Create Invoice Using Material and Customer Specific Data With or Without Using Delivery

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Create Invoice using Material and customer specific data with or without using Delivery.

Business Requirements:
As part of the KCP implementation of the PROS PPSS pricing suite, a number of new interfaces are required from/to our existing applications. This document covers the requirements for simulated CO-PA values for chargeback credits to be sent from SAP system to a staging area, for transformation and loading in to the Scientific Analytics (SA) module of PPSS. The simulated CO-PA values are required in order for a complete analysis to be possible for chargebacks in the SA module. The required CO-PA values are not captured as part of the normal chargeback process in SAP and the SA module cannot get them in the standard way, which would be by doing a look up for the chargeback customer and finding actual CO-PA postings on invoices for the corresponding customer/material/date combinations. This is because a large number of KCP chargeback customers are only used for chargebacks, and an unrelated customer number is used for sales orders/invoices.

Reason: Try to simulate the creation of CO-PA posting values for a billing document, based on the
entered selection criteria. On entering the required values (such as customer, material, quantity, pricing date etc.) the program will calculate and output the CO-PA posting values that would be generated if a billing document was to be created with the entered selection criteria. The output from the program will be added to a custom table. Use this function module GN_INVOICE_CREATE to get the correct values for sap system.

SAP Code : (This is demo program if anyone interested then I will provide original program )
*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Report ZFIEUR_PRICING_SIMULATION *& *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* REPORT ZFIEUR_PRICING_SIMULATION NO STANDARD PAGE HEADING. *TYPE-POOLS: slis. tables: lips,tvko, vbak, vbrk. DATA S_knvv TYPE knvv. DATA S_mara TYPE mara. DATA S_mvke TYPE mvke.

DATA: BEGIN OF it_customer OCCURS 0, kunag TYPE kunag, vwerk TYPE dwerk, kalks TYPE kalks, END OF it_customer.

DATA: BEGIN OF it_material OCCURS 0, matnr TYPE matnr, END OF it_material. DATA: BEGIN OF it_mara OCCURS 0, matnr TYPE matnr, mstae TYPE mstae, normt TYPE normt, END OF it_mara. DATA: BEGIN OF it_error OCCURS 0, message(100) TYPE c, END OF it_error. DATA: BEGIN OF it_condition OCCURS 0, kschl TYPE kschl, END OF it_condition. data : con_x(1) value 'X', iv_relevant(1), rc_ok(1), sel_tabix like sy-tabix, con_posting, retcode like sy-subrc. data : loc_iv_fkara like komfkgn-fkara, loc_fkara_iva like komfkgn-fkara value 'IVA', loc_fkara_iga like komfkgn-fkara value 'IGA'. * data : begin of include data : end of * data : begin of include data : end of

sel_vbrk_tab occurs 0. structure vbrk. sel_vbrk_tab. loc_vbrk_tab occurs 0. structure vbrk. loc_vbrk_tab.

data : begin of loc_vbrp_tab occurs 0. include structure vbrp. data : end of loc_vbrp_tab. RANGES: gr_auart FOR vbak-auart. include rvafssli. " fr GN_INVOICE_CREATE include rvvbtyp. * selection screen ----------------------------------------------------* SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF BLOCK bl_org WITH FRAME TITLE text-b01. PARAMETERS: p_vkorg TYPE vkorg ,

p_vtweg p_spart p_PSTYV p_auart P_fkart p_prsdt


vtweg , spart , PSTYV, auart OBLIGATORY , VBRK-FKART obligatory Default 'ZF2', prsdt OBLIGATORY DEFAULT sy-datlo.

SELECT-OPTIONS: s_vbeln for vbak-vbeln, s_vgbel FOR lips-vgbel, s_vbels for vbrk-vbeln, s_kunag for S_knvv-kunnr , s_matnr FOR S_mara-matnr . SELECTION-SCREEN END OF BLOCK bl_org.

