CSET Math Subtest 2 Study Guide

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Some key concepts covered include geometry theorems, trigonometric functions, statistical distributions, and sampling methods.

Alternate interior angles, corresponding angles, exterior angles, supplementary angles, and complementary angles are discussed.

Right triangles, isosceles triangles, equilateral triangles, and 30-60-90 triangles are mentioned.


Line segment is AB with a line over it, the measure of the segment,
the length is a positive real number AB.
The angle with vertex A will be denoted by an angle symbol and the
letter A, while the measure of that angle will be m angle symbol A.

Parallel lines are two lines that do not intersect. This is important
when thinking about non-euclidean geometry.

Euclid’s 5th - the parallel postulate: If two lines are cut by a

transversal, and same side interior angles add up to less than 180,
then the two lines will eventually intersect on the side of the
transversal on which the angle sum is less than 180.


If a straight line falling on two straight lines makes the interior angles
on the same side less than two right angles, the two straight lines, if
produced indefinitely, meet on that side on which are the angles less
than the two right angles.


if m is a line, and P is a point not on m, then there is exactly one line

through P that is parallel to m.

Finally, and most importantly: The parallel postulate states that

through a given external point there is exactly one line parallel to a
given line.

Alternate Interior Angles are congruent. Because of supplementary

angles, having non-congruent Alternate interior angles would mean
that the two angles on one side of the transversal would sum to be
less than 180°, and therefore the lines could not be parallel.

If one draws a line m from the tip of a triangle that is parallel to the
base, the measure of the angle formed by the tip of the triangle, plus
the other two angles formed by line m add up to 180° (supplementary
angles). Because of AIAC, the other two angles of the triangle are both
congruent to the other two angles formed by m, therefore the three
angles of the triangle must add up to 180°.

Supplementary and Complimentary angles are only two angles, three

angles that add to 180 cannot be supplementary.

Side Angle Side, Side Side Side, Angle Angle Side, Angle Side Angle,
Hypotenuse Leg are the congruence theorems

Similarity Theorems: Angle Angle (AA), side side side (lower case), and
side Angle side (Lowercase sides).

Corresponding Parts of Congruent Triangles are Congruent

**Corresponding Angles of similar triangles are congruent

Exterior Angle Theorem - The measure of an exterior angle of a

triangle is equal to the sum of the measures of the other two remote
interior angles

The medians of a triangle form the centroid, the centroid lies 2/3 of the
distance along each median from its vertex end

The angle bisectors of a triangle are concurrent at the incenter.

The perpendicular bisectors of the sides are concurrent at the

circumcenter. The circumcenter is equidistant from each endpoint of
the triangle. A circle with radius of the length from the circumcenter
to the endpoints is called a circumcircle, and the radius length is
called the circumradius. the circumcircle circumscribes the triangle
around the circumcenter, with radius of the circumradius
perpendicular bisectors are perpendicular and bisect the side - dont
necessarily cross an angle.

Any point on the perpendicular bisector of segment AB is equidistant

from point A and point B

The altitudes of a triangle are concurrent at the orthocenter. May

need to continue the opposite side of the angle to find a base to drop
your altitude to
cosecant: hyp over opposite - opposite of the sine

secant - opposite of cosine

cotangent opposite of tangent

Law of sines: sinA over side a = sinB over side b = sinC over side c

Law of cosines : c squared = a squared + b squared minus


30 60 90 triangle - short side = 1, hypotenuse = 2, longer side = sqrt 3

45-45-90 = 1, 1 and sqrt 2

a circle is defined by the locus of points equidistant from the radius


Formulas for the area of a trianlge:

1/2 B • h

heron’s formula A = sqrt(s(s-A)(s-B)(s-C)

trigonometric formula A = 1/2a•b•sin(c)

Side length of a regular polygon is s= P / n , where n is the number of

sides of the polygon.

