8th MCQ Parallelograms and Quadrilaterals

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8th Quadrilateral and Parallelogram Multiple Questions

MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS CLASS VIII Chapter: TOPIC: GEOMETRY 1. A simple closed curve made up of only _____________ is called apolygon . (a) curves (b) line segments (c) lines (d) closed curves

2. A polygon with minimum number of sides is (a) Pentagon (b) Square (c) triangle (d) angle

3.Polygons that have no portions of their diagonals in their exteriors are called (a) Squares (b) triangles (c) convex (d) concave

4. Polygons that have (a) Squares (b) triangles

any portions of their diagonals in their exteriors are called (c) convex (d) concave

5. All the sides of a regular polygon are _________________. (a) Parallel (a) 90 o (b) equal in length (c) not parallel (d) not equal (b) 60 o (c) equal measure

6. . All the angles of a regular polygon are of ________________. (d) equal length

7. Sum of all interior angles of a polygon with (n) sides is given by (a) (n 2) x 180 o (b) n 2 x 180 o (c) (n + 2 )x180 o (d) n + 2x 180 o 8. Maximum number of right angles in a right angled triangle are (a) 2 (a) 180 o (a) 180 o (a) 120 o (b) 1 (b) 360o (b) 540 o (b) 80 o (c) 3 (c) 540o (c) 630 o (c)100 o (d) 0 (d) 240o (d) 900 o (d) 60 o

9.Sum of all interior angles of a parallelogram is

10. The angle sum of all interior angles of a convex polygon of sides 7 is

11. Each exterior angle of a regular hexagon is of measure

12. The number of sides in a regular polygon is 15 , then measure of each exterior angle is (a) 24o (b) 36o (c)20o (d)18o

13. The measure of each interior angle of a regular polygon is 140o, then number of sides that regular polygon has ________ (a) 15 (b) 12 (c) 9 (d) 10

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8th Quadrilateral and Parallelogram Multiple Questions

14. A parallelogram each of whose angles measures 90o is ______. (a)rectangle (b)rhombus (c)kite (d)trapezium

15. A parallelogram whose all sides are equal is called (a)square (b)rhombus (c)rectangle (d) trapezium

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