Datasheet PDF
Datasheet PDF
Datasheet PDF
Keysight Technologies.
Agilent N7800A
Calibration and Adjustment
Software for Agilent
RF/µW Instruments
For a complete list of instrument Records indicate that over 10% of products appearing otherwise “healthy”
model numbers, please refer to the actually fail some datapoint during testing, requiring adjustment. Even if
table in page 6. As other families of they do not need hardware replacement or repair, such adjustment would
instruments become supported with require a round trip to a service provider if the adjustment tools are not
compatible PC-based calibration and available to a self-maintainer. Likewise, even when hardware can be
adjustment software, they will be repaired in the field, it often requires post-repair adjustment to ensure
added to the licensing program. See the instrument is performing within specifications.
page 6 for minimum PC requirements.
Run No Run No Diagnose &
Pass? Pass?
performance tests adjustments order parts
Yes Install
new parts
Save time and expense by saves your metrology staff many laboratory must make use of these
automatically adjusting products weeks of complex calculations and Universal 90-day licenses if/when
that fail specifications. analysis. You can generate the report you calibrate outside equipment for
format of your choice, to comply with commercial purposes. As the user,
The days of screwdriver “tweaks” are the requirements of the standard(s) you can choose whether to provide
long gone. Many of the performance you must meet. Test results can be a commercial calibration or a
advantages offered by Agilent products exported if you wish to maintain Z540/17025 calibration by choosing
are due to the ability to “fine tune” calibration records elsewhere. the corresponding 90-day license.
the hardware under microprocessor
control. Amplifier gains, filter corners, You only need to buy one Product number Description
DC offsets, and other functions can be license for each calibration N7800A-U1S TME Non-commercial
adjusted according to measurement
station that is to be operated seat license new
environment and component aging.
using our software. install
These adjustments require complex
N7800A-U1R TME Non-commercial
iterative external measurements and
A licensed station can test all seat license,
calculations to characterize the instru-
covered instrument models in any renewal,
ment and then make the appropriate
quantity for one year, and can test (requires existing
adjustments. Intimate knowledge of
any new models/options released install)
the architecture and detailed circuitry
during the license period. N7800A-U9C Universal 90-day
are required, so such adjustment ca-
license, individual
pability is available only in the Agilent
Such a “seat license” may not instrument, Agilent
calibration and adjustment software.
be used to provide commercial Commercial
Service Center records indicate that
calibration services for Agilent Calibration
roughly 10% of the products calibrated
instruments. N7800A-U9Z Universal 90-day
initially fail some specification, but can
license, individual
be brought into compliance simply
You may use this seat license as a instrument Agilent
through automatic adjustment,
self-maintainer calibrating equipment ANSI Z540 and
eliminating the need for any hardware
you own, or equipment that is an ISO 17025 calibration
“repair”. From your perspective, that
integral part of a government program N7800A-UPZ Universal perpetual
means saving a round-trip to an
in which you are participating. This license, individual
Agilent facility for adjustment.
includes contractors who are operating instrument, Agilent
calibration laboratories in support of ANSI Z540 and
Automatically generate and
government or military organizations. ISO 17025 calibration
report results of measurement
uncertainty analyses. However, you may not use this seat
license to provide general commercial If your instrument volume does
calibration service. not justify a seat license, or your
While the gains Agilent software offers
operational model would be better
in shorter turnaround times and lower
The seat license must be renewed addressed by long-term individual in-
costs are important, Agilent has taken
annually to maintain your access to strument licenses, we offer perpetual
even greater steps in ensuring that
the latest software revisions. licenses for individual instruments.
calibration quality meets the highest
They provide full ANSI Z540 and ISO
possible standards. The software
For calibration labs providing 17025 analysis and reporting, and can
generates a measurement uncertainty
commercial calibration services, be used with any instrument model
analysis for each test point in any
we offer licenses to enable the covered by our Calibration Software.
calibration you perform. That analysis
calibration and/or adjustment You are entitled to use our software
is based upon the strictest possible
of any covered instrument for a tools for the lifetime of the product,
interpretation of the regulatory
period of 90 days. and to any new revisions of software
standards, and is guaranteed to
that might be issued. The license can
meet or exceed the requirements
When activated, these licenses are be installed on as many systems, in
laid out by ISO 17025 or ANSI Z540.
