Chemistry 2016

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AIPMT Chemistry 2016

1. Consider the molecules CH4, NH3 and H2O. Which of the given statements is false ?
(1) The H –C–H bond angle in CH4, the H–N–H bond angle in NH 3, and the H–O–H bond angle
in H2O are all greater than 90°
(2) The H–O–H bond angle in H2O is larger than the H–C–H bond angle in CH4.
(3) The H–O–H bond angle in H2O is smaller than the H–N–H bond angle in NH3.
(4) The H–C–H bond angle in CH4 is larger than the H–N–H bond angle in NH3.
All the three molecules are sp 3hybridised but the bond angles are different due to the presence of
lone pair. The bond angle of H 2O is 104.50 due to bond pair - lone pair repulsion and the bond angle
of CH4 is 109.250.

2. In the reaction

X and Y are :
(1) X = 1-Butyne ; Y = 3-Hexyne
(2) X = 2-Butyne ; Y = 3-Hexyne
(3) X = 2-Butyne ; Y = 2-Hexyne
(4) X = 1-Butyne ; Y = 2-Hexyne
Ans. (1)

3. Among the following, the correct order of acidity is

(1) HClO3 < HClO4 < HClO2 < HClO
(2) HClO < HClO2 < HClO3 < HClO4
(3) HClO2 < HClO < HClO3 < HClO4
(4) HClO4 < HClO2 < HClO < HClO3

4. The rate of a first -order react ion is 0.04 mol l –1s–1 at 10 seconds and 0.03 mol l–1s–1 at 20 seconds
after initiation of the reaction. The half-life period of the reaction is :
(1) 24.1 s
(2) 34.1 s
(3) 44.1 s
(4) 54.1 s

5. Which one of the following characteristics is associated with adsorption ?

(1) G is negative but H and S are positive
(2) G, H and S all are negative
(3) G and H are negative but S is positive
(4) G and S are negative but H is positive
Adsorption is spontaneous process,
so G = negative
Adsorption is exothermic process,
so H = negative
In adsorpiton entropy decreases,
so S = negative
so G, H and S all are negative

6. In which of the following options the order of arrangement does not agree with the variation of
property indicated against it ?
(1) Al3+ < Mg2+ < Na+ < F– (increasing ionic size)
(2) B < C < N < O (increasing first ionisation enthalpy)
(3) I < Br < Cl < F (increasing electron gain enthalpy)
(4) Li < Na < K < Rb (increasing metallic radius)

7. Which of the following statements is false ?

(1) Mg2+ ions form a complex with ATP
(2) Ca2+ ions are important in blood clotting
(3) Ca2+ ions are not important in maintaining the regular beating of the heart.
(4) Mg2+ ions are important in the green parts of plants.

8. Which of the following statements about hydrogen is incorrect ?

(1) hydrogen has three isotopes of which tritium is the most common.
(2) Hydrogen never acts as cation in ionic salts
(3) Hydronium ion, H3O+ exists freely in solution
(4) Dihydrogen does not act as a reducing agent

9. The correct statement regarding a carbonyl compound with a hydrogen atom on its
alphacarbon,is :-
(1) a carbonyl compound with a hydrogen atom on its alpha-carbon never equilibrates with its
corresponding enol.
(2) a carbonyl compound with a hydrgen atom on its alpha-carbon rapidly equilibrates with its
corresponding enol and this process is known as aldehyde-ketone equilibration.
(3) a carbonyl compound with a hydrogen atom on its alpha-carbon rapidly equilibrates with its
corresponding enol and this process is known as carbonylation.
(4) a carbonyl compound with a hydrogen atom on its alpha-carbon rapidly equilibrates with its
corresponding enol and this process is known as keto-enol tautomerism.

10. MY and NY3, two nearly insoluble salts, have the same Ksp values of 6.2 × 10–13 at room
temperature. Which statement would be true in regard to MY and NY 3 ?
(1) The molar solubilities of MY and NY3 in water are identical.
(2) The molar solubility of MY in water is less than that of NY 3
(3) The salts MY and NY3 are more soluble in 0.5 M KY than in pure water.
(4) The addition of the salt of KY to solution of MY and NY 3 will have no effect on their solubilities.
11. In a protein molecule various amino acids are linked together by :
(1)  -glycosidic bond
(2) -glycosidic bond
(3) peptide bond
(4) dative bond

12. Natural rubber has

(1) All cis-configuration
(2) All trans-configuration
(3) Alternate cis-and trans-configuration
(4) Random cis-and trans-configuration

