Abstract: The Internet was born of academic efforts to share commerce and payments to private communications and
information; it never strove for high security measures. It protecting passwords. This is where, cryptography and
plays important role in becoming people online, this mode is steganography comes into play. Cryptography is the
easy and effective but dangerous too in terms of data technique used for converting the secured message into
hacking and cracking by unauthorized persons. It is needed
undecipherable format during the transmission of data
that while using Internet data must be secured and personal.
Encryption can be used to protect data in transit, for through network. Cryptography is an indispensable tool
example data being transferred via network (e.g. the for protecting information in computer systems."It is the
Internet, e-commerce), mobile telephones, wireless science and study of secret writing" concerns the ways in
microphones, wireless intercom systems, Bluetooth devices which communications and data can be encoded to
and bank automatic teller machines. Encrypting data in prevent disclosure of their contents through
transit also helps to secure it as it is often difficult to eavesdropping or message interception, using codes,
physically secure all access to networks. ciphers and other methods, so that only authorized
persons can see the real message[2]. It is a modern as well
Encryption, by itself, can protect the confidentiality of
as ancient science. To send message from source to
messages, but other techniques are still needed to protect the
integrity and authenticity of a message; for example, destination there is a chance of data theft and access by
verification of a message authentication codes (MAC) or a unauthorized persons. In ancient time king send
digital signature. Standards and cryptographic software and information in secret code to other emperor because of
hardware to perform encryption are widely available, but information dissemination. Similarly in modern era in
successfully using encryption to ensure security may be a computer networking there is need of cryptography to
challenging problem. A single slip-up in system design or secure information from unauthorized person. Many
execution can allow successful attacks. Sometimes an researchers have done the work in this area and formulate
adversary can obtain unencrypted information without new algorithms on cryptography [8,9,11,10].
directly undoing the encryption. In this paper an attempt is
made to develop new encryption and decryption algorithm
and implemented in Java, it gives very encouraging results Cryptography is the most secure techniques which uses
in small as well as in large data files. mathematical calculations and a variable value known as
a 'key'. The selected key (often any random character
Keywords: Cryptography, Encryption, Decryption, MAC string) is input on encryption and is integral to the
(Message Authentication Code), BAC Algorithm (Boolean changing of the data [3]. In cryptography plain text is
Algebra Cryptography), Complement, XOR operation, Unicode converted into unreadable cipher text with the help of key,
this is process is called encryption of message during
I. INTRODUCTION transfer of data [4]. The process of converting unreadable
cipher text to readable text format is called decryption.
During this time when the Internet provides essential There are two types of basic technique for encryption.
communication between tens of millions of people and is
being increasingly used as a tool for commerce, security a) Symmetric Encryption: Symmetric encryption is
becomes a tremendously important issue to deal with[1]. well known and oldest technique of data
In network communication there is a lot of security and encryption. In this process secret key is needed
safety approaches are used during communication. The for encryption and decryption .This secret key is
security is required to keep the data safe and intact. But a number, a string or a word which is applied on
when this confidential data or information is transit the textual message to change the content in a
becomes vulnerable to the unauthorized attacks by particular way .This secret key is known to both
hackers or by unauthorized users. There are many aspects sender and receiver. They use same key for
to security and many applications, ranging from secure encryption and decryption.[5]
b) Asymmetric encryption: In this method two Keep all the values d, p, q and phi secret. It is prefer
different secret key are required, in the earlier sometimes to write the private key as (n, d) because you
case it is easy for unauthorized person to decrypt need the value of n when using d, n is known as the
the message easily if anyone get the key from modulus, e is known as the public exponent or encryption
any source. Asymmetric encryption is difficult exponent or just the exponent, d is known as the secret
but is more secure and safer then symmetric exponent or decryption exponent [7].
encryption technique. In this method a pair of
key is required for encryption and decryption. Procedure of Encryption
These keys are known as public key and private 1. Obtains the recipient B's public key (n, e).
key. Private key is different for sender and 2. Represents the plaintext message as a positive integer
receiver but public key is same for both. m, 1 < m < n.
Asymmetric process is slower than symmetric 3. Computes the cipher text c = m*e mod n.
technique. 4. Sends the cipher text c to B.
used this technique. This work can be further extended for [7] TCP/IP Protocol suite Behrouz A. Forouzan
[8] efficient Multiplication in GF(p^k) for Elliptic curve cryptography
other data types. J.C Bajard, L.Imbert, C. Ngre and T. Plantard, 1063-6889/2003 IEEE.
[9] Block Encryption standard for transfer of data Akhil Kaushik, Manoj
REFERENCES: Barnela, Anant Kumar
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