Ccelerometer Alibration Orkstation: Modal Shop

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Model 9155C



Accelerometer Calibration Workstation

Model 9155C features accurate back-to-back comparison calibrations of ICP (IEPE) and charge mode piezoelectric accelerometers in accordance with ISO 5347-3. Benefits of the Model 9155C form in two areas: conformance to existing standards and automation of the calibration task. The system is designed to perform accelerometer calibrations emulating the procedure in ISO 5347-3 for secondary calibrations. Hardcopy printed certificates fulfill the requirements set forth by ISO 17025 for calibration certificates. The system also calculates measurement uncertainty according to ISO 5347-3. The automation afforded by the easy to use Windows software provides for simplified calibration procedures, as test parameters are stored and recalled automatically for each accelerometer. This makes for 'hands-off' operation once the sensor is mounted. Even faster data acquisition is possible when using broadband excitation (option 9155C-200). The Model 9155C is a turn-key solution, providing all necessary system components 'out-of-the-box'. Principle components are the Windows PC controller, printer, data acquisition hardware, reference accelerometer, shaker table, and signal conditioning. Use the 9155C as your first step toward conforming to vibration calibration requirements!

I N C .

F E AT U R E S :
Assures accurate, NIST and/or PTB traceable calibrations Turn-key system includes all necessary components Windows PC supplies familiar, intuitive user interface Setup tests, acquire data, save results, and print reports with precision and automation Define multiple pass/fail criteria for each test and automatically recall them from the internal database Printed certificates comply with ISO 17025 Automated calibration procedures Self-documenting measurement uncertainty Traceable calibrations at 33 frequencies
Helping you test, model, and modify the behavior of structures and processes. 3149 E. Kemper Road Cincinnati, Ohio 4 5 2 4 1 - 1 5 1 6
U . S . A .

P h . 513-351-9919 FAX 513-458-2172




As a crucial part of the Model 9155C Accelerometer Calibration Workstation, the Windows XP control software has been designed to provide accurate calibrations and an easy-to-use graphical user interface, based on the 30+ years of accelerometer manufacturing experience at PCB Piezotronics.

F E AT U R E S :
Broadband excitation provides faster, more efficient
test cycle times

Clearly defines Pass/Fail criteria for each sensor type Retrieve and archive calibration data in SQL compliant

Software automatically updates TEDS sensors with

new calibration data

Export calibration data for third party systems

(MET/TRACK, etc.)

Phase measurement calibration provides additional

confidence in sensors

Printed calibration certificates comply with ISO 17025

requirements and can be customized to user's requirements

Calibrates velocity output sensors, reported in English

or metric units

Database of sensor specifications and test requirements

automate system setup


Cincinnati, Oh USA


The accelerometer has largely supplanted all other types of
transducers for vibration measurements. This wide-spread use has been satisfied by several sensing technologies including piezoelectric, piezoresistive, capacitive, and servo. Accordingly, hundreds of thousands of these accelerometers are used each year. In some applications, calibration is not needed. Amplitude scaling is unnecessary if frequency discrimination, such as measurement of resonances, is the only requirement. However, magnitude scaling is often critical for advanced problem solution, especially in cases of trending, animation or modeling. Without traceability to an absolute physical standard, the reliability of a non-traceable vibration transducer (and the data acquired) is of limited value. Correct and meaningful vibration transducer calibration ensures traceability to an absolute physical standard, which provides a defined degree of confidence in all of your vibration measurements. Calibrating a vibration transducer at just one frequency will provide the vibration engineer with the sensitivity of the transducer. However, it will not reveal anything regarding the usefulness of the transducer at other frequencies. True confidence in the performance of the vibration transducer can only be obtained by calibrating the sensitivity at more than one frequency. Your transducer should be calibrated over the entire specified frequency range to ensure that the transducer has not been damaged. Transducer damage will typically show up as irregularities in the Frequency Response Function (FRF) curve. The 9155C system detects any irregularities by recording both magnitude and phase at each tested frequency. Studies at both the Imperial College of London and the University of Cincinnati have confirmed that improper scaling is a common error in acceleration frequency response measurements [1,2]. This figure from UCs vibration course clearly indicates this. All measurements were taken from identical points on the same structure. The difference between curves are calibration errors. Users need to obtain and use proper calibration values to eliminate this problem. There are many ways to calibrate an accelerometer: gravity, fixed frequency/amplitude handheld exciters, reference standards, and reciprocity. Each of these methods relies on additional equipment to provide a scaling value for an accelerometer under calibration. When not controlled properly, significant variances occur in measurement. The figure below from an Australian National Measurements Laboratory round-robin study shows variances in calibrations performed by accredited calibration laboratories [3]. This round-robin report concludes that uncertainties on the order of 3% can be expected. Uncertainty increases at smaller accelerations and lower frequencies. Even among participating laboratories, results from several had to be dismissed where due care with instrumentation or documentation had not been taken. If these calibration laboratories can err, it becomes obvious that control and traceability is extremely important. Typically, a certified lab should expect uncertainties at the reference frequency to be less than 2%. This is why the ISO 9001 and 10012 standards specifically concentrate on ensuring adequate calibration controls. Instituting a program based on calibration standards, like ISO 53473/1987, helps to ensure quality in measurements. If measurement is a part of your job, consider establishing a controlled, traceable program for your equipment. The Modal Shop calibration systems and PCB reference sensors will provide a strong foundation for your program. Dont let complicated standards or jargon deter you. We will be glad to provide assistance in creating a calibration program.

