Errection Master

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The Erection Master

By: Christian Gudnason

Table of Contents
How To Use The Program......................................................................................................................... 4 Part 1: PC Muscle Exercises...................................................................................................................... 5 PC 1: Pumping the Front.................................................................................................................. 7 PC 2: Pumping the Back...................................................................................................................8 PC 3: Lifting the testicles................................................................................................................. 9 PC 4: Fluttering.............................................................................................................................. 10 Part 2: Abdominal Exercises....................................................................................................................11 Abdominal 1: Contract Relax (not pictured).................................................................................. 11 Abdominal 2: Pelvic Tilt ............................................................................................................... 11 Abdominal 3: Quadruped Bracing..................................................................................................11 Abdominal 4: Modified sit-ups.......................................................................................................12 Abdominal 5: Bilateral leg lift........................................................................................................12 Abdominal 6: Spiters...................................................................................................................... 12 Part 3: Low Back Exercises..................................................................................................................... 13 Low Back 1: Knee Pulling..............................................................................................................13 Low Back 2: Butt Lifting................................................................................................................13 Low Back 3: Back Stretching......................................................................................................... 13 Low Back 4: Chest Clasping.......................................................................................................... 13 Part 4: The Five Exercises From The Himalaya ..................................................................................... 14 Lama 1............................................................................................................................................ 16 Lama 2............................................................................................................................................ 17 Lama 3............................................................................................................................................ 18 Lama 4............................................................................................................................................ 19 Lama 5............................................................................................................................................ 20 Part 5: Walking........................................................................................................................................ 21 Part 6: Breathing Exercises...................................................................................................................... 22 Breathing 1: Relaxed breathing...................................................................................................... 22 Breathing 2: Exhaling All The Air................................................................................................ 23 Breathing 3: Breathing Through Mouth And Nose:....................................................................... 24 Part 7: Psychological Exercises:.............................................................................................................. 25 ....................................................................................................................................................... 25 Psychological 1: The 1-2 Rule:.......................................................................................................26 Psychological 2: Positive Talking.................................................................................................. 27 Psychological 3: Realize Your Joy:................................................................................................28 Psychological 4: Talking Things Out:............................................................................................ 29 Part 8: Relaxation Exercises:................................................................................................................... 31 Relaxation 1: Doing Nothing:.........................................................................................................31 Relaxation 2: Relaxing Step-By-Step.............................................................................................32 Part 9: Awareness Exercises.................................................................................................................... 33 How to Practice the Awareness Exercises......................................................................................33 Single Awareness Exercises................................................................................................................35 Single Awareness 1: Exploring Your Pleasure...............................................................................36 Single Awareness 2: Spreading the Sexual Energy........................................................................38 Single Awareness 3: Rocking the Steps......................................................................................... 39

Single Awareness 4: Rocking the Steps, Part 2..............................................................................41 Single Awareness 5: The Reverse Focus........................................................................................42 What to Do Next As a Single Master............................................................................................. 44 Partner Awareness Exercises...............................................................................................................45 Discussing and Setting the Rules....................................................................................................46 Partner Awareness 1: Exploring Each Other.................................................................................. 47 Partner Awareness 2: Pleasuring Her............................................................................................. 51 Partner Awareness 3: Partner Reverse Focus................................................................................. 54 Partner Awareness 4: Penetration ..................................................................................................56

How To Use The Program

Your erection dysfunction is curable. Majority of men who uses this program get back completely functional strong erection. It may not happen overnight, it may take weeks or even a few months to regain your old stamina. But if you're persistent and committed, then you'll be healed and never have to worry about erection dysfunction again. There are two major causes for erection dysfunction; physical and emotional. Most men have little bit of both. Temporarily physical problem can also easily lead to long term emotional causes for erection dysfunction and vise verse. In short, you don't have to diagnose your problem. The program will work for you what ever may be the cause for your condition. Follow the guidance and you'll be back in the saddle before you know it. This exercise program has nine parts: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. PC muscle exercises Lower Abdominal Exercises Lower back exercises The Lama Exercises Walking Breathing exercises Psychological Exercises Relaxation exercises Awareness exercises

Each part works on increasing the blood flow energy balance in specific areas or the whole body. Part 1 to 6 focuses more on the physical causes of erection dysfunction, part 7-8 emotional underlying cause for erection dysfunction. Part 9 is a little bit different and brings combination of both the emotional and physical through focused love making exercises. I recommend you follow the guidance in part 1 to 9 for at least 10-14 days. Do as much as you can without creating a stress in your life. Try to do at least one exercise in each part every day. After you've practiced part 1 to 9 for about two weeks, add the Awareness exercises to your daily routine. If you do not feel comfortable doing the awareness exercises, skip them. They do work well but everything has its time. So do what you can but don't push anything. This program is about progression, not immediate perfection. You're building your sexual health up again. You've probably been declining little by little for years, whether you noticed it or not. So give your self some time and enjoy the trip to complete sexual health.

Part 1: PC Muscle Exercises

These are probably the most important exercises in the program. About 40% of those who suffer from erection dysfunction regain complete sexual strength by only practicing these exercises. That is as many as benefit from using Viagra and other similar drugs. To begin the PC muscle exercises, lets go over just what the PC muscles are and why they are important. What Are the PC Muscles? The PC muscles are your internal pelvic muscles. The PC muscles are between your butt bone and your pelvic bone. Its easier to understand this muscle by feeling it from the inside. Have you ever tried to stop urinating in the middle of a flow? Or tried to squeeze that last little bit out at the end of your pee? Your PC muscle is what allows you to do that. Next time you go to the bathroom, give it a try. In fact, you could go ahead to the bathroom right now to try it out so that you have an understanding as you continue reading. See how strong your PC muscles are now. Do you have little control or a lot of control? The difference between front and back PC muscles ... In the PC muscles exercises you'll be practicing two kinds of PC muscles.

Front PC muscles (drawn in blue) Back PC muscles (drawn in red)

This is the same muscles-group so it's very understandable that you have trouble making a distinction between the two. Later in the program when you do the testicle lifts and other techniques, you use both muscles. Think about it like two ropes. One loops around the genitals (both the penis and the balls) and then runs half way down to the anus. These are the front PC muscles. The other loops around the anus and then runs half way down to the balls. These are the back PC muscles. Their function is different too ... You use the front PC muscles when stopping an urine in a middle of a pee. You also use the front PC muscles when forcing out the last drops after you are done.

You use the back PC muscles when holding in crap until you can get to the toilet. Think about the worst diarrhea, pushing to get out, but you have to hold on to it while running to the toilet. Then you're using the back PC muscles. It takes a while to get the feel for which muscles you're using so don't worry about it in the beginning. Where to practice? You can actually perform the PC exercises virtually anywhere. you do not have to be naked (although loose or comfortable clothing will make the exercise more comfortable). Onlookers will not be able to tell what you are doing. And since you cannot overwork your PC muscle, you can practice it pretty much anytime you think of it; in the shower, in the elevator, on the car ride to work. While it doesn't really matter when or where you practice, you may want to set up specific times or circumstances where you do, that way you have a routine and you are less likely to forget to practice. So use the flexibility of training the PC-Muscles and Practice these exercises as many times a day as you can. PC Muscle Training You are going to want to practice PC-Muscles exercise 1 and 2 first. When you feel you have mastered them, then you can move on to PC-Muscles exercise 3 and 4. Take your time; do not try to rush through the program.

PC 1: Pumping the Front

As with many other exercises, you will want to take this one in stages, starting out slowly and holding for longer and longer as you build up your muscles. Think of it like crunches or sit-ups; you dont start out with un-toned abs doing 100 crunches at a time, do you? So, begin by:

Perform quick flexes by squeezing and then releasing the muscle. Do this in repetitions of 20 or so each then work your way up to 30, then 40, 50 and eventually 60. If you are doing 60 or more easily you can move to the next step. Slow down the flexes and hold them for about 2 to 3 seconds each time before releasing. Breathe in on your flex and out youre your release the flex and relax for 3 seconds. Continue building up your repetitions the same way. When you can comfortably do this for 6o times in a row, then you can move on to the next stage. NEXT stage ... Slow the flexes even more by holding for 6 or 7 seconds. Then you will want to relax for 6 seconds. When you can do this for 60 times in a row, then you can move on to the next stage. NEXT stage Finally, train your muscle to hold the flex for 15 seconds or so. Relax for about 6 seconds after the flex. When you can do this for 60 times in a row, you can move on to the next exercise.

Dont forget when performing this exercise that the release is as important as the flex. In the beginning, when your flexes are quick, you will not notice the rest as much but once youve moved on to 2 or 3 second flexes, you should be having 2 to 3 second rests in between and so on as you move up.