13. Match items of Column I with the items of Column II and assign the correct code :
Column-I Column-II
(a) Cyanide process (i) Ultrapure Ge
(b) Froth floatation process (ii) Dressing of ZnS
(c) Electrolytic reduction (iii) Extraction of Al
(d) Zone refining (iv) Extraction of Au
(v) Purification of Ni
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i)
(2) (ii) (iii) (i) (v)
(3) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(4) (iii) (iv) (v) (i)

14. Which one of the following statements is correct when SO 2 is passed through acidified K2Cr2O7
solution ?
(1) The solution turns blue
(2) The solution is decolourized
(3) SO2 is reduced
(4) Green Cr2(SO4)3 is formed

15. The electronic configurations of Eu(Atomic No 63), Gd(Atomic No 64) and Tb (Atomic No. 65)
(1) [Xe]4f76s2, [Xe]4f8 6s2 and [Xe]4f85d16s2
(2) [Xe]4f75d16s2, [Xe]4f7 5d1 6s2 and [Xe]4f96s2
(3) [Xe]4f65d16s2, [Xe]4f75d16s2 and [Xe]4f85d16s2
(4) [Xe]4f76s2, [Xe]4f75d16s2 and [Xe]4f96s2

16. Two electrons occupying the same orbital are distinguished by

(1) Principal quantum number
(2) Magnetic quantum number
(3) Azimuthal quantum number
(4) Spin quantum number
16 (4) Two electrons occupying the same orbital differ by spin quantum number.

17. Which copper is heated with conc. HNO3 it produces

(1) Cu(NO3)2 and NO2
(2) Cu (NO3)2 and NO
(3) Cu(NO3)2, NO and NO2
(4) Cu(NO3)2 and N2O

18. Which of the following reagents would distinguish cis-cyclopenta-1,2-diol from the trans-
(1) Acetone
(2) Ozone
(3) MnO2
(4) Aluminium isopropxide

19. The correct thermodynamic conditions for the spontaneous reaction at all temperatures is
(1) H < 0 and S = 0
(2) H > 0 and S < 0
(3) H < 0 and S > 0
(4) H < 0 and S < 0

20. Lithium has a bcc structure. Its density is 530 kg m–3 and its atomic mass is 6.94 g mol–1.
Calculate the edge length of a unit cell of Lithium metal. (NA = 6.02 × 1023 mol–1)
(1) 154 pm
(2) 352 pm
(3) 527 pm
(4) 264 pm

21. Which one of the following orders is correct for the bond dissociation enthalpy of halogen
(1) I2 > Br2 > Cl2 > F2
(2) Cl2 > Br2 > F2 > I2
(3) Br2 > I2 > F2 > Cl2
(4) F2 > Cl2 > Br2 > I2

22. Which of the following is an analgesic ?

(1) Novalgin
(2) Penicillin
(3) Streptomycin
(4) Chloromycetin
22 (1)Novalgin used as analgesic

23. Equal moles of hydrogen and oxygen gases are placed in a container with a pin-hole through
which both can escape. What fraction of the oxygen escapes in the time required for one-half of the
hydrogen to escape ?
(1) 1/8
(2) 1/4
(3) 3/8
(4) ½

24. Consider the nitration of benzene using mixed conc. H 2SO4 and HNO3. If a large amount of KHSO4
is added to the mixture, the rate of nitration will be:-
(1) faster
(2) slower
(3) unchanged
(4) doubled

25. Predict the correct order among the following :-

(1) lone pair- lone pair > lone pair - bond pair > bond pair - bond pair
(2) lone pair - lone pair > bond pair - bond pair > lone pair - bond pair
(3) bond pair - bond pair > lone pair - bond pair > lone pair - lone pair
(4) lone pair - bond pair > bond pair - bond pair > lone pair - lone pair

26. The product obtained as a result of a reaction of nitrogen with CaC 2 is :-

(1) Ca(CN)2
(2) CaCN
(3) CaCN3
(4) Ca2CN

27. Consider the following liquid - vapour equilibrium.

Liquid ⇌ Vapour
Which of the following relations is correct ?
dlnG ∆ H v
(1) 2 = 2
dlnP −∆ H v
(2) =
dlnP −∆ Hv
(3) 2 = 2
d RT T
dlnP ∆ H v
(4) =

28. Match the compounds given in column I with the hybridisation and shape given in column II and
mark the correct option.
Column-I Column-II
(a) XeF6 (i) Distorted octahedral
(b) XeO3 (ii) Square planar
(c) XeOF4 (iii) pyramidal
(d) XeF4 (iv) Square pyramidal
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (i) (iii) (iv) (ii)
(2) (i) (ii) (iv) (iii)
(3) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii)
(4) (iv) (i) (ii) (iii)

29. Which of the following has longest C–O bond length? (Free C–O bond length in Co is 1.128Å ).
(1) Ni(CO4
(2) [Co(CO)4]
(3) [Fe(CO)4]2–
(4) [Mn(CO)6]+
29 (3) [Fe(CO)4]2–
Since metal atom is carrying maximum –ve charge therefore it would show maximum synergic
bonding as sa resultant C–O bond length would be maximum.
30. The pressure of H2 required to make the potential of H2-electrode zero in pure water at 298 K
is :-
(1) 10–14 atm
(2) 10–12 atm
(3) 10–10 atm
(4) 10–4 atm

31. addition of a catalyst during a chemical reaction alters which of the following quantities ?
(1) Entropy
(2) Internal energy
(3) Enthalpy
(4) Activation energy
31 (4) The addition of catalyst during a chemical reaction alters the activation energy.

