Saigon. He had already served as Ambassador in Thailand and Italy;
when they arrived in Saigon, he and Mrs. Martin had already lost a son in
combat in Vietnam. Although vastly different in style from Bunker,
whom Polgar described as considerate, hospitable, and in every way a
gentleman, Martin seems not to have greatly changed the Mission's
approach to matters of substance. Polgar survived the initial period, dur-
ing which Martin drove his new Deputy Chief of Mission into requesting
a transfer, and "within months," by his own account, was "clearly the
Ambassador's closest confidante" [sic]. Their relationship prospered
despite Polgar's active cultivation of American journalists, which Martin
disl iked, but for some reason tolerated. Polgar recalled that his role
"'Saigon 65400,18 June 1\173,[
"Saigon 65783, 27 June J973,L _
expanded to helping Martin select a new deputy and later to reviewing
with him the evaluations of senior Embassy officers. I
The new Ambassador used the Station as an information and influ-
ence channel to the generals much as Bunker had done. As DCOS
LaGueux saw it, one reason for this was the secretive Martin's confidence
in Station discretion, Another was the access to Thieu enjoyed by certain
Station contacts, especially Khiem and Quang, and also occasionally
Nguyen Khac Binh, National Police and CIO chief; all three were some-
times willing to push American policy positions with Thieu. Protocol
accounted for two other factors: the new DCOM, Wolfgang Lehmann,
did not hold the personal rank of ambassador that his predecessor
Ambassador Whitehouse had enjoyed, and this limited his acceptability
to President Thieu as an official interlocutor. And the Station maintained
the informal contact with Khiem at least partly, as Polgar recalled it,
because Foreign Minister Tran Van Lam would have objected to a regular
Embassy liaison with the Prime Minister that bypassed his Ministry:7D
Responding to ambassadorial and Washington requirements, the
Station now used these contacts, as it had those in the legislature, for pur-
poses that included the cosmetic. Conrad LaGueux, who conducted the
liaison with Binh, recalled that a recurring theme was the alleged political
prisoners whose treatment had provoked public controversy in the
United States. Persuaded that they were the common criminals the Viet-
namese claimed them to be-LaGueux could not see what Thieu had to
gain by jailing anyone in what then passed for a non-Communist opposi-
tion-he persuaded Binh to release information on them and to ensure
that they got unexceptionable treatment. As the Watergate scandal
eroded the Nixon administration's ability to support Thieu, the issue esca-
lated in September 1973, and both Martin, dealing with Thieu, and Pol-
gar, addressing Khiem, pushed for the release of a non-Communist
woman dissidenf Inamed Ngo Ba Thanh. 48 0
""Polgar interview, 29-30 July 1993:1
"I.:'(;II"I!X interview, 23 November 1992; Polgar interview,29-30 July 1993, Manin's auitudc to-
lVard Slat" Ill">' also have contributed to this relationship. A protege of Averell Harriman. he had
entered the Forcigu Service at a senior level, and as Polgar saw him hated only the Communists
more than he hated the Departme1ll.D
"1,"('11"", inlerview, 23 November 1992: Saigon 69580, lJ September 1973,1 1
I !intervicw by the author, Langley, VA, 10November 1994U
~ t
~ e t
As usual, the argument centered on the deleterious effects on the
prospects for aid legislation if the Vietnamese did not comply. Polgar but-
tonholed the often-antagonistic Hoang Due Nha on the Ngo Ba Thanh
case and reminded him that the police aid appropriation was at stake.
"With the possible exception of our respective wives," Polgar told him,
"no woman is worth that much money." And it appeared that some genu-
ine political dissidence was involved, after all, as the government prom-
ised on 18 September that three labor unionists, not charged with
common crimes, would be back with their families before the week was
out. Polgar suggested that Headquarters assure labor leader George
Meany and Congresswoman Bella Abzug that the matter was now in
Thus, as summer gave way to fall in 1973, the Americans had pre-
vailed over a stubborn client when they persuaded Thieu to sign the
cease-fire agreement and the June implementation protocol. The United
States had, at the same time, implicitly committed itself to permanent
support of the Thieu regime and its style of governing. Having aban-
doned political reform, the United States now concentrated its attention
on the fluctuating military fortunes of North and South as they contended
for territorial control in the countryside.D
"Saigon 69650. 12 September 1973, and Saigon 69843. 18 Septernberj
I I 1-- ---'
Chapter 7
Trying To Preserve the Status Quo D
In the next year and a half, from fall 1973 to late winter 1974, the
Station watched as Hanoi played cat and mouse with its adversaries in
Saigon. During this period, the Station's government liaison took on
added importance as Ambassador Graham Martin failed to reestablish
the rapport with President Thieu that Ellsworth Bunker had enjoyed. In
late 1974, Station intelligence reporting began to predict another Com-
munist offensive. This broke out at the end of the year, and the first pro-
vincial capital fell on 6 January 1975. By late February, further defeats
threatened the.survival of the Saigon government. D
Senate hearings on Henry Kissinger's nomination as Secretary of
State took place in September 1973. Kissinger told the Senate that "the
Vietnam war is behind us," and in so doing provoked COS Tom Polgar
into vigorous dissent. Fighting continued, he told Headquarters; the Com-
munists had not complied with the terms of the January agreement, and
the war was definitely not over. In mid-October, Headquarters took much
the same view, revising a National Intelligence Estimate to predict a
sharp expansion of Communist and South Vietnamese military activity
in the next few weeks. To Polgar, such a prediction invalidated the
assumptions on which Station staffing was based; some components
would have to be reinforced in order to cover a heightened level of com-
bat. Headquarters acknowledged a persisting difference of opinion in the
Intelligence Community regarding Communist intentions, but postponed
further discussion until Polgar should be in Headquarters on a scheduled
Amid this uncertainty, another round of negotiations on cease-fire
implementation took place in Paris in late December. Ambassador Gra-
ham Martin attended, and upon his return to Saigon on 22 December
!AIso seeI
'Saigon 6958'1, II September 1973,1 d
\ ISail\on 71674, 7 _

enlisted Polgar in a Kissinger-mandated effort to reap some propaganda
benefit from the session. Kissinger wanted Thieu to declare a unilateral
cease-fire and to propose consolidating it by demarcation of the ground
held by each side; an exchange of civilian prisoners was also to be pro-
posed. As the. Secretary of State envisioned it, the Communists' antici-
pated violation of the cease-fire and their rejection of demarcation would
earn the Saigon government a substantial propaganda windfall. Polgar told
Martin that Kissinger would not get his way. The ploy depended on the
cooperation of the Iranian official whose chairmanship of the ICCS ended
on 31 December, and Thieu would never move that fast. Polgar also
doubted that Thieu shared the American confidence in the way the Com-
munists would react. But the COS did his best, supplementing Martin's
jawboning of Thieu with two sessions with General Quang.'D
At the second of these, a dinner meeting on 27 December, Quang
said that Thien was amenable to a prisoner exchange, but no more. Polgar
had anticipated this, and proceeded to rehearse, "line by line," the terms
of the Iranian initiative inspired by Kissinger. Quang, for his part, reiter-
ated Thieu's objections-one of them was the claimed impossibility of
acting within the 31 December deadline to explain cease-fire procedures
to field commanders.l
Polgar now went to work on a yearend assessment, which he sent 111
the operational channel to FE Division, of Sout.h Viet.nam's position with
respect to the North. Phrased more optimistically than Quang's bleak
description of US-Vietnamese relations, it saw 1973 as a relatively good
year for Saigon-"certainly better than 1972"-and as having seen an
erosion of VC influence, Communist discomfort as the result of continu-
ing ARVN pressure, and economic difficulties in North Vietnam. The
COS saw no possibility that Saigon could regain the military initiative,
but he thought Hanoi genuinely interested in stabilizing the cease-fire
agreement, and more concerned to preserve Communist assets in South
Vietnam than to try now to overthrow Thieu or to "achieve political con-
trol in Saigon by other means." The Saigon government, for its part, was
constrained by Nixon's "debility in Washington," economic problems,
'Saigoll 7:\4(,H, 2RDecember 1 9 7 3 ~
'/llid.D '--- --.J
~ t
and a manpower shortage; it too "might welcome a respite from the very
heavy burden of continuing fighting." The bottom line for Polgar was that
"decisive changes in the military and geographic control are going to be
minimal from here on ... a coexistence must develop, peaceful or other-
There certainly were no decisive changes in the first months of
1974, and Thieu took the opportunity to amend the Constitution in Janu-
ary and reorganize his cabinet in February. Of these events, the second
more directly affected Station interests, asI _ I
I Iin the cabinet were fired. INguyen Van Ngai,
had been Minister for Rural Development, but found himself demoted to
a functionary's role in Thieu's Democracy Party. He might stilI retain
some useful access, the Station thought, but it saw dimmer ros ects for
Pham Van Dong, the retired general who
had heen serving as Veterans Affairs Minister.'
The consequences of Dong's fall from political grace were aggra-
vated when the tenants of a house he owned in Saigon were arrested in
mid-February on charges of running an illegal gamhling operation.
Dong's reaction, like that of other Station contacts who had found them-
selves in distress, was to advertise his CIA affiliation as a buffer against
prosecution. "His faith in our loyalty is touching," the Station reported,
"but there is nothing explicit or implicit in the relationship which should
lead him to expect such support." He was in fact arrested in April on cor-
ruption charges and jailed until July." D
The loss was mitigated by Thieu's selection of retired general and
Senator Tran Van Don as Vice Prime Minister for Inspection of Commu-
nity Development and Security. I IDon
had been a sporadic contact since before the coup that toppled Ngo Dinh
Diem in 1963. He welcomed Agency contact in his new role, and gave
early advice that Ambassador Martin's relationship with Thieu was not
prospering as well as Bunker's had. The Station's liaison with General
Quang was very good, he thought, but perhaps "not broad gauged
enough. "'0 .
Meanwhile, Khiern and the Station's access to him had survived
the reshuffle. In 'late February Polgar saw him with an agenda that
ranged from opposition to a Finance Ministry surtax on police gasoline
(Polgar prevailed) to argumentation on Martin's behalf that Saigon
." ''''gon 73875, 14January 1974
, -rn"77rT--....:---------.!l
'Saigon Base 75083, 19 Fehruar aigon Base 75005,
15 February 1974, H1llrl:,""'a,""rs-"'im-"L J--l --,
'Saigon Base 75083;
'- L __--1
. Secrlt
should stay at an impending Geneva Laws of War Conference even if a
PRG delegation were seated. Khiem asked about prospects for US aid,
and the COS felt comfortable enough with this policy question to reply
that the Vietnamese should expect no major new package. Khiem volun-
teered that President Thieu was serious about fighting corruption, but
indicated no consideration of any punishment more severe than removal
of the worst offenders, beginning with the Director General of Customs
and a dozen or so province chiefs.
An odd episode in early 1974 suggests that something of a siege
mentality had overcome Ambassador Martin, and to some degree COS
Polgar as well. In a cable of 28 February, Polgar told DCI Colby that
Martin wanted CIA to know of a continuing exchange between the
Ambassador and Senator J. William Fulbright (D-AK) on press coverage
of Vietnam. In Martin's view, a "massive deception campaign" in the
United States was seeking to undermine American support to Saigon, and
it threatened "the objectives for which we fought in Vietnam and the
achievement of which is now truly within reach." Martin did not specify
who he thought was directing the campaign, naming only The New York
Times as a "witting vehicle in this carefully coordinated effort." I
In the. context of this incident, Polgar predicted that anti-Saigon
propaganda would shortly reach new highs in the United States, taking
advantage of the administration's preoccupation with the Watergate scan-
dal. The Agency might be directly affected because of its well-known
support of the National Police, which had become "a principal bulwark of
the government and more than a match for the VC infrastructure."roD
The First Hungarian ApproachD
In late March 1974, Martin enlisted Polgar's support in another
effort to exploit for public relations purposes a Communist proposal on
cease-lire implementation. As usual, Thieu was disposed simply to reject
the offer; it looked to him designed simply to obstruct talks already under
way. Also as usual, US officials saw in it some propaganda potential.
SaigoJl75214. 22 Pcbruary lYi4r'-,L- ...L ----,
'Sni '(l1l75451. 28 February 1974
Martin deputized Polgar to see Khiem and Quang to urge on them a
quick acceptance of the Communist proposal, which included prisoner
exchange and reduction of forces, contingent on Hanoi's paying its ICCS
bills and permitting full deployment of the inspection teams mandated
by the Paris agreement of January 1973.
The absence of further reporting suggests that this ploy had no
more effect on Thieu than such public relations maneuvers usually did. In
any case, the Station role in cease-fire implementation took a new direc-
tion less than two weeks later when Col. Karoly Gombos.] I
I Iapproached Polgar with a message he
said had been authorized by the Soviets. As Gombos told it, the USSR
had already reduced its deliveries of war materiel to North Vietnam, and
would be willing to negotiate further mutual reductions with the United
States. Moscow had no wish to dump Thieu, as Hanoi was perpetually
demanding, and would rather see a real cease-fire along de facto lines of
control. Headquarters I I
encouraged Polgar to elicit specific proposals. Meetings continued, but
the specifics did not emerge, and the issue faded, for the time beirig.
Watching the Paranoia of IsolationD
If Ambassador Martin suspected a media cabal aimed at sinking
South Vietnam, President Thieu feared a US Government conspiracy to
do the same thing, On 5 June, Polgar went to the Palace, where he and
General Quang discussed the meeting of their respective chiefs sched-
uled for the next day, just before Martin's departure for consultations in
Washington. Quang began by requesting a Martin assurance to Thieu
that no official American support was going to such dissident groups as
the Boa Hao sect or the Catholic Priests' Anti-Corruption Movement.
Quang described something that Polgar already knew about, namely, the
paranoid suspicions harbored by Thieu's nephew and current Informa-
tion Minister, the US-educated Hoang Due Nha, and "insisted that any
lingering doubts which Thieu may have must be dispelled." Martin need
not criticize Nha; it would suffice to point out the absurdity of combin-
ing massive US support to the government with simultaneous aid to "pid-
dling dissident groups."IJD
"Saigon 76396,25 March J974.1 L
"Saigon 76783, Ii April 1974 al1'//-;'I';;;-as""s"'lI1;Tq---------, !Shackley interview,
16August t993.0
'\<;"igol1 78881, 6 June 1974,IL _
Quang went on to deplore the economic situation and the lack: of
South Vietnamese leadership in this area, and he accused the US
Embassy of aggravating the problem by no longer maintaining a single
point of reference on economic matters; the result was, in effect, no US
advice at all, as each Vietnamese minister quoted his own American
"guru" against all the others. Polgar asked about political prisoners, and
Quang promised that Tran Ngoc Chau, the pacification expert and former
National Assembly Deputy jailed since 1970, would be released before
Martin's imminent appearance on Capitol Hill.
The conversation turned, as usual, to cease-fire implementation
talks, and Polgar, as usual, helped carry the Ambassador's water. He
pointed out the opportunity to exploit recent Southern military gains by
making at least apparent concessions that would improve Martin's recep-
tion by the Congress, where Saigon's intentions tended to be suspect.
Quang responded that a strategy meeting that very morning should give
shape to Thieu's decision in principle to take such an initiative. ISO
One reason for Quang's importance as a conduit to Thieu became
clearer after President Nixon's 9 August 1974 resignation, when Ambas-
sador Phuong lunched with EA Division Chief Shackley. Phuong wor-
ried that Thieu's Vietnamese advisers lacked the fortitude to speak their
minds with the President. He saw only two of them as willing to state
unpleasant facts; one of these was General Quang. In any case, Phuong
believed, Thien could get a balanced assessment of his problems only
from Americans, and he had just implored Ambassador Martin, already
in Washington, to see more of him. Martin had made a note of this, but
no commitment. Another factor in Quang's prominence was Thien's
growing isolation from other Station contacts who had once enjoyed
more or less regular access. One example was Lower House Chairman
Nguyen Ba Can1 \
Martin had asked Polgar to send him a threat estimate, and the
COS replied, on the day of Nixon's resignation, in terms that foreshad-
owed the impending Communist drive to final victory. Despite intensi-
fied military action, he said, Hanoi showed no unambiguous signs of
intending to lear up the Paris agreement and launch an offensive on the
scale of 1968 or 1972. To this Polgar added a prescient qualification
which he must have intended to strengthen Martin's hand on Capitol
,., Saigon 7H881. The file contains no further reporting 011 thisD
~ t
Hill: "Recent intelligence suggests that the 'decisive blow' which they
have been contemplating may come sooner than later, perhaps in the dry
season of 1975."
The Quang channel brought the COS back into the policy arena
after a 16 September lunch during which Polgar briefed the general on
the US political and economic situation and its implications for Vietnam
aid. Quang relayed this to Thieu, who reacted by inviting the COS to his
office the next day. Thieu probed for information on Kissinger, forcing
Polgar to deny "categorically ... any and all rumors which Thieu might
have received about alleged weakening of Kissinger's position."lsD
As always during this period, the subject of military aid arose. Pol-
gar explained the implications of the approaching midterm elections in
the United States. Concerned about Saigon's "public relations problem"
in the United States, he urged Thieu to abstain from agitating in Washing-
ton for additional aid. Reflecting more understanding of his benefactor
than he was often credited with, Thieu expressed more anxiety about the
continuing reliability of American military aid than about the precise
' 9
D '
Thieu said the aid issue would top the agenda in his forthcoming
discussions with Deputy Defense Secretary William Clements, and the
session with Polgar turned to American dealings with the local non-'
Communist opposition. The COS alluded to rumors of US support, not-
ing-not for the first time-what he called the absurdity of encouraging
upposition to a recipient of massive US support. Thieu disclaimed hav-
ing given any credence to the allegations of support, but said he had
proof of official US contacts. Polgar acknowledged buth Embassy and
Station contacts with groups such as the An Quang Buddhists and dissi-
dent Catholic priests, asserting that these served only legitimate informa-
tion purposes. Thieu professed to agree, but complained that some
dissidents used their American contacts as proof of US support for their
"respective machinations." Polgar cited a case in which information on
contacts with military dissidents by an American had been turned over to
General Binh's CIO, and Thiel! repeated that he gave no credence to the
That same day, 17 September, Vice Prime Minister Tran Van Don
emphasized the government's unease over continuing US associatiun with
Saigon dissidents. He pointedly noted Thieu's awareness of I I
I Ilegislative and Buddhist contacts, but the Station gave him no
1'1Saigon HOHo I. 9 August 1974.1 L
"Saigoll 81953.17 September

satisfaction, merely repeating the line that Polgar had just given Thieu.
Visiting Washington in early October, Don raised the question again with
Ted Shackley, c1aiminf that Buddhist opposition to Thieu was growing.
Shackley asserted that Iwas doing no more than keeping a fin-
ger on the pulse and assured Don of steadfast US support for Thieu.
Shackley also, he told the Station, made it clear that CIA would choose
its own contacts.
If Thieu followed Polgar's advice to restrain his Washington lobby-
ists, he compensated with an orchestated effort to convince Deputy Sec-
retary William Clements of a critical need to restore cuts in military aid
Emphasis on

post-cease-fire Communist landgrabbmg an on weapons ost by territo-
rial forces reflected Thieu's intention to portray aid cuts as having
inflicted "criQQling reductions in the of fireQower." I
Intimations of a New Communist OffensiveD
After the January 1973 cease-fire agreement, the traditional role of
the Vietnam Station as a US channel of influence and information to the
Saigon generals increasingly involved it in issues like corruption, South
Vietnam's image in the United States, and the prospects of continued US
military aid. Official corruption had long counted as one of Saigon's
more intractable problems. Among Station contacts, the most controver-
sial ill this respect was Lt. Gen. Dang Van Quang, the portly aide to
Thieu whom some Americans were inclined to take lightly because of
his high-pitched giggle in moments of tension. Sometime in 1974, hoping
to resolve the issue of Quang's alleged corruption, the COS designated
to do an all-source review of
Quang's financial probity. could find no smoking gun, and
"Saigon XIY54, 17 September 1974,'LI ...L- _
"William E. Colby,Memorandulll to HenryA. Kissinger, "PlannedGVNTacticstoConvinceDep-
uty Secretaryor Defense Clements thai the Militury Situation in South Vietnam is 'Desperate' :'
I RSeptember !l)7/IJ

did a report whose thrust was, if not vindication at worst "not moven."
Quang s pecumary honesty, or lack thereof, and the Station's liaison
role in public relations and military aid matters were in any case periph-
eral to the Agency's main interest. The gut issue, for the Station, now
centered on the fact that the cease-tire agreement had left the Commu-
nists with the military-if not, in Polgar's view, the political-initiative
in the South, and the dominant intelligence question was how and when
they would exercise it. The first part of a definitive answer, after Polgar's
tentative rediction of early August, came on 8 November 1974 when
the reported to the Station and the Special Branch
on t e eso unon or 75, just issued by the Hanoi Communist Party's
Central Office for South Vietnam.
According to a preliminary report by the Bien Hoa base, "the key
point of Resolution 75 is that the Party is determined to launch an all-out
offensive which may well be more intense than the 1972 offensive. The
VC have weakened the [Saigon government] to a marked degree, using
less than one-third of (their] available strength against [Saigon], while the
latter had to use all of its strength." The offensive was to be nationwide
and was to strike not only the military but also the political and economic
fronts. Orders had already been given, the source said, to collect rice,
salt, and other foodstuffs "in preparation for a long offensive." In a move
that recalls Bien Hoa's earlier concern about resource control, Party head-
quarters ordered local VC to "buy two-thirds of the civilian ~ u c t i o n
and let the fanners take the rest to the strategic hamlets [SiC)."
As it happened, Washington had just asked the Station to comment
on a draft Intelligence Community consensus judgment that "Hanoi prob-
ably will not choose to mount a new 1972-style offensive in the current
dry season (i.e., between now and June 1975)." Polgar had apparently
drawn back from his August warning of a possible dry season offensive,
for he cautiously replied on 11 November that Washington's prognosis
"had been and still remains Station position as of today." But he went on
to cite the] [report, not yet disseminated, and compared it with
the reporting from the same source that had correctly predicted the timing
"I 124August,1992. If Quang made any mouey from I limpro-
pncty, hc apparently failed to gel. it out of Saigon; at oue point. having finally been accepted into
the US, he was working as a baggage handler at the Los Angeles airport. (See Polgar interview. 29-
30 July 1')93.)0
"Dictl Hoa 28354. 9 November t974.1 I
of what turned into the Easler offensive of 1972. An Embassy report had
just described a VC threat, allegedly conveyed to an intermediary sent to
them by Buddhist leader Tri Quang, to launch a new offensive if Thieu
remained in power more than another three or four months. The Station
saw a possibility that this and the] Ireport represented the begin-
ning of a "carefully staged psychological pressure campaign (using
sources perhaps reporting in good faith) ... to erode President Thien's
control." But the track record of thel [source required that his
information be taken seriously, and Polgar later remembered having
urged both Ambassador Martin and police and CIO chief General Binh to
give it close attention.
No single report sufficed to establish Communist intentions, and on
15 November Polgar reminded Headquarters of another report, issued
about the same time as his August warning of a possible offensive, that
Hanoi really wanted a new round of nerotiations. Then, after another
briefing by a province-level superior, the Ispecified that
the campaign in 1975 was to set the stage for "some sort of 'grand
finale' in 1976." He outlined Hanoi's plans for division-level deploy-
ments, saying that concentrations around Saigon would be designed to
lure an ARVN division from the Mekong Delta, where the VC could
then more easily collect rice from the current harvest. Preparations were
to be complete by the end of December. Headquarters continued to doubt
that Hanoi was planning a major offensive, but Polgar now adopted the
more pessimistic view and complained that Washington's argument arbi-
trarily relied on a repetition of the deployments made by Hanoi before the
Easter offensive of 1972.
As signs of plans for a major Communist military initiative accu-
mulated, the South Vietnamese economy remained a major anxiety for
both Saigon and the US Mission. On 19 November, Thieu made the curi-
ous choice of the Station to communicate to the Americans his concern
about problems of "coordination and leadership" in the economic sector.
The desperate state of the economy may have had something to do with
this departure from protocol: the increase in oil prices resulting from the
Arab export embargo had combined with reduced US economic aid to
create severe shortages. In any case, General Binh, clearly uncomfort-
able with the subject, told DCOS Conrad LaGueux that the President had
heard of Mission objections to his proposed cabinet reorganization, and
'-- -.Jlpolgar interview,
wanted to clarify these "thru 'intimate friends. '" After a check with the
Embassy, DCOS LaGueux was able to assure him that the thing would be
taken into regular channels.
"Saieoll 83R52, 12 November 1993,1
~ l ~