References: [1] Allemang, R.J., Vibrations: Experimental Modal Analysis, University of Cincinnati, 1995, pp. 4-27 [2] Ewins, D.J., Griffin, J., A State-of-the-Art Assessment of Mobility Measurement Techniques - Results for the Mid-Range Structures, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Volume 78, Number 2, 1981, pp. 197-222 [3] Clark, N.H., Accelerometer Calibrations - Who Needs Them, Volume 17, Number 3, pp. 67


Cincinnati, Oh USA


The 9155Cs use of a dedicated vibration exciter provides a high quality vibration environment for accurate calibrations. ISO standard 5347-3 outlines the back-to-back configuration in which the Sensor Under Test (SUT) and the Standard Reference Accelerometer are subjected to identical input accelerations. Consequently, the ratio of the two SPECIFICATIONS:
Frequency Range Typical Measurement Uncertainty* Calibration Method Measurements Accelerometers Supported Sensors Supported TEDS Sensor Support Excitation Type Acceleration Levels Max. Displacement Reference Frequencies Calibration Data Management Automatic pass/fail Classification Measurement Units Dimensions

transducers sensitivities are simply the ratio of their measured outputs. A comparison is performed by the control software, while obtaining the measured outputs at every frequency. On-line calculation of the sensitivity and phase of the SUT takes place in parallel to displaying the result on the screen.

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Main Voltage Supply

* random component estimated in software automatically additional space required for PC monitor and keyboard

5 Hz - 10 kHz 1.4% (<2000 Hz) 2.5% (2000-10,000 Hz) Back-to-back comparison per ISO 5347-3 Sensitivity, Phase ICP, Charge, Voltage Acceleration, Velocity IEEE P1451.4 Stepped Sine, Broadband 1 to 10 G 1 in. (2.54 cm) pk - pk 100 and 159 Hz Yes Yes English, Metric Main Cabinet: 29.5H x 21.75W x 23D [75cm x 55cm x 58cm] Shaker: 9.25H x 9.25W x 7.5D [23.5cm x 23.5cm x 19.1cm] 115 Volts - optional 220 Volts

Model Type Sensitivity Frequency Range Weight Resonant Frequency PCB 301A10 ICP 100 mV/Pa .5 Hz - 10 kHz 6.2 oz (176 g) > 35 kHz

9155C 9155C-200 9155C-300 9155C-400 9155C-600 9155C-SC Automated Accelerometer Calibration Workstation base system Broadband Excitation, optional Phase Calibration, optional TEDS Sensor Support, optional Velocity Calibration, optional Software Contract

Helping you test, model, and modify the behavior of structures and processes. 3149 E. Kemper Road Cincinnati, Ohio 4 5 2 4 1 - 1 5 1 6
U . S . A .

System Verification Sensor PCB Model 352A78 Diamond edge whetstone Various mounting adapters & cables


9350C 9963C 9090C Series 9100C
rev. 7.10.2002 ICP is a reg. trademark of PCB Group, Inc.

P h . 513-351-9919 FAX 513-458-2172

Precision Acoustic Calibration Workstation Gravimetric Calibration System Accelerometer Array Calibrator Portable Vibration Calibrator
* In the interest of constant product improvement, specifications are subject to change without notice.


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