PC 2: Pumping the Back

Because the PC muscle comes around the coccyx and the anus, past the privates and up to the pelvic bone, there are different areas of the muscle to train. This exercise deals with contractions of the muscle around the sphincter. This exercise is pretty simple. Think of it like when you are trying to hold a bowel movement; youre dealing with the same muscle here. Take a half breath and push the air from your lungs down. Focus on your sphincter and tightening it as firmly as you can. You may feel like your anus is pushed outward slightly. Youre going to want to expand this contraction around to your genitals. At first you will want to practice holding the tightening for 3 seconds on each contraction. Try this in repetitions of 20 or so and work your way up to 60. Next, you will try holding the tightening for 7 seconds and work your way up to 60 times in a row. Last, move up to holding it for 15 seconds and work your self up to doing this for 60 times in a row.

When you have mastered exercises 1 and 2 for 15 seconds, 60 times in a row, you can move on in the program to PC Exercises 3and 4. If you can find the time, it is best to also keep practicing exercises 1 and 2 even if you add exercises 3 and 4.

PC 3: Lifting the testicles

When you are about to ejaculate, your testicle lift or are drawn up to your body. This exercise will help you learn to control that effect and you can control your arousal as you want to. You may want to try this one sitting, or standing with your legs spread slightly apart. You might also want to do this one naked at first so you can actually see the testicles lift. This PC exercise is way more difficult than the two PC exercises before since you need to use the front and back of your PC muscle. Thats why its important to get good at the first two PC exercises first before moving along to this one. Begin by holding for 3-5 seconds and then releasing. Try this for about 20 times in a row. You may want to cup your testicles with your hand so you can feel it at first. Work your way up to 60 times in a row and then move on to the next step. When you feel comfortable with the above steps move up to 7-10 seconds of holding. Do this for 20 sets or so and work your way up to 60 times in a row. Then, you can move on. Now you will work your way up to holding for 15 seconds and move on at each stage until you can master 60 times in a row.

PC 4: Fluttering
This is a variation of the first PC muscle exercise (PC-Muscles Exercise 1: Pumping the Front). It is basically the same concept of flexing but you are going to want to do it as quickly as possible in a fluttering motion. With this exercise you will learn to squeeze and release very quickly over and over again. Repeat these flexes for as often as you can until the point of exhaustion. Each time you practice the exercise, you should be able to go a little longer than the time before.

Part 2: Abdominal Exercises

Exercising the lower abdominals is very important to balance the blood/energy flow to and from the genitals. Practice as many of these exercises as you can every day. You can do the Contract-Relax several times a day, even around people without anybody notising.

Abdominal 1: Contract Relax (not pictured)

This is a very easy but effective exercise. Its as simple as it sounds: tense or contract the lower abdominal muscles as though youre trying to brace for a punch to the abdomen and hold for 5-10 seconds or as long as you can comfortably do so, then relax for 10 seconds and repeat for 6 repetitions (up to 2 minutes). Build to five minutes at a time. Be sure to try to breathe comfortably throughout.

Abdominal 2: Pelvic Tilt

To retrain the lower abdominals to work in conjunction with the lower back and open the energy flow, lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Feel free to support your neck with a rolled up towel if thats more comfortable. Start this exercise with a neutral spine--i.e. if you put your hand just below the small of your back you should feel about an inch of space between your back and the floor. Without contracting the gluteus (buttocks) muscles or pushing your feet into the floor, focus instead on tensing the abdominal muscles to slowly tilt the pelvis backwards. Exhale as you press the lower back into the floor (which will rock the pelvis back) and inhale as you release the back and pelvis to neutral spine position. Repeat for 2-3 sets of 12-15 repetitions. IF you want to provide a little support for the abdominals, wrap your arms around your mid-section and pull slightly inward with your hands to act as a brace.

Abdominal 3: Quadruped Bracing

This exercise is a great one that combines upper body with core (abdominal and lower back) stability. Position yourself on hands and knees (feel free to place a towel under your knees to provide more support) with hands directly under shoulders and knees under hips. Keep the head neutral, looking straight down at the floor but not dropping below the level of your spine. On an exhale, gently raise your knees 1-2 inches off the floor, hold for 3-5 seconds, then replace the knees to the floor and repeat 8-10 times. Avoid lifting too high or this will be quite easy. Concentrate on tensing the abdominals and making both sides of the body work at the same time.

Abdominal 4: Modified sit-ups

Lie on your back with your hips and knees comfortably bent and your arms folded across your chest (easier) or clasped behind your head (more difficult). Keeping your eyes focused on the ceiling. Clench your lower abdominals as you raise your shoulders and chest 4-6 inches off the floor. Do NOT tuck your chin. Slowly return to the starting position.

Abdominal 5: Bilateral leg lift

Lie flat on your back, legs fully extended and tuck your hands under your lower back. Keep your pelvis tilted up and back into the floor. Clench your lower abdominals as you lift both legs off the floor approximately 8 inches and hold them there for 3-5 seconds. Lower both legs to the floor. Keep pelvis and lower back tilted into the floor at all times

Abdominal 6: Spiters
Lie on your back and clasp your hands behind your head. Bend both knees and raise them towards your chest. Raise your neck and shoulders off the floor. Simultaneously move your right elbow and left knee towards each other while keeping your head, shoulders, and legs off the floor. Repeat with your left elbow and right knee. Never allow shoulders or legs to rest on the floor.

Part 3: Low Back Exercises

Like the Abdominal Exercises, the lower back exercises will balance the energy/blood flow to the genitals. Practice as many of these exercises as you can each day.

Low Back 1: Knee Pulling

Lie flat on the floor in a relaxed position. Bring your right knee toward your chest, clasping your hands around the knee. Pull your right knee toward your chest firmly and, at the same time, forcefully straighten the left leg. Hold for three to five seconds. Relax tension. Do five times. Repeat same procedure with opposite leg. Repeat five times or as recommended.

Low Back 2: Butt Lifting

Lie on the floor with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor and arms at your sides, palms down. Tighten the muscles of your lower abdomen and buttocks so as to flatten your low back. Slowly raise low back and buttocks from the floor and hold for five seconds. Relax. Do five times or as recommended.

Low Back 3: Back Stretching

Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor, hands at your sides, palms down. Tighten the muscles of your abdomen and buttocks so as to push your low back flat against the floor. Hold for three to five seconds, relax. Do five times or as recommended.

Low Back 4: Chest Clasping

Lie on the floor with your knees bent, feet on the floor and arms at your sides. Bring both knees to chest, clasping hands around the knees and pulling firmly towards your chest. Hold for three to five seconds. Relax tension. Do five times or as recommended.

Part 4: The Five Exercises From The Himalaya

These exercises where first discovered by the Lamas in the Himalayas and brought to the western world early 19th century by an English Gentleman who served over there. These exercises where believed to be the bringers of youth. I'm not sure if that's true, but I know they have been proven very effective when fighting erection dysfunction. The exercises are very simple to work, anybody can do it no matter what kind of physically shape they're. One of the main cause for erection dysfunction are blocks of blood flow around the genital area and the legs. The main thing these exercises do is increase the blood flow in this area. They will also increase the energy flow throughout your whole body and help deal with some secondary causes for erection dysfunction like high blood pressure and over weight. There are however a few simple guidelines you've to follow... 1. Take it slowly in the beginning and work your self up to more little by little. There is no gain in pushing your self in the beginning and then ending up getting hurt or giving up. Do only what feels comfortable to you. There is no hurry. 2. For the first week, begin by doing only the first exercise, three times each day, and only if you experience being completely comfortable doing this. If you feel too dizzy or tired, practice the exercise slower or fewer times. Then add more as your strength grows. 3. Add exercise two the second week but again only if you experience being completely comfortable doing it. Begin doing it 3 times a day and then add more as your strength grows. 4. In the same way as before, add exercise 3 the third week, exercise 4 the fourth week and exercise 5 the fifth week. If you need more time, take it. 5. All the exercises will most likely be hard in the beginning. Don't worry about doing them perfectly. If you can only lift your thighs when you do exercise 2 for the first time, then that's what you'll do. Little by little your strength will grow. 6. 21 is the maximum of each exercise you ought to ever do. If you want to enhance your program, do the exercises at a faster pace, though do not so more than 21 of each exercise each day. Doing more than 21 repetitions of each exercise in any day will overdo your metabolism and is capable of creating imbalances in your body. 7. Do the Five exercises every day. The maximum you ought to miss is one day each week. If the exercises are done less than six days each week, the results will be greatly reduced. If on certain days your time is limited, do 3 repetitions of each exercise. This takes less than five minutes. 8. For maximum benefit, do the exercises before breakfast in the morning, if at all possible. If this is not possible do them anytime during the day except make sure you do NOT do them less than 3 hours before going to sleep.

