2013 Overview and 2012 Annual Report of The Aspen Institute

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2013 Overview & 2012 Annual Report

The Aspen Institute is an educational and policy studies organization based in Washington, DC. Its mission is to foster leadership based on enduring values and to provide a nonpartisan venue for discussing and acting on critical issues. The Institute does this primarily in four ways: Seminars, which help participants reflect on what they think makes a good society, thereby deepening knowledge, broadening perspectives, and enhancing their capacity to solve the problems leaders face. Young-leader fellowships around the globe, which bring a selected class of proven leaders together for an intense multiyear program and commitment. The Fellows become better leaders and apply their skills to significant challenges. Policy programs, which serve as nonpartisan forums for analysis, consensus-building, and problem-solving on a wide variety of issues. Public conferences and events, which provide a commons for people to share ideas. The Institute is based in Washington, DC; Aspen, Colorado; and on the Wye River on Marylands Eastern Shore. The Institute also has offices in New York City and an international network of partners.

All of the trustees are honored to be associated with todays Aspen Institute. Weve always had the benefit of a powerful mission, and it has been thrilling to watch what our leadership team, staff, and board have been able to accomplish over the last decade, elevating the organization to heights the founders could have only imagined.
Robert K. Steel, Aspen Institute Chairman of the Board of Trustees

On the cover: The Aspen Institute takes inspiration from the aspen trees that dot its Aspen Meadows campus, where it was founded and thrives today. Beloved for their shimmering foliage, aspen trees are unique in that each stand or grove which might include dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of individuals is actually one large organism that depends on a single root system for survival. This interconnectedness reminds us of the essential interconnectedness of all human life, which in turn drives us in our mission as we gather disparate individuals for civil dialogue, look to timeless human values as the root of our discussions, and work to find common ground on even the most divisive issues our communities, our nation, and the world may face.

The Aspen Institute Today 6 Policy Programs and Partnerships 9 Public Programs 19 Seminars 25 Leadership Programs 29 Society of Fellows 33 Selected Highlights of Our Work 34 Distinct Voices 36 Our Locations and International Partners 39 Aspen Institute Leadership 42 Board of Trustees 46 2012 Annual Report 50 Donors 52

TAble of Contents 5
Photo by Dan Bayer

The Aspen Institute Today

The Aspen Institute was established in 1950 by a small group of
visionaries who believed in creating the good society by fostering values-based dialogue among Americas business leaders. In more recent decades, the organization built its reputation for helping shape tomorrows leaders and advancing effective public policy through engaging a diversity of perspectives in intimate, retreat-like settings. Fostering leaders to contribute to the good society continues to be at the forefront of the Institutes mission. As a result, we have also seen exceptional growth in the number and geographic spread of Aspen Leadership Fellows. Launched in 2004, the Aspen Global Leadership Network has greatly expanded the Henry Crown Fellowships legacy of encouraging proven entrepreneurs to apply their creative energies to the most important challenges of our time. From just over 100 Fellows in 2004, this dynamic network now numbers 1,600 in 46 countries all moving from success to significance, spreading ripples of impact across the world. The past decade has also yielded unprecedented financial health for the Institute. Thanks to effective management of program expenses, investment in capital, profitable public programs, and an influx of donor support through individual, foundation, and corporate contributions, the Institute has produced robust operating cash flows that have helped us solidify our timeless offerings, as well as take our mission in exciting new directions. A reinvestment in the Institutes Aspen Meadows campus has yielded the LEED gold-certified Doerr-Hosier Center and Andy Goldsworthy sculpture, the renovated Resnick-Malek Health Center, an expanded and modernized Paepcke Building and Auditorium, and a much-enhanced Koch seminar building, among other improvements. The Institute refreshed its Wye River campus, opened a midtown Manhattan office, and established a home base at the Roosevelt House at Hunter College in New York City as a destination point for serious and timely programming. The expanded vision, innovation, and energy of this new era couldnt have been possible without the entire leadership team at the Institute, as well as a board of trustees and donors who actively support the programs from which they draw personal and professional value. Our Society of Fellows donor group, which itself has quadrupled since 2003, has helped lay the groundwork to establish the future of the organization. Through an initiative to underwrite scholars to participate in forums, fellowships, and action projects, the Scholars and Scholarships campaign is leading the way to secure the Institutes next 10 years, and beyond.
Clockwise from top left: A busy summer session at The Doerr-Hosier Center in Aspen (photo by Michael Brands); Home to much of the Institutes New York-based programming, the historic Roosevelt House; The Walter Paepcke Memorial Buildings state-of-the-art auditorium (photo by Michael Brands); An aerial view of the Institutes Wye campus on the Eastern Shore of Maryland; A bustling Greenwald Pavilion on the Aspen Meadows campus (photo by Michael Brands).

The Aspen Institute Today

In 2003, the Institute entered a new phase, opening its offerings to a far wider and broader audience and expanding its policy work into an exciting new realm. For the past decade, the Institutes leadership team, led by President and CEO Walter Isaacson, has bolstered the existing policy and seminar programming, while opening much of the formerly closed-door offerings to the public through forums, roundtables, and speaker series, all made available across various media platforms. The Aspen Ideas Festival the Institutes signature public offering celebrated its ninth year in 2013. Its early, unqualified success laid the foundation for other new public events, such as the Washington Ideas Forum, The Aspen Challenge, New York Ideas, and the Aspen Security Forum. With an ever-increasing commitment to turning thought into action, in 2013 the Institute added two new major gatherings to its summer calendar: the Aspen Institute Franklin Projects 21st Century National Service Summit and the Aspen Leaders Action Forum. Both events brought together leaders looking for ways to strengthen their own and others commitments to contributing to society in meaningful ways. The Institutes policy programs have been tackling important issues since the early 1970s. Their breadth and scope have been significantly broadened to include an even wider spectrum of domestic and international concerns, including arts and culture and global health and development. Since 2003, the number of policy programs has doubled from 15 to more than 30. Our credibility as a consensus-builder has grown at a similar rate, as seen through the quality and quantity of organizations seeking to partner with the Institute in its many pursuits. The organization has extended its global reach as well. Our international family of partner Aspen Institutes will celebrate a number of milestones in 2013, including Aspen Germanys 40th, Aspen Frances 30th, and Aspen Japans 15th anniversaries. These and Aspen Italia, our largest overseas partner, were joined in the last decade by newly established Institutes in India, Romania, Spain, and the Czech Republic, while we seek to soon open our first outpost in Latin America.

Policy Programs and Partnerships


Policy Programs and Partnerships

Advancing Public Policy Through Dialogue and Action

The Aspen Institute policy programs advance public- and private-sector knowledge on some of the most pressing issues facing contemporary society. They frame critical topics, bring new evidence to bear on a wide range of issues, propose innovative ideas, and gather leaders and experts to reach constructive solutions to policy problems. Each program serves as an impartial forum, and each is unique in its substance and approach. Together, however, they share a common mission and methodology, convening diverse perspectives for informed dialogue, research, and action.

Summer on the Aspen Meadows campus (photo by Dan Bayer)

ADS Works www.aspeninstitute.org/adsworks

American actress, playwright, professor, and Institute Trustee Anna Deavere Smith has brought her program intersecting the arts and social justice to the Institute. Launched in 2013, it envisions a rich mix of innovative workshops and seminars, performances and publications, residencies and fellowships, and designs for new curricula. The program intends to collaborate with some of the many policy programs at the Institute. The vision is for an exchange through which artists can get information from policy programs, and policy programs can consider art as another form of influence and communication.

Ascend, the Family Economic Security Program ascend.aspeninstitute.org

This bipartisan, bilateral program promotes dialogue and action on addressing the human and environmental impact of wartime herbicides in Vietnam in both the US policy community and between US and Vietnamese officials. The program sponsors meetings and briefings, and strengthens US-Vietnamese cooperation on mitigating contamination and its consequences. The program builds support for practical solutions, such as improved services for those with dioxin-related disabilities, reproductive health services, special and inclusive education, vocational and workforce readiness training, and remediation of dioxin at former US air bases. In 2010, the program released a 10-year plan to fully address this legacy of the war. Its US-Vietnam Dialogue Group, co-organized by the Institute, has helped build momentum towards a long-term commitment from both governments to resolving the issue.

Agent Orange in Vietnam Program www.aspeninstitute.org/agentorangeprogram

Ascend is a national hub for breakthrough ideas and proven strategies that move children and their parents toward educational success and economic security. The program identifies, connects, and amplifies the work of innovators implementing two-generation approaches, which create opportunities for and address the needs of vulnerable children and their parents together. Ascends core strategies are to spark a new conversation around low-income families in the US; build a dynamic network of leaders through the pioneering Ascend Fellowship; and elevate effective two-generation policies and community solutions. Ascends strategies encompass three key issue areas: education including early childhood education for children and postsecondary education for their parents; economic supports; and social capital.

When we think about at-risk kids, it causes us to think there is something wrong with them. But who is really at risk? Our communities are at risk if we cannot successfully help mothers and fathers and children get an education, find their way out of poverty, and get the nutrition and health care and housing security they need so they can help us build a strong state, strong communities, and a strong nation.
Colorado Lt. Governor Joe Garcia at Ascends Inaugural ThinkXChange

elevate its role in preserving culture and livelihoods; a fellowship program for African development leaders who receive global media training; and advancement of sustainable and equitable efforts to feed a world population of more than nine billion.

The Aspen Institute Franklin Project www.aspeninstitute.com/franklin-project

Aspen Forum for Community Solutions www.aspencommunitysolutions.org

Aspen Global Health and Development www.aspeninstitute.org/ghd

The Aspen Forum for Community Solutions mission is to support collaboration that enables communities to effectively address their most pressing challenges. Its Opportunity Youth Incentive Fund works to demonstrate higher rates of reconnection to education and employment among opportunity youth and future generations; catalyze adoption of effective approaches in education and career attainment leading to family-sustaining careers for opportunity youth; and leverage systems and policy changes at local, state, and national levels to remove systems barriers. The Aspen Forum for Community Solutions is chaired by Melody C. Barnes, former director of the White House Domestic Policy Council and senior advisor to President Obama.

This programs mission is to promote solutions to persistent global health and development problems. It is a force for fresh thinking, unlikely collaborations, and nimble action within the global health and development field. This program works on a collection of issue-specific initiatives all aimed at catalyzing policy work that better connects champions at the highest levels, development practitioners in the field, and the poorest and most vulnerable on the ground. It supports the advancement of a number of ideas, including recognition of reproductive health as a key contributor to other development outcomes globally with a special focus on Malawi; adoption of policy innovations to address the global health workforce shortage; an alliance that aims to unleash the artisan sectors economic potential and

The Institute launched The Franklin Project in 2013, a program tasked with creating a voluntary civilian counterpart to military service in the United States. Born from General Stanley McChrystals call at the 2012 Aspen Ideas Festival to engage more Americans in serving their communities and country, the initiative has engaged leaders in military, business, government, nonprofit, faith, academic, community-building, and other sectors to support large-scale civilian service. Its formation is vital at a time of national division, when the entrepreneurial energy of citizens must be harnessed to help solve public problems and bring people of different perspectives together. John Bridgeland of Civic Enterprises and Alan Khazei of City Year and Be the Change, Inc. serve as chairs responsible for designing and managing the initiative. Former US Senator Harris Wofford serves as senior advisor. The program launched its first National Service Summit on June 24 and 25, 2013, on the Aspen Meadows campus.

world. These organizations are at the vanguard of a movement focused on supporting small and growing businesses (SGBs) that create economic, environmental, and social benefits for developing countries. The network advocates that policymakers and financial leaders drive more resources to these entrepreneurial firms. It hosts a wide variety of knowledge-sharing and training programs and offers financial support for innovative partnerships aimed at improving services to emerging market entrepreneurs. ANDE also sponsors annual events focused on the SGB sector, including a global conference on key trends and a workshop on metrics and impact assessment. In 2012, it launched a major research effort focused on building the evidence base that demonstrates the power of SGBs to build prosperity for the poor. The network has regional chapters in Brazil, Mexico/Central America, East Africa, India, South Africa, and West Africa.

Start-up stage enterprises, women entrepreneurs, and agribusinesses have a high level of potential impact; at the same time, they require tailored support to grow and meet that potential.
2012 ANDE Impact Report

Aspen Planning and Evaluation Program www.aspeninstitute.org/apep

Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs www.aspeninstitute.org/ande

This global network of organizations propels entrepreneurship in emerging markets. Its more than 175 members are drawn from nonprofits, investment funds, multinational corporations, banks, foundations, and research institutions that collectively work in virtually every developing economy in the

This program helps clients plan and evaluate efforts to shape public policy and promote changes in attitudes and behavior. Program staff and consultants work with foundations and nongovernmental organizations in the United States, Africa, and Europe assessing advocacy and social change efforts on issues as diverse as increasing college readiness among Hispanic youth, empowering women and girls in Kenya, and increasing access to family planning resources in Tanzania. The program also leads the Institutes internal program review process.

Aspen Strategy Group www.aspeninstitute.org/asg

How can Americas national security establishment better adapt to nascent threats and challenges? As

current global trends defy traditional notions of international relations, what common problems do nations face in the 21st century? This program focuses on transnational issues that blend foreign and domestic subjects. Founded in 1984 with a concentration on strategic relations, arms control issues, and the US-Soviet relationship, its roots as an annual conference for researchers associated with arms control projects at universities and think tanks date back to the 1970s. As the group evolved, it also included legislators, government officials, business and industry representatives, and journalists. The current program has moved beyond its Cold War origins and today includes three generations of policymakers representing a range of perspectives. The approach, however, has remained constant: to use a bipartisan lens to identify the most contentious foreign policy and national security concerns facing our nation and to assess Americas evolving interests. Recent workshops, briefings, and reports have covered the Arab Revolutions and American policy, cybersecurity, American interests in South Asia, the national security implications of climate change, and the challenge of nuclear proliferation. Also convening under the auspices of the Aspen Strategy Group is the Aspen Ministers Forum and Track II dialogues with Brazil, China, and India.

Policy Programs and Partnerships 11


The generation entering business schools now doesnt get out of bed in the morning to make the shareholders rich. They want something more. And they want to get real things done.
Judith Samuelson, Executive Director, Business and Society Program

advocacy. Despite the efforts of tribal governments and advocates, difficult conditions including high rates of unemployment, poverty, alcohol and substance abuse, crime, and health disparities persist in many tribal communities. The Center seeks to raise awareness and develop solutions to these issues by bringing together Native youth, tribal leaders, advocacy organizations, academic institutions, and other experts through roundtables, summits, and other events held throughout Indian Country.

Business and Society Program www.aspeninstitute.org/bsp

This program builds on 60 years of Aspen Institute programming to help established and emerging business leaders put values at the heart of practice. Through dialogue, research, and outreach, the program creates opportunities for executives and educators to explore new routes to business sustainability and values-based leadership. Its Corporate Values Strategy Group for business executives supports long-term thinking in business and investing through change in corporate practice as well as public policy. Its First Movers Fellowship is for exceptional business innovators who are integrating profitability and social value in their companies. The program is also home to several signature programs for innovators in business education, including Beyond Grey Pinstripes, CasePlace.org, and Faculty Pioneers, which highlight cutting-edge teaching and research on social and environmental stewardship.

The goal of this program is to identify and accelerate the replication of campus-based practices and policies that improve student success. The programs first initiative, the Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence, awards one million dollars biennially to the nations best community colleges. The prize aims to bring together community colleges around a measurable definition of excellence, to recognize community colleges that achieve exceptional student results, and to stimulate innovation on campuses nationwide. More recently, the program initiated the New College Leadership Project to inform the recruitment and training of a new generation of community college presidents capable of improving student success. After releasing a report identifying the qualities of exceptional presidents, program staff worked with leader colleges from the national nonprofit organization Achieving the Dream to further develop the skills and knowledge needed to achieve high levels of student success.

conclusions and recommendations. Meetings have led to the creation of the Knight Commission on the Information Needs of Communities in a Democracy, new initiatives in public media, and the Federal Communications Commissions new media inquiry. Conference reports are distributed to key policymakers and opinion leaders around the world, and are available to the public online.

communities to examine exemplary community change at close range. It brings together disconnected leaders from a specific geographic region to collaborate and find common aims. The group also joins community innovators with regional and national experts and funders. It develops community lessons into action guides, good-practice profiles, and web resources. Through its Rural Development Philanthropy Learning Network, the group has helped hundreds of community-based business, nonprofit, church, government, and civic leaders work together to grow locally controlled philanthropic funds and use them to improve community outcomes. In its Family Economic Success Initiative, the group is engaging an expanding network of community leaders across the country to help hard-working, low-income families earn more, keep more of what they earn, and grow what they save into assets that reduce family and community poverty over time.

issues, US-China relations, energy security, US relations with the Muslim world, and education reform. The program is funded solely by foundations, and it annually sponsors two dozen breakfast meetings and four conferences. No lobbyists, congressional staff, or outside observers are permitted, and all conference agendas are reviewed by the House and Senate ethics committees.

Economic Opportunities Program www.aspeninstitute.org/eop

Communications and Society Program www.aspeninstitute.org/c&s

Young Native American leaders and former Senator Byron Dorgan, founder of the Institutes Center for Native American Youth, address members of Congress and the Obama administration (photo by Steve Johnson).

College Excellence Program www.aspenccprize.org

Center for Native American Youth www.cnay.org

Created by former US Senator Byron Dorgan, the center is dedicated to improving the health, safety, and overall well-being of Native American youth through communication, policy development, and

Improving college student outcomes is a vital national priority. Only half of all college students graduate, and evidence suggests that the learning that takes place in college is too often limited and not well aligned with what students need to succeed after graduating. Over the past 50 years, increased college access has benefited millions of Americans, but now the nation must get more students through college with the skills and abilities needed for success in a knowledge-based economy.

This program serves as a venue for global leaders and experts to exchange insights on the societal impact of advances in digital technology and network communications. It also creates a multidisciplinary space in the communications policymaking world where veteran and emerging decision-makers can explore new concepts and develop policy networks. The program convenes approximately 10 leadership roundtables each year on subjects such as e-commerce, institutional innovation, smart grids, spectrum policy, big data, cloud computing, and global Internet governance. The program is also conducting ongoing projects on public libraries and online learning. Leaders from across disciplines and perspectives engage in moderated discussions that culminate in specific

Faith and Freedom Coalitions Ralph Reed, Fox News Juan Williams, and Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Funds Jasjit Singh engage on a panel at the Communications and Society Programs State of Race in America symposium (photo by Laurence Genon).

Congressional Program www.aspeninstitute.org/congressional

Community Strategies Group www.aspeninstitute.org/csg

This group equips community leaders to connect with the best ideas, tools, and strategies available to improve economic development, strengthen families, sustain natural resources, create locally controlled philanthropic assets, and build vital and just civic cultures. The groups hallmark is tailored, peer-to-peer exchanges in which community-based leaders create immediate back-home action plans. It convenes action-learning sessions for teams from multiple locations and organizes site visits for peer

This is a nonpartisan public policy education and civility-building program for members of the US Congress in which more than 30 percent of the current Congress has participated. At a time of Congressional gridlock and extreme partisanship, the program offers Republican and Democratic legislators the opportunity to learn from internationally recognized academics and experts and to explore policy alternatives. It assists legislators in developing a deeper understanding of public policy options and the personal relationships necessary to help Congress meaningfully address our nations problems. Although the program does not endorse specific legislation, for more than three decades it has provided a forum for discussion of policy issues that has often sown the seeds for significant policy initiatives. Current subjects include international economic and security

The Economic Opportunities Program promotes strategies to help low-income Americans participate successfully in the US economy. EOP has three primary areas of focus: entrepreneurship and small or microenterprise development, labor market strategies that enable low-income people to adapt to and make a living in our rapidly-changing economy, and financial tools that build the ability of lowincome Americans to save, build assets, and achieve a measure of economic security. EOP works closely with leaders of local efforts focused on building opportunity, including leaders from community colleges, community-based nonprofits, businesses, and economic development organizations, as well as elected officials, and other stakeholders. EOP evaluates innovative and promising strategies, provides peer learning and leadership development opportunities for local leaders, develops practical tools that help organizations implement promising strategies, and promotes public conversation around and attention to the issues facing lowincome Americans, and ideas for promoting shared prosperity. The program includes three distinct initiatives: the Microenterprise Fund for Innovation, Effectiveness, Learning, and Dissemination (FIELD); the Workforce Strategies Initiative; and Skills for Americas Future.

Policy Programs and Partnerships 13

Education and Society Program www.aspeninstitute.org/education

Recognizing the importance of effective education policy to improve US schools, this program convenes workshops for federal, state, and local policymakers, education leaders, researchers, and analysts to provide ongoing peer-to-peer learning and professional development. It facilitates knowledge-sharing among urban school district leaders about how school systems can improve the education and life chances of all students. Program participants also work to identify solutions that will support, nurture, and develop new cadres of leaders in schools and classrooms. In addition, the programs Aspen Senior Education Congressional Staff Network informs federal policy development by assisting congressional staff members in better understanding innovations in the field, shared challenges, and the impact of federal education laws on states and urban school districts.

Energy and Environment Program www.aspeninstitute.org/ee

When school systems put teachers perspectives on the table, it becomes more likely that issues of school culture and leadership are acknowledged and addressed. Teacher surveys can create an opportunity for school leaders to model the type of openness to feedback and willingness to change that teachers are expected to embrace.
Evaluating Evaluations: Using Teacher Surveys to Strengthen Implementation

This program provides nonpartisan leadership and a neutral forum for improving energy and environmental policy-making through values-based discourse. With its thoughtful dialogues, public programs, annual policy forums, and an environmental leadership initiative, the program creates impartial venues for thought leaders to engage in informed discussion around energy and environmental challenges and solutions. The programs core competency is convening professional, high-level, policy-testing dialogues influencing business, government, advocacy, and environmental sustainability, both domestic and international. For more than three decades, its Energy Policy Forum has brought together senior industry, government, environmental and other leaders to report on a broad range of energy challenges and opportunities, including climate change, electricity markets, nuclear power, renewable fuels, and fuel efficiency. The Global Forum on Energy, Economy and Security assembles experts and policymakers to discuss oil and gas global markets. The Aspen Institute Clean Energy Forum addresses the intersection of renewable energy, clean technology, innovation, and financing with commercial markets and public policy. The programs efforts to advance collective knowledge about critical environmental problems have included policy-changing dialogues on the impact and governance of climate change in the Arctic, conservation and human development, sustainable water use, ocean conservation, and international institutional responsibilities for environmental sustainability. The program also spearheads the Institutes Catto Fellowship Program for young environmental professionals.

