Body Language Secrets For Power

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The document discusses different body language signals that can convey emotions, attitudes and traits like confidence, anger, excitement and more.

Signals of confidence/authority include direct eye contact, erect posture, hands behind the back or at the hips, firm handshake, leaning back with hands behind the head and more.

Signals of anger/resistance include clenched fists, tapping hands or feet, clutching one hand with the other, crossed arms, constant blinking and more.

Body Language Secrets for Power and Love Power-Tech International, Inc.


Body Language Secrets for Power and Love Power-Tech International, Inc.

Body Language Secrets For Power and Love

How to Read and Make Body Movements for Maximum Success


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Body Language Secrets for Power and Love Power-Tech International, Inc.

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Body Language Secrets for Power and Love Power-Tech International, Inc.


Introduction Chapter 1: Reading the Signs Chapter 2: Mirroring Chapter 3: Body Language in Negotiations Chapter 4: Body Language in Selling Chapter 5: Body Language in Job Interviews Chapter 6: Body Language in Meetings Chapter 7: Body Language in Flirting Chapter 8: The importance of Communication & Body Language Chapter 9: The most CLOSELY GUARDED Secret of Master Communicators Appendix Suggested Reading and Training


Body Language Secrets for Power and Love Power-Tech International, Inc.

Have you heard of the word Body English? I remembered one basketball game when the sportscaster said, "Air Jordan used a little Body English to coax that ball into the hoop, as he released the free throw. He meant that the player moved his hips sideways, as if using mind control, so that the ball will go through the basket. Body English is just one of the myriad of examples of body language that we do and apply to our lives every now and then, consciously or unconsciously. What is Body Language? Body language is the unspoken or non-verbal mode of communication that we do in every single aspect of our interaction with another person. It is like a mirror that tells us what the other person thinks and feels in response to our words or actions. Body language involves gestures, mannerisms, and other bodily signs. Would you believe that in real life situations, 60% to 80% of the messages that we convey to other people are transmitted through body language and the actual verbal communication accounts for only 7% to 10%? Our ability to use body language in a positive way and to read other people's minds through their body language separates the men from the boys (or women from girls), and can be a powerful tool to our overall personality development. Imagine creating a great impression for work, business, and love by being knowledgeable in this not-so-common yet powerful field of study. It is the unspoken tool to a successful life. So read on and find out how you can read and utilize body language - the most used yet most misunderstood secret language in the world.


Body Language Secrets for Power and Love Power-Tech International, Inc.

Chapter 1 Reading the Signs

We use body language everyday in our lives to get our message across, to achieve positive feedback in our lives, and to get whatever we want. We use this language all the time, but we may not be aware of it. Moreover, this language doesn't only involve the mouth but the whole body as well. Could you even imagine the awesome power of applying it? With it, you'll be able to interpret other people's inner emotions even if they're not directly expressing it. You'll also be able to modify your behavior to fit the situation. You'll get them to like and trust you. What words cannot do, body language can. In this chapter, we shall explore the various body gestures or movements conveyed by people in different scenarios. Lets begin. Suggesting Interest It is important to know if people are interested in what you are saying; otherwise, you are just wasting your time. Just imagine you are a chemistry teacher. You have always been interested in chemistry, so you assume that your students feel the same way as you do. But are they really interested? Are your teaching methods good enough to arouse their interest? Unless you can recognize the different body signals your students are conveying, you would never know how they are adapting to the subject matter. And unless you find out if staring continuously at you without blinking the eyes is a sign of interest or an indication of being in dreamland, you simply could not take the necessary steps to adjust to their learning needs. Here are some of the movements exhibited by people who are interested in what you are saying: They maintain eye contact more than 60% of the time. The more wideopened the eyes are, the more interested the person is. In fact, a person maintains eye contact more when listening than when talking. Their heads are inclined forward. They are nodding their heads. Such action means that they're agreeing with you. That means they're attentive and listening. Their feet are pointing towards you. They smile frequently. But take note, not all smiles convey the same feeling. An oblong smile is not genuine. It is used to show courtesy, but not necessarily happiness or friendliness. The lips are withheld completely back from the upper and lower teeth, forming the oblong shape. This is usually the smile that many people exhibit when they feign to enjoy a lame joke.


Body Language Secrets for Power and Love Power-Tech International, Inc.

Indications That They're More Open to Agree with You When you were a young child, have you ever tried to decode what your parents facial expressions mean when you ask them to buy you a new toy or to take you to Disneyland? A frown would likely be a No! But a nod would make you jump with joy. As you grow older, it has become a necessity to be able to detect if other people will agree with your decision or proposal. This is an ability that will truly help negotiators, employees, and even lovers to succeed in their ventures because they would be able to change their approach early enough to adjust to a specific situation. There are certain hints to indicate if people are more receptive in accepting your ideas. Some of these are: Their hands are flat on the table. Their palms are open. If they're stroking their chin, they're thinking. They may agree with you after careful evaluation. Their heads are inclined forward. They are nodding their heads. Their legs are spaced out from each other. They smile frequently. They unbutton their jackets. This indicates friendliness and willingness to collaborate with you. Their hands are open. This also indicates genuineness. They place their hands in their chest. This signifies openness and conveys sincerity, honesty, or dedication. However, a woman putting her hands in her breast is a defensive position and may indicate that she is surprised or astonished.