9. The "Five exercises" are very powerful and may stimulate detoxification and sometimes create some unpleasant physical symptoms in the beginning. This is why it is recommended to increase the number of each exercise gradually on a weekly basis. 10. It's essential you've enough energy when doing these exercises. Try to have 3 good meals a day and then some fruits in between. Eating healthy has also been proven to eliminate big part of erection dysfunction symptoms.

That's enough of talking, lets get down to the exercises:

Lama 1
The first exercise, is a simple one. It is for the express purpose of speeding up the metabolism in your body. It'll also synchronize your balance system. When we were children we used it in our play. It is this: Stand erect with arms outstretched, horizontal with the shoulders. Now slowly spin around 2-3 times, or until you become slightly dizzy. There is only one caution: you must turn from left to right. In other words, if you were to place a clock or watch on the floor face up, you would turn in the same way the hands are moving. Take it very easy in the beginning. 3-6 slow spins is plenty the first days. Speed is not important. As you master this exercise, add more spins but only till you get to the point of slight dizziness. Then sit down and relax for a while before you do anything else. Breathing: Inhale and exhale deeply as you do the spins. After you've mastered this exercise (and it may take years), you could spin with full force 21 times without feeling too dizzy. I recommend limiting it to 12 times tough.

Lama 2
Like Exercise Number One, this second one is for further stimulating the Metabolism and the energy flow in the body, especially the genital area. It is even simpler than the first one. In Exercise Number Two, you first lies flat on your back on the floor or on the bed. If you practice on the floor, use a rug or blanket under your self, folded several times in order that your body will not come into contact with the cold floor. Then place the hands flat down alongside the hips. Fingers should be kept close together with the fingertips of each hand turned slightly toward one another. The feet are then raised until the legs are straight up. If possible, let the feet extend back a bit over the body, toward the head; but do not let the knees bend. Then, slowly lower the feet to the floor and for a moment allow all muscles to relax. Then perform this Exercise all over again. Breathing: Breathe in deeply as you lift your head and legs and exhale as you lower your head and legs. In the beginning you may be so weak, and decrepit that you cant possibly lift up both your legs. Don't beat your self up... Start out by lifting your thighs until the knees are straight up, letting your feet hang down. Little by little, however, you'll be able to straighten out your legs till at the end you can raise them straight with perfect ease.

Lama 3

The third Exercise should be practiced immediately after practicing Exercise Number Two. It, too, is a very simple one. All one needs to do is to kneel on the floor, place your hands on your thighs, and lean forward as far as possible with the head inclined so that the chin rests on the chest. Now lean backward as far as possible; at the same time the head should be lifted and thrown back as far as it will go. Then bring the head up along with the body. Lean forward again and start the Exercise all over. Breathing: Inhale as you arch the spine and exhale as you return to an erect position. Begin by doing this exercise only three times and then add more as your strength grows.

Lama 4
The first time you try exercise four, it may seem very difficult, but after a week or two, it'll be as simple to do as any of the others. Sit on the floor with the feet stretched out in front. Then place the hands alongside the body. Now raise the body and bend the knees so that the legs, from the knees down, are practically straight up and down. The arms, too, will be straight up and down while the body, from the shoulders to the knees, will be horizontal. Before pushing the body to a horizontal position, the chin should be well down on the chest. Then, as the body is raised, the head should be allowed to drop gently backward as far as it will go. Next, return to a sitting position and relax for a moment before repeating the procedure. When the body is pressed up to the complete horizontal position, tense every muscle in the body. This will have a tendency to stimulate your soar muscles and get the metabolism going again in them. Breathing: Breathe in as you rise up, hold your breath as you tense the muscles, and breathe out fully as you come down. In the beginning you may feel that unless you can perform this Exercise perfectly, right from the beginning, no good could come from it. That's totally wrong. When starting out, you may just barely be able to get your body off the floor; and not anywhere near a horizontal position. Do the best you can and see just what happened in a months time. The results will be more than gratifying.

Lama 5
The best way to perform this Exercise is to place the hands on the floor about two feet apart. Then, with the legs stretched out to the rear with the feet also about two feet apart, push the body, and especially the hips, up as far as possible, rising on the toes and hands. At the same time the head should be brought so far down that the chin comes up against the chest. Next, allow the body to come slowly down to a sagging position. Bring the head up, causing it to be drawn as far back as possible. After a few weeks, that is after you become quite proficient in this movement, let the body drop from its highest position to a point almost but not quite touching the floor. The muscles should be tensed for a moment when the body is at the highest point, and again at the lowest point. Breathing: Breathe in deeply as you raise the body, and exhale fully as you lower the body. Before the end of the first week you practice this exercise, it'll be one of the easiest ones to perform. If you're overweighted, tough, and have trouble doing this exercise, you may want to skip it for a while and work the other harder till they begin to burn your weight off (and they'll quickly).

Part 5: Walking
Please do not underestimate this exercise. I have had clients cure their erection dysfunction in less than a week by only going for a 20-30 minutes power walk every day. Two things happens when you go for a power walk outside: 1. You load your body with fresh oxygen. Erection dysfunction is caused by lack of oxygen filled blood in the penis, so walking outside is extremely important for you. 2. Nothing gets the circulation around the genitals going as well as walking. Most people do not walk enough. To make it clear, I'm going to repeat the directions here: Take a 20-30 minutes power walk every day! Walk as fast as you can. Put power in your steps and swing your hands. Act as frisky and energetic as you can. If you have to fake it, then fake it till you make it (it won't take long).

Part 6: Breathing Exercises

As I talked about in the Walking Part of this program, lack of oxygen filled blood in the penis is one of the main cause of erection dysfunction. Another common cause for this condition is stress and anxiety. These breathing exercises will fill your body with fresh oxygen and relax it at the same time. You can practice these exercises whenever you want, especially if you're in a stressful situation or shortly before having sex.

Breathing 1: Relaxed breathing

The following exercise will teach you how to relax your breathing and to relax your body and mind through deep-breathing techniques. You can practice this breathing exercise virtually anywhere but you may want to start in a calm and quiet place the first few times till you have gotten the hang of it. As we mentioned before, you do not want to be distracted or interrupted. You can perform the breathing exercise one of two ways; sitting or standing. You could try both and decide which works best for you and use that position in the future.

Begin by taking a deep breath and relaxing your mind. Take a moment to focus on your natural breathing rate. Now take a deep breath in through your nose and hold it for a few seconds. Now release your breath slowly through your mouth. Repeat this process slowly, picturing your stomach filling like a big balloon full of air. Imagine the air circulating throughout your body, making its way through all your organs. Continue your deep slow breaths. As you breathe in deeply, imagine the air relaxing all of your body parts.

Do this for as long as you feel like. You may even want to practice it several times a day or any time you are feeling high stress stages. Once you learn this deep breathing method, you can combine it with the other body relaxation exercise, such as relaxing step by step or doing nothing, and to truly reach a deep, relaxed state.

Breathing 2: Exhaling All The Air

Most of us never exhale a big part of the air out of the lungs. By not exhaling completely, your breathing will be shallow and inefficient. You will not be able to fill the lungs with new fresh air and you don't get enough oxygen. We hold on to a lot of tension in our body by holding onto the air in the lungs. Of course you will never be able to empty the lungs completely, but holding onto too much air will prevent you from relaxing and getting enough oxygen. This exercise will help you empty out your lungs, making space for new fresh air. By doing it a few times you will probably notice your breathing becoming more efficient during the day, and night. Bend your body very slightly forward, as if you are about to bow, while exhaling all the breath you have, so your lower abdomen is completely sucked in.

Normal longs and diaphragm

As you bend over a little let the diaphragm press all the air out of the lungs

As soon as the lungs are emptied, straighten up again and let the diaphragm suck the air into the lungs

As soon as you feel that you have emptied all your breath, straighten up again while taking an easy and smooth deep breath on an imagined round "ah" sound. Be sure not to inhale too much, as it will make your body rigid. Repeat this exercise six or seven times in succession, once or twice a day. Make sure you don't overdo it. If at any point you start feeling dizzy, stop the exercise and wait a few hours before you do it again.

Breathing 3: Breathing Through Mouth And Nose:

This is an exercise you can do any time during the day, when you feel tension in your body, or emotions you want to get out (like if you need to get frustration out of your system). Sit down. Keep your back straight. Simply breathe through both your mouth and nose at the same time and feel how your breathing passages open up and the energy from overload of oxygen is filling you up. Start by using your belly to breathe like you did in "Exhaling All The Air". Then move your breathing up until you use your shoulders to breathe. Then let all the air out through both your nose and mouth the same way. Start by letting the shoulders breathe out, all the way down to your belly breathing out. Feel how you relax. Repeat a few times. Breathing in and out, through both your nose and mouth at the same time will do two things. You will take in twice the oxygen than only using one gap, and you will completely relax your body and get rid of built up frustration.