The Fall of a Provincial Capital D
Indeed, as 1974 came to a close; Khiem' and his colleagues had
more serious challenges I " 'I Just before
Christmas, Khiem told COS Polgar that the new year would be more dif-
ficult than the old, in economic as well as military terms. He thought the
Communists "certainly smart enough to recognize that the [government]
cannot defend equally in all forty-four provinces." Saigon, for its part,
would not fall into the trap of distributing its forces equally throughout
the country. It must hold Pleiku, Khiem said, but would not be justified in
sacrificing a division to hold Kontum. Then, just one week into the New
Year, the Communists captured Phuoc Long Province, on the Cambodian
border north of Saigon.
On 6 January,the day Phuoc Long fell, the State Department asked
Ambassador Martin for a military assessment. In response, Martin sent a
Station-drafted paper that emphasized Hanoi's ability to expand the South-
ern territory under its control without committing strategic reserves. It
might do so by filling the four divisions just created in the South to
"avoid alarming the Washington Intelligence Community, which remains
mesmerized with the thought that a major offensive could take place only
with the movement of integral units from North Vietnam a la 1972." But if
the military situation was grim, Saigon faced it "with its own political
house in order." Thieu's position was firm, and "indeed the recent upsurge
in Communist activity has served to quiet some of Thieu's critics, causing
them to put the national interest above parochial political concerns."
Despite this one, perhaps illusory, bright spot, a continuing high volume of
Soviet and Chinese aid to the North led Polgar to a somber bottom line.
"SHlgOIl 20 December 1974,1 l'oIgar interview, 29-30
July) 9930 Vietnam lVar Almanac;'-,

Quoting Thieu, he said, "It looks as though South Vietnam has been
deceived by the US and the United States has been deceived by the 'Soviet
The US ability to counter aid deliveries to Hanoi with aid deliver-
ies to Saigon was already limited by public and Congressional opposi-
tion, and Kissinger called Martin to Washington in late January to help
lobby for a supplemental appropriation of $700 million. While there,
Martin stayed in close touch with Polgar, using him as an intermediary
with the Vietnamese on a range of issues far broader than the Station's
intelligence and covert action mandate. The COS found himself address-
ing problems ranging from the arrest of allegedly pro-Communist jour-
nalists to the handling of a Saigon request for help setting up an
American-Vietnamese association in the United States to counter anti-
South Vietnam propaganda. Acting on behalf of Charge d' Affaires Wolf-
gang Lehmann, Polgar also had to straighten out the confusion over
reports of Western military advice to Thieu to give up his four northern
provinces to the Communists. On this point, Khiem acknowledged that
he was familiar with the idea, being promoted by former Australian Brig-
allier and counterinsurgency adviser Ted Serong, but that contrary to
Serong's claims he had rejected it as militarily unsound and politically
President Thieu, in any case, was optimistic about getting the sup-
plemental appropriation, which he thought would guarantee ARVN
enough fuel and ammunition to cope with the Communist moves pre-
dicted in the COSVN resolution for 1975.
he needed the additional aid, but without it would
simply make the necessary tactical adaptations. In any case, he could not
"conceive that the Americans would ahandon him altogether." Appar-
ently speaking for himself in a cable devoted to this topic, Polgar said,
"There is no reason to believe that Hanoi would he willing to make an
acceptable compromise with a South Vietnam weakened" by US inaction
on the aid question.
R5162, 6 Januury 1975,1 ICIA and other American
observers had over the years often invoked, usually as a the politically energizing effect of
military reverses thaI the Station here announcedas a fact.U .
"'Sait'HI 2') January 1975; Saigon 86082,4 February1975;Saigon 86055,4 February 1975;
I 1Matlin was nOI deterredin his use of the CIA channel by
a 15 January incident in which the visiting Senator Sum Nunn (I)-TN) had dismissed him from a
postlunchdiscussion at Polgar's house, Of that incident, Pol ar re oned "I have never seen Mar-
lin) so workedup," (Sec Saigon Rrc54",8""8c...u16""J.!!!an,,,u!.!!.aIu:' '-'1.L97'""S'L -. --l
"Saigon :lRJ<J, 5 February 1975,

~ t
Later in February, the US Mission was preparing a commentary for
Kissinger on the Administration's proposed three-year aid package for
South Vietnam. Martin asked the COS to estimate the effect on Hanoi of
different hypothetical levels of US aid to South Vietnam. Polgar's 26
February response appealed to the authority of Kissinger's intellectual
Metternich said that politics is the art of the possible. This dictum is
true of military affairs as well as politics and is as relevant to Com-
munist nations as to non-Communist ones. A substantial infusion
of U.S. aid to South Vietnam over the next three years would go a
long way toward modifying Hanoi's view of what is possible and
what is not, both militarily and politically, and would accelerate
policy trends in North Vietnam that could ultimately strengthen the
force of the Paris accords.
In any case, as Polgar saw it, Hanoi's supply of munitions in the
South, perhaps greater than at the launching of the Easter offensive, was
not matched by its ammunition reserves in the North nor by evidence of
massive Chinese or Soviet deliveries of armor and artillery. The COS
concluded that "the Vietnamese Communists are not going to risk that
which they have in an 'all or nothing' gamble of another general offen-
sive." For one thing, they had never taken such a high risk; even in the
Easter offensive, Hanoi had kept reserve divisions in the North. For
another, "were they to lose, their loss would be final in terms of the exist-
ing Communist equities in the South with the strong possibility of reper-
cussionsalso in the North."4oD
Indeed, the COS believed that increased aid to Saigon now might
actually end the war. Here, Polgar reflected, perhaps unconsciously, the
optimism of all the US officials who had over the years forecast a limit to
Hanoi's capacity to absorb punishment. He suggested that "a clear-cut
.major U.S. commitment to South Vietnam" would strengthen the
"enough is enough" elements in Hanoi. These in turn would be encour-
aged by what the COS saw as the Soviets' disposition to reduce material
aid and to accept a divided Vietnam as they accepted adivided Germany
and a divided Korea." D
. This optimistic estimate-its general thrust widely shared among
informed US officials-did not, of course, rebut the intelligence r e ~
on COSVN's Resolution for 1975. According to t h e ~
agent, this document explicitly deferred a final can rontation until 1976.
"Saigon 86693, 26 February 1975,1
,"/iJid'D L- _
In this respect, the Communists and the COS seemed to share the judg-
ment that, despite reduced US military aid and the absence of American
combat air support, the ARVN's capacity to repel a general offensive had
not diminished since 1972. But the Communists still aimed at victory
within a specified period of time, while the entirely defensive stance of
the GVN sought only to defy Hanoi's timetable.D
Chapter 8
The Fatal MomentD
Whatever the validity of the assumptions about ARVN's staying
power, events at the local level were creating some unease in the minds
of Agency officers manning the Station's outposts. Tom Polgar's 26 Feb-
ruary 1975 prognostication of a limited Conununist offensive was fol-
lowed on 10 March by the North Vietnamese capture of Ban Me Thuot,
capital of the highland Province of Darlac. Pleiku was also threatened,
and the chief of the Station's detachment there, Don Nicol, was issuing
daily reports on "what fell during the night." On 12 March, North Viet-
namese antiaircraft artillery shot down an Air Vietnam DC-4 on the out-
skirts of Pleiku. I D
Nicol had at this point received no Station reaction to his reporting
about the deteriorating ARVN position around Pleiku, no inquiry or
instructions about possible evacuation, and so he asked for consultation
in Nha Trang with the MR-2 base chief, Robert Chin. On 13 March, his
flight to Nha Trang scheduled for the next day, Nicol convened a meet-
ing of all US officials in Pleiku. Everyone saw an immediate danger of
North Vietnamese attack, and they worked out an evacuation protocol,
with air transportation for Vietnamese employees guaranteed only to
those who risked reprisal at the hands of the Communists. 20
Col. Le Khac Ly, the ARVN MR-2 Chief of Staff [ J----
c=Jinterrupted the meeting with a phone call to Nicol in which he
noted ARVN's deteriorating position and recommended that the Ameri-
cans pull out. Having delivered this advice, Ly mentioned that MR-2
I Donald J. Nicol, interview by the author, McLean, VA(hereafter cited as Nicol interview). 26 Feb-
mary 1993.0
'Nicol interview, 26 February 1993; Fred Stephens, interview by the author, Langley, VA(hereaf-
IeI' cited a.' Stephens interview), 10August J 994. Not all the local employees would accept evac-
uation even if offered. Nicol recalled that the ethnic minority Nnng guards at his compound
explicitly declined to consider any departure arrangements, whether by air or on the ground. And
two of those who were evacuated, a Vietnamese couple, stayed in Nha Trang when it fell on I
April; Nicollcfl for Saigon wondering about their loyalty.O
commander Gen. Pham Van Phu would attend a meeting with President
Thieu the next day at Cam Ranh Bay. He noted that Phu's official itiner-
ary called for him to be in Qui Nhon, and assured Nicol he would clarify
the matter when Phu returned to Pleiku,30
Nicol told Nha Trang Base of the plans for this surreptitious gather-
ing. On 14 March, as he was preparing to leave Pleiku, he got word from
the Base that the outpost in Qui Nhon had been queried. Although its
people had not actually seen Phu, their contacts asserted that he had
indeed arrived at the divisional headquarters there.' 0
Late the same day, after Nicol's departure, Stephens visited MR-2
Headquarters in hopes of getting a report on the Cam Ranh meeting. He
found LY,I Ihad no time to recount the day's events before
Phu himself came in. Stephens thought he looked shaken, but did not
connect it to the Cam Ranh meeting; in Stephens's view, a continuing
string of ARVN reverses had given Phu every reason to look shaken.sO
Stephens left emptyhanded, but returned the following morning,
noticing as he passed the airfield that the fighter aircraft normally parked
there were gone. He found the headquarters a shambles, evidently in the
middle of ~ a C k i n g up, and it took him half an hour to locate CO.Ione1 Ly.
I took him aside and, with an urgent request that Stephens con-
ceal the provenance of the information, announced that Thieu had just
ordered Phu to withdraw from Pleiku and Kontum. In so doing, he had
explicitly enjoined his commanders to withhold the decision from the
Americans, On leaving Colonel Ly, Stephens briefed the US Mission's
senior provincial representative, Earl Thieme, who then called on General
Phu. Phu acknowledged the impending relocation of his headquarters, but
not the withdrawal from Pleiku and Kontum. He did, however, repeat
Ly's earlier suggestion that the Americans leave Pleiku.
Stephens accompanied his intelligence report with a recommenda-
tion that all Americans be promptly evacuated. Polgar was skeptical of
the report, but Chin had already lost two Americans killed in recent
'Nicol interview, 20 February 1993; Stephens interview, lOAu ust 1994, Nicol described Ly's mo-
tivation as a liking for Americans and a craving for Coca-Cola,
Stephens interview, 10 August 1994
"!flit! l-----------,Irl------------'1Stephens recalled that
ly said Thien's rationale for concealing the decision included a desire (hat Americans be captured
in the Highlands; he hoped that such a provocation would draw the United States back into active
c.uubar. Nunc ul' the subsequent cables from Nha Trang and Saigon on the Plciku evacuation refers
(0 (his. and the intelligence report that conveyed Thieu's decision has not been found. Stephens
thoughl he might well have omitted the point from the dissemination as bein too sensational, hut
il is luissiu!; also from the accompanying operational cable,.L- ..L_
~ t
action in MR-2, and he and the Consul General at Nha Trang, Moncrieff
Spear, persuaded Polgar as the Embassy duty officer to authorize the
immediate departure of all Americans from Kontum and Pleiku. Chin
requisitioned Air America transport planes, and the first of these arrived
at Pleiku not long after noon. Stephens and most of his people took this
plane, along with the other Americans, but his communicator and the
National Security Agency man at Pleiku insisted on waiting for the prom-
iscd second aircraft, explicitly assigned for their use. Everyone got out
that afternoon, and the group arrived in Nha Trang with their weapons,
the unit's cryptographic devices, and the clothes they wore. That day, or
the next, the Station got its own look at the catastrophe when DCOS
LaGueux went up in a Station aircraft to photograph the chaos on the
road leading southeast from Pleiku to Phu Bon.' D .
While Stephens and his people were boarding the airplane at Pleiku,
COS Polgar was reporting on his efforts to confirm Vietnamese intentions
with respect to the Highlands. Liaison contact General Quang I I
I IGeneral Khang had just denied any knowledge of a decision to
withdraw, "although General Quang conceded that evacuation of Kon-
tum was likely." Khang said he had seen Joint General Staff chief Gen-
eral Vien that morning, and Vien had said nothing of the matter. Acting
Chief of Mission Lehmann had seen President Thieu at 0900 hours that
morning-presumably before the arrival of Stephens's report of the Cam
Ranh meeting-and Thieu had also been mute on the subject. I
In the same cable that reported Quang's and Khang's disclaimers,
Polgar speculated that Thieu might have intended no more than to
approve in principle Phu's plans to concentrate his forces to retake Ban
Me Thuot by evacuating Pleiku and Kontum. In this interpretation, Phu
had misunderstood and had prematurely put the plan into effect. As for
'Nicol interview, 26 February 1993; Polgar interview, 29-30 July 1993. Nicol recalled having felt
some relief when the Embassy duty officer, who had to approve the evacuation flight for the Pleiku
outpost, turned out to be the COS. Nicol thought that someone else, who might have felt obliged
to consult the Ambassador, would have encountered Martin's fear that evacuation of Americans
would spark Vietnamese panic. Stephens remembered that Provincial Representative Thieme got
a helicopter back to Pleiku on 16March to rescue his collection of Playboy magazines. His arrival
coincided with that of a transport sent from Saigon to pick up the ARVN radio intercept detachment
that had worked with the Station and NSA. Thieme diverted it to pick up civilian acquaintances of
his, 1lIJ(1 the intercept people were left behind to try making their way out overland or to be captured
: ) ~ Ihc North Vietnamese. (See Stephens interview. 10 August 199410 I
Saigon H7355, 15March 1975,I
I I L- _

the absence of notification to the US Mission, Polgar later thought it
improbable that so many of the Mission's contacts could have skillfully
feigned ignorance; in his view, they had in fact not known what Phu had
set in motion. But on 17 March, Joint General Staff chief Cao Van Vien
responded to the Defense Attache's probing by acknowledging that with-
drawal was already under way. The attache, Maj. Gen. Homer Smith,
asked why Vien had said nothing about it when they met just after the 14
March Cam Ranh Bay conference. Vien said he'd had no choice-s-Thieu
had issued a direct order not to reveal the decision! D
The Pleiku withdrawal diverted the Station's attention from devel-
opments farther south, On 14 March, while Thieu was closeted with his
generals at Cam Ranh Bay, Polgar had been evaluating the fall of Ban Me
Thuot and growing enemy pressure on Tay Ninh, The current crisis was
the worst since 1965, he told Headquarters, now exceeding even the 1972
Easter offensive. Quang had reported Thieu to be unprecedentedly "wor-
ried and even depressed," and General Binh described the ARVN effort
to retake Ban Me Thuot as perhaps "the decisive battle in terms of the
future of [South Vietnam] as we know it." In Binh's view, the loss of the
Central Highlands would be psychologically devastating; hc doubted that
Thicu and his government could digest it. 10
'Saigon 87355; Polgar interview, 29-30 July 1993; Sai on 88853, 14 April 1975,
I ISaigon 87372, 16 March 1975
[sic] R [sic] Johnson, Memorandum to Chicf, East .....,"'lljT: o,- r 7"<":: e-=- n-=- er=-=- a
-=- OI=n-=- et::- "'t='nit'h's
I RCpo'll on rhe Las! Day, of Vietnam," 23 September 1975, all. Smith repOlt,1 I
'led Shackley said he made direct inquiries when he came to Saigon later in the month, ask-
ing Generals Quang and Vicn, both present at the Nha Trang meeting, as well as General Binh, Ho-
ang Due Nha, and Thieu himself, what had happened. The consensus, as Shackley recalled it, was
that Thieu had announced a pulicy decision to give up the Central Highlands and had directed MR-
2 cununamlcr Geuerul l'hu to begin the planning. Shackley said he later reviewed the subject in the
United Stutes with Khac and Nha, and they reaffirmed Phu's blunder, (See Shackley interview, 19
August 1993.) Nothing in the official record other than Polgar's conjecture of 15 March supports
this interpretation. Robert Chin', account of the fall of MR-2 categorically states that Thieu "or-
dcrcd l'hu to abandon Pleiku and Kontum." Oue 50-page undated and unsigned review of the
GVN's collapse, apparently prepared at Headquarters, says nothing at all about this episode. An-
lither such memorandum says that Phu rcturned from the 14 March session with Thieu with orders
to abandon Pleiku and Kontum "between 15-\7 March," i.e. immediatel . See Robert Chin Mem-
oraudum "Chronology," 16 April 1975, he untitled Head-
quarters reviews are in All of this leaves unresolved Polgar's
and apparently alxlI Shackley's reluctance to accept thai the Vietnamese had withheld a decision to
launch an inuucdintc evacuation. In both Nicol's and Stephens's recollection, the initial report from
Plciku had explicitly referred tll Thien's order to conceal his decision from the Americans. The re-
port i.IXClf bus no! he-en ,-O
"'Saigon X730X. 14 March 1973,f

.......__. __._----------------------
Fixing the marne for an Accelerating DisasterD
The accelerating ARVN collapse did not result from a North Viet-
namese general offensive, but rather invited it, as Polgar was later at
pains to point out. With both MR-l and MR-2 in enemy hands, the COS
wanted Headquarters to understand that it was Thieu's "precipitous deci-
sions and poor execution by his commanders, ... poor leadership, poor
morale, indiscipline, and selfishness . . . that let the nation down and
introduced a process of deterioration that led to results far in excess of
what North Vietnamese military pressure would have been capable of
during this time frame."I'D
Prime Minister Khiem was equally concerned to find a sea e oat.
L- ---Jcomplaining about "the bastardly attitude of the U.S.
Congress ... the more they go on with their current game the more eager
and aggressive the Communists will get and the more force thev will
Hanoi is pleased as they can be. Why the hell would they even con-
sider negotiations for now? As a minimum, they would sharply
increase their demands. We are like the farmers, and they have just
raised the interest rates all our mortgage. In the meanwhile our
houses are falling down around us, our broken, and we still
have to find the means to prevent foreclosure on our mortgage.
I Inoting how things had changed
since 1972, when the North Vietnamese had been hit by everything from
13-52s to naval gunfire. Now the North was stronger and the South
weaker. "We have moved out of the Kissinger period and into the period
of the American Congress, and there is nothing we can do about it."I'D
On 19 March, Headquarters told Polgar about an interagency meet-
ing at which "both military and State representatives were most apprecia-
tive of Station reporting ... almost their only source of South Vietnamese
plans and actions in the last six days." Ambassador Martin was again in
the United States, this time for dental surgery, and the Department was
about to instruct Lehmann to go see Thieu. Polgar's reply described the
"Saigon R8851, 14 April
"Saigon 3835, 17 March _

~ t
Embassy as a "rudderless ship" in Martin's absence. Lehmann was not a
leader, and "senior officers of the Embassy have failed to recognize the
new situation and its implications." As the COS saw it, the political offic-
ers, "reflecting the atmosphere in Washington," were still preoccupied
with the non-Communist opposition to the Saigon government. But it
wouldn't matter even if they did change their focus: Thieu didn't like to
deal at the charge d'affaires level, and the Embassy would get little of
value from contacts less highly placedYD
That same day, 20 March, Headquarters begged for information on
Thieu's "grand design," even while it worked to "crank up an Asian CA
program on the refugee situation, the fact that people are voting with
their feet. ..." Could the Station get to Thieu, or at least to Khiem or
Quang? The Station's reply noted Lehmann's meeting that day with
Thieu regarding the new enclave strategy and said it had produced little
not already reported in Agency channels. Polgar went on to say that
We wish you luck with the Asian CA program, but frankly this is
not going to make any difference. The North Vietnamese tanks can-
not be stopped with sympathy but only by anti-tank weapons and
aircraft ... The failure of the United States to live up to the one-
for-one provisions of the Paris agreement or to hinder North Viet-
nam from undertaking all-out military effort will inevitably termi-
nate the existence of an independent, non-Communist South
Vietnam and no amount of words will change that.
Headquarters acknowledged the point, but cited orders from higher
authority to fix responsibility on the Communists and to generate support
for the refugees fleeing the Communist advance.
Thc specter of accelerating catastrophe had at this point produced
some curious reactions also in Saigon. Polgar, for example, had been
quick (0 see the implications of the Central Highlands disaster. But on
21 March, with ARVN still fleeing toward the coast from Pleiku and
Konturn, the COS saw a modest Embassy proposal to curtail travel to
Vietnam by Mission family members as "ridiculous," tantamount to an
official vote of no confidence in the Saigon government's survival. At the
same time, aside from its sensible concern about dependents' travel, the
Embassy's dominant reaction to collapse in the north was to try doing
business as usual. Polgar complained of time wasted at Embassy staff
S P ~
~ ~ ~ .
meetings in discussion of improvements to the Mission's Combined Rec-
reation Association facilities and related social events. In Washington,
irritation with Thieu for concealing his enclave strategy and with the
Mission for its poor coverage of the past week was mitigated only by
general satisfaction with Agency reporting: the Station was the "only
Mission component which has come out of events of past week with rep-
utation either intact or enhanced."ljD
An Attempt To Restore Saigon's MoraleD
Polgar's reporting demonstrated his understanding of sagging Viet-
namese morale. His perception of passivity in the Embassy led him to
take the lead in an effort to reverse this potentially fatal trend. He
launched a vigorous effort to get his Saigon counterparts to identify and
undertake the "organizational, psychological, and political efforts"
required to salvage "what seems to us [a] rapidly deteriorating situation."
On 19 March, he had hosted a working dinner for senior intelligence offi-
cials including Generals Quang and Hinh. The next day, DCOS Laflueux
went to Binh and I Ito Quang with
additional briefing material that Quang wanted to include in a presenta-
tion to President Thieu. On the 21st, Polgar saw both Hoang Due Nha-
"quite changed, humble and obviously most concerned about the fate of
the nation"-and Prime Minister Khiem, whom he found in a "state of
mild shock." Khiem insisted he had had no idea that the Highlands were
to be abandoned forthwith and reacted incredulously to Polgar's state-
ment that Thieu had given the Americans no advance notice. The Prime
Minister criticized General Staff chief Cao Van Vien, but did not look as
if he intended to be any more forceful on the political front than Vien was
on the military. The COS discussed with him "at some length the con-
cept of a national unity government," but "came away with the clear feel-
ing that the Prime Minister was not going to move with the flair and
decisiveness which [the] situation would seem to demand.""'O
On 22 March, Polgar saw Khiem again, this time accompanied by
the Station's photo interpreter, and briefed him on ARVN losses during
the flight from Pleiku to Phu Bon. That afternoon, he repeated the briefing
"Saigon 87612. 21 March 1975, and] I . I
I ~ o l g a r interview, 29-.\0 July 1993. Lehmann. as Polgar saw him, lacked the con-
fidcncc even to adapt the Emba ssy staff meeting to changed circumstances, with the result that sev-
eral meetings were dominated by the proposed construction of a Regency Hyatt hotel in Saigon.
The Administrative Counselor's problems with overtime pay for local employees also figured
prominently. and the ElIlbassy's two-honr Innch break continued.
"Saigon 87654, 23 March 1975,
L..- ---'
for General Quang, who wanted to borrow the material for use next day
with Thieu. The Defense Attache 0-2, Col.' William Lcgro, and his col-
leagues wcrc engaged in similar efforts, Polgar said, but "while we are
doing our best to get the top levels of the government to focus on these
various problems, the Station cannot of course fill the vacuum created by
the absence of the Ambassador during this critical situation." The COS
described all this activity to Headquarters on Sunday, 23 March, preced-
ing his report with a despairing cable in which he noted North Vietnamese
successes, South Vietnamese blunders, and the "lack of any effective
American reaction." Hanoi had now committed five divisions from its
strategic reserve, and the COS said he wanted the Secretaries of State and
Defense advised that he saw South Vietnam "going down the drain."17D
, Later on the 23rd, Headquarters chose to treat the situation as man-
ageable, asking for information on ARVN losses and on Thieu's military
planning so that Washington could decide "what type of equipment
should be put into the pipeline now." Headquarters had accepted that Da
Nang would probably fall, that even Tay Ninh might have to be aban-
doneel, but needed to know "where Thieu ultimately plans to make a
stand." Replying the next day, Polgar could say of Thieu's intentions only
that he wanted to protect what is "essential for the survival of an indepen-
dent South Vietnam." Polgar went on to say that "the way events are
moving, this is likely to be smaller than anyone would have considered
possible even two weeks ago." A coastal enclave at Da Nang might still
be possible, and another, farther south, from Qui Nhon to Pharr Thiet, but
such developments would represent not "changes in Thieu's strategic
planning but simply reflections of desperate moves made in the hope of
conserving ARVN fighting resources for a later 'decisive battlc."IR[]
Washington's relative optimism, at this point, emerged also in an
exchange with Polgar over evacuation policy. Although their respective
positions would shortly be reversed, Headquarters told the COS on 25
March that "every agency we talk to" worried about the political signals
implicit in a conspicuous evacuation of American dependents and their
household effects. Polgar replied in a biting cable, pointing out that
Saigon was teeming with unneeded American refugees from the northern
provinces, and "such political signals as we may raise [with their evacua-
tion] arc inconsequential compared to [the] extremely negative signals
being transmitted by the Congress of the United States and current mili-
tury developments in South Vietnam." Headquarters hastily backed down,
"Saigon g 7 ( , 5 ' ~ ; Saigoll H76653, 23 March 1975j
r J landSaigon87697, 24 March 1975),'- ----'