Area of a polygon” A = n(1/2•s•a) or A = 1/2•a•P - where the apothem is

an altitude from the central angle, giving the height of the triangles
that make up the regular polygon

Distance formula: square root of (x2 - x1 squared + y2-y1 squared) -

pythagorean theorem

POINT SLOPE EQUATION: If a line has a slope m and passes through

the point (h, k), the formula for the line can be written as y-k = m(x-h)
Point slope can be thought of logically by imagining that y-h in a
general sense represents the change in y and x-k represents the
change in x in a general sense. knowing that the slope equals m, we
can write y-k divided by x-k = m. Using algebra, if we multiply both
sides by x-k, we get y-h = m * y-k


A point P lies on an elipse if the sum of the distances from P to the
foci is a constant. P•F1 + P•F2 has to be a constant

The foci always lie on the major axis. Distance from F1 to P + Distance
from F2 to P = 2*(the length of the major radius)

Focal length is f^2 = a^2 - b^2

because pythagorean theorem states that the distance from focus to
center * length of minor axis = distance from point P to focus

distance from focus to center is f. Length of minor axis is B. And

length of hypotenuse is A.
A^2 = F^2 + B^2, so F^2 = A^2 - B^2

Conic section equations are such because of the pythagorean

theorem. For a circle, for example, for a circle centered at the origin,
the length of the x direction squared plus the length of the y direction
squared equals the radius squared, because the angle between the x
distance and the y distance makes a right angle.

If given a non standard form of a circle, such as x^2 - 6x + y^2 + 2y = 0,

if we complete the squares we can find the center and the radius

Equation for parabola is (y-k) = a(x-h)^2, where h, k is the center and

+a = up and -a = down.
for left right parabola, its x-h = a(y-k)^2, where +a = right opening and
-a= left opening.
this makes sense based on what we know about parabolas


and directrix is x or y = d, then find distance from (x, y) to (s, p) and
distance from x or y to d and set them equal to each other.

sqrt((x-s)^2 + (y-p)^2) = | (x or y = d) |, but you don’t really need the

absolute value since you will be squaring it.

Distance from a point to a line:

For a vertical line, its absolute value of the y-coord minus the equation
for the line y=
for horizontal is absolute value of the x-coordinate minus the
equation for the line x=
example, for a horizontal line with equation y= -2, the distance to point
(4, 5) is 5 - -2 = 7. Abs. value of 7 is seven.
A vertical line with equation x = 6 , the distance to point (4,5) is 4 - 6 =
-2, absolute value of -2 = 2.

To find the equation of an elipse given the two foci and the sum of the
distances of the two foci

Given the two foci and a point, use the sum of the distances from the
point to each focus to find your constant

To find hyperbolas, we take the difference of the distances of the two

foci from a point on the graph, or the distance from f1 to x,y minus the
distance from f2 to x,y

for up/down hyperbola, we subtract x from y, or ((y-k)^2/b^2) - ((x-

h)^2)/a^2) = 1, where h,k is the center, a is the x-radius and b is the y-
radius. Note that the center doesn’t fall on the graph. The vertices
will be at (h, k+b) and (h, k-b).
Technically up/down hyperbolas don’t have an x radius, but the the
slope of the x-radius will have the opposite slope of the y radius, which
does exist. the slope of the asymptotes will be plus or minus b / a,
which is why you need to know both radii to calculate the slope.

A left/right hyperbola will subtract the y from the x, or ((x-h)^2/a^2) -

((y-k)^2/b^2) = 1

REITERATE: a= x-radius, b = y radius, (h,k) = center, asymptotes have

slopes ±(b/a)

Vertices depend on if its a up/down hyperbola or a left/right hyperbola.

For up/down, the vertices will change in the y direction but will remain
constant in the x-direction, so the vertices will be (h, k+b) and (h, k-b).
For a left/right hyperbola, the vertices will remain constant in the y-
direction but will vary in the x-direction, so the vertices will be (h + a,
k) and (h-a, k)


R = SQRT(X^2) + SQRT(Y^2)
Theta = arcTan (y/x)

X = cos (theta) * R
Y = sin (theta) * R


To mutliply matrices (for transformations), Rewrite your transformation

vector as a matrix, using 1 as an identity if necessary.
<1, 5> as a 3X1 matrix would be , from top to bottom, [1 5 1]

To multiply matrices , 1st row by 1st column, element by element, add

all of the products together
2nd row by 1st column - add all of the products together
3rd row by 1st column. add all of the products together

When filling in your product matrix, remember it will always be the

rows of the first matrix corresponding to the columns of the second


A line lies in a plane if every point on the line is also a point in the
a line L is perpendicular to a plane P if L intersects P at one point A
and if line L is perpendicular to any line through point A that lies in
plane P

If two planes are parellel they do not intersect. Two planes are parallel
also if they are both perpendicular to the same line Two planes are
perpendicular if they intersect at a right angle.