Part 7: Psychological Exercises:

There are many underlying psychological causes for erection dysfunction. In essence if negativity, worries, stress, overwhelming anger (often unexpressed) and other tough feelings get hold on us, something has go give. And for many men it's the sexual function that gives. If you weren't burdened by negative thoughts or feelings before you began to experience this condition, you would have to be a mega man to keep it away now. These exercises are aimed to lighten your burden. I've had clients who experienced tremendous change after only practicing this part a few times. Especially Talking Things Out with an understanding partner. Practice and implant to your life as many of these techniques as you comfortable can every day.

Psychological 1: The 1-2 Rule:

Implanting this rule all the time will totally change your life. Not only will it help you to deal with your erection dysfunction, every area in your life will get better. Because you will push away the biggest obstacle in your life, your negative thinking. We think a lot. It is just our human nature. But have you ever noticed that most of our thinking is negative thinking?

We doubt ourselves. We let other people get on our nerves. We think about everything that goes wrong, but don't notice what is right.

The 1-2 rule is meant to reverse this. The rule goes like this: "It is ok to think something negative, but I always have to match it with two positive things". For example, you might think about somebody: "Man, he is boring." It is okay to think that, but you have to be able to match it with two positive things about that person. You might add: "But, he is a hard worker, and he is loving to his kids". The hardest part for most people is to use this rule about themselves. You might doubt yourself, thinking: "I am not good enough, I will never get this promotion". And it is okay to think this. You are allowed to have this opinion about yourself. But you have to match with two positive things about your self. You might, for example, add: "But, I am popular as a friend in my workplace, and I know I give my work 100%." You will notice two things, if you apply this rule to your daily life. 1. You will feel lighter and happier. 2. You positivity will grow. It will be so much work to always have to stop to look for positive things to think every time you think something negative, but little by little you will train yourself to diminish the negative thinking, and increase the positive.

Note that everybody has something positive, everybody. If you can't find anything positive about some person, you really don't want to. In the process of implanting this rule into your life, you will slip, you can be sure of that. There will be days where you simply can't think positively. Your negative thinking will take over. Don't worry about this. Just start the next day with a clean slate.

Psychological 2: Positive Talking

Use the 1-2 rule also talking to people around you. Everywhere you go try to match any negative thing you say with two positive ones. If you are complaining to somebody, you might say: "I love your products, and your sales team is great, but every time I need assistance, I can't reach customer support." People are way more open to assist and make amends if you say something positive to them.

Psychological 3: Realize Your Joy:

This exercise is meant to get you thinking about what you really like in your life, and what you would like to do. Simply rewrite this list and fill in the blanks with your personal choices. Make the answers as short or long as you want. Take time to think about your answers. Allow yourself to dream! 1. My favorite way to spend the day is ________ 2. I often dream of traveling to ________ 3. Choosing between a mystery, novel, or biography, I pick ________ 4. The music I enjoy listening to is ________ 5. If given the choice, I'd build my house in ________ 6. I often dream of having ________ 7. I wish I could feel good about ________ 8. I cry when I feel ________ 9. I laugh when I feel ________ 10. I need to communicate because ________ When you are done with this list, make your own list. Write down, in a simple manner, what you like and what you like to do. What is your reality? If you don't like writing, just make those lists in your own mind. It can be fun to do a similar exercise with your partner. You each make up a question, and then the other answers. You might ask your partner: "If you could choose any place in the world, where would you want to live?" Or, "What in life gives you the biggest joy?" Remember you are never too old to play a game like this one. Do this exercise once a week, or as often as you want.

Psychological 4: Talking Things Out:

Because you are seeking advice for erection dysfunction, I assume you have a partner. If this is a misunderstanding, and you don't have a partner at the moment, try to get somebody else to do this exercise with you. A good friend can sometimes even be better than a partner. With all couples there is something unspoken floating in the air. There is something both of you are worried about, angry about, or you haven't expressed all the love towards each other, from your heart. These kind of unspoken emotions can lead to erection dysfunction in two ways: 1. Your body will tense up when you have the emotions. For example, if you are angry you may often make a fist without even noticing. When you are scared your shoulders may tense up. When there is lot you are not expressing, anger, fear, love, your genital area will tense up and block the blood flow, leading to erection dysfunction. 2. When you are around somebody who is holding on to unspoken emotions, you will feel it in the same way as if you had it yourself, making you tense up as explained before. You may not feel it as strongly as if you had the emotions yourself, but you will still feel it, causing your to erection dysfunction. So if your partner is not expressing emotions, especially some emotions projected at you, you will feel tense, and that effects your sexual performance. The cure in both of those cases is simply: Talk together! Most couples spend more time in front of the television than talking together. Especially talking about something important. The description of the exercise is short: "Within two or three hours before going to bed, talk together for a half an hour". To make the task a little bit easier, I am going to give you a few rules to follow in the conversation. 1. Talk together for a least half hour, but split it up in few sections. For the first five minutes you get as many things off your chest as you can, and your partner listens. Then your partner get as many things of her/his chest as possible, and you listen. For twenty minutes you take turns to talk, and listen. The last ten minutes are free for you two to talk together, without anyone controlling the time. 2. When talking try to use the 1-2 rule explained before. Try to find two positive things for each negative thing you say. 3. When listening be as non-judgmental, and non-emotional as you can. Your partner is only expressing his or her reality, and maybe the only thing needed is to get it out of one's system. 4. When talking, try to take a grown up stand of responsibility for your feelings and reactions.

Although hard to believe, your feelings have nothing to do with your partner's behavior. You are not a victim of your feelings, you can always choose from which point of view you see things. 5. Talk together like you knew your partner would not be alive tomorrow. Like it was the last time you saw each other. This could be true. Especially use the last ten minutes to say everything you wanted to say if you would never see your partner again. Never go to bed with something unspoken. If you do this exercise right, you might feel a huge difference in your sexual energy right away tonight. Most couples though, need quite a few times to get the right flow going. It is okay, just do this exercise constantly every night, hopefully for the rest of your life. And you will not only have better sex life, but also have a way better atmosphere in your home. If the atmosphere is already great, it will only get better!

Part 8: Relaxation Exercises:

As mention many times before, stress and anxiety are two very underlying causes for erection dysfunction. You may not cure your condition overnight using these exercises but I promise you, you'll feel and sleep a whole lot better. Choose either one of these exercises and practice it daily or as often as you can.

Relaxation 1: Doing Nothing:

This is my favorite exercise. It took a while to get used to it, but now I am addicted to it. :-) It is simple. Sit in your favorite chair, and do nothing for fifteen minutes a day. You might think this is a waste of time, but I assure you it is not. Isaac Newton maybe thought he was wasting his time sitting under the apple tree. But it was there he realized his most famous principle. Taking the time to sit for fifteen minutes, every day, takes an amazing amount of self-discipline. Everything will want to get in your way. But believe me, if you do this, your whole day will be better. You will be way more relaxed, and your stress (the worst enemy of the western world) will diminish tremendously. Stress is one of the main hidden causes for erection dysfunction. It gets all our body tensed up, especially the genital area and blocks the blood flow. If you think you are too busy to sit down for fifteen minutes a day and do nothing, then you probably need to do this exercise. I am going to repeat the directions. Sit in your favorite chair, and do nothing for fifteen minutes a day. If you think you have to do something, let it wait. If there is something very important to think about, do it after the exercise. For fifteen minutes, you don't have to think about anything, don't have to make any decisions, don't have to read anything, don't have to listen to anything, and you don't have to do anything. Out of one thousand four hundred and forty minutes a day, you are going to do absolutely nothing for fifteen minutes. When the fifteen minutes are over, open you eyes and check how you feel. Do you feel the same as when you started, or different? Did you feel temptations to stop the exercise and do something else? Was it always the same temptation which wanted to stop you from doing what you had decided was the most important to do in the moment? It will get easier to do this exercise the more you practice it.

Relaxation 2: Relaxing Step-By-Step

The following exercise will teach you how to relax your body and mind. You will want to find a quiet, comfortable spot to practice where you will not be interrupted. You are going to want to totally free your mind and you can not do this if you are worried about things in your surroundings. This means turn off your phone and pager (or put them on silent), turn off your television, anything else that is distracting or may cause interruption. You are going to want to quiet your mind first and then move on to relaxing your entire body. To quiet your mind, you first want to:

Lie down on your back with your arms by your side in a comfortable spot, use pillows if necessary to make yourself more comfortable. Close your eyes. You may want to listen to soothing music or relaxation recordings. (Just be sure not to play any music that is distracting or not calming.) Free your mind of any daily concerns; dont worry about that work assignment, feeding the dog or changing the oil in the car. Just let all your worries and concerns slip away for a moment and imagine yourself drifting away. Think of yourself as getting lighter, being held up like a feather in the breeze. Remain this way for as long as you want.

