Opinion Essay

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~~~was life better in the past ?

Living today is more comfortable and easier than when your grandparents were chi ldren. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Recently, my grandparents often recall how difficult their lives were when they were young, claiming that my generation has much easier lives than they had. I a gree with them. In fact, life today is much more comfortable and easier than it was in my grandparents youth for some reasons. First, technology has made modern-day life much more comfortable than in the pas t. During my grandparents time, life was rough and hard because all the work was done without any modern tool, so they had to do their laundry by hand, walked fr om one place to another by feet. Furthermore, there was limited in entertainment choices in the past. They could at best listen to the radio or perhaps watch a black-and-white movie for pleasure. Today, however, living has become a lot easi er thanks to technological developments. We launder our clothes with washing mac hine, uses buses, subways, or cars to move around. We also enjoy home theater sy stems, DVDs, and video games. Technology has definitely improved our lives. In addition, people today have more leisure time than they did before. People no longer have to work very long hours like my grandparents did. Since my grandpar ents were farmers, they had to work in the rice field all day long even without resting on weekends. In contrast, many people today, including my parents, simpl y work from nine to five on weekdays and take weekends off. They therefore have much free time than my grandparents did, so they can spend more time on leisure activities. They go to the movies, go to the gym, or take trips. All these activ ities have positive affect on their quality of living. In conclusion, people today have more comfortable and easier lives than in the p ast. This is the results of technological developments and the extra leisure tim e available. These factors will make our live even more comfortable in the futur e. ~~~cinema will soon be a thing of the past Many people go to the cinema, because of the atmosphere and entertainment. New t echnology of cinemas enable to acquire impression that spectator is component of story. It is bigger artistic experience than during watching cassette. My opinion is that many people prefer watching films in their house in this time . Very popular are DVD. The main reason to watch film at home is comfort. You ca n sit in your comfortable sofa, you can begin to watch at time, which is conveni ent to you. And when you want to go for drink, delicacy or toilet you needn t limi t other people in the row. And I think, that watching films at home is cheaper t han cinema. The ticket for one film costs from eighty to one hundred twenty crow ns. And when family with two children wants to go to the cinema they would pay a lot of money and it may discourage many people. On the other side in the cinema you can have better experience as home. Very lar ge screen, high-class sound, more people this is watching films at the cinema. In my country most of the films are with subtitles. And I don t like that, because I can t see actress playing at that time of reading subtitles. The cinemas were more popular before, because you could have seen the film for the first time there, but now you can download a film from web earlier than you can watch it at cinema . Of course there are people who are ready for paying for ticket and who prefer watching films at the cinema. ~~~Are newspapers necessary nowadays? Can you imagine world without any newspapers? As far as I am concerned, they a re the main source of information in our daily life. They educate readers on cur rent event of our life. For this reason people became aware of global and local issue. So can be no doubt of newspapers necessity. In the first place, newspapers are very important in our society, due to the fac t that they supply us the latest news and keeps us informed about the changing e vents of the world. They give us information not only about our homeland, but al

so about whole world. For instance, only from the newspapers, early in the morni ngs, we know what happened when we were sleeping. What is more, newspaper consis ts of various articles, for this reason every human will find interesting things . In addition, newspapers are the easiest way to find out about what is happening in the world. In my way of thinking if we did not manage to read newspapers earl y in the morning, we will purchase one on the way to the job. Moreover newspaper is easier to carry and it could be read at any time during the day. On the other hand, there are those who believe that newspapers are not necessary because of rapidly developing Internet. They think that from the Internet we ca n search information much faster than from newspapers. Besides some people more often choose cable news, because it is more comfortable way to gain knowledge wh at is happened. To sum up, I feel that newspapers still are necessary, because they provide us d iversity reliable articles about the latest news. Moreover it is the quickest wa y to gain main knowledge of the day. ~~~the advantages and disadvantages of keeping animals in zoos On Sunday afternoons in every major city many families go to the zoo with kids. They always have a lot of fun, see many rare animals, funny monkeys, tall giraff es, huge elephants and cute koalas. But what is going on with animals? On the one hand, animals are safe in zoos, which means they cannot be hurt in th eir cages. Secondly, animals have enough food, for example, they can always eat in a zoo, while they may be starving in nature. Furthermore, many poachers kill animals for their skin, fur and meat, but they cannot do it to animals in zoos. What is more, there are many species that are almost exterminated, but zoos help them reproduce and keep their species existing. The last but not least, if the natural habitat of some species is destroyed, ruined or is no longer for living in, zoos make cages that look exactly like the natural habitat. On the other hand, animals are kept away from their natural place of living. For instance, lions can never live in Berlin. Another major disadvantage of keeping animals imprisoned is too much noise and stress for them. Many people come to s ee them. For example, kids come near the cages and tease them, so they have a ve ry stressful life unlike their natural way of living. Not to mention the fact th at animals are not free. They are trapped in their cells like in prisons. In conclusion, there are many advantages and disadvantages of keeping animals in zoos and everyone is to judge by himself. However, before that think about your self being kept in a cage and being seen just as an amusement! ~~~The advantages and disadvantages of being a professional sportsman Being a professional sportsman requires much effort and devotion. Treating sport s as an occupation has its advantages and disadvantages, as every job does. Firstly, the main advantage of being a professional sportsman is money, and ther efore, fame. In some disciplines, like football or tennis, the amount of the inc ome earned is enormous. If he reaches performance, money coming from sponsoring and advertising give the sportsman a chance to improve himself. Secondly, a professional sportsman could keep fit and healthy. Sportsmen do trai nings daily and therefore they are in shape and active. They must follow a stric t diet and they must not be in compromising postures. On the other hand, practicing a professional sport has its own disadvantages, to o. If the sportsman is injured by the time of training or a game, he might lose his career in sport. What is more, some sports such as boxing or football are ve ry dangerous. Accidents may have extremely bad repercussions and could bring eve n death. Another disadvantage of being a sportsman is the lack of free time. Sportsmen ar e always on the road for trainings or contests and dedicate all their time and e nergy in order to achieve performance. Therefore, their family life is often dif ficult and when their career is over, they find themselves lonely and without a

job. In conclusion, achieving performance in sport has both advantages and disadvanta ges. In my opinion, sport may be a gainful occupation if you are ready to make s ome sacrifices. ~~~Has genetic science gone too far? History has been shaped by man's attempts to understand the world in which we live, and it is important that we continue to s trive towards a clearer understanding of science and its uses. In my opinion, ge netic sClenc~ has. not gone too far; there are still many mysteries which have not been solved and which could ultimately benefit mankind if they were. . To begin with, experimenting in genetic engineerIng can help treat diseases su ch as cancer and AIDS and eventually may save the lives of millions of people worldwide. It could also help to solve the problem of I world famine by rearing prime sheep and cows for food . j and in this way create more to eat for the many starving I people of the world. i However, those who oppose genetic engineering i say that it is growing too quickly and it is too early to .~ assess the risks involved. Furthermore, some are fright- ~ ened of the unknown and are terrified by the idea of] humans being cloned, saying that life is God-given and should not be tampered with. All things considered, the risks involved are worth the benefits that genetic engineering could bring to mankind

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