Cet - Biology - 2013: Version Code: B - 1

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1. Assimilatory power is 1) NADPH2 2) ATP Ans: (3) ATP & NADPH2 Formed during light reaction 2.

3) ATP and NADPH2

4) FADH2

ECORI cleaves the DNA strands to produce 1) Blunt ends 2) Sticky ends 3) Satellite ends Ans: (2) Sticky ends Recognition site of ECOR, is GAATTC CTTAAG 3.

4) Ori replication end

Read the statements (A) and (B) and identify the correct choice from those given: Statement (A): Women are at the peak of conception on the 14th day of ovulation. Statement (B): Vasectomy is the method normally employed to avoid conception in females. 1) Statement (A) is wrong, (B) is right 2) Statement (A) is right, (B) is wrong 3) Both the statements are right 4) Bo the statements are wrong Ans: (2) The sequence of nitrogenous bases in one strand of DNA are 3 TAC GCG ACG 5. The complementary DNA strand should have 1) 5 AUG CGC TGC 3 2) 3 ATG CGC TGC 5 3) 5 UAC GCG ACG 3 4) 5 ATG CGC TGC 3 Ans: (4) 5 ATG CGC TGC 3 5. Which one of the following statement is correct regarding spinal cord? 1) It is composed of outer grey matter and inner white matter 2) It is composed of outer white matter and inner grey matter 3) It is composed of outer grey matter and inner colourless matter 4) It is composed of grey matter only Ans: (2) It is composed of outer white matter and inner grey matter 6. Match the entries in Column I with those of Column II and choose the correct answer Column I (A) (B) (C) (D) Restriction endonucleases Polymerase chain reaction DNA fingerprinting Monoclonal antibodies (P) (Q) (R) (S) Column II Kohler and Milstein Alec Jeffreys Arber Karry Mullis 4.

1) (A) (R); (B) (S); (C) (Q); (D) (P) 2) (A) (R); (B) (Q); (C) (S); (D) (P) 3) (A) (Q); (B) (R); (C) (S); (D) (P) 4) (A) (Q); (B) (S); (C) (R); (D) (Q) Ans: (1) (A) (R); (B) (S); (C) (Q); (D) (P)


Which taxonomic term may be suggested for any rank in the classification? 1) Class 2) Order 3) Species 4) Taxon Ans: (4) Taxon 8. In one of the techniques of recombinant insulin production the genes for and polypeptides were inserted into the plasmid by the side of 1) Antibiotic resistance gene 2) Lac z promoter gene 3) galactosidase gene 4) Ori Ans: (2) Lac z promoter gene 9. Which one does not belong to monera? 1) Slime moulds 2) Mycoplasma Ans: (1) Slime moulds It is a member of protista

3) Eubacteria

4) Archaebacteria

10. The diagram given below represents the T. S. of dicot leaf. Identify the parts labelled as A, B, C and D, which denote their functions and choose the correct one given below:

1) A : Motor action ; B : Photosynthesis; C : Conduction ; D : Transpiration 2) A : Motor action ; B : Conduction ; C : Photosynthesis ; D : Transpiration 3) A : Transpiration ; B : Photosynthesis; C : Conduction ; D : Transpiration 4) A : Transpiration; B : Conduction; C : Photosynthesis; D : Motor action Ans: (1) A : Motor action ; B : Photosynthesis; C : Conduction ; D : Transpiration In the diagram, between motor cells gap has shown. It look like guard cell. Diagram is not clear. 11. Which of the following tissue is not a component of a complex tissues? 1) Parenchyma 2) Collenchyma 3) Sclerenchyma 4) Tracheids Ans: (2)

12. Mosses and ferns are 1) Thallophytes of plant kingdom 3) Gymnosperms of plant kingdom Ans: (1) Thallophytes of plant kingdom Moss is Bryophyte Ferm is Pteridophyte

2) Angiosperms of plant kingdom 4) Amphibians of plant kingdom

13. Plasmodermata is usually observed between 1) Sieve tubes and Bast fibre 2) Trachea and Phloem fibres 3) Xylem parenchyma and xylem fibres 4) Sieve tubes and companion cells Ans: (4) Sieve tubes and companion cells 14. The embryo sac of an angiosperm is made up of 1) 8 cells 2) 7 cells and 8 nuclei 3) 8 nuclei 4) 8 cells and 7 nuclei Ans: (2) 7 cells and 8 nuclei 15. Cork Cambium of dicot stem originates from 1) Dedifferentiated parenchyma cells of cortex 2) Dedifferentiated collenchyma cells of cortex 3) Parenchyma cells of medullary ray 4) Parenchyma cells of pericycle Ans: (2) Dedifferentiated collenchyma cells of cortex 16. Match the words of Column I with that of Column II and choose the correct answer given below: Column I (A) (B) (C) (D) Algae Riccia Spirogyra Gnetum (P) (Q) (R) (S) Column II Gymnosperms Pond scum Autotrophic Liverwort