Now, to relax your body, youre going to want to focus on each and every part of your body. This progressive muscle relaxation is similar to getting a full-body massage. You will begin this muscle awareness exercise in your feet and work your way up slowly. Remember, dont rush. Just enjoy the time with yourself. While lying down on your back, tense up your toes, hold, and then release. Now do your feet; tense your muscles, hold for a moment and then relax. Slowly continue this up your legs. You are now becoming aware of your body and gaining control of your muscles. Work your way up your lower leg and thighs to your butt and genitals. Focus on those muscles and tensing and releasing them. Breathe naturally as you tense and release the muscles throughout your whole body, one at the time. Pay special attention to the genital area and the lower back and abdomen.

Part 9: Awareness Exercises

I originally made these exercises to deal with premature ejaculation. They became very effective and my one line program ( is recognized all over the world as the most effective solution to cure premature ejaculation. What I found out was that these exercises were as effective to deal with erection dysfunction. I recommend waiting with this part till you've practiced the other 8 parts for at least 2 weeks. You may want to wait longer or skip it completely that's okay too. There is of course an obvious problem with these exercises. If you can't get hard at all, then you'll not be able to practice them all, that's okay. Do the parts that you can. Little by little, you'll be able to do more and experience more pleasure.

How to Practice the Awareness Exercises

Up until this point, the program is basically the same for everybody. But now that you have reached the awareness exercises, you will have the choice to work alone or with your partner. But before you can start practicing the awareness exercises alone or with partner, you will have to learn how to recognize the arousal stages in yourself. You are going to want to become familiar with yourself and with what happens as your arousal level grows till you reach the point of no return when you can't stop your self from ejaculating. Just exactly what is happening when you get turned on? As you get more and more aroused, your body function changes. There are several signs your body shows when you are getting close to orgasm. They are ...

Increased breathing rate, possibly even panting Blood pressure and heart rate both increase Legs and butt muscles tighten up Pelvic muscles tense Testicles may draw up close to the body You become inwardly focused, blocking out the outside world

Now lets look at the exact stages you go through from no arousal to full blasting ejaculation. Ten Stages from Arousal to Ejaculation There are basically ten stages that a man experiences on the road to ejaculation. Its extremely important to understand these 10 steps and learn to recognize them in yourself as it is the fundamental base for performing the awareness exercises.

You will need to study these stages carefully and then study them as you are experiencing them. Then when you are masturbating or having sex, learn to recognize what stage you are at.

Stage 1: Going from un-aroused to feeling a light feeling in the tip of the penis Stage 2: You will get your first little surges of pleasure Stage 3: Now you start to get feel-good feelings Stage 4: Start to experience low stages of arousal Stage 5: Feeling really good, fully aroused Stage 6: Feelings of arousal increase Stage 7: Breathing increases, pleasure spreading all over Stage 8: Increased pleasure; breathing fast, heart rate increased and face flushed. Stage 9: Stage of intense pleasure and feelings of elation, Stage 9.9: Reaching point of no return. Stage 10: Ejaculation.

Learning these stages and recognizing them in yourself is essential when performing the awareness exercises. You want to be able to know your body and your pleasure stages so your body can increase the arousal and therefore get harder, more powerful erection. You will eventually learn how to move up and down the arousal steps at will. Ejaculating Be aware as you begin practicing these exercises that many times you will go over the point and ejaculate when you dont want to. That is actually great. If you dont lose it once in a while, you are not pushing the limits enough. So you are doing great. Dont worry about it or beat yourself up over it. Be happy about it because as I will mention over and over again this only gives you deeper awareness of how far you can go. You may also not be able to get hard firm erection in the beginning. That is okay. Little by little your erection strength will grow and you'll gain both harder erection and ejaculation. Practice Alone Or With Partner? Finally you are ready to practice the awareness exercises. Now it is time for you to choose if you want to start practicing the exercises with your partner or alone, if you choose to practice alone for right now, you can always switch over at any time and start practicing with your partner. If you want to get your partner involved now, move over to the partner awareness exercises part of this section now. Otherwise just keep on reading and follow the guidance for the single awareness exercises.

Single Awareness Exercises

Now that you are beginning the hands-on exercises, your privacy is really important. You may even feel shy when you are all alone but its okay. Part of the program is learning to let yourself go and be completely relaxed with yourself. You need to feel free to make noises and feel the pleasure. Dont worry about coming when you dont want to; if this doesn't happen every now and then, than you are not pushing yourself enough to benefit from the exercises. So go ahead and let yourself go. Take time to pleasure yourself and explore your erotic pleasures. Most of all have fun! Now, start the first exercise and then just follow the step by step guidance how to move on.

Single Awareness 1: Exploring Your Pleasure

Lie in your bed naked. You can either go quickly through relaxing your body step by step, or do this exercise directly after the relaxing exercise. Relax by taking a deep breath and then empty out the lungs completely. Repeat these three times. Now as you lay there start touching your self looking for spots that give you pleasure. Do not touch your genitals yet! Experience how your body feels when you touch yourself in different spots. Feel how your arousal stage goes up a little. Keep the 10steps we talked about before in mind. Breathe deeply, close your eyes, and enjoy. Make some sounds; let your voice express how good this feels. Feel how different kinds of strokes give you different kinds of pleasure. Feel your whole body with your hands. Your most sensual spots might be anywhere ... your arms, shoulders, nipples, face, neck, stomach or legs. You will most likely discover many sensual spots you never realized you had. Spend some time touching yourself like this. Take note of your bodys reaction as you touch yourself. Also experience how good it feels in your hands when you touch your self. Discover how good it feels to be doing the touching, not just receiving. You should have a double pleasure. Enjoy as much from the giving hand as the receiving body. Continue to practice this for at least fifteen minutes without ever touching your genitals. Go for longer if you feel like it. After at least fifteen minutes of self pleasure you may touch your penis and balls. Stoke your penis lightly like you did with the other parts of your body. Move your hand slowly on your penis and feel every touch, every movement. Let out the pleasure by making some sounds. Panting is great. Talk to yourself out loud: this is great, this feels good. The same way that people get turned on by talking during sex, you will get turned on more by talking when you are pleasuring yourself. Don't go into fantasying but try to feel your body sensation deeper and deeper. Talking and making sounds also relieves a lot of tension and anxiety. Start practicing making sounds right away. If you think you are too loud, become even louder. This also eliminates lot of sexual shame or timid-ness most people have.

Do not move too fast, take it very slowly and enjoy the almost overwhelming feeling you may experience. If you get irritated and want to move faster, do the opposite and move slower. Youve been rushing it your whole life. Its time to learn not to rush. Take it for as much time as you can stand. Now that youve soaked up that amazing feeling, relax and feel as your arousal stage rises. You do not have to do anything to control it, just feel it and experience it with joy. When you reach ejaculation, feel every pump. Feel the semen come from inside and move up the penis and then out. Explore The Pleasure.

Practice this exercise a least five times before you move over to Single Exercise 2.

Single Awareness 2: Spreading the Sexual Energy

Just like in exercise 1, you should relax for about 15 minutes before beginning the exercise. This is very similar exercise to Single Exercise 1 except now you will learn to let the sexual energy spread all over your body. If done correctly, this will give you a great energy boost.

Start out like in Single Exercise 1. When you reach the point when you can start touching your penis, visualize how the energy is moving from your genitals and up your spine. Feel how it reaches your Solar Plexus, your heart, and then your forehead. Take your time. Now feel how it moves from those spots (solar plexus, heart, and forehead) and spreads all over your body. You may see it as colored light or just feel it as a current or surge throughout your body. Now add the PC pump. Breath in deeply, clench the PC muscles (both front and back), then breathe out and let go of the tension. As you flex the muscles feel the energy flow up the spine and as you release and breathe out, feel the energy flow all around your body. Do not rush through the exercise. Take things slowly and enjoy your pleasure. The whole time you are doing the PC pump keep on arousing your penis ... When you finally ejaculate, you will have a fantastic orgasm!

Practice this exercise a least five times before you move over to Single Exercise 3.

Single Awareness 3: Rocking the Steps

Before you practice this exercise make sure you know the 10 Stages you go through as your arousal rises well. You will need to use them in this exercise. Just like in the other exercises, spend at least 15 minutes relaxing before you begin. Start out like in the two previous exercises until you reach the point when you can touch your penis.

Start masturbating slowly. Be aware as you move from one stage to another. Take your time and note how you feel. Go slowly and feel the tension as it rises. Slowly let your self move up to stage 6. Then stop everything and wait until you have dropped to arousal stage 2. This might take few seconds or few minutes. When your arousal stage has dropped down to stage two, start masturbating slowly again. When you reach stage 6 again, stop everything and let your arousal stage drop to stage2. When you have dropped to arousal stage 2, start masturbating slowly again. This time arouse your self to stage 7. Then stop everything and drop to stage 2. Arouse your self up to stage 7 again and then drop to stage 2. Now arouse your self to stage 8, and then stop everything and drop to stage 2. Arouse yourself to stage 8 and then drop to stage 2. Then do the same with stage 9. Arouse your self slowly up to stage 9, then stop everything and drop to stage 2. Repeat going to stage 9 and then dropping to stage 2 for about four times. Now the most enjoyable step in this exercise. If you havent already lost it and ejaculated (it is very likely that you loose it first few times if you press the limits enough) drop your arousal stage down to stage 2. Then masturbate all the way up to stage 9, be aware when you reach stage 9, then go over the line to the point of no return. Allow yourself to enjoy the orgasm fully.