Although it did not explicitly give Polgar the requested blanket authority,
it approved his list of proposed evacuees and affirmed his authority
under the regulations to move people out.
At the strategic level, Polgar still saw a leadership vacuum on both
the US and South Vietnamese sides, and he appealed for a visit from
former MACV commander Gen. Fred C. Weyand to resume the kind of
"informed and detailed discussion" that Weyand and General-Abrams had
once routinely conducted with President Thieu. Such a move may already
have been in train, as Headquarters replied the next day, 25 March, by
announcing that Weyand would head a mission to Saigon whose Agency
members included Ted Shackley and George Carver. Weyand was even
then at the White House to get his instructions. Headquarters illuminated
the Washington atmosphere for Polgar by adding that its intelligence cus-
tomers were now mainly concerned to know whether South Vietnam
retained the will to resist.
Polgar replied on the 26th that it did, in a general way, but that the
trauma of the reverses in Central Vietnam left open the question of effec-
tive resistance at any given point of attack. "The South Vietnam we have
known over the years is no more." The COS saw the prospect of a rump
state, if Hanoi permitted it, but "the end will come sooner rather than
later unless political and/or military pressure should dissuade Hanoi from
pressing its current advantage.t'That same remaining Americans
were evacuated from Tay Ninh by helicopter. 21 U .
Other Station reporting cast some doubt on the survival of even a
general will to resist. I Idepicted JGS Chairman
Cao Van Vien as "personally affected by the defeatist spirit pervading
large segments of the South Vietnamese people and military." I I
I !without B-52 strikes the game was over, but
that it would be over anyway: "If we don't redeploy our forces we are
dead, and if we do redeploy we are still dead."22D
In the desperate mood instilled by Communist military advances,
Thieu advisers Quang and Binb I Idiscussing repressive action
against the "radical opposition," which included "that bitch Ngo Ba
Thanh" and dissident Catholic priests. The Station noted that this was
"Saigon 87820, .,-;t9:::;7
S,-a-nd-;r-- - - '--- - - - - r-- - - - - J-,
"Saigon 25 March 1975,1

taking place just as Prime Minister Khiem was sounding out the
'''responsible' opposition to bring them into a cabinet of national
As this depiction of the Vietnamese mood was going to Henry Kiss-
inger, the Weyand mission was in the air headed for Saigon. The group
was to identify and evaluate the Saigon government's military and politi-
cal strategy, and determine the aid requirement for a strategy judged to be
viable. If Saigon's planning was inadequate, the mission was to talk the
generals into the necessary changes. In Saigon on 28 March, Shackley
reported to DCI Colby that such planning needed to accept that Vietnam-
ese claims about holding Da Nang were hollow, that for all practical pur-
poses it was already lost. 24 D
The Fall of Da NangD
Shackley was probably reacting to a description of accelerating
chaos in Da Nang sent on 27 March by the Station's MR-l Base Chief,
I IAirport security had already broken down, and only a
third of the manifested passengers were among those who jammed onto
the first of the US evacuation aircraft scheduled for that day. The second
night loaded all its intended passengers, but only by w a ~ at the end of
the runway while they were trucked from the terminal. 2S U
The COS replied the same day that he had already read I I
report to General Quang, who promised an immediate briefing of Presi-
dent Thieu. Polgar said he had warned Quang in the strongest terms that
without the restoration of some semhlance of order, US efforts to extri-
cate the maximum number of people from Da Nang would be halted.
Quang said he would take the necessary action, acknowledging that Sta-
. tion information on the evolving catastrophe in the north was more
detailed and timely than the reports reaching Thieu through his own
Polgar saw no rint in
further exposure of Station personnel in Da
Nang, and instructed to evacuate his staff "at the earliest opportu-
nity. I am not willing to risk our personnel to obtain continued reporting
... when it appears that neither U.S. nor Vietnamese authorities are capa-
ble of putting that intelligence to any practical use."27D
r------r- ---Ialld FVSA 43738, n April J975L-__----------.J
~ 6 '
~ e t
At 1640 hours, Quang got back to Polgar, saying that President
Thiel! wanted Consul General Albert Francis to tell MR-l commander
General Truong that a continuing US airlift depended on Truong's ability
to restore order at the airfield and to control the roads serving it. An hour
later, Quang advised that he had reached Truong himself, but recom-
mended having Francis make his representations anyway. It was all ill
vain, as military discipline had now simply dissolved. A state of even
wilder chaos the next day, 28 March, prompted the Consul General to
cancel the airlift entirely.28 D
Evacuation by sea, using vessels of the US Military Sealift Com-
mand, now remained the only possibility, I Iand a Consulate
officer set out to move the 3,000 Vietnamese to whom the Mission felt a
specific obligation. Early on 28 March, working under cover of darkness
to avoid the attention of unsponsored refugees, they tried to load a barge
at the river dock in front of the Consulate. But the ruse did not succeed,
and as many as 1,000 unauthorized refugees forced their way on board.
Some fell into the water, in the general crush, and were drowned. The
overloaded barge finally had to be towed out with many of its intended
passengers still on shore. 29D
c=Jand his colleagues tried again the next night, but not all the
promised barges appeared. In the confusion and panic, those that did
were towed away only partly loaded, again leaving many US-sponsored
refugees behind. Fortunately for the few remaining Americans, Grealy
had made arrangements with the captain of an Australian-owned tugboat,
the Osceola, to pick up the CIA and' Consulate staffers still in Da Nang.
With nothing more to be done for the masses of refugees trying to flee,
the Americans boarded on the morning of the 29th, taking as many Viet-
namese refugees as they could, and moved out into Da Nang harbor. JOD
Once on the water, danger came less from the Communist forces
approaching by land than from armed ARVN deserters. At one point, a
sampan carrying Vietnamese Marine deserters approached the Osceola.
Ignoring continuous warning fire from the tug, they pulled up to the
Osceola's stern. Hank Boothe, one of c= ]men, confronted them
there and tonguelashed a Marine pointing a pistol at him until, appar-
curly confused and frightened, the man opened the action to show an
"Saigon 87851. 27 March 1975,1 1FVSA 437380
"FVSA 43738; Will isic] R [sic] Johnson, Memorandum to Chief, East Asia Division, "Major
General Home.rSmith's Report on the. Last Days of Vietnam," 23 September 1975, att. Smith re-
p u r t ~ I.
tu, Polgar interview, 29-30 July 1993.0
~ L
unloaded weapon. The leader, brandishing both an M16 automatic rifle
and an M-79 grenade launcher, then meekly obeyed Boothe's order to
join the fishing boats already clustered behind the Osceola.
From the relative safety of the tug, the Americans watched more
soldiers and refugees putting out into the harbor on barges, or in sam-
pans or fishing boats. Most uf these vessels could not venture into open
water without foundering, and the ships of the 7th Fleet, required to
remain offshore in international waters, could not come close enough to
pick up refugees. By early afternoon, thousands of refugees were afloat in
the harbor, caught between the approaching North Vietnamese and the
rough waters of the South China Sea.c=Jsaw the impending disaster,
and suggested that the osceola'sSkiiper invike maritime emergency
practice by sending a distress call over voice link to the Station
in Saigon. By midafternoon, the Station had relayed it to the communica-
tions facility inl Iwhich in turn broadcast it on the appropriate fre-
quencies to ships at sea.J2 D
The response was almost immediate, as several freighters were
then passing Da Nang. But the rescue effort revealed another threat to
the refugees' survival: some of the barges had left the shore at least a
day earlier, and the tugboats and freighters helping with the rescue did
not carry enough drinking water to supply the parched Vietnamese. Try-
ing to ameliorate this,c=J asked for an Air America airdrop, which
the Station promptly furnished. The aircraft arrived at dusk, but the vari-
ous containers hastily collected for the effort all broke; one of them hit
the Osceola's antennas, interrupting communications until I Icom- .
municator could improvise a repair. c=Jwas trying to arrange a para-
chute drop for 30 March when a heavy rain postponed the problem long
enough for the rescue operation to be completed." D
The four CIA men and their Consulate colleagues spent the night of
29 March on the Osceola. At 1030 hours on the 30th, they were still on
the tug, and the Station was hoping to see them evacuated before the end
of the day. But transfer to a sengoing vessel turned out to be fully as risky
as cruising a Da Nang harbor full of armed Vietnamese deserters. The
Osceola approached the freighter Pioneer Commander, only to discover
Marine deserters, perhaps 500 of them, already on board, busy robbing
."Saigon 8867(;. 10 April IThis cable is an account of the
episode voluutccrcd 10 the Station by Robert M. Lanigan. the USOM officer for Quang Nam Pt'OV-
incc, who was also on the Osceola. He had been eager to ensure that Boothe's heroism was recog-
"S;tigon 87')54. 2') March 1975.1 IPolgar interview. 29-30 July
"FVS/\ 437,18; Saigon 87971. 30 March 1975, aigon 88676,
10 April ICn51 interview, 29-30 July 1993.
~ e t
the refures alifchting from a barge, and knifing or shooting those who
resisted. and his party crossed the now-empty barge without inci-
dent and boarded without resistance from the Marines. They proceeded to
help the captain organize watch teams guarding the bridge and the engine
room, the only parts of the ship which marauding deserters had not yet
penetrated. During the course of the night, the watch successfully fended
off Marines intent on occupying the bridge, but the rapine continued.
Thanks in large measure to I Iingenuity and enter-
prise, the Da Nang rescue operation evacuated an estimated 50,000 refu-
gees from the doomed city. Many of the three to four thousand.
Vietnamese comprising the Consulate and Base local staff and their fami-
lies were unfortunately not among them.I Isubsequent report does
not address the question whether the Base might have moved its local
employees at its own discretion. It acknowledges the "failure to remove
a very large number of Vietnamese Consulate and Base employees" and
attributes this to the Embassy's failure to provide the airlift it had encour-
aged Consul General Francis to expect. This leaves open the question
why so few of CIA's local staff had been moved out in the twelve days
after the fall of Pleiku and Kontum and before civil order collapsed in
Da Nang. Also, as we have seen, an airlift did in fact begin on 27 March
and ended on Francis's initiative, not the Embassy's, when General
Truong failed to restore order at the airport. 35D
The Trauma of Impending DefeatD
ARVN's collapse at Da Nang contributed to the psychological toll
that accelerating disaster was already taking in Saigon. Shackley remem-
bered trying to brief Ambassador Martin, on the Weyand mission's air-
plane, about the Communist advance on Da Nang. But Martin could not
or would not absorb the dimensions of the catastrophe, and General
Weyand finally signaled Shackley to give it up. Three days later, on 30
March, Da Nang fell. Shortly afterward, Polgar took Vince Daly, a Base
officer recently evacuated, in to see Martin. The Ambassador refused to
accept Daly's account of the disaster, saying he would fly to Da Nang
"FVSi\ 43738.0
.l'FVSi\ 41738. II has not been determined whether the Base was required to tie the evacuation of
its local employees to that of the Consulate's. and if not, what rationale it used to delay moving
S e ~ t
~ t
himself to establish the facts. Only strenuous argument persuaded him
that he could not land at an airfield controlled by the North Vietnamese
Probably reflecting the desperate need for some good news, the Sta-
tion's intelligence product now occasionally depicted cvents in more opti-
mistic terms than they merited. One I Iremembered
serious attention in the Station to idle Vietnamese talk about retaking Da
Nang. Another I Irecalled I IGeneral
Quang I !joked about an incident in Lam Dong Province. It
seemed that a couple of VC sappers had been spotted outside a district
capital, and the panicked local defenders fled toward the province capital.
Finding it abandoned, they reversed course and headed back through
their district town, encountering no resistance, as they dashed toward Da
Lat. Quang] [saw the dark humor in this, but the Station
published a report saying that the Regional Forces had "launched a coun-
terattack on Di Linh and [driven] the Communists from the city.'?' 0
The Vietnamese were no less affected. The disarray was such that
on 30 March, "not one senior officer or official was on duty at [the] Pal-
ace" when the Station called repeatedly to try to coordinate the evacua-
tion of Da Nang. Even the President was not entirely in control of
himself. When Shackley and Polgar saw him on 2 April, he seemed
"choked up with emotion"; indeed, as Polgar later recalled it, he at one
point broke into tears. Shackley perceived that "shock waves have gone
through A){VN and South Vietnamese population at large as a result of
recent military developments in MR 1 and 2." Morale had reached an all-
lillie low, and a "feeling of abandonment by [the] United States is grow-
ing among all strata of ... society." President Thieu was invisible to the
body politic, and Prime Minister Khiem busied himself with fruitless
efforts to reorganize the government. The South Vietnamese were unani-
mous on just one thing, the need for B-52 bombers to hit the approach-
ing Communists.
The potential of the Communist advance to engender panic in
Saigon emerges in I Iretired Gen. Pham Van Dongc=J
I IAlarmed by the fall of Da Nang, Dong
"'Shackley interview. 19August 1991; Vandeveerinterview,3 September 1993. Daly recounted the
Marlin incident to Vanrlaveer some time later,
"Sail'"n XXOII) 31 March 1975 Saigon 88167, 2 April
II)I):\, Polgar interview, 29-30 July 1993. The Shackley-
I'olg'\l:-lirlai'i'ig(\('l'iiicu represented all unusual concession by Martin, who usually insisted on
hcinj! present al any meeting with the Chief of State. He made no such concession to Weyand,
cvcn thougl: the gcucral, a Vietnamesespeaker, was an old Thien associate (sec Polgar interview,
):I )D
S a ~ t
% ~ \ O '
I IAt this session, he asserted
that the US Secretary of Defense had just predicted that the Communists
would soon attack and capture Saigon. Dong begged I Ito
get his family evacuated. He himself would stay, for the moment but
expected Saigon to fall within two weeks. 1
On the substantive level, Shackley reported on 31 March that the
Weyand mission had found it necessary to remind the Vietnamese at all
levels that their priorities were to stabilize the military situation and to
provide evidence that the government could still protect its population.
At this point, with its resources in the Mekong Delta still devoted to the
now-irrelevant pacification program, the government had only the
"vaguest formulation" of a strategic plan and of the force structure
needed to implement it. At the CIA briefing on 2 April, Thieu seemed
unaware of the movements of North Vietnamese divisions that Polgar
described for him. He appeared, however, to comprehend his military
position and was alert to its political implications and its threat to gen-
eral morale. Nevertheless, he seemed to Shackley to overestimate the
time available to deal with his problems. 40 D
Shackley's cables of 31 March and 2 April posed the question of
Communist intentions. He saw two possibilities: first, Hanoi's exploita-
tion of its military advantage to press for an immediate victory on the
battlefield, and second, a political settlement with a coalition government
that would disguise Saigon's "de facto capitulation." Neither of these
messages predicted Hanoi's choice, but Shackley later recalled the
Weyand mission as marking the parting of the interpretative ways
between Washington and the US Mission in Saigon. General Weyand
and his team had arrived believing that Hanoi would press. for military
victory, and nothing they learned in Vietnam persuaded them otherwise,
Thus, although Ambassador Martin and COS Polgar continued to find
credibility in signs of Communist interest in a coalition fig leaf, the final
Weyand report predicted that without accelerated logistic support to
ARVN and the commitment of US combat air support, Saigon would fall
(0 a military assault .. ' 0
And in fact the North Vietnamese juggernaut continued to roll into
the coastal strip of Central Vietnam. On ] April, only two days after the
fall of Da Nang, North Vietnamese forces approached Nha Trang, just
"Smgon Saigon 88167.0
19 August 1993; Saigon 88257, 4 April 1975,1 _

north of the former US base at Cam Ranh Bay. Nha Trang was now the
headquarters of ARVN's Military Region 2 and the site of a US Consu-
late General and CIA Base. At 1030 hours, having heard from the Khanh
Hoa Province Chief that the cit.y was "out of control," the Consul General
authorized immediate helicopter evacuation to the airfield. The CIA Base
closed down its communications at 1117 hours, and the last of its staff,
with Base Chief Robert Chin, took off for Saigon at about noon." D
The Consul General had planned to evacuate local employees by
sea that day; it appears that Chin's Vietnamese were to have been
included. But the departure of the US staffers aborted these preparations.
Chin's subsequent report to Polgar implied that no obligation to these
employees had gone unfulfilled, although, "as it turned out, only 50 per-
cent of our locals showed up in Saigon. Perhaps the rest couldn't make it.
On t.he other hand, some might have stayed behind; others who had been
paid off might be on their own somewhere.""D
On the same day, 1 April, the DCI gave Polgar the explicit blanket
authority to move people and household effects that EA Division had
denied him a week earlier. On the 2nd, Headquarters completed its volte- .
face on the evacuation question, telling Polgar that State would shortly
require the evacuation of families of US officials, and would ask for the
number of Vietnamese to be evacuated if the Vietnamese were defeated -.
The latter category could reach a million, Headquarters estimated, if all
.were included who might be subject to North Vietnamese retribution. 44 D
Polgar replied cautiously t.o Washington's call for evacuation prepa-
rations, saying that they could "in and of themselves set in motion forces
which will bring about [the Saigon government's] prompt demise."
George Carver, in a separate and less temperate cable, called the pro-
posed moves "lunatic." Yes, evacuat.ion was a serious question, but
"such blundering steps would precipitate the very crisis they arc suppos-
edly designed to cope with and, in the process, cause the GVN to topple."
Saying that. Shackley as well as Polgar shared this view, Carver went on
to insist there be no "visible signs of an impending American exodus
until we decide to take out everyone left" When that moment came, it
would probably take an augmented US airborne division and tactical air
"Suigou gg07H. I April 1975,1 . I
"Robert Chin, Mcmonllldlllll for Clllcf of StatIOn, Vlctnam. "Evacuation of Nha Trang Base."
17Aprill<mJ I

Th, CIA. Qt Nhd TrtJ1l g. /968.
p,"- CHlfa,-JDwu. Al-.".
Rrfuxus nrar Hila Trangfl" southward.
support 10 secure the evacuation of the remaining Americans and the
"many Viet namese (with their families) whom in good conscien ce we
simply co uld 1I0t leave behind 10 be slaughtered ...JD
The Del's CUlt reply to Polgar said he had di scussed the matt er wit h
Assistant Secretary of Slate Philip Habib, and the "decis ion had been
made 10 evacuate dependent s and thin out remaining principals: ' Dealing
with Polgar ' s expresse d co ncern for the effect of Americ an departures on
"Saigon R8212.. 3 April 1975.1 ISaigon 3850. 3 Apri l 1975.
copy retained Slaff files; Shackle)' interview, 19 August 1993. Whether his Sllnee had
IJIXII inaccurately \;uuvcyr.d by or whether he WAS simply bowing to Headquan cn insis -
iencc. Sh.. "Ucy laler Mid he hAdwpooucd lhis l leadquar1t'rl posi lion whi le still in n ill
be adnpted au C'1M.l >{lf-lhe line tone with urging him lOmake evacuation plansD
~ e t
Vietnamese morale, Colby paraphrased his own message of the previous
week, suggesting that they be explained to the Vietnamese in terms of
the staffing surplus created by the fall of Military Regions 1 and 2.
The question of staybehind operations, designed to provide infor-
mation from within South Vietnam even after a Communist victory, did
not involve the same sensitivities. Ted Shackley later said he remembered
that during his visit he urged Tom Polgar to push the recruitment of such
sources, and Polgar assigned Station officer William Johnson to supervise
the effort. Johnson and his colleages gave ita game try, as Shackley
recalled it, but none of the agents they deployed ever established commu-
nication. It was in any case too late; a managerial mindset which' rejected
the prospect of the United States being forced out of Vietnam had found
timely staybehind preparations no more congenial a task than arranging
to evacuate the Station's Vietnamese employees.
On 2 April, Thieu described for Shackley and Polgar various Viet-
namese efforts, all of them apparently stalled by the politicians' mutual
jealousies, to create a government with a base broad enough to interest
the Communists in a negot.iat.ed cease-fire. The next day, Polgar t.old
Headquarters that Gen. Nguyen Cao Ky and Senate President Tran Van
Lam had combined to try assembling such a government. While Thieu
might suppress this move, it was also possible that the Senate's unani-
mous call for new leadership would contribute to Thieu's departure.
Implying a difference with Martin on this subject, Polgar judged Thieu
insufficiently flexible to deal with the disparate elements of any govern-
ment of national union; in any case, as long as he stayed, the Communists
could be expected to pursue a military victory. DCI Colby reacted appre-
hensively, enjoining Polgar not to participate in any move to oust
On the morning of 8 April, a defecting South Vietnamese pilot
bombed Doc Lap Palace; the results included severe damage to General
Quang's office.[
lac cy Cauncc that, contrary to the imprcssiou 0 some contemporary witnesses, he had not
though; stnybchiml prospects too poor to merit a serious effort. The impression derived, he thought,
troru his rejection of the Station's proposal to try usingl Ifor this purpose. (See
Shackley interview, 19August 1993.)0
'''Saigoll 88167; Saigon 88229, 3 April 1975,1 IPolgar inter-
view, 2930 July 19nD
~ r e t
As the Communists pursued their advantage, Vietnamese reactions,
and those of some in the US Mission as well, evoked the sight of deer
impaled on the beams of aooroachinz headliahts.l
An Answer From Tay Ninh 0
On 8 April, the agent in Tay Ninh reported that the North Vietnam-
ese had decided to go for broke-even if the Thieu government fell, or
received augmented US aid, there would be no negotiations, no coalition
government, and "Communist forces will strike at Saigon at an appro-
priate time." Meanwhile, Polgar saw the US Mission as still resembling
a rudderless ship, despite Graham Martin's return. On 9 April, the COS
bemoaned the need to waste time arguing the validity of the bad news
pouring in from his intelligence sources, and noted that, with household
effects and official cargo piling up on the docks, two American ships
had just sailed empty because the "Embassy could not organize itself to
issue loading instructions." The Ambassador was still trying to move
Washington into increased military and economic aid, and in other
respects seeking to maintain a business-as-usual attitude in the face of a
clearly worsening situation. 51 D
In the same message, the COS evaluated current Communist
attacks on capitals near Saigon as supporting the previous day's
report byl I Iand Polgar said he therefore anticipated
a Communist move to occupy Saigon by June. He noted that for two
weeks there had been no functioning cabinet, and that Martin had not seen
Thieu in almost a week. The Ambassador now agreed, he said, that Thieu
had outstayed his usefulness, but would not urge him to leave in the
absence of a "viable alternative." Polgar concluded that without "decisive
American moves ... major and useless bloodshed can be avoided only if
Thieu steps down and aside and a credible government of 'national union'
offers to implement the Paris formula ... on polite surrender terms." The
United States would also have to press for a cease-fire "with the same
energy that was used when Israel was advancing in Egypt [in 1973]." Oth-
erwise, the "Vietnamese will be defeated in short order and ... very few
of the South Vietnamese will be able to escape."5zD
The only immediate reply to this was an order from DCI Colby to
get CIA dependents out of Vietnam; if other resources were lacking, he
said, he would charter the necessary aircraft. But Polgar remained uncon-
vinced that such urgency was required. I Iremembered a
dinner at this time for a departing Station officer at which he and D
I IChip Schofield asked Polgar what circumstances would
require evacuating the Mission. The COS posited the loss of Bien Hoa
and interdiction of the highway from Saigon to the port at Vung Tau, but
emphasized the improbability of such an outcome. He said he feared that
any kind of general evacuation announcement would panic the Mission,
and in any case he anticipated a coalition government, eventually leading
to a slightly disguised surrender, that would obviate the need for an emer-
gency evacuation. 530
This view stood in apparent cont.radiction to Polgar's 9 April fore-
cast of a decisive North Vietnamese offensive. Perhaps, as I I
later thought possible, Polgar had designed the more optimistic prediction