Food Security Strategy Group www.aspeninstitute.org/foodsecurity

The Institutes Food Security Strategy Group is a collaborative effort to address sustainable, long-term food security. Comprised of prominent and influential leaders in business, government, non-profit organizations and academia, and cochaired by Madeleine K. Albright, Thomas A. Daschle, Tony Elumelu, Dan Glickman, and Javier Solana, this Strategy Group aims to strategically develop coordinated food security planning at a global level, working between sectors to integrate best practices for food security leadership and governance. Participants strive for cross-sector solutions between four interlinked areas: population, health, and poverty; science, technology and innovation; markets, trade, and investment; and environmental sustainability. The Group, developed by the Institutes Energy and Environment, Aspen Global Health and Development, and Middle East Programs, was launched in June 2013 with a threeday convening in Marrakesh, Morocco.

effective in a changing and complex global security environment. GAP is also collaborating with the US Department of State and the US Department of Commerce on efforts to encourage US cooperation and investment in business communities across Latin America and, specifically, Colombia. By convening and facilitating partnerships between the US public and private sectors, as well as their international counterparts, GAP strives to build equitable, sustainable relationships between communities and to foster greater development and prosperity.

the city of Rio de Janeiro and it is planning the 2013 Roundtable on Creative Place-making to be held in Aspen. Also on the horizon are cultural diplomacy convenings in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Brazil, and the development of a Global Forum on Diversity and Inclusion.

identifies gaps in the nations defenses against terrorism and recommends ways to close them. Through reports, roundtable discussions, Congressional testimony, and forums, it strives to convince policymakers, stakeholders, and the public at large to reduce Americas vulnerability to terrorism.

Health, Biomedical Science, and Society Initiative www.aspeninstitute.org/health

Global Initiative on Culture and Society www.aspeninstitute.org/cultureandsociety

Global Alliances Program www.aspeninstitute.org/gap

The Global Alliances Program was established in response to the increasing need for and reliance on public-private alliances to take on the challenges that the public sector is unequipped to tackle on its own. As a platform for cross-sector collaboration, GAP has partnered with the Department of Defense to foster a culture of innovation and learning within the Office of the Secretary of Defense. The New Ideas @ OSD series brings experts from outside the national security field to the Pentagon to consult with Defense leadership on how to shape policy in ways that are innovative, adaptive, and

This initiative highlights the role culture plays in socioeconomic development, international relations, and global security. Amid growing recognition that cultural expression has the power to inspire solutions to socioeconomic challenges, promote diversity and inclusion, sustain livelihoods, and create the conditions necessary for social change, the initiative provides a neutral platform for reflection, network-building, leadership development, and cooperative engagement in the cultural sector. Through domestic and international roundtables, forums, seminars, and summits, the initiative convenes leading professionals from diverse backgrounds to share information, seed new actions, and raise awareness of the importance of culture in policymaking, peace building, reconciliation efforts, and international cooperation. The initiative serves in an advisory role to governments, multilateral organizations, private institutions, and socio-cultural entrepreneurs. Recent activities include annual meetings of the Aspen Cultural Diplomacy Forum in France, Spain, the US, and Japan; the Creative Arts World Summit at the Royal Opera House Muscat in Oman; and the Global Forum on the Culture of Innovation in San Diego. The initiative facilitated the creation of the Arts and Business Council for

This program provides a venue for academic, government, and industry leaders to explore critical issues in health care and policy and how they may affect individual health and that of families, communities, nations, and the world. By convening bipartisan, multi-disciplinary forums, the program facilitates the exchange of knowledge and insights among decision-makers and helps to forge networks and other collaborations with the ultimate goal of improving human health. Through public policy programs and strategic dialogue, the program seeks to help chart the way forward on issues relating to health and medical science by bringing together the foremost experts in many fields. In 2013, HBSS launched the Veterans Initiative, which focuses on the mental health and well-being of returning veterans, and also collaborated with the FDA to launch a series of roundtable discussions to create a national strategy to support biomedical innovation. HBSS continues the Aspen Health Innovation Project, which highlights both clinical innovations in diverse settings and opportunities for cost containment in the health care system.

Former Deputy and Acting CIA Director John McLaughlin (left) and Time magazines Massimo Calabresi discuss global security at the Institutes Wye River campus during the first meeting of the Homeland Security Groups new Ambassadors Security Roundtable (photo by Francis Formica).

Policy Programs and Partnerships

Initiative on Financial Security www.aspeninstitute.org/ifs

Homeland Security Program www.aspeninstitute.org/security

Years have passed since 9/11, yet holes remain in Americas defenses against terrorism, heightening the risk of another terrorist attack. This program

Saving sparks entrepreneurship, increases the gross domestic product, builds the middle class, and creates jobs for the future. But Americas savings system is broken. Working toward restoring financial security for all, this initiative is the nations leading policy program focused on helping Americans at every stage of life to save, invest, and own. In roundtables, panel discussions, congressional briefings, and other forums, it brings together federal officials and industry experts to craft innovative policies that enable low- and moderate-income families to acquire financial assets. It designs new savings accounts for children and homeownership, as well as safe and



simple investment products for adult savers and lifelong income products for seniors. It also researches new approaches to savings and tax policy and works with federal policymakers to support efforts to increase financial security for all Americans.

Manufacturing and Society in the 21st Century www.aspeninstitute.org/mfg

For close to 40 years, the Justice and Society Program has convened individuals from diverse backgrounds to discuss the meaning of justice and how a just society ought to balance fundamental rights with the exigencies of public policy, in order to meet contemporary social challenges and strengthen the rule of law. The annual Justice and Society Seminar, held in Aspen and co-founded by the late Supreme Court Justice Harry A. Blackmun, continues to be led by preeminent judges and law professors. Through our public programming component which includes the Susman Conversation on the Constitution and the Courts at Aspen, periodic roundtables at the Institutes Washington office, and presentations by leading jurists we bring to the table public officials, established and emerging opinion leaders, and grassroots organizers to share their perspectives in a neutral and balanced forum.

Justice and Society Program www.aspeninstitute.org/justice

The US manufacturing sector has long been a source of good jobs, innovation, and global competitiveness, as well as a pillar of both community stability and national security. In the current economic climate many fear the decline of this sector, even though it is leading the stubbornly weak economic recovery and regaining momentum. What can be done to preserve and strengthen this critical part of the US economy and society? This program brings business, government, and opinion leaders together to discuss and analyze many of the important problems and opportunities affecting the future of manufacturing in an increasingly globalized economy. Policy discussions are convened in Washington, DC, and a CEO seminar is held in Aspen, Colorado, to build consensus on issues important to the sector.

As other nations, developing and developed alike, have found, manufacturing is still the greatest wealth-creating tool we have.
The Manufacturing Resurgence: What It Could Mean for the U.S. Economy. A Forecast for 2025

US-Muslim divide. The programs include targeted economic projects to benefit private entrepreneurs and moderate political leaders. Together, the programs strengthen the regions private sector and its civic leadership. They serve as a networking forum, and they create a political space in the United States that supports a broader Middle East agenda including ending the Arab-Israeli Conflict.

Mid-America Foundation CEOs. The programs policy work includes the Impact Economy Initiative, which seeks to create an enabling environment for investments and enterprises that generate both financial profit and positive social or environmental returns. To extend the reach of its networking and share the knowledge generated by its convenings, the program hosts philanthropy conferences on specific issues, including its biennial Aspen Childrens Forum, which uses a deliberative process to build and broaden a consensus among philanthropists on ways to advance the health and well-being of children.

communities. The program also has a premier research and action program on race and racism in 21st-century America, including a leadership development program for government, nonprofit, media, and business leaders to improve their skills to work on racial equity and inclusion. Roundtable staff members provide technical assistance and coaching to communities and organizations working to reduce poverty and promote racial equity.

Sports and Society Program www.sportsandsociety.org

Program on the World Economy www.aspeninstitute.org/pwe

Middle East Programs www.aspeninstitute.org/mideast

Institute Trustees Madeleine Albright and David Gergen participate in a Justice and Society Program discussion on religious pluralism (photo by Steve Johnson).

Partners for a New Beginning, the US-Palestinian Partnership, the North Africa Partnership for Economic Opportunity, the Emirates-Aspen Partnership, and the US-Lebanon Dialogue all focus on a comprehensive approach to the Middle East. Working with prominent American, Middle Eastern, and Muslim business and political leaders throughout the region, the initiatives of these programs are dedicated to achieving a peaceful resolution to all Middle East conflicts and to forging partnerships between the United States and the Muslim world. They concentrate on pragmatic policy initiatives that build trust, enhance innovation, and promote regional stability and economic development. They also create new projects that strive to further the prospects for enduring peace, end the Arab-Israeli conflict, and bridge the

Through convenings, leadership development initiatives, communications, and strategic partnerships, this program seeks to maximize the impact of social-sector leaders in contributing to the good society at home and abroad. It hosts the Aspen Philanthropy Group, an agenda-setting body of foundation leaders at the cutting edge of change, and it spurs dialogue among leaders from the private, public, and social sectors in working groups on specific issues of concern. Among the programs current working group series is the Nonprofit Public Information Project, an effort to ensure high-quality and accessible statistical data on social sector activity. Leadership development initiatives include the American Express Foundation-Aspen Institute Fellowship for Emerging Nonprofit Leaders, the Aspen Philanthropy Seminar, and the Seminar for

Program on Philanthropy and Social Innovation www.aspeninstitute.org/psi

Begun in 1981, this program promotes sustainable economic growth and financial stability in the world economy by convening prominent leaders from both industrial and developing nations. It uses an interdisciplinary approach to generate pragmatic solutions to major economic and financial challenges and to advance cooperation on key issues facing the global economic and financial system.

Roundtable on Community Change www.aspeninstitute.org/rcc

This program distills lessons about how to revitalize distressed areas in the United States, and helps policymakers, funders, and practitioners create effective strategies for promoting vibrant, racially equitable communities. It convenes national leaders in the community-change field, reviews community anti-poverty initiatives, and disseminates lessons to funders and practitioners about how to improve outcomes for low-income children, families, and

This program convenes leaders, fosters dialogue, and inspires solutions that help sports serve the public interest. It covers a range of topics and, in 2013, launched the Aspen Institutes Project Play, a two-year initiative focused on the need to keep more children involved in healthy sport into the teenage years and beyond a key component in confronting the nations epidemic of physical inactivity. The program brings together high-level leaders from across the sports landscape, as well as those from policy and other realms. Meetings have covered such topics as the role of sport organizations in defeating childhood obesity, lessons learned from video games about competition-friendly environments, NCAA-style amateurism at a crossroads, and the challenge of creating a national sport development model.

Policy Programs and Partnerships 17

The Doerr-Hosier Center on the Aspen Meadows campus (photo by Dan Bayer)


Public Programs

Promoting Nonpartisan Inquiry and Engaging the Public

Public programs open the Institute to wider audiences, offering opportunities to engage in thoughtful, nonpartisan inquiry. They range from major conferences such as the Aspen Ideas Festival, New York Ideas, and the Aspen Security Forum to more intimate discussion series and topical symposia offered by the Socrates Program. They take place in Aspen, Colorado; Washington, DC; New York City; and occasionally in varied locations outside the US.

Public Programs 19


Then-Governor of Indiana Mitch Daniels explains to journalist Charlie Rose why he believes states are laboratories for economic reform at the 2012 Aspen Ideas Festivals Afternoon of Conversation (photo by Dan Bayer).

The conversation is between architecture and the cultural and civic project. It has less to do with the physical structure than with a productive relationship in which architecture can take a different form of agency. It can make a dent in politics and into conventions of everyday life and it can have a civic relevance.
Elizabeth Diller, 2012 Aspen Ideas Festival
Award-winning architect and 2012 Harman-Eisner Artist-in-Residence Elizabeth Diller describes her design process during the 2012 Aspen Ideas Festival (photo by Dan Bayer).

Aspen Writers Foundation www.aspenwriters.org

Founded in Aspen in 1976, the Aspen Writers Foundation is one of the nations leading literary centers and a stage for the worlds most prominent authors. Its programs employ literature as a tool for provoking thought, broadening perspectives, fostering connections, and inspiring creativity. Since 2009, it has worked in partnership with the Institute to reinforce the humanistic ideals of both organizations and to cultivate the inner life through the exchange of words, stories, and ideas.

Teen Socrates, the McCloskey Speaker Series, the Hurst Lecture Series, and Fireside Chats. These programs offer unique and affordable opportunities for a diverse mix of people to find inspiration in a variety of ways. Thanks to the generosity of donors, the program offers need-based scholarships to teens and adults to take part in the Aspen-based events.

Hurst Community Fund www.aspeninstitute.org/hurst

McCloskey Speaker Series www.aspeninstitute.org/mccloskey

Aspen Community Programs www.aspeninstitute.org/aspenevents

Aspen Ideas Festival www.aspenideas.org

This annual event in partnership with The Atlantic gathers some of the worlds foremost academic, political, scientific, business, and cultural leaders for a weeklong exchange of ideas on the Institutes Aspen, Colorado, campus. Lectures and panel discussions address wide-ranging topics, including some of the most pressing issues of the day.

Aspen Institute Arts Program www.aspeninstitute.org/arts-program

This program was established to support and invigorate the arts in America and to return the arts to the center of the Institutes Great Conversation. It brings together artists, advocates, educators, managers, foundations, and government officials to exchange ideas and develop policies that strengthen the reciprocal relationship between the arts and society. Program activities include the Harman-Eisner Artist in Residence Program, in which distinguished artists join the Aspen Ideas Festival and

Institute programs throughout the year; the Aspen Arts Strategy Group, which convenes leaders in the arts and other sectors in cities around the country, to strategize on ways the arts can solve problems in realms from education to healthcare and diplomacy; the US-China Forum on the Arts and Culture, which brings together American and Chinese cultural representatives for open dialogues; curated conversations on the arts for the Washington Ideas Roundtable series in Washington, DC; the New Views Documentaries and Dialogue series in Aspen, Colorado; and an ongoing series of discussions focusing on the intersection of arts and society at the Roosevelt House in New York City.

New York Ideas

This annual event, in partnership with The Atlantic and the New-York Historical Society, brings together more than 850 New York-based and national thought leaders for two days of programming on issues of importance to civil society. The May 2013 program featured cutting-edge innovators whose work and passions are changing our world.

The Aspen Institute hosts dozens of public programs year-round for residents and visitors alike, including the Hurst Student Seminars, Great Books, Great Decisions, From Athens to Aspen,

This summer program in Aspen features talks by leaders who have a far-reaching impact on society. Past speakers have included Supreme Court Justices Elena Kagan and Sandra Day OConnor, documentary filmmaker Ken Burns, The New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, and physicist Brian Greene, among many others. The series is made possible by a generous donation from the McCloskey Family Charitable Foundation.

The new Hurst Community Fund will allow the Institute to expand its seminars for young people in Aspen and throughout the Roaring Fork Valley by introducing a Great Ideas Seminar for middle school students, and by growing the program for 11th-grade students. Modeled after the Institutes flagship Aspen Seminar, this seminar continues to be a popular offering for high school students. In addition, the Hurst Community Fund has established a new Hurst Lecture Series, enabling the Institute to take advantage of opportunities to present talented, high-profile leaders in conversation for a public audience. These events are open to all Roaring Fork Valley residents and other participants at a modest ticket price.


Washington Ideas Forum

The Institute, in partnership with The Atlantic, hosts an annual two-day session of interviews and conversations at the Newseum in Washington, DC, pairing todays key newsmakers with the nations leading journalists in an attempt to ask big questions, identify overarching themes, and bring together diverse perspectives for civil dialogue.

An inaugural partnership between the Aspen Institute, The Atlantic, and Bloomberg Philanthropies in New York City, CityLab: Urban Solutions to Global Challenges will engage mayors and government officials, urban theorists, scholars, artists, and other key voices in early October 2013. Over the course of several days, attendees will take part in a series of conversations about urban ideas and innovations that are shaping metro centers around the world.

Its much easier thanks to Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube to start a revolution, but its not any easier to finish it. The saying is that you use Twitter to get people out in the streets, you use Facebook to organize them, and you use YouTube to record the results.
Eric Schmidt, 2012 Summer Celebration In Aspen

Public Programs 21

Aspen Institute Leadership Award honorees Dick Costolo, CEO of Twitter, and Eric Schmidt, executive chairman of Google, discuss the social media revolution at the 2012 Summer Celebration (photo by Dan Bayer).

Aspen Security Forum www.aspensecurityforum.org

The percentage of people we are recognizing as really talented and who could push humanity forward is maybe 10 percent of the people it could be. Theres a girl in Calcutta who could be coming up with a cure for cancer, and instead she will end up as who knows what. I think theres an opportunity to enable these students and also to identify them.
Salman Khan speaking at a Alma and Joseph Gildenhorn Book Series Event

What are the key security threats we face as a nation, and how safe are we today? The Institutes Homeland Security Program, CNN, and The New York Times present this three-day symposium in Aspen, Colorado, that brings together leaders in government, industry, media, think tanks, and academia to explore key national security issues, including the state of cyber and aviation security; counterterrorism strategy and intelligence issues; and regions of importance to US national security.

of social, cultural, or political importance. Recent programs have included Gail Collins of The New York Times and newsman Dan Rather.

Alma and Joseph Gildenhorn Book Series

Conversations with Great Leaders in Memory of Preston Robert Tisch www.aspeninstitute.org/newyork

This regular series in Washington, DC, presents informal conversations with notable authors of current books. It is a chance to talk to biographers, historians, philosophers, political scientists, journalists, scholars, and other writers about their work. Gen. Colin Powell, Pulitzer Prize-winning author Taylor Branch, and Googles Eric Schmidt were among the recently featured authors.

Washington Ideas Roundtable Series

We are in 79 countries today. Were out there building partner capacity. Were trying to teach other nations how to deal with their own problems so they dont grow violent extremists. Were building wells, doing civil affairs operations, doing information operations. There is a whole spectrum of things Special Operations does that rarely get the press attention.
William McRaven at the 2012 Aspen Security Forum
Left: US Admiral William McRaven speaks at the 2012 Aspen Security Forum (photo by Dan Bayer). Right: Khan Academy founder Salman Khan discusses his book The One-World Schoolhouse: Education Reimagined at the Alma and Joseph Gildenhorn Book Series in Washington, DC (photo by Steve Johnson).

Founded in 2009, the Institutes flagship discussion series in New York City is underwritten by Laurie, Steve, and Jonathan and Lizzie Tisch to memorialize the legacy of their father, Preston Robert Tisch, an extraordinary business leader, philanthropist, and public servant. The series features moderated conversations with influential leaders from all walks of civic life. It also includes the annual Preston Robert Tisch Award in Civic Leadership. Highlights have included conversations with womens sports pioneer Billie Jean King, Newark Mayor Cory Booker, Tony-award winning director Julie Taymor, and architect David Rockwell.

This monthly Washington-based lunchtime discussion series focusing on world affairs, arts, and culture is made possible by the generous support of Michelle Smith and the Robert H. Smith Family Foundation. Sessions from the past year featured Deputy Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter, former World Bank President Robert Zoellick, and award-winning architect and Aspen Institute Harman-Eisner Artist in Residence Elizabeth Diller.

Aspen Around Town Series

Aspen at Roosevelt House www.aspeninstitute.org/newyork

The Institutes main venue in New York, Roosevelt House, is the historic home of Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt and the Public Policy Institute of Hunter College. Each academic year, the Institute and Hunter College present programs at the house focused on critical public policy issues such as the economy, the arts, and the environment.

The Aspen Book Series in New York www.aspeninstitute.org/newyork

With the support of underwriter and Trustee Michelle Smith, the Washington, DC-based evening event series officially launched in December 2012. The public offerings are held around the city in conjunction with other highly-regarded partnering organizations and showcase discussions across a broad range of topics between experts and renowned individuals from multifaceted backgrounds. In addition to hosting an event featuring the art of the Civil War with the Smithsonian American Art Museum, the Institute partnered with the National Archives for a discussion among former White House Chiefs of Staff Joshua Bolten, Ken Duberstein, Mack McLarty, John Podesta, and Donald Rumsfeld, moderated by senior CNN political analyst and Institute Trustee David Gergen.
Aspen treesin this case decorated for the 2012 Aspen Ideas Festivalpervade the Aspen Meadows campus (photo by Dan Bayer).

Public Programs 23


The Institute hosts an author discussion series in New York City featuring authors of current books


Deepening Knowledge and Fostering Leadership

www.aspeninstitute.org/seminars Aspen Institute seminars help leaders reflect on timeless ideas and values. Through text-based dialogue with expert moderators and accomplished peers, seminar participants expand their knowledge, refine their tools of intellectual analysis, test the wellsprings of their convictions, and enhance their capacities to think more creatively in solving the problems that confront society.

seminars 25


Arthur A. Houghton, Jr., who co-created the world famous Wye Angus breed of cattle, donated the Institutes 1,100-acre Wye property in Queenstown, on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. Raised on the Institutes land, the Wye Angus started in 1938 with the purchase of 18 female heifers now averages over 200 cattle annually and is operated by the University of Marylands Wye Research and Education Center (photo by Steve Johnson).

Wye Academic Seminars www.aspeninstitute.org/seminars/wye

In a longstanding collaboration with the Association of American Colleges and Universities, these seminars engage faculty, senior academic administrators, and college presidents in an exchange of ideas about education, citizenship, and the global polity. Sessions address the need for a liberal arts institutions faculty and leadership to exchange ideas with colleagues from other colleges and disciplines while exploring the ideas and values that underlie their teaching. Modeled after the Aspen Seminar and offered at the Institutes Wye River campus near the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland, the seminars focus on issues such as individual rights and responsibilities and the public purpose of education. Wye Faculty Seminars celebrate their 30th anniversary in 2013.

Custom Seminars www.aspeninstitute.org/seminars/custom

These seminars are tailored to address specific leadership issues facing major corporations, government agencies, and nonprofit organizations. Building on the Institutes historic strength in professional development through text-based dialogue, these seminars are led by skilled moderators who help organizational teams identify and align fundamental institutional and personal values, think critically and creatively about strategic and operational issues, and build a culture of cooperation and trust.

From left: Both the Wye (photo by Steve Johnson) and Aspen Meadows (photo by Dan Davis, Trekker Photography) campuses host seminars that encourage civil, open-minded discourse with an aim toward solving the worlds problems and empowering the leaders of tomorrow.

George Mason University Professor Jack Goldstone, The Economist columnist Vijay Vaitheeswaran, and PBS Newshours Hari Sreenivasan speak at an Intel and Socrates Program reception at the House of Sweden in Washington, DC (photo by Laurence Genon).

For more than 60 years, this premier roundtable has challenged leaders in every field to think more critically and deeply. The seminar is a unique opportunity to step away from the demands of the present and reflect with other leaders in moderated, text-based Socratic dialogue on the concept of a good and just society: What is it? How does it become a reality? What is our role in making it happen? The settings in Aspen, Colorado, and on Marylands Eastern Shore are ideal for rejuvenating the mind, body, and spirit of participants who emerge personally renewed and professionally refocused.