START-OF-SELECTION. PERFORM get_data. END-OF-SELECTION. PERFORM simulate_invoice. READ TABLE it_error INDEX 1. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. PERFORM write_errors. ENDIF. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form get_data *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM get_data. DATA: BEGIN OF lt_material OCCURS 0, matnr TYPE matnr, mstae TYPE mstae, END OF lt_material. if s_kunag[] is not initial. * select customer based on selection parameters SELECT kunnr vwerk kalks FROM knvv INTO TABLE it_customer WHERE kunnr IN s_kunag AND vkorg EQ p_vkorg AND vtweg EQ p_vtweg AND spart EQ p_spart. * select materials based on selection parameters SELECT matnr WHERE AND AND FROM mvke INTO TABLE it_material matnr IN s_matnr vkorg EQ p_vkorg vtweg EQ p_vtweg.

** *** get additional material master fields SELECT matnr mstae normt FROM mara INTO TABLE it_mara FOR ALL ENTRIES IN it_material WHERE matnr EQ it_material-matnr. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. SORT it_mara BY matnr. ENDIF. endif. ENDFORM. " get_data *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form simulate_invoice *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM simulate_invoice. DATA: ls_vbsk TYPE vbsk, lt_komfk TYPE komfk OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE, lt_komfkgn TYPE komfkgn OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE, lt_komfkko TYPE komv OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE, lt_komv TYPE komv OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE, lt_thead TYPE theadvb OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE, lt_vbfs TYPE vbfs OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE, lt_vbpa TYPE vbpavb OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE, lt_vbrk TYPE vbrkvb OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE, lt_vbrp TYPE vbrpvb OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE, lt_t001k type t001k occurs 0 with header line, lt_t001w type t001w occurs 0 with header line, lt_vbss TYPE vbss OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE. if It_customer[] is not initial and s_kunag[] is not initial. LOOP AT it_customer. LOOP AT it_material. * get additional fields from table MARA CLEAR it_mara. READ TABLE it_mara WITH KEY matnr = it_material-matnr BINARY SEARCH. lt_komfkgn-mandt = sy-mandt. lt_komfkgn-auart = p_auart. lt_komfkgn-fkara = P_fkart. lt_komfkgn-vkorg = p_vkorg. lt_komfkgn-vtweg = p_vtweg. lt_komfkgn-spart = p_spart. lt_komfkgn-vgbel = sy-uzeit. lt_komfkgn-fkdat = p_prsdt. lt_komfkgn-kunag lt_komfkgn-kunwe lt_komfkgn-pstyv = it_customer-kunag. = it_customer-kunag. = p_PSTYV.

lt_komfkgn-kwmeng lt_komfkgn-vrkme lt_komfkgn-werks lt_komfkgn-matnr APPEND lt_komfkgn. CLEAR lt_komfkgn.

= = = =

1. 'CS'. it_customer-vwerk. it_material-matnr.

CALL FUNCTION 'GN_INVOICE_CREATE' EXPORTING invoice_date = p_prsdt invoice_type = P_fkart pricing_date = p_prsdt vbsk_i = ls_vbsk id_kvorg = '08' I_WITHOUT_REFRESH = 'X' id_no_dialog = 'X' IMPORTING vbsk_e = ls_vbsk TABLES xkomfk = lt_komfk xkomfkgn = lt_komfkgn xkomfkko = lt_komfkko xkomv = lt_komv xthead = lt_thead xvbfs = lt_vbfs xvbpa = lt_vbpa xvbrk = lt_vbrk xvbrp = lt_vbrp xvbss = lt_vbss.