1) (A) (R); (B) (S); (C) (Q); (D) (P) 2) (A) (P); (B) (S); (C) (Q); (D) (R) 3) (A) (S); (B) (P); (C) (R); (D) (Q) 4) (A) (R); (B) (Q); (C) (S); (D) (P) Ans: (1) (A) (R); (B) (S); (C) (Q); (D) (P) Riccia is an example for bryophyte 17. The opening and closing of stomata are controlled by the activity of 1) Guard cells 2) Epidermal cells 3) Mesophyll cells 4) Lenticels Ans: (1) Guard cells Both K+ pump theory and starch hydrolysis theory explain the stomatal movement. 18. In which of these following phyla given as the adult shows radial symmetry, the larva shows bilateral symmetry? 1) Annelids 2) Arthropods 3) Molluscs 4) Echinodermata Ans: (4) Echinodermata (1), (2) and (3) have bilaterally symmetrical adults. 19. A thin film of water covering the soil particles and held strongly by attractive forces is called 1) Run away 2) Hygroscopic 3) Gravitational 4) Capillary Ans: (2) Hygroscopic It is not available for absorption

20. Which one of the following groups of 3 animals each is correctly matched with their one characteristic morphological features? Animals 1 2 3 4 Centipede, Prawn, Sea urchin Cockroach, Locust, Taenia Scorpion, Spider, Cockroach Liverfluke, Sea anemone, Sea cucumber Morphological features Jointed appendages Metameric segmentation Ventral solid nerve cord Bilateral symmetry

Ans: (3) All are non-chordates 21. Consider the following statements and select the correct one: Statement (A): Pure water maximum water potential. Statement (B): The osmotic potential is zero in pure water. (1) Both statements are correct and (B) is not the reason for (A). (2) Both statements are wrong. (3) Both statements are correct and (B) is the reason for (A). (4) Both statements are correct. Ans: (3) Water potential decreases as the solute concentration increases. 22. A bivalent of meiosis I consist of (1) Four chromatids and two centromeres (2) Two chromatids and one centromeres (3) Two chromatids and two centromeres (4) Four chromatids and four centromeres Ans: (1) Four chromatids and two centromeres i.e., two double stranded chromosomes become pairs. It is called synapsis. 23. Electrons from excited chlorophyll molecules of photosystem II are accepted first by (1) Ferredoxin (2) Pheophytin (3) Cytochrome b (4) Cytochrome f Ans: (2) Pheophytin It is the primary electron acceptor of PS II 24. Match the following lists of animals with their level of organization and choose the correct sequence. Column I Organ level Cellular aggregate level Tissue level Organ system level Column - II Pheritima Fasciola Spongilla Obelia

(A) (B) (C) (D)

(P) (Q) (R) (S)

(1) A S, B R, C P, D Q (2) A S, B Q, C R, D P (3) A Q, B S, C R, D P (4) A Q, B R, C S, D - P Ans: (4) Obelia is coelenterate. Hence it is tissue grade.

25. Oxidative decarboxylation occurs during the formation of (1) Citric acid and Succinic acid (2) Citric acid and Oxaloacetic acid (3) Acetyl CoA and Succinyl CoA (4) Oxaloacetic acid and Oxalosuccinic acid Ans: (3) Both the steps release CO2. 26. The edible part of the fruit of apple is (1) Endocarp (2) Thalamus Ans: (2) Thalamus

(3) Pericarp

(4) Perianth

27. Given below is an electron acceptor. Mention its status, which is labelled as (A)
2e Cyt++ (A) Cyt++ (1) Oxidised (2) Reduced Ans: (2) Reduced Donor is oxidized and recipient is reduced.