The Aspen Seminar www.aspeninstitute.org/aspenseminar

Socrates Program www.aspeninstitute.org/socrates

This program has provided a forum for emerging young leaders from various professions to explore contemporary issues through expert-moderated dialogue for more than 15 years. It also provides the opportunity for participants to enter a diverse professional network, as well as the broader range of the Institutes programs. Its weekend-long seminars in Aspen, Colorado, and abroad, and daylong seminars in major US cities are values-based Socratic explorations that facilitate the exchange of ideas. Select recent topics include privacy and technology; social entrepreneurship; big data; the US economy; education innovation; the American dream; health reform; China and US competition and cooperation; green investing; immigration; new leadership in the Middle East and North Africa, Afghanistan and Pakistan; social media; energy security; happiness economics; and sustainable communities.

seminars 27


Leadership Programs
Aspen Global Leadership Network Developing Entrepreneurial Leaders at Home and Abroad
www.aspeninstitute.org/leadership Since 1997, the Aspen Institute has supported programs for accomplished leaders in the United States and around the world. Beginning with the Henry Crown Fellowship Program, these initiatives have a common goal of encouraging a new generation of entrepreneurial men and women to move from success to significance by applying their unique talents and energy to address the foremost challenges of their organizations, communities, and countries. Each program selects a class of 20-24 Fellows, typically between the ages of 30 and 45, and convenes them several times over the course of two years for a series of intensive leadership seminars. Each Fellow launches a new venture, bringing his or her leadership to bear upon a pressing societal concern of their choosing. The Institute has gathered all of its leadership Fellows into an international network to connect them across programs and leverage their talents for a global impact. Today, the Aspen Global Leadership Network numbers more than 1,600 Fellows in 46 countries and continues to grow. Leadership Programs 29

Henry Crown Fellow and Aspen Institute Moderator Stace Lindsay (left) in discussion with Middle East Leadership Initiative Fellows at a seminar on the Dead Sea in Jordan


Liberty Fellowship Program www.aspeninstitute.org/liberty

This program promotes outstanding leadership in South Carolina, empowering the state and its leaders to realize their full potential. Founded in 2003 by Aspen Institute Trustee Hayne Hipp, it is a partnership of Mr. Hipp, the Institute, and Wofford College, where it is based.

India helps leaders from across India explore leadership approaches to addressing challenges faced by the worlds largest democracy.

Middle East Leadership Initiative www.aspeninstitute.org/meli

Pahara-Aspen Entrepreneurial Leaders for Public Education Fellowship www.aspeninstitute.org/pahara

China Fellowship Program Fellows Angela Wang and Leong Cheung at their first seminar in Moganshan, China

Central America Leadership Initiative www.aspeninstitute.org/cali

Henry Crown Fellowship Program www.aspeninstitute.org/crown

Founded in 1997, this flagship leadership initiative challenges the next generation of leaders, largely from the US business sector, to use their talents and energies to make a difference in the world. The program honors the memory of Chicago industrialist Henry Crown (1896-1990), whose career was marked by a lifelong commitment to integrity, industry, and philanthropy.

Inspired by two Henry Crown Fellows and begun in 2004, this initiative develops values-based leadership talent in six countries of Central America to tackle the challenges this region confronts. A partnership of the Institute, TechnoServe, INCAE, and FUNDEMAS, the initiative was formalized in 2007 as an independent nonprofit foundation.

Inaugurated in 2007 through a collaboration of two Henry Crown Fellows, this program offers entrepreneurial leaders working in US education an opportunity to broaden their perspectives, build networks of like-minded change agents, and hone their skills in values-based leadership to improve US public education.

Launched in 2009 by three Henry Crown Fellows, the aim of this initiative is to identify leaders from across the Middle East and motivate them to apply their energies, skills, and resources to the important societal challenges in their countries and region.

Aspen Teacher Leaders Fellowship Program www.aspeninstitute.org/teacherleaders

Launched in 2012 in partnership with a Henry Crown Fellow and Bellwether Education Partners, this fellowship program is designed to strengthen both the teaching profession and educational outcomes for Americas K-12 students by cultivating classroom teachers, union leaders, and other advocates.

China Fellowship Program www.aspeninstitute.org/china

Launched in 2013 by two Henry Crown Fellows, with the generous support of David M. Rubenstein, the China Fellowship Program aims to energize the new generation of private sector business leaders in China to step up in a meaningful fashion to the challenges presented by the countrys vast economic and social transformation.

Policy Leadership Programs

Ascend Fellowship www.aspeninstitute.org/ascend
The Ascend Fellowship invests in a diverse group of pioneers with a common goal of putting families on a path to permanent economic security. Ascend Fellows are a network of leaders from across the country who share knowledge, develop and test new ideas, and coordinate efforts. Ascend supports the Fellows with resources and a platform to accelerate the creation, amplification, and expansion of proven and promising two-generation strategies that focus on children and parents together. The 18-month fellowship experience provides a space for innovation and collaboration. It increases the impact of the Fellows work, strengthens their leadership capacity and networks, fuels their passion, and most important inspires them to action.
Author, youth advocate, Army combat veteran, and Ascend Fellow Wes Moore discusses the importance of a two-generation approach to ending poverty at the Ascend Programs inaugural ThinkXChange in October 2012 (photo by Dan Bayer).

Catto Fellowship Program www.aspeninstitute.org/catto

Aspen Institute-Rodel Fellowships in Public Leadership www.aspeninstitute.org/rodel

Africa Leadership Initiative www.aspeninstitute.org/ali

This initiative captures the energy, talent, and resolve of an emerging generation of leaders in Africa and engages them in confronting the foremost challenges of their countries. Founded in 2001 by four Henry Crown Fellows, it is a collaborative venture of the Institute, the Databank Foundation (Ghana), Infotech Investments (Tanzania), LEAP Africa (Nigeria), the Letsema Foundation (South Africa), and CETA Construction and Services (Mozambique). The initiative has programs in West Africa, East Africa, South Africa, and Mozambique.

This program, introduced in 2005 through the vision and support of Aspen Institute Trustee Bill Budinger, seeks to strengthen US democracy by bringing together the nations most promising young elected political leaders, both Democrats and Republicans, to explore Western democratic values and the responsibilities of public leadership. The fellowships help recipients excel in public service through thoughtful and civil bipartisan dialogue.

Established in 2007 with support from the late Henry Catto and his wife, Jessica, this initiative seeks creative solutions to global environmental problems by gathering emerging leaders to work collaboratively as a fellowship across public, private, and nonprofit lines. The program is administered by the Aspen Institutes Energy and Environment Program.

Leadership Programs

New Voices Fellowship www.aspeninstitute.org/newvoices

First Movers Fellowship www.aspeninstitute.org/firstmovers

India Leadership Initiative www.aspeninstitute.org/ili

Begun in 2006, this collaboration between the Aspen Institute (US) and the Aspen Institute
Central America Leadership Initiative Fellow Mauricio Pierson, Africa Leadership Initiative South Africa Fellow David Kalombo, and Central America Leadership Initiative Fellow Yara Argueta

Established in 2009 by the Business and Society Program, this fellowship is designed for exceptional business innovators who are integrating profitability and social value in their companies. It meets a growing need for values-based business leaders who understand the interdependency of business success and the long-term health of society.

Aspen Global Health and Development launched the New Voices Fellowship, a ground-breaking initiative designed to identify and assist the next generation of development champions on issues affecting the developing world. The program, supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, will help New Voices Fellows sharpen their messages, strengthen their stories, focus their media targets, and communicate their insights across a range of media platforms, bringing important new perspectives to the global development discussion. The inaugural class of Fellows met in Johannesburg in June 2013.



Society of Fellows

Extraordinary Ideas, Access, and Experiences

The Society of Fellows is an engaged community of donors who actively participate in our programs, act as advocates and ambassadors, and help sustain the Institutes work. Founded in 1964, the Society of Fellows has more than 1,100 donors who share a passion for the Aspen Institute and provide important unrestricted financial support. Fellows understand the importance of fostering leadership based on values, encouraging individuals to reflect on the ideals and ideas that define a good society, and promoting civil dialogue on critical issues. Membership in the Society of Fellows is an opportunity to become more involved in the Institutes programs, including public forums, policy discussions, seminars, and symposia. Fellows receive advance notice and special invitations to Institute events. In addition, over 30 luncheons, private talks, and discussion receptions are held throughout the year to provide Fellows special access to leading experts and featured speakers. Multiple-day symposia and one-day colloquia offer Fellows the opportunity to explore important issues in depth. Regular events are held throughout the year in Aspen, Colorado; Washington, DC; and New York City. Additional events are offered periodically in other major metropolitan areas around the country.
Clockwise from top: Ambassador Christopher Hill speaks on North Korea at a Society of Fellows reception (photo by Nora Feller). Society of Fellows members make up a large percentage of the audience for events such as the Preston Robert Tisch Award in Civic Leadership, awarded in November 2012 to Restaurateur Danny Meyer at the Museum of Modern Art (photo by Ayumi Sakamoto). Society of Fellows Vanguard Chair Laura McCloskey Elston enjoys an Aspen reception with her mother, Society of Fellows Chair Bonnie McCloskey (photo by Nora Feller).

Fellows themselves are accomplished leaders from all walks of life, including philanthropy, education, health care, technology, business, and government. Fellows serve on advisory boards and contribute their expertise to enhance and expand the discussion. The Society of Fellows has membership levels ranging from $2,500 to $50,000. In addition, the Vanguard Chapter of the Society of Fellows offers the opportunity for young donors to engage in our work at an affordable price point. For more information on joining, or referring a new member to the Society of Fellows, please contact Peter Waanders, director of the Society of Fellows, by calling (970) 544-7912. Aspen Wye Fellows www.aspeninstitute.org/aspenwyefellows The Aspen Wye Fellows program is a special donor and public outreach initiative on the Institutes Wye River campus in Maryland. Fellows are Chesapeake Bay-area residents who support and share the Institutes interest in open-minded dialogue. The program includes discussions, receptions, book signings, and other special events featuring prominent leaders and policy experts.

society of Fellows 33


2012-2013 Selected Highlights of Our Work

The Hurst Community Fund, underwritten by Soledad and Bob Hurst, established the Hurst Lecture Series, enabling the Institute to present talented, high-profile leaders in conversation for a public audience on its Aspen Meadows campus. The Institute and public televisions WORLD channel aired The Aspen Institute Presents, a series of shows produced from discussions at the 2012 Aspen Ideas Festival. The series continued from the 2013 Aspen Ideas Festival. Former Obama White House Domestic Policy Advisor Melody Barnes joined the Institute to lead the Forum for Community Solutions, a project to give community organizers a place to share best practices for helping disenfranchised 16 to 24 year olds reconnect to school and the labor market. The annual Summer Celebration benefit gala honored Twitter CEO Dick Costolo; Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt; and Padmasree Warrior, senior vice president, engineering, and chief technology officer, Cisco. Dr. Rajiv Shah, administrator of the United States Agency for International Development, spoke as the keynote for the first annual Madeleine K. Albright Global Development Lecture created in partnership between the Institute and the Brookings Institution. The Aspen Institute Program on Philanthropy and Social Innovation launched its first annual Aspen Childrens Forum Investing in Childrens Health and Well-being. The Washington Ideas Roundtable Series, currently underwritten by Institute Trustee Michelle Smith and the Robert H. Smith Family Foundation, celebrated its 10th year. Ascends first annual ThinkXChange convened leaders from across sectors to consider how to move parents, especially women, and their children beyond poverty toward educational success and economic security. To promote greater cooperation among foreign countries, the Institutes Homeland Security Program launched the Ambassadors Security Roundtable bringing together high-ranking foreign service officials and ambassadors for discussions affecting their respective regions. The Aspen Institute Arts Program convened artists, policymakers, and arts administrators in both New York City and Los Angeles for its first and second Aspen Arts Strategy Group sessions to discuss how the arts and artists can contribute to the challenges facing society. India Leadership Initiative Fellow Amit Bhatia received the John P. McNulty Prize for the work of his organization Aspire, which trains students from rural and disadvantaged backgrounds to help fuel Indias new economy. Renowned restaurateur and Union Square Hospitality Group CEO Danny Meyer received the 2012 Preston Robert Tisch Award in Civic Leadership. At the Institutes 29th Annual Awards Dinner held in New York, former US Rep. Gabrielle Giffords received the Henry Crown Leadership Award; Carlyle Group co-founder David Rubenstein was given the Institutes Corporate Leadership Award; and filmmaker George Lucas was the first recipient of the Arts Leadership Award. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced that the Alliance for Artisan Enterprise, a collaborative effort of 24 organizations, corporations, and individuals working to scale the artisan sector, would be hosted by the Institute, under the direction of the Aspen Global Health and Development program. With the support of underwriter and Trustee Michelle Smith, the Washington, DC-based event series Aspen Around Town launched to coincide with the opening exhibition of the Smithsonian American Art Museums The Civil War in American Art. The next program featured a panel of former White House chiefs of staff spanning the Ford to

George W. Bush administrations, which was held at the National Archives. The Institutes Global Alliances Program launched, bringing its first dialogue series, New Ideas @ OSD, to the Pentagon to promote a culture of innovation and learning across the Office of the Secretary of Defense. Aspen Global Health and Development launched the New Voices Fellowship to position leaders in the field of development to communicate to audiences in the developed and developing world. The first Alumni Seminar on Leadership and Character convened, picking up where the Aspen Seminar leaves off. The Society of Fellows Vanguard Chapter, a new offering meant to engage younger donors in the work and mission of the Aspen Institute, reached 200 supporters with its 2013 launch of a recruitment effort in Washington, DC. The Health, Biomedical Science, and Society Initiative launched the Aspen Veterans Initiative to meet the challenges related to the mental health needs of veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. Continuing a White House-developed initiative, the Center for Native American Youth honored five Native American youth as Champions for Change to spotlight positive stories in Indian Country. The delegation met

with high-ranking federal officials, including President Obama. Launched with the Bezos Foundation, the Aspen Challenge partnered with the Los Angeles Unified School District to provide a platform for young people to design solutions to some of the most critical and complicated problems we face. The Aspen Writers Foundation named award-winning nonprofit arts executive Maurice (Mo) LaMee as director and celebrated editor and author Adrienne Brodeur as creative director. The Aspen Global Leadership Network launched the China Fellowship Program to energize the countrys emerging generation of entrepreneurial business leaders. Award-winning cellist Yo-Yo Ma was named the 2013 Harman-Eisner Artist in Residence. Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski was named as the fifth consecutive FCC chairman to become a senior fellow at the Aspen Institute Communications and Society Program upon his resignation from the agency. The Society of Fellows held its second annual SOF Day in Washington, DC, where the groups members came to learn more about the Institutes policy work and far-reaching programs.

The Sports and Society Program hosted a summit at the Aspen Meadows campus introducing the Aspen Institutes Project Play, a two-year initiative designed to help create Sport for All, Play for Life communities. It convened sport leaders and those from health, philanthropy, media, and business industries. The second annual New York Ideas, a new series of conversations and panel discussions for thinkers, policymakers, and business leaders on ideas about America, was held in New York City and sponsored by the Institute, The Atlantic, and the New-York Historical Society. The Aspen Global Food Security Strategy Group a collaboration of the Energy and Environment Program, Aspen Global Health and Development, and the Middle East Program met to address critical gaps in the current food security dialogue in Marrakesh, Morocco. American actress, playwright, professor, and Institute Trustee Anna Deavere Smith brought her program, ADS Works, to the Institute to create tools to make an impact on social justice using the arts. The first 21st Century National Service Summit, held on the Aspen Meadows campus, centered on The Franklin Projects plan to build a bold vision of civilian national service as a common expectation and opportunity for all Americans.



Distinct voices


Leaders and luminaries come to the Institutes campuses for festivals, forums, policy roundtables, and book talks. Here are a few who visited in 2012 and 2013: opposite page, from top left: General Stanley McChrystal (photo by Dan Bayer); former Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak (photo by Dan Bayer); Senator Amy Klobuchar (photo by Max Taylor); Yahoo President and CEO Marissa Mayer (photo by Dan Bayer); US Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy (photo by Riccardo Savi); artist Moby (photo by Riccardo Savi); legendary football player Jim Brown (photo by Dan Bayer); former Secretary of State General Colin Powell (photo by Steve Johnson); former US Representative Gabby Giffords (photo by Clint Spaulding/Patrick McMullan Photography). This page, from top left: The Daily Beast and Newsweek Editor-in-Chief Tina Brown (photo by Riccardo Savi); musician John Legend (photo by Jonathan J. Iocco); New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu (photo by Michael Brands); filmmaker George Lucas (photo Clint Spaulding/Patrick McMullan Photography); former US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson (photo by Dan Bayer); Cisco Systems Chief Technology and Strategy Officer Padmasree Warrior (photo by Dan Bayer); Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal (photo by Riccardo Savi); Malawian President Joyce Banda (photo by Andrew Burdick); US Representative Nancy Pelosi (photo by Max Taylor)


Our Locations
The Aspen Institute is headquartered in Washington, DC, where a variety of policy program events and meetings, roundtable lunches, and book talks are held. The Institute also carries out much of its work on its two campuses in Colorado and Maryland, where natural beauty and quiet surroundings encourage thoughtful reflection and refresh the mind, body, and spirit. Both campuses are also favorite retreats for corporate and organizational meetings.
Washington, DC Queenstown, MD

Our Locations and International Partners

The Aspen Wye River campus is located near Queenstown, on the Eastern Shore of the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland. Its conference centers are set on 950-plus acres on the banks of the Wye River.
The Aspen Institute 2010 Carmichael Road P.O. Box 222 Queenstown, MD 21658 410-827-7400 410-827-9295 (fax) www.aspeninstitute.org/wyeriver

The Aspen Institute One Dupont Circle, NW Suite 700 Washington, DC 20036-1133 202-736-5800 202-467-0790 (fax) www.aspeninstitute.org

The Aspen Meadows campus, nestled in the quiet West End of the Rocky Mountain town of Aspen, Colorado, was created by renowned Bauhaus artist and architect Herbert Bayer. Its 40 acres, bordered by mountain streams and fields of wildflowers, are just minutes away from the center of Aspen.
The Aspen Institute 1000 North Third Street Aspen, CO 81611 970-925-7010 970-925-4188 (fax) www.aspenmeadows.com

New York City is home to an increasing number of Aspen Institute activities, including policy work, public programs, and special events. Offices are located at 477 Madison Avenue. Many Institute events take place at Roosevelt House on the Upper East Side, the onetime home of Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt that is now part of Hunter College.
The Aspen Institute 477 Madison Avenue Suite 703 New York, NY 10022 212-895-8000 212-895-8012 (fax)


Left to right; top to bottom: Historic Dupont Circle, home to our Washington, DC, office (photo by Steve Johnson); Houghton House on our campus in Wye, Md.; A winter view of our Aspen Meadows campus (photo by Dan Bayer); Our New York office in the heart of Manhattan.


Aspen, CO

New York, NY

International Partners
The Aspen Institute has international partners that conduct independently developed and supported programs, conferences, and seminars on region-specific issues, global challenges, and leadership development. Each partner works closely with the Aspen Institute to develop unique programming but also to stay true to a mission of values-based leadership and enlightened dialogue. To learn more about the Institutes international partners and programming, visit www.aspeninstitute.org/about/global-partners.
Aspen Institute Espaa, headquartered in Madrid, was incorporated as a foundation in December 2010. The Institute aims to promote social responsibility and contribute to the strengthening of civil society, providing a neutral forum for public dialogue and reflection through conferences, seminars, and roundtable discussions. In this pursuit, the Institute takes on the values, features, and goals of the Aspen model, adjusting them to the realities of the Spanish context, that incorporates Spains close ties with other regions in Europe, Latin America, and the Mediterranean. Fundacin Aspen Institute Espaa Gran Va 28 28013 Madrid, Spain Ph: +34 91 580 8623 [email protected] www.aspeninstitute.es Aspen Institute Germany, founded in 1974 for the study and advancement of ideas related to major contemporary issues, is the oldest international Aspen center. The Institute seeks to address the challenges of the 21st century in areas such as global economic change, technological advancement, international security, and emerging leaders. Located in the heart of Berlin, the Aspen Institute Germany convenes a diverse network of representatives from all sectors for discussion in leadership conferences and policy programs, as well as participation in the Aspen seminar and other leadership programs. Aspen Institute Germany Friedrichstrasse 60, 10117 Berlin, Germany Ph: 49-30-804-890-15 Fax: 49-30-803-3568 [email protected] www.aspeninstitute.de Aspen Institute Italia is a leader in promoting enlightened dialogue in Europe and across the Atlantic, organizing a number of conferences, seminars, and roundtables each year on economics, business, politics, and security. Its quarterly journal, Aspenia, is read in Italy and abroad, and has been judged one of the best foreign affairs journals in the world. Aspen Italia conferences gather prominent figures in every field thanks to its more than 300 international board members. Aspen Italia focuses on the most important problems and challenges facing society in settings that encourage frank and open debate. The aim is not to reach unanimous agreement or reassuring conclusions, but to bring to light the complexity of our world. Aspen Institute Italia Piazza Navona 114 00186 Roma, Italy [email protected] www.aspeninstitute.it Established in June 2012, the Aspen Institute Prague is a regional platform for policy innovation and nonpartisan dialogue with an operational focus in Central Europe. The activities of Aspen Prague are divided into leadership, policy, and public programs, with annual conferences, seminars, panel discussions and publications targeting diverse audiences. Aspen Prague will produce a quarterly journal on international affairs, the Aspen Review, to be published in English, Polish, and Czech. Aspen Pragues aim is to support program participants in contributing to the economic, social, and cultural growth of the region in line with the Aspen Institute ethos of values-based leadership. Aspen Institute Prague Palackho 740/1 110 00 Prague 1 Czech Republic [email protected] www.aspenprague.cz
Our locations and international Partners

Institut Aspen France was founded in 1983 as a nonpartisan, nonprofit, international center for discussion and dialogue. Based in Paris, it has two goals: to help leaders identify the challenges they face and seek solutions to contemporary problems and to facilitate informal meetings of leaders from different geographical, cultural, and professional worlds. Aspen France organizes policy programs and leadership seminars to address the major economic, social, and political issues of the day. Aspen France hosts two discussion clubs in Paris and Lyon in which approximately 20 young leaders meet with leading experts and discuss a variety of contemporary issues. Institut Aspen France 20-22 rue des Petits-Htels 75010 Paris, France Ph: +33 1 73 03 04 81 Fax: +33 1 73 03 04 83 [email protected] www.aspenfrance.org

Aspen Institute India promotes values-based leadership, open dialogue, and cross-sector outreach by engaging business, governments, nonprofits, and other stakeholders on issues related to Indias development. Headquartered in New Delhi, Aspen Institute India invites industrial, economic, financial, political, social, and cultural leaders to discuss these issues in settings that encourage frank and open dialogue. Aspen Institute India organizes leadership seminars, policy programs, and strategic dialogues. Aspen Institute India Thapar House, 1st Floor, 124 Janpath, New Delhi India 110001 [email protected] www.aspenindia.org

The Aspen Institute Japan is a nonprofit organization committed to enhancing values-based leadership in contemporary society. Evolved from the Tokyo liaison office of the Aspen Institute and Aspen Institute Japan Council, AIJ was formally established in 1998. Its flagship program has been the Nippon Aspen Executive Seminar. The Institute offers three seminars annually, providing the leaders and future leaders of Japan with reflective experiences through moderator-led dialogue based on extensive readings of texts from both classic and contemporary authors and from the Western and non-Western world. In addition to the seminars, the Institute offers other executive seminars tailored to the needs of national and local government officials and young business executives. It also organizes periodic lecture programs for the alumni of the seminars. The Aspen Institute Japan Harks Roppongi Bldg., 2nd Fl. 15-21, Roppongi chome, Minato-City, Tokyo, Japan 106-0032 Ph: +81 3 6438 9208 Fax: +81 3 3405 1668 www.aspeninstitute.jp/english

