CBSE Class 8 Ma Ptactice Worksheet (

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Assignment No. 12
Ch 14 Mensuration

1. Tick the correct alternative :

i. The parallel sides of a trapezium are 28 cm and 16 cm and its area is 220 cm2. The distance
between its parallel sides is
a) 5 cm b) 10 cm c) 15 cm d) 20 cm
ii. If an edge of a cube is doubled, then its surface area will become
a) twice b) thrice c) times d) four times
iii. The volume of a cube of edge 0.01 m (in cm3) is
a) 0.000001 b) 1 c) 0.0001 d) 0.001
iv. The radius of a right circular cylinder is doubled keeping its height same. The ratio between
the volumes of new cylinder and the original cylinder is
a) 3 : 1 b) 4 : 1 c) 2 : 1 d) 8 : 1

2. The area of a square is 42.25 m2. Find the side of the square. If the tiles measuring
13 cm 13 cm are paved on the square area, find how many tiles are required for paving it?
3. A field in the form of a rhombus has each side of length 64 m and altitude 16 m. What is the
side of a square field which has the same area as that of the rhombus?
4. The perimeter of the rhombus is 20 cm and the altitude is 4.8 cm. If the length of one
diagonal is 6 cm, find the length of the other diagonal.
5. The area of a trapezium is 210 cm2. The ratio between the lengths of its parallel sides is 3:4.
If its height is 6 cm, find the length of both the parallel sides.
6. How many cubical blocks of edge 25 cm can be cut from a cubical block of edge 1 m?
7. A powder is available in two packs- a tin can with a square base of each side 5 cm and having
height 14 cm or one with a circular base of radius 3.5 cm and having height 12 cm. Which of
them has greater capacity and by how much?
8. Three cubes of edge 10 cm each are placed side by side and stuck together. If the outer
surface alone is painted at 2 paise per cm2, find the cost of painting.
9. A cuboidal tin open at the top has dimensions 20 cm 16 cm 14 cm. What is the total area
of a sheet of metal required to make 10 such tins.
10. The circumference of the base of a right circular cylinder is 176 cm and it is 1 m high. Find
the lateral surface area of the cylinder.
11. A cylindrical pillar is 50 cm in diameter and 3.5 m high. Find the cost of white washing its
curved surface at the rate of Rs 1.25 per square metre.
12. The diameter of a roller is 80 cm and its length is 126 cm. It takes 750 complete revolutions
moving once over to level a playground. Find the area of the playground.
13. A room is 5.5 m long, 4 m wide and 3.5 m high. Find the cost of papering its walls with paper
90 cm wide at Rs 1.20 per metre.
14. The area of a rhombus is equal to the area of a triangle with base 24.8 cm and altitude 16.5
cm. If one of the diagonals of the rhombus is 22 cm, find the other diagonal.
15. A cardboard box open from the top is 1.5 m long, 1.25 m wide and 65 cm deep. Find the
area of cardboard required for making the box and the cost of cardboard required at Rs 25
per sq m.
16. A rich person wants to donate a rectangular piece of land measuring 500m length and 300m
breadth. He distributes his land equally among his 5 servants.

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i. How much area does each servant get?

ii. Do you believe in donation/charity? If yes, write one incidence when you have
donated something.
iii. Can you name the great Indian leader who started Bhoodan Movement?

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