Revcards SSM

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Exterior + Interior = 180

Area of triangle = x base x height

Total of exterior angles is 360


Circumference of circle = d (C = d- Cherry pies -delicious!)

Area = ab sin C You must have 2 sides and angle between them! If two shapes are congruent then they are exactly the same shape and size e.g. congruent triangles will fit on top of each other

Area of circle = r2 (A = r2 Apple pies r 2!)

1m3 = 1m x 1m x 1m = 100cm x 100cm x 100cm = 1000000cm3 = 1000mm x 1000mm x 1000mm = 1,000,000,000mm3

Angles at the circumference in the same segment of a circle are equal

Constructing a triangle given 3 sides 1. Draw one side 2. Use a ruler to set compasses to length of each of the other 2 sides in turn and draw arcs from ends of original side 3. join up ends of line to point where arcs intersect ALWAYS LEAVE CONSTRUCTION LINES IN!!

Sum of opposite angles in a cyclic quadrilateral is 180

Angle at centre is twice angle at circumference

So a+c = 180

b+d = 180



Has a period of 360

Has a period of 360 START WITH f(x) f(x) +a f(x) - a af(x) -f(x) Move a units up Move a units down Vertical stretch scale factor a Upside down, reflection in x axis

OUTSIDE BRACKET, VERTICAL TRANSFORMATION 3D COORDINATES These identify a point in space START WITH f(x) f(x +a) f(x-a) f(ax) f(-x) Move a units right Move a units left Horizontal stretch scale factor 1/a reflection in y axis



Triangles must meet one of four conditions to be congruent SSS SAS ASA RHS Make sure you state clearly why sides or angles are the same e.g. corresponding, opposite, alternate When translating, give your answer as a vector! 2 to the right 3 up is 3 to the left 4 down

sin A sin B sin C = = a b c

Equal vectors are parallel and of the same length. Parallel vectors are multiples of each other ie a+b, 2a+ 2b 2a b and 4a 2b

A tangent is a straight line that touches a curve or circle just once!! Tangents are perpendicular to a radius drawn to the point where it meets the circle

If the length increases by a scale factor x, then the area increases by a scale factor x2 and the volume by scale factor x3 e.g. double all lengths, the area will quadruple and the volume will multiply by eight!

Volume of cylinder = r2h (area of cross section x length) Surface area of a cylinder = 2r2 + 2rh (imagine net- 2 circles and a rectangle with dimensions height by circumference)

Volume of cone = 1/3 r2h On formula sheet Curved Surface area of cone = rl On formula sheet Total Surface area of cone = r2 + rl

Volume of sphere = 4/3 r3 On formula sheet Surface area of sphere = 4r2 On formula sheet

To work out the slant height l of a cone, use Pythagoras Ie radius = 3, height = 4 Then slant height is
32 + 4 2 = 5

DIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS 3 lengths multiplied together- VOLUME 2 lengths multiplied together AREA Lengths added together LENGTH e.g. a, b, c are lengths ab- AREA abc- VOLUME a + b- LENGTH

In similar triangles, sides are in proportion but angles are the same!!

Speed = distance / time Use formula triangle

Density = mass/volume Use formula triangle

The sum of the angles of a regular polygon is top of a shape is removed- a frustum is left 180(n 2) where n is number of sides to calculate the volume, work out the volume of the original cone and take away the part you remove!

3 SIDES USE COSINE RULE 2 SIDES AND ANGLE BETWEEN USE COSINE RULE REST OF TIME USE SINE RULE!! Volume of pyramid = 1/3 Ah When A = area of cross section h is perpendicular height When enlarging by a negative scale factor draw lines from the corners of the shape through the centre of enlargement,

When reflecting, make sure you dont confuse y = -1 and x = -1.

Y = -1 is HORIZONTAL then do the enlargement on the other side of X = -1 is VERTICAL the centre.

To construct a perpendicular bisector 1. Start with a line 2. Open compasses to about of line length 3. Centre compasses on each end of the line, from each end draw arcs on both sides of line 4. Join up points where arcs cross


Area of parallelogram = base x perpendicular (vertical) height.

Area of trapezium = (a+b) h or average top and bottom then multiply by height

When describing a rotation, you must give the angle, direction centre of rotation MAKE SURE YOU ACTUALLY SAY ROTATION!

e.g. rotation, 90 degrees anti clockwise centre (0,0)

When describing a reflection you must give the line the shape or curve is reflected in! e.g. reflection in the line y = x Be careful: y=2 is line where y coordinate is 2it is HORIZONTAL, not vertical.

To find a centre of rotation, USE TRACING PAPER!! Try a few points and see which work!




When describing an enlargement, you must give scale factor of enlargement and centre of enlargement. e.g. enlargement scale factor 2, centre (1,1)

Angle in a semi circle from a diameter is a right angle Bearings are From North 3 figures Measured clockwise The angle that a tangent makes with a radius is a right angle 3 hours 20 minutes is not 3.2 hours It is 3 hours and
20 1 of an hour which is 3 hours 60 3

or 3.3333333333333333333333333333 hours

In any Right angled Trig question 1. label the sides 2. decide which formula triangle to use (SOH CAH or TOA 3. Cover up what you need 4. Use a calculator

Volume of a cuboid = length x width x height Surface area of a cuboid = 2lw + 2wh + 2lh (2 rectangles with each set of dimensions) Is a triangle with sides right angled?

