3.2 Evaluating Expressions

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2 Evaluating Expressions
Common Core Math Standard
AZ-7.EE.4a: Solve word problems leading to equations of the form px + q = r and p(x + q) = r, where p, q, and r are specific rational numbers.

Daily Objective
By the end of the lesson, I will be able to ______________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________

** How Can I Use This? ** Mr. Walker, x, and Mrs. Bernal, y, are going door to door selling magazines as part of a fundraiser. Mr. Walker sells magazines all seven days one week. Mrs. Bernal sells for five days. If Mr. Walker averaged four sales a day, and Mrs. Bernal three, how many total sales did they record?

Fred ordersd


3.2 Evaluating Expressions

Do Now
Natalie, Emily, and Martie played a basketball game in which each shot was worth one point. The three girls live in a red house, a blue house, and a yellow house, in no particular order. List the girls and the house they live in in order of least points scored to most points scored.
Natalie scored more points than Martie, but scored fewer points than the girl from

the blue house

The girl from the red house scored fewer points than the other two girls

What are we solving for?

What do I need to do in order to solve the question?

Essential Vocabulary

3.2 Evaluating Expressions



Teacher Model


3.2 Evaluating Expressions

Evaluating Expressions
4x + 5y when x = 2 and y = 3

Evaluating Expressions
6x 2y when x = 4 and y = 2

(x + 1)(x +2) when x = 1

x(x + 2) when x = 4

1. Example 1

x2 + 7when x = 2

x2 y2 when x = 4 and y = 2

2. Example 2


3.2 Evaluating Expressions

Solving for Evaluating Expressions

1. Determine what the question is asking 2. Substitute a number for the variable 3. Use the correct order of operations (when applicable)

Guided Practice
Solve for the variable by multiplying both sides by the reciprocal Let x = 4 and y = 2 1. 3x + 5y 2. 3xy

3. (x 2)(x + 2)

4. x2 3y

3.2 Evaluating Expressions

5. xy


2xy xy

Writing Algebraic Equations

Use the word problem to set up a two-step equation. Use the model below to help organize it. Every two-step equation will have three parts:

What will have the total? o Where do you start (constant) o What will you add on (variable term)

Bob started a bank account, b, with $35. Every week, w, he will add $5. How much money will he have after 6 weeks? b = 35 + 5w _________ __________ __________

1. Carlos has a collection, c, of baseball cards. He already had 40 before he received an offer to get 5 each month, m, if he signed up for a magazine. How many cards will he have after 3 months?


3.2 Evaluating Expressions


2. Bob started a bank account, b, with $100. Every week, w, he will add $20. How much money will he have after 5 weeks?

Start Rate

3. Bob started a bank account, b, with $200. Every week, w, he will take out $20 for paying bills. How much money will he have left after 3 weeks?

Start Rate

Review: Two-Step Equations

Solve for the variable by performing a two-step equation. Be careful using division on big numbers and multiplication with fractions (using the reciprocal). 1.
1 x + 3 = 12 2


3 x8=7 5

3. 2x + 9 = 19

4. 7x 9 = 40


3.2 Evaluating Expressions


1 x+2=4 3


4 x3=1 9

Partner Practice: Two-Steps

Solve for the variable by multiplying both sides by the reciprocal 1.
1 x+4=9 3 2 x8=2 3



6x + 7 = 25


3x 4 = 2


5 x+1=4 8


3 x2=7 5

Partner Practice: Evaluating Expressions

Solve for the variable by multiplying both sides by the reciprocal Let x = 5 and y = 2

3.2 Evaluating Expressions

1. 2x + 6y 2. 4xy

3. (x 3)(x + 1)

4. x2 7y

5. xy


3xy 2xy

Check for Understanding

Demonstrate what you have learned by solving the problems below. You may refer back to your notes. Convert the expressions into either algebraic or verbal sentences. 1. 6x + 9 = 27 2. 3x 8 = 1

3. Mr. Walker goes out to buy a candy bar and some gum. He buys a Snickers bar for $3 and four packs of gum for a total of $7. Write an algebraic representation of the scenario. How much was each pack of gum?

Whats Wrong With This?

Look at the mistakes below. What went wrong? Provide the correct answer.