Try to spot it exactly when you move over to the place of no return. Dont try to stop it, just notice it. Next time you practice this exercise and are moving to stage 9, try to get as close to this point as you can without crossing the line. Remember crossing the line to The Point Of No Return without wanting to is never a failure. You are only practicing, and every time you reach that point unintentionally you will have clearer feeling of how far you can go.

Not only will you have clearer conscious feeling of how far you can go. Your subconscious, which controls your ejaculation anyway, will also learn to recognize this. Playing on the edge of an orgasm for as long as possible will boost your penis with energy and train it to bring on harder and harder erection. Practice this exercise a least five times before you move to Single Exercise 4. You may find you enjoy it and want to practice it often.

Single Awareness 4: Rocking the Steps, Part 2

This exercise is very similar to Single Exercise 3, except now you will not go all the way down to stage 2 but only drop two steps down. As with the other exercises, relax for about 15 minutes or more before beginning. If you are not relaxed, or if you start to feel tense, stop the exercise and go back to your relaxation techniques. The tension will interfere with your arousal process. Practice this exercise like the previous till you reach the point you can touch your penis.

Masturbate slowly till you reach arousal stage 6. Then stop everything until you have dropped to arousal stage 4. Then arouse your self slowly back to stage 6, and then drop back to stage 4. Now masturbate slowly till you reach stage 7. Then stop everything and drop to stage 5. Masturbate to stage 7, then stop everything and drop to stage 5. Now arouse yourself up to stage 8, stop everything till you drop to stage 6. When you have dropped to stage 6, arouse your self to stage 8 again, and then drop back to stage 6. Now arouse yourself to stage 9 and then drop to stage 7. This time repeat this process from stage 9 to stage 7 four times. Every time try to get closer and closer to the point of no return without crossing it. Finally drop your arousal stage all the way down to stage 6 and then arouse yourself to stage 9. Slowly move higher and higher in stage 9 until you feel that you have crossed the point of no return. Then just enjoy a great orgasm.

Try to spot exactly the point when you move over to the place of no return. Next time you practice this exercise and are moving to stage 9, try to get as close to this point as you can without crossing the line. Each time you practice the exercise try to get a little closer. If you do the exercise right you will sometimes cross the line of no return without wanting to. If you never do this you are most likely not pressing the limits enough in stage 9. So once again, do not feel back if you come before you finish the exercise. Just enjoy it and then take note of how it felt and how you knew you were crossing over to the point of no return. Repeat this exercise at least five times before you move on to Single Exercise 5.

Single Awareness 5: The Reverse Focus

At this point you should have good feeling for the sages and your body, as you move up and down from one stage to another. In this exercise you are supposed to hold back by reversing the process you would normally go through right before you reach the point of no return. Remember the five things that happen with your body as you get close to climax: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Breathing speeds up to the point of panting Heart rate and blood pressure increase Legs, butt, and other muscles around the genitals tense up Testicles draw up against your body You have inward focus; the outside world is far away

If you can control those five attributes you will be able to last way longer than usually. Lets look at what you can do to hold yourself back. We will call this THE REVERSE FOCUS. 1. Breathing. You can slow down and deepen your breathing. Make sure you breathe all the way down to your belly, and then breathe all the air out. Breathe in through your nose. Usually when we get excited we breathe through our mouth. If you breathe in through your nose you will change this pattern. 2. When you breathe out make a pleasure full sound. This will release a lot of tension. 3. Tension. You should now have practiced to relax your whole body. Now it is time to use this to relax when you are getting highly aroused. Feel it when your muscles start to tense. Tell them to relax. Try to relax your whole body, even if you are over aroused. 4. Testicles lift. As the testicles start to draw up, use the PC muscles you have been exercising to let them down again. Do the testicle lift, and then release them totally down. Little by little you will get the feeling of how to use the PC muscles to avoid ejaculation. Try out different things. You will cross the line many times, but little by little you get a better hang of it. 5. Inward focus. Open your eyes widely and watch everything around you. Feel the whole room. Touch yourself with your free hand. Feel the touch both with your hand and also where you touch yourself. Listen to whatever sound is around you. You may be playing slow music, or a car might be driving by. This way you will have an outside focus, as an opposite to the inward focus. Now read those steps over again, and understand how you can control your ejaculation by doing the opposite to what you would usually do when you are close to coming. Lets try this out ...

Again, do your relaxation for at least 15 minutes before beginning and go through the process like in the previous exercises till you reach the point you can start touching your penis. Now, masturbate like you did in the previous exercises until you reach stage seven. Now slow down your stroking, but dont stop. As you keep on masturbating slowly, deepen your breathing, breathe in from your nose, and make sure you breathe all the way down to your belly. Release all the air out with a moan. Empty out the lungs from the belly up to the shoulders. Do everything else I explained before to reverse the process up the steps of the 10 Stages.

Breathe deeply Make pleasurable sounds Relax your whole body Perform a testicle lift and then release them totally Focus outside your self, not inward focus

If you reach stage nine, stop everything and wait until you drop down to stage six again. Start masturbating again like you usually would but when you reach stage eight, get the reverse focus again. Now do the same with stage nine ... Masturbate as usually until you reach stage nine. When you reach stage nine, slow down and get the reverse focus.

Breath deeply Relax your whole body Perform a testicle lift and then release them totally Focus outside your self, not inward focus

If you get too close to the point of no return, stop everything and keep the reverse focus tll you drop down to stage seven. Play on the edge. Feel how far you can go with the reverse focus without reaching the point of no return. Feel the energy build up in your penis and how hard it gets the longer you play around the edge. When you have played around on step nine for a while make a conscious decision to cross the line of no return, give in to the orgasm. Breathe like you normally would and feel the inward focus. Feel it as you reach the point of no return. Be aware of what changes and what happens in your body when you make the conscious decision to cross the point of no return and enjoy your orgasm. How do you feel when you do this? What is going on in your body? Repeat this exercise for at least five times before moving on to the next step in the program.

What to Do Next As a Single Master

You are now at the end of the single exercises. You have 2 choices of how you will decide to move on in the program: 1. You can keep on exercising alone till you have totally mastered the exercises. You will feel a huge difference when you have sex. You can then keep on practicing exercises 5, Reverse Focus, exercise 4, Rocking the Steps and Exercise 2, Spreading the Energy. 2. Your other option is to move on to the partner exercises. If you have a partner, you can start the awareness exercises with her. This is the most recommended choice. If you are ready for that, just keep on reading

Partner Awareness Exercises

You have now either worked on the awareness exercises alone for awhile and gotten good control over your ejaculating and rocking the steps and are ready to start exercising with your partner, or you have decided to move right into the awareness exercises with your partner. Whichever method you have chosen, you should still continue to practice the relaxation exercises a least three times a week and practice the PC muscle exercises every day. Before you continue, be sure you have read the introduction to the awareness exercises and that you know the 10 steps by heart. In the next section you may see the phrases FOR HIM and FOR HER. Whenever you see this, it is a direct message for each partner specified. Before you start the action with your partner, you will need to discuss the program and the exercises to be able to communicate clearly when the tension rises. So it may be a good idea to read through this section with your partner before you begin.

Discussing and Setting the Rules

As we mentioned before in the program, your partner has to be very supportive or this is not going to work. If your partner is negative about you curing yourself, does not want to believe you can, or is not open to practicing the exercises then you should just exercise alone till she is into it. By now you should have been taking time to talk with your partner a few times a week if you were planning on her participating. You have been sharing your realizations and your progress in the program. She has been sharing her thoughts and concerns. The two of you are developing intimacy as you go through the program. Make sure your partner is familiar with the ten steps you go through as your arousal stage rises. She may not know them as well as you do in the beginning and you will have to tell her if you are getting to close to the final stage but with time, after practicing, she should begin to learn to read your stages. She should also read through the whole program to deepen her understanding about what is going on. Now it is time to get down to business ... You have to make very clear communication signals between the two of you that you are going to use in the following exercises. Make sure they are short and clear so that they need no more explanation. I recommend the following but you may choose to create your own ...

"Stop" when you wanted her to freeze and stop the arousing. "Start" when wanted to keep on going. "Slower" when you need to slow down. "Faster" when needed to go faster. "One" when you reaching arousal stage 1. "Two" when you reaching arousal stage 2. (And so on up to 10.) "Yes" to answer a question. "No" to answer question.