~ t
at least partly to prevent working-level panic. If so, he shortly began to
assign real importance to an effort to negotiate a settlement that would
allow. an orderly withdrawal, and perhaps even the survival of a small
US Mission. One reason for this development may have been pessimism
about the likelihood of successful evacuation under military pressure.
DCOS LaGueux had observed from the air the retreat from the Central
Highlands and later Da Nang and was horrified by the chaos. Polgar
agreed with his judgment that the orderly evacuation from Saigon of all
Americans and all compromised Vietnamese was unlikely to succeed, in
anything like similar circumstances, and. commissioned him to do a
worst case evacuation scenario for Washington.)40
Conflicting Prognoses and Prescriptions 0
Polgar's own perceptions continued to lead him to push for a nego-
tiated surrender. In a despairing message of 10 April, he predicted that
the US would fail to generate enough pressure on Hanoi to deter it from
its military course. Thieu had "lost his credibility with friend and foe
alike," and Prime Minister Khiem was having no luck assembling a gov-
ernment [rom which Hanoi might accept a deferred surrender. I I
I INguyen Ba Can would have no better luck than. Khiem,
should he be named prime minister. "The war is lost," Polgar said,
acknowledging that as reeently as 'February he had seen a "fair prospect
for a relatively favorable outcome," one that would allow US disengage-
ment "undertaken with dignity and honor and the conviction that we are
leaving South Vietnam in better shape than we found it when we took it
upon ourselves to interfere with the fate of this smaJI country." But the
. events of March, "which of course germinated in Hanoi and Washington
a lot earlier, have changed all t h a t . " ~ ~ D
Polgar saw just four things to be done: accelerate American evacua-
tion, "but short of a level of intensity which would trigger a panic";
launch an intense effort to get the Soviets or French to broker a cease-
fire; instigate the replacement of Thieu by a government of national
unity; and arrange the "orderly evacuation of those South Vietnamese
who cannot reasonably be expected to survive under the new regime..."
Success with this formula, Polgar implied, would fulfill minimum US
"I linterview, 14September 1993; LaGueux interview. 23 NovcllIbel' 1992.0
"Saigon 8RM3. 10A
obligations while allowing Hanoi to fulfill its "hope" to remove Thieu
and the US presence "without the spectacle of North Vietnamese tanks
rumbling through Saigon."56D
EA Division Chief Shackley responded with a synopsis of the
Weyand mission's reception in Washington. He noted Congressional res-
ervations about additional aid to a Vietnam having at best "minimal or
marginal prospects for surviving as [a) truncated nation state." President
Gerald Ford had explicitly addressed the evacuation of Americans and
vulnerable South Vietnamese, and Shackley wanted to be sure that Pol-
gar understood Washington's urgent concern about evacuating CIA and
NSA dependents. The COS assured Shackley on 11 April that everything
was under control; that dependents and surplus employees were on their
way out, and "nothing further needs to be done from your end." 570
The pessimistic evacuation scenario drafted by LaGueux reached
Headquarters on 12 April. For Polgar's 11 April assurances to Shackley,
it substituted the judgment that "the orderly evacuat.ion of all Americans
and their dependents (including Vietnamese) will not be possible" with-
out US military intervention, which would itself generate "political and
psychological problems of great magnitude." The Station estimated that
the United States now had "a clearly stated moral responsibility for the
evacuation of a quarter of a million people," not counting thousands of
military officers and professional men and their families who would
doubtless prefer to escape living under the Communists. "There is no rea-
son to believe that the North Vietnamese would tolerate such a massive
In any case, an ARVN collapse on any of the approaches to Saigon
"could produce additional military disentegration as well as instability
and social unrest in the capital that would make phased or orderly large-
scale evacuation impractical within two or three days...." Polgar antici-
pared general panic as the result of any effort at large-scale evacuation of
Vietnamese-over a million and a half might have some claim to it-and
said he had indications that "there are those in the Army who would hold
the U.S. civilian population hostage to their own safety and to insure [sic]
their own cvacuation."59D
"/llid. The cable docs not specify what led Polgar to believe that Hanoi preferredto avoid investing
Saigon hy force.DI--
'I land Saigon 88719,11 April 1975,I
1 I
"Saigon R87rl2, 12 April 197\1 I
.,., lhid. Polgar may have had in mind a warning by former police chief Loan on 4 April that ARVN
troops and Vicuuunescmarines at Tan Son Nhut would unquestionablyblock any aircraft evacuat-
ing only liS nationals. US military intervention would make mutters worse. according to Loan. as
these forces would only have "more angry Vicmnmescto contend with." The Statim! reported that.
I,oan U( \lites 'm iathctic" to this prospect. Sec Saigon 8X283. 4 April 1975.1 I

Even landing a division of Marines would create more problems
than it solved, and the only solution was to proceed with the removal of
as many Americans and dependents as was inconspicuously possible
while taking "strong measures ... to facilitate negotiations." Years later,
Ted Shackley recalled the message as a "good think piece," although
clearly designed to spur Washington into more energetic pursuit of a
negotiated cease-fire. In this, it did not succeed, even though the chaos at
Da Nang confirmed the high risk of an effort to evacuate Saigon. Consen-
sus opinion in Washington, as Shackley understood and shared it, saw the
evidence of the battlefield, and reporting such as that from the authorita-
tivel Iagent, as presaging a military decision. From this perspec-
tive, evacuation was the only option, however risky, just as in Polgar's
view the only reasonable course lay in pursuing a cease-fire. The result
was that, as of 12 April, Headquarters and the Station were pursuing
incompatible strategies for the liquidation of the CIA commitment in
"Shackley interview, 19 August 1993. Polgar's confidence in a negotiated settlement permitting a
coalition government permeated Station correspondence at this time. The author of a cable on stay-
hehind operations, perhaps Bill Johnson, assumed that at very worst au interim non-Communist
govcmmcm, "possibly with some PRG representation," would obviate the need for an emergency
evacuation. See Saigon 88883,14 April 1975,1 I
Chapter 9
Surrender Politics and Evacuation Logistics D
Xuan Loc, the nearest provincial capital east of Saigon, had become
the scene of a critical battle on 8 April. With the outcome there still unde-
tennined, psychological disorientation in Saigon seemed to feed on
itself. Khiem resigned in favor of Nguyen Ba Can, and the new Prime
Minister invited I Ito become his personal adviser for press
affairs. On 11 April, the fierce struggle for Xuan Lac still raging, they
seriously discussed ways and means to improve Saigon's image abroad.
JGS Headquarters was equally divorced from reality: I [heard Gen.
I [instructing his airborne commander to avoid partisan polit-
ical activity and to emphasize jump training to reduce the proportion of
men in his units who were not airborne qualified.
As of 14 April 1975, the government remained paralyzed, and the
main policy issue facing Station management was that of evacuation. On
this, COS Polgar found himself in general agreement with Ambassador
Martin's approach, and still in some contlict with Washington. Martin had
just successfully appealed a State Department order to reduce the Mission
to 1,250 people by 19 April, and told Polgar that he now had full author-
ity to determine the size of the establishment he wanted to maintain. Mar-
tin proposed to reduce the number of contractors, but remained "very
reluctant and I [Polgar] must admit for good reason" to authorize plan-
ning the movement of any South Vietnamese other than American depen-
dents. But Polgar did not want the Vietnamese ignored, either, and
worried that the Defense Attache Office, in charge of evacuation plan-
ning, was drifting into a position "leaving out of consideration the
requirement to move any Vietnamese at all." This possibility reinforced
Polgar's other concerns: "The more I think about this problem the more
convinced I become that we must move in [the] direction of [a] political
solution and there is no time to lose."2D
One factor in Polgar's thinking was the anticipated failure of the
supplementary military aid package then before the Congress. "Nobody
here really believes that Congress will grant President Ford's request," and
the COS had just advised Generals Quang and Binh and the new Informa-
tion Minister to concentrate their internal propaganda on the level of sup-
plies actually arriving, rather than on the prospect of an increased
authorization when the vote came on 19 April. But Hanoi could reinforce
faster than ARVN could either rebuild itself or destroy NVA units. The
main imperative, for Polgar, remained the ouster of President Thieu and
the installation of a government that might negotiate a cease-fire. Martin
was still resisting the idea of pressuring Thieu to resign, but "I think I
have just about brought the Ambassador around to the acceptance of the
cruel facts of lifc."3D
Headquarters returned to the evacuation theme, and Polgar
responded to this renewed pressure by advancing the departure of a num-
ber of Vietnamese wives of Station officers. The COS also advised that
he had completed plans to reduce Station staffing to about 270, where he
expected it to stay: Kissinger had just authorized Martin to maintain
Embassy staffing at 1,500, and the Ambassador was not contemplating
significant additional cuts in Station manpower.' D
However close he was to accepting Hanoi's imminent triumph,
Martin had not yet decided to encourage Thieu's departure. On 15 April
Polgar sent him a memorandum from the Station's reports chief that sup-
ported both his own apocalyptic view of the consequences of Thieu's
remaining in office and his conviction that a national unity government
must be formed and that the US must announce its interest in negotia-
tions. "If we do not take this action immediately, we face disaster within
a week or so."5D
Disaster on a small scale struck immediately. North Vietnamese
forces captured Station contract officer I Iwhen they took
Phan Rang, the new MR-2 headquarters. L:=J had been ordered to
return to Bien Hoa,but confident that no regional headquarters would be
overrun, decided to stay there with his counterpart, General Nghi. Both
wound up in the hands of the Communists. Worse, I I I
claimed Oil I (i April that it no longer mattered what Saigon did. He
'Saigoll XXH52. 14 April 1 9 7 5 , 1 ~ -:=-7---c;-;-;;:::-=-r--------l------,
'SlIig01l88909, 15 April 1975, 15April 1975'[L -..J
'Saigoll 88<)38,15 April I975'l..-1 --'
reported a Communist intention to "fight on until total victory, regardless
of whether the Nguyen Van Thieu government falls or the U.S. decides to
give aid to Vietnam. There will be no negotiations and no tripartite gov-
ernment." The report went on to assert that the North would rather sacri-
fice troops in a final drive than "waste time trying to achieve victory
through a coalition government ... The Communists now plan to cele-
brate 19 May (Ho Chi Minh's birthday) in Saigon."6D
Polgars Campaign for a Negotiated SurrenderD
Despite the accumulating evidence of Hanoi's intention to destroy
the Republic of South Vietnam with military force, Polgar refused to
abandon hope for a negotiated cease-fire. On 17 April, he reacted pas-
sionately to a reported administration statement that. the United States
was engaged in no diplomatic process aimed at a cease-fire and political
settlement. If this were true, he wrote, "The paralysis of the American
executive in face of the continuing North Vietnamese military drive and
in face of the imminent danger of extinction of South Vietnam seems to
me astonishing." The COS sought to enlist DCI Colby in his crusade for
a diplomatic strategy: "It seems to us that as the nation's chief intelli-
gence officer he has the justification and perhaps the obligation to
present to the administration [and to] Congress the predictable conse-
quences of the current policies." Polgar ended his appeal by insisting
that "the failure of the United States to take the diplomatic steps which
might, we repeat only might, prevent or at least delay the ultimate catas-
trophe would pin on us a responsibility for blood which the rains of
future years cannot wash away."?D
On the 18th, the COS reacted with almost equal emotion to a
"shocking" report that Assistant Secretary of State Philip Habib had told
US news organizations, worried about their Vietnamese employees, that
the US Government had no plans to evacuate its own local employees.
This announcement, if true and circulated in Saigon, would "as a matter
of absolute certainty" spark panic in South Vietnam. The Ambassador had
just authorized the surreptitious evacuation of some 350 of the press peo-
ple, and General Quang, reacting to a Polgar query, intimated that the gov-
ernment would not oppose it. Ending this message in a more matter-of-fact
"I'olgur interview, 29-30 July 1993; Shackley interview, 19 August J9930 Polgar mernoran-
dUIII, "Washington Post Article ... "Din the context of Snepp's later accusation that Polgar
had ignored this information, tile former COS noted thal the report was indeed disseminated and
received the highest possible Headguarters evalulitiQn.DI -,
"Saigon Ri)078, 17 April 1975,C
' L - - - - S - ~ - 7 e t - - - - -

tone, the COS said "the Station continues to proceed on the assumption
that there will be evacuation of key indigenous persons and their fami-
Polgar thus believed that, depending on circumstances, the United
States would provoke panic if it evacuated its Vietnamese collaborators,
and if it did not. In any case, the Embassy had now set up "assembly line
procedures" with the Interior Ministry, and any relative or dependent of
an American could leave within a matter of hours. In this way, the Ameri-
can community was declining, Polgar reported, by several hundred each
day; was "running very smoothly without any trace of
Polgar saw no reason at this time to treat the evacuation of the Sta-
tion's Vietnamese with the same urgency that he had brought to moving
the press people. One reason was his relatively optimistic forecast of
Hanoi's intentions and of the prospects for installing a unity government.
On 18 April, he wrote that "our perception of the timing of possible sus-
tained NVA assaults on Saigon may be a few weeks beyond the date that
some elements in Washington are currently contemplating." Acknowl-
edging that "one could push Mission evacuation at an even faster pace, it
is our best judgment that we have as a minimum several weeks before
things may start getting tight around here." Meanwhile, although not at
liberty to provide details, Polgar wanted Headquarters to know that
"Ambassador Martin and French Ambassador Merillon are about to take
important initiatives vis a vis [sic] President Thicu"; it appeared that he
would be pressed to resign. IOn .
On the same day, 18 April, a Hungarian colonel named Janos G.
'Ioth came to see the COS. As Chief of Staff of the Hungarian ICCS rep-
resentation I
I !To-t"7"h-I:-Ja-d"--r-eg-L-:ll-a-r-=d:-e-=al'-;-j-ng-s-'
tion at Tan Son Nhu airport. At his meeting with Polgar, he alluded to
their social encounter of a week. earlier, at which the Hungarians present
argued that on the basis of "socialist logic" the North Vietnamese must
prefer strangulation tactics to a full-scale assault on Saigon. In the days
following, Toth said, remarks to him and other Hungarians by their Hanoi
colleagues had led to several conclusions. 11D
The first of these saw the North Vietnamese as determined to force a
military decision in the absence of negotiations begun promptly and on
Hanoi's terms. Second, the North was in fact ready to resume negotiations
provided thai Nguyen Van Thieu gave up the Presidency. A successor
'saig.oll X'i()<)(). IXi\
"Saigoll R'i140, IX i\prilI975.
"'lhirl.n '-- ----1
1'1 April 1'i75,1'-- ------l

government would have to be willing to "stop the war in concrete terms,"
and the US Embassy would have to restrict itself to "normal, traditional"
diplomatic activity. The Hungarians thought only a few days remained to
set up such talks, but that the North was genuinely not interested in
humiliating the United States. Toth thought it silly, on the other hand, to
talk about US military aid to Saigon; "The North Vietnamese will cer-
tainly not wait until the new materiel arrives and the South Vietnamese
divisions are reformed." 12D
Toth specified that by humiliation he meant something like the
ignominious helicopter evacuation of the US Mission in Phnom Penh,
which had just taken place. In his opinion, the North saw a large-scale
reprise of that event in Saigon as provoking US action against the best
interests of all concerned, and wanted to avoid it. Polgar asked about the
Hungarian interest in all of this, and Toth asserted there was none, that
Hungary just wanted to see the end of unnecessary bloodshed. Also, "As
a country which has lost many wars, it [has] a certain sympathy for the
losing side." The South had now lost, and the only question was whether
the political consequences took effect "under civilized circumstances,"
like those facilitated by the abdication of Kaiser Wilhelm II in 1918, or
only after destruction of the capital city, as in Berlin in 1945.'3D
Although they still differed, apparently, on the question of Thieu's
continued tenure, Martin and Polgar shared an intense commitment to
the pursuit of negotiations. The Ambassador seized on Polgar's talk with
Colonel Toth, telling Kissinger, still on 19 April, that Toth reflected
"Hanoi's desiderata much more accurately than the 'intentions' you've
been getting recently from Hanoi's exhortations to its cadre." Having thus
dismissed the reporting from] Iand elsewhere, Martin said that,
unless instructed to the contrary by the next day, he would instruct Pol-
gar to explore the matter further. The Ambassador went on to summarize
a discussion with visiting US military commanders of helicopter lift
capabilities. He had determined that a "one-cycle lift" could remove
J,600 people, in addition to the Marine security force; two cycles would
allow 3,200. In any case, although he accepted a worst case estimate of
ten days until the end, Martin expected another three weeks in which to
continue the evacuation." D
Martin showed Polgar his cable, with its startlingly bitter complaint:
"As it now stands, it seems everyone has completed the CYA operation in
Washington. The Intelligence Community has drawn the absolutely worst
"Ibid. mh ended the meeting by suggesting that in view of Saigon's uncertain future. it might be
useful to set up a radio link between his delegation and the US Embassy.D
"Polgar interview, 29-30July 1993nDavid Butler. The Fall ofSaigon (London: Sphere Books.
19X6).PI'. 304-3051l- """l_


case, which is unrealistic but which protects them.... You have given
me a directive which it is almost impossible for me to fulfill without
destroying the fragile fabric which still exists. . . . The only one whose
ass is not covered is me.... There is no way I can come out of this with-
out criticism, no matter how unjustified it may be." Next morning, Martin
showed Polgar Kissinger's reply: "My ass is not covered. I can assure
you that I will be hanging several yards higher than you when this is all
over." But the Secretary of State went on to tell Martin that "we have this
morning made an approach to the Soviet Union."ISD
Polgar adopted Martin's point of view in a cable that day to Head-
quarters in which he accused Kissinger of a "'CYA' play on a grand
scale. Kissinger directs the Ambassador to do something which would
produce effects which Kissinger in other traffic says he does not want."
Furthermore, "The [National Security Council] cover themselves by
assembling ships and planes for which there are no passengers and
which could be HUed only at the risk of pulling the rug from under the
[Saigon government] while it is proclaimed that we want to 'stabilize' the
situation." As for the reported southward movement of surface-to-air
missiles, the COS thought this designed not to interdict Tan Son Nhut air-
port, already vulnerable to smaller weaponry, but to protect NVA com-
mand posts then being set up within range of South Vietnamese combat
aircraft. Nevertheless, both the COS and the Ambassador had by now
greatly scaled down their projections for Embassy and Station staffing.
Kissinger had approved only a "one-cycle" plan for helicopter lift, and
Polgar was now reducing to a "hard core of some ninety people and zero
dependents other than working wives." 160
More Atteution to EvacuationD
Meanwhile, both Kissinger and some at the working level in
Saigon found themselves reluctant to trust the fate of Vietnamese depen-
dents to the workings of the system still being developed with the Viet-
namese. Kissinger cabled Polgar on 19 April asking for help with the
relatives of two National Security Council staffers. The COS complied,
sending Chip Schofield, proficient in both Vietnamese and Cantonese, to
neighboring Cholon to find the Sino-Vietnamese in-laws of NSC official
Ken Quinn. Schofield was at that point getting anxious about his wife's
Vietnamese family, and, having receivecl no assurances from the Station,
"HUlkt, 'I1w Fal! J05306. Polgar said that the Butler quotations accord with his
uwnmemory of lite cable.
"SaIgon Bntl2,1'i AI'1I1 1975 [Butler,The Fall ofSaigon,
he asked Polgar to send them on the C-130 transport dedicated to the
Kissinger party. Having sharply inquired as to their number, Polgar con-
sented. [ Ihad the same sense of being
on his own, but found a different solution when he took his relatives to
the informal Defense Attache center for evacuation on one of the supply
aircraft returning to Clark Air Force Base in the Philippines.
Late in the evening of 19 April, Polgar summarized the North Viet-
namese troop movements that threatened Saigon: Hanoi could readily
reinforce, while ARVN reserves were nonexistent or already committed.
But Thieu was heartened, a Vietnamese military contact had told the Sta-
tion, by a report that the US Congress was about to approve $350 million
in military aid. As a result, the President was preparing a defiant speech
sure to irritate the domestic opposition and provoke the North Vietnam-
ese into intensified military pressure. But if Thieu was defiant, Ambassa-
dor Martin had finally come to see his departure as indispensable. Just
what he would do, and when, Polgar did not know, but the COS under-
stood that Martin and Kissinger had just exchanged several messages on
the subject. And the Ambassador had just made an urgent request to see
President Thieu. 180
Acting on his assurance to Kissinger, Martin had also instructed
Polgar to contact Colonel Toth. At this point, the COS was simply to ask
Toth to clarify his allusion to a Communist demand for an American
statement regarding the future of an American Embassy in Saigon. But
Polgar noted to Shackley that the PRG spokesman at that day's Tan Son
Nhut press briefing had restated a willingness to begin negotiations,
which tended to confirm that Toth had indeed talked to them and accu-
rately conveyed to Polgar what they said. There was one hitch, a new
PRG precondition that Ambassador Martin be recalled for allegedly hav-
ing functioned as a military adviser. In the context of these developments,
and in particular that of Thien's proposed departure, Polgar assured
Shackley that neither he nor anyone else in the Station was "engaged in
political action to bring about a change of government in Saigon. All of
our senior officers understand fully the need to avoid any semblance of a
repetition of the events of 1963, and none of them aspires to be Lou
[Conciu's] successor."'9D
"Saigon 89202; Schofield interview, 3 September 1992;1 linterview, 24 August 1992.
Neither Martin nor Polgar opposed the informal DAOairlift or any ofthc other de facto evacuation
schemes thaI emerged after the fall of the Highlands. Their objection seems rather to have involved
any US policy declaration that in their view would implicitly abandon the Saigon government.D
"Saigon 89215, 19April 1975.1 I
"Saigon 89215. The message to which Polgar was presumably responding has not been found.D
Washington's alarm about evacuation preparations did not ensure,
and may even have hindered, the dispatch of precise instructions to
Saigon. Shackley advised Polgar that a meeting of the interagency Wash-
ington Special Action Group on 19 April had discussed President Ford's
order to reduce the American presence in Vietnam. The deadline was
unequivocally 22 April, but the ceiling was either 1,700 or 1,400 people;
the numbers had been used "interchangeably." Washington still intended
a single airlift operation for Americans-it would now accommodate
1,700 people-but Shackley noted that a 13-hour operation would permit
the evacuation of 7,100 Vietnamese in addition to the Americans. Mean-
while, the Embassy could call for additional military air transport and at
least one mission by a Boeing 747. In this context, Shackley advised that
the WSAG meeting had seen no impediment, other than the need to avoid
triggering panic, to selective evacuation of Vietnamese on the Station's
list of 3,000 key indigenous personnel, the KIP list. He wanted to know
which of these Polgar was "planning to get out on commercial flights
now," ancl who might be moved "black," that is, without documentation,
via military aircraft to Clark Field or other destinations.
As Shackley later recalled it, Polgar responded to this by moving a
number of KIP dependents. But, again in Shackley's recollection, the rate
of evacuation suffered from Kissinger's decision to let Graham Martin
set the pace while the Ambassador, and Polgar as well, were giving nego-
tiatious and their place in them more attention than they were to evacua-
tion logistics. There was also Polgar's demancl for an aircraft dedicated
to Station use for KIP evacuation, but this would have required ambassa-
dorial clearance, something that Shackley saw the COS as reluctant to
press Martin to give him. As it happened, Kissinger was just about to
reinforce Polgar's ancl Martin's hopes for negotiations: Polgar later
recalled that on the 20th or 21st of April, Kissinger cabled the Ambassa-
dor saying that Soviet Communist Party First Secretary Leonid Brezhnev
had relayed word from Hanoi that it sought a political goal, and did not
seek to humiliate the United States." D
Meanwhile, the evacuation procedures that Polgar had reported as
working smoothly now needed some refinement, and the Station directed
I Ito get Prime Minister Nguyen Ba Can to
approve an agreement, negotiated by the Embassy with the Interior Min-
istry, to simplify granting exit visas. The problem was to find him; 19
April was a Saturday, and the Prime Minister's office was closed, with
not even a duty officer to consult about Can's whereabouts.c=J per-
sisted, and finally found the Prime Minister on Sunday. Can's first action
'''Shackley interview, 19 August 1993; Polgar interview, 29-30 July 1993.
S , , ~ t
~ ~ '
the next day was to endorse the agreement with the Interior Ministry.
[==:J subsequently heard that the rate of visa issuance had risen tenfold,
but confusion still prevailed: even] [Pham Van
Dong believed as late as 24 April that a ban on exit permits still
Preparing the Liquidation of the Regime D
I IPrime Minister Can thrust upon the
Station the burden of preserving continuity in the South Vietnamese gov-
ernment. Canl Iwanted to stay long enough to transfer
his office to his appointed successor, but feared this would provoke his
assassination by extremist elements of the internal opposition. I I
branch chief told him it was "absolutely necessary" that Can remain in
office, but as Gen. Duong Van Minh emerged as Thieu's likely replace-
ment, Can's fears grew that handing his office over to a Minh nominee
Iwould gCI hhn arrestcd ond executed by the onti-Commuoist hann;ne"'1
The Station labored that weekend not only to keep the Prime Minis-
ter in office but also to help persuade President Thieu to leave it. On Satur-
day, Ambassador Martin had recognized the inevitability of Thieu's
departure and deputized the Station's retired Major General Timmes to pre-
pare the ground. Timmes managed to see Thieu late that evening, and on
Sunday morning, while c=J was looking for Nguyen Ba Can, Martin
was closeted with Thieu. The Ambassador insisted to the President that he
was not soliciting his resignation. But Martin noted that there was very lit-
tle time to avoid an attack on Saigon; if Thieu did not step down. his gen-
erals would probably ask him to do so. Thieu listened carefully and
dispassiunately, and as they parted thanked Martin for his frankness, say-
ing, "I will of course do what is best for my country." Martin replied, "I
know that yuu shall."
Headquarters was now looking for refuge for the 3,000 Vietnamese
on the KIP list. With State Department concurrence, Shackley cabled
Bangkok proposing the Thai military facility at Nam Phong. Those with
proper documentation were leaving on US military flights to Clark Field,
he said, and others were to be sent to Phu Quoc Island in the Gulf of
Thailand for subsequent pickup by ship, but this left a group that would
have to be exfiltrated black. Shackley instructed Bangkok to get Thai
agreement and report back for the opening of business in Washington the
next day, Monday, 21 April.D
Now displaying a greater sense of urgency, Polgar had already told
Bangkok that the Clark Field route was "heavily cluttered," and that in
any case it lacked the "reliability and security that we must have." To the
KIP's who were Shackley's concern Polgar added "Vietnamese wives,
children, fiancees, and in-laws of Agency staff and contract personnel."
Documentation of these people was going as fast as possible, but "time
may run out on us."2'D
On Sunday afternoon, 20 April, Shackley described to Polgar that
morning's WSAG meeting. The Attorney General had not yet finished the
immigration paperwork needed to grant parole status tu Vietnamese refu-
gees, hut the clear intent of the meeting, Shackley said, was to move them
anyway to transit points such as Thailand, the Philippines, and Guam.
Thc meeting had also reaffirmed CIA's authority to move KIP-list Viet-
namese whose departure now would not contribute to panic. Shackley
said that Phu Quoc was already beginning to look less desirable as a
pickup point, and told Polgar to anticipate Thailand as an intermediate
destination. Shackley summarized the discussion of a final helicopter
evacuation, saying that planning now called for a 13-hour operation,
allowing some Vietnamese to he included. Finally,he expressed the hope
that the Station could discreetly check on plans at the Palace to destroy its
tiles, and could ensure .that arrangements were made to destroy anything
whose capture by Hanoi would embarrass the United States.
On Monday morning, 21 April, Polgar contacted Colonel Toth with
a request for clarification of whatever demand for a public US declaration
they might make. He also asked Toth to try to determine when and
where negotations might begin. Toth wanted to know if Polgar spoke
"'LaGII"lIx interview 23 November 19920 Butler, 'llle Fall ofSaigon, pp, 308-309,
[ I .
'i\[ lalld Saigon 89239. 20 ApnI1975.
I .....J
I [ .
zj [ _
/ ' ( ' 9 ~ ~ '
with the Ambassador's authority, and being reassured on that point said
he would immediately report to his own Ambassador. Late that afternoon,
Toth said that Polgar's questions had been passed to the PRG representa-
tion, and he would immediately relay any reply. Martin's meeting with
Thieu had apparently had the desired effect, as I I
informed the Station of Thieu's decision to resign. With ambassadorial
approval, Polgar took the opportunity to give the Hungarians advance
notice of this, pointing out that it would represent compliance with the
Communists' first prerequisite for negotiations." D
Just hours after Polgar's advisory to. the Hungarians, Nguyen Van
Thieu resigned, blaming Henry Kissinger for having "led the South Viet-
namese people to death." Thieu's Vice President, the feeble septuagenar-
ian Tran Van Huong, replaced him. As a lifelong anti-Communist, he
stood no more chance than Thieu that Hanoi would deal with him, and
the question of a national unity government, one that could negotiate a
surrender, remained open. However momentous the occasion, it did not
preempt CIA's attention that day, as the logistics of evacuation com-
manded management's attention both at Headquarters and in Saigon.,aD
Polgar began with a complaint that Headquarters' "bookkeeping
errors"-he was being asked to account for people who had never been in
Vietnam-and its insistence on using the privacy channel for this corre-
spondence, distracted him from more important activity. But the message
had come through "loud and clear that we should draw down and we are
so doing"; a head count of dependents and their travel schedule would
leave the Station by the end of the day. He defended the retention of
locally employed wives of Station personnel: an essential employee was
an essential employee, and being also a wife seemed irrelevant. Neverthe-
less, Polgar understood that "the policy is to reduce the essential personnel
and we are following this conscientiously." At the same time, he contin-
ued to feel that "the sense of panic is greater in Washington than here,
which is not to say that we arc not seized with a sense of urgeney."29D
"Saigon 1\9265, 21 Apl'iI1975, and Saigon 89315, 21 April1975j I
I [AsSouth Vietnam disintegrated before their eyes,
the American principals took encouragement wherever they could find it, The second of the two
Polgar cables cited "as one of few optimistic signs coming our way these days" a Polish invitation
to a cocktail party for the arrivingMinister of the Polish Delegation to the ICCS. Two days earlier,
Martin had closed his "eYA" eomf'3int to Kissinger with what he called a "morale hooster'O
I "Up to eighty percent of the Sixth Company has conjunctivitis,
and it could spread through the entire battalion. Suggest a medic be sent down for immediate treat-
mcnt." (See Butler, The Fall ofSaigon, p. 306c=:::=J
"Stanley Karnow, Vietnam: A History (Penguin Books, 1983), pp. 668-669; Butler, The Fall of
Saigon, p. :1170
" Saigon 89266, 21 April 1975,[ I.
~ t
~ t
The COS saw administrative inefficiencies in the Defense Attache
Office and the limitations of available aircraft-the C-141 could carry
only some 70 passengers-as aggravated by the ever-expanding concept
of family relationship. The "Station is gaining dependents daily as new
marriages are contracted or old ones surfaced or fiancees are acquired
formally or otherwise." But the Station quota of Kissinger's l,lOO-per-
son Embassy staffing limit would be reached the next day. Fortunately,
the Saigon public seemed not to expect anything much from Congress in
the way of military aid-Thieu had just acknowledged this prospect by
resigning-and Polgar anticipated no increased hazard to US personnel
from a negative vote.,oD
The COS remained adamant on the requirement for a separate desti-
nation for KIP principals and their families. "Clark Field will be so
crowded that it would be best to forget about it." He disliked the Nam
Phong idea and urged Headquarters to try to get Takhli, another base in
Thailand, or Grande Island in Subic Bay. Ambassador Martin had agreed
(0 assign the Station an entire ship, which could handle the .entire contin-
gent, but this seemed to Polgar academic without agreement on a destina-
tion. Concluding with a change of subject, the COS sourly dismissed
Headquarters' request of the day before for information on sensitive
American correspondence held at the Palace: he knew nothing about it
and had no leverage to apply. He did not even know what to look for, and
he speculated that, given the US failure to support South Vietnam even
within the terms of the Paris agreement, "Thieu and his cohorts will not
go out of their way to avoid embarrassment to [the US] and may even
decide to publish what they interpret were U.S. commitments made in
1972 and 1973.")10
Shackley apologized for his inability to take evacuation correspon-
dence out of the restricted channel, saying that WSAG deliberations and
decisions were allowed only limited distribution. He sympathized with
the need for working wives, but expressed some frustration with the
absence of hard numbers for dependents as a group; he hoped the prom-
ised accounting from Saigon would lay that issue to rest. Five hours later,
Shackley cabled his summary of that day's WSAG meeting. He antici-
pated that Washington would. require a reduction below the 1,100 ceiling
hy Saigon's close of business on 22 April, and described some tentative
changes in the format of the helicopter lift. The meeting had discussed
prospects for "some negotiated basis on which selected Vietnamese could
be withdrawn," and in this regard Shackley wanted Polgar to know that
"'Saigoll X'I112, 21 April 1975'LI ---.J
~ t
Kissinger had been briefed heforehand on the COS's latest talk with
Colonel Toth. But whatever these prospects might turn out to be, "It
remains clear that trend line in decision-making process is for evacuation
of more people sooner rather than later."3iD
Disagreement Over Withdrawal Thctics D
Polgar objected strenuously to Washington's focus on the evacua-
tion process, and made more explicit than ever before his conviction that
only a negotiated surrender could avert catastrophe. "The picture which
you present is certainly not flattering to the American policy makers ...
WSAG appears to be preoccupied with the mechanics of evacuation,
which could safely be left to the professionals on the ground, and is not
concentrating sufficiently on the policies and political ramifications inher-
ent in the problem." Overlooking the possibility that his and Martin's
absorption with a negotiated solution might account in part for Washing-
ton's involvement in evacuation mechanics, Polgar went on to say that
evacuation goals were being met. But this was only by "exporting a very
large number of Vietnamese to Clark Field, whose subsequent resettle-
mcnt is going to create major problems." The COS made it clear that his
Vietnamese were not among those being exported: "I have held the line
on Station indigenous employees exiting through that process."33D
Polgar saw Thieu's resignation of the previous evening as creating
"a real possibility for negotiated settlement provided [that Saigon]
moves with the requisite speed in conveying clear signs to the other
side." Repeating his antipathy to an emergency evacuation, Polgar said he
thought Washington's emphasis on it increased the likelihood of its being
required: "Frankly, even Dr. Kissinger's approach to the Soviets was
evacuation oriented and not very practical ... " The upshot was that "the
only elements of the U.S. Government currently trying to promote a
negotiated political solution are Ambassador Martin and myself."34D
Polgar was certainly right about the object of Kissinger's appeal to
the Soviets; he may at that point already have seen the Secretary of
State's message to Martin saying the Soviets had just replied, and it
appeared that "we will be permitted to continue our evacuation, includ-
ing the evacuation of Vietnamese, unimpeded." But Kissinger also
I I '-'---'---------,
"Saigon 89373.22 April 1975.1 IPolgar acknowledged that
he had not been able 10hold the line with respect to Vietnamese dependents: " ... a number of our
staff uudcontract employees did utilize DAO processing facilities." D
S.4ret .

