7010 s12 QP 11 PDF

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COMPUTER STUDIES Paper 1 Candidates answer on the Question Paper. No Additional Materials are required. READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST Write your Centre number, candidate number and name on all the work you hand in. Write in dark blue or black pen. You may use a soft pencil for any diagrams, graphs or rough working. Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid. DO NOT WRITE IN ANY BARCODES. Answer all questions. No marks will be awarded for using brand names of software packages or hardware. At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together. The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

May/June 2012 2 hours 30 minutes

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This document consists of 21 printed pages and 3 blank pages.

IB12 06_7010_11/FP UCLES 2012

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2 1 Video conferencing, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and instant messaging are all used as communication methods. Certain devices are essential to enable each of these communication methods to be used. Tick ( ) the appropriate cells in the table below to show which one or more devices are essential for each method. keyboard VoIP video conferencing instant messaging [3] 2 Describe ways to guard against each of the following Internet security issues. (A different method should be given in each case.) viruses microphone speaker webcam
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tapping into wireless networks


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3 3 An airport is converting all its manual information systems to computerised systems. (a) One stage in analysing the existing system is fact finding. State three methods of fact finding: 1 2 3 [3]
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(b) Which of your named methods would be best suited to this application? Give two reasons for your choice. Method Reason 1

Reason 2 [2]

Michael is preparing a multimedia presentation. (a) What three features should he include in his presentation to make it more interesting? 1 2 3 [3]

(b) Give two reasons why a presentation would be better than just printing out and distributing a newsletter. 1

2 [2]

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4 5 A floor turtle can use the following instructions. Instruction FORWARD x LEFT t RIGHT t REPEAT n ENDREPEAT PENUP PENDOWN Move x cm forwards Turn left t degrees Turn right t degrees Repeat next set of instructions n times Finish repeated instructions Lift the pen Lower the pen Meaning
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Each square = 10 cm by 10 cm Each diagonal line = 14 cm 45 45



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5 Complete the set of instructions to draw the above shape in the direction shown by the arrows. PENDOWN FORWARD 20 LEFT 90
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6 6 Carefully study the following flowchart.

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C=1 L=0 N=0 S=0 T=0


Is A > B ?

Yes L=L+1 N=AB

No Yes S=S+1 N=BA

Is B > A ?

No N=0



Is C < = 10 ?





UCLES 2012


7 (a) Complete the trace table for the following data: 8, 4, 3, 1, C 5, 8, L 4, 2, N 1, 3, S 2, 2, 1, 2, T 5, 5, A 4, 0, B 5, 4

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[6] (b) What is the final output from the algorithm? L= S= T= [2]

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8 7 A large hotel has a website. The website offers the following facilities: a virtual tour of the hotel an interactive map the ability to book rooms online
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(a) Give two features you would expect to find in each facility. virtual tour 1

interactive map 1

room booking online 1

2 [6]

(b) Describe one other feature you would expect to see on the hotels website.


UCLES 2012


9 8 A spreadsheet has been set up to record employees hotel expenses for one year. The data for one employee is shown below. A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Hotel Grand Station Northern Western George Quality B Tariff Sunday to Thursday ($) 150 200 90 120 180 100 C Tariff Friday to Saturday ($) 90 120 60 80 100 70 D No of nights (Sunday to Thursday) 3 2 5 4 2 3 E No of nights (Friday to Saturday) 2 1 0 1 2 1 F G Maximum allowance ($) 600 800 360 480 720 400
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Total cost ($) 630 520 450 560 560 370

(a) What formula is in F2 to calculate the employees costs at the Grand Hotel?


(b) The maximum allowance is four times the Sunday to Thursday tariff. What formula is in G2?


(c) A manager wants to know whether an employee exceeded their maximum allowance at each hotel. Describe how the spreadsheet could be used to do this.


(d) A macro was written to convert the tariff rate into different currencies. The exchange rate was taken directly from a website. What is the advantage of using a macro to do this?


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10 9 Vehicles passing over a bridge are detected automatically using sensors and a computer. (a) What sensors could be used? [1] (b) The graph below shows the number of vehicles counted during certain periods of the day. This graph is produced automatically at the end of each day.
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Bridge traffic on 1 March 2012

80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

Number of vehicles






Time period
A record is created each time a vehicle is detected. These records are processed to generate the graph and for other purposes. What data need to be stored in each record?

[2] (c) State two other methods of automatic data capture. In each case, name an application which would use this method. Method 1 Application 1

Method 2 Application 2

UCLES 2012 7010/11/M/J/12

11 10 Jatinder uses Internet banking. (a) Give one benefit and one drawback of using Internet banking. Benefit
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Drawback [2] She uses a 5-digit PIN. (b) Every time she logs on, she is asked to give 3 random digits from the PIN. She was asked to give her 3rd, 1st and 4th digit. This changes every time she logs on. Give a reason for this.