(3) Phosphorylation

(4) Hydrated

K5 C(5) A5 G 2 28. The Floral formula (1) Hibiscus (2) Banana Ans: (4) Vinca i.e., bicarpellary condition

is that of (3) Tulip

(4) Vinca

29. Interferons are the proteins molecules produced from the (1) Normal cells (2) Infected host cells (2) Macrophages (4) B. Lymphocytes Ans: (2) Infected host cells 30. Tikka is a (1) Fungal disease (2) Viral disease (3) Bacterial disease Ans: (1) Fungal disease i.e., Cercospora personata (Deuteromycete) 31. Which of the statements is correct? (1) Each back cross is a test cross. (2) Each test cross is a back cross (3) Crossing F2 with F1 is a test cross (4) Crossing F2 with P1 is called a test cross Ans: (2) 32. Amrithmahal is a/an (1) Dual purpose breed (3) Cross breed Ans: (1) 33. Gynecomastica is the symptom of (1) Klinefelters syndrome (2) Turners syndrome Ans: (1)

(4) Protozoan disease

(2) Exotic breed (4) Drought breed

(2) Downs syndrome (4) Cri-du-chat syndrome

34. The branch of biology that deals with study of fossil animals is known as (1) Para biology (2) Phylogeny (3) Paleontology (4) Para zoology Ans: (3)

35. A colourblind man marries the daughter of another colourblind man whose wife had a normal genotype for colour vision. In their progeny. (1) All the children would colourblind. (2) All their sons are colourblind. (3) None of the daughters would be colourblind. (4) Half of their sons and half of their daughters would be colourblind . Ans: (4) 36. The plants which have antidiabetic properties (1) Ocimum sanctum (2) Gymnema sylvestre (2) Adathoda vasica (4) Phyllantus emblica Ans: (2) 37. Deforestation means (1) growing plants and trees in an area where there is no forest. (2) growing plants and trees in an area where the forest is removed. (3) growing plants and trees in a pond. (4) removal of plants and trees. Ans: (4) 38. Lysosomes are produced by (1) Golgi complex (3) Endoplasmic reticulum Ans: (1) 39. Kokkarebellur Bird Sanctuary is noticed in (1) Mandya (2) Mysore Ans: (1)

(2) Mitochondria (4) Leucoplasts

(3) Chamarajanagar

(4) Hassan

40. One of the following is also called Sewall Wright effect. (1) Isolation (2) Gene pool (3) Genetic drift Ans: (3) 41. Oran is a (1) Sacred groove Ans: (1)

(4) Gene flow

(2) Sacred landscape (3) Sacred animal

(4) Endangered animal

42. Put the following parts of a reflex arc in the receptor: (A) Motor neutron (B) Interneuron (D) Sensory neuron (E) Sensory receptor (1) (E) (D) (B) (A) (C) (3) (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) Ans: (1) 43. The trachea terminates into (1) Bronchial Tree (2) Atrium Ans: (4)

correct order beginning with the sensory (C) Effector (2) (E) (D) (A) (B) (C) (4) (A) (E) (D) (B) (C)

(3) (Bronchi

(4) (Alveoli

44. Match the entries in Column I with those of Column II and choose the correct answer given below: Column I (A) (B) (C) (D) FSH GH Prolactin Oxytocin (P) (Q) (R) (S) (T) Column II Normal growth Ovulation Parturition Water diuresis Milk secretion (2) A Q, B P, C T, D S (4) A Q, B T, C S, D R

(1) A Q, B P, C T, D R (3) A P, B T, C R, D Q Ans: (1)

45. Formation of activation calyx in the egg takes place (1) Before fertilization (2) After fertilization (3) At the time of Cleavage (4) At the time of Amphimixis Ans: (2) 46. Which of the following part of Cockroach leg is attached to thorax ventrally? (1) Trochanter (2) Claw (3) Femur (4) Coxa Ans: (4) Of the three pairs of legs in cockroach one pair attached to ventral segment Each leg is 5 jointed structure having 5 podomeres. Namely coax, trochanter large femur, tibia. Coxa first segment attached ventrally to body of cockroach. 47. Match the entries in Column I with those of Column II and choose the correct answer? Column I Cytokinins Auxins Abscisic acid Ethylene Column II Stress hormone Ripening of fruits Apical dominance Bolting Richmond Lang effect

(A) (B) (C) (D)

(P) (Q) (R) (S) (T)

(1) A T, B R, C P, D Q (2) A T, B R, C T, D S (3) A R, B S, C Q, D P (4) A Q, B Q, C T, D R Ans: (1) Auxin is formed mainly in shoot apical meristem suppress the growth of lateral buds growing immediately below it. Cytokinin along with auxins prevents premature ageing or senescence (Anti aging effect) the phenomenon is called Richmond-Lang effect. Abscisic acid helps the plant to overcome water stress. Ethylene triggers fruit ripening and ripening triggers more production of ethylene 48. Left auricle receives pure blood from the (1) Pulmonary veins (2) Pulmonary artery (3) Superior venacava (4) Inferior venacava Ans: (1) 4 Pulmonary veins transport oxygenated blood from lurgs into the left atrium.

