Awesome C Sharp Console More Detail by Santosh

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using System; class Car { public static void Main() { Console.

Beep(200, 300);// will play beep with with 200 frequency and duration as 300 Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("awesome c sharp"); Console.ResetColor(); Console.WriteLine("by santosh"); Console.BufferHeight = 500; // gets or set the height of the buffer area. Console.BufferWidth = 400; // gets ot set the width of buffer area. Console.Clear(); //clear all text from command prompt Console.WriteLine("capslock status : "+Console.CapsLock); // provide the status of capslock key if it is true then it is on Console.WriteLine("please enter your name"); string name= Console.In.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("your name is : "+name); // You know how to take input in Csharp discussed in // here In call TextReader's ReadLine() method Console.Out.WriteLine("welcome to the awesome c sharp"); // used to set output stream in main memory in simple terms used for text display. Console.WriteLine("press any key followed by enter "); char ch = (char)Console.Read(); // get a char Console.WriteLine("Your key is: " + ch); // taking char input via Read function Console.SetWindowSize(100, 50); // sets windows size
Console.ReadKey(); } } For more info please visit

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