Aspen Institute Romania was launched in Bucharest in 2006 and is dedicated to promoting values-based leadership in Romania and the Central and Eastern European region. The Institute encourages open-minded and informed debate among leaders about the challenges facing societies today; and to provide a neutral and balanced venue for discussing and acting on critical issues. It does that through a series of activities, including: leadership programs which harness individual potential and leadership; policy programs which serve as nonpartisan forums for analysis, consensus building, and problem solving on a wide variety of issues and public programs which provide a commons for people to share ideas. Institutul Aspen Romania 50, Plantelor Street, Sector 2 Bucharest, 023975, Romania Ph: +4021 316 4279 Fax: +4021 317 3443 [email protected] www.aspeninstitute.ro


Aspen Institute Corporate Officers

Walter Isaacson President and Chief Executive Officer [email protected] Elliot Gerson Executive Vice President Policy and Public Programs International Partners [email protected] Dolores Gorgone Chief Financial Officer Vice President [email protected] Amy Margerum Berg Executive Vice President Development and Operations Corporate Secretary [email protected] Peter Reiling Executive Vice President Seminars and Leadership Programs Executive Director Henry Crown Fellowship Program [email protected] Susan Sherwin Executive Vice President External Relations [email protected]

Education and Society Program Ross Wiener, Executive Director Vice President [email protected] Sheila Brown, Co-Director [email protected] Nancy Pelz-Paget, Co-Director [email protected] Energy and Environment Program David Monsma, Executive Director [email protected] Food Security Strategy Group Peggy Clark, Co-Director Executive Director, Aspen Global Health and Development David Monsma, Co-Director Executive Director, Energy and Environment Program Toni Verstandig, Co-Director Chair, Middle East Programs Global Alliances Program Michael Bergman, Director [email protected] Global Initiative on Culture and Society Damien Pwono, Director [email protected] Health, Biomedical Science, and Society Initiative Ruth Katz, Director (effective 11/01/13) [email protected] Franmarie Kennedy, Acting Director [email protected] Homeland Security Program Clark Ervin, Director [email protected]

Initiative on Financial Security Lisa Mensah, Director [email protected] Justice and Society Program Meryl Chertoff, Director [email protected] Manufacturing and Society in the 21st Century Tom Duesterberg, Executive Director [email protected] Middle East Programs Toni Verstandig, Chair [email protected] Program on Philanthropy & Social Innovation Jane Wales, Executive Director Vice President [email protected] Program on the World Economy Alexa Chopivsky, Director [email protected] Roundtable on Community Change Keith Lawrence, Co-Director [email protected] Gretchen Susi, Co-Director [email protected] Sports and Society Program Tom Farrey, Director [email protected]

aspen institute leadership

Policy Program Directors

ADS Works at the Aspen Institute Anna Deavere Smith, Executive Director [email protected] Agent Orange in Vietnam Program Charles Bailey, Director [email protected] Ascend, the Family Economic Security Program Anne Mosle, Executive Director Vice President [email protected] Aspen Forum for Community Solutions Melody Barnes, Chair [email protected] Steve Patrick, Executive Director [email protected] Aspen Global Health and Development Peggy Clark, Executive Director Vice President, Policy Programs [email protected]

Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs Randall Kempner, Director [email protected] Aspen Planning and Evaluation Program David Devlin-Foltz, Director [email protected] Aspen Strategy Group Nicholas Burns, Director [email protected] Jonathon Price, Deputy Director [email protected] Business and Society Program Judy Samuelson, Executive Director [email protected] Nancy McGaw, Deputy Director [email protected] Center for Native American Youth Erin Bailey, Director [email protected]

College Excellence Program Josh Wyner, Executive Director [email protected] Communications and Society Program Charles Firestone, Executive Director [email protected] Community Strategies Group Janet Topolsky, Director [email protected] Congressional Program Dan Glickman, Executive Director Vice President [email protected] Economic Opportunities Program Maureen Conway, Executive Director [email protected]


Anderson Park at the Aspen Meadows campus (photo by Dan Bayer)

Public Program Directors

Kitty Boone Director, Public Programs Vice President [email protected] Donna Horney Director, Administration, Policy and Public Programs [email protected] Melissa Ingber Director, Socrates Program Deputy Director, International Partners [email protected] Maurice LaMee Director, Aspen Writers Foundation [email protected] Cristal Logan Director, Aspen Community Programs Community Outreach [email protected] Jamie Miller Director, Public Programs Editor-in-Chief, The Aspen Idea Vice President [email protected] Damian Woetzel Director, Program in the Arts and Harman-Eisner Artist in Residence Program [email protected]

Administrative and Development Directors

Cindy Buniski Executive Director, Aspen Wye Campus Vice President Administration and Human Resources [email protected] Jennifer Jones Director, Accounting [email protected] Sun Kordel Director, Financial Services [email protected] Kristen B. Loden Campaign Director Scholars and Scholarships [email protected] Deborah Murphy Conference Director [email protected] Aaron Myers Director, Digital Strategy [email protected] Jennifer Myers Director, Public Affairs [email protected] Trent Nichols Director Information Technology Services [email protected] Kristin Robinson Vice President Development [email protected] James Spiegelman Vice President Communications and Public Affairs [email protected] Peter Waanders Director Society of Fellows [email protected] Lisa Zhu Director Human Resources [email protected]

Leadership & Seminar Program Directors

Todd Breyfogle Director, Seminars [email protected] Eric Motley Managing Director Henry Crown Fellowship Program Vice President [email protected] Mickey Edwards Executive Director, Aspen Institute-Rodel Fellowships in Public Leadership Vice President [email protected] Abigail Golden-Vazquez Deputy Director, Leadership Initiatives Vice President [email protected]

aspen institute leadership Policy Programs and Partnerships 45


The Wye River campus offers many moments for respite, including those spent by the koi pond.

The Aspen Institute Board of Trustees (as of June 2012)

Robert K. Steel Chairman of the Board Madeleine K. Albright Chair The Albright Stonebridge Group Paul F. Anderson Senior Advisor Booz & Co. Mercedes Bass Sid R. Bass, Inc. Richard Braddock Executive Chairman Mozido Beth Brooke Global Vice Chair of Public Policy Ernst & Young Melva Bucksbaum Martin Bucksbaum Family Foundation William D. Budinger Founder, Former Chairman & CEO Rodel, Inc. Stephen L. Carter Professor of Law Yale University Law School Cesar Conde President Univision Networks

Patrick W. Gross Chairman The Lovell Group Arjun Gupta TeleSoft Partners Corinne Flick Chairman Aspen Institute Germany Henrietta Holsman Fore Principal Holsman International Ann B. Friedman Educator Stephen Friedman Senior Advisor Stone Point Capital Henry Louis Gates, Jr. W.E.B. Du Bois Professor of Humanities Harvard University Mircea Geoana President Aspen Institute Romania David Gergen Professor of Public Service Harvard Kennedy School; Senior Political Analyst CNN Gerald Greenwald Managing Partner Greenbriar Equity Group Jane Harman Director, President and CEO Woodrow Wilson Center Hayne Hipp Private Investor Gerald D. Hosier Principal Law Offices of Gerald D. Hosier, Ltd. Ann Frasher Hudson Partner Javelina Partners Robert J. Hurst Managing Director Crestview Advisors, LLC Walter Isaacson President and CEO The Aspen Institute Jean-Pierre Jouyet Chairman Aspen Institute France Michael Klein Chairman/CEO Sunlight Foundation Yotaro Kobayashi Administration Office for Directors and Officers Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd.

Walter Isaacson President and CEO James S. Crown President Henry Crown and Company Andrea Cunningham President Bite North America John Doerr Partner Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers Thelma Duggin Executive Director AnBryce Foundation Sylvia A. Earle Chairman Deep Ocean Exploration & Research Michael D. Eisner President Tornante Company Former Chairman and CEO The Walt Disney Company Brooks Entwistle Chairman and Head of Investment Banking Goldman Sachs Southeast Asia Alan Fletcher President and CEO Aspen Music Festival and School

David H. Koch Executive Vice President Chemical Technology Koch Industries, Inc. Timothy K. Krauskopf Principal Round Lake Designs, LLC Leonard A. Lauder Chairman of the Board of Directors The Estee Lauder Companies, Inc. Chairman Emeritus The Aspen Institute Frederic V. Malek Chairman Thayer Lodging Group James M. Manyika Partner McKinsey & Company William E. Mayer Partner Park Avenue Equity Partners Chairman Emeritus The Aspen Institute Bonnie P. McCloskey President Cornerstone Holdings, LLC David McCormick Co-CEO Bridgewater Associates Anne Welsh McNulty Managing Partner JBK Partners

Diane Morris Chairman Morris Capital Management Karlheinz Muhr Chairman and CEO QFS Capital Clare Muana President Ancora Associates, Inc. Jerry Murdock Co-Founder Insight Venture Partners Marc B. Nathanson Chairman Mapleton Investments William A. Nitze Chairman Oceana Energy Company Her Majesty Queen Noor Humanitarian Activist; UN Expert Advisor Jacqueline Novogratz Founder / CEO Acumen Fund Olara A. Otunnu President LBL Foundation for Children Elaine Pagels Professor of Religion Princeton University Charles Powell Member of the House of Lords

Board of TRustees 47

Michael K. Powell President and CEO National Cable and Telecommunications Association Margot Pritzker Chairperson Zohar Education Project Incorporative Peter A. Reiling EVP Seminars and Leadership Programs The Aspen Institute Lynda Resnick Co-Owner and Vice Chairman Roll International Corporation Condoleezza Rice Stephenson Senior Fellow on Public Policy Hoover Institution James Rogers Chairman, President, CEO Duke Energy

Isaac O. Shongwe Chairman Letsema Consulting Company; Chief Executive Officer DNA Supply Chain of South Africa Anna Deavere Smith Executive Director ADS Works The Aspen Institute Michelle Smith Director Robert H. Smith Family Foundation Javier Solana President Aspen Institute Spain Robert K. Steel Chairman The Aspen Institute Deputy Mayor, New York City Gautam Thapar Chairman, Aspen Institute India Chairman and CEO, Avantha Group

Shashi Tharoor (leave of absence) Congressman, Lok Sabha Indian Parliament Laurie Tisch Founder and President Laurie M. Tisch Illumination Fund Giulio Tremonti Chairman Aspen Institute Italia Roderick K. von Lipsey Managing Director UBS Private Wealth Management Vin Weber Managing Partner Clark & Weinstock Michael Zantovsky President Aspen Institute Prague

Lester Crown Chairman Henry Crown and Company Vice Chairman Emeritus The Aspen Institute Tarun Das Chief Mentor Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) William L. Davis WLD Davis Holdings, LLC Al Dietsch Chairman Best Year Yet LLC William H. Donaldson Chairman Donaldson Enterprises James L. Ferguson Retired Chairman General Foods Corp. Richard N. Gardner Senior Counsel Morgan Lewis and Bockius LLP Alma L. Gildenhorn Honorary Trustee Kennedy Center

Nina Rodale Houghton President Wye Institute Jerome Huret Aspen Institute France William N. Joy Partner Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers Henry A. Kissinger Kissinger Associates, Inc. Ann McLaughlin Korologos Chairman Emeritus The Aspen Institute Robert Malott Retired Chairman and CEO FMC Corporation Olivier Mellerio General Partner, Interfinexa Eleanor Merrill Publisher Emeritus Washingtonian Magazine Elinor Bunin Munroe President Emeritus Elinor Bunin Productions, Inc. Sandra Day OConnor Chancellor The College of William & Mary Former U.S. Supreme Court Justice Hisashi Owada International Court of Justice

Thomas R. Pickering Vice Chairman Hills & Company Jay Sandrich Television Director Lloyd G. Schermer Retired Chairman and CEO Lee Enterprises, Inc. Carlo Scognamiglio Honorary Chairman Aspen Institute Italia Albert H. Small President Southern Engineering Corp. Andrew L. Stern Senior Research Fellow Georgetown Public Policy Institute Paul A. Volcker Federal Reserve System (retired) Leslie H. Wexner President and Chairman of the Board The Limited, Inc. Frederick B. Whittemore Advisory Director Morgan Stanley & Co., Inc. Alice Young Chair, Asia Pacific Practice Kaye Scholer LLP

The Aspen Institute Lifetime Trustees

Berl Bernhard and James C. Calaway Co-Chairmen HRH Prince Bandar bin Sultan Former Saudi Ambassador to the United States Berl Bernhard Partner DLA Piper US LLP Chairman Emeritus The Aspen Institute Keith Berwick Senior Moderator Aspen Global Leadership Network The Aspen Institute John Brademas President Emeritus New York University James C. Calaway Chairman Lifetime Trustees William T. Coleman, Jr. OMelveny & Myers

board of trustees

Jacqueline Grapin President The European Institute Irvine O. Hockaday, Jr. Retired President and CEO Hallmark Cards, Inc.



2012 Annual Report

STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION December 31, 2012 (With Summarized Financial Information as of December 31, 2011) ASSETS 2012 2011

Temporarily Permanently Unrestricted Restricted Restricted

(With Summarized Financial Information for the Year Ended December 31, 2011)

STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES For the Year Ended December 31, 2012

2012 Total

2011 Total

Cash and cash equivalents $ 5,243,308 $ 4,044,309 Investments 93,241,280 80,460,416 Investments held for deferred compensation 2,044,975 1,624,541 Accounts receivable, net 1,837,250 1,493,775 Grants and contributions receivable, net 40,208,764 23,138,354 Prepaid expenses 467,228 476,278 Inventory 109,995 110,458 Property and equipment, net 54,972,179 57,745,320 Security deposits 108,384 205,993 TOTAL ASSETS $198,233,363 $169,299,444 LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Liabilities Accounts payable and accrued expenses $ 5,902,256 $ 4,645,899 Grants payable 401,600 1,595,139 Customer deposits 3,721,804 3,468,644 Capital lease obligations 158,798 237,582 Deferred compensation 2,044,975 1,624,541 TOTAL LIABILITIES 12,229,433 11,571,805 Net Asset Unrestricted Undesignated 608,493 1,173,549 Board designated 78,637,719 78,026,115 Total Unrestricted 79,246,212 79,199,664 Temporarily restricted 63,305,712 47,779,771 Permanently restricted 43,452,006 30,748,204 TOTAL NET ASSETS 186,003,930 157,727,639 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS $198,233,363 $169,299,444

Operating Revenue and Support: Project grants $ 920,304 $ 30,040,301 - $30,960,605 Contributions 5,587,162 22,678,312 12,703,802 40,969,276 Investment income appropriated for operations 1,783,802 1,352,474 - 3,136,276 Conference and facility fees 9,093,191 9,093,191 Contract revenue 6,467,715 - - 6,467,715 Seminar fees 7,970,350 - - 7,970,350 Other 509,353 - - 509,353 Rental income 166,260 - - 166,260 Net assets released from restrictions: Satisfaction of time restrictions 11,850,293 (11,850,293) - - Satisfaction of program restrictions 26,694,853 (26,694,853) - -

$28,213,995 21,798,418 2,018,322 9,906,412 5,598,083 7,229,580 440,392 242,203 -

2012 Annual Report

TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE AND SUPPORT 71,043,283 15,525,941 12,703,802 99,273,026 75,447,405 Expenses: Program Services: Policy programs 31,385,101 - - 31,385,101 32,689,332 Campus activities 14,013,568 - - 14,013,568 14,410,920 Public programs 5,562,929 - - 5,562,929 5,846,406 Global leadership network 2,524,257 - - 2,524,257 2,394,929 Seminars 2,105,796 - - 2,105,796 2,039,500 Other restricted programs 699,276 - - 699,276 1,096,050 Total Program Services 56,290,927 - - 56,290,927 58,477,137 13,947,257 2,416,710 16,363,967 74,841,104 606,301 (3,175,614) (2,569,313) 160,296,952 Supporting Services General and administration 14,659,062 - - 14,659,062 Fundraising and development 2,598,492 - - 2,598,492 Total Supporting Services Total Expenses Change in Net Assets from Operations Non-Operating Revenue Investment income (loss) in excess of earnings appropriated for operations Change in Net Assests Net Assets, Beginning of Year 17,257,554 73,548,481 (2,505,198) 2,551,746 46,548 79,199,664 - - 15,525,941 - 15,525,941 47,779,771 - - 12,703,802 - 12,703,802 30,748,204 17,257,554 73,548,481 25,724,545 2,551,746 28,276,291 157,727,639


Net Assets, End of Year $79,246,212 $63,305,712 $43,452,006 $186,003,930 $157,727,639


Campaign to Secure our Future

Scholars & Scholarships Campaign Donors (as of May 13, 2013)

$5,000,000 and above Rene and Lester Crown / The Crown Family Resnick Family Foundation David M. Rubenstein $1,000,000 - $4,999,999 Paul F. and Mary H. Anderson Jim and Connie Calaway The Cundill Foundation Robert and Soledad Hurst / Hurst Family Foundation The Leonard and Evelyn Lauder Foundation The John P. and Anne Welsh McNulty Foundation David L. Nevins* Margot and Thomas J. Pritzker Family Foundation Robert K. Steel Cheryl and Sam Wyly $250,000 - $999,999 Bezos Family Foundation Catto Charitable Foundation Arie and Ida Crown Memorial David A. Crown Patricia A. Crown A. Huda and Samia Farouki Bruce T. Halle Family Foundation Danny Kaye and Sylvia Fine Kaye Foundation Joan Fabry and Michael Klein Laura and Gary Lauder Rodel Charitable Foundation Kathleen Daubert Smith* $100,000 - $249,999 Jenny and James D. Calaway Kim and Rob Coretz Judith Crown Craver and David Craver Janet Crown The Ithaka Foundation Elaine and Jim McDade* Diane L. Morris Whitney Duan and Desmond Shum Ellen and Stephen D. Susman $50,000 - $99,999 Arnhold Foundation Barclays Wealth Aviva and Martin Budd The Eisner Foundation Samuel Freeman Charitable Trust Arjun Gupta Belinda and Pascal N. Levensohn Amy Richardson and David H. McCormick Gina and Jerry Murdock Nomura Securities International, Inc. Christine Bieber and Jay Orris $25,000 - $49,999 Anonymous Ricky Arriola Megan and Harris S. Barton Mercedes T. Bass Charitable Corporation Amy Margerum Berg and Gilchrist B. Berg Jill and Jay Bernstein Sharon and Toby R. Coppel Henry and Gladys Crown Charitable Trust Paula and James Schine Crown Katrina Saltonstall and James Currier Kathrin and Paul Gaffney Sabrina and Antonio Gracias Harman Family Foundation Rachel Kohler and Mark Hoplamazian Host Hotels & Resorts, Inc. Melva Bucksbaum and Raymond J. Learsy Michelle and Damon Kydd Lee Jennier Mei and Hanmin Liu Rheda Becker and Robert E. Meyerhoff Christopher Sacca Robert H. Smith Family Foundation The Laurie M. Tisch Illumination Fund Beth Daley and Scott Ullem $10,000 - $24,999 Judy Hart and John M. Angelo Anonymous (2) Anita Antenucci Ronit and William Berkman Blue Foundation Booz Allen Hamilton Stuart H. Coleman Patricia O. Cox Aileen and John Crowley Diana Roesch and Joseph A. Dimenna Ann H. and L. John Doerr Dolce Hotels & Resorts Dornick Foundation Gael Neeson and Stefan Edlis Suellen and Melvyn J. Estrin Timothy Ferriss Ellen Pao and Alphonse Fletcher, Jr. Jan and Ronald K. Greenberg The Greer Trust Mark and Anne Hansen Foundation Hayne Hipp Ranji Nagaswami and Robert Hopkins Cathy and Walter Isaacson Daniel J. Kinder Toby Devan Lewis M&T Bank Malek Family Charitable Trust
deceased * bequest

Over the past decade, the Aspen Institute We have embarked upon an ambitious has expanded its reach, energized its in campaign, Scholars & Scholarships , to invest programs, and deepened its impact. Yet the promising and innovative young leaders who are working to secure global future. growing complexity ofour global challenges Fromus education to poverty to engage climate change, requires to do more to more the need for conscientious and collaborative people, more deeply. From education to problem-solving has never been greater. poverty to climate change, the need for conscientious and collaborative leadership For more than 60 years, the Aspen Institute has brought people from around has never beentogether greater.
the world to engage in open-minded, values-based discourse. Through a unique With combination Scholars & of Scholarships , the largest seminars, policy work, campaign in our history, the Aspen fellowships, and public programs, ourInstitute goal to inspire an innovative and enlightened aims is to give donors the opportunity to approach to leadership. influence a rising generation of innovators Fellows members play a critical role in sustaining


who As are working to secure our global future. part of the Aspen Institute family, Society of Enhancing the effectiveness of invite one you leader and strengthening our work. We to deepen your involvement and explore how can elevate a community. We invite you to support canleveraging ensure the success of learnyour more about the Institutes Scholars & Scholarships. reach while realizing your philanthropic interests andyou building legacy Whether support a the Societyof of positive Fellows Leadership Fund or Named Scholars, yourdonors change. With generous gifts from the investment will have a direct and lasting impact listed herein, the Campaign has raised on our ability to cultivate the next generation $45 million toward the $75 million goal. of conscientous leaders at home and abroad.
Scholars & Scholarships Campaign Committee Co-Chairs Committee SocietyPritzker of Fellows Campaign Steering Committee Mercedes Bass Margot Karen andE. Greg Amadon Linda McCausland and Peter Nicklin William Mayer Walter Isaacson Stuart M. Brafman Bonnie P. McCloskey Anne Welsh McNulty Bunni and Paul Copaken Stephanie and Michael Naidoff Robert K. Steel Lauren and Ryan Elston David L. Nevins
Thomas H. Fagadau Diane and Bruce Halle Linda Sandrich Victoria Smith

Society of Fellows Campaign Steering Committee Karen and Greg Amadon Stuart M. Brafman Bunni and Paul Copaken Lauren and Ryan Elston Thomas H. Fagadau Diane and Bruce Halle Linda McCausland and Peter Nicklin Bonnie P. McCloskey Stephanie and Michael Naidoff David L. Nevins Linda Sandrich Victoria Smith

What could be more important?

