0417 w12 QP 13

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UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS International General Certificate of Secondary Education



October/November 2012 2 hours

Candidates answer on the Question Paper. No Additional Materials are required. READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST Write your Centre number, candidate number and name on all the work you hand in. Write in dark blue or black pen. You may use a soft pencil for any diagrams, graphs or rough working. Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid. DO NOT WRITE IN ANY BARCODES. No marks will be awarded for using brand names of software packages or hardware. Answer all questions. At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together. The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

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IB12 11_0417_13/4RP UCLES 2012

[Turn over

2 1 Name the devices A, B, C and D using the words from the list.
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bar code reader

chip reader

graphics tablet

laser printer

magnetic stripe reader

pen drive

remote control

touch pad


B D [4]

Ring two network devices.


hard disc plotter

hub switch [2]

UCLES 2012


3 3 Tick whether the following items will appear in User or Technical documentation. User frequently asked questions program coding system flowcharts trouble-shooting guide [4] Technical
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Complete each sentence below using one item from the list. a bar code reader a keyboard a CD ROM a knowledge base an inkjet printer a magnetic hard disc

(a) The most suitable storage medium for storing data on a network server is (b) Lists of illnesses and their symptoms are stored as (c) An optical disc which cannot have data updated is (d) Photos are output using [4]

Draw five lines on the diagram to match the software to its most appropriate use.



Desktop publishing software Measuring program Presentation software Inference engine Database

keeping a record of phone numbers matching illnesses to symptoms producing a multimedia slideshow monitoring the weather producing a magazine [5]

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[Turn over

4 6 Tick whether the following statements apply to a CLI (Command Line Interface) or a GUI (Graphical User Interface). CLI Instructions must be typed to get a computer to carry out an action. Icons represent programs. It is more important that users understand how a computer works. Menus are offered to help choose an action. [4] 7 A student wishes to use floor turtle to draw this shape: Name and explain the meaning of four instructions that the turtle graphics software would need to contain in order to draw the shape. No two lines are the same length. GUI
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Instruction 1 Meaning

Instruction 2 Meaning

Instruction 3 Meaning

Instruction 4 Meaning [8]

UCLES 2012


5 8 A greenhouse is controlled by a microprocessor. (a) Tick three physical variables that would be monitored.
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Humidity Temperature Pressure Wind speed Light Wind direction [3]

(b) Explain the difference between measurement and control.


(c) Give four advantages of using a computer rather than allowing the students to control the growing conditions. 1

4 [4]

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[Turn over

6 9 A sports shop owner uses a spreadsheet to calculate his profits. This is part of the spreadsheet. A 1 2 3 4 5 6 Item Kino Trainers Goalagame Boots Melchester Rovers shirt IOM football Beckett shinpads B Selling Price $45.00 $44.00 $78.00 $51.00 $40.00 C Cost price $40.00 $38.00 $65.00 $42.00 $32.00 D Profit per item $5.00 $6.00 $13.00 $9.00 $8.00 E Number in stock 126 145 104 56 101
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(a) Give the cell reference of the cell that contains $42.00 [1]

(b) Give the cell reference of a cell that contains an integer. [1]

(c) How many rows are shown in the spreadsheet? [1]

(d) Write down the formula which should go in cell D2. [1]

(e) When the spreadsheet was created a similar formula to D2 had to go in cells D3 to D6. Describe how to enter these formulae without typing them.


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7 (f) This spreadsheet is an example of a financial model. Give two examples of computer models, other than financial models. 1
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2 [2]

(g) Tick three reasons why computer models are used.

The real thing may need too large a timescale. Computer models waste a lot of raw materials. The real thing is quicker to build. If a computer model fails it does not need rebuilding. Once a computer model is built it does not cost a lot to run. A model does not cost anything to make. [3]

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[Turn over

8 10 Aftab owns a company which has a small network of computers. (a) Give two advantages of having computers networked. 1
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2 [2]

He wants to connect the computers to the internet.

(b) Name the device he would need to be able to do this. [1]

(c) Give two benefits and two drawbacks of connecting to the internet. Benefit 1

Benefit 2

Drawback 1

Drawback 2 [4]

UCLES 2012


9 11 Many banks offer internet banking. To access this online service customers have to log on to the system. (a) Explain why authentication techniques are necessary.
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(b) Customer data is encrypted. Explain what encryption is and why it is used.


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[Turn over

10 12 The growth of the internet has led to many new developments. Explain what the following terms mean. Spyware
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Social networking site


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11 13 Anya has employed Raymond, a systems analyst, to create a new database system for sports day at her school. Here are some of the questions teachers and students might ask about the results of the athletics competition: What position did Peter Njoka come in the 100 metres? Who won the 1500 metres? The winner of the 800 metres was wearing which Race ID? Each athlete wore a Race ID consisting of one letter followed by three digits. The longest race is the 1500 metres. (a) Complete the design table below filling in the field names and the most appropriate data types to create a database which would answer these questions. Field name Race_ID Data type
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(b) Name and describe the most appropriate validation check which would be carried out on the Race_ID field. Name Description [2]

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[Turn over

12 (c) Anya wants to have a system which will make it easy to enter data. Describe five features of a well designed input screen. 1
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5 [5]

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13 14 Sarbjit has a desktop computer at home which he uses for internet banking. (a) Identify two other computer systems he could use to do internet banking when away from home. 1
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2 [2]

(b) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages to banks of using internet banking.


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[Turn over

14 15 Give four advantages to bank customers of using ATMs rather than going to the bank to withdraw cash. 1
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4 [4]

16 Some mobile telephones (cell phones) can be used to make video calls. Describe four advantages of making video calls rather than sending messages by email. 1

4 [4]

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