When asking questions during lovemaking agree to make them Yes or No questions. Example) Instead of asking: How does this feel? Ask: Does this feel good? Also make the questions as short as possible. Go over the communication signals and the arousal steps with your partner every time you exercise the partner awareness exercises. Now you are ready to start the partner lovemaking exercises!

Partner Awareness 1: Exploring Each Other

This exercise is similar to Single Exercise 1 except that this time it is your partner that is touching and kissing you. Your responsibility is to guide her lovingly to how and where she can make you feel good. You need to have a least one hour privately with your partner to practice this exercise. Agree that she will pleasure you first for at least twenty minutes without touching your genitals (even if you later on beg her to do so) and without you having to do anything other than guide her on what to do. Later on you will do the same thing for her. DIRECTIONS FOR HIM As she starts to touch you and kiss your body, suggest what you would like her to do. Where would you like her to touch and kiss you and how? Then give her compliments how good it feels what she is doing. Give exact, specific comments about what you want and how you feel. Then you guide her to the parts of your body that you have been experiencing in the single exercises. Take a lot of time doing this. Let her touch you and kiss you where you feel good for longest time before you ask her to move on to another place. You are not allowed to try to pleasure her in any way. This part of the exercise is for your pleasure only. You will have to learn to take in the pleasure from a woman, take in her love. We all have limits to how much pleasure we can take in from someone else before we think we are obligated to do something in return. In this exercise you are going to break those inner limits and take in her love for a longer time than you are probably used to. Dont be afraid to moan or sigh or make noise to express your pleasure and release tension. Enjoy her pleasing you for at least twenty minutes before she begins to touch your genitals. As she starts to arouse you, either manually or orally be aware in what stage of the 10 Steps you are on. Express that in simple way like stating: Stage 5 You can also guide her by saying slower or faster. When you reach and state: stage 7 she will stop arousing your genitals and just kiss and touch other parts of your body. When you drop down to and state: stage 5 she will start arousing you again until you come back up to stage 7 then she will stop touching your penis and just kiss other parts of your body. Remember to always state which stage you are on. She has no way of knowing that unless you tell her.

When you have dropped to stage 6 she will arouse you again until you reach stage 8 and then stop again until you drop to stage 6 once again. Now she will arouse you until you reach stage 9. As soon as you state stage 9 she will stop touching your penis until you state stage 7. Then repeat this, reach stage 9 and then stop until you reach stage 7. Now we are getting to the risky part. She will arouse you until you state stage 9. At this point oral stimulation is much better than manual one. It is just a much closer feeling. When you reach stage 9 she will slow down so you can feel everything stronger. You want to keep this highest, strongest arousal stage for the longest time possible but you never want to drop down below stage 9. So now guide her by the words slower and faster. Right before you reach the point of no return state POINT and she will stop arousing you until you drop back to stage 8. When you state stage 8 she will start again, slowing down again when reaching stage 9 and taking as long as you can till you are about to reach the point of no return. Then (if you can actually speak by this point of arousal) state POINT and she will stop until you reach stage 8. This time you are consciously going to cross the point of no return (if you havent crossed it already by accident). She will work you up to stage 9 again and then slow down. You will guide her as before so you can take the longest time on this high intensity stage. When you are just about to cross the point of no return you will state POINT but this time she will not stop but keep on going. If you have felt it right, you will reach the strongest orgasm in your life only few seconds later. DIRECTIONS FOR HER Your role to start with is to give pleasure. Later on he will do the same for you but for now, you are there to pleasure him. You should kiss and touch him where he asks you to but take it slowly so he can really enjoy it. You should encourage him to make sounds. You could do this by saying I love it when you make noise or Led me hear how much you love this. When doing this exercise it is very important that you follow his guidance, because he is stating how he feels, what he likes, and how he can be pleasured more. Kiss and touch him where he tells you to, anywhere except the genitals. If there is something he wants you to do which you feel uncomfortable just tell him. You dont have to do it now and you can agree to talk about it after the exercise. When you have played with him like that for twenty minutes you can start arousing the genitals. Oral

arousing is better because there is deeper connection between the two of you that way but manual stimulation is also good. He will guide you through the stages of arousal as he feels them. For example, he says stage 7, when he reaches "stage 7". And "slower" and "faster" if he wants you to arouse him more or less. When you have to stop arousing his genitals directly just kiss and touch other parts of his body. So start orally or manually arousing him. When he reaches and state: stage 7 stop arousing his genitals and just kiss and touch other parts of his body. When he drops down to and state: stage 5 start arousing him again until he comes back up to stage 7 then stop touching his penis and just kiss other parts of his body. When he has dropped to stage 6 start arousing him again until he reaches stage 8 and then stop again until he drops to stage 6 once again. Now arouse him until he reaches stage 9. As soon as he states stage 9 stop touching his penis until he states stage 7. Then repeat this, reach stage 9 and then stop until he reaches stage 7. Now we are getting to the risky part. Arouse him until he states stage 9. At this point oral stimulation is much better than manual one. It is just a much closer feeling. When he reaches stage 9 slow down so he can feel everything stronger but don't stop completely. The goal is to keep this highest, strongest arousal stage for the longest time possible without him ever dropping down below stage 9. So now he will guide you by the words slower and faster. Right before he reaches the point of no return he will state POINT. Immediately stop arousing him completely until he drops back to stage 8. When he states stage 8 start again, slowing down again when reaching stage 9 and taking as long as you can until he is about to reach the point of no return. Then (if he can actually speak by this point of arousal) he will state POINT and you stop arousing him completely until he reaches stage 8 again. This time he is consciously going to cross the point of no return (if he hasn't crossed it already). Work him up to stage 9 again and then slow down. He will guide you as before so he can take the longest time on this high intensity stage. When he is just about to cross the point of no return he will state POINT but this time you should not stop but keep on going. If he felt it right, he will reach the strongest orgasm in his life only few seconds later. DIRECTIONS FOR BOTH OF YOU One of the most important things to remember when practicing these exercises is to have fun.

The most common cause of most sexual dysfunction is anxiety of some sort and the cure for that is to have true fun. So play together and have fun with it. You may be experiencing each other fully for the first time. Laugh when you reach the point of no return before you want to. It means that you two are stretching the limit to the fullest. If you never come before you want to, most likely you are too careful and wont benefit fully from the exercise. Plus, its fun, right? So enjoy yourself. Practice this exercise a least five times before you move over to Partner Exercise 4. Always make sure that you do Partner Exercise 3 after this one. You dont have to do it right away, although that is the best method; just make sure you do it.

Partner Awareness 2: Pleasuring Her

Now it is time for the woman to get her pleasure. You can practice this exercise soon after Partner Exercise 2 or the next day. Just make sure that you do practice this exercise after the other. You might ask why this is part of healing your condition. This exercise does not sound like an exercise to deal with ejaculation or erection dysfunction. It is an exercise for your partner to experience pleasure. But there are several reasons why this exercise is so important. 1. Sexual dysfunctions are most often caused by hidden emotions we are not aware of. You might not be aware that you project anger to your partner and want on some stage to deny her of having a deep sexual pleasure. You might also have guilt about not pleasuring her, or suffer from performance anxiety. By pleasing her fully, you will relieve lot of this tension. 2. Most women have, like men, a lot of sexual shame and problems accepting good sexual energy from a man. This is of course as unconscious as most other emotions we have. Little by little when practicing this exercise a few times women will relax and enjoy sex even more. Many women experience orgasm for the first time practicing this exercise and then enjoy sex even more after that. Having good loving sexual flow between both of you will unconsciously encourage both of you to want to make love for longer time. 3. The most important part is that she deserves it. If she is ready to practice the other partner exercises she is a fantastic woman who deserves to experience the highest stage of pleasure possible. If you don't want to spend his time and energy pleasuring her in this exercise you shouldn't be practicing this program. This program is about mutual love and sexual pleasure, not about just performance or looking good. So lets start pleasuring her. This exercise is a lot like the previous one except that now he is pleasuring her in a selfless way and there is no rocking the steps. Just remember although following the guidelines is great, the most important thing is to have fun and enjoy this together. Laugh and joke and enjoy the flow. Directions for Him Now it is time for her to experience the great pleasure of you playing with her for the longest time. The rules have switched. Now you are there only to please her sexually. She will guide you to kiss her and touch her at spots on her body that pleasure her. Stay at those spots and do exactly what she asks till she guides you to another spot. Some men have problems with taking directions about sex from a woman. But how else are you going to learn what pleases her the most? And how else is she going to experience what she needs?