Suppose plane P is perpendicular to line L and plane Q is perpendicular

to line M. If lines L and M are parallel, then planes P and Q are
parallel. Also, if lines L and M are perpendicular, then planes P and Q
are perpendicular.

In 3d space, two lines are Skew if they do not intersect and there is no
plane containing both of them. If two lines are on the same plane and
they do not intersect, they are parallel.

Skew lines cannot intersect because they lie on parallel planes, which
do not intersect

Prism: B (Area of the base) * height (height is not necessarily one of
the other side lengths.
or cross section * depth
Pyramid: 1/3 B * h
Cylinder: B*h (base is π*r^2)
Cone : 1/3 B * h
Spehere 4/3 π * r^3

SURFACE AREAs: Typically just all sides. For cylinders and cones, you
have to imagine “unwrapping” the shape to make a flat measurable
amount. A cone unwraps to make a half-circle, which is why its
surface area is π * r^2 (base area) + π * r * (slant heigth) , because the
circumfrence of a circle is 2π r , and we are using half of the
circumference to make up the base of the cone part, and the slant
height as the height of the cone part.
A cylinder is similar but the circumference is a whole circle, so you
just need to use 2π*r as the circumference and the height as the
height., remembering that the top and the bottom need to be included.
sA of a sphere is 4π*r
cylinder is 2π*r^2 + 2π*r*h
cone is π*r^2 + π*r*[slant height]

cavalieris principle - shapes can be slanted and still have the exact
same volume. Imagine a stack of quarters with a slant. Each cross
section still has the same volume as the last, so each part of the
shape has the same base

Translate between rectangular and polar coordinates: R = sqrt (x^2 +

theta = arctan (y/x) x = cos(theta)*r y= sin(theta)*r

2x2 times 2x1 matrix multiplication

[a1 a2 [c1 = [a1 x c1 + a2 x c2

b1 b2] x c2] b1 x c1 + b2 x c2]

matrix 1, column one row 1 times matrix 2 row one plus matrix 1
column 2 row 1 times matrix two row 2], etc.

To describe a rotation, you need to state the vertex points, the angle of
rotation and the center of the rotation
To describe a translation, you need to state the vertices, the direction
and distance
To describe a reflection, you have to state the vertices and the line of

A permutation tells one the number of ways a set of items can be

ordered specifically, where rank matters.
n! over (n-k)!
A combination does not take the order of items into account and will
yield a smaller number
n! over k! * (n-k)!

WHen choosing two different categories out of one set and trying to
find a total number of choices, you need to multiply each combinatoric
by the next because each result from the first set can be repeated for
each result of the second set. imagine the result you get from the first
set is 10, and the result from the next one is 5. There are ten ways to
get result A by itself. You can do all of that and then get one of the
results from category B and that will be 10, but if you consider all of
the possibilities for result A and then the next result from category B,
that will include all 10 results from category A again

Probability of two independent events -multiply

prob. of A or B happening is p(a) +p(b) - p(aNb)

Any time you are trying to find a finite probability, always think in
terms of what is the total number of outcomes. Think exponents, for 4
coin flips, there are two possibilities for each flip, giving you 2x2x2x2
as your sample space

When dealing with large number probabilities, first find the total
number of outcomes, then remember that your first choice will be all of
the possibilities, your second choice will be all but one of the
possibilities, third all but 2, etc.
for example, four houses each have a garage door opener with 4096
different combos possible. What are the odds that at least 2 have the
same combo.
total number of outcomes is 4096^4, but the probability that NONE
will be the same is 4096*4095*4094*4093, because each time tjeres
another code that is not an option.

When calculating conditional probability - just use the condition as the

denominator (the set of all possible values) - this makes sense b/c that
is your new sample subset

Binomial probability : B(n,p,k) nCk*p^k*(1-P)^(n-k)

N number of trials K number of successes P probability of a success

bell / normal curve 68 one SD 95 - two SDs 99.7 - 3 SDs

The variance is the summation of the [square of the difference of the

observed and expected count] * [the probability of that element]
When calculating probability, AND means multiply, OR means add
(don’t forget to subtract the overlap)

Exponential distribution - the time it takes between two events

r = lambda, or the average number of events in one unit of time
P(x is greater than an amount of time) = e^ (-r*x)
waiting LONGER than x = e^ (-r*x) Waiting LESS THAN the amount of
time is the compliment or
1 - e^ (-r*x)

to do a period of time, you have to subtract

P(a<x<b) = p(x<b) - p(x<a) - this makes sense because if you take the
probability that x will be less than the larger number, and then
subtract the probability that x is less than the smaller number (which
isn’t true, hence the subtraction) - you will end up with the probability
of being within that range

expected value: add up each discrete value in the set of possibilities

after multiplying each by its probability. Example, a die would be 1*
1/6 + 2 * 1/6 + 3* 1/6 etc. to give 3.5.