Over the last 16 years the Henry Crown Fellowship Program has grown in unimagined ways, and with the graduation of every new class we are reminded that more resources are needed to support this wonderful program. The Fellowship will always need just a bit more in order to continue to provide quality seminars and alumni and regional gatherings. We hope that our familys gift will inspire others to support a program that is not only making a big impact, but in every way making a world of difference.
Rene and Lester Crown announced a $10 million gift from the Crown family for The Henry Crown Fellowship Programs endowment. This gift is further affirmation of the Crown familys commitment to and confidence in the Fellowship, perpetuating the principles and values that Henry Crown felt were so critically important to realizing a good society.


www.aspeninstitute.org/campaign www.aspeninstitute.org/campaign

Celia and Henry W. McGee III The Muhr Family Foundation Kerry Ziegler and Adib M. Nasle Neisser Family Fund Gerald ODwyer Aravinda and Eric Reeves Rosa Scarcelli and Thomas Rhoads James E. and Mary Anne Rogers Ross Family Fund Vicki and Roger W. Sant June and Paul C. Schorr III Mary and David Solomon / Goldman Sachs Gives Srinija Srinivasan Jay and Deanie Stein Christopher Varelas Louise Walker-Resor* WB Family Offices Heather and Beau Wrigley Barbara and David Zalaznick Foundation $5,000 - $9,999 John Buck Phyllis and David Z. Cook Henry Crown & Company Janet and Neal Dempsey Lauren Kelley and John P. Driscoll Glenda Lee and Gerald Greenwald Allison and Donald E. Gulbrandsen Nina Rodale Houghton Elizabeth and Peter Karabatsos Lisa Ceremsak and Stace D. Lindsay The Morgridge Family Foundation Balan Nair Michael and Jane Powell Sarosi-Kanter Charitable Foundation Tamsin Smith The Diana Davis Spencer Foundation TMG Custom Media Christie and Jeffrey P. Weiss

$1,000 - $4,999 Shelagh and Michael Adams Tatyana Daniels and James Beldock Nancy and Jamie Better Gina R. and Ralph Boswell Catherine Scholz and Paul Brient Nancy P. and Clint Carlson Colorado Audio Visual Christian H. Cooper Allison Marston and John W. Danner James Dunham Evelyn N. Farkas Nanci and Gary Fredkin Richard Newton Gardner Julie Farkas and Seth Goldman The Greenwald Foundation Tonya Hinch Roselin Atzwanger and Edward Lenkin Nathalie and Tareq Maayah Meena Mansharamani Audrey C. and Charles W. Marshall Crystal Hayling and Chris Misner Shelah and Marc S. Moller The Barry Friedberg and Charlotte Moss Family Foundation Sandra Day OConnor Kristin Rechberger Royce Family Foundation Karen and Nathan Sandler Linda and Jay Sandrich Schoenfeld Insurance Associates, Inc. Kayla Shell and Randi Shade Emily Tisch Sussman Tammy and Guillermo Trevino Christopher Varelas John Wood Jessie and David Woolley-Wilson

The Aspen Seminar changed my life. Ive been participating for over 30 years and never cease to benefit from the Seminars scholars, my fellow participants, and the moderators.
Leonard Lauder endowed the Lauder Scholarship Fund to bring leaders of the highest caliber to the Aspen Seminar table.

Pamela Cunningham Jason Denby Nick DeWolf Foundation Jessica Schnabel and C. Daryl Edwards Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Tiffany Shlain and Ken Goldberg Goldman Sachs Foundation Marjan K. and Jonathan Greenblatt Stacy and Jason Helfstein Melissa and Shai Ingber Ann and Edward Randall Hudson Joseph Hurd Omobola Johnson

Charlene Markle Johnston Jane Kang Peter Bicknell Kellner Hyunja and Jeffrey L. Kenner Andrew Klaber Karen Listgarten Linda Lourie Steven Lurie Ann Mass Lance Matthiesen Debra McCoy Patrick McKenna Mill + Schnoering Architects, LLC

Constance Hoguet and Richard Neel Lisa Hancock Rehrig Ellen and Scott D. Robinson Joel Shamel Alexander Rogers Diana Rosa Sandys Office Supply Christine Sare Blaze Stancampiano Stevens & McCann LLC Kenichi Suzuki Michele Angelo Verna Leonora and Frank Williamson

Society of Fellows (as of December 31, 2012)

Gold Leaf Society ($50,000 and above) Karen and Greg Amadon Samia and A. Huda Farouki Sharon and Lawrence Hite Bren Simon Cheryl and Sam Wyly Chairmans Society ($25,000) Anonymous Dawn Arnall Merilee and Roy J. Bostock Ruth and Martin G. Carver Penny and James G. Coulter Gael Neeson and Stefan Edlis Sheila and David Fuente Diane and Bruce Halle Melinda B. and Jeffery D. Hildebrand Cathy and Walter Isaacson Martha and George A. Kellner Toby Devan Lewis Chauncey Lufkin Scott D. Miller Denise M. Dupre and Mark E. Nunnelly Susan Taylor and Robert Cunningham Pew III Anne M. and J. Christopher Reyes Alexandra Munroe and Robert Rosenkranz Carole B. and Gordon Segal Nancy Wall and Chuck Wall Melani and S. Robson Walton Beatrice and Anthony Welters Presidents Society ($10,000) Robert J. Abernethy Anonymous (5) Donna and James Barksdale Wilma and Stuart Bernstein Giancarla and Luciano Berti Jacklyn G. and Miguel A. Bezos Steven Black Aviva and Martin Budd Nancy P. and Clint Carlson Mary and Armeane M. Choksi Geda and Philip Condit Phyllis and David Z. Cook Patricia O. Cox Jane R. and Marshall C. Crouch III Nancy C. and A. Steven Crown Sylvie and Gary T. Crum Elissa and Gary Davis Bonnie and Kenneth L. Davis Catherine and Jerome H. Debs II Scott M. Delman Elaine and Claiborne Deming Dee and David Dillon Gloria Story Dittus Gail and Richard Elden Gail and Alfred Engelberg Suellen and Melvyn J. Estrin Thomas H. Fagadau Shannon Fairbanks Suzie and Fred Fehsenfeld, Jr. Tara Carson and Barbara Fergus Laura Gurwin Flug
deceased * bequest

Under $1,000 Judith Aidoo American Council on Education Melanie Nezer and David Baltaxe Sylvia M. Mathews Burwell and Stephen Burwell Boeing Company Sheila and Wade Brown Carolyn and Matthew Bucksbaum Lindsay and William Prescott Bush Lorraine Mullings and Alfred Campos Pamela Paresky and Christopher Gates Judy and Stan Clauson Sean Cornwell



Karen and James S. Frank Jessica M. and John B. Fullerton Alexander Furlotti Harriett and Richard E. Gold Meg and Bennett Goodman John Hagel III Sheryl and Jeffrey Harvey MeiLi and Robert A. Hefner III Barbara and Gerald D. Hines Lisa and Michael Holthouse / Holthouse Foundation for Kids Lynne and Joseph Horning Gayle G. and Woody L. Hunt Susan and Joel Hyatt Irja Brant and Alireza Ittihadieh Teresa and Stan Jensen David Jones, Jr. Elise and Russell Joseph Allison and Warren Kanders Elizabeth and Michael Kasser Suzie Katz Ann and Edward Lamont Laura and Gary M. Lauder Elizabeth and Eric Paul Lefkofsky Melony and Adam J. Lewis Jean and Jim Lowrey Marianne and Sheldon B. Lubar Holly and John Madigan Dale and Edward J. Mathias Bonnie McElveen-Hunter Betty Anne and James R. McManus Emily Gold Mears Lisa and Willem Mesdag John Moore Mary and Garrett Moran Linda McCausland and Peter Nicklin Susan and William Oberndorf Margaret and Andrew M. Paul Carrie Walton and Greg Penner Thomas Peterffy

Doren Madey Pinnell and Sheldon R. Pinnell James Ragland Carrie Delaney Rhodes Kalpana Singh and James S. Rhodes III Susie and Leslie Rudd Jean and Thomas D. Rutherfoord, Jr. Vicki and Roger W. Sant Peggy and Carl Sewell Carl Sewell III Muriel Siebert Victoria and Ronald A. Simms Priya Patel and Samir Singh Mary and David Solomon Sara C. and James A. Star Deanie and Jay Stein Phyllis Taylor Nancy Oliphant and Adam Trombly Emily and Antoine Van Agtmael Tillie and Sam R. Walton Judy and Fred Wilpon Mandy Gray and Randall William Work Heather and William Wrigley, Jr. Nancy Lazar and George R. Zachar Barbara and David Zalaznick Aspen Leaf Society ($5,000) Lizbeth S. and John W. Adams Cara and Robert Barnes Jane and Alan R. Batkin Vivian and Norman Belmonte Edythe and Eli Broad Carolyn and Matthew Bucksbaum Melissa and Carter Cafritz Terri and Tony Caine Virginia Q. and Richard P. Case Cornelia and Richard Corbett Brenda and J. Lester Crain Lorraine and Alexander Dell Jan and Neal Dempsey Jacqueline Weld and Rodman Drake

Holly and David N. Dreman Margaret D. and Jerrold Eberhardt Clayton and Sheldon Erikson Sherry and Joseph Felson Jaimie and David J. Field Marilyn and Larry Fields Nanette and Jerry E. Finger Christopher B. Galvin Sarah and Gideon I. Gartner Brooke and Edouard Gerschel Virginia and Gary Gerst Marilyn G. and Michael J. Glosserman Jeannette and Jerry A. Goldstone Andrea S. and James Gordon Celeste and Jack Grynberg Joanne F. and Anthony L. Guerrerio Llura and Gordon Gund Cathy Brentzel and Robert Hacker Mary Ann and James R. Harris Joan W. Harris Vicki and Bruce Heyman Leslie and George Hume Diane Goldberg and William J. Hunckler III Diana Jacobs Kalman Alex Kaufman Sylvia and Richard F. Kaufman Jennifer Mourning and Justin Kennedy Hyunja and Jeffrey L. Kenner Margo and Jim Keyes Dorothy and Sidney Kohl Margaret Munzer and Daniel S. Loeb Wendy Larsen and Robert Long Laurie and Paul MacCaskill Carla Solomon and Antonio Magliocco, Jr. Leslie and Kurt Malkoff Nicola and Jeffrey Marcus Carol S. Marks Richard Marks Janet and Thomas McKinley Susan Miller

As a center for innovative thought, the Aspen Institute has few peers. But the Aspen Leaders Action Forums focus on turning ideas into action is what most appeals to [us]. We are proud to be part of it.
Lynda and Stewart Resnick provided major funding to create the Aspen Leaders Action Forum, an annual convening that will connect creative leaders from around the world. Mary Mochary Hee-Jung and John J. Moon Sara and William Morgan Julie and Mark Morris David L. Nevins Jeannette T. Nichols Sue A. and Jim Oates Christine and Michael Pack Patricia M. Papper Cynthia and Anthony Petrello Irene Pollin Dennis Ratner Toni and Arthur Rock

Debbi Fields Rose and Michael D. Rose Philip Rothblum Cari B. and Michael J. Sacks Pamela and Arthur Sanders Mara and Ricky Sandler Christine Sare Mary Bucksbaum and Patrick Scanlan Linda and H. Del Schutte, Jr. Tina and Albert H. Small, Jr. Diana Davis Spencer Orli and Bill Staley Eleanor F. and John M. Sullivan, Jr. Sue and Aziz D. Syriani Cheryl and Peter A. Tague Shelley and Joel D. Tauber Karen and James Tucker Amy and Jeffrey Verschleiser Joan H. Walker Ralph Wanger Cynthia and Michael Watts Irene and Alan L. Wurtzel Alison and Boniface Zaino Mary Hayley and Selim K. Zilkha Mortimer B. Zuckerman Fellows ($2,500 - $3,500) Virginia Aaron Penny and Fred Abrams John K. Adams Segun Adefila Rita and Jeffrey Adler Kathleen Allaire Judy Ley Allen Carolyn Small Alper Patricia Alper Dean V. Ambrose Anonymous (2) Sue Anschutz-Rodgers Doris and Laurence Ashkin Rebecca T. Ayres

Michelle Stern and Brad Bachmann Nina McLemore and Donald I. Baker Marilyn and George L. Baker Cornelia Greaves and Nathaniel Bates Linda Bedell Carolyn and Jim Bellinson Chuck Bellock Karyn and Charles Bendit Gilchrist B. Berg Barbara and Bruce Berger Christine and Jack Bergstrom Rebecca and Jeffrey Berkus Jill and Jay Bernstein Sheila Birnbaum Sandra K. and Archer W. Bishop, Jr. Nancy L. and Robert S. Blank Rita and Irwin Blitt Janie and Eddie Bradley Mark A. Bradley Stuart M. Brafman Eileen and Frank X. Bresnan John Breyo Hilda Ochoa-Brillembourg and Arturo Brillembourg Ella and Scott Brittingham Carolyn Brody Arlene and Keith Bronstein Susan and Robert E. Brown, Jr. Albert Buzz Brown Bruhn-Morris Family Foundation John Buck Noreen and Kenneth Buckfire Linda and Robert P. Buford Jacques R. Bughin Christy and Daryl Burton Mary K. Bush Catherine and Bill Cabaniss Kenneth M. Campia Karen E. Wagner and David L. Caplan Merle Chambers Susan E. Chapman
deceased * bequest


Katherin and David D. Chase David F. Chazen Deborah and Tony Clancy Linda Voigt and Thomas Coates Suzanne and Robert Cochran Jeffrey Cohen Claudia and Bill Coleman Elizabeth Colleton Carol and Budge Collins Nancy Walbridge Collins Andrea and Eric Colombel Noel R. and Thomas Congdon Albert E. Coombs Bunni and Paul Copaken Dale Coudert Howard Cox Carol Craig and Jennifer Craig Sara Fraser Crismon Druscilla French and Stephen M. Cumbie Charles L. Cunniffe Sue and Cliff Curry David Danforth Yolanda and Mark Davis Tom Davis Susan and Francois de Saint Phalle Karen DeGolia Dudley and Michael Del Balso Jason Alexander Denby Leslie and Thomas J. DeRosa Katherine L. and William J. Devers, Jr. Claire Dewar Susan and Brian N. Dickie Michael Dillard Muffy and Andrew DiSabatino Rebecca Donelson Marcia and John R. Donnell, Jr. Ryland Dooley Carol and Buzz Dopkin David and Marsha Dowler

Sheila Draper Heather and Todd duBoef Antonia Paepcke DuBrul Nancy S. Dunlap Marcy and J. Leo Edelstein Linda and Alan S. Englander Bess and R. Ted Enloe III Deborah and Jerome Epstein Eustaquio Escandon Dafri and Michael Estes Evelyn and Warren Fagadau Judith Barnard and Michael Fain Regine Familet and Sandra Familet Vivian and Roger Farah Gregory C. Staple and Siobhan Farey Anne Francis Farish Peter Feer Anne and Alan D. Feld Nora Feller David Fenton Joseph Sebastian Fichera Karin and Jonathan Fielding Susan and Richard Finkelstein Marcia and Don Flaks Mary Ralph Lowe and Charlie Flanders Alan H. Fleischmann Heather and Lou Fouts Marilyn and Sam Fox Christopher Foyle Charlotte Moss and Barry S. Friedberg Kathy and Jeffrey Friedland Barbara and Karl Friedman Golda and Sheldon Friedstein Nancy S. Furlotti Shelby and Frederick Gans Lauren Garcia Stephanie Garcia Eydie and Donald Garlikov Kim Garner

Richard Garvin Pamela Paresky and Christopher Gates Bobbie and Jamie Gates Kristen and Larry Gellman Larry W. Gies, Jr. Deborah and Dennis Glass Bulent Goktuna Wendy and Fred Goldberg Barbara L. Goldsmith John Goldsmith Lynda Goldstein Kitzia and Richard C. Goodman Joanna Goodwin Friedman and Richard C. Goodwin Nelson Gordman Carole Gaba and Richard Gordon Arthur N. Greenberg Dean L. Greenberg Eileen and Richard Greenberg Lenore and Bernard Greenberg Ronald K. Greenberg Todd Guenther Elizabeth Guenzel Vinod Gupta Ann Gursey Libby Cater Halaby Sally and Steve Hansen Julia Hansen Ellen Bronfman Hauptman and Andrew Hauptman Mary Eshbaugh Hayes Cheryl G. Healton Lita Warner Heller Susan Helm Barnett C. Helzberg, Jr. Linda Vitti and Clarence A. Herbst, Jr. Juliane Marion Heyman Heather and Bill Hilliard Richard H. Hillman Judith Zee Steinberg and Paul J. Hoenmans Janet A. and Robert B. Hoffman

Sue and R. Ronald Hopkinson S. Roger Horchow John Horton Erica Hartman-Horvitz and Richard Alan Horvitz Tori Dauphinot and Kenneth Hubbard Carol and Mike Hundert Priscilla S. and Richard M. Hunt Ginny Hunt Judy and Robert Huret Barbara and Joseph Reeves Hyde III Carolyne T. Hyde Mary Ann Hyde Liba Icahn Julanne and Irwin Isaacson Martha and Melvin W. Jackson Dorothy and Marvin Jacobs Joan Klein Jacobs and Irwin M. Jacobs Thomas Alan James Joseph P. Jangro Jane Jenkins Jay Arthur Jensen Kathleen K. and Warren D. Jones Victoria and Mark Joseph David Joubran Maha Kaddoura Rita Karmiol Jane and Gerald Katcher Bruce R. Katz Ann P. and Stephen M. Kaufman Steve Kaufman Joelle M. Kayden Christian K. Keesee Paul Kinney Helen Kalin Klanderud Melvyn N. Klein Ellen Klutznick and Katherine Klutznick Cathy and Jonathan Koplovitz Shirley and Stanley Kritzik Ishik A. Kubali-Camoglu

Fred R. Kucker Constance and John Joseph Kurowski Lawrence Ladin Alexandra Lamm Louise W. Lamphere Sally and James Lapeyre, Jr. Mollie L. and Garland M. Lasater, Jr. Joan C. Lebach Elaine and Robert LeBuhn Eileen Haag and Ira Lechner Barbara and Jonathan Lee Alexander Leff Judith and Donald Lefton Paul Leming Roselin Atzwanger and Edward Lenkin LTC Douglas A. LeVien Felicia and Ronald Levin Mirella and Dani Levinas Lucia D. Swanson and Theodore A. Levine Walter Levy Suzanne Leydecker John S. Lillard Cecily Silberman and Jon B. Lindeman, Sr. Scott A. Lindenau Judy and Sam Linhart James Loeffler Nancy and James R. Loewenberg Lynn T. and Frederick C. Lowinger Joanne and Lee R. Lyon Amalia P. and William F. Mahoney Sharon and Larry Malcolmson Nancy R. Manderson Betsy and Peter Mangone Gail P. and Frederick J. Manning Nancy Mannix Joan and Michael Marek Barbara and Don Margerum Tam and Jim Martin Susan Marx

The Carlyle Group

The Aspen Global Leadership Network has done extraordinary work in identifying and nurturing future global leaders. I feel privileged to be able to support and enhance it.
David Rubenstein is supporting a range of leadership initiatives at the Institute, including the launch of a Fellowship for private business entrepreneurs in China seeking to move from success to significance. Joanne B. Matthews Mona Look-Mazza and Anthony Mazza Cheryl McArthur Sharon Teddy McBay Nancy E. and Peter C. Meinig Gail and J. Alec Merriam Rheda Becker and Robert E. Meyerhoff Eleanor and Robert M. Meyers Susan and Jeffrey W. Miller Joanne and Joel Mogy Phyllis Moldaw Shelah and Marc S. Moller Denise Monteleone




* bequest

Chrissi and Michael C. Morgan Susan E. Morrison Virginia and Darrell Clay Morrow Becky and Mike Murray Marcie J. and Robert Musser Carlos Musso Stephanie and Michael Naidoff Ilene and James A. Nathan Judith Neisser Judith and Werner Neuman Nancy E. and Michael J. Neuman David Newberger Stuart H. Newberger Judy Ney Beverly and Robert Nichols Helen Nitkin Judith and Donald Norris Helen Ward and Wally Obermeyer Peggy and Marne Obernauer, Jr. Ann OBrien Janet M. and Thomas OConnor Janet OGrady Susan Christine ONeal Margaret and Paul Pace Jean Lee and Allen G. Parelman Esther Pearlstone Richard L. Pearlstone Jean Hamilton Pearman Susan and Paul Penn Amy M. Pennington Mary Ann and D. Louis Peoples Essie and Jordon Perlmutter Donna and Richard Perlmutter Diane Tegmeyer-Peterson and Brooke Peterson Hensley and James Peterson Susan and Michael Pillsbury Pauline B. Pitt Dorothy and Aaron S. Podhurst Pat and William F. Podlich

Diane and Arnold L. Polinger William H. Pope Anne and Arnold Porath Elisabeth and Albert Prast Monika and John Preston John S. Price Nancy Wenke and Kelley Price Catherine Anne Provine Ilona Nemeth and Alan Quasha Kathryn and Richard A. Rabinow Eden Rafshoon Whitney Randolph Scott B. Ransom Pixie and Jimmy Reiss Myra L. and Robert S. Rich Pamela and Charles F. Richards, Jr. Donna Di Ianni and Peter Rispoli Judy T. and Emerson Robinson, Jr. Katie and Amnon Rodan Lisa Applebaum and Michael Rome Barbara Goldman and Donald Rosenberg Herbert Rosenfeld Joan and Barry Rosenthal Lyn M. Ross JoAnne T. and Richard K. Rubinoff Louisa and Jim Rudolph Vivian and John Sabel Ammanda and Jeffrey H. Salzman Lois and Thomas C. Sando Clare and Marius Sanger Susan Small Savitsky and Gerald Savitsky Omar A. Sawaf Lorraine and Mark Schapiro Gloria Scharlin Rene Schatz Lisa and David T. Schiff Barbara and F. Eugene Schmitt Susan and Sheldon Schneider June and Paul C. Schorr III

I have always been impressed and inspired by the quality and commitment of our Aspen Global Leadership Network Fellows. The John P. McNulty Prize honors my husband Johns belief in these young leaders.
Anne Welsh McNulty established a fund to extend the impact of the McNulty Prize and engage promising Fellows in the Institutes Global Leadership Network. Alece and David Schreiber Barbara and Robert Schrier Louise and Robert Schwab Barbara and Robert Scinto James Scott Phyllis and David Scruggs Amy Attas and Stephen J. Shapiro Robert Sharpe Nancy Shaw-Raquet Tara M. Sheahan

Martin J. Sherwin Lydie Shufro Lois Siegel Nancy and Mark J. Silverman Janie Simon Alan Sirkin Aggie Skirball Eric Small Eric H. Smith Beverly and John Snyder Audrey and Marc Solomon Selma Spaccarelli Lisa and Ronald Speaker Sue Edelstein and William Spence Robert Spendlove Melvin Spira Sabrina Spitaletta Phyllis and Ronald Steinhart Gayle and Paul Stoffel Helen E. Stone Curt Strand Evelyn M. and Barry S. Strauch Tracy Straus Ellen and Stephen D. Susman Marcy Syms Stephen S. Taylor Robin and Mark A. Tebbe Ronald Temple Lynn Thoman Anne and William R. Tobey, Jr. Edith and Joseph Tobin Ian Tobin Maurice B. Tobin Cathy M. and Peter Toren Christine J. Toretti Roberta Turkat Leticia Van de Putte Suzanne Farver and Clint Van Zee Dennis H. Vaughn

Meryle and Daniel Verner Debra Viall Robert E. Wailes Tina A. Walls Carol and John R. Walter Viviane M. Warren Lawrence G. Wasden Evelene Wechsler Karen and Martin S. Weiner Marjorie and Bryan S. Weingarten Myriam Weinstein J. Fred Weintz, Jr. Christie and Jeffrey P. Weiss Marion W. Weiss Marvin F. Weissberg Sallyann Wekstein Dawn Barton and Peter Welles Carrie and Joseph Wells Alexa and Blaine Wesner Edith Kallas-Whatley and Joe Whatley M. Cass Wheeler Wendalin Whitman Ginny L. Williams Elle and Philip D. Winn Ruth Winter Mary and Hugh D. Wise III Robin S. Wittlin Jaqueline Wogan Carolyn and William J. Wolfe Amy Halperin Wood Corinne Wood Doug Woods Frank Woods Michelle and James Wrubel Judith and M. Richard Wyman Mei Xu Caren Yanis Russell Young Judy and Leo E. Zickler

