What Is Logic

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What is logic?

A preliminary definition The term "logic" came from the Greek word logos, which is sometimes translated as "sentence", "discourse", "reason", "rule", and "ratio". Of course, these translations are not enough to help us understand the more specialized meaning of "logic" as it is used today. So what is logic? Briefly speaking, we might define logic as the study of the principles of correct reasoning. This is a rough definition, because how logic should be properly defined is actually quite a controversial matter. However, for the purpose of this tour, we thought it would be useful to give you at least some rough idea as to the subject matter that you will be studying. So this is what we shall try to do on this page. Logic is not the psychology of reasoning One thing you should note about this definition is that logic is concerned with the principles of correct reasoning. Studying the correct principles of reasoning is not the same as studying the psychology of reasoning. Logic is the former discipline, and it tells us how we ought to reason if we want to reason correctly. Whether people actually follow these rules of correct reasoning is an empirical matter, something that is not the concern of logic. The psychology of reasoning, on the other hand, is an empirical science. It tells us about the actual reasoning habits of people, including their mistakes. A psychologist studying reasoning might be interested in how people's ability to reason varies with age. But such empirical facts are of no concern to the logician. The principles of logic So what are these principles of reasoning that are part of logic? There are many such principles, but the main (not the only) thing that we study in logic are principles governing the validity of arguments whether certain conclusions follow from some given assumptions. For example, consider the following three arguments : If Tom is a philosopher, then Tom is poor. Tom is a philosopher. Therefore, Tom is poor. If K>10, then K>2. K>10. Therefore, K>2. If Tarragona is in Europe, then Tarragona is not in China. Tarragona is in Europe. Therefore, Tarragona is not in China. These three arguments here are obviously good arguments in the sense that their conclusions follow from the assumptions. If the assumptions of the argument are true, the conclusion of the argument must also be true. A logician will tell us that they are all cases of a particular form of argument known as "modus ponens" :

Why Study Logic? Perhaps the most important thing to give your child to prepare him to confront this world is a firm grasp of logical thinking skills. Without this refined skill the ability to reason correctly his thinking is not firmly anchored, but is "tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine." Children who can logically understand what they believe will hold fast to the truth and will be able to defend it throughout their lives. Logic is necessary to analyze other peoples beliefs. Logical fallacies are everywhere in our society. If your child cannot detect the logical mistakes he hears, then how will he discern who is right? The study of logical fallacies (common mistakes in reasoning) is important to critically reason through the arguments of others. Logic is necessary to understand and communicate our own beliefs. The Scripture commands us to prove our doctrines and practices. (Ephesians 5:10) We are to reason and dispute from the Scriptures with persuasive and convincing arguments (Acts 17:2) If we are able to think through and clearly reason from the Bible, then we will be better equipped to give a proper defense of our faith. (I Peter 3:15) Logic is necessary. The study of formal logic should be considered foundational to every educational curriculum. In the past it was. The roots of logic stretch into every other subject. The construction and programming of computers, for example, is based entirely upon the application of the laws of logic. The proofs of algebra and geometry rely upon the laws of logic. The laws of logic, in one way or another are fundamental to every academic discipline. Unfortunately, the study of logic is dispensed with in the modern curriculum. Social skills are considered more important than thinking skills. Children do not learn to think for themselves. The study of formal logic will give your child life-long skill in proper reasoning. The study of logic should be considered indispensable to every Classical Education.

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