READ TABLE lt_vbrk INDEX 1. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. * get condition values write: 'LT_KOMV Table data in output...'. write: sy-uline. write: / sy-vline,'Material Number', sy-vline,'Document condition no.',sy-vline, 'Item Number',sy-vline, 'Condition type',sy-vline,'Condition base value',sy-vline,'Rate',sy-vline,'Condition Value '. write: sy-uline. loop at lt_komv . Write: / sy-vline,it_material-matnr ,sy-vline, lt_komv-knumv, syvline,lt_komv-Kposn , sy-vline,lt_komv-Kschl,sy-vline,lt_komv-Kawrt,syvline,lt_komv-kbetr,sy-vline,lt_komv-KWERT. endloop. ELSE. LOOP AT lt_vbfs. CALL FUNCTION 'MESSAGE_TEXT_BUILD' EXPORTING

msgid msgnr msgv1 msgv2 msgv3 msgv4 IMPORTING message_text_output APPEND it_error. CLEAR it_error. ENDLOOP. ENDIF.

= = = = = =

lt_vbfs-msgid lt_vbfs-msgno lt_vbfs-msgv1 lt_vbfs-msgv2 lt_vbfs-msgv3 lt_vbfs-msgv4

= it_error-message.

REFRESH: lt_komfk, lt_komfkgn, lt_komfkko, lt_komv, lt_thead, lt_vbfs, lt_vbpa, lt_vbrk, lt_vbrp, lt_vbss. CLEAR: lt_komfk, lt_komfkgn, lt_komfkko, lt_komv, lt_thead, lt_vbfs, lt_vbpa, lt_vbrk, lt_vbrp, lt_vbss, ls_vbsk.

ENDLOOP. ENDLOOP. elseif s_vgbel[] is not initial. loop at s_vgbel. * populate table with material for price simulation lt_komfkgn-mandt = sy-mandt. lt_komfkgn-auart = p_auart. lt_komfkgn-fkara = P_fkart. lt_komfkgn-vgtyp = p_PSTYV. lt_komfkgn-vgbel = s_vgbel-low. APPEND lt_komfkgn. CLEAR lt_komfkgn. CALL FUNCTION 'GN_INVOICE_CREATE' EXPORTING invoice_date = p_prsdt invoice_type = P_fkart pricing_date = p_prsdt vbsk_i = ls_vbsk id_kvorg = '08' I_WITHOUT_REFRESH = 'X' id_no_dialog = 'X' IMPORTING vbsk_e = ls_vbsk TABLES xkomfk = lt_komfk xkomfkgn = lt_komfkgn xkomfkko = lt_komfkko xkomv = lt_komv

xthead xvbfs xvbpa xvbrk xvbrp xvbss

= = = = = =

lt_thead lt_vbfs lt_vbpa lt_vbrk lt_vbrp lt_vbss.

READ TABLE lt_vbrk INDEX 1. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. * get condition values write: 'LT_KOMV Table data in output...'. write: sy-uline. write: / sy-vline,'Delivery Number', sy-vline,'Document condition no.',sy-vline, 'Item Number',sy-vline, 'Condition type',sy-vline,'Condition base value',sy-vline,'Rate',sy-vline,'Condition Value '. write: sy-uline. loop at lt_komv . Write: / sy-vline,s_vgbel-low ,sy-vline, lt_komv-knumv, syvline,lt_komv-Kposn , sy-vline,lt_komv-Kschl,sy-vline,lt_komv-Kawrt,syvline,lt_komv-kbetr,sy-vline,lt_komv-KWERT. endloop. ELSE. LOOP AT lt_vbfs. CALL FUNCTION 'MESSAGE_TEXT_BUILD' EXPORTING msgid = lt_vbfs-msgid msgnr = lt_vbfs-msgno msgv1 = lt_vbfs-msgv1 msgv2 = lt_vbfs-msgv2 msgv3 = lt_vbfs-msgv3 msgv4 = lt_vbfs-msgv4 IMPORTING message_text_output = it_error-message. APPEND it_error. CLEAR it_error. ENDLOOP. ENDIF. REFRESH: lt_komfk, lt_komfkgn, lt_komfkko, lt_komv, lt_thead, lt_vbfs, lt_vbpa, lt_vbrk, lt_vbrp, lt_vbss. CLEAR: lt_komfk, lt_komfkgn, lt_komfkko, lt_komv, lt_thead, lt_vbfs, lt_vbpa, lt_vbrk, lt_vbrp, lt_vbss, ls_vbsk.