49. The semi-digested food that moves down the oesophagus is known as (1) bolus (2) Chyme (3) Rugae (4) Protein Ans: (1) Bolus - Masticated semi digested food in oral cavity is called bolus. Chyme pulpy partly digested food present in lumen of stomach 50. During the transportation gases, to maintain the ionic balance chloride ions shifts from (1) RBCs to plasma (2) Plasma to RBC (3) Lungs to blood (4) Blood to lungs Ans: (2) Outward movement of bicarbonate ion from RBC into plasma inward movement of it from plasma into RBCs is know as chloride shift or Hamburgers phenomenon 51. Read the statements (A) and (B). Choose the right one: Statement (A): Atherosclerosis is a disease characterized by the thickening of arterial walls. Statement (B): Deposition of cholesterol and triglycerides in the arterial walls causes atherosclerosis. (1) Statement (A) is correct, (B) is wrong (2) Both the statements are correct but not related to each other. (3) Both the statements are correct and (B) is the reason for (A) (4) Both the statements are wrong Ans: (3) Atherosclerosis is a condition in which arterial wall thickens as a result of accumulation of cholesterol and triglyceride It is also called arterioselesotic vascular disease.
(A) (B) when there is a fail in ion concentration. 52. Juxtaglomerular cells Choose the correct pair labeled as A and B. (1) A: Renin B: Chloride (2) A: Carbonic unhydrase B: Sodium (3) A: ATPase B: Potassium (4) A: Renin B: Sodium Ans: (4) Juxtaglomerular cell secrete hormone called renin. When there is fall in sodium and chloride ions.

53. Ileocaecal valve is present in between (1) Colon and large intestine (2) Colon and small intestine (3) Stomach and small intestine (4) Cardiac stomach and fundus Ans: (2) It is a papillose structure with sphincter muscles situated at the junction of small intestine and large intestine 54. The diagram given below denotes the various parts of a typical flower. Identify the labelled parts A, B, C and D and choose the correct option. (1) A = Petals, B = Sepals, C = Stamens, D = Pistil (2) A = Sepals, B = Pistil, C = Petals, D = Stamens (3) A = Sepals, B = Pistil, C = Petals, D = Petals (4) A = Sepals, B = Petals, C = Pistil, D = Stamens Ans: (3) Sepals and petals forms accessory whorls and pistils and stamens forms reproductive whorls in complete flower

55. Read the statements A and B identify the correct choice from those given below: Statement (A): The egg of frog is moderately telolecithal Statement (B): Sooner (or) later the cleavage pattern becomes irregular. (1) Statement (A) is correct, (B) is wrong (2) Statement (B) is correct, (A) is wrong (3) Both the statements (A) and (B) are correct. (4) Statement (A) is the reason fro statement (B). Ans: (4) Frog egg contain moderate amount of yolk hence it called mesolecithal Yolk is situated towards one and of egg hence it is called telolecithal. 56. The most unstable RNA is (1) Messenger RNA (2) Soluble RNA (3) Ribosomal RNA (4) Heterogeneous nuclear RNA Ans: (1) Life span of messenger RNA is 2 minutes to 4 hours. 57. Chose the right one which denotes genetic diversity. (1) Chromosomes nucleotides genes individuals populations (2) Populations individuals chromosomes nucleotides genes (3) Genes nucleotides chromosomes individuals populations (4) Nucleotides genes chromosomes individuals populations Ans: (4) Nucleotide to are the monomers of genes. Gene is nothing but proper arrangement of nucleotides form functional subunit of heredity Chromosomes contain millions of genes. Individuals have fixed number of chromosomes group of individuals forms population. 58. The portion of an Eukaryotic gene which is transcribed but not translated is (1) Exon (2) Intron (3) Cistron (4) Codon Ans: (2) Coding region fo Eukaryotic gene is called Exon and non coding region is called introns. Introns spliced after transcription before tanslation. 59. The appearance of chancre, rashes all over the body are the symptoms of (1) Gonorrhoea (2) Aids (3) Syphilis (4) Fever Ans: (3) Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease caused by bacterium Treponema pallidum Symptoms of primary syphilis starts after 3-5 weeks if infusion. It is characterised by painless ulcess called canchre 60. Read the statements (A) and (B). Choose the right one. Statement (A): Synthesis of mRNA takes place in 5 3 direction. Statement (B): Reading of mRNA is always in 3 5 direction. (1) Both the statements are wrong. (2) Statement (A) is wrong, (B) is correct (3) Statement (B) is wrong, (A) is correct (4) Both the statements (A) and (B) are correct Ans: (3) Synthesis and reading of m-RNA takes place always in 3 5 direction.

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