MEDIAN : if there are an even number of values in the data set, you
hav e to take the average of the middle two - that is your median

QUARTILES: The first quartile is the median of the set of data points
that are less than the original median. The third quartile is the median
of the set of data points that are bigger than the original median.

IQR - interquartile range - the RANGE between the first and third
quartiles. use this to find outliers. An outlier is any data set that lies
more than 1.5 IQR above the third quartile or 1.5 IQR below the first

Variance: the measure of how spread out your data is. the summation
of the probability of each element times the difference of the original
value and the mean value squared.
summation of : [(the probability of x) * (x minus the mean)^2 for each
data point
Standard deviation is the square root of the variance

When finding values for discreet random variables, use the binomial
probability to find values for each random variable

When finding values for discreet random variables, the probabilities

will always add up to one

A random variable is a quantitative variable whose value depends on

chance in some way

VOLUNTARY RESPONSE SAMPLE: convenience sampling - almost

guaranteed to be biased.

SIMPLE RANDOM SAMPLE: Every subset of individuals is equally likely

to be chosen as the sample. Example: names in a hat

Stratified Random Sample: The population is broken into groups

(strata), and each one of those groups has a SRS taken from it.

Systematic Sampling: Incorporating a process (picking every 25th

name on a list). Taking a systematic approach to selection, not
entirely random but not intentional either

CLUSTer sampling: Individuals are divided into clusters of

heterogenous groups, and then one or more clusters are chosen as a
sample set. The goal is to simulate mini populations w/in each one of
the clusters.


Dot plot: for discreet data, each dot represents the frequency of the
Histogram: Better for larger sets of data b/c the numbers can be put
into groups, unlike a dot or bar graph, where each “bin” or “bucket”
contains one data element.
Stem and leaf: another method similar, where the first digit is listed
and the smaller place values are identified in the list
1 1 2 5 11, 12, 15
2 0 2 20, 22
3 3 3 5 33, 33, 35

Box and whisker plot: Versatile data representation, shows the

Median, Q1 and Q3, outliers and range

CATEGORICAL DATA: Percentage counts, bar graphs, pie charts.

For one variable data sets, the mean is the best predictor of any
unknown data element
So the “line of best fit” for one variable data would be a horizontal line
across the mean value of our data set
LINE OF BEST FIT: REGRESSION LINE: Always find the mean of the x
values and the y values. This point will always fall on the regression

to find the SLOPE: summation of [x minus mean of x times y minus

mean of y] for all data points divided by the summation of x minus the
mean of x squared of all x points

once you find the slope, you can plug in the two average points and
find the intercept

chi squared test: summation of (observed count - expected count)^2

divided by expected count for each cell, the summation is of the entire
division problem

If you need to find the expected count, take the row total times the
column total and divide by the table total. Sometimes the expected
count will be given to you.

The degrees of freedom is the number of rows minus 1 times the

number of columns minus 1

once you have the statistic and the degrees of freedom, you can look
up the p-value on a table. a high p-value means that the likelihood of
getting the results at random is high, and you can assume the null
hypothesis is true. A low p-value means that the likelihood of getting
data randomly is true and you have reason to question the null

The null hypothesis is usually that there is no correlation between the

data being analyzed.

Correlation coefficient between -1 and 1, -1 being extremely negative

correlation (downward slope, perfect fit) +1 being extremely positive
correlation (poitive slope perfect fit, and 0 being absolutely no
correlation. The regression coefficient is squared, so closer to one
means a better fit, and 0 means no correlations

p-value: a probability , a number between 0 and 1. The probability that

the results obtained from the experiment were random. A high p-value
means that the results were most likely random, whereas a low p-value
means that there is a low probability that the results were random. A
low-p value means that there is evidence that one can reject the null

Null hypothesis vs. alternative hypothesis. Null hypothesis states that

there is no difference between products (or the experiment had no

Alternative hypothesis can be one or two sided. If the alt. hypothesis

states that the experiment will perform “better” (or worse, but has to
be just one assumption), it is a one-sided hypothesis. If the alt.
hypothesis states that the experiment will perform “different” than the
null, then it is a two-sided hypothesis.

