Cet - Chemistry - 2013: Version Code: B - 1

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1. IUPAC name of H3C


(1) 4-hydroxy 1 methyl pentanoic acid (3) 2-hydroxy 4 methyl pentanoic acid Ans: (2) 2.

(2) 4-hydroxy 2 methyl pentanoic acid (4) 2-hydroxy 2 methyl pentanoic acid

Alkali metals have negative reduction potential and hence they behave as (1) Oxidising agents (2) Lewis bases (3) Reducing agents (4) Electrolytes Ans: (3) 3. Which of the following gases has the highest value of RMS velocity at 298 K? (1) CH4 (2) CO (3) Cl2 (4) CO2 Ans: (1) 4. Cycloalkane formed when 1, 4-dibromopentane is heated with Sodium is (1) Methyl cyclobutane (2) Cyclopentane (3) Cyclobutane (4) Methyl cyclopentane Ans: (2) 5. In the reaction, 2FeSO4 + H2SO4 + H2O2 Fe2 (SO4)3 + 2H2O, the oxidizing agent is (1) FeSO4 (2) H2SO4 (3) H2O2 (4) Both H2SO4 and H2O2 Ans: (3) Given Thermochemical equation, 2H2 decomposition of water is (1) -571.6 kJ (2) +571.6 kJ Ans: (4) 7. In Buna-S, the symbol Bu stands for (1) 1-Butene (2) n-Butene Ans: (4) 8. The electronic configuration of Cu2+ ion is (1) [Ar] 3d8 4s1 (2) [Ar] 3d9 4so 6.

+ O2


2H2O() ; H = -571.6 kJ. Heat of (4) +285.8 kJ

(3) -1143.2 kJ

(3) 2-Butene

(4) Butadiene

(3) [Ar] 3d7 4s2

(4) [Ar] 3d8 4so

Ans: (2) 9. The yield of the products in the reaction, A2 (g) + 2B(g) C (g) + Q. kJ would be higher at (1) High temperature and high pressure (2) High temperature and low pressure (3) Low temperature and high pressure (4) Low temperature and low pressure Ans: (3)

10. Mesomeric effect involves (1) delocalisation of - electrons (3) partial displacement of electrons Ans: (1)

(2) delocalisation of - electrons (4) delocalisation of and electrons

11. Which one of the following sets of ions represents the collection of isoelectronic species? (1) K+, Cl-, Mg2+, Sc3+ (2) Na+, Ca2+, Sc3+, F (3) K+, Ca2+, Sc3+, Cl (4) Na+, Mg2+, Al3+, Cl Ans: (3) 12. Adsorption theory is applicable for (1) Homogeneous catalysis (3) Autocatalysis Ans: (2) 13. Methane can be (1) Chlorination (2) Chlorination (3) Chlorination (4) Chlorination Ans: (3)

(2) Heterogeneous catalysis (4) Induced catalysis

converted into Ethane by the reactions followed by the reaction with alcoholic KOH followed by the reaction with aqueous KOH followed by Wurtz reaction followed by decarboxylation

14. Intramolecular Hydrogen bonding is formed in (1) H2O (2) Salicyladehyde (3) NH3 Ans: (2)

(4) Benzophenone

15. If 50% of the reactant is converted into a product in a first order reaction in 25 minutes, how much of it would react in 100 minutes? (1) 93.75% (2) 87.5% (3) 75% (4) 100% Ans: (1) 16. The number of optical isomers of the compound CH3 CHBr CHBr COOH is (1) 0 (2) 1 (3) 3 (4) 4 Ans: (4) 17. When limestone is heated, CO2 is given off. The metallurgical operation is (1) Smelting (2) Reduction (3) Calcination (4) Roasting Ans: (3) 18. The rate of reaction increases with rise in temperature because of (1) increase in number of activated molecules (2) increase in energy of activation (3) decrease in energy of activation (4) increase in the number of effective collisions Ans: (1, 3 & 4)