endloop. elseif s_vbeln[] is not initial. perform basedate_create2. else.

select * from vbrk into table sel_vbrk_tab where vbeln in s_vbels. * describe table sel_vbrk_tab lines sel_tabix. clear : loc_vbrk_tab, loc_vbrp_tab. refresh : loc_vbrk_tab, loc_vbrp_tab. if sel_tabix ne 0. loop at sel_vbrk_tab. clear iv_relevant. select * from vbrp into lt_vbrp where vbeln eq sel_vbrk_tab-vbeln. select single * from t001w into lt_t001w where werks eq lt_vbrp-werks. select single * from t001k into lt_t001k where bwkey eq lt_t001w-bwkey. if lt_t001k-bukrs ne sel_vbrk_tab-bukrs. clear rc_ok. perform check_iv_faktura_exist changing rc_ok. if rc_ok is initial. * prepare material number if not lt_vbrp-matnr is initial. call function 'CONVERSION_EXIT_MATN1_OUTPUT' EXPORTING input = lt_vbrp-matnr IMPORTING output = lt_vbrp-matnr. endif. move-corresponding lt_vbrp to loc_vbrp_tab. append loc_vbrp_tab. iv_relevant = con_x. else. retcode = 3. endif. else. retcode = 2. endif. endselect. if iv_relevant eq con_x. move-corresponding sel_vbrk_tab to loc_vbrk_tab. append loc_vbrk_tab. endif. endloop. endif. describe table loc_vbrk_tab lines sel_tabix.

if sel_tabix ne 0. clear retcode. perform basedate_create. else.

endif. endif. ENDFORM. " simulate_invoice *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form WRITE_ERRORS *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM WRITE_ERRORS . LOOP AT it_error. WRITE: / it_error-message. ENDLOOP. ENDFORM. " WRITE_ERRORS *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form CHECK_IV_FAKTURA_EXIST *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * <--P_RC_OK text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM CHECK_IV_FAKTURA_EXIST CHANGING P_RC_OK. ENDFORM. " CHECK_IV_FAKTURA_EXIST *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form BASEDATE_CREATE *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * --> p1 text * <-- p2 text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM BASEDATE_CREATE . loop at loc_vbrk_tab. clear : xkomfkgn, xkomfkko. refresh : xkomfkgn, xkomfkko. if loc_vbrk_tab-vbtyp ca 'MNOPSU'. xkomfkgn-fkara = p_fkart. loop at loc_vbrp_tab where vbeln eq loc_vbrk_tab-vbeln.

perform iv_xkomfkgn_fill.

perform iv_xkomfkko_fill. endloop. perform gn_invoice_create. endif. endloop.

ENDFORM. " BASEDATE_CREATE *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form IV_XKOMFKGN_FILL *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * --> p1 text * <-- p2 text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM IV_XKOMFKGN_FILL . data: lt_t001w like t001w occurs 0 with header line, lt_vbap like vbap occurs 0 with header line. xkomfkgn-waerk = loc_vbrk_tab-waerk. xkomfkgn-mandt = sy-mandt. select single * from vbak where vbeln eq loc_vbrp_tab-aubel. check sy-subrc eq 0 and loc_vbrp_tab-aubel in s_vbeln[]. xkomfkgn-auart = vbak-auart. xkomfkgn-werks = loc_vbrp_tab-werks. select single * from t001w into lt_t001w where werks eq loc_vbrp_tab-werks. if p_vkorg is not initial. xkomfkgn-vkorg = p_vkorg. else. xkomfkgn-vkorg = lt_t001w-vkorg. endif. if p_vtweg is not initial. xkomfkgn-vtweg = p_vtweg. else. xkomfkgn-vtweg = lt_t001w-vtweg. endif. if p_spart is not initial. xkomfkgn-spart = p_spart. else. xkomfkgn-spart = lt_t001w-spart. endif. xkomfkgn-kunag = vbak-kunnr. xkomfkgn-vgbel = loc_vbrp_tab-vbeln. xkomfkgn-vgpos = loc_vbrp_tab-posnr. xkomfkgn-vgueb = loc_vbrp_tab-uepos.