Confidence Interval:

The probability that the sample will include the population mean. A
95% confidence interval means that in 95% of cases, the sample
selected will include the population mean. It doesn’t say anything
more about hte mean in particular.
A larger confidence interval means that there will be a larger range of
results, so your data will be less precise, but more likely to contain the
population mean. A smaller confidence interval will give more precise
data with a higher likelihood that the sample mean lies outside of the
To narrow the range of the interval but maintain a higher confidence
interval, increase the sample size.

When using the conditional probability formula, P(A | B) = P(A N B)/
P(B) - do not assume independence. P(a N b) does not equal P(A) *
P(B) if the two are not independent.

If you need to, draw a venn diagram - it can be very helpful

P(A U B) means the probability of a, b or both

P(A N B) is only P(A)*P(B) if the events are INDEPENDENT
P (A N B) is the probability of an intersection of A and B. So if we are
talking about dice and A = [1, 2] and B = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6], so A N B = [2] .
the probability of A N B is 1/6, P(A) = 1/3 and P(B) is 5/6. Notice that
P(A) * P(B) = 5/9, which ≠ 1/6. Therefore the events are NOT

we can’t find the probabilities of the intersection (N) if we are only

given P(A) and P(B)

Outliers have more effect on the mean of the sample than they do on
the median

Use the compliment probability for problems of “at least one”

Z-score can be positive or negative, depending on how many standard

deviations the data point is above or below the mean

to find z-score, find the relative distance between the data point and
the mean, and divide by the standard deviation.

Point Slope Form: Ax+By=C

Area of a trapezoid: 1/2 (B1+B1) * H

Angle Bisectors intersect at the incenter, which is the point
equidistant from the three sides of a triangle. The insenter forms a
circle inscribed within the triangle

Perpendicular Bisectors form the circumcenter, or the point which is

equidistant from all of the angles of a triangle, or the center of a circle
that inscribes the trianlge.

The medians intersect each other at a ratio of 2:3, the point of

concurrence is the centroid.

The altitudes are concurrent at the orthocenter

The equation to find the slope of a regression line is

the summation of the x points minus xbar times the ypoints minus ybar
(xsubi minus xbar times ysubi minus ybar - summed for all x and y
points OVER the summation of xi minus xbar squared)

Angle addition postulate: If B is on the inside of AOC, then mAOB +


Parallel postulate: if a straight line intersects two straight lines

forming two interior angles on the same side that add up to less than
180 degrees, then the two lines, if extended indefinitely, will meet on
that side on which the angles add up to less than 180 degrees


through any point P not on a line L lies one line m that is parallel to
line L

A=B, C=B, then A=C is called the transitive property of equality.

Corresponding angles are angles formed by parallel lines cut by a

transversal, the angle formed by the transversal and one of the
parallel lines is congruent to the angle formed by the transversal and
the other parallel line
Corresponding angles have an angle between them

Euclids fifth follows from the Alternate interior angle theorem because
you can use substitution to compare the complimentary angles . If the
alternate interior angles aren’t congruent, the lines will not be parallel,
and the sum of the angles will be less than 180, necessitating another
angle to make a triangle

Alternate Exterior Angle Theorem states that the alternate angles “on
top and “on bottom” of the parallel lines will be congruent. Prove using

Congruence, SSS, SAS, AAS, ASA and HL

Similarity, AA, sss, sAs

Isosolese Triangle theorem, if 2 sides of a triangle are congruent, the

angles opposite those sides are also congruent.

Exterior Angle theorem: The measure of the exterior angle of a

triangle is equal to the measure of the other two interior angles

The medians bisect a SIDE from its opposite angle. They do not
necessarily make right angles, and they join together at the centroid.
The centroid will always have a 2:3 ratio on each median. The centroid
will always lie within the triangle.

The angle bisectors form the incenter, you can always draw a circle
inside the triangle using the incenter

The perpendicular bisectors form the circumcenter, which will produce

a circle circumscribing the triangle if using a radius equal to the
distance from the circumcenter to each angle

The altitudes of a triangle are concurrent at the orthocenter

Law of cosines says that c^2 = a^2 + b^2 - 2ab*cos(C)

Trigonometric Formula: Area of a Triangle = 1/2a*b*sin(C)

The distance formula sqrt ((x1-x2)^2+(y1-y2)^)

Midpoint formula (x1+x2)/2, (y1+y2)/2
Slope formula: change in y over change in x
standard form ax+by=c
slope - intercept: y=mx+b
point slope: (y-y1)=m(x-x1)

To find concurrent points, USE SUBSTITUTION!’