encouraged Martin's hopes for a negotiated formula, and not merely for
North Vietnamese restraint on the battlefield: "I take the response to indi-
cate that the PRG is prepared to undertake negotiations in the tripartite
[Saigon, PRG, Hanoi] formulation."35D
It appears that Kissinger had told Martin more about this than he
shared with CIA Headquarters. Shackley, who was then working closely
with Assistant Secretary Habib, later recalled that evacuation was indeed
the only thing on the WSAG agenda, and his reply to Polgar specified
that the committee had been excluded from the policy arena. Shackley
wanted to rebut the Station's argument that it lacked a destination for
Vietnamese evacuees; accordingly, his message urged to make
more liberal use of the Defense Attache evacuation flights.
Intelligence now indicated that Tan Son Nhut might come under
artillery fire, and Shackley advised Saigon that Washington was anticipat-
ing a substantial helicopter lift from the Embassy, using both the parking
lot and the Chancery roof. With respect to Vietnamese evacuees, the
Administration had just won Congressional approval to parole 50,000
into the United States, and in so doing solved the question of a final desti-
nation for refugees in the Defense Attache channel. This was not the
only possible evacuation route, and State was about to ask Martin's views
on the use of ships already at Saigon and two more headed in that direc-
tion. Polgar still had "confidence that something may be worked out
along political lines," and Shackley's reassurance about a destination did
not entirely dissolve his reluctance to "dump people into Clark Field." He
was starting, he said, to use the Defense Attache channel for indigenous
employees, but with respect to potential KIP evacuees wanted to wait for
the opening of a Thai facility from which "if things do not turn out too
badly here we can bring most of them back to Vietnam."37D
Aside from the improbability of any such accommodation by Hanoi,
the immediate prospect was for things to get worse. The government was
already crumbling, and American facilities outside Saigon were con-
corned solely to avoid being overrun. On the Vietnamese side, for exam-
ple, General Quang was [ [discussing a proposed cabinet session
at which the members of the government would reassure the country on
television that the government was still functioning. Quang observed that
this had been abandoned when a head count revealed how many ministers
'11,<, Fnil ofSoigo, (J.
"'ShilCkley inl<'l'IiiCW, 19 Angust 1993;
" lal1d Saigon 89410, 23 April 1975.1
'- -----.JI '---------'

