Surface Areas and Volumes: Real Numbers 05 Arithmetic Progression 05
Surface Areas and Volumes: Real Numbers 05 Arithmetic Progression 05
and Angles Unit-VI: Triangles Unit-VII: Constructions Unit-VIII: Logarithm Unit-IX: Quadrilateral Unit-X: Area Unit-XI: Circles Unit-XII: Mensuration Unit-XIII: Statistics Unit I: Number systems
2 1 1 1 1 1 10 15 15 10 25 20 15 10
05 05
17 29 12 09 08 08 15
Unit-I Unit II: Unit III: Unit-IV: Unit-V: Unit-VI: Unit-I: Unit-II: Unit-III: Unit-IV: Unit I: Unit-Il: Unit III: Unit IV: Unit V: Unit-VI:
Motion Force and Laws of Motion Work, Energy and Power Gravitation Floatation Sound Matter in our Surrounding Is Matter around us Pure? Atoms and Molecules Structure of Atom The Fundamental Unit of Life Tissues Diversity in Living organisms Why do we fall ill Natural Resources Improvement in Food Resources
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 3 09 08 08 1
Unit 1 LightReflection and Refraction Unit 3:- Electricity Unit -4:-Magnetic Effects of Current Unit-5:- Sources of Energy Unit-1: Chemical Reactions and Equation Unit-2: Periodic Classification of Elements Unit- 3: Carbon and its compounds Unit- 4: Metals and non-metals Unit -5: Acids bases and salts Unit I: Life Processes Periods
Unit II: Control and Co-ordination Unit III: How do Organisms Reproduce? Unit IV: Heredity and Genetics Unit V: Our Environment Unit VI: Management of Natural Resources
3 2
Quran Ruler personalities Seerat Ibadat Islamic calendar Author /Book Political personalities India Games Geograhy population muslim India Geography Personalities World unique (current) prize
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