3.2 Evaluating Expressions

Problem 1
Step 1: 2x 4 = 8 Step 2: 2x = 4
(What went wrong?)

Reviewing the Objective

Today, I am able to _________________________________________________


Identifying Equations Using Addition

Circle the best answer to the statements below and answer the follow up question.

3.2 Evaluating Expressions

1. Ron started a savings account, s, with $40. He will add $3 every week, w. How much money will he have after 5 weeks?
a. s = 40 + 3w b. s = 40 3w c. s = 3 + 40w d. s = 3 40w

2. Greg has a collection, c, of baseball cards. He already had 100 before he received an offer to get 5 each month, m, if he signed up for a magazine. How many cards will he have after 3 months?
a. c = 5 + 100m b. c = 100 5m c. c = 100 + 5m d. c = 5 100m

3. An electrician charges $75 an hour plus an initial $25 service fee. Write an expression for the total cost, c, of hiring the plumber for h hours. What will it cost for 2 hours of services?
a. c = 25h + 75 b. c = 75 25h c. c = 75h 25 d. c = 25 + 75h

4. A teacher starts the year with 15 sick days, d. Every month, m, a teacher receives 1 additional sick day1. After working an entire school year of 10 months without getting sick, how many days will be saved up?
a. d = 15 m b. d = 15 + m c. d = 1 + 15m d. d = 1 15m

Identifying Equations Using Subtraction

Read the problems and answer both of the questions


3.2 Evaluating Expressions

1. Carmen has a checking account, a, with $250. Because of a bad shopping habit, she will spend $50 every week, w. If she never puts any more money in the account, how long will it take to spend all of the money?
a. a = 250 + 50w b. a = 250 50w c. a = 50 + 250w d. a = 50 250w

2. Jorge has a bag of Oreos, o, which still being unopened, has 75 cookies in it. He is dieting, and so limits himself to 5 cookies a day. At this rate, how long will it take him until he has only 20 Oreos left?
a. o = 75d + 5 b. o = 75 5d c. o = 75 + 5d d. o = 5 75d

3. The Arizona State Lotto has a pool, p, of $500 to give away in cash prizes. It expects to dole out an estimated $25 per hour, h, until all of the money is paid to winners. How long will it take to distribute $100?
a. p = 500h + 25 b. p = 500 25h c. p = 500h 25 d. p = 500 + 25h

4. A plane is flying at an altitude, a, of 30,000 feet when it begins its descent into the airport. Because of the steep traffic pattern, air traffic control orders it to descend at 1,500 feet per minute. What will be the planes altitude after 4 minutes of descending?
a. d = 1,500 30,000m b. d = 1,500 + 30,000m c. d = 30,000 + 1,500m d. d = 30,000 1,500m

Independent Practice: Two-Steps

Solve for the variable by multiplying both sides by the reciprocal

3.2 Evaluating Expressions

1 x+2=6 3


2 x4=2 3


4x + 5 = 29


9x 4 = 14


5 x+3=7 8


3 x5=1 5

Independent Practice: Evaluating Expressions

Solve for the variable by multiplying both sides by the reciprocal Let x = 3 and y = 3 1. 5x + y 2. xy

3. (x 1)(y + 1)

4. x2 3y

5. xy


2xy xy

Daily Review Sheet


3.2 Evaluating Expressions

This page is for you to keep in your binder and is to be worked on when you are finished with the daily notes packet. It counts as a grade. It will serve as an overview of the days lesson and is a quick reference for use on weekly quizzes.

Part 1: Objective (review the daily objective) _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Part 2: Vocabulary (define the words from todays lesson)
Evaluate: Reciprocal:

Part 3: Check for Understanding (apply your understanding of fractions) 1. What is the reciprocal of two-thirds? 2. What is the reciprocal of five? Part 4: Example Problems (solve for x) 1. 2x + 8 = 34 2. 6x 7 = 35

Part 5: Evaluating Expressions (solve for x) 1. 2(x + y): when x = 2 and y = 4 2. 6x 2xy: when x = 5 and y = 2

Part 5: Word Problems (write a mathematical expression and solve it)

1. Carmen has a checking account, a, with $300. Because of a bad shopping habit, she will spend $20 every week, w. If she never puts any more money in the account, how long will it take to spend all of the money?


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