32. The ion ic radii of A+ and B– io ns are 0.98 × 10–10m and 1.81 × 10–10 m. T he
coordination number of each ion in AB is :-
(1) 6
(2) 4
(3) 8
(4) 2

33. Which is the correct statement for the given acids?

(1) Phosphinic acid is a diprotic acid while phosphonic acid is a monoprotic acid
(2) Phosphinic acid is a monoprotic acid while phosphonic acid is a diprotic acid
(3) Both are triprotic acids
(4) Both are diprotic acids

34. Fog is colloidal solution of :-

(1) Liquid in gas
(2) Gas in liquid
(3) Solid in gas
(4) Gas in gas

35. Which of the following statement about the composition of the vapour over an ideal a 1 : 1
molar mixture of benzene and toluene is correct? Assume that the temperature is constant at 25°C.
(Given : Vapour Pressure Data at 25°C, benzene = 12.8 kPa, Toluene = 3.85 kPa)
(1) The vapour will contain a higher percentage of benzene
(2) The vapour will contain a higher percentage of toluene
(3) The vapour will contain equal amounts of benezene and toluene
(4) Not enough information is given to make a predication

36. The correct statement regarding the comparison of staggered and eclipsed conformation of
ethane, is :-
(1) The staggered conformation of ethane is less stable than eclipsed conformation, because
staggered conformation has torsional strain
(2) The eclipsed conformation of ethane is more stable than staggered conformation, because
eclipsed conformation has no torsional strain
(3) The eclipsed conformation of ethane is more stable than staggered conformation even
through the eclipsed conformation has torsional strain
(4) The staggered conformation of ethane is more stable than eclipsed conformation, because
staggered conformation has no torsional strain.

37. The reaction

Can be classified as :-
(1) Williamson ether synthesis reaction
(2) Alcohol formation reaction
(3) Dehydration reaction
(4) Williamson alcohol synthesis reaction

38. The product formed by the reaction of an aldehyde with a primary amine is :-
(1) Schiff base
(2) Ketone
(3) Carboxylic acid
(4) Aromatic acid

39. Which of the following biphenyls is optically active?



40. For the following reactions :-

(a) CH3CH2CH2Br + KOH  CH3CH=CH2+KBr + H2O
Which of the following statements is correct ?
(1) (a) and (b) are elimination reaction and (c) is addition reaction
(2) (a) is elimination, (b) is substitution and (c) is addition reaction
(3) (a) is elimination, (b) and (c) are substitution reactions
(4) (a) is substitution, (b) and (c) are addition reaction

41. At 100°C the vapour pressure of a solution of 6.5g of a solute in 100 g water is 732 mm. If K b =
0.52, the boiling point of this solution will be :-
(1) 101°C
(2) 100°C
(3) 102°C
(4) 103°C

42. The correct statement regarding RNA and DNA, respectively is :

(1) The sugar component in RNA is arabinose and the sugar component in DNA is 2'-deoxyribose.
(2) The sugar component in RNA is ribose and the sugar component in DNA is 2'-deoxyribose.
(3) The sugar component in RNA is arabinose
(4) The sugar component in RNA is 2'-deoxyribose and the sugar component in DNA is arabinose.

43. The correct statement regarding the basicity of arylamines is :-

(1) Arylamines are generally less basic than alkylamines because the nitrogen lone-pair electrons
are delocalized by interaction with the aromatic ring π electron system.
(2) Arylamines are generally more basic than alkylamines because the nitrogen lone-pair electrons
are not delocalized by interaction with the aromatic ring π electron system.
(3) Arylamines are generally more basic than alkylamines because of aryl group.
(4) Arylamines are generally more basic than alkylamines, because the nitrongen atom in
arylamines is sp-hybridized.

44. Which one given below is a non-reducing sugar ?

(1) Maltose
(2) Lactose
(3) Glucose
(4) Sucrose

45. The pair of electron in the given carbanion,CH 3 C≡ C , is present in which of the following
orbitals ?
(1) 2p
(2) sp3
(3) sp2
(4) sp

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