Nadia Zilkha Nancy M. and Harold Zirkin Mary and Harold Zlot Paula Zurcher Vanguard Chapter ($650 - $1,000) Marcella and Andrew Abramowicz Anonymous (2) Keri and Tom Ashley Lisa and George Baker Davis Berg Summer Woodson Berg and Erik Berg James Berger Richard Bland Lauren K. Cochran and Michael Bogorad Allison and Randall Bone Janine and Michael Bourke David A. Bovino Dan Braga Ashley Turner and Matt Brown Jessie Brown Michael Brown Christopher D. Bryan Jessica and William M. Budinger Brent Bushnell Annie and Coley Cassidy Denise and Michael Cetta Chelsea Rae Clark Estela and David A. Cockrell Melissa Condie Catherine Corman Joanie and Guillaume Crt Cortney and Steven Crouch Kasey Crown and David Comfort Connor P. Crown Kam and Michael Davies Lindsey de la Torre Alexis Diaz Ray E. Dillon IV




* bequest

[Our aim] is to give young people and their educators a platform to learn from global visionaries, collaborate with each other around critical issues, and pioneer solutions that can transform their communities.
Jackie and Mike Bezos support the Bezos Scholars Program and helped launch the Aspen Challenge, a new program that deepens the leadership experience of youth. Michael P. DiPaula-Coyle Kristin Dittmar Victoria and Remington Douglass Jacqueline and Jarka Duba Virginia Edelson Kimberly Edwards Tracy and Bubba Eggleston Lauren McCloskey Elston and Ryan Elston Ashley and Andrew Ernemann Cara Mia Familet Lindsy and Adam Fortier Martin Franze

Anna and Matt Freedman Alison Friedman Ashley Friedman Katy and Adam Frisch Katherine Fry Mary E. Gardill Aram Gavoor Heather and Clayton Gentry Melina M. Glavas Rachel and Bradley J. Greenwald Rene S. Grossman Lisa and Michael Haisfield Lillian and Gordon Hardy William Heldfond Jamie and Bush Helzberg Heidi and Keith Hemstreet Casady M. Henry Sven Hodges Ginny and Gregory Hunter, Sr. Rob Ittner Matt Jay Mirte Mallory and Philip Jeffreys Jerry Johnson Virginia Kelly Alex and Scott Kendrick Missy and Chris Klug Wade Knall Cheryl Velasquez and Tamas Kovacs Lindsey Kozberg Seamus Kraft Giselle Leal Anne Lebleu Sophie Levy Elizabeth and Jordan Lewis Kathryn Master and Noah Lieb Christine and Andrew Light Michael Smith Liss David Livingston Melissa McIntosh Long

Jennifer and Mark Lotke Matt Mahon Spencer McKnight Jodie McLean Lexi and Ray McNutt Bonnie and Zach Merritt Elizabeth and Sam Meyer Kerry Ziegler Nasle and Adib M. Nasle Melanie Muss and Tracy Nichols Danielle and Paul Noto Molly and Jon Peacock Ali and David Phillips Lisa Pingatore Betsy and John Pokorny Katherine M. Prendergast Courtney and Timothy Presutti Mary Purnell Jacklin Rad and Farshad Rastegar Amy and John Riley Eric Ringsby Sarah Broughton and John Rowland Scott and Allyson Russell Jason Saul Kirsten and Chad Schmit Sonya and Darren Schroeder Beth Shapiro and David Schulte Tricia Cunningham and Rick Schultz Vaishali Patel and Christopher G. Seldin Marina Chiasson and Oliver Sharpe Megan Shean Alisa Lee and Stephen Sherick Rachel and Anthony Sherman Joel Silverman Casey and Todd Slossberg Stephanie Smith Erika Kiesecker and Karim Souki Frank Speno Mary Kathryn Covert and Michael Steel Paige Price and Nevin Steinberg

Jessica and Louis Sterchi Matthew Stippich Curtis Tamkin Lauren and Andrew Palmer Todd Ryan Triplette Jillian Tucker Chelsea VanVleet Carla Campbell von Trapp Hunter Seth M. Wagner Katarina Weir Soon Beng Yeap Monica Escandon and Jaime E. Zunzunegui Villegas

Aspen Wye Fellows

Chrissy and Ned Aull Arlene Kaufman and Sanford M. Baklor Richard Bernstein Elizabeth P. and Thomas J. Buckley Madge Henning and Warren N. Davis Tellie and George W. Dixon Jacqueline A. and Joseph E. Doddridge Lou and Carl Doll

David Donahower Donna and William S. Dudley Antoinette June and Ervin R. Easton Merrilie Davis Ford Anne and George Foss Kathleen Linehan and Edward Gabriel Sylvia Garrett Judith and William H. Geoghegan Katherine K. and Christopher T. Gilson Elizabeth and Alan R. Griffith Cheryl J. and Frank S. Hermance Catherine and Thomas E. Hill Joanna H. and Robert A. Holden, (Ret.) Beth C. and Jeffrey H. Horstman Nina Rodale Houghton Lynda G. and William W. Jeanes, Jr. Deborah E. Jennings Mary and John J. Jubin Gingie and Frank J. Keefer Tee and John R. Kelly Freia K. and Warren K. Kershow Ann Ashby and Ronald Kopicki Leslie and Arthur Kudner - Arthur H. Kudner, Jr. Fund Patricia and Donald N. Langenberg

Patricia N. and Donald T. Lewers Mary A. and Paul M. Long Norah L. and Russell A. Mail Sherry and Charles W. Manning Richard Marks Susanne W. Max Elizabeth K. and Thomas Nelson Wendy and John Pagenstecher Carol H. Parlett Camille M. and Anthony H. Passarella Delphine M. and Charles E. Peck Elizabeth and Charles W. Petty, Jr. Laura and Walter H. Plosila Margaret B. Rennels, (Ret.) Rebecca and Myron F. Richardson Mary and Fritz Riedlin Edgra and Ira Ringler Beverly and B. Peter Rohman Jana C. and Robert A. Rudnick Barbara E. and Michael D. Sheridan Esther and Larry W. Stanton Betty P. Sylvester and William E. Sylvester, Jr. Ann and Charles Webb Irmhild and Philip J. Webster Beverly H. and Robert A. Wolffe

Bezos Family Foundation

Individual Donors (Reflects cumulative giving through cash and pledge payments during 2012.)
$350,000 and above Jacklyn G. and Miguel A. Bezos Zo Baird and Bill Budinger Rene and Lester Crown / The Crown Family David A. Crown Patricia A. Crown Gael Neeson and Stefan Edlis Soledad and Robert J. Hurst Leonard A. Lauder Anne Welsh McNulty Lynda R. and Stewart Resnick David M. Rubenstein Cheryl and Sam Wyly $100,000-$349,999 Mary H. and Paul F. Anderson Michaela Bakala Mercedes T. Bass Patrice and Scott Brickman Janet Crown Paula and James Schine Crown Ann H. and L. John Doerr Jane and Michael D. Eisner Samia and A. Huda Farouki
deceased * bequest



Glenda and Gerald Greenwald Laura and Gary M. Lauder Amy Richardson and David H. McCormick Diane L. Morris Gina and Jerry Murdock Charlotte Perret Margot and Thomas J. Pritzker Bren Simon Michelle Smith Gillian and Robert K. Steel Laurie M. Tisch $50,000-$99,999 Karen and Greg Amadon Dena Kaye and Richard Fallin Henrietta Holsman Fore and Richard L. Fore Barbara and Stephen Friedman Ann B. and Thomas L. Friedman Beth and Larry W. Gies, Jr. Alma and Joseph B. Gildenhorn Sheila and Patrick W. Gross Jane Harman Sharon and Lawrence Hite Cathy and Walter Isaacson Joan I. Fabry and Michael R. Klein Julia and David H. Koch Melva Bucksbaum and Raymond J. Learsy William E. Mayer Clare Muana Jane and Marc B. Nathanson Nancy and Miles L. Rubin Katherine Farley and Jerry I. Speyer Steve Tisch $25,000-$49,999 Madeleine K. Albright Anonymous Dawn Arnall Joan Gottfried and John P. Arnhold Amy Margerum Berg and Gilchrist B. Berg

We love Aspen and believe its critical that the Aspen Institute be programmatically strong and present through the year for the local community.
Bob and Soledad Hurst established the Hurst Community Fund to expand seminar offerings for Aspen-area students and launch the Hurst Lecture Series in Aspen year-round. Jill and Jay Bernstein Merilee and Roy J. Bostock / Bostock Family Foundation Aviva and Martin Budd Ronald D. Bullock Connie L. and James C. Calaway Ruth and Martin G. Carver Penny and James G. Coulter Patricia O. Cox Jane Ottenberg and Richard Creighton Diane von Frstenberg and Barry Charles Diller Thelma Duggin Laura and Brooks Entwistle Suellen and Melvyn J. Estrin Sheila and David Fuente

Kathrin and Paul Gaffney Arjun Gupta Diane and Bruce Halle MeiLi and Robert A. Hefner III Melinda B. and Jeffery D. Hildebrand Barbara and Gerald D. Hines Anna Kate and Hayne Hipp Karen and Bayard Hollins Annie and Gerald D. Hosier Nina Rodale Houghton Ann and Edward Randall Hudson Allison and Warren Kanders Martha and George A. Kellner Cynthia and David Hamilton Langstaff Pascal N. Levensohn Toby Devan Lewis Marlene and Frederic V. Malek Bonnie P. and Thomas D. McCloskey Scott D. Miller Judith Neisser Craig Newmark Susan Taylor and Robert Cunningham Pew III Anne and Arnold Porath Anne M. and J. Christopher Reyes Kalpana Singh and James S. Rhodes III Condoleezza Rice Mary Anne and James E. Rogers Alexandra Munroe and Robert Rosenkranz Vicki and Roger W. Sant Carole B. and Gordon Segal Isa Catto Shaw and Daniel Shaw Mary and David Solomon Ellen and Stephen D. Susman Linda and Dennis H. Vaughn Nancy Wall and Chuck Wall Melani and S. Robson Walton Beatrice and Anthony Welters Barbara and David Zalaznick

$10,000-$24,999 Robert J. Abernethy Judy Hart and John M. Angelo Anonymous (6) Anita Antenucci Donna and James Barksdale Sallie and Thomas Bernard Wilma and Stuart Bernstein Giancarla and Luciano Berti Sandra K. and Archer W. Bishop, Jr. Steven Black Rita and Irwin Blitt Laurie Michaels and David Bonderman Katherine and David G. Bradley Carolyn and Matthew Bucksbaum Nancy P. and Clint Carlson Tara Carson Mary and Armeane M. Choksi Stuart H. Coleman Geda and Philip Condit Phyllis and David Z. Cook Jane R. and Marshall C. Crouch III Nancy C. and A. Steven Crown Sylvie and Gary T. Crum Elissa and Gary Davis Bonnie and Kenneth L. Davis Catherine and Jerome H. Debs II Scott M. Delman Elaine and Claiborne Deming Jan and Neal Dempsey Dee and David Dillon Diana Roesch and Joseph A. Dimenna Kim and Byron L. Dorgan Jacqueline Weld and Rodman Drake Sylvia A. Earle Gail and Richard Elden Gail and Alfred Engelberg Thomas H. Fagadau Judith Barnard and Michael Fain

Shiva and Tarek Farouki Tara Carson and Barbara Fergus Laura Gurwin Flug Karen and James S. Frank Jessica M. and John B. Fullerton Alexander Furlotti Melinda Goldrich Kitzia and Richard C. Goodman Laverne Gosling Jan and Ronald K. Greenberg Lisa and Joshua Greer John A. Gunn John Hagel III Anne and Mark Hansen The Irving Harris Foundation / Joan W. Harris Sheryl and Jeffrey Harvey Ellen and Irvine O. Hockaday, Jr. Lisa and Michael Holthouse Gayle G. and Woody L. Hunt Irja Brant and Alireza Ittihadieh David Jones, Jr. Elise and Russell Joseph Suzanne Bober and Stephen Kahn Zsuzsanna Karasz Beth and Michael Kasser Suzie Katz Hyunja and Jeffrey L. Kenner Rehela Khan Momoyo and Yotaro Kobayashi Ann and Tom Korologos Julie LaNasa and John T. Kunzweiler Sarah and Eric Lane Elizabeth and Eric Lefkofksy Melony and Adam J. Lewis John Lipsky Jennifer Mei and Hanmin Liu Jean and Jim Lowrey Marianne and Sheldon B. Lubar Chauncey Lufkin

The Aspen Institute is one of those rare organizations that really makes a difference a significant difference for a better country and better world. We are honored to be able to contribute to that effort.
The Rodel Foundation/Budinger family created the Aspen Institute-Rodel Fellowship in Public Leadership and supports a number of programs and activities at the Aspen Institute. Holly and John Madigan Sarah and James M. Manyika John A. Manzoni Carol S. Marks Dale and Edward J. Mathias Celia and Henry W. McGee III Betty Anne and James R. McManus Emily Gold Mears Eleanor Merrill Lisa and Willem Mesdag Rheda Becker and Robert E. Meyerhoff John Moore Mary and Garrett Moran Linda McCausland and Peter Nicklin Ann K. and William A. Nitze Christine Bieber and Jay Orris Margaret and Andrew M. Paul Carrie Walton and Greg Penner Thomas Peterffy Doren Madey Pinnell and Sheldon R. Pinnell Carolyne Roehm and Simon Pinniger Barbara S. Reese Toni Rembe Carrie Delaney Rhodes Toni and Arthur Rock David Rockefeller



* bequest

Lyn M. Ross Susie and Leslie Rudd Jean and Thomas D. Rutherfoord, Jr. Christopher Sacca Linda and Jay Sandrich Betty and Lloyd G. Schermer June and Paul C. Schorr III Stephanie Schwartz Peggy and Carl Sewell Katherine and Dhiren H. Shah Muriel Siebert Victoria and Ronald A. Simms Priya Patel and Samir Singh Sara C. and James A. Star Deanie and Jay Stein Phyllis Taylor Serena Koenig and Mark Tompkins Nancy Oliphant and Adam Trombly Beth Daley and Scott Ullem Mary Margaret Valenti Christopher Varelas Enzo Viscusi Alexia Suma and Roderick K. von Lipsey Edward W. Walter Tillie and Sam R. Walton Cheryl and Vin Weber Sara Morishige and Evan Williams Judy and Fred Wilpon Mandy Gray and Randall William Work $5,000-$9,999 Penny and Fred Abrams Lizbeth S. and John W. Adams Elizabeth Ames Jacqueline Novogratz and Chris Anderson Cara and Robert Barnes Jane and Alan R. Batkin Vivian and Norman Belmonte Karen and Berl Bernhard

Susan and Richard S. Braddock Edythe and Eli Broad Melissa and Carter Cafritz Terri and Tony Caine Idit Harel-Caperton and Gaston Caperton Virginia Q. and Richard P. Case Susan E. Chapman Deborah and Tony Clancy Cornelia and Richard Corbett Carol Craig Brenda and J. Lester Crain Katrina Saltonstall and James Currier Joanne deAsis Dudley and Michael Del Balso Claire Dewar Barbara and Eric Dobkin Camille and Andrew J. Dolce Jane Phillips and William H. Donaldson William Dudley Wendy Aresty and Fred Durham Margaret D. and Jerrold Eberhardt Elizabeth Evans Anne Francis Farish Sherry and Joseph Felson Esther B. and James L. Ferguson Joseph Sebastian Fichera Marilyn and Larry Fields Nanette and Jerry E. Finger Heather and Lou Fouts Jacob A. Frenkel Sarah and Gideon I. Gartner Carol Whitley and Gary Gartsman Anne E. and David R. Gergen Brooke and Edouard Gerschel Virginia and Gary Gerst Marilyn G. and Michael J. Glosserman Harriett and Richard E. Gold Barbara L. Goldsmith Jeannette and Jerry A. Goldstone

Establishing an education fund at the Aspen Institute was a way for us to invest across the board in an issue that will have major implications for our society.
Jim and Connie Calaway created the Calaway Education Fund to support education-related initiatives at the Aspen Institute, primarily through scholarships for Calaway Scholars. Joanna Goodwin Friedman and Richard C. Goodwin Andrea S. and James Gordon / The Edgewater Funds Sabrina and Antonio Gracias Celeste and Jack Grynberg Joanne F. and Anthony L. Guerrerio Llura and Gordon Gund Cathy Brentzel and Robert Hacker Mary Ann and James R. Harris Shirley and Barnett C. Helzberg, Jr. David Hernand Lisa Hernand Marlene Hess Vicki and Bruce Heyman Ranji Nagaswami and Robert Hopkins

Tori Dauphinot and Kenneth Hubbard Leslie and George Hume Jane and James Jenkins Deborah Jung Diana Jacobs Kalman Alex Kaufman Sylvia and Richard F. Kaufman Jennifer Mourning and Justin Kennedy Margo and Jim Keyes Helen Kalin Klanderud Susan Crown and William Kunkler Michelle and Damon Kydd Lee Taylor W. Lawrence Elaine and Robert LeBuhn Eileen Haag and Ira Lechner Gwendolyn Lehleitner Roselin Atzwanger and Edward Lenkin Rosina Lee Yue and Bert Lies, Jr. Margaret Munzer and Daniel S. Loeb Wendy Larsen and Robert Long Joanne and Lee R. Lyon James R. Maher Leslie and Kurt Malkoff Sue Keene Malott and Robert H. Malott Nicola and Jeffrey Marcus Richard Marks Sarah Ann and John P. Mascotte Ann P. and John L. McGoldrick Janet and Thomas McKinley Geeta and Krishen Mehta Lenny Mendonca Mary Mochary Sara and William Morgan Julie and Mark Morris Elinor Bunin Munroe and George Munroe Kerry Ziegler Nasle and Adib M. Nasle Geraldine Karetsky and Larry Naughton David L. Nevins Jeannette T. Nichols

Sue A. and James Oates Helen Ward and Wally Obermeyer Sandra Day OConnor Susan Christine ONeal Guillermo Ortiz Patricia M. Papper Mary Ann and D. Louis Peoples Diane Tegmeyer-Peterson and Brooke Peterson Joshua Peterson Irene Pollin Jane Knott and Michael K. Powell Bettina Ratner Dennis Ratner Pixie and Jimmy Reiss Debbi Fields Rose and Michael D. Rose Philip Rothblum Steven Rudnitsky Cari B. and Michael J. Sacks Eva Sage-Gavin Marideth Sandler Mara and Ricky Sandler Lily Kanter and Marc Sarosi Susan Small Savitsky and Gerald Savitsky Mary Bucksbaum and Patrick Scanlan Susan Miller and Sydney E. Scheinman Alece and David Schreiber Susan Hassan and Rodd Schreiber Linda and H. Del Schutte, Jr. Tina and Albert H. Small, Jr. Shirley and Albert Harrison Small Diana Davis Spencer Srinija Srinivasan Orli and Bill Staley Eleanor F. and John M. Sullivan, Jr. Sue and Aziz D. Syriani Shelley and Joel D. Tauber Katherine Boone and Zack Taylor Karen and James Tucker Amy and Jeffrey Verschleiser

Rene Schatz and Robert E. Wailes Joan H. Walker Ralph Wanger Carrie and Joseph Wells John C. Whitehead Corinne and Paul Wood Irene and Alan L. Wurtzel Dee Wyly Alison and Boniface Zaino Mary Hayley and Selim K. Zilkha Mary and Harold Zlot Mortimer B. Zuckerman $1,000-$4,999 Virginia Aaron Marcella and Andrew Abramowicz John K. Adams Funke N. and Segun Adefila Rita and Jeffrey Adler Khaliya Aga Khan Lauren and David Albert Judy Ley Allen Dean V. Ambrose Darlene T. Anderson Anonymous (3) Sue Anschutz-Rodgers Doris and Laurence Ashkin Keri and Tom Ashley Chrissy and Ned Aull Rebecca T. Ayres Michelle Stern and Brad Bachmann Edward Baird Oladapo Bakare Lisa and George Baker Marilyn and George L. Baker Arlene Kaufman and Sanford M. Baklor Ronald Bancroft John M. Barry Cornelia Greaves and Nathaniel Bates

Sandy Kaplan




* bequest

Andre de Baubigny Linda Bedell Madeleine Morrison and Chuck Bellock Karyn and Charles Bendit Summer Woodson Berg and Erik Berg Bruce Berger Barbara and Bruce Berger Christine and Jack Bergstrom Ronit and William Berkman Rebecca and Jeffrey Berkus Richard Bernstein Nancy and Jamie Better Sheila Birnbaum Nancy L. and Robert S. Blank Rebecca Donelson and Robert Charles Blattberg Vivek Bohra Charlotte Bollinger Allison and Randall Bone Stephen W. Bosworth Janine and Michael Bourke David A. Bovino Mary Ellen and John Brademas Janie and Eddie Bradley Mark A. Bradley Lotta and Stuart M. Brafman Marilyn and John Breyo Catherine Scholz and Paul Brient Hilda Ochoa-Brillembourg and Arturo Brillembourg Mary Jane Hipp and Charles Brock Carolyn Brody Marian and Albert L. Brown, Jr. Pauline and Marshall Brown Ashley Turner and Matt Brown Susan and Robert E. Brown, Jr. Kathleen A. Buck Elizabeth P. and Thomas J. Buckley Jessica and William M. Budinger Linda and Robert P. Buford

Jacques R. Bughin Walter E. Burlock, Jr. Christy and Daryl Burton Mary K. Bush John Bussey Catherine and Bill Cabaniss Elaine and Harris Cahn Ishik A. Kubali-Camoglu and Tevhit Camoglu Kathy F. Campbell Karen E. Wagner and David L. Caplan Merle Chambers Katherin and David D. Chase Debbie and David F. Chazen Melissa Cheong Marcella Larsen and Chip Chilson Joseph Scott Chotin Julius Christensen Suzanne Clary Linda Voigt and Thomas Coates Suzanne and Robert Cochran Jeffrey Cohen Patricia Alper and David I. Cohn Claudia and Bill Coleman Elizabeth Colleton Michael Collins Sandy and Michael Collins Kasey Crown and David Comfort Pamela and Csar Conde Noel R. and Thomas Congdon Albert E. Coombs Christian H. Cooper Bunni and Paul Copaken Nora Feller and Francois Couturier Howard Cox Jean I. Cox Joanie and Guillaume Crt Sara Fraser Crismon Cortney and Steven Crouch

Druscilla French and Stephen M. Cumbie Angela and Charles L. Cunniffe James Curtis David Danforth Kam and Michael Davies Yolanda and Mark Davis Tom Davis Madge Henning and Warren N. Davis Andre de Baubigny Susan and Francois de Saint Phalle Jason Alexander Denby Leslie and Thomas J. DeRosa Katherine L. and William J. Devers, Jr. Susan DeVore Michael Dillard Muffy and Andrew DiSabatino Gloria Story Dittus Tellie and George W. Dixon Jacqueline A. and Joseph E. Doddridge Lou and Carl Doll David Donahower Marcia and John R. Donnell, Jr. Ryland Dooley Carol and Buzz Dopkin Victoria and Stone Douglass Marsha and David Dowler Marlene and Aiden J. Doyle Sheila Draper Holly and David N. Dreman Jacqueline and Jarka Duba Heather and Todd duBoef Antonia Paepcke DuBrul Maja and Nicholas DuBrul Donna and William S. Dudley Tristan L. Duncan, Esq. Nancy S. Dunlap Antoinette June and Ervin R. Easton Mary Judith Wilson and Theodore R. Eck