~ e t
I had already fled,1 ~
The US Mission had its own problems, one of them reported by
Polgar's MR-3 chiet.] I from Bien Hoa on 23 April. Accord-
ing tol I the Consul General there, alarmed by the dire prognosis
given him by the corrupt and unreliable rOVinCej chief, Luu Yem, had
begged Yem for a guarantee of protection. feared that the oppor-
tunistic and unprincipled Yem would use this to extort favors, endanger-
ing the American staff, and saw no alternative but to close down the
Consulate. Already dissatisfied with the Consul General's performance,
Martin promptly tookl ladvice. In the few days that remained for
Americans in Vietnam, Base officers commuted to Bien Hoa from
Saigon. J9D '
Clearing the Way for the SuccessionD
Meanwhile, in the prevailing political vacuum, Martin and Polgar
worried about a report from French Ambassador Jean-Marie Merillon
that Duong Van Minh feared violent action by northern-born generals to
block his accession to the presidency. The COS dispatched General
Timmes to confront his old friend Nguyen Cao Ky with the allegation.
Ky and two associates who arrived after Timmes argued persuasively that
they had no such thing in mind. The Station duly relayed this to Minh,
who then complained that he felt powerless as long as President Huong
and his predecessor Thieu remained influential.oD
The Station's longtime relationships with senior Vietnamese put it
in the middle of the elaborate procedural maneuvers intended to clear the
way for "Big Minh." Deputy Prime Minister Tran Van Don reported to
both the Station and to Martin about the developing Vietnamese consen-
sus in favor of "Big Minh," and it was to the Station that Prime Minister
Nguyen Ba Can reported his intention, the evening of 22 April, to offer
his resignation the following day. At Martin's behest, the Station per-
suaded him to make the offer in principle and to keep it secret until a new
cabinet could be proposed; Martin hoped by this ploy to avoid a "danger-
ous additional loss of negotiating momenturn."'D
"Schofield inter vie;, 3 Seotember 1992;1
" , 1 and Saigon 89409, 23 April 1975.1
1 ~ - = - - - - - - - l
"'Saigon 89429, 23 April 1975J
"Saigon 89432, 23 April J975j _
~ t
~ t
Polgar went on to urge on Shackley "the absolute need to resist any
idea of sending in a Marine battalion" to protect the evacuation. It would
be useless, at best, but would also provoke the North Vietnamese, who had
been quiet for the last 48 hours. The COS closed with an angry outburst
at the White House and Kissinger: they were being "most unhelpful,
unimaginative, and completely devoid of any constructive suggestion."
Kissinger had done nothing but make a "ridiculous request" to the Soviets
for a two-week cease-fire; otherwise, "all the action is. here and with [the]
French Government in Paris and Hanoi."42D
Headquarters replied in a more even tone, judging it "safe to say
that only Ambassador Martin, the COS, and to a lesser extent Dr. Kiss-
inger, believed anything of value would come from current Vietnamese
maneuvering. While this minority of three may be proven by history to
be correct, [the] DCI [is] not willing to gamble lives of CIA KIPs on this
possibility. In view of this he has directed that you proceed without fur-
ther delay to move selected KIPs out of Vietnam." Shackley reminded
Polgar that he already had the needed authority, and resources in the form
of commercial air and the military flights then going to Guam. He urged
greater efforts to put KIPs in the military pipeline, adding that he needed
"without fail answers to questions which we have repeatedly put to you"
on the numbers of KIPs slated for evacuation to the various possible des-
Shackley acknowledged the crushing pressures on the COS, but.
insisted that hc comply with Headquarters demands on the KIP issue:
"These are trying times and [the] Station's total effort is superb. We do
have some differences in perspective on movement of CIA KIPs, and
this must be resolved as outlined [above]. Other than that we are all in
tune. Good luek.""D
On the same day, Shackley exhorted Bangkok to get immediate
approval from reluctant Thai officials to fly KIP-list personnel to Nam
Phong. That list had grown by two-thirds since Polgar's last message on
the subject, and on 24 April numbered some 5,000 people. The COS said
he was still keeping needed local employees and productive agents, and
was not yet ready to move ARVN and police officers. But "we do~ n to
evacuate the greater part of the 5,000 group in [the] near future."
Tom Polgar now found himself at odds both with Headquarters,
over the prospects for a negotiated surrender, and with Martin, over the
menus of installing a Minh government in Saigon. As we have seen,
~ t
Headquarters-and Washington policymakers in general, with the possi-
ble exception of Kissinger-anticipated a North Vietnamese military drive
to end the war. Meanwhile, Polgar and Martin saw real if conditional
Hanoi interest in a coalition government that would postpone the out-
come and perhaps even allow a continued US presence in Saigon. Now,
with Thieu out of office-though still in Saigon-the practical problem
was to find an interlocutor acceptable to the North.
With North Vietnamese forces closing the noose around Saigon,
the Ambassador and the COS disagreed on how best to do this. On 24
April, Polgar reported that Minh refused to serve as Prime Minister under
President Huong. Meanwhile, the Communists had declared the Huong
regime unacceptable as a negotiating partner, which rendered that ques-
tion moot. Minh now called Timmes to advise that he would see Huang
at 1100 hours in an effort to get him to step down. Reporting this to
Headquarters, Polgar said he thought the ARVN generals to be unani-
mous that Minh represented the only hope for a negotiated settlement,
and that they would remove Huong, "decisively and quickly," if he
refused to resign, Minh was also sending two associates to Paris, presum-
ably to contact the Hanoi delegation there, and the Station advanced him
a thousand dollars for their expenses.
In the context of these developments, Polgar reported differences
with Martin over the time remaining to get negotiations started, over the
need to respect constitutional forms while doing this, and over the desir-
ability of "symbolic concessions in [the] absence of any sign from the
other side. (I was strongly in favor of such concessions.)" The COS also
found himself on the other side of the argument from Kissinger, whose
message that morning had reproached "us"-presumably Martin and Pol-
gar-about the complications with the Soviets provoked by Thieu's "pre-
cipitous" resignation. Kissinger wanted thc Mission to prop up the Huong
government while concentrating on the evacuation of deserving Vietnam-
esc; Polgar reacted to this by saying that there was "nothing that could
prop up the Huang government short of B-52s over Hanoi."4'D
As Polgar saw it, there was no time for anxiety about constitutional
process, and US rigidity was by default transferring the intiative to the
French, who "will reap great eredit if they can put this thing together."
Developments in Saigon were taking place without any participation by
Martin; "the Station, however, is in contact with all the key players and
we are keeping the Ambassador informed."49D
"Saigon 89479, 24 April 1975,1
"Ihid.O '--- -l
" Ibid.
7 ; 9 ; ~
~ t
On Thursday evening, 24 April, Huong was still President, and no
one had worked out a formula to transfer power to "Big Minh." Huong
had called in Martin to say that his effort to make Nguyen Ngoc Huy the
new Prime Minister had attracted no support, and he wanted advice on
the way to get Minh to take over. The Ambassador demurred, saying he
had insufficient information, and Huong went on, to complain that the
continued presence of Thieu and Khiem created such difficulties that he
was about to ask them, especially Thieu, to leave. Lending support to
Polgar's view of the growing French role, Huong added that he intended
to see Ambassador Merillon later that evening. The Station, meanwhile,
reported that it would shortly be seeing "Big Minh" and Deputy Prime
Minister Tran Van Don for updated reporting. Polgar also chose this
moment to attempt a direct sounding of Communist interest in a negoti-
ated settlement. .11'0
'''Saigoll8950,1. 2,1 April 1975.1 INguyen Ngoe Huy had been
all iurcnuiueut Stationcontact fur years and had served as the Station's link to the civilian partici-
panls in the mutinyagainst Ngo Dinh Diemin November 1960 (see CIA and the House of Ngo,
Chapter 10
A Military DecisionD
In the 24 April 1975 message that described the standoff between
Tran Van Huon and Duon Van Minh, COS Pol ar re orted havin sug-
gested to an
acquaintance from their days in tiat he exrore Commu-
nist reaction to a possible Minh government. with sources
around Minh "as good as ours," debriefed his Saigon contacts and then,
called Colonel Giang, who represented the Communists' Provisional
Revolutionary Government on the four-power commission at Tan Son
Professing interest in what he said was new infonnatioT Giang I'
hoped to comment on it in the next hour. At Polgar's request,
had mentioned that a Communist radiobroadcast at noon that day called
for Martin's departure and the removal of US Navy ships in Vietnamese
waters, but said nothing about evacuating the Embassy. Could it be con-
cluded that "the PRG had no problem with the continuing presence of an
American Embassy in Saigon provided that it refrained from 'military
intervention'?" Giang answered that it could.
Polgar rushed this information to the Ambassador. The COS saw it,
he told Headquarters, as suggesting that the PRO anticipated a continuing
US presence in Saigon, and therefore at least the facade of an indepen-
dent South Vietnam, and that "there will be no North Vietnamese occupa-
tion or attack on Saigon." Linking Hanoi's military moves to Saigon's
political maneuvering, Polgar saw the future as still "ominous and obvi-
ously full of problems." The South Vietnamese seemed unable to "move
with any speed regardless of the nature of the emergency," and "the threat
to Saigon in terms of enemy capabilities ... continues to increase. Inten-
tions are of course far more difficult to judge and that is where the politi-
cal events may have a very significant impact. . . . For this reason I
'Saigo1l89504, 24 April 1975'LI ~ __---l
consider the political theater at the moment as taking priority over the
military one." Well aware of Washington's preoccupations, Polgar ended
by assuring Headquarters that the Station had that day moved an unspeci-
fied large number of KIPs. 3D
The perceptual differences between tile COS and Headquarters
came into sharp relief in Shackley's comment on these developments.
Giang's comments were "intriguing, but far from definitive or what one
could call hard intelligence." Polgar's inferences from them might be on
the mark, but nevertheless constituted a "thin reed on which to base pol-
icy judgments" on evacuation criteria. The COS should therefore con-
tinue to reduce "all categories of personnel while focusing collection on
[the] political theater which does indeed have near term priority ... "
With respect to Polgar's hopes for a Minh government as interlocutor
with the Communists, Shackley said he wanted only to note that Minh
was always exasperatingly slow to move. The prospect of "parlaying
him into anything but disaster," he thought, was minima1.
Polgar disagreed. His optimistic cable of the 24th had just left when
a new PRG statement that evening "clearly reaffirm[ed] the Communists'
interest in a political rather than a totally military solution." That the
Communists now explicitly demanded withdrawal of US intelligence per-
sonnel and a prohibition on efforts at political influence seemed to Polgar
clearly, if implicitly, to allow for a continuing US presence and for the
delivery of humanitarian aid. Accordingly, the COS reported, he had
once again enlisted to make soundings at Tan Son Nhut.
Giang responded to hone call by saying that it was too early to
comment, but he invited to stay after the rigUlar STurday press
conference, two days hence, for further discussion. asked if the
scheduling of that session was firm, and Giang replied, "Of course, why
not?" To Polgar, this represented a "pretty good indication ... that no
attack on Tan Son Nhut is imminent ..." The COS noted, in this context,
that the military lull following Thieu's resignation had continued unbro-
ken, and that the Polish Ambassador was hosting a party on Friday
evening which the North Vietnamese and PRG representatives were
expected to attend. sO
Polgar also took issue with Shackley's pessimism about Minh,
reporting on Friday, 25 April, that he, General Timmes, and two of his
case officers had been working to "smooth the way toward a political
solution." At the suggestion of ex-Prime Minister Khiem, the COS had
met that morning with a principal adviser to President Huong, pointing
"LI , - - - - - - - - : - - , . - - . . , . , . . - - - : ~ - J - - - - - - - - - : J
"Suigoll X'J52X, 25 April 1975,,-1 1
out the probable limits of Communist patience and urging a solution
which both preserved Huong's dignity and accommodated Minh's
refusal to accept appointment from him. Polgar proposed a convocation
of military, political, and religious institutions at which Huang would
call for the nomination of someone to accept plenary powers and begin
negotiations; Minh's would be the name proposed; The adviser, former
Interior Minister Le Cong Chat, promised to convey Polgar's idea to
Huong at once.
Complementing Station efforts to get negotiations started, General
Minh was still trying to send a small delegation to Hanoi, and the Com-
munists, in a break with precedent, were allowing a special liaison flight
to Hanoi the next day in order to accommodate this. All these political
efforts, viewed against the background of the continuing lull in military
activity, suggested to Polgar that "significant and dramatic developments
should be expected within the next 48 hours." And he was not alone, he
said: Kissinger had "vitally' important information bearing on the evolu-
tion of the situation here." Despite these expectations, evacuation was
proceeding, and the COS reported having moved surplus Vietnamese per-
sonnel and a number of KIPs and their families. He was also reducing
Station personnel to a "hard core," if only because "it is certain that under
the changed circumstances [of a new government] the size of the Station
will have (0 be commensurate with the reduced importance of Vietnam
in tenus of the United States policy interest."'D
At this point, Polgar got some qualified support from DCI Colby,
who said he and he alone had information, which he did not specify, rele-
vant to the developments predicted by the COS. But the focus was still
on evacuation, and Colby wanted the Station's closest attention to any
military action around Saigon, the scale of which would determine
whether to persist with the Minh negotiations or launch an emergency
airlift. The Director closed with "congratulations on the additional Distin-
guished Intelligence Medal which I hereby award you."sD
Unwilling to wait another day for the next contact with PRG
Colonel Giang, Polgar gavel Jsome Foreign Broadcast
Information Service material on recent Communist statements, along
"Ibid.; Saigon 89531. 25 April 1975,1 [Of his suggestion for
the mechanics of Minh's accession, Polgar added: "Readers of history will recognize that a similar
scenario was implemented by Bismarck in the proclamation of the German Empire in the Hall of
Mirrors at Versailles in 1871."0
'Saigon 89528. Polgar could not recall, 18 years later, just what information he was attributing to
Kissinger, bUI believed that it must have concerned "Kissinger's expectation that with Brezhnev's
help hc would pull thc rabbit from thc hat-vi.c., revent the North Vietnamese from entering
Sai on." Sec Pol ar interview 29-30Jul 1993.
with an analysis of their apparent import. I ]obtained an appoint-
ment for that Friday afternoon, 25 April, and drove to Tan Son Nhut.
presentinf the corc!usions as his own, he asked for comments. Giang :
said that . was correct to infer that progress toward a political
solution would avert an assault on Saigon, that "Big Minh" would be
acceptable as head of government, and that the PRG did not object to
the continued presence of an American Embassy. The PRG was most
interested lin POliti1cal developments in Saigon, according to Giang,
who asked to keep him informed. I Ileft
with the impression that the Communists .had set no deadline for the
creation of a new Saigon government,9D .
Whilel [was on his way to Tan Son Nhut, Hungarian Colonel
Toth came to see the COS at home. With regard to procedure, he said, the
COS should know that all his messages had been promptly relayed "to
the other side as well as to Budapest" and, Toth presumed, "also to other
places." Regarding his own role, Toth disclaimed any status as an official
spokesman for the DRVIPRG, but said he could convey "substantive
guidance originating with the other side." Like Giang, he specified Gen-
eral Minh as an acceptable candidate to lead the Saigon government, and
went all to identify several other Saigon politicians whom the Commu-
nists would like to see in a new cabinet. The PRO, Toth said, remained
particularly interested in a US declaration of noninvolvement in domes-
tic Vietnamese affairs, including an end to military aid, and was amena-
hie to a cease-fire in the context of political progress in Saigon." D
'loth relayed two questions to Polgar, both having to do with the
presence and intentions of US military forces in the South China Sea.
Polgar gave assurances that they were deployed solely to assist an emer-
gency evacuation, and turned the conversation to the problem of law and
order in Saigon. Worried about violence by armed elements hostile to a
negotiated settlement, he asked Toth to counsel the Vietnamese Commu-
nists against moves that might spark "foolhardy individual acts. We don't
want any F-5 pilots bombing the Palace to protest the sellout of the
nationalist cause, nor do we want a collapse of law and order in Saigon.
Chaos in this large city would not do either side any good." Polgar said
'Saigon 895544, 25 April 1975,1 IWith respect tol I
bona fides with Giang, it seems likely that the stated concern for the survival of a US Embassy, if
nothing else. would have suggested to Giang that! lapproach had official sponsorshipD
"'Saigon H9553, 25 April 1975,1 IDifferent intermcdiaries
used different labels for the Communist political authority. here the PRG, elsewhere the Hanoi
lcadcrsh: p. There is no evidence that the control of Communist policy was anything but unitary.
and Communist references to the PRG were presumably intended to help preserve the fiction that
it and its dominant People's Revolutionary (Communist] Party were autonomous. Southern-based
he could not predict just when a new government might take office, but
assured Toth that the Huong government would shortly indicate clearly
that "national reconciliation is the order of the day."II D
This brought Polgar to the American situation in Saigon. He told
Toth that the US stood ready to work out "an appropriate formula ... in
private and not on the front pages of the newspapers." He had Martin's
approval, he said to propose discussions "on an official but informa(basis
with the representatives of the other side." Toth left to deliver Polgar's
message, while the COS returned to the Embassy to brief the Ambassa-
Nguyen VanThieu's FareweUD
Ambassador Martin had taken to heart President Huang's com-
plaint about the difficulty of governing with his predecessor still in
Saigon, and told Thieu he thought it best for him to leave. Thieu accepted
the inevitable, and Martin charged Polgar with the arrangements for a
departure conducted "with utmost secrecy." As it happened, the aircraft
that President Johnson had put at Ambassador Bunker's disposal for vis-
its to his wife, the US Ambassador to Kathmandu, had not been with-
drawn after Bunker's departure. Inquiring about it, Polgar learned that it
could be made ready in a matter of hours, and that its range would take it
to Taipei. Thieu designated Khiem to handle the arrangements for the
Vietnamese side, and preparations began to evacuate a group of four-
Recognizing that some disgruntled subordinate might try to prevent
or punish Thien's departure, the Station undertook to conceal it from all
hut the CIA people involved. Accordingly, it instructed Khiem to have
the passengers make their way to the General Staff compound, near Tan
SOIl Nhut, on Friday afternoon, 25 April. Limited to one piece of hand
luggage each, they assembled at Khiem's residence there-Thieu waited
until after dark before walking from his own house in the compound-
even as Polgar and ~ e r e exploring the latest bid for negotiations.
After finishing with ~ Polgar joined General Timmes at Khiem's
"Saigon 89553.0
"Ibic/. One or the differences between Headquarters and the Station, at this time, concerned Toth's
hona fides. Polgar said he "thought 'loth was acting in good faith in carrying messages to me from
what he considered authoritative Vietnamese communist circles." Shackley thought it more likely
thatthe Hungarian initiative represented part of a concerted Communist effort to deceive the US
about North Vietnamese intentions, and thus to deter it from using its combat forces to prevent the
rail or Saigon. (Sec Polgar interview, 2930 July 1993, and Shackley interview, 19 August 1993.)
Qlgar interview, 29-30 July 1993.0
C0126871 7
Figure 22 Saigon and Vicinity, May 1975
Tan Son Nhut
MACV Headquarters !
PBIBce .
Gia Long
!IS Embassy
74370 3 9 97
house, where they used the grand piano as a de k on which to fill out
parole documents for a group that in the end numbered twelve."0
Polgar saw the General Staff compound gate and the police check-
point at 1:1n Son hut airport as the danger points. He therefore set out to
avert any inquiry or inspection by using Ambassador Martin's official
vehicle, supplemented by three black Station sedans with diplomatic
"Sail:OIlH ' ) ~ ( > 3 . 21 April I975''L 1 ---.JI Polgar interview, 29-30July
license plates, to create the impression of a high-level US convoy. The
ploy worked, and the guards waved the convoy through to the parking
area reserved for Air America. Ambassador Martin was there to bid fare-
well to the ex-President, and Polgar also boarded the old C-1l8 to brief
the pilot on the formalities to expect .in Taipei. With the aircraft disap-
pearing into the evening sky, Polgar radioed the Station to flashllits
estimated arrival time. To Headquarters, he wrote, "Wish to aavrse-you
that by direction of highest authority Station has successfully evacuated
former President Nguyen Van Thieu, former Prime Minister Tran Thien
Khiem and ten others, with wheels up at 2120 hours local, 25 April."
Returning to Saigon, the Ambassador and COS sought to present a busi-
ness-as-usual air by dropping in at the party at the Polish Mission. ISO
Thieu's departure may have facilitated the subsequent transfer of
power from Tran Van Huong to General Minh, but the next day brought
only intensified anxiety over other aspects of the Saigon and US positions
with respect to Hanoi. For one thing, the North Vietnamese chose 26
April to renew both psychological and military pressure, with strident
media attacks and stepped-up military activity around Saigon that forced
the closing of Bien Hoa Air Base. In addition, the evacuation problem
remained unsolved. The Thais had already expressed their reluctance to
harbor large number of Vietnamese refugees, and now Manila reported
that Ambassador William H. Sullivan had just promised President Mar-
cos to allow no politically sensitive Vietnamese, that is, KIPs, into the
Philippines. And the I Iechoed Polgar's own
fears when he blamed Saigon's paralysis for a perceived decline in the
prospects for negotiations. In
But the Station persistea1n its uphill struggle to get a Saigon gov-
crnment capable of avoiding military occupation by negotiating a politi-
cal surrender. The Station discussed with General Minh the candidates
for office Colonel Toth had listed for the COS. These included the
woman activist, Ngo Ba Thanh, whom Generals Quang and Binh had
exactly a month earlier contemplated arresting; Minh said she would get
a senior position. But he would have no Catholic priests in key posi-
tions, especially the "irresponsible liar" Father Chan Tinh proposed by
the Communists. nO, .
While Polgar struggled to help prevent a Communist assault of
Saigon, his reservations about full-scale evacuation preparations encour-
aged something of a business-as-usual spirit at the working level. As one
of the surplus officers from Central Vietnam, Fred Stephens went to the
personnel office to arrange transportation. He was startled to find people
haggling over their itineraries; most wanted to go through Europe, and
one married couple was trying to talk a harried personnel officer into
arranging separate itineraries for them after the first stop. Stephens
wound up with a seat on what he understood was the last Pan American
flight out of Saigon, a few days before the end. At that point, there was so
little sense of urgency in Saigon that only some 30 people boarded the
At this point, some of the remaining support staff had indeed been
pushed to the limit. The Station physician, Charles Saunders, complained
to Polgar on 25 April that he had seen several people in a state of total
physical exhaustion. This could not go on, he said; everyone should get
Saturday afternoon off, and all of Sunday. Polgar was unsympathetic,
telling Headquarters that most people were working 14 hours a day, 7
days a week because "we have to do what must be done." Anyone who
couldn't cut the mustard would be shipped out. Later, Polgar said, he
would identify "those who can take the pressure and perform at peak
capacity over extended periods and those who CaIlIlOt."'9 0
Meanwhile, as the Station dickered with General Minh over the
composition of a new government, a leaked Station report and a Kiss-
inger rebuke to Polgar cast doubt on the future of CIA efforts to broker a
transfer of power in Saigon. The leak had appeared in the 24 April New
York Times, and quoted verbatim from Polgar's account, sent to Head-
quarters only, of Toth's 19 April initiative regarding negotiations. Having
now on 26 April seen the story in Saigon, Polgar attributed it to "some-
one close to Kissinger if not ... Kissinger himself," and said he feared it
could damage his dialog with the Hungarians. The COS made it clear that
a "pretty sharply worded" messsage from Kissinger accounted for this
suspicion; the Secretary of State had just reminded him that he, Kiss-
inger, conducted negotiations for the United States, and that these would
take place in Paris. Shackley also sent a reminder at this time; he later
recalled it as a blunt message telling the COS that, whatever might be
transpiring in other channels, the Station's job was to evacuate agents and
dependents, destroy files, and dispose of confidential funds." D
"Stephens interview, 10 AlIglls,,-t'-'.)9-'-9-'-4.-LO-l- -----,
"Saigon R9700, 2RApril 1975j
"'Saigon R%05, 26 April I975,1----------'--'!BJind memorandum for the
record. "/\ Rccupitulutiun of Eyes Only Traffic between CIA and COS Vietnam relating to the Plan-
ning :lIldAction Phascs of the Evacuation of the VietnamStation and the U.S. Mission in Vietnam,"
n.d.,1 !Potgar interview. 29-30 July 1993; Shackley interview,
19 Anr.nst I{)93. Polgar said, "I did not think that was among Kissinger's beuer moments"O
Perhaps Kissinger feared that parallel efforts might derail what he
saw as the hright prospects of his own work with the Soviets, for along
with his admonition to Polgar came an upbeat message to Martin. "My
thinking ... is that following the formation of a Minh government there
will be negotiations [leading to] agreement on a tripartite government."
Kissinger then discussed the future of the Embassy in terms reflecting
his assumption that it would be up to the United States to decide whether
to keep it open. 21D
The Evaporation of the Government in SaigonD
Nguyen Ba Can, still nominally the Prime Minister of South Wet-
nam, had so far honored his promise to stay, but the prospect of Minh as
new head of government or chief of state provoked more jitters, and on .
that same Saturday, 26 April, he appealed [ ror evacua-
tion. No one cared anymore about his longevity in office, and Marlin
approved; the Station evacuated him the next day. The much-maligned
General Quang displayed substantially more grit, telling the Station on
the 27th that, although pleased to have his wife safely out of the country,
he would not leave while on active duty. He had submitted a request for
reassignment after Thieu's resignation and was waiting for General
Vien's reply.nO
For five days after Thieu's resignation, Ambassador Martin had
insisted that new President Tran Van Huong remain in office at least
until replaced by a process that respected constitutional forms. With
Can preparing to leave, and the Saigon government more than ever para-
lyzed, the Ambassador reluctantly gave up his resistance. At 2200 hours
on 26 April, Polgar reported that he expected Huong to convey the presi-
dency to Minh the next day, following a procedure similar to the one the
COS had recommended a few days earlier.
Events of Sunday, 27 April, fulfilled Polgar's prediction. Minh was
voted full powers, and the Station expected that the sweating-in cere-
mony would draw "political and religious groups who have never before
been seen in Saigon['s] Presidential Palace." The question remained, the
Station said, whether the change had come in time to divert the Commu-
nists from pursuing the military decision of which they were now fully
capable. The near collapse of the government forces in the Saigon area,
"BUller, The Fall u{Saigoll, p. 384.0
~ r ------,
"Saigon 89625, 26 April 1 9 7 5 ~ --,
compounded both by the efforts of the hardline General Ky to sabotage
the' new Minh regime and by renewed factionalism in the National
Assembly, could only reinforce such doubts. Prospects for successful
evacuation also dimmed with the news that the Communists had cut the
road from Saigon to the port at Vung Tau, and that the Thai Government
had just refused permission to use the Nam Phong camp as a refugee
camp. Martin, at least, was undaunted, cabling Kissinger about midnight
that, while rockets might continue to fall and roads to be interdicted, it
was the "unanimous opinion of the senior personnel here that there will
be no direct or serious attack on Saigon."21D
Whether or not there were grounds for such optimism, renewed mil-
itary pressure around the capital created a demand for information on
what remained under government control. The Bien Hoa sector was espe-
cially critical, and at one point, probahly on the 28th, the COS resorted
to sending out his' own reconnaissance patrol: Analyst Frank Snepp and
one or two others drove northward a prudent distance, trying to find the
ARVN pcrimeter,2SD
Meanwhile, Ambassador Martin and Adm. Noel Gayler, Com-
mander in Chief of Pacific forces, found themselves increasingly at odds
with regard to the pace of evacuation preparations at the Embassy. This
conflict between the military's concern to be ready for the end and Mar-
tin's fear of creating panic came to be symbolized by the fate of a giant
llame tree in the Embassy parking lot. Chip Schofield came to work, the
morning of 28 April, and noticed an ax lying next to the tree and a few
chunks out of the bark. Upon inquiring, he learned that the 7th Fleet had
ordered the tree cut down, but Martin had noticed the first blows and
overruled it. Someone, probably in the Defense Attache Office, resumed
chopping, and Martin once again vetoed it.
BUller. The Fall of
Saigall. p. 392T Polgar never forgave Martin for the Amhassadm's performance during this
fateful week: "filmy view the paralysis of the Huoug Government, between 21 and 28 April, aided
and ahcttedby Ambassador Martin, was II major contributor to the conditions which ~ e r e d the
events Oil April 29. our-lust day in S ~ n . " (See Polgar interview, 29-30 July 1993.)U
"Polgar interview. 29-30 July 1993.U
"Ihid.; Schofield iUlerview, 3 September 19920
'I I
One item of good news arrived 'in the form of a flash cable from
Bangkok: the Thai Government had relented, and the United States
could use Nam Phong. The question now was how much longer the
'United States could use Tan Son Nhut airport: the North Vietnamese had
just bombed it with captured aircraft, and Admiral Gayler worried
about an intelligence report predicting that the airfield would soon
come under artillery fire. But evacuation flights continued on the 28th,
and one C-130 transport carried out Nguyen Ba Can's family, as well as
National Police and CIO chief Nguyen Khac Binh and other police
officers. 28 D
Flights from Tan Son Nhut were continuing when, just after 1700
hours on Monday, 28 April, Duong Van Minh became the last President
of the Republic of South Vietnam. To the Station, he looked amenable to
further evacuation of Vietnamese as well as Americans; the principal
question now was that of negotiations with the Communists. The Station
reported that it knew nothing of Minh's specific intentions, but noted his
stated preference for talks in the context of the Paris agreemenl. Polgar
surmised in a cable to Headquarters that contacts would begin in Paris,
moving eventually to some mutually acceptable site in South Vietnam.
He followed with an exhaustive survey of candidates for ministerial
posts, and offered the wan hope that despite sniping from Ky supporters
Minh would display new "determination and toughness" by sticking to
the list he had discussed earlier in the month with General Timmes." D
Beginning the Last Day D
Polgar and his staff went home about 2100 hours, that Monday
evening; the COS later thought that none of them realized the night of 28
April would be their last in Saigon. There was not to be much sleep that
night: Polgar awoke about 0400 hours to the thump of incoming artillery,
and his duty officer reported by phone that Marines on the Embassy roof
could see flames and explosions at Tan Son Nhut. The COS gave instruc-
tions to begin the preparation of emergency fund envelopes for Station
employees-a thousand dollars plus a few small bills in Thai and Hong
Kong currencies-and hurried to the Embassy, whence he could see for
himself the explosions at the airport; these had reportedly already
heavily damaged the runways and several Air America helicopters. 30 D
Waiting for Polgar, when he got to his cable traffic, was a Shackley
message dealing with the 28 April WSAG meeting. It acknowledged Pol-
gar's report of Minh's inauguration, but otherwise pointedly ignored the
event and the Station's speculation about cabinet organization and negoti-
ating procedure. Dealing exclusively with the evacuation issue, Shackley
acknowledged Martin's relatively optimistic. estimate of two to, three
weeks while Minh negotiated with the Communists. He also pointed out
Hanoi's clear capability to take the airport under fire whenever it chose.
Uncertain about Communist intentions, Washington had authorized Gen.
Homer Smith, the Defense Attache, to decide when to suspend C-130
flights under artillery or rocket fire; Regarding the Station's Vietnamese,
Shackley advised that the WSAG endorsed CIA use of Nam Phong and
Taipei as it wished; he was at the moment trying to obtain C-130 trans-
ports for the Station's use.llD
Martin was ill-the subsequent diagnosis was bronchial pneumo-
nia-but Polgar thought his presence at the Embassy essential and called
In insist that he come in. The Ambassador did so, about 0600 hours, but
until his medication took effect he lacked the strength even to make him-
self heard on the telephone. Polgar had to relay his instructions to the
Defense Attache people at the airport and his reporting to Admiral Gayler
and the Secretary of State. In these early morning hours, Polgar's reports
staff was busy keeping Headquarters informed of the destruction at Tan
Son Nhut. No one, however, had yet proposed the so-called Phase Four
evacuation procedure that prescribed an emergency helicopter lift to
replace the C-130 shuttle.nO
About 0800 hours, Martin received a formal request from President
Minh for the departure within 24 hours of all Defense Attache personnel.
The Ambassador promised to comply and asked Minh to ensure their
orderly and safe departure. Polgar took Minh's request as confirmation
that the Embassy would continue to function. But whether the airport
would .coutinue to function was now in dispute between General Smith
at Tan Son Nhut and Ambassador Martin at the Embassy. Martin refused
to accept Smith's judgment that the runways were now unusable, and
insisted, against staff advice, on driving to the airport for a personal
inspection, What he saw there convinced him that a helicopter lift was in
fact now indispensable, and about an hour later, or around 1100 hours,
Admiral Gayler at ClNCPAC in Honolulu ordered Martin's recommenda-
tion put into effect.
"Polgar interview, 29-30 July 1993, 0
-nu.. Hutler, 11wFall of Saigon, p, 420,0
'\ I
On returning to the Embassy at about 1030 hours, Martin allowed
the controversial tree in the parking lot to be cut down. With respect to
staffing, he now instructed Polgar to "draw up plans for a 50-person CIA
Station, including sufficient communications personnel to service an
approximately 200-strong American Embassy." This, in Polgar's words,
"effectively sidelined the COS and several of his senior assistants and
diverted their attention from the immediate priorities of the evacuation,"
which in any case he understood was proceeding according to plan. The
result of these deliberations was a staffing plan I
At about 1130 hours, Martin told Polgar that Washington, where
the military's view of the Tan Son Nhut situation now evidently prevailed,
had just put the Phase Four helicopter lift into effect, and "we are all
going." There was no general announcement of this, as Polgar recalled it;
during the next hour the Embassy's senior officers heard separately from
Martin or his deputy that the signal had changed. The timing of this deci-
sion struck Polgar as unfortunate-"we lost precious daylight hours"-
but he had not at any time in the course of the morning considered enter-
ing the debate himself with an appeal to Headquarters: it would have been
"unthinkable" for him to "inject" himself into this policy matter. In any
case, he later saw an important distinction in the fact that the launching of
Phase Four did not in itself mean total evacuation of the Mission; this
decision did not come until the late afternoon.
The End of the Political GambitD
Although Martin was still resisting the inevitable, asking Presi-
dent Ford to let him stay with a skeleton staff, Polgar now recognized
Ihat the end was near. Colonel Toth paid a call in midmorning; he said
he had concluded that "our efforts have failed and that the North Viet-
namese will press for raj military solution." Toth insisted that this came
"Polgnr interview, 2930 July 19931 I
"Polgar interview, 29-30 July 1993. This has an air of rationalization. as the COS had overcome any
inhibitions about entering the policy arena when he urged Washington to emphasize a political set-
tlcmcnt and when he complained about Kissinger's handling of negotiations through the S o v i e L ~ D
as a surprise-just two days ago, he said, PRG General Thuan at Tan
Son Nhut said he was awaiting clearance to enter into direct discussion
with the Americans. Polgar saw that it no longer mattered; as of 1100
hours, he said, the thrust of Communist media pronouncements and cur-
rent intelligence left "little doubt that this is it"; closing the Embassy
and Station was now a matter of time, perhaps only hours.
l 6
An hour later, Polgar explicitly acknowledged that Station sources
like the] IVC penetration had been right. He reported that "all
files and sensitive equipment [are] being destroyed ... We have started
[to] lift surplus personnel from Embassy rooftop to warships off coast."
The Minh government was "moving with excruciating slowness," Bien
Hoa had fallen, and there was no sign of any effective resistance now
north of Saigon. Neither ARVN nor the Air Force was disposed to put up
a "Stalingrad-type defense. The end is at hand." Polgar now recom-
mended, in the "absence of any political developments, to move all
Americans out of Saigon. We tried to avert this kind of exit to the bitter
end but we lost." As crowds of nervous Vietnamese gathered outside the
Embassy, Polgar left the office to check the security of .the compound.
He spotted General Quang, in his customary blue suit, pressed against the
. gate, and managed to get it opened far for the former Presidential
aide to squeeze himself inside to safety." U
Whatever the causes-management preoccupation with negotia-
tions, confidence in the prospect of a more orderly withdrawal, the sud-
denness of the Saigon government's collapse, inertia, or some
combination of these-the Station and the Mission found themselves on
29 April ill-prepared for the denouement:. DCOS LaGueux discovered to
his dismay that millions of dollars in currency still reposed in the Sta-
tion's vault, and he had to arrange at.l emergency helicopter run to get it
out to the USS Blue Ridge, offshore in the South China Sea, Starting in
thc late afternoon, each of four officers carried an eighty-pound duffel
bag of currency and financial records to his assigned helicopter. Not all
"Saigon 89746, 29 April 1975. and Saigoll8975l, 29 April 1975.1 I
I Ilf Toth had advance warning of the bombardment of Tan Son Nhut, he had concealed it
by leaving his delegation in its quarters there on tilenight of 28-29 April. Only the following morn-
ing did he ask Polgar for help; the COS delegated Bill Johnson, former Saigon Base Chief, now
responsible for staybchind activity, to form" convoy and escort the Hungarians to the relative safe-
ty of the Majestic Hotel in downtown Sai 'on. See Pol ar intervicw 29-30 July 1993)0
"Saigon 29 i\pril1975, Saigon 89751; Polgar inter-
view, 2').3019930

such oversights could be remedied; LaGueux also learned that the staff
in charge of the Station's Vietnamese translators had simply "walked
away" from them, and now there was nothing to be done for them.
It was chaotic everywhere in the Mission, as Chip Schofield learned
when as a Vietnamese speaker he volunteered to help man the Embassy
switchboard. The economic aid office had assembled all its Vietnamese
employees and their families at its separate compound to await the prom-
ised evacuation convoy, and the American staffers then proceeded to the
Chancery. But no convoy appeared, and no American returned to the
compound, Schofield, at the telephone, began getting anguished appeals
for instructions from the frightened Vietnamese still waiting there. He
had none to give, except at the end, when it was clear that the people
there would be left behind. A woman asked what to do with the AID
greenbacks in her custody; he told her to keep them. 39 D
By early afternoon of 29 April, the last Agency outpost in the coun-
tryside had gone out of existence. Jim Delaney, the Base Chief at Can
Tho in the Mekong Delta, had wanted to begin moving his local employ-
ees by 26 April. But Consul General Francis McNamara grounded the
four Air America helicopters asssigned to Can Tho, arguing that to evac-
uate Delaney's locals would spark panic. Delaney's heated argument,
including references to personal and professional contacts the CG had
already sent out, only provoked McNamara into threatening to have him
relieved. Delaney appealed to Saigon, which the next day overruled the
CG and authorized the Base Chief to proceed. A chastened McNamara
apologized to Delaney and offered to give the Agency KIPs priority over
his oWIl.
But two days later, when the Ambassador's evacuation coordinator,
George Jacobson, ordered Can Tho to evacuate, many of the Base's
locals were still awaiting transportation to safety. Jacobson's instruc-
tions, received at 1030 hours on the 29th, recalled Can Tho's four Air
America helicopters to Saigon to make up some of the losses suffered
earlier that morning when the North Vietnamese shelled Tan Son Nhut.
Thc US Navy had declined to commit any helicopter lift to Can Tho, and
this left the American and local employees of the Consulate to make their
way by boat down the Mekong River to the South China Sea. At noon,
). LaGuc\lx interview, 23 November 1992;1 IMemorandum to the Director of Central
Intelligence. "Funds Abandoned at Saigon Station,"1 I July 1 9 7 5 ~ IThe title of
the memorandum implies that not all the Station's funds were saved. but the amount lost is not
"Schofield interview, 3 September 1992.0
'''Jamcs Delancy, Memorandum for the Chief of Station, Vietnam, "The Final Evacuation of Can
Tim Hasc Personnel in MR-4, 2 May I97
Memorandum for the Re.c_ord.:.'E.vacuation of
Call Tho Base Personnel," 27 May 1975; I
Delaney discovered that McNamara and his party had just left on the
Consulate's Navy landing craft. Then, at 1320 hours, two Air America
helicopters suddenly appeared; their pilots had not received Jacobson's
order. Delaney radioed McNarnara, suggesting a rendezvous with the air-
craft, but McNamara replied that he preferred to continue by boat.
Delaney loaded the aircraft with his Americans and a few of his Fil-
ipino and Vietnamese employees, and they flew out to the USS Barbour
County in the South China Sea. But most of the local staff could not be
accommodated, and some one hundred employees and family members
were left behind.
Like his colleagues in the other military regions, Delaney had been
left to his own devices in the matter of evacuation preparations and deci-
sions. Polgar later said he did not recall issuing any specific instructions to
his offices in the four Military Regions: "The Base Chiefs were all experi-
enced, senior officers. I could rely on them to do the right thing."43D
The Due HotelD
While Delaney and his group were flying out to the Barbour
County, accelerating chaos in Saigon nullified many evacuation prepara-
tions. Of particular concern was the Due Hotel, several blocks from the
Embassy, which housed many Station employees. After the air attack on
Tan Son Nhut on the 28th, the Station had sent contract employee Joe
Hartmann to the Due to set up communications and transportation proce-
dures. The communications worked, but transportation fell victim to the
loss of Air America helicopters during the airport bombardment at dawn
on the 29th. As the morning wore on, Hartmann's repeated requests to the
Embassy's Evacuation Control Center brought no helicopters to the Due.
By 1430 hours, he was reporting a nearly continuous clatter of small
arms fire from ARVN soldiers in the neighborhood. The buses ordered to
evacuate the Filipino and Vietnamese employees had not appeared, and
Robert Cantwell, Polgar's Chief of Support, decided to wait for them no
longer. Accordingly, he instructed Hartmann to move the 33 Americans
out by helicopter.'I4D
29-30July 19930
""Thomas Polgar, Memorandum for Chicf, East Asia Division, "Evacuation of Station-Planning
uud Evenls," 31 May \975,1 I