Indications That They are Thinking People think all the time. But different individuals make different body movements based on the type and intensity of their thinking. Some of their actions are written below: Theyre stroking their chin. This means they are assessing the advantages and disadvantages of the proposal/idea being presented. They take their glasses off, after which they may either (1) clean them, or (2) put the tip of the frame in their mouth. They are buying themselves some time to think things over. A frame in the mouth would also likely indicate that they need more details and they are willing to listen. They are pinching the bridge of the nose most likely with eyes closed. People doing this are engaged in very deep thought. They may be involved in a difficult situation, where they are aware of the consequences that may occur as a result of making crucial decisions.


Body Language Secrets for Power and Love Power-Tech International, Inc.

They put a palm below the chin, index finger pointed and extended along the cheek, while other fingers placed beneath the mouth. This gesture more likely indicates thoughts that are criticizing or antagonizing other people. They walk with the head down and hands behind the back. People who walk this way are probably worried about their problems, and they are thinking of ways to solve them.

Indications That They Are Frustrated/ Dismayed A basketball coach whose team loses by a point may say Aaarrrrrrr! or he may just keep quiet while making certain body movements that indicate how disappointed he is. Here are some hints that indicate frustration.

They are scratching/rubbing the hair or the back of the neck. You often hear the word Tsk. They kick the dust or air.

Indications That They Are Action-Oriented People who are goal-oriented and highly motivated may not only be recognized by how they speak. Their actions actually speak louder. They walk at a fast rate while swinging their arms loosely. They put their hands on their hips, usually with legs apart. They walk with hands on their hips. This may indicate a spurt of vitality at the moment, but may be followed by sluggishness.

Indications That They Are Defensive/Hiding Something The mouth might keep a secret, but certain gestures could indicate that people are hiding something they dont want others to find out, such as: They walk with their hands in their pockets. They cross their arms. They hide their hands any way they can.

Indications Of Boredom Imagine your boss is doing a presentation and all employees are required to listen. You noticed that many of them are clicking their pen, tapping their feet, and drumming their fingers. After the meeting, you hear the boss ask them, Did you enjoy the presentation? They would say Definitely! But you know better. Their actions indicate just how bored they are. It feels good to know body language, doesnt it? Some signals conveyed by people who are bored and disinterested include:


Body Language Secrets for Power and Love Power-Tech International, Inc.

Head supported by the palm, often accompanied by drooping eyes. They show inattentiveness by staring at a blank space (eyes not blinking) or by looking around frequently. They are pulling their ears. This may also signify that they want to interrupt while another person is talking. They are clicking a pen non-stop. They are tapping their hands or feet. They yawn incessantly. Their feet or other body parts are pointing to the exit, as if they are very eager to leave. They move restlessly in their seats. This could also mean that they are not cozy or at ease, or they might just be exhausted. They cross their legs and constantly kick their foot in a very slight motion (particularly done by females).

If youre the one making the presentation and you discerned that your audience are displaying signs of boredom, don't start talking faster or louder. Restrain from such act even if your instinct tells you to do so. Instead, say, "Hold on. I feel that Im losing your attention. What's up?" Hear what they have to say. You may discover what's actually preventing them from keeping up with you. Signals Conveying Excitement or Interest If you have experienced getting a promotion, receiving a special gift, or winning a contest, I bet youve done any of the acts made by excited people when you first discovered about your blessing. Some of the movements made by excited people include: They rub their palms against each other. They clap their hands. Their heads are tilted forward. Their cross their fingers (usually comes with the hope that something big or special will happen).

Signals Exhibiting Confidence/Authority/Power People with a high degree of self-confidence are normally more likely to be successful than those who have low self-esteem. Moreover, those who exhibit authority or dominance usually come out on top because they subconsciously make other people feel weaker. So how do they move? They maintain firm eye contact and rarely looks on other body parts underneath the nose. They speak with a low-pitched, slow-paced, downward-inflected voice. Chin tilted upwards. Chest projected outwards.

Body Language Secrets for Power and Love Power-Tech International, Inc.


They maintain an erect posture, whether standing or sitting. They sit in reverse, with the back of the chair serving as their support or shield. People who sit in this position are known to be bossy and aggressive. Their hands are clenched behind the back. Their hands are placed beside the hips. Their feet are on top of the table. They have a firm handshake, palms pointing downwards. They lean back with both hands supporting the head. They move with precision and with no hesitation. They walk solidly with forceful arm swings. They join the fingertips of both hands together (small finger of both hands joined together, ring finger of both hands joined together, and so on). Palms of both hands are not in contact with each other. The higher the hands are elevated, the more confident they are. They extend one leg over the arm of a chair theyre sitting in. When they do this, it may also mean that they are apathetic, disinterested, or unconcerned. They may be exhibiting the I dont care attitude.

Moreover, you can declare your domination over other people by rising or elevating yourself from them. It is not unusual to see taller people being in control over the situation. Choose a chair or location where other people will have to look up on you. They will subconsciously think they are weaker and can easily be manipulated. Signals Of Anger/Resistance Many people rarely let their anger go out of control. They are more likely to restrain their raging emotions. You must therefore be able to recognize any gesture that signifies wrath or resistance to prevent any possible chances of the fireworks exploding. Here are some hints: Their fists are clenched. Their hands or feet are tapping. One hand is clutching the other hand, arm, or elbow. Their arms are crossed over the chest. Their eyes are blinking constantly. Collar pulled away from the neck, like letting some air in during a hot day in the summer. They kick the dust or air. Their arms are vertically placed on the table while the hands are gripping the edge. Beware when they do this because it might mean something like You better get this done or else! or Better listen or youll regret this!



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