xkomfkgn-kwmeng = loc_vbrp_tab-fkimg. xkomfkgn-vrkme = loc_vbrp_tab-vrkme. xkomfkgn-aubel = loc_vbrp_tab-aubel. xkomfkgn-aupos = loc_vbrp_tab-aupos. xkomfkgn-xblnr = loc_vbrk_tab-xblnr. xkomfkgn-matnr = loc_vbrp_tab-matnr. xkomfkgn-shkzg = loc_vbrp_tab-shkzg. select single * from vbap into lt_vbap where vbeln eq loc_vbrp_tab-aubel and posnr eq loc_vbrp_tab-aupos. check sy-subrc eq 0. xkomfkgn-pstyv = lt_vbap-pstyv. xkomfkgn-vbelv = lt_vbap-vbelv. xkomfkgn-posnv = lt_vbap-posnv. if not xkomfkgn-vbelv is initial. xkomfkgn-kzvbr = 'E'. endif. xkomfkgn-aufnr = lt_vbap-aufnr. append xkomfkgn. ENDFORM. " IV_XKOMFKGN_FILL *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form IV_XKOMFKKO_FILL *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * --> p1 text * <-- p2 text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM IV_XKOMFKKO_FILL . data:lt_konv like konv occurs 0 with header line. select * from konv into lt_konv where knumv eq loc_vbrk_tab-knumv and kposn eq loc_vbrp_tab-posnr. xkomfkko = lt_konv. xkomfkko-mandt = xkomfkgn-mandt. xkomfkko-knumv = xkomfkgn-vgbel. xkomfkko-kposn = xkomfkgn-vgpos. clear xkomfkko-kkurs. if xkomfkko-ksteu = 'E'. xkomfkko-kbetr = lt_konv-kwert. if loc_vbrk_tab-vbtyp ca vbtyp_retour. if loc_vbrp_tab-shkzg ca ' A'. xkomfkko-kbetr = xkomfkko-kbetr * -1. endif. else. if loc_vbrp_tab-shkzg ca 'BX'.

xkomfkko-kbetr = xkomfkko-kbetr * -1. endif. endif. xkomfkko-waers = loc_vbrk_tab-waerk. endif. if xkomfkko-kherk = 'G'. xkomfkko-kherk = 'C'. endif. append xkomfkko. endselect. ENDFORM. " IV_XKOMFKKO_FILL *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form GN_INVOICE_CREATE *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * --> p1 text * <-- p2 text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM GN_INVOICE_CREATE . DATA: ls_vbsk TYPE vbsk, lt_komfk TYPE komfk OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE, lt_komfkgn TYPE komfkgn OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE, lt_komfkko TYPE komv OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE, lt_komv TYPE komv OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE, lt_thead TYPE theadvb OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE, lt_vbfs TYPE vbfs OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE, lt_vbpa TYPE vbpavb OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE, lt_vbrk TYPE vbrkvb OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE, lt_vbrp TYPE vbrpvb OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE, lt_t001k type t001k occurs 0 with header line, lt_t001w type t001w occurs 0 with header line, lt_vbss TYPE vbss OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE. clear : xkomfk, xkomv, xthead, xvbfs, xvbpa, xvbrk, xvbrp, xvbss. refresh : xkomfk, xkomv, xthead, xvbfs, xvbpa, xvbrk, xvbrp, xvbss.