When finding the equation for a parabola, the distance to the directrix
is absolute value, NOT a square or a root, so if focus is (1, 4) and
directrix is x=3, then the formula to find the equation would be sqrt ((x-
1)^2+(y-4)^2) = |x-3| Since we will be squaring both sides in order to
solve, the absolute value sign is inconsequential.

translate from rectangular to polar coordinates: r = squrt (x^2+y^2)

theta = arctan (y/x)

polar to rectangular: x = cos(theta) * r

y = sin(theta)*r

matrix multiplication: row 1, column 1 (matrix a) times row one

column 1 (matrix B) + row 1, column 2 (matrix a) times row two column
1 (matrix B)

Surface area of a cone uses slant height to find what is multiplied to

1/2 circumference
pi*r*(slant height) + pi*r^2

sphere 4/3 pi r^3 volume, 4 pi r^2 = sA

Isometry: a transformation where all distances are preserved -

reflection, rotation, translation

Two shapes are congruent in the coordinate system if one shape can
be translated w/ isometries to the other shape
Permutations will yield larger number of results than Combinations
nPk = (n)!/(n-k)!
Combinations have to compensate for overcounting, since A A B is the
same as A B A
so nCk = n! / k! (n-k)!
, same as permutations, except we are also factoring out the total
number of ways to k can be ranked, which is k! (since they would be
overcounted otherwise)

Normal distribution: 68% fall w/in one std dev

95% fall w/in two std. dev
99.7% falls w/in three std. dev

Binomial distribution B(n,k,p) nCk*p^k*(1-p)^(n-k)

Exponential distribution e^(-rx) where r is avg. wait time and x is the

probability of waiting longer than x

if its waiting shorter than x, then its 1-e^(-rx)

these formula calculate the probability, based on a rate of time (r) and
an amount of time you expect to wait more or less time than (x).

The probability of waiting longer than x units of time is e^(-r*x)

The prob. of waiting shorter than x units of time is (1-e^(-r*x))

Expected value is just the value for each element multiplied by the
probability for that element to occur.

Remember that when figuring out Ex.value for “more than” or “less
than”, you may need to find mutliple expected values and sum them

for medians , if the median is the average of the two innermost

numbers in an even numbered set, the median isn’t used in finding q1
or q3
If the median is a real element (for odd numbered sets), then include it
in both the q1 and the q3 calculations

Standard deviation is the summation of each element minus the

average squared, divided by n or n-1, depending on if its a sample or a
so standard deviation of 1, 3, 4, 5, and 10 would be 1+3+4+5+10 = 23 / 5
= 4.6
(1-4.6)^2 + (3-4.6)^2 + (4-4.6)^2 + (5-4.6)^2 + (10-4.6)^2 which equals
45.2, divided by 5 (or 4) = 9.04
thats the variance. quare root of variance is roughly 3

SRS - simple random sample, chosen so each subset of individuals is

equally likely to be chosen as the sample

Stratified Random Sample is when the population is broken into groups

(or strata), and an SRS is selected from each strata to model the

Systematic sampling: select every 25th item on a list

Cluster sampling is when the population is broken into clusters, and

certain clusters are chosen or selected from at random out of
randomly selected clusters
Cluster sampling can be less accurate then SRS

One more time,( the summation of x-xbar times y-ybar) divided by the
summation of x-xbar squared
give you the slope of the line, then just use x-bar and ybar as your x& y
points and solve for b

Chi squared - summation of ( observed value minus expected value),

square the difference, then divide by the expected value
Don’t forget about degrees of freedom, which is 1minus columns
times 1 minus rows

low p-value means low chances of it happening randomly, which means

reject the null hypothesis

Correllation coefficient: -1 means perfect negative slope correllation,

1 means perfect positive slope correllation, and 0 means no
correlation whatsoever.

Talking about regression: this is squared, so closer to 1 means closer

to good fit, 0 means no good fit

Confidence interval is how confident you are that your data is within a
certain range of numbers. A higher confidence interval will yield less
precise statistics, b/c you can be more sure you are encapsulating the
true correct value.


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