Virginia Edelson Marcy and J. Leo Edelstein Tracy and Bubba Eggleston Lauren McCloskey and Ryan Elston Tony Elumelu Linda and Alan S. Englander Bess and R. Ted Enloe Clayton and Sheldon Erikson Ashley and Andrew Ernemann Eustaquio Escandon Dafri and Michael Estes Evelyn and Warren Fagadau Vivian and Roger Farah Peter Feer Martin S. Feldstein Jaimie and David J. Field Karin and Jonathan Fielding Patty and Peter Findlay Susan and Richard Finkelstein Marcia and Don Flaks Mary Ralph Lowe and Charlie Flanders Dafna Tapiero and Alan H. Fleischmann Ronald J. Schiller and Alan Fletcher Lindsy and Adam J. Fortier Anne and George Foss Catherine and Christopher Foyle Arminio Fraga Anna and Matt Freedman Charlotte Moss and Barry S. Friedberg Kathy and Jeffrey Friedland Alison Friedman Barbara and Karl Friedman Golda and Sheldon Friedstein Katy and Adam Frisch Alex Furlotti Nancy S. Furlotti Shelby and Frederick Gans Kathy Gantz Lauren Garcia

Stephanie Garcia Richard Newton Gardner Kim Garner Sylvia Garrett Richard Garvin Pamela Paresky and Christopher Gates Bobbie and Jamie Gates Heather and Clayton Gentry Judith and William H. Geoghegan Ann and Gordon P. Getty Katherine K. and Christopher T. Gilson Deborah and Dennis Glass Janice and Bulent Goktuna Wendy and Fred Goldberg Lynda Goldstein Linda K. and Nelson Gordman Carole Gaba and Richard Gordon Steven Grand-Jean Arthur N. Greenberg Lenore and Bernard Greenberg Marilyn and Dean L. Greenberg Eileen and Richard Greenberg Elizabeth and Alan R. Griffith Kelly Nimmo-Guenther and Todd Guenther Allison and Donald E. Gulbrandsen Laurel and Vin Gupta Ann Gursey Reiko and Toyoo Gyohten Lisa and Michael Haisfield Libby Cater Halaby Victor Halbertstadt Candace S. and William Hersey Hamm III Julia Hansen Sally and Steve Hansen Ellen Bronfman Hauptman and Andrew Hauptman Cheryl G. and Edward Healton Lita Warner Heller Susan and Robert Helm Jamie and Bush Helzberg

City of New York

Supporting scholarships at the Aspen Institute is a natural fit for anyone who values nonpartisan dialogue and cares about making real progress on issues that factor so prominently on the world stage.
Robert K. Steel created a fund to support the Institutes growing portfolio of leadership initiatives around the world, primarily through scholarships. Heidi and Keith Hemstreet Casady M. Henry Linda Vitti and Clarence A. Herbst, Jr. Cheryl J. and Frank S. Hermance Juliane Marion Heyman Phillip Hildebrand Linda A. Hill Catherine and Thomas E. Hill Heather and Bill Hilliard Richard H. Hillman Tonya Hinch Peter Spiegel Hirshberg Judith Zee Steinberg and Paul J. Hoenmans Janet A. and Robert B. Hoffman




* bequest

Of all our varied programs, Aspens global leadership initiatives have the greatest potential for positive impact on the world. Moderators are the secret sauce which makes these initiatives work.
Mary and Paul Anderson have provided funding to identify, train, apprentice, refresh, and retain moderators for Aspen Global Leadership Network activities. Joanna H. and Robert A. Holden Sue and R. Ronald Hopkinson Rachel Kohler and Mark S. Hoplamazian Beth C. and Jeffrey H. Horstman John Horton Erica Hartman-Horvitz and Richard Alan Horvitz Jennifer Hosley Carol and Mike Hundert Ellen Hunt Judy and Robert Huret Carolyne T. Hyde Barbara and Joseph Reeves Hyde III Mary Ann Hyde Liba Icahn

Julanne and Irwin Isaacson Daniel Izzo Martha and Melvin W. Jackson Joan Klein Jacobs and Irwin M. Jacobs Dorothy and Marvin Jacobs Rona Z. Silkiss and Neil Jacobstein Mary and Thomas Alan James Susan McLaughlin and Joseph P. Jangro Beth and David Javdan Naya Jeevan Mirte Mallory and Philip Jeffreys Deborah E. Jennings Shana and Clint Johnstone Kathleen K. and Warren D. Jones Victoria and Mark Joseph Shannon OLeary-Joy and William N. Joy Mary and John J. Jubin Maha Kaddoura Gilbert Kaplan Elizabeth and Peter Karabatsos Jane and Gerald Katcher Irene Kaufman Ann P. and Stephen M. Kaufman Steve Kaufman Joelle M. Kayden Christian K. Keesee Tee and John R. Kelly Lisa See and Richard Kendall Freia K. and Warren K. Kershow Paul Kinney Susan OBryan and Stephen Kinney Nancy and Henry A. Kissinger Annette and Melvyn N. Klein Missy and Chris Klug Ellen Klutznick and Katherine Klutznick Dorothy and Sidney Kohl Ann Ashby and Ronald Kopicki Cathy and Jonathan Koplovitz Cheryl Velasquez and Tamas Kovacs

Timothy K. Krauskopf Shirley and Stanley Kritzik Ellen and Fred R. Kucker Constance and John Joseph Kurowski Anneliese Chumley and Lawrence Ladin Sheila and Bill Lambert Alexandra Lamm Louise W. Lamphere Patricia and Donald N. Langenberg Sally and James Lapeyre, Jr. Mollie L. and Garland M. Lasater, Jr. Marcy Syms and Bob Lathan Joany Lebach Barbara and Jonathan Lee Judith and Donald Lefton Paul Leming Douglas A. LeVien Felicia and Ronald Levin Mirella and Dani Levinas Lucia D. Swanson and Theodore A. Levine Karen and Walter Levy Patricia N. and Donald T. Lewers Natasha K. and Mark Leydecker Suzanne Leydecker Warren Lichtenstein Kathryn Master and Noah Lieb Paula and John S. Lillard Cecily Silberman and Jon B. Lindeman, Sr. Scott Lindenau, FAIA Judy and Sam Linhart James Loeffler Nancy and James R. Loewenberg Theodore Loewenthal Melissa McIntosh Long Paula and Monty Loud Lee Lowenstein Lynn T. and Frederick C. Lowinger Nathalie and Tareq Maayah Matt Mahon

Amalia P. and William F. Mahoney Norah L. and Russell A. Mail Sharon and Larry Malcolmson Nancy R. Manderson Sherry and Charles W. Manning Gail P. and Frederick J. Manning Nancy Mannix Meena Mansharamani Stephen J. Marcus Joan and Michael Marek Barbara and Don Margerum Tam and Jim Martin Katherine Sand and Scott Martin Dan Martineau Enrique Abaroa Martinez Susan and Lawrence Marx Joanne B. and Norman Matthews Susanne W. Max Mona Look-Mazza and Anthony Mazza Cheryl McArthur Sharon Teddy McBay Orin Lehman McCluskey Martha and William R. McLaughlin Lexi and Ray McNutt Nancy E. and Peter C. Meinig Marian and Ralph Melville Gail and J. Alec Merriam Bonnie and Zach Merritt Eleanor and Robert M. Meyers Priscilla and Donald Keith Miller Susan and Jeffrey W. Miller Gretchen H. and Marshall Milligan Crystal Hayling and Chris Misner Joanne and Joel Mogy Phyllis Moldaw Shelah and Marc S. Moller Elizabeth Mondry Beth and Josh Mondry Denise Monteleone

Chrissi and Michael C. Morgan Susan E. and Robert Morrison Virginia and Darrell Clay Morrow Elisabeth and Karlheinz Muhr Carolyn Small Alper and Milton Mulitz Julie Muraco Rebecca K. and Raymond Michael Murray Arjun N. Murti Marcie and Robert Musser Claire and Carlos Musso Stephanie and Michael Naidoff Ilene and James A. Nathan Elizabeth K. and Thomas Nelson Nancy E. and Michael J. Neuman Judith and Werner Neuman Carol Nevins David Newberger Marcy and Stuart H. Newberger Judy Ney Beverly and Robert Nichols Helen Nitkin Her Majesty Queen Noor Judith and Donald Norris Danielle Noto and Paul Noto Janet and Tom OConnor Peggy and Marne Obernauer, Jr. Janet M. and Thomas OConnor Janet OGrady John F. Olson Laurie Crown and Richard Ortega John Otto, Jr. Christine and Michael Pack Elaine Pagels Wendy and John Pagenstecher Jean Lee and Allen G. Parelman Carol H. Parlett Camille M. and Anthony H. Passarella Molly and Jon Peacock Esther Pearlstone

Amy Elias and Richard L. Pearlstone Jeannie Hamilton Pearman Delphine M. and Charles E. Peck Susan and Paul Penn Amy M. and Brian Pennington Essie and Jordon Perlmutter Donna and Richard Perlmutter Hensley and James Peterson Elizabeth and Charles W. Petty, Jr. Ali and David Phillips Laura and Walter H. Plosila Dorothy and Aaron S. Podhurst Pat and William F. Podlich Betsy and John Pokorny Diane and Arnold L. Polinger Christy and William H. Pope Carla and Charles Powell Elisabeth and Albert Prast Monika and John Preston Courtney and Timothy Presutti John S. Price Catherine Anne Provine Ilona Nemeth and Alan Quasha Kathryn and Richard A. Rabinow Eden and Gerald Rafshoon Whitney Randolph Sara Ransford Elizabeth and Scott B. Ransom Jacklin and Farshad Rastegar Aravinda and Eric Reeves Rosa Scarcelli and Thomas Rhoads William R. Rhodes Myra L. and Robert S. Rich Pamela and Charles F. Richards, Jr. Rebecca and Myron F. Richardson Mary and Fritz Riedlin Amy and John Riley Edgra and Ira Ringler Donna Di Ianni and Peter Rispoli




* bequest

Judy T. and Emerson Robinson, Jr. Katie and Amnon Rodan John W. Rogers, Jr. Beverly and B. Peter Rohman Dale Coudert and Steven Rose Barbara Goldman and Donald Rosenberg Dorothy and Henry A. Rosenberg, Jr. Michelle and Herbert Rosenfeld Joan and Barry Rosenthal Daniel Louis Rosenthal Shirley Lord Rosenthal Diogo Rossi Julie Rotat Sarah Broughton and John Rowland JoAnne T. and Richard K. Rubinoff Jana C. and Robert A. Rudnick Louisa and Jim Rudolph Vivian and John Sabel Lois and Thomas C. Sando Clare and Marius Sanger Simi and Omar A. Sawaf Diane Moore and Joel Sax Lorraine and Mark Schapiro Lisa and David T. Schiff Karen and William O. Schmieder Kirsten and Chad Schmit Barbara and F. Eugene Schmitt Susan and Sheldon Schneider Beth and David Schulte Tricia Cunningham and Rick Schultz Louise and Robert Schwab James Scott Tara M. Scott Phyllis and David Scruggs Randi Shade and Kayla Shell Deborah and Robert Sharpe Sarah Chase and Richard W. Shaw Nancy Shaw-Raquet Tara M. and Casey Sheahan

Alisa Lee and Stephen Sherick Barbara E. and Michael D. Sheridan Rachel and Tony Sherman Lydie Shufro Lois Siegel Andrea Lee Cunningham and Rand Siegfried Nancy and Mark J. Silverman Alicia and Alan Sirkin Aggie Skirball Christi and Eric Small Anna Deavere Smith Eric H. Smith Tamsin Smith Beverly and John Snyder Audrey and Marc Solomon Maurice Sonnenberg Gillian Sorensen Selma Spaccarelli Sue Edelstein and William Spence Melvin Spira Esther and Larry W. Stanton Siobhan Farey and Gregory C. Staple Paige Price and Nevin Steinberg Phyllis and Ronald Steinhart Ken Stern Gayle and Paul Stoffel Helen E. and Edward D. Stone Lynn A. Stout Curt Strand Evelyn M. and Barry S. Strauch Tracy Straus Betty P. Sylvester Kit Tamkin Robin and Mark A. Tebbe Ronald Temple Anne and William R. Tobey, Jr. Joan F. and Maurice B. Tobin, Esq. Janet M. Topolsky Ben Towbridge

We cant envision a more powerful or gratifying way to further the work of the Aspen Institute. The remarkable leaders in the Aspen Global Leadership Network are shaping the issues of our time.
Margot and Tom Pritzker support a wide range of international Fellows from the Aspen Global Leadership Network as Pritzker International Scholars. Roberta Turkat Justin Udelhofen Erik Van der Kooij Suzanne Farver and Clint Van Zee Meryle and Daniel Verner Debra Viall Anke and Paul A. Volcker Jeanette S. and Paul A. Wagner Tina A. Walls Carol and John R. Walter Mei Xu and David Wang Viviane M. Warren Cynthia and Michael Watts

Ann and Charles Webb Irmhild and Philip J. Webster Evelene Wechsler Karen and Martin S. Weiner Marjorie and Bryan S. Weingarten Myriam Weinstein Rosemary and J. Fred Weintz, Jr. Christie and Jeffrey P. Weiss Marion W. Weiss Marvin F. Weissberg Sallyann Wekstein Dawn and Peter Welles Jane and Jonathan Wells Alexa and Blaine Wesner Edith Kallas-Whatley and Joe Whatley Wendalin Whitman Marion and Frederick B. Whittemore Elle and Philip D. Winn Ruth Winter Mary and Hugh D. Wise III Robin S. Wittlin Jaqueline Wogan Carolyn and William J. Wolfe Beverly H. and Robert A. Wolffe Tamara and Frank Woods King R. Woodward Jessie and David Woolley-Wilson Michelle and James Wrubel Judith and M. Richard Wyman Caren and Lloyd Yanis Judy and Leo E. Zickler Larry Zicklin Nadia Zilkha Nancy M. and Harold Zirkin Monica Escandon and Jaime E. Zunzunegui Villegas Paula Zurcher

<$1,000 Sherry and Duane Abbott Odeh Aburdene Debbie Adler Pamela C. and Michael B. Adler Alison F. and Joe Agley Carolyn Culbreth and Mark S. Ain Mark Alderdice Daniel Alpert Luis R. Alvarez, Jr. Deborah and Joseph Amato Jim Anathan Anonymous Cecilia Anthony Julie Anthony Suzanne Atkinson Dana and Gregory Averbuch Anastasia and Alan Bagliore Carole and Arnold Bailis Susan M. and Stephen Baird Leslie M. Ballantyne Elizabeth Ballinger Rebecca B. Barrick B.J. Batchelder Carol Batchelder Carol Bayley Allison and John Beadles Anne Mehringer and John T. Beaty, Jr. Amiee White and Brian Beazley Susan Beckerman Nancy E. Petrisko and Don Beckham Donna Fisher and David G. Behrhorst Clark Bell Christine Benedetti Peggy Scharlin and Shlomo Ben-Hamoo Jane and Ronald E. Berenbeim Coventry Burke and Davis Berg James Berger

Katie and Carl R. Bergman Elyse Elliott and Jeremy Bernstein Lorenzo Bini Smaghi Cameron Black Anne and Clarence Blackwell Judith Bleiler Susan McD. and Lawrence C. Blount Denise D. Boerum Rosemary Bohn Liz and John Bokram John Bolger Ann and Frank D. Boren Gina R. and Ralph Boswell Daniel Brabec Naomi Havlen and Michael Brands Michal Ann Brimm Deanna Brinkman Gordon Bronson Beth A. Brooke Amber M. Brookman Margaret E. and Charles H. Brooks Cynthia and Drew Buniski Brent Bushnell Laura Bushnell Kevin L. Camel Beverly A. Campbell Jaime Campbell Lorraine Mullings and Alfred Campos Carleen P. and Kenneth Canfield Douglas Carlston John Carpenter Paula Carreiro Nancy Jean and Richard Carrigan Jr. Michael J. Carter Gregory Chang Madeline Mayor and Jerry Churchill Paula Hostetter and Francis Cianfrocca Alice Pointdexter and Dennis Cirillo

Jason Smith




* bequest

Chelsea Rae Clark Scott W. Clark Marcella and Neil Cohen Janice S. and Charles T. Collins Ashley Harder Connolly Arlene and Robert Cook Mary Dominick and Sven Coomer John Michael Cottingham Susan and John Cottle Lee Cowen Alice M. and Robert J. Craig Connor P. Crown Pamela Cunningham Linda and Philip Cushman Allison and Art Daily Hailey Dart Evelyn R. David Sara Jane and C. Richard Davidson Frances and Fred Davies Martin Davis Mark A. de Boer John DeBlasio Carol and Charles L. Decker Marjorie DeLuca Jodie and Pierre McLean Annie Denver Alexis and Dusty Diaz Germaine and Alfred J. Dietsch LeaRaye and John Digiglia Chelsea VanVleet and Ray E. Dillon IV Barbara Dills Kelly J. and Michael Doherty Katherine Lance Dolan Carol A. and Dixon R. Doll Carl Douglas Mary Elizabeth Droste Jackie and Jeff Dubin James Dunham Patrick A. Dunigan

Martha Durgy Lenora Gray and J.K. Elbaum Gayle Embrey Diana Erbsen Jan Erickson-Pearson Sarah Evans Tryfan Evans Katherine Ewen Penelope Wilson and Richard A. Falkenrath Cara Mia Familet Regine Familet Evelyn N. Farkas Barbara Farris Susan and George Fesus Ron Fields Noela Figueroa Julie and Mark Filler Judy Findsen Ellie and Stuart Fine Elaine Finesilver Pamela Smith and Roy Finkelman Sistie Fischer Lula and Aaron Fisher Judith Fisher Pamela and Thomas Fisher Merrilie Davis Ford Eustacia Su and Edmund Frank Martin Franze Jane and William Frazer Barbara and Paul Freeman Karen and Marc Friedberg Sandra and Harold Friedman Dorothy Frommer Kathy Fry K.M. Gallagher Mary E. Gardill Eydie and Donald Garlikov Sara B. Garton Claudia Gary

Henry Louis Gates, Jr. Eric Gertler Ian Gibson Renee Giles Carolyn and Bob Glah Melina M. Glavas Ethel and William Gofen Barbara Gold Tiffany Shlain and Ken Goldberg Amy Goldman Julie Farkas and Seth Goldman Susanne H. Goldstein Dolores and Charles Gorgone Marjan K. and Jonathan Greenblatt Cathy Havener Greer Nanette and Irvin Greif, Jr. Anne Grice Micki Chen and Steven Gross Elaine Grossman Rene S. Grossman Renaud Guidee Gregory Gunter Anne Gurchick Lisa D. Gurwitch Janet Guthrie Lydia C. and Ben F. Hadley Shelly Hamill Margot B. and Richard Hampleman Ivy Hansen Georgia and Andrew Hanson Marilyn Hill Harper John Harte Grace W. Harvey Leslie and David Hatfield Amy Hawes Craig Hawley Jody and Andrew Hecht William Heldfond Stacy and Jason Helfstein

Im grateful for the writers, including the great Frank McCourt, who have patiently gone over their creative work process with us neophytes. They were helpful in the books I have written.
Sam Wyly and his wife, Cheryl, underwrite the Aspen Summer Words retreat and literary festivala decades-old gathering of writers organized by the Aspen Writers Foundation. Alvin K. Hellerstein Shirley Henly Kristen Henry Noelle and Cecil Hernandez Enrique Hidalgo Gretchen Hinkamp Maureen Hirsch Sven Hodges Lisa and David Hoener Anneliese Hoffmann Mary and Stephen Holley Courtney Hollis Gail and Philip M. Holstein

Joseph Hurd Barbara Reid and David Hyman Melissa and Shai Ingber Daniel Inlender Rob Ittner Susan Reed and David S. Jackson Arnold S. Jacobs Rusalene and John V. Jaggers Jessie and Matt Jay Carol S. and Joseph Jelich Richard M. Jennings Edith H. and C. Hastings Johnson Liz Robbins and Douglas Johnson Sandy Johnson Charlene Markle Johnston Josephine Jones Abbie and Frank Jordan Lisa Kane and Dennis Jung Jane Kang Maury and Gerald Kaplan Jacquelyn Kasabach Genevieve S. Katkov Bonnie Levinson and Donald Kay John C. Keeler Laura O. and Michael J. Keene Jacqueline and Gerald Kehle Chris Keller Regina A. and Melvin L. Kelly Ginna Kelly Joseph Michael Keogh Lorraine and Robert Kingsbury Mary Helen Klare Susan and George Klein Erin and Kent Klein Wade Knall Nina and Sean Knierim Kathryn and John Koch Lindsey Kozberg Karen S. and W. Mark Kram

Jamie and James Kravitz Judith Kravitz Jan Krueger Tracie L. and Larry B. Kugler Eric J. Kuhn Anne Lacy Jim Lacy Sara Lacy Joseph Ladou Linda Lafferty Barbara Larose Doris and Robert B. Latousek Judith H. and Robert G. Layton Giselle Leal Adam Lehman Kathy LeMieux-Rodman Tara Lemmey Lynne and Dan Levinson Sophie Levy Wilda E. and Herbert Finlay Lewis Rodney Lewis David Livingston Jillian Livingston Jeff Lizotte Caren and Richard Lobo Dahlia Loeb Donald Loren Jane Lowery Daniel Lowinger Lauren Lowinger Stephen Lowinger Martha Luttrell Mathilde L. and Parker A. Maddux Robert Mahony David G. Manning Seth Marbin Alison Berkeley Margo Lucretia and William Marmon Martha Anne and Austin Marquis

Jim Paussa




* bequest

Audrey C. and Charles W. Marshall William Robert Matarazzo Arline G. Mayer Laurie and John McBride Debra McCoy Roberta and Peter McCoy Donna and Tim McFlynn Judith and Joseph M. McManus Sharon Mcphee Penny Meepos Caroline V. Meirs Suzanne Merrill Donna W. and William B. Messix Maryfrances Metrick Elizabeth and Sam Meyer Steven A. Meyer Seth Miller Michael J. Mills Cynthia and George P. Mitchell Debbie and Bill Montgomery Christine Blish and Tom Morrison Holly Morrow Lee Mulcahy Barbara B. and Robert Munford Mary Alice and Donald A. Munson Danell Murdock Constance Hoguet and Richard Neel Virginia and Rick Newton Kathleen Nilles Elizabeth Nix Alexander G. Nock Barbara OConnor Blanca U. and J. Cavanaugh OLeary Maureen Orth Hans J. Oser Meghan L. OSullivan Doug and Glenda Otten Laurene B. and Thomas P. Owen Ruth Owens