describe table xkomfkgn lines sel_tabix. check not sel_tabix is initial. call function 'GN_INVOICE_CREATE' exporting invoice_date = p_prsdt invoice_type = P_fkart pricing_date = p_prsdt vbsk_i = vbsk I_WITHOUT_REFRESH = 'X' id_no_dialog = 'X'

importing vbsk_e = vbsk tables xkomfk = xkomfk xkomfkgn = xkomfkgn xkomfkko = xkomfkko xkomv = lt_komv xthead = xthead xvbfs = lt_vbfs xvbpa = xvbpa xvbrk = xvbrk xvbrp = xvbrp xvbss = xvbss. if sy-subrc eq 0. READ TABLE xvbrk INDEX 1. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. * get condition values write: 'LT_KOMV Table data in output...'. write: sy-uline. write: / sy-vline,'Billing Number', sy-vline,'Document condition no.',sy-vline, 'Item Number',sy-vline, 'Condition type',sy-vline,'Condition base value',sy-vline,'Rate',sy-vline,'Condition Value '. write: sy-uline. loop at lt_komv . Write: / sy-vline,xvbrk-vbeln ,sy-vline, lt_komv-knumv, syvline,lt_komv-Kposn , sy-vline,lt_komv-Kschl,sy-vline,lt_komv-Kawrt,syvline,lt_komv-kbetr,sy-vline,lt_komv-KWERT. endloop. ELSE. LOOP AT lt_vbfs. CALL FUNCTION 'MESSAGE_TEXT_BUILD' EXPORTING msgid = lt_vbfs-msgid msgnr = lt_vbfs-msgno msgv1 = lt_vbfs-msgv1 msgv2 = lt_vbfs-msgv2 msgv3 = lt_vbfs-msgv3 msgv4 = lt_vbfs-msgv4 IMPORTING message_text_output = it_error-message. APPEND it_error. CLEAR it_error. ENDLOOP. ENDIF. endif. ENDFORM. " GN_INVOICE_CREATE *&---------------------------------------------------------------------*

*& Form BASEDATE_CREATE2 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM BASEDATE_CREATE2 . data: lt_t001w like t001w occurs 0 with header line, lt_vbap like vbap occurs 0 with header line. xkomfkgn-vgpos = 0. xkomfkgn-mandt = sy-mandt. select single * from vbak where vbeln in s_vbeln. if sy-subrc is initial. select single * from vbap into lt_vbap where vbeln eq vbak-vbeln. * check sy-subrc eq 0 and loc_vbrp_tab-aubel in s_vbeln[]. xkomfkgn-fkara = p_fkart. xkomfkgn-auart = vbak-auart. xkomfkgn-vgtyp = lt_vbap-PSTYV. xkomfkgn-werks = lt_vbap-werks. select single * from t001w into lt_t001w where werks eq lt_vbap-werks. if p_vkorg is not initial. xkomfkgn-vkorg = p_vkorg. else. xkomfkgn-vkorg = lt_t001w-vkorg. endif. if p_vtweg is not initial. xkomfkgn-vtweg = p_vtweg. else. xkomfkgn-vtweg = lt_t001w-vtweg. endif. if p_spart is not initial. xkomfkgn-spart = p_spart. else. xkomfkgn-spart = lt_t001w-spart. endif. xkomfkgn-kunag = vbak-kunnr. xkomfkgn-waerk = lt_vbap-waerk. xkomfkgn-kwmeng = lt_vbap-zmeng. xkomfkgn-vrkme = lt_vbap-vrkme. xkomfkgn-aubel = lt_vbap-vbeln. xkomfkgn-aupos = lt_vbap-posnr. xkomfkgn-matnr = lt_vbap-matnr. xkomfkgn-vgpos = xkomfkgn-vgpos + 1. append xkomfkgn. endif. perform gn_invoice_create. ENDFORM.

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