Latest Paper On Cryptography
Latest Paper On Cryptography
Total No of Pages: 13
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R.Sumathi *, R.Sundarrajan **
There are many aspects to security and The same plaintext will encrypt to different
many applications, ranging from secure cipher text in a stream cipher .This
commerce and payments to private algorithm increases the complexity of
communications and protecting passwords. solving the cipher text when handled by
One essential aspect for secure intruders. Thereby it provides extremely
communications is that of secret key better security for all type of files.
cryptography, which the focus of this paper.
With secret key cryptography, a
Cryptography is the practice and
single key is used for both encryption and
study of hiding information. In modern
decryption. The key selection mechanism
times, cryptography is considered a branch
and the encoding methodology express the
of both mathematics and computer science,
efficiency of the cipher text generated. In
and is affiliated closely with information
this paper, a new method of encoding
theory, computer security, and engineering.
technique using the mathematical operators
over Unicode character set facilitates better
Cryptography is used in applications
encoding algorithm.
present in technologically advanced
societies; examples include the security of
ATM cards, computer passwords, and
* Assistant Professor,Dept of CSE,
J.J.College of Engg.& Tech.,Trichy-09. electronic commerce, which all depend on
Email ID:
** Pre Final Year Student, Dept of CSE, J.J Cryptography refers to encryption,
College of Engg & Tech., Trichy-09 the process of converting ordinary
information (plaintext) into unintelligible Integrity: Assuring the receiver that the
cipher text Decryption is the reverse, received message has not been altered in any
moving from unintelligible cipher text to way from the original.
plaintext. A cipher is a pair of algorithms
Non-repudiation: A mechanism to prove
which creates the encryption and the
that the sender really sent this message.
reversing decryption. The detailed operation
of a cipher is controlled both by the Any new design of Cryptographic
algorithm and, in each instance, by a key. technique must accomplish the above
requisites. Cryptography not only protects
This is a secret parameter for a
data from theft or alteration, but can also be
specific message exchange context. Keys are
used for user authentication.
important, as ciphers without variable keys
are trivially breakable and therefore less CRYPTOGRAPHIC SCHEMES
than useful for most purposes. Historically,
In general, three types of
ciphers were often used directly for
cryptographic schemes typically used to
encryption or decryption, without additional
accomplish these goals:
procedures such as authentication or
integrity checks. 1. Secret Key Cryptography (SKC):
Output Feedback (OFB) mode is a block This algorithm use a variable block length
cipher implementation conceptually similar and key length; the latest specification
to a synchronous stream cipher. OFB allowed any combination of keys lengths of
prevents the same plaintext block from 128, 192, or 256 bits and blocks of length
generating the same cipher text block by 128, 192, or 256 bits.
using an internal feedback mechanism that is
Similarly, there are Several
independent of both the plaintext and cipher
Algorithms like Blowfish, International Data
text bit streams.
Encryption Algorithm (IDEA),Two fish,
Secret key cryptography algorithms that are Camellia, Secure and Fast Encryption
in use today include Routine (SAFER),SEED, Skipjack.
This algorithm is designed
considering the fact that “Every input plain CIPHER TEXT
When Numeric values are resulted In the above for the encoding
they can be used for mathematical operators operation performed, the plain text must be
resulting in a different solution than that of converted into cipher text which cannot be
the origin. recognized or more precisely the text which
is different from the original text.
This concept seems too analogous to
the Cryptography operation that we
Therefore from this we can define It is 16 bit based character set which
the cipher text in cryptography as the text encompasses every character available in all
that is different from the original text where the formats of files available.
the difference needs elongated complex
Therefore we came across two basic
procedures to be followed.
steps in this design which includes,
Hence we have proved that an
1. Converting any given plain text
operator based algorithm can be used as
into numeric values based on
Encoding technique to generate the required
Unicode mapping.
cipher text.
2. After numeric mapping the Text
input is in operable form which is
Now we established that the operated through different
mathematical operators can be used for operators and the required result
encoding. Such encoding is possible if and once again mapped using
only if the given plain text (any text) must Unicode character set.
be converted into operable manner.
Hence the algorithm basic design is
Operable manner means that the completed using Unicode support
plain text must be converted into numbers over operators.
for operation over them.
Such a mapping for every character
into a numeric value is possible only in
Unicode character set. In order to convert
any text into number Unicode character set
support is needed.
No Repetition: Operatebasedencode ()
In this algorithm, no
repetition of cipher text for the same
character throughout the plain text occurs, Read currentin from input file
which is considered to be a demerit of the
Add secretkey with currentin
secret key cryptography which we have
cleared in this algorithm. // any other operator can be employed
The algorithm is designed as follows
Start loop until endof inputfile
based on the statements concluded above.
Read currentin from input file Hence it is working
fine for all the set of files since it uses
Precipherchar=pastcharin * currentin Unicode support for character mapping.
the key is added with the cipher text in STRUCTURE KEY BIND”.