Diane Padalino Lynda Palevsky Carolyn and John D. Parsons Marybell P. and Thomas Payne Catherine H. and John R. Pearson Marjory Musgrave and Frank Peters Hana Pevny Julie and Gregory Pickrell Lisa Pingatore Cecilia Pirelli Catherine Porter Jayne and William Poss David Pratt Emily Proctor Irma Prodinger John H. Quinn, Jr. Marie A. and Frank Ramondo, Jr. Sally A. Ranney Elizabeth S. and David Ratcliff Rebecca Ratner Tejasvi Ravilochan Katha Rossein and Ronald Razzore Sue Lavin and Jack Real Rosemary E. Reed Miller Denise M. Byrne and Peter A. Reiling Margaret B. Rennels Elise and Jack Resneck Harry C. Rhodes Cynthia G. and J. Thomas Rhodes, Jr. Rachel E. Richards Susie Richardson Nicholas Riso John Ristine Kenneth G. Robinson, Jr. Andristine and Lewis Robinson Ellen and Scott D. Robinson Joel Shamel Alexander Rogers Nilmini Rubin Sidney M. Russell

Guy Ruttenberg Norma Saafir Ellen Sabin Denielle Sachs Arlene Lidsky and Chester B. Salomon Karen S. and A. Douglas Salter Tamara Samoylova Karen and Nathan Sandler Christine Sare Judy and John W. Sause, Jr. Sarah Woodberry and Ken Sawyer Jennifer and Robin Schiller Michael Schnoering Anne Schou Betty Schou Elizabeth and Richard Schwartz Patricia Schwarz Cameron Scott Sheri Scruby Heidi and Tim Semrau Patricia and William Sharp Megan Shean Susan Sheridan Susan and Martin J. Sherwin Olivia Siegel Scott E. Sillers Gordon Silver Joel Silverman Anne-Marie Slaughter Lynn and Charles Smith Christine M. and John Smith Stephanie C. and John Sommers Jane G. Sparks Lisa and Ronald Speaker Lorraine and Pat Spector Krista and Frank Speno Tanai Starrs Jo Ann Stephenson Joseph Stevens

Matthew Stippich Norma K. and Donald J. Stone Marcia D. Strickland Andrea and Lubert Stryer Francis Stuckens Steven R. Stunda Ruth and Dan Tabler Neil Tambe Jacquie Tannenbaum Nicolas Tanzer Julie-Ann K. Tathem Ellen O. Tauscher Carole L. and Frederick B. Taylor Karin and Harry Teague Mimi Teschner Cara Coleman Thomas Fred W. Thomas Elissa G. Topol Francine Trachtenberg and Stephen Joel Trachtenberg

Samantha Tritsch Herman Uscategui Marja and Gerard J. Vanderbeek Cathy OConnell and Fred Venrick Toni and Lee Verstandig Linda Vitti Mark Vlasic Carla von Trapp Hunter Jennifer Causing and Peter M. Waanders Christopher E. Walling Donna and R. Thomas Ward Margaret Warner Yuko Watanabe Leslie and Joseph D. Waters Adelaide and Michael Waters Adele Waugaman Jay P. Webster Luann H. Weigand Lynda Robson and Douglas Weiser

Judith Wender Amy M. Wilkinson Sheila Kennedy and Lawson Wills Steev Wilson Amy Wolf Karen Wollins Robert Woo Walter E. Woodford, Jr. Stephanie and Horace Work John H. Wyman Soon Beng Yeap, Ph.D. Charles Yeramian Andrea and Dennis Young Russell Young Batia M. Zareh Katherine Zebell Elvira and Gregory Zec Ruth Jane Zuckerman

Corporate Support (Reflects cumulative giving through cash and pledge payments during 2012.)
Actis, LLP Advanced Micro Devices, Inc AMD Aetna Inc. African Social Entrepreneurs AGT International Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP Alitheia Capital Limited Allstate Alpine Bank ALSTOM Power, Inc. American Electric Power Service Corporation American Technology Specialists Anonymous (2) Apollo Group Inc Applied Materials Aramco Services Co. Areva Enterprises, Inc. Ariel Investment LLC Arkansas Electric Cooperative Corporation Aspen Grocery Inc. Aspen Magazine AT&T Atlantic Finance Company, Ltd Avantage Ventures Bamboo Finance Banco de Mexico Bank for International Settlements Bertelsmann, Inc. Best Buy Biogen Idec Bluebird Productions BNSF Railway Company The Boeing Company Booz & Company Booz Allen Hamilton Bracewell & Giuliani Brookwood Companies Incorporated Bunge, Ltd. Burson-Marsteller



Bush International, LLC Business Partners Ltd. Cargill CDC Group PLC Champion Industries, Inc. Cheniere Energy Shared Services, Inc. Chesapeake Energy Corporation Chesapeake Operating, Inc. Cisco Systems, Inc. Comcast Corporation ConocoPhillips Corporacion Andina De Fomento Corporaction Inversor Covington & Burling LLP Credit Industriel et Commercial Credit Suisse Securities, LLC Crowell & Moring CSC Holdings, Inc. Dalberg Consulting DEG-Deutsche Investitions Deloitte Discount America Tire and Americas Tire Disney Worldwide Services, Inc. DLA Piper US LLP Dolce Hotels & Resorts Duke Energy Corporation Edge Edison Electric Institute EFL Global EKF Management, LLC Electric Power Research Institute EMC Corporation Emcor Securities Emerging Markets Group Enablis Financial Corportion Entrepreneurs Organization ERM Europe Ltd Ernst & Young Entertainment Software Association

Everest Group LLC Exxon Mobil Corporation Federal Express Corporation Ford Motor Company ForeFinance Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson LLP Funda Pro Fundacion Capital Fundacion Solidaridad Latino America Fundemex The Gap, Inc. General Dynamics Corporation General Electric Company General Mills GlaxoSmithKline Global Agents for Change Global Securities Holdings LLC Globe Capital Partners Goldman, Sachs & Co. Goldman, Sachs & Co. Matching Gift Program Grainger Grand Challenges Canada Green Mountain Coffee Roasters GroFin Grupo Ecoempresas Capital -US LLC Haitian Hometown Association Henry Crown & Company Hess Companies Hillman Capital Partners Hilton Hotels Worldwide Hines Interests Ltd. Partnership Hobbs, Straus, Dean & Walker LLP Holsman International Honest Tea Host Hotels & Resorts, Inc. IBM Corporation ICE Ietan Consulting LLC Ignia Partners, LLC

Illinois Tool Works InReturn East Africa Fund I.C.V. Institute of International Finance, Inc Instituto Harmann Regueira Intel Corporation Intellectual Capital Advisory Service Interactive Corp (IAC) Intermedia Servey Intituto de Cidadania Empresarial Inversor Itron Jays Valet Parking & Luxury Shuttle Service JM Productions Ltd Johnson & Johnson JPMorgan Chase & Co. k21 Communications Kanders & Company, Inc Karisimbi Business Partners Kelley, Drye & Warren LLP Kelloggs Corporate Citizenship Fundmatching Gift Program Kosmos Energy Kurowski Schultz, LLC Land OLakes, Inc. Lazard Freres & Co., LLC Legacy Levi Strauss & Co. LGT Bank (Schweiz) AG Lighthouse Consulting Group, LLC Lockheed Martin Corporation M&T Bank Madison Capital Partners Manpower Demonstration Research Corp. Maroon Creek Partners Marquarie Holdings Inc MBS Associates LLC McKinsey & Company Mercedes Benz MFD LLC

Michelle Rosenfeld Inc. Microsoft Corporation Mills + Schnoering Architects, LLC Monitor Company Group, L.P. Motorola Mountain Chalet Ent., Inc. Movirtu Limited National Entrepreneurship Network Natural World Limited NBC Universal Media, LLC NCAS NCH Design LLC NOTS Support BV Obermeyer Asset Management Company Onyx Pharmaceuticals Open Capital Advisors Ltd. OPI Treas Pacific Trade International, Inc. Palisades Media Ventures Parker Hannifin Corporation Partners in Food Solutions Patricia Mcpherson Interiors Pearl B. Young Inc. PepsiCo, Inc. Pfizer, Inc. Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America Potencia Ventures Potential Africa Pragma Gestao De Patrimonio LT Premier, Inc.

Promotora Social Mexico Proskauer Rose LLP Prudential Financial Pyme Capital Qualcomm Ventures, Qualcomm Inc. Quantum Communication SAL Raizcorp Raytheon Company reputation.com Inc. Research Triangle ResponsAbility Social Investments AG Rianta Capital Limited Rosemore, Inc. S&P Capital SA Capital Limited Saudi Telecom Company Schlumberger, Ltd. Schoenfeld Insurance Associates, Inc. SCOPE Insight Sempra Energy Shorebank International Snap-On SNR Denton Southern Company Spear Point Energy LLC Statoil Gulf Services LLC Studio B Architects Talisman Energy Inc. Target TASC Corporation TechnoServe, Inc.

Telefonica International USA Telesoft Management Services, LLC Textron The Coca-Cola Company The Studio Account Thomson Reuters TIAA-CREF Tishman Speyer Properties TMG Custom Media Toyota Motor North America Inc. TransCanada PipeLines Limited Travelex TriLinc Capital Management, LLC TRUiST TV Azteca Unitus Impact U.S. Trust Value for Women Van Ness Feldman Vendome Capital, LLC Venture Institute Verizon Communications, Inc. Walmart Waste Management, Inc. WB Family Offices WeConnect International Westport Innovations Inc. Willowtree Advisors LLC World Media Productions Zirrus.Net



Foundation and Organization Support (Reflects cumulative giving through cash and pledge payments during 2012.)
The 2000 Washington Sycip Revocable Trust ACCION International Achieving the Dream, Inc The Acorn Foundation Acumen Fund, Inc. Anonymous (4) Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund African Management Services Aga Khan Foundation USA Agora Partnerships Aid For Africa Alaska Native Tribal Health ALCOA Foundation Alexandra Foundation Dean V. Ambrose Foundation America Achieves American Clean Skies Foundation American Express Foundation American Federation of Teachers American Friends Tel Aviv University American Heart Association American Legacy Foundation The Arches Foundation Argidius Foundation The Roland And Dawn Arnall Foundation Arnhold Foundation Arrowhead Foundation Inc. Artists Legacy Foundation Asia Foundation City of Aspen Aspen Elks Lodge #224 Aspen Institute Japan The Atlantic Philanthropies Avina Foundation B Lab Stephen W. & Susan M. Baird Foundation Lloyd G. Balfour Foundation Bank of America Foundation Barnard/Fain Foundation Barona Band of Mission Indians Barr Foundation Baruch College Town of Basalt Mercedes T. Bass Charitable Corporation Bender Foundation, Inc. Bendit Family Foundation Bentley University Berg Family Charitable Foundation Bernard van Leer Foundation Jill and Jay Bernstein Family Foundation Russell Berrie Foundation Bezos Family Foundation BF Foundation The Bishop Family Foundation Cherie Blair Foundation Bloomberg Family Foundation Inc Blue Foundation Blue Shield of California Foundation Bostock Family Foundation The Boyd Family Foundation The Scott & Patrice Brickman Family Foundation Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation Bruhn-Morris Family Foundation Martin Bucksbaum Family Foundation Matthew and Carolyn Bucksbaum Family Foundation Buford Foundation Business Council for Peace Business In Development Network C. E. and S. Foundation Calvert Social Investment Foundation Government of Canada Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation Capital One Foundation CARE Margaret A. Cargill Foundation Carnegie Corporation of New York Martin G. And Ruth A. Carver Foundation Case Western Reserve University CASERVE Foundation Casey Family Programs The Marguerite Casey Foundation Annie E. Casey Foundation Castaways Foundation Catto Charitable Foundation Cedars Foundation Inc. Center For Creative Leadership CFP Foundation The Challenger Foundation Chambers Family Fund Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma Citi Foundation Claremont Colleges ClimateWorks Foundation Robert & Suzanne Cochran Family Foundation The Ryna & Melvin Cohen Family Foundation Inc James M. Collins Foundation Columbia University Connecticut Health Foundation Copaken Family Foundation Corday Family Foundation craigslist Charitable Fund Arie and Ida Crown Memorial Henry and Gladys Crown Charitable Trust The Cundill Foundation Curtin University Dalhousie University Les Dames DAspen LTD

The Dana Foundation Danish Research Foundation Dasra -- Catalyst for Social Change The William Davidson Institute Dedalus Foundation, Inc. The Jay DeFEO Trust DOB Foundation Dobkin Family Foundation Dornick Foundation The Dreman Foundation, Inc. Duquesne University Echoing Green Foundation Edlis/Neeson Foundation, NFP The Eisner Foundation The Elizabeth Foundation The Tony Elumelu Foundation Endeavor Global, Inc. Engelberg Foundation Equity Group Foundation F.B. Heron Foundation Fair Trade USA Fate Foundation LTD The Feldman Family Foundation The Moses Feldman Family Foundation Finance Alliance for Sustainable Trade Findlay Family Foundation Jerry and Nanette Finger Foundation First Light Ventures LLC Floreat Foundation The Flunison Fund Fondation Zdenek Ford Foundation Foundation for Enterprise Development Fox Family Foundation J. S. Frank Foundation The Barry Friedberg and Charlotte Moss Family Foundation Kathy and Jeffrey Friedland Foundation Karl Friedman Family Foundation

Ann B. & Thomas L. Friedman Family Foundation Friedman Family Foundation FSG, Inc. Fundacio Esade Fundacion Bavaria Fundacion Bolivar Davivienda Fundacion IES FUNDES International Shelby and Frederick Gans Foundation Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation General Electric Foundation Generation Foundation Edouard R. Gerschel Foundation C. Gary and Virginia Gerst Foundation Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation Diane and Guilford Glazer Foundation Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition Global Business School Network Goldhirsh Foundation Goldman Sachs Foundation The Goldrich Family Foundation Barbara Lubin Goldsmith Foundation Goodwin Foundation LLC Google.org Grameen Foundation Grassroots Business Partners, Inc. Gray Ghost Management & Operations LLC Greater Capital Edward S. and Cornelia Greaves Fund The Ronald K. & Jan C. Greenberg Family Foundation The Gordon and Llura Gund Foundation J. Gurwin Foundation Incorporated GVEP International Lechner Haag Family Trust Bruce T. Halle Family Foundation Harry R. Halloran, Jr. Fund Edward & Julia Hansen Foundation, Inc. Mark and Anne Hansen Foundation

Harbor Lights Foundation The Keith Haring Foundation Harman Family Foundation The Irving Harris Foundation Morris A. Hazan Family Foundation Hazen Polsky Foundation The Hedges Family Charitable Foundation Hess Foundation Inc William and Flora Hewlett Foundation HFRX Foundation Hayne Hipp Foundation David and Barbara B. Hirschhorn Foundation Hitachi Foundation The Hite Foundation The Robert B. and Janet A. Hoffman Foundation, Inc. The Holthouse Foundation for Kids Richard Horvitz and Erica Hartman-Horvitz Foundation HSM Charitable Foundation Ken Hubbard Fund Hunt Family Foundation Hurst Family Foundation J. R. Hyde III Family Foundation Ibrahim Foundation I-Dev International Impact Finance Management Institute for International Monetary Affairs Institute For State Effectiveness Instiuto de Estudios Superiores International Finance Corporation Inveneo, Inc. Invest2innovate James Irvine Foundation Jamestown SKlallam Tribe Japan ICU Foundation Jaquish & Kenninger Foundation The Jerome Foundation JLK Foundation, Inc. JMR Charities, Inc



Job Opportunities Task Force The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Joy Family Foundation, Inc. Joyce Foundation Warren B. Kanders Foundation Karetsky Family Memorial Fund The Katcher Family Foundation, Inc Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation Danny Kaye & Sylvia Fine Kaye Foundation W.K. Kellogg Foundation John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Sidney Kohl Family Foundation The Kresge Foundation Kresser Foundation Lamar University Latousek Foundation The Leonard & Evelyn Lauder Foundation Lauer Philanthropic Foundation Lebanon Renaissance Foundation Lee Foundation Lefkofsky Family Foundation Lemelson Foundation Ronald and Fifi Levin Family Fund Linhart Family Trust The Margaret & Daniel Loeb-Third Point Foundation Jean and Jim Lowrey Fund The Lubar Family Foundation, Inc. Henry Luce Foundation Lucid Art Foundation Chauncey F. Lufkin III Foundation Lumina Foundation for Education Lundin for Africa Foundation The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Madigan Family Foundation Maher Family Foundation Malott Family Foundation Manufacturers Alliance/ MAPI, Inc. Markle Foundation

S&L Marx Foundation, Inc. Maryland Cash Campaign The MasterCard Foundation Pierre and Maria-Gaetana Matisse Foundation The William E. Mayer Charitable Foundation McBride Family & Aspen Business Ctr Foundation McCormick Foundation John P. and Anne Welsh McNulty Foundation Media Development Loan Fund MercyCorps Merrill Family Foundation The Mesdag Family Foundation Middlebury College Miller Family Foundation Cynthia and George Mitchell Foundation Mitrani Family Foundation Mizel Museum Marc and Shelah Moller Foundation Mark & Betty Morris Family Foundation N. M. Morris Family Foundation Charles Stewart Mott Foundation Mount Sinai Hospital Nathan Family Foundation Jane & Marc Nathanson Family Foundation National Association of Broadcasters National Association of Manufacturers National Geographic Society National Rural Electric Cooperative Association Neisser Family Fund The Neuman Family Foundation New Venture Fund New Ventures Mexico New York Life Foundation New York University Newell Rubbermaid Foundation News Corporation Foundation Niki Charitable Art Foundation Nonprofit Enterprise and Self-Sustainability Team Norlien Foundation

Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board The Obernauer Foundation, Inc. Bill and Susan Oberndorf Foundation Omidyar Network Services LLC Open Society Institute Oxfam America, Inc Pack Foundation The David and Lucile Packard Foundation Pan African University The Parsons Family Foundation Patricia M. and Emanuel M. Papper Foundation, Inc. The Andrew M. Paul Family Foundation Charlotte Perret Family Trust Pershing Square Foundation Podhurst Family Supporting Foundation, Inc. Linda and Kenneth Pollin Foundation, Inc. Pollock-Krasner Foundation The Pope Foundation, Inc. Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation Prince of Wales Youth Business International Margot and Thomas J. Pritzker Family Foundation Pritzker Traubert Family Foundation Red Bird Hollow Foundation Relief Organization Resnick Family Foundation Herb Ritts Foundation Robert Rauschenberg Foundation John Robinson Foundation The Rock Foundation Rockefeller Brothers Fund The Rockefeller Foundation Matching Gift Program The Rockefeller Foundation Rocksprings Foundation Rodel Charitable Foundation Root Capital, Inc. Root Change The Rosenkranz Foundation Ross Family Fund Rudd Foundation

Thomas Rutherfoord Foundation Sacks Family Foundation Salt River Pima Maricopa Indian Community The Mara and Ricky Sandler Foundation Sando Foundation Santa Clara University Sarosi-Kanter Charitable Foundation Mary Bucksbaum Scanlan Family Foundation Adler Schermer Foundation The Schiff Foundation The Schmitt Family Charitable Foundation Segal Family Foundation Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community Shared Interest, Inc. Shell Foundation Shenandoah Foundation Muriel F. Siebert Foundation The Simms/Mann Family Foundation Melvin and Bren Simon Charitable Foundation Skoll Foundation Small Business Administration Small Enterprise Assistance Fund Albert and Lillian Small Foundation Robert H. Smith Family Foundation Nancy and John Snyder Foundation The Diana Davis Spencer Foundation Bill & Orli Staley Foundation Stanford University

The Stanton Foundation State of California Robert K. Steel Family Foundation Jay Stein Foundation Trust Stichting ICCO Barry S. and Evelyn M. Strauch Foundation, Inc. Susman Family Foundation Swisscontact Sy Syms Foundation Teagle Foundation Temple University Templeton Foundation Texas Christian University Lucille S. Thompson Family Foundation The Thrift Shop of Aspen Tides Foundation Steven Tisch Family Foundation Laurie M. Tisch Foundation Inc. The Laurie M. Tisch Illumination Fund Tobey Foundation U.S. Agency for International Development U.S. Department Of State The Michael Benjamin Ullem Memorial Fund United Nations Foundation Universidad De Los Andes University of Alberta University of Cape Town University of Denver

University of Jyvaskyla University of Maryland University of Massachusetts Amherst University of Notre Dame University of Oxford University of Pennsylvania University of Texas at Austin University of Wyoming US Chamber of Commerce and Related Entitites Verizon Foundation Villagereach Villanova University Villgro Innovation Foundation Voxtra Waitt Foundation Wechlser Foundation The West Foundation, Inc. Whittemore Foundation Wilfried Laurier University Sara & Evan Williams Foundation Wolfensohn Family Foundation World Resources Institute Wye River Upper School York University Barbara & David Zalaznick Foundation The Joseph and Vera Zilber Family Foundation



Endowed and Quasi-Endowed Funds

Mortimer J. Adler Scholarship Fund Albright Scholarship Fund for Veterans Keith Berwick Chair Blackmun Endowment Bill Budinger Distinguished Socrates Scholar Fund Calaway Education Fund Henry Crown Fellowship Endowment Cundill Scholar Fund Denas Scholars Endowment Fund General Scholarship Endowment Halle Scholarship Endowment Harman-Eisner Artist-In-Residence Endowment William R. Hearst Endowment Fund Hurst Community Fund Japanese Garden / Betty Musser Endowment Bicky and George Kellner Scholarship Fund Henry Kissinger Fellowship Lauder Seminar Scholarship Fund Leonard & Evelyn Lauder Foundation Seminars Endowment Fund McCloskey Speaker Series Endowment James & Elaine McDade Scholarship Fund Robert McKay Endowment McLaughlin / Crown Endowment (a component of the Henry Crown Fellowship Endowment) David T. McLaughlin Leadership Fund McNulty Prize Fund John P. McNulty Fund Nakasone / Japanese Scholarship Fund Paul H. Nitze Fellowship Margot and Thomas Pritzker Fund for International Fellows Rose Associates Scholarship Endowment Betty and Lloyd G. Schermer Scholarship Fund Kathleen Daubert Smith Scholarship Fund Socrates Endowment Socrates Scholarship Endowment Stanton Fund Robert K. Steel Fund Stradivarius Fellowship Gus and Marie Tyler Scholarship Fund

Named Initiatives and Series

Alma and Joseph Gildenhorn Book Series Aspen Institute Leadership Series in memory of Preston Robert Tisch Aspen Institute-Rodel Fellowship in Public Leadership Catto Fellowship Program Hurst Lecture Series Hurst Student Seminars McCloskey Speaker Series Susman Conversation Series Washington Ideas Roundtable Series, made possible with the generous support of Michelle Smith and the Robert H. Smith Family Foundation

Gifts In Kind
Mike Brown Zo Baird Budinger and Bill Budinger Nora Feller and Francois Couturier Allison and Art Daily MeiLi and Robert A. Hefner III Honest Tea Jays Valet Parking & Luxury Shuttle Service Laura and Gary M. Lauder Pascal Levensohn William E. Mayer Jerry and Gina Murdock John F. Olson Proskauer Rose LLP Resnick Family Foundation University of Maryland Jane and Jonathan Wells


Photo by Dan Bayer

2013 Overview & 2012 Annual Report www.aspeninstitute.org

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