But Cantwell could not supply the airlift, and Hartmann had to
improvise. He climbed to the hotel roof, where he ignited smoke gre-
nades in hopes of attracting the attention of Air America pilots flying in
the vicinity. The second grenade drew a helicopter to the rooftop landing
zone. It would take two trips to move all the Americans, the pilot said,
and he was too Iowan fuel to make two round trips to the Embassy
before heading out to sea for refueling by the Navy. So half the group
flew to the Embassy and the remainder, preoccupied during their wait
with keeping the local employees from joining them on the roof, flew
directly to a Navy vessel in the South China Sea." D
Because of their exposed position at Tan Son Nhut, the Defense
Attache personnel there got first priority when the 7th Fleet, standing
offshore, launched the helicopter lift at just after 1500 hours. While the
C-53 helicopters shuttled between the airfield and the fleet, the limited
Embassy airlift made only slow progress moving the hundreds of Ameri-
cans and Vietnamese inside the compound. Meanwhile, the thousands of
frightened Vietnamese outside the perimeter threatened to flood through
the gates and fences. To leave the compound was now impossible, and
the only thing the Station and Mission could do was to post officers at
the gates to identify Vietnamese contacts who managed to get close
enough to be lifted bodily over the wall.
Polgar and some of his people were there, looking for familiar
faces. One of them spotted an ARVN colonel, a contact in the psycholog-
ical warfare unit, and told him to form human wedges of the people he
wanted to get inside. Those whom he managed to get to the wall were
allowed to throw one bag over before being hoisted to safety. In the con-
fusion, US Marine guards unaware of this arrangement threw some of
the baggage back over the wall. Their evident purpose was to protect
against explosives, but the result was to deprive some evacuees of irre-
placeable identity papers. 47 D .
The acting chief of the Station's Air Branch, O. B. Harnage, con-
stituted Polgar's only resource to rescue both his own Vietnamese con-
tacts and other KIPs stranded at various US facilities scattered across
Saigon. Harnage requisitioned an Air America helicopter and survived
an afternoon of wild confusion tracking down refugees and plucking
them from rooftops and parking lots. Polgar worried particularly about
the apartment house at 22 Gia Long Street, the site of DCOS LaGueux's
"Butler, Fall ofSaigon, Pl'. 445, 477-479,1 1Polgar interview, 29-30July [993.D
"Polgar interview, 29-30 July 1993. Some probably lost substantial material assets, as wenD
apartment, where notables including Tran Van Don and General Binh's
principal aide had been instructed to assemble. As of 1630 hours, Polgar
feared he would not be able to get them out.
The COS now asserted that "The die is cast. We are leaving. That
means everybody, including Ambassador Martin.... At this point all
Station personnel in Embassy or en route to ships by chopper." Some of
the Marine helicopters serving the lift from Tan Son Nhut were taking
fire, apparently from disgruntled ARVN personnel, and the Embassy was
now a "beleaguered fortress" with an uncontrollable crowd of Vietnam-
ese blocking all entrances. The "end has come too fast and there is no
pretty ending to this."49 D
Harnage finally reached the group at 22 Gia Long, but there were
more potential evacuees there than he could handle. The Station could not
get a helicopter into thc Agency logistics compound, and the Vietnamese
there were left behind. Reporting at 1820 hours, Polgar was nevertheless
encouraged by the smooth functioning of the lift from the Embassy. He
took time to tell Headquarters that Ted Shackley's former driver had
become one of the heroes of the day. Ut had left the Embassy, going over
the wall and forcing his way through the mob to the Lee Hotel, another
assembly point, where he correctly identified the Station's KIPs and
escorted them to a safer location, from which they were eventually
extractcd." 0
. One much larger group of evacuees also enjoyed good luck. A large
radio propaganda operation aimed at North Vietnam employed four
Agency case officers and nearly a thousand Vietnamese. Well before
Communist fire closed the Saigon airport, the Station flew them all to
Phu Quoc Island, in the Gulf of Thailand. Communications with them
then failed, and some anxious hours followed before Headquarters
arranged with CINCPAC to direct an American freighter to rescue the
entire group." D
Late afternoon saw a continuous shuttle of C-46 helicopters at the
Embassy, while the larger C-53s worked to rescue a large American con-
tingcnt at the Defense Attache compound at Tan Son Nhut. By this time,
North Vietnamese artillery located cast of Saigon was launching shells
over the city to strike the airport. On their own authority.] I
I Idcstrayed their equipment. Having no other duties, they then
joined a group of Station employees in Polgar's outer office on the top
floor. /\ Marine emerged from the elevator, saying he needed l7 people
"Saigon 29 April interview, 29-30 July
11)l):I.n ----------,
'''lhlnuIJlhcrcdSaigon cablc,c=:r-- ----.J
"Polgar interview, 29-30 July 1993U

for the next shuttle from the parking lot. I Iand Schofield
looked at each other, wondering if they ought to seek instructions. There
seemed to be no point in it, and they and fifteen others followed the
Marine downstairs.
l 2
The End of the EnterpriseD
Weakened by illness, Ambassador Martin struggled to extend the
helicopter lift, urging Kissinger, CINCPAC, and the White House to
keep the C-53s coming. Confusion and the infiltration of new refugees
had required a continuously revised estimate of the numbers remaining,
and Washington finally lost patience and declared finis: early in the
evening, between 1900 and 2000 hours, a presidential message
instructed Martin that the evacuation would cease at 0345 hours the next
morning. Apprised of the deadline, Polgar cabled that" ... this will be
final message from Saigon Station. It will take us about twenty minutes
to destroy equipment. 0320 hours we must
terminate classified transmission.">'
"It has been a long and hard fight and we have lost," Polgar wrote.
Reflecting his conviction that the fault lay in Washington, he continued:
The severity of the defeat and circumstances of it however
would seem to call for a reassessment of the policies of niggardly
half measures which have characterized much of our participation
here despite the commitment of manpower and resources which
were certainly generous. Those who fail to learn from history are
forced to repeat it. Let us hope that we will not have another
Saigon experience and that we have learned our lesson ... Saigon
signing off. 54 D
But there remained several hours before communications equip-
ment would have to be destroyed, and Polgar came back on the air at
2100 hours. He reported that the Station would be down to eight people
after the next helicopter departed. The commander of the 7th Fleet was
urging the Ambassador to end the evacuation within the next two hours,
but the COS judged this impossible: the lift was going well, but

.\1 Unnumbered Saigoncable,1
."[IJ;d.O L- _

"despite best efforts Marines there has been steady infiltration into
Embassy. compound all day. At times as many were coming in as going
out [by helicopter].""D
At exactly 2300 hours, Polgar responded by flash precedence to
another exhortation from Headquarters to get all Americans out of
Saigon. He thought the injunction unnecessary, he said, noting that while
only a few officials remained, there were still a good many US nationals
with Vietnamese relatives. Thirty more sorties by the big C-53 helicop-
ters had been promised, and "with a little luck we should be able to clear
up compound. I doubt Ambassador will want to leave on any but last
chopper, or perhaps on last one but for Marines." There was, at the
moment, no sign of major enemy activity, but there was also no question
that could "open up just as they did last night."'6D
DCI Colby had just sent his own last message to Saigon, praising
the Station's display, over the years and in the last few weeks, of
courage, integrity, dedication, and high competence.... Thou-
sands of Vietnamese owe their lives and future hopes to your
efforts, your government has profited immensely from the accuracy
and breadth of your reporting, and your country will one day learn
with admiration of the way you represented its best instincts and
ideals. Good luck and many thanks.
Polgar responded with his own thanks, regretting that only he,
DCOS LaGueux, and four communicators remained to "receive and cher-
ish" the message. "I cannot match your eloquence but my conscience
tells me that it was not for lack of our effort or understanding of the situa-
(ion that we failed."570
The Vietnam Station's final word, at 0120 hours on 30 April,
described the evacuation as having slowed to 'a glacial pace. Darkness
was impeding the lise of the poorly lit Embassy parking lot, and most of
the large helicopters were servicing the Defense Attache compound at
Tan Son Nhut, where other Americans waited for evacuation. Polgar
wrote that Saigon was relatively quiet, but that experience suggested a
resumption of enemy fire after 0400 hours; he hoped he would still be
there at that time to file a last report. ~ R D
~ -r-r' ..l- -,-------.J unnumbered 'Saigon cable,
But this was not to be. At just about 0400 hours, a Marine major
marched up to Ambassador Martin and announced that if he did not
immediately board the waiting helicopter, the major would carry him to
it. Martin finally accepted the inevitable; Polgar, LaGueux, and evacua-
tion coordinator Jacobson were among those who boarded the aircraft
with him. They flew east to the USS Blue Ridge, where they joined ear-
lier evacuees for the voyage to Subic Bay.59 D
"Polgar interview, 29-30 July 1993.0
Epilogue (U)
Polgar proceeded from Subic Bay I IThere he begged for
Headquarters' permission to visit Station employees and people on the
KIP list among the Vietnamese refugees at Guam. Headquarters worried
about possible press attention, but Polgar felt a "strong moral obligation"
to demonstrate Agency interest and concern. As for publicity, he pro-
posed to keep a low profile. In any case, he argued, possible later
charges that the Agency had abandoned its own Vietnamese presented a
greater risk than media attention to his proposed visit to those who had
made it out. Headquarters bowed to this appeal, and the COS prepared to
depart for Guam.' ~
I Polgar drafted a review of the Station's per-
formance since mid-March which implicitly defended his reluctance to
emphasize evacuation preparations. He noted that he had correctly pre-
dicted imminent defeat, after ARVN abandoned the Central Highlands,
seeing it now as "probably hastened by the American-sponsored mass
evacuation which took away any remaining will to fight." He defended
his efforts to promote the negotiated surrender that would have obviated
an emergency evacuation, saying that Communist overtures had "sug-
gested a glimmer of hope" which, absent a better alternative, had to be
pursued. Even after military pressure on Saigon resumed on 26 April, he
said, Communist demands "permitted the inference" that Hanoi expected
a continuing US presence in Saigon. But the South Vietnamese had dith-
ered after Thieu's resignation, and by the time of General Minh's acces-
sion on 28 April, "it was probably too late" even had Minh avoided the
fatal mistake of a vigorously anti-Communist 'inaugural speech. Estab-
lishing that he had not been alone in holding out hope for negotiations,
Polgar went on to note the interdiction of the port of Vung Tau on the
27th as a violation of an "apparent understanding" between the Soviets
and "high-level" Washington, i.e., Henry Kissinger.
~ I landl l I
~ The "glimmer of hope" formulation considerably understates the degree of confi-
dence in a negotiated settlement which Polgar had earlier conveyed to the members of his Station
and to Headql1anersD
Amba.uador Graham
MaT1in Oft board USS Bl ue
Ridge. J or 2 ,\Iell. /9 75.
Sm." h Vi t"tlU1mt' ,f ' Navy vesset in distress, Sf.mth China Sea. May 1975.
PlIf"Ob, T'lrmNlU roigar. ~ ' t I I et-
"hill" b:r l1wnuu /'II/I:0T.
arriving at Guam.
May IlJ75.
Th,. USS HIm'
1'1"" 1> ..t1rJ' of TIr"''' tlf /' ,Il fl,QT.
C0126871 7
RejuRt'f'5 arri ving at Gumn.
May /975.
PJralo by ThUl"") ""Ixar,
Polgar criticized Washington's policy guidance to the Embassy, dur-
ing the last week, as "frequently contradictory and at times unrea listic"
when viewed against developments in Vietnam, If he had been viewed as
"mov ing too fur anti lou fast on various fronts," he wrote , "the North
Vietnamese were moving a great deal faster." And he had coordinated
every one of his move.s with Ambassador Ma rtin. But all of this had come
10 naught, and 011 29 April, with Tan Son Nhut under fire, ' T he American
Embassy W:IS not in an evacuation posture: ' Polgar implicitly acknowl-
edged that the Station had not been far ahead of the Embassy in thi s
respect. lIe and Latlueux had spent an hour that morning responding 10
Mart in's requirement for :I "hard core" Station of 50 people; that time
"s hould have been spent in moving indigenous personnel into [the]
Emha ssy compound." Thu s, " while the total numher of Vietnamese CV3C-
uuicd looks impressive, the percentage of KIP' s and others of direct inter-
est to [the] US Governme nt will turn out to bedisappointi ngl y
'I/Iid. I'ct gar docs flOC menlioCi here the co nvicuon he and LaGlIt' Uli dre w from the Nang e lpc-
nC11IX IIMI ;;11 uulelly lrulli !l evactlalion from Saigon would be Impossi ble. Thi s mUit heve bee n.
111051 compelliug mhibuor of lund)' andenergelic cvacuation No
II ' liIl:.\ have I)('CII {. lUlld hlf the nUl lihersof KfPs evacuated or the proportion of the lotallhcsc 1C'fJ-
I"C-'It'll ie tl !

Apparently still persuaded that an earlier and more active approach
to evacuation would have backfired, the COS nevertheless courageously
included himself when he said that "the delay by Embassy and Station to
move with greater decisiveness toward total evacuation between 0400
and 1100 hours of 29 April was [a] major error of judgment." Neverthe-
less, if he and the Station could have done better, and if Martin, finally
awakened to the crisis, deserved credit for his devotion to moving the
greatest possible number of Vietnamese, Polgar put final blame on the
Ambassador for the Mission's unpreparedness: Martin "simply could not
bring himself to override organizational boundaries and to use available
personnel as a team. " .. His failure to delegate authority and his continu-
ing concern to win points in debate over policy with Washington
deprived the Mission of the leadership without which a hierarchic organi-
zation cannot function." Polgar concluded in painfully ambivalent fash-
ion: "While we regret and feel guilty about those we could not take with
us," there was was reason for pride and satisfaction in the numbers suc-
cessfully evacuated. "We believe that within the perimeters [sic] of the
physical means available to us, we did the best we could.": D
DCl Colby had the last, conflicted word in a cable that reflected his
anguish over the outcome in a place to which he had dedicated so much
time and energy, and to which he had developed an intense personal
commitment. Sent to Polgar on Guam; it assured the COS of the DCl's
"total confidence that you were acting in every way in full step with pol-
icy. Your reporting was the basis on which we here were able to press
certain actions which I believe had some beneficial effect in terms of
people evacuated." Colby continued in an elegiac tone, his stilted lan-
guage revealing the strain of the effort to praise the Station's perfor-
mance during the final catastrophe.' "Except for the lament for allies left
behind. he might have been proposing an epitaph not just for the work of
the final weeks but for all of the Agency's endeavors in Vietnam since
It is all too easy to think about the "might-have-beens" which
would have made the solution ideal. In fact, however, I think you
should rest in very good conscience at having done a superlative
job and accomplished much more than many of us might have
feared. It is important now not to nit and pick over the details of
that performance but to focus on the fact that in the large it was
successful and achieved a high percentage of what anyone might
have hoped. I know this is no solace to those of us who think in
terms of individual people left behind but I think it is an important
attitude to take with respect to the dignity of our country and our
The Inhibitions of the Anti-Communist MindO
This story of the role of the Vietnam Station in the American strug-
gle to make military government successful in South Vietnam omits the
military and economic, and even some of the political developments that
would be included in any comprehensive account of the enterprise. But
an account from the CIA perspective is not as constricting as might at
first glance appear. To begin with, the Station's intelligence mission made
CIA management in Saigon an informed observer of all significant devel-
opments in South Vietnam. Perhaps more important, the Station was inti-
mutely involved in the continuous effort to stabilize and liberalize the
succession of military or military-dominated regimes that arose in late
1963. And finally, t.he Station Jed the effort, never completely successful,
to develop an integrated rural pacification program.
The record of the CIA experience in Vietnam thus provides the
material for some judgments about the outcome there and about the qual-
ity of the Agency's participation. There is ample room for different inter-
pretations, but for the author one inference is inescapable. This is that,
entirely aside from the quality of the Agency's, or indeed America's, effort
to save South Vietnam, the perennial weakness of the Saigon government
and the implacable will of its Viet Cong and North Vietnamese adversaries
are what determined the outcome. The withdrawal of US ground forces,
beginning in 1969, and later of combat air support, certainly affected the
j I I
"The air wur against the North was, to be sure, quite another matter, and President Johnson's per-
sonal attention to the selection of bombing targets became legendary. But with respect to the South,
thc onlyserious Washington effort to shape American thinking cvcn about strategy, let alone tac-
lies. came from Walt Rostow at the White House, As National Security Adviser, Rostow had been
a vocal proponent of air bombardment of the North for more than a year before the Administration
adopted that course. But his cerebrations about insurgency as a byproduct of the economic mud-
crnizurion process overlooked the anticolonial origins ancltherefore the essentially political nature
or the Vietnam \\',n".O
timing of the GVN's collapse, but a massive American military presence
could not permanently substitute for the mobilization of the
South that always eluded Saigon's leadership.7U
But despite the pessimism of some Agency analysts, it was hardly
self-evident, immediately after the fall of Ngo Dinh Diem, that the gener-
als would not succeed where Diem had failed. The Station and the rest of
the US Government hoped that, however politically untutored, the gener-
als would share the widespread American conviction that their principal
order of business was to inspire active loyalty in the GVN's urban and
especially its rural constituencies.D
The CIA's initial reaction to the challenge in Vietnam had reflected
not just the spirit of the times but more specifically the activist spirit
inherited from the ass and encouraged during Dwight Eisenhower's
presidency. The Agency's support of Ngo Dinh Diem, beginning in'
1954, reflected the confidence of an organization which took credit for
the recent defeat of the HMB agrarian revolt in the Philippines. The Plans
Directorate was then basking also in the glow of successful coups d'etat
in Iran and Guatemala. This self-assurance survived the 1961 Bay of
Pigs embarrassment, and, when the moment came in late 1963 to begin
. again in South Vietnam, the Station entertained no doubts about its ability
to meet the challenge. To Agency officers in the field, the US military
seemed too uncomprehending and the State Department too passive. In
the eyes of the operations people, this left CIA once again to pick up the
What looked like an early opportunity to take the lead role faded
with Ambassador Lodge's resistance to American participation in GVN
planning for the post-Diem period. But the Station would have been con-
fronted with a very tall order, even had it acquired the role the Vietnam-
ese generals implicitly requested for it in late 1963. There is little reason
to believe that CIA could have succeeded where the rest of the US Gov-
ernment ultimately failed in the effort to make leaders out of the politi-
cally myopic and mostly self-interested ARVNofficer corps. In the event,
the Station turned its energies toward more ad hoc programs of urban
'That this judgment represents something more than the wisdom of hindsight is suggested by con-
temporary predictions thai even massive US military involvement would fail to prevent a GVN
defeat. An especially poignant example is the Omega war games conducted in early 1963 with
participants who included Gen. Maxwell Taylor. then military adviser 10 President Kennedy; DCI
John McCone; and Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Curtis leMay. Even after assumptions were
modified 10 meet Air Force objections and the exercise run a second time. the GVN and the United
States went down to decisive defeat. See Roger Warner, Back Fire (Simon and Schuster, 1995)
organization and rural pacification. These initiatives took advantage of
the Station's many longtime contacts throughout South Vietnamese soci-
ety, and reflected the characteristically improvisational CIA style.D
The activities that evolved after late 1963 displayed both the
strengths and the weaknesses of the Clandestine Service that created and
ran them. They reflected, to begin with, the continued recognition that,
despite or even because of military escalation, the GVN had to earn the
active commitment of its people in order to survive. In practice, the selec-
tion of means to reach this goal relied more on, intuitive, extemporized
experimentation than it did on any rigorous analysis of the insurgency.
This approach saved the programs from bureaucratic rigidity, but it also
kept them from systematically addressing the country's structural prob-
lems, especially the gulf between city and country and the GVN's politi-
cally crippling colonial style.D
Indeed, the single weakest aspect of covert political organizing in
Vietnam was precisely the one in which the Agency took the most pride.
William Colby's perennial celebration of CIA political action expertise is
echoed in much other operational correspondence by recurring refer-
ences to the Agency's unique capabilities in this field. But in fact, the
Station's contribution to political mobilization in Vietnam hardly ever
transcended the logistical. In practice, CIA furnished money, materiel,
and advice on organizational technique while leaving program content to
its sundry Vietnamese collaborators. D
The tortured history of political organization in Phong Dinh Prov-
ince exemplifies this approach, which indeed had its merits when the
Station's Vietnamese contacts produced workable ideas of their own.
But even at its best, it perpetuated the almost schizoid Agency (and US
Government) approach to the political aspect of the conflict. The GVN
had to be invigorated and reformed, and the peasantry must be won over
to the government side. CIA did indeed recognize the need to 'develop
peasant leadership, at least at the local level. But it never questioned the
contradictory imperative that this be done without disturbing the social
and economic structure bequeathed by the French colonial regime. D
No one argued that this structure was free of inequities, but it
seemcd to Agency and other US officials to be positively idyllic, com-
pared with the evil of the Communist system that challenged it. Ameri-
cans took for granted that not only they but all South Vietnamese saw the
decisive moral superiority of the Saigon government. One result of this
perception was that CIA saw no need to look much beyond anti-Commu-
nism and promises of economic benefits in the design of its political pro-
grams. Indeed, when it came to the organization of a political front like
Lien Minh, the question of a substantive agenda.hardly arose.D
True, a program like Lien Minh had the limited, essentially cos-
metic, purpose of creating a facade of national unity behind President
Thieu. But it remains that the Agency's covert action managers seldom
recognized in practice that their political programs assumed a citizenry
basically disposed both to accept the GVN's legitimacy and to help it
defeat the Viet Congo That some, both urban dwellers and peasants, met
this expectation did not make it a valid universal principle. Like the other
US participants in the drama, CIA was caught up in the paradox that
only a basic transformation in the distribution of power could save a gov-
ernment whose interests and identity lay in preserving the status quo. D
The Actor as ObserverD
Responsibility to help achieve a policy goal inevitably exerts pres-
sure on intellectual objectivity when the actor has to evaluate the pros-
pects and then the results of his own efforts. A perfectly banal
observation, but one that takes on real poignancy when an intelligence .
agency, whose basic charter calls for disinterested advice to policymak-
ers, becomes an interested party by virtue of its commitment to action
programs. D
It is clear that CIA analysts, whether working in Saigon or in Wash-
ington, consistently viewed GVN prospects, and the merits of all US pro-
grams aimed at improving those prospects, more skeptically than did the
operations managers. As had been the case during the Diem period,
Chiefs of Station in Saigon after 1963 sometimes thought they had found
a formula that promised eventual victory. Peer de Silva was the most fer-
vidly optimistic of them, but several of his successors also developed a
personal commitment to the CIA role in assuring the GVN's survival.
This was the case with Theodore Shackley and Thomas Polgar-perhaps
John Hart as well-who put their faith not in a pacification scheme, as
de Silva did, but in the person of Nguyen Van Thieu.D
The biases of these managers shaped their own interpretations of
events and certainly had the potential to distort the intelligence process.
In fact, they seem not to have affected to any significant degree either
the thrust of Agency analysis or the content of intelligence reporting from
Saigon. No Chief of Station' ever censored the product of his Intelligence
Directorate analytical unit, and the officers staffing the unit seem not to
have been intimidated by their successive chiefs' personal convictions.
On the intelligence collection side, many of the working-level case offic-
ers reporting on the South Vietnamese political climate dealt with sources
who were far less sanguine than Station management about the GYN's
progress and prospects. Pessimistic accounts from these contacts might
have to meet rigorous dissemination standards, but well-sourced, factual
reporting did not fail to be distributed.D
Perhaps the single most contentious issue, especially in the later
years, was that of corruption in the GVN. Shackley and Polgar, both of
whom questioned its very relevance, did not encourage reporting on it.
nut their reluctance reflected not only their judgment of its importance
but also the scarcity of specific, verifiable allegations. Solid information
would be disseminated whether it supported managerial proclivities or
not. Only in the area of rural pacification did Station reporting--even
then mostly operational, not intelligence reporting-sometimes uncriti-
cally echo managerial preference. Under de Silva, the Station's posses-
. sion of a potentially successful pacification formula became an article of
faith. Later, under Shackley, the Station tacitly ceded the evaluation of
rural loyalties to the pacification managers at MACV, first Robert Komer,
then William Colby. Toward the end, under Polgar, the villagers' prefer-
ence for the GVN was simply taken for granted. Political allegiance in the
countryside had then ceased to exist as an intelligence question. sO
A Tough Nut To CrackD
That the Station's professional objectivity largely survived the pres-
sures of a simultaneous action role allowed it to provide competent intel-
ligence coverage of its Southern ally through the duration of the conflict.
This objectivity did not suffice to ensure equally competent reporting on
the Communist adversary. It is of course never easy to penetrate an
adversary whose organization enjoys high morale and discipline. This
generic difficulty was compounded in South Vietnam by the inaccessibil-
ity of Communist cadres to direct American manipulation and by the irre-
deemable inefficiency of the GVN's intelligence agencies. The most
prolific source of policy-level information at any time during the war
was himself a mere district cadre to Ithe creation of
better access eluded CIA to the end.
Jt seems likely that the informal approaches to the NLF that
began in 1967 actually contributed to the near-invulnerability, from an
intelligence perspective, of the Communist leadership in the South. It is
'Shackley's passivity regarding rural political loyalties may have reflected his knowledge that tbe
firsl priority otrbc Nixon administration was to find a way to liquidate the US commitment in Viet-
naru; the objective had become to escape military defeat. As US interest in "nation-building" fad-
ed, so did Ihal of the GVN. Within a year of Shackley's arrival, repression of the Viet Cong rural
upparatus had become. the dominant if not tile exclusive Iocus of the pacification effort.D
difficult to imagine how these overtures could have been received as
anything but an acknowledgment, however reluctant, that the United
States was looking for a way to disengage. Seen this way at COSVN
headquarters and in Hanoi, attempts at informal communication could
only have helped to bolster the Communists' conviction that their
strength of will exceeded that of the Americans. This expectation was
essentially realized a year later, when President Johnson proposed offi-
cial talks and abandoned the quest for a second full term. D
At the very least, the modest results of strenuous efforts to obtain
contl'OIled sources on Vietnamese Communist policy and plans suggest
the limitations of agent operations in such circumstances. In Vietnam,
physical inaccessibility and cultural remoteness only compounded the
already-formidable obstacles posed by Communist discipline, political
sophistication, and the elan that seems to have arisen from an unshake-
able expectation that the GVN and US resolve would weaken.D
Flawed as they were, CIA's action programs, including the ones
described in this volume, represented the most nearly coherent, compre-
hensive approach to the insurgency taken by any American agency in
Vietnam. That these efforts took place in an ultimately losing cause
docs not detract from their instructive value. Indeed, if it is true that fail-
ure is a better teacher than success, the Agency's activities in Vietnam
deserve all the more attention precisely because they were not rewarded
with victory. D
Note on Sources D