19. Meso compounds do not show optical activity because (1) they do not contain chiral carbon atoms (2) they have non-super imposable mirror images (3) they contain plane of symmetry (4) they do not contain plane of symmetry Ans: (3) 20. When formic acid is heated with concentrated H2SO4, the gas evolved is (1) only CO2 (2) only CO (3) a mixture of CO and CO2 (4) a mixture of SO2 and CO2 Ans: (2) 21. Temperature coefficient of a reaction is 2. When temperature is increased from 30oC to 90oC, the rate of reaction is increased by (1) 60 times (2) 64 times (3) 150 times (4) 400 times Ans: (2) 22. Conversion of benzene to acetophenone can be brought by (1) Wurtz reaction (2) Wurtz-Fittigs reaction (3) Friedel Crafts alkylation (4) Friedel Crafts acylation Ans: (4) 23. Excess of PCl5 reacts with concentrated H2SO4 giving (1) Chlorosulphuric acid (2) Sulphurous acid (3) Sulphury chloride (4) Thionyl chloride Ans: (3) 24. An example for a neutral buffer is (1) Ammonium hydroxide and Ammonium chloride (2) Acetic acid and Sodium acetate (3) Acetic acid and Ammonium hydroxide (4) Citric acid and Sodium citrate Ans: (3) 25. Least energetic conformation of cyclohexane is (1) Chain conformation (2) Boat conformation (3) Cis conformation (4) E-z form Ans: (1) 26. Which of the following is employed in flash tubes in photograph? (1) Ar (2) Ne (3) Kr Ans: (4)
27. Conjugate base of H2PO 4 is (1) HPO 4 (2) HPO 2 4

(4) Xe

(3) H3PO4

(4) PO 3 4

Ans: (2)

28. An alkyl bromide (X) reacts with Sodium in ether to form 4, 5-diethyl octane, the compound X is (1) CH3(CH2)3Br (2) CH3(CH2)5Br (3) CH3(CH2)3CH(Br)CH3 (4) CH3 (CH2)2 CH(Br) CH2 CH3 Ans: (4) 29. Which one of the following shows highest magnetic moment? (1) Fe2+ (2) CO2+ (3) Cr3+ Ans: (1)

(4) Ni2+

30. The emf of a galvanic cell constituted with the electrodes Zn2+ |Zn (-0.76 V) and Fe2+|Fe(-0.41V) is (1) -0.35 V (2) +1.17 V (3) +0.35 V (4) -1.17 V Ans: (3) 31. Which of the following pairs are correctly matched? Reactants RX + AgOH(aq) RX + AgCN(alco) RX + KCN(alco) RX + Na(ether) Products RH RNC RNC R-R 3) II and III 4) II and IV


1) I alone Ans: (4) 32.

2) I and II

In a transition series, with increase in atomic-number, the paramagnetism 1) increases gradually 2) decreases gradually 3) first increases to a maximum and then decreases 4) first decreases to a minimum and then increases Ans: (3) Identify a species which is NOT a Bronsted acid but a Lewis acid. 1) BF3 2) H3+O 3) NH3 Ans: (1) 34. 33. 4) HCl

The compound formed when calcium acetate and calcium formate is dray distilled. 1) Acetone 2) Acetaldehyde 3) Benzaldehyde 4) Acetophenone Ans: (2) d2sp3 hybridisation of the atomic orbitals gives 1) Square planar structure 2) Triangular structure 3) Tetrahedral structure 4) Octahedral structure Ans: (4) 35. 36. The pH of 10-8 M HCl solution is 1) 8 2) 6.9586 Ans: (2) 37. Which of the following is strongly acidic? 1) Phenol 2) o-cresol Ans: (3) 3) More than 8 4) Slightly more than 7