3 +1 ,

3 1


2. 3. 4. 5.

Well, does Pythagoras work?

( 3 +1) = 3 + 2 3 +1 = 4 + 2 3

( 3 1) 2 = 3 2 3 +1 = 4 2 3
( 3 +1) 2 + ( 3 1) 2 = 8 so

hypotenuse would be so it is right angled

To construct an angle bisector 1. Start with the given angle open compasses to radius shorter than arms of the angle Centre compasses on point where arms meet and draw an arc on both arms From both these arcs draw arcs that intersect Join up point where arms meet to where arcs meet- this cuts angle in half!

The alternate segment theorem; the angle between a tangent and a chord is equal to the angle in the alternate segment. So in diagram, a=b

In an isosceles or equilateral triangle you can use SOHCAHTOA if you split the original triangle into two RIGHT ANGLED triangles

To calculate a shaded area Area of a sector =

360 r 2

Good exam technique is to take away one area from another and find whats left!

Perimeter of sector = d + any radii/diameter required


Enlargement from a point All new points of shape must be scale factor times away from centre of enlargement e.g. scale factor 0.5 all points of new shape as far from centre of enlargement

To construct an angle of 60 1. Draw a line 2. centre compasses on end of line 3. draw arc which cuts line 4. centre compasses where arc meets line, draw another arc to cut first arc 5. join original point to point where arcs cross

AMBIGUOUS CASE of SINE RULE When given 2 Sides and angle not in between, there are always TWO ANSWERS TO ANY OTHER ANGLE These answers add up to 180 e.g. if you get 77 as an answer, 103 is correct also To work out length of a line connecting (3,7) and (6,11) use PYTHAGORAS The line has moved 3 along and 4 up so Pythagoras gives us
3 2 + 4 2 = 25 l = 25 = 5


Finding the centre of enlargement

Draw lines from new point through where it was before for each point Where they meet is centre of enlargement

When working with similar triangles where the triangles are 2 triangles in 1 triangle Draw new diagrams with the triangles separate

Constructing a triangle given 2 sides and angle between 1. Draw one side 2. use protractor to measure and draw angle at one end of this line 3. set compasses to length of other given side and draw an arc cutting the line you have drawn for angle 4. join up points where arc cuts line for angle and other end of starting line Constructing the perpendicular from a point to a line

Constructing the perpendicular at a point on a line 1. Start off with a point on a line 2. open compasses to a radius of 3cm and centred on the point, draw arcs on either side 3. increase radius, centre compasses on the 2 points either side, so that they intersect 4. join original point to where arcs meet

1. Start with a line and point not on a line 2. open compasses to 3cm more than distance from point to line 3. centre compasses on point, draw arcs on line on either side of point 4. centre compasses on points where arcs cut the line, draw arcs on other side of line so they intersect 5. join original point and point where arcs cross

In vectors if it asks you for a shape it is going to be a TRAPEZIUM or a PARALLELOGRAM In diagrams, fill in everything you know before you start solving the problem! (e.g. all angles you know!) trapezium (1 pair of parallel sides) a, 2a, 4a-b, 4a+b TRAPEZIUM Parallelogram (2 pairs of parallel sides) a, 2a, 3a-b, 6a-2b PARALLELOGRAM

If you have a vector b, and have to add b to it, just Lines are parallel if their vectors are a scalar extend the original vector in the same direction multiple of each other, by b. e.g. 5a +b is parallel to 10a + 2b or 2.5a + 0.5b If you have a vector b, then -b is the same vector in the opposite direction! THIS MAY BE THE BEST WAY TO START A VECTORS QUESTION!!!

Given the sum of the interior angles of a regular polygon To find the number of sides DIVIDE BY 180, ADD 2

An Isosceles trapezium is one with 2 pairs of equal angles Its non parallel sides equal One line of symmetry

COSINE RULE You are given a = b + c 2bc cos A on formula sheet. FIND SIDES with this formula.
2 2 2

When working with circle theorems , look for isosceles triangles formed by triangles with 2 radii, This will help you find angles more readily!!

To rearrange so that you can find ANGLES make the cos A positive then divide
a 2 + 2bc cos A = b 2 + c 2 2bc cos A = b 2 + c 2 a 2 cos A = b2 + c2 a2 2bc

A great thing to do is to label the side or angle you want a or A, then use the formula.

In a Kite, diagonals cross at right angles two pairs of sides are equal one pair of opposite angles are equal

In a parallelogram, Opposite sides are equal and parallel Opposite angles are equal Diagonals bisect each other

In a rhombus, All sides are equal Opposite sides are parallel Opposite angles are equal Diagonals are perpendicular bisectors of each other ANGLE OF ELEVATION

The equation of a circle

x2 + y2 = r 2

x2 + y2 = 4

gives a circle about the origin radius 2


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