[1] (c) A different application needs the whole PIN to be input. The following code has been written to check the PIN: c = 0 INPUT PIN x = PIN REPEAT x = x/10 c = c + 1 UNTIL x < 1 IF c < 5 THEN PRINT error in PIN entered ELSE PRINT PIN OK ENDIF (i) What value of c and what message would be output if the following PINs were entered? 5 1 0 2 0 Value of c: Message: 5120 Value of c: Message: (ii) What type of validation check is being carried out here? [1]
UCLES 2012 7010/11/M/J/12


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12 11 A simulation using a mathematical model is being used to forecast the weather one week in advance. (a) (i) State what data are gathered for this model.
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(ii) Explain how the data are gathered for this model.


(b) (i) Describe how the simulation can predict the weather for the next seven days.

(ii) Describe in what format the predicted weather can be shown.


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14 12 (a) (i) Complete the truth table for the following logic circuit, which is made up of NAND gates:
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A 0 0 1 1

B 0 1 0 1

[2] (ii) What single logic gate has the same function as the above logic circuit? [1]

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15 (b) Complete the truth table for the following logic circuit:
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A 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1

B 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1

C 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1


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16 13 Andrew is sending a large document to a printer. (a) State the name for the area of memory used to store temporarily the data being sent to the printer. [1]
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(b) The printer runs out of paper during the printing job. A signal is sent back to the computer to temporarily stop its current task. Name this type of signal. [1]

(c) When trying to save this document after it was printed, the computer stops responding. Give two reasons why the computer might stop responding. 1

2 [2]

(d) Andrew ended up losing his electronic document. How could that have been prevented?


UCLES 2012


17 14 A database was set up to show the properties of certain chemical elements. Part of the database is shown below. Name of element oxygen iron mercury bromine osmium caesium gallium argon silver Element Symbol O Fe Hg Br Os Cs Ga Ar Ag Atomic Number 8 26 80 35 76 55 31 18 47 Atomic Weight 16 56 201 80 190 133 70 40 108 Melting Boiling Point (C) Point (C) - 218 1538 - 38 -7 3033 28 30 - 189 961 - 183 2861 356 59 5012 671 2204 - 186 2162 State at room temp gas solid liquid liquid solid solid solid gas solid
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(a) How many fields are in each record? [1]

(b) The following search condition was entered: (Melting Point (C) < 40) AND (Atomic Weight > 100) Using Element Symbol only, which records would be output?


(c) We need to know which elements have an atomic number greater than 50 and are solid at room temperature. Write down the search condition to find out these elements.


(d) The data are to be sorted in descending order of Boiling Point (C). Write down the new order of records using the Element Symbol only.


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18 15 A vending machine has the choices shown below. 10 20 30 40 50 60 tea coffee hot chocolate cold water coke chicken soup 11 21 31 41 51 61 with milk with milk extra milk hot water orange tomato soup 12 22 32 42 52 with sugar with sugar extra sugar fizzy water lemon 13 with milk and sugar with milk and 23 sugar with extra milk 33 and extra sugar
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A customer uses a keypad to make their choice. Each number entered is represented in a 6-bit binary register. For example, key press 33 (hot chocolate with extra milk and extra sugar) is represented by:

1 32

0 16

0 8

0 4

0 2

1 1

(a) (i) If a customer chooses coffee with milk and sugar what is the key press?

(ii) How is it represented in the 6-bit register?




(b) If the 6-bit register shows

1 0 1 0 0 1

what drink has the customer chosen? [1]

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19 (c) A customer using the vending machine gets an error message after keying in their selection. What could have caused this error message?
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(d) It was decided to split the register so that each digit was represented by its own 3-bit register: For example, 4 2 would now be represented as:

1 4

0 2

0 1

0 4

1 2

0 1

(i) What drink has been chosen if the 3-bit registers contain:
1 4 1 2 0 1 0 4 0 2 0 1

[1] (ii) How would the lemon option be shown on both types of register?



[2] (iii) What is the advantage of using two 3-bit registers rather than one 6-bit register?


UCLES 2012


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20 16 A car park uses sensors and a microprocessor to monitor cars leaving and entering. The car park is open 24 hours every day. The parking fee is $10 per day. The following flowchart shows how the IN and OUT barriers are controlled. Some of the statements are missing. Using item numbers only, insert the correct item numbers into the flowchart from the item list.
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read the IN sensor

any signal received from IN sensor? Yes


read the OUT sensor


Yes Yes




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21 List of statements Item Number Description

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

activate motor to raise IN barrier activate motor to raise OUT barrier any signal received from OUT sensor? decrease number of cars in car park by 1 increase number of cars in car park by 1 is car park full? is the car park fee paid? OUTPUT car park full OUTPUT please pay car park fee at pay machine use ADC to convert IN sensor signal to digital use ADC to convert OUT sensor signal to digital use DAC to convert computer signal to analogue signal to operate IN barrier use DAC to convert computer signal to analogue signal to operate OUT barrier wait 30 seconds and then close barrier [6]

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22 17 Write an algorithm, using pseudocode or a program flowchart only, which: inputs the population and land area for 500 countries, calculates the population density (i.e. population/land area) for every country, outputs the largest and smallest population density, outputs the average population for all 500 countries.
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