Although the author served in Vietnam for two years beginning in

the spring of 1963, his own experience has contributed in only the most
fragmentary way to the preparation of this volume. Indeed, he has been
chastened. while writing this and two companion studies, to discover how
little he then understood of the' environment in which he and his col-
leagues were trying to help shore up a tottering South Vietnamese Gov-
ernment. Even for the period of his own service, therefore, the author has
relied primarily on the operational files of the Directorate of Operations
and on interviews with CIA'veterans of the period. D
The author's two forthcoming companion pieces complete the
Agency history of the CIA contribution to US efforts to create a viable
nation-state in South Vietnam:
CIA and the House {!1.!fgo: Covert Action in South Vietnam, 1954-
1963 (CIA History Staff).U
The CIA, the Viet Cong, and the Peasantry: Rural Pacification in
South Vietnam (CIA History Staft).D
Published sources have provided background and supplementary
detail. The most useful of these have been:
Butler, David. The Fall ojSaigon. London: Sphere Books, 1986.0
Clarke, Jeffrey C. Advice and Support: The Final Years. Washing-
ton, DC: Center of Military History, 1988.0
Colby, William E. Lost Victory. Chicago: Contemporary Books,
De Silva, Peer. Sub Rosa: The Uses oj Intelligence. New York:
Times Books, 1978.0
Herring, George C. America's Longest War: The United States and
Vietnam 1950:....1975. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Second Edition,
. '. LHI and Vietnam: A j2iJJerent Kind of War. Austin,
TX: The University of Texas Press, 1994.U . .
Kahin, GeorgeMcT. Intervention: How America Became Involved
in Vietnam. Garden City, New York: Anchor Books, 1987.0
Karnow, Stanley. Vietnam: A History. Penguin Books, 1983.0
Kissinger, Henry A. White House Years. Boston: Little, Brown, and
Co., 1979.0
Pentagon Papers, Gravel Edition. Boston: Beacon Press, 1971.
Volumes II and Ill. 0
Race, Jeffrey. War Comes to Long An. Berkeley: University of
California Press, 1972.0
Spector, Ronald. After Tet: The Bloodiest Year in Vietnam. New
York: The Free Press, 1993.0
Tang, Truong Nhu. A Viet Cong Memoir. Vintage Books, 1986.0
US Department of Slate. Foreign Relations of the United States,
1964-1968, Volume I, Vietnam, 1964. Washington, DC, US Government
Printing Office, 1992.0
S e ~
C01268717 _ S e ~ F e t
"Wise Men", 75
"young Turks", 32
Disenchantment with Khanh, 30
303 Committee, 80, 85, 88
Abrams, Creighton, 92, 103, 112, 113
complaints about ARVN, 112
Abzug, Bella, 139
Acheson, Dean, 75
Air America, 168
Allen, George, 75
All-VietnamBloc, 55,58
Army, Dean, 91, 92
An Quang Buddhists, 38, 39
Armed Forces Council, 31, 32, 33, 35
Be, Nguyen, 90
Berger, Samuel, 83, 86, 99, 106
. Binh, Nguyen Khac, 95,108, III, 138,
150, 151, 160, 163, 165, 175,
Boothe, Henry, 167, 168
'B'l:t::.d""dii:hT:j s7:
:-" , ""30",-4"'3'."10"1-,7
;;-6--,-:; 1-:; 4=7- -
Struggle Movement, 42
Bundy, McGeorge, 31, 77
Bundy, William, 41
Bunker, Ellsworth, 48, 51, 52, 54,55,
56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 62, 69, 75,
86,88,89,92,94,98,99, 101,
102, 104, 105, J06, 108, 109,
112, 118, 119, 120, 122, 123,
126, 127, 128, 130, 131, 133,
Backgroundof, 51
. on Ky's presidential
candidacy, 53
Use of Saigon Station, 52
Buu, Tran Quoc, 9, 7!!, 80, 98, 137, 152
US incursioninto, 98
Can, Nguyen Ba, 81, 121, 125, 137,
146, 177, 181, 188,189, 195,
Can Lao (Labor) Party, 106
Cantwell, Robert, 215
Cao, Huynh Van, 44, 137
Carver, George, 52, 54, 73, 75, 97,
Views on evacuation, 172
Catholic Priests' Anti-Corruption
Movement, 145
Catholics, Vietnamese, 24,42,57
Central IntelligenceAgency
Presence in South Vietnam,S
Saigon Station, 5
Central Intellience Agency (CIA)
and Green Beret incident, 92
and National LiberationFront, 41,
Assessment of militarysituation
after Paris agreement, 141
Assessments of 1975
offensive, 149
Assessments of ARVN. 103. 104
Attitude toward Buddhists, 100,
Contact with NLF. 47
Contacts with Buddhists
and National Liberation
Front, 6
Contacts with Hungarians, 132,
Contacts with South Vietnam
dissidents. 147, 148
Efforts to improve South
Vietnams' intelligence
capability, 95
Evacuation policy, 172, 178, 182
Evaluation of its participation in
Vietnam War, 226, 227, 228,
Evaluation of Station Chiefs, 229
Implementation of 1973 truce, 7
Intelligence after fall of
Da Nang, 170
Intelligence on 1975 offensive,
Involvement in 1967 presidential
election in South
Vietnam, 54, 58
Involvement with military
Leadership, 45
Pacification, 21.33,69,93
Perception of Ky, 26, 28
Political action,S, 51, 69. 93, 97.
98. 100, 101. 102. 106. 114,
us. 136,228
Propaganda, 75
Relations with Buddhists, 38, 43
Relations with Khanh 20, 27
Relations with Ky 36
Relations with South Vietnam
government, 117
Relations with Thieu, 84, 86
Reporting on Easter offensive,
107, 109, 111,112, 113, 114
Saigon (Vietnam) Station, 5. 7, 9,
10, 12, 19, 20, 22, 25, 34, 36,
38,47,49,51,53, 54,55,56,
58. 59, 65, 69, 71, 75, 76, 81,
82,83. 84, 86,87,88,91,92,
94, 95. 97, 98, 99, 100, 101.
102, 106, 117, 132, 136, 138,
Sources in Dai Viet Party, 25
Sources in South Vietnam
government, 125, 143, 152, 153
Sources in Viet Cong, 118, 121,
Sources on Ky, 36
Sources on Thieu, 36
Station's assessments after Paris
agreement, 136
staybehind operations, 174
Subsidy to Lien Minh, 84. 89
Subsidy to NSDF, 90
LT=e-c-'-h-ru-:-' c-a-:-I-s-u-rv-e""il'la-n-=-ce-:--:o:Cf'-N=orth
Vietnamese, 78
Central Intelligence Organization
(CIO), 12,35,95, 111
Chat. Le Cong, 201
Chin, Robert, 157, 158, 172
Chinh, Phan Trong, 113
CIO (see Central Intelligence
Clements, William, 147, 148
Clifford, Clark, 75
Colby, William, 11, 12, 16,20,22,27,
43, 52, 58, 73, 87, 101, 114,
115, 116, 134, 144, 172, 174,
Post-evacuation assessment. 225
Concin, Lucien, 11, 16, 18, 19,20, 21,
Dismissal by Taylor, 25
Constituent Assembly (Vietnamese),
Corruption in South Vietnam, 148, 149
Coup against Khanh, 31, 33
Ford, Gerald, 178
Fortas, Abe, 75
Francis, Albert, 167
Free Democratic Force (FDF), 76, 80
Fulbright, J, William, 144
Gayler, Noel, 208, 211
Giap, Vo Nguyen, 21
Goldwater, Barry, 23
Gombos, Karoly, 145
Habib, Philip, 49,87,173, 183
Hai, Tran Van, 81, 83
Haig, Alexander, 114, 126, 127, 128
Haldeman, H. R., 131
Hao, Nguyen Van, 152, 153
Harkins, Paul, 11, 17, 18
Harnage, O. B" 215, 216
Harriman, W. Averell, 16,48,120,138
Hart, John, 46, 48, 52, 55, 56, 57, 59,
Opinion of Loan, 47
Becomes COS Saigon, 45
Hartmann, Joe, 214, 215
Helms, Richard, 11,41,52,65,73,85,
92, 105,107,117
Hien, Tran Ngoc, 94
High National Council, 28, 30
Hilsman, Roger, 16
Hoa Hao, 145
Hoan, Nguyen Ton, 19,21
Humphrey, Hubert, 4, 59, 75

Green Beret incident, 91,92
Gregg, Donald, 103, 104
Gustin, Dave, 43
Dunn, Bertram. 45, 48
Dzu, Ngo, 113
Da Nang, 167, 168, 169
fall of, 166, 169
DaiVietParty, 19,25,26,30,42,82
Daly, Vince, 169
Dang, Trail Bach, 58, 59, 61, 62, 63,
De Silva, Peer, 13, 14, IS, 16, 17, 18,
19, 24, 3( 35, 43, 101, 229,
Perceptions of Khanh, 24
Delaney, Jim, 213, 214
Democracy Party, 106, 143
Diem, Ngo Dinh, 1,2,89,90, 101
Diem, Bui, 9, 35
Dinh, Ton That, 10, 12, 18,21,45
Don, Tran Van, 10, II, 12, 16, 17, 18,
21,76,89; 126, 143, 147, 148,
Dong, Pham Van, 125, 137, 143, 152,
Donohue, Thomas, 73, 94
Easter Offensive
Assessmcnts of, 112
Evacuation, 186, 188, 192, 193, 194,
196, '205, 208, 209, 210, 211,

LaGueux, Conrad, 135, 138, 139, 150,
lSI, 159, 163, 176, 177, 178,
Laird, Melvin, 107
Lam, Tran V,Ul, 138, 174
Relations with Miller, 28
Resigns as commander of armed
forces, 31
Resigns as prime minister, 28
Khiem, Tran Thien, 18,25,27,32,33,
44, 81, 98, 99, 100, 105, 106,
107, 109, 118, 122, 123, 126,
137, 138, 143, 144, 145, 152,
153, 154, 161, 163, 166, 170,
Khoi, Dang Due, 76, 105
Kiem, Tan Buu, 49
Kim, Le Van, 12, 17, 18,21
Kissinger, Henry, 4, 105, 117, 118,
119, 120, 121, 126, 131, 132,
.134, 141, 142, 154, 186, 187,
188, 191, 194, 196, 197,201,
Negotiations with Thieu, 119,120
Rebukes Polgar, 206
Komer, Robert, 230
Kaplowitz, Wilfred, 76, 77
Ky, Nguyen Cao, 6,19,24,25,26,28,
29, 30, 32, 42, 43, 45, 46, 50,
51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58,
62, 63, 74, 78, 79, 80, 83, 86,
87, 101, 104, 105, 128, 135,
and youth organization, 30
Attitude toward CIA, 37, 38, 87
Becomes prime minister, 35
Personality of, 36
Presidenti al candidacy, 52
Relations with Thieu, 53
Rivalry with Khanh, 31
Karamcssines, Tom, 16, 102
Katrosh, Ralph, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 87,
89,95, lJ6, 98, 125
and Thieu, 96
Relations with Thicu and Ky, 79
Katzcnbach, Nicholas, 74
Khang, Le Nguyen, 34, 87, 59
Khanh, Nguyen, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17,18,
Attitude toward Taylor, 27, 29
CIA perception of, 20
Connections with Vietnamese
Communists, 35
Leadership abilities, 20
Move against Khiem, 27
Hungarian diplomatic and intelligence
contacts, 130, 132, 184, 185,
187, 190, 191, 202, 203, 206,
Huang, Nguyen Van, 82, 83, 88, 89,
123, 125, 126, 127, 128, 197,
198, 199.203
Huong, Tran Van, 28, 56, 191, 205,
Huy, Nguyen Ngoc, 152, 153, 198
Iran, 142
Jacobson, George, 213, 219
Johnson, Gordon, 32
Johnson, Lyndon n, 3, 23, 41, 48,60,
Selection of new COS/Saigon, 13
Johnson, U. Alexis, 29
Johnson, William, 174
Jorgensen, Gordon, 32, 34, 35, 36, 38,0
S p ~
~ 8 ~
Lamson 719 (Incursion into Laos),
Landreth, Rodney, 125
Lanigan, Robert M" 168
Lansdale, Edward, 44, 45, 52, 55, 115.
Lapham, Lewis, 69, 70, 71, 72, 76, 77,
Layton, Gilbert, 11
Lazarsky, Joseph, 100, 101, 103
Legro, William, 164
Lehmann, Wolfgang, 138, 154, 159,
161, 162, 163
LeMay, Curtis, 227
Lewis, Walt, 45
Lien Minh (National Alliance for
Social Revolution), 80, 81, 84,
Linh, Nguyen Ngoc, 76
Loan, Nguyen Ngoc, 45, 46,50,52,55,
CIA, subsidy to, 45
US perceptions of, 46
Lodge, Henry Cabot, 2, 5, 9,10,11,12,
13, 14, 16,17,18,19,21,22,
Perception of Buddhist Struggle
Movement, 43
Relations with Saigon
Station, 18,38
Returns for second tour as
ambassador, 38
Ly, Le Khac, 157, 158
Markham, James, 144
Martin, Graham, 131, 137, 138, 141,
143, 144, 145, 146, 150, 151,
153, 154, 161, 169, 171,175,
176, 181, 182, 185, 186. 187,
J88, 189, 190, 192,194, 195,
196, 197, 203, 205, 207, 208,
210, 211, 212, 217, 219, 224,
arid Thieu' s resignation, 189
Attitude toward State
Department, 138
Attitude toward Washington,
185, 186
Controls US access to Thieu, 170
Leadership shortcomings, 176
Relationship with Thieu, 143
Suspicion of US press, 144
Use of Saigon Station, 138
Views on evacuation, 185
Mau, Vu Van, 101 .
McCone, John, 13, 14, 15, 16,29,227
Assessment of situation in
Vietnam, 15
McHugh, Patrick, 72
McNamara, Francis, 213, 214
McNamara, Robert, 13,21,29,48
on dealings with NLF, 49
Meany, George, 139
Meiggs, Dana, 91
=- I
Merillon, Jean-Marie, 195
Methven, Stuart, 34
Military Directorate, (Vietnamese), 35
Military Revolutionary Conunittee
Military Revolutionary Council, 15, 16
Miller, Russell, 12,21,26,27,28,29,
31, 32, 46, 50, 54, 55, 56, 57,
Minh, Duong Van ("Big Minh"), 2, 9,
10, n, 12, 15, 16, 24, 25, 28,
29,50,88, 101, 102, 104, 189,
195, 197, 198, 199,200, 205,
Assumes presidency, 207
Minh, Tran Van ("Little Minh"), 9, 10,
Becomes head of armed forces, 33
Mission Council, 90
MRC (Military Revolutionary
Committee), 12
National IntelIigence Coordinating
Committee, 84
National Interrogation Center
(NIC) , 12
National Liberation Front (NLF), 35,
4 ~ 48, 5 ~ 59, 6 ~ 61, 6 ~ 63,
86, 89, 93, 106, 13I
Contacts with US, 58
National Police, 81,144
National Salvation Front (NSF), 76,
77, 80, 89
National Social Democratic Front
(NSDF), 89, 90, 97,101
Natsios, Nick, 78
Nelson, William, 87, 98, 121, 122
Nes, David, 17
New York Times, 144
Ngai, Nguyen Van, 143, )52
Ngan, Nguyen Van, 137 .
Nha Trang, 172
Nha, Hoang Duc, 104, 119,121,123,
J25, 134, 137, [39, 145,163
Nhicu, Lc Van, 35
Nhu, Ngo Dinh, 1, 2, 78, 79
Nicol, Donald J., 157, 158
Nitze, Paul, 74
. Nixon, Richard, 4, 78, 84, 85, 97, 98,
99, 107, /18, 120, 121, 123,
126, 127, J30, 13J, 133, 134,
Nol, Lon, 15!
North Vietnam
Agents in South Vietnam, 95
attack on Pleiku lind Kontum, 157
Nunn, Sam, 154
Omega war games, 227
OperationShock, 73, 74
Osceola, 167, 168
Pacification,33,35, 36, 37,39,45, 72,
93, 103, 171,230
Paris peace agreement, 127
Effecl on military situation,
Modifications to, 133
Restrictions on intelligence
about, 121, 122
Pharn Van Dong, 152
Phat, Huynh Tan, 35
Phat, Lam Van, 32
Phong, Nguyen Xuan, 54, 55, 56, 57,
Phu, Pham Van, 158, 159
Phuong, Tran Kim, 146
Pioneer Commander, 168
Polgar, Thomas, 107, 108, 109, Ill,
/12,113, lIS, 116, 117, 118,
119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 125,
126, 127, 128, 130, 131, 133,
134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139,
141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146,
147, 148, ISO, 153, 154, 155,
157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162,
163, 164, 166, 167, no, 171,
174, 175, 176, 177, 181, 182,
190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195,
~ O - -
196, 197, 198, 199, 200,201,
202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207,
208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 214,
Advocates cease-fire, 183
Advocates negotiated
surrender, 177, 178
Assesses Station's performance,
Criticizes Martin, 225
Assessment of effect of loss of
Central Highlands, 165
Assessment of military
situation, 153,155
Assessment of situation after
Paris agreement, 135
Assessment of South Vietnam
prospects, 142, 143
Attitude toward Kissinger, 196
Avocates negotiated
surrender, 193
Changes to Station reporting, 136
Differences with Washington
evacuation, 164
Dispute with Colby, 114, 115, 116
Perceptions of situation in South
Vietnam, 109
Pushes for Thien's
resignation, 176, 182
Relations with Abrams, 109
Re1atiuns with Ambassador
Martin, 131, 137
Relations with Bunker, 109
Relations with Kissinger, 117
Views on evacuation, 172, 176,
178, 191, 193
Views 011 North Vietnamese
intentions, 184
Works for last minute political
settlement, 195, 197, 198, 200,
Presidential election
in South Vietnam
Provincial Reconnaissance Units
(PRUs), 93, 103
Provisional Revolutionary
Government (PRG), 131
Quang, Dang Van, 83,84,86,95, 102,
108, 114, 133, 134, 138, 142,
143, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149,
151, 152, 159, 160, 163, 164,
165, 166, 167, 170, 174, 175,
183, 194,207,212
Quang, Thich Tri, 26
Quat, Phan Huy, 30, 34, 35,38
Quinn, Ken, 186
Ramsey, Douglas, 106
Resor, Stanley, 92
Richardson, John, 11, 13, 15
Robertson, William "Rip", 42
Rolling Thunder, 31, 33
Rostow, Walter, 65, 74, 88
Flaws in perception of war, 226
Rowland, Robert B., 32
Rusk, Dean, 24, 54
Saunders, Charles, 206
Schofield, Chip, 127, 151, 176, 186,
Scowcroft, Brent, 131
Scrong, Ted, 154
Sexton, John, 105, 106
Shackley, Theodore, 85,86,88,89,91,
105, 107, 108, 136, 146, 148,
160, 165, 166, 169, 170, 171,
S c ~
~ 1 - -
! '
I '
173,174, 178, 179, 190, 192,
194, [96,200,203,206,210,
Biography, 85
Smith, David, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 18,22
Smith, Homer, [60,210
Snepp, Frank, 183, 208
South Vietnam
[971 presidential election,
Economic situation, 150
Political conditions in, 65, 76
Problems in security services, 111
Spear, Moncrieff, [59
Special Branch (South Vietnamese
police), 94, 103, 111
Special Forces, US, 91, 92
Spera, AI, 16, 17,27,35
Stephens, Fred, 158,206
Struggle Movement, 42, 43
Sullivan, William, 105, 134,205
Suu, Pham Khac, 32
Tan, Tran Si, 114
Taylor, Maxwell, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28,
Attitude toward CIA, 23
Relations with Khanh, 29
Resigns as ambassador, 38
Tct offensive, 6, 62, 69, 72, 75
Effect on CIA personnel and
facilities, 09, 71
Intelligence failure, 72
Intelligence on, 71
Postmortems on, 72
Thang, Nguyen Due, 73
Thanh, Ngo Bu, DS, 139, 165,205
Thao, Pham Ngoc, 26, 32
Thi, Nguyen Chanh, 45
Thieme, Earl, 151'. 159
Thicu, Nguyen Van, 3, 6, 19,26,29,
30,31, :13,36,44,51,53,54,
55,57, 5X, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63,
65,74, 75, 76, 78, 79, 80, 81,
82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89,
90, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99,
102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 112,
113, 114, 117, 118, 119, 120,
121, 122, 123, 125, 126, 127,
128, 130, 131, 133, 134, 135,
136, 138, 139, 141, 142, 143,
144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 150,
lSI, 152, 153, 154, 158, 159,
160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 170,
174, 176, 177, 182, 187, 189,
191, 192, 193
American perception of, 6
Attitude toward CIA, 87
Attitiude toward Ky, 57
Attitude toward Nixon, 120, 131
Attitude toward political
action, 97
Attitude toward women, 152
Becomes chief of state, 35
CIA appraisal of, 65
Concern for son, 152
Coup plots against, 174
Leadership failures, 161
Leaves South Vietnam, 203, 205
Personality of, 36
Reaction to Easter offensive, 114
Reaction to fall of Da Nang, 171
Relations with CIA, 96
Relations with Kissinger, 119,
120, [21, 122, 126, 134
Relations with Ky, 80
Resignation, 191
Resistance to political action, 99
Rift with Prime Minister
Khiem, 137
View on Communist threat, 90
Views on peace agreement, 121,
122,123, 125, 126, 127,
128, 134
Views on South Vietnamese
politics, 89
Visits US, 130
Tho, Le Due, 118, 125,132,134
Tho, Nguyen Huu, 48, 49
Tiuunes, Charles J., 101, 136, 189,
Tinh, Chan, 205
Toan, Nguyen Van, 113
Tong, Truong Binh, 59, 61, 62, 63
Tonkin Gulf Resolution, 3, 24, 25
Toth, Janos G., 184, 185, 190, 191,
Tra, Tran Van, 131
Tri Quang, 38, 39, 43, 88
Tri, Do Cao, 87
Trinh, Dinh Chinh, 44
TroIIg, Huynh Van, 94, 95
Tung, Le Quang, 2, 11
US Information Service (US1S), 75
US Mission Council, 90
Vance, Cyrus, 87
Vandaveer, Robert, 135, 136
Vang, Mai '[hi, 62
Valin, John Paul, 94, 113
Vien, Can Van, 26, 27, 63, 134, 137,
Vien, Linh Quang, 44, 61
Vien, Nguyen Luu, 161
Viet Cong, 15
Attacks, 31
Attacks against US, 34
Vietnamization, 4, 102, 106
Vy, Nguyen Van, 18,21
Walt, Lewis W., 42
Westmoreland, William R, 30, 32, 42,
Weyand, Fred, 106, 113, 165, 169, 170
Weyand mission, 166, 171, 178
Wheeler, Earle, 74
Whitehouse, Charles Sheldon, "133,
134, 137
Wilson, Jasper, 17, 18,32
Xuan, Mai Huu, 12, 17, 18,21
Yem, Luu, 195
Yen, Pham Thi, 50, 58

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