You cant read it in books what pleasures your woman; it varies so much from woman to woman. The best way to learn is hands-on. So take her directions to the point and give her the pleasure she is dying for. Later when you are not exercising but just making passionate sex, you will find yourself using what you learned about your partner and taking her to incredible heights in the bedroom. Dont be offended if she asks you to do things differently, you are learning what pleases her and that is all that matters. So kiss her and play with her in the way she wants without touching the genitals. Do this for at least twenty or thirty minutes. She should be steaming before you get to the genitals. You can kiss her inner thighs and all around the genitals if she asks you, just dont go into the sacred triangle. Now after twenty or thirty minutes you can move over to the genitals if she is ready and asks for it. She might ask you to put a finger in, kiss the outer lips and clitoris, or use a finger on the clitoris, or something else. You have to listen to her closely and ask simple questions she can answer with Yes or No like is this good. She will also use simple directions like Faster and Slower. Or short sentences like Lick the clitoris. Sometimes touching the clitoris directly is too intense and it is better to kiss and touch around it. Just be aware of this and follow her guidance. Now slowly work her vagina area over, following every guidance she gives you, until hopefully she has the most intense, strongest orgasm in her life. After this exercise talk about what the two of you have experienced together. Talk for at least twenty minutes after you finish the exercise. Often when we experience such a deep intimate connection we want to run away. Be aware of this tendency, but stay. Directions for Her Now the pleasure is for you. Now it is time for him to please you sexually in any way that you want except that for the first twenty to thirty minutes he is now allowed to touch your vagina. Before you practice this exercise it is suggested that you practice the relaxing exercises in the beginning of this program on yourself and maybe even your own take of the single awareness exercises. This will help you become in better touch with yourself making orgasm easier and more enjoyable for you. During the exercise, be sure to tell him specifically what pleases you and what you want. This is not the time to be shy. Let go of that sexual tension and nervousness and ask for what you want. For the first 20-30 minutes you can ask him to do anything except touching the holy triangle around the vagina. After he has pleased your whole body you can direct him down to your vagina and what to do there.

The whole time remember to breathe. Breathe deeply all the way down to your belly, especially if you stop feeling aroused or if the arousing is getting overwhelming. At this point you will want to use very short clear commands like Faster or Slower. You might also guide On the clitoris or Around the clitoris. It is good to make up clear commands before you practice the exercise and then later when you talk about what you experienced you might want to add to the list or change some commands. Let him stimulate you until you hopefully reach the strongest, most powerful orgasm in your life

Partner Awareness 3: Partner Reverse Focus

Before you start this exercise both of you should read the exercise: "Single Exercises 4: The Reverse Focus" because this exercise is absolutely similar to that one. Except now you practice it as a couple. You start out just like in Partner Exercise 2 except that this time the woman will not stop stimulating you when you move to a certain stage, she will only slow down. Again she can choose if she is into oral stimulating or just manual. However like before I recommend oral stimulation. You start as in the previous exercise with the woman kissing and touching the man where he likes, without touching his genitals. At this stage, 10 minutes are enough although you can have it for longer if you want to. Guidance for Him: As soon as you reach arousal stage 7. Voice it out and she will slow down. At the same time use the reverse focus to move away from the higher arousal stage ... breathe deeply through your nose, focus outside, etc. When you feel you have dropped down to stage 5, voice out "stage 5" and she will increase the arousal again. Guidance for Her: As Soon as he voices out "stage 7", slow down to lessen the arousal. But throughout the whole exercise never stop completely. When he voices "stage 5" start arousing with more tension again. Guidance for Both: Repeat this four times. Now do the same things except this time reach stage 8 and then drop back to stage 6. Again, repeat this four more times. If it happens that you havent slipped over the point of no return yet, which is highly unlikely, repeat the process up to "stage 9". And then drop back to "stage 7". Again repeat this four times. Guidance for him: When you are aroused all the way to "stage 9" you might need to use more critical techniques. If you feel like you are flying towards the point of no return, use the PC muscle techniques taught in Chapter 4, to avoid ejaculating or try the testicle pull. But what ever you do, dont have her stop

completely. Direction for both: Now, the toughest task Direction for him: Have her arouse you as close to the point of no return as you can go without you crossing the line and ejaculating. Direct her with the words "Faster" and "Slower" and test how much you can actually take using the "reverse focus" and the techniques tough in chapter 4 to keep you away from the point of no return. This is of course loosing proposition, because at some point you will cross the line of no return. So enjoy it when that happens. As soon as you feel you have crossed the line voice out "point". Then she will also get the feeling and your connection and awareness of each other will grow stronger. Directions for her: Now you are going to test how long he can keep away from the point of no return, even if you keep on arousing him. You are also going to check how much he can take. So follow his directions carefully as he voices out "faster" or "slower". However don't hesitate to encourage him to take risks and take more arousal than he thinks he can handle. This will just give the two of you the reality about where the point of no return really is and how much you can take. Sooner or later he is of course going to loose it and cross the point of no return. I cant state enough times that the most important thing to cure any sexual dysfunction is to learn to experience real fun with your sex life. Get rid of any anger and anxiety, fear and dread from your sex life and you will never have to worry about sex again. Repeat this exercise a least 5-6 times over a period of two or three weeks before you move over to next stage. The first time we actually involve intercourse.

Partner Awareness 4: Penetration

Now weve reached the part youve probably been waiting on since the beginning of the program; you can now have vaginal intercourse. But remember, dont get too excited and forget everything youve learned so far. Take it slow. You might want to begin with relaxing exercises. Spend some time pleasuring her and getting her really hot and ready for you by using what you learned in partner exercise 2. Mastering that exercise will really pay off for you now. Have her do the same for you, using what she learned in partner exercise 1. Directions for him: Entering her in a position that will decrease your chances of premature ejaculation until you have mastered this exercise. Try either rear entry or it may be more comfortable to have her on top while you lie flat on your back. Enter her or have her straddle on top of you. If she is on top, you can place your hands on her hips to guide her up and down motions. If she is on top, you will have to guide her like you did in previous exercises by using words like "Stop", "Start", "Slower" and "Faster". It is also great idea to voice every stage as you feel your self reach it. That way she will know exactly what you are going through. Now rock the steps like you did in the previous exercises using the methods you like, for example ... Move slowly inside of her until you reach stage 7", then stop completely and drop to "stage 5". You are not really thrusting at this point, just enjoying being inside her. Use "reverse focus" or the techniques taught in chapter 4 if needed to drop your arousal level. If necessary to avoid coming to fast, pull out altogether until you bring yourself back down to a lower stage. Repeat this a few times. Then arouse to "stage 8", stop completely and drop to "stage 6" like before. Repeat few times. Then do the same with "stage 9", stop completely and drop to "stage 7". Now repeat this few times. Finally move slowly inside of her until you get as close to the point of no return as you can. Then stop completely until you drop back to "stage 8". Now repeat this until you "loose it" and have a fantastic orgasm. Or just decide to consciously cross the point of no return and enjoy it. When you are aware that you are crossing the point, voice out "point" so your partner will have the awareness what is going on.

Directions for Her: Before he enters you make sure you are sexually aroused enough. If not ask him to make the foreplay longer, using the techniques taught in partner exercise 2. He is going to enter you from a position he feels most comfortable to last longer. Most likely he will ask you to be on top first or he will want to enter you from behind. When practicing this exercise, make sure you follow his guidance to the point. When he says "stop", stop completely and totally freeze. If he is on top or from behind and you feel him stop completely, do the same thing ... Stop every movement and freeze. Tips for evolving the Penetration exercise: This was the last formal exercise in the program and for special purpose; it is not as precise as the previous exercises. Start by using the simple layout I provided here (which is similar to the rocking the step exercise you trained before) few times. Then, as you grow together, as a couple and your staying power increases, I want you to evolve this exercise to push your self to your personal limit ... Change the positions you use, the speed and intensity of the arousal, use the "reverse focus" you learned before. Or maybe do something completely different, your own premature ejaculation exercise. Start with any position where the man can not easily thrust is ideal for the beginning until you get better at control. Ideal position to start with is woman on top. Then progress to side by side position or doggy style. And finally advance to missionary position The point here is that you won't stagnate in any one exercise doing things in sudden fixed way. Instead develop the highest level of positive sexual intensity you can experience by pushing your self to the limit all the time. Experiences dry multiple orgasms for him, mind blowing goddess climax for her. Hours and hours of high level intimate pleasure beyond wildest dreams for both of you. So the layout I am presenting in this exercise is not rigid or something you have to follow to the point. But just guidelines you can work from using your previous experiences from the program and you own awareness. If you want to try something else after practicing and evolving this exercise few times, you can practice the techniques to stop your self from ejaculating taught in section 4.

You should also go back to Partner Exercise 1: Pleasuring Him and Partner Exercise 2: Pleasuring Her once in a while to develop the knowledge of each others pleasure. Because these pleasure spots can change as you go on. But make sure you come back to Partner Exercise 4: Penetration over and over again and evolve it to push your self to the limit all the time.

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