3) p-nitrophenol

4) p-cresol


A group of atoms can function as a ligand only when 1) it is a small molecule 2) it has an unshared electron pair 3) it is a negatively charged ion 4) it is a positively charge ion Ans: (2) 39. Which of the following is NOT a colligative property? 1) Elevation in boiling point 2) Depression in freezing point 3) Osmotic pressure 4) Lowering of vapour pressure Ans: (4) 40. Acetone and Propanal are 1) Functional isomers 3) Geometrical isomers Ans: (1) 41. Which of the following is diamagnetic? 1) H2+ 2) He2+ Ans: (4) 42. 2) Position isomers 4) Optical isomers

3) O2

4) N2

3 gms of urea is dissolved in 45 gms of H2O. The relative lowering in vapour pressure is 1) 0.05 2) 0.04 3) 0.02 4) 0.01 Ans: (3) 43. The reagent used to distinguish between acetaldehyde and benzaldehyde is 1) Tollens reagent 2) Fehlings solution 3) 2-4-dinitrohenyl hydrazine 4) Semicarbazide Ans: (2) 44. Metallic luster is due to 1) high density of metals 3) reflection of light by mobile electrons Ans: (3) 45. 2) high polish on the surface of metals 4) chemical inertness of metals

Which of the following aqueous solutions will exhibit highest boiling point? 1) 0.01 M urea 2) 0.01 M KNO3 3) 0.01 M Na2SO4 4) 0.015M C6H12O6 Ans: (3) 46. Which one of the following gives amine on heating with amide? 1) Br2 in aqueous KOH 2) Br2 on alcoholic KOH 3) Cl2 in Sodium 4) Sodium in Ether Ans: (1) 47. The number of antibonding electrons present in O2- molecular ion is 1) 8 2) 6 3) 5 4) 4 Ans: (3) 48.

The process is spontaneous at the given temperature, if 1) H is +ve and S is ve 2) H is ve and S is +ve 3) H is +ve and S is +ve 4) H is +ve and S is equal to zero Ans: (2) 49. Glucose when reduced with HI and Red Phosphorus gives 1) n-hexane 2) n-heptane 3) n-pentane Ans: (1) 4) n-octane


The stability of a Lyophobic colloid is due to 1) Adsorption of covalent molecules on the colloid 2) The size of the particles 3) The charge on the particles 4) Tyndall effect Ans: (1) 51. Oils are liquids at room temperature since they contain higher percentage of 1) Oleates 2)Palmitates 3) Stearates 4) Myristates Ans: (1) 52. Which of the following cations will have minium flocculation value for arsenic sulphide sol? 1) Na+ 2) Mg2+ 3) Ca2+ 4) Al3+ Ans: (4) 53. The value of entropy of solar system is 1) increasing 2) decreasing Ans: (1) 54. 3) constant 4) zero

In face centred cubic lattice, a unit cell is shared equally by how many unit cells? 1) 6 2) 4 3) 2 4) 8 Ans: (4) 55. The number of disulphide linkages present in Insulin are 1) 4 2) 3 3) 2 Ans: (2) 56. The process of zone refining is used in the purification of 1) Al 2) Ge 3) Cu Ans: (2) 57. 4) 1

4) Ag

The number of water molecules present in a drop of water weighing 0.018 gm is 1) 6.022 x 1026 2) 6.022 x 1023 3) 6.022 x 1019 4) 6.022 x 1020 Ans: (4) 58. Empirical formula of a compound is CH2O and its molecular mass is 90, the molecular formula of the compound is 1) C3H6O3 2) C2H4O2 3) C6H12O6 4) CH2O Ans: (1) 59.

Hybridised states of carbon in Graphite and Diamond are respectively 1) sp3, sp3 2) sp3, sp2 3) sp2, sp2 4) sp2, sp3 Ans: (4) 60. The mass of 112 cm3 of NH3 gas at STP is 1) 0.085 g 2) 0.850 g Ans: (1) 3) 8.500 g 4) 80.500 g

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