linked to a specific serial number and as many places as you wish, so there
The engineering derivation of each
provide adequate time for testing, are no geographic or time restrictions.
uncertainty analysis often encompasses
adjusting, repairing, and re-testing of The only limitation is that the license
20 to 30 pages of complex equations, so
that specific instrument. Even if you is valid only for the specific instrument
having them embedded in the software
are primarily a self-maintainer, your serial number used to activate the
All licenses include access to both Software may be downloaded, or you New software packages are released
performance verification tests and to can check for the latest software continually. For the most current list
automatic adjustments (if required to revisions online. of software CDs, go to:
make the instrument pass specification).
All licenses enable you to create full Visiting our web site at www.agilent.
test result reports that can be com/find/calibrationsoftware is an You may order the CD-ROM set
exported to other systems. All excellent way to examine the thorough containing the calibration software
self-maintainer seat licenses and the “Help” text included. Many details, such for the corresponding product family.
U9Z 90-day licenses enable you to re- as system configuration, required test Each software CD-ROM set includes
port all uncertainty calculations within equipment (and alternatives), and test test and adjustments for all products
the final tabular report and graphs. descriptions, are included in the help and options within that product family.
text. For your convenience, every CD-ROM
Most software and licensing set includes a copy of the Agilent Test
transactions with Agilent can See page 7 for a collection of important Management Environment (TME) test
be made quickly, online, at any web links pertaining to Cal SW Licensing. executive. The test executive need only
be loaded once (whether downloaded
time. Licenses are activated In addition, the calibration and or loaded from CD). After that, it is
through a simple interaction adjustment application for each necessary only to load the product
with an Agilent web site. product family can be purchased on family-specific application software.
a CD (for a nominal charge) under
When a license is purchased, you the following product numbers, Nothing has been done to disable
receive a uniquely numbered Certificate should you be unable or unwilling older versions of Agilent test software.
of Entitlement that you must then to download it free from the web:
activate (“redeem”) online. You If you are using older versions of our
may go to the Agilent web site at Product Application test software (without uncertainty number analysis reporting), you may continue
at any time. Using your order number N7805A E6601A Wireless comms to use that software to calibrate the
and your certificate number, you test set corresponding products. However,
activate a license by: N7810A PSA Cal and adjust please note that the older versions
1) entering the MAC address of the N7811A ESA Cal and adjust cannot reside on the same PC as the
test station PC to be licensed, in N7812A VSA (E4406A) Cal and newer, licensed version. Attempting to
the case of “seat” licenses, or adjust have them on the same PC will result
in file corruption that is difficult to
2) entering the model and serial N7813A CSA Cal and adjust
correct. In addition, the older versions
number of an instrument to be N7814A X-Series Cal and adjust
will not be updated for new products
licensed, in the case of individual N7815A 896xx Cal and adjust and options.
perpetual or 90-day licenses. N7817A EMI Cal and adjust
N7820A PSG Cal and adjust
Shortly afterward, you will receive an
N7821A ESG-C (E4428C, E4438C)
email with the electronic license file(s)
Cal and adjust
attached. Using the instructions sup-
N7822A MXG Cal and adjust
plied, you import those licenses into
your TME system, and you are then N7823A E8663B Cal and adjust
ready to calibrate. N7824A ESG-B Cal and adjust
N7830A NFA Cal and adjust
N7831A N4010A Cal and adjust
N7832A P-Series Power meters cal
N7833A N8300A Wireless network
test set
N7840A PNA Cal
N7845A Upconverter synthetic
Instruments cal and adjust
N7846A Downconverter synthetic
instrument cal
N7851A U200x Power sensor cal
Combine the advantages you Automated test times are far less ANSI Z540 and ISO 17025 uncer-
have as a self-maintainer with than the manual equivalent. tainty analyses are guaranteed
to meet all requirements.
the experience that Agilent They are also guaranteed to return
has in high-performance more consistent, repeatable results If you are trying to achieve certification,
metrology to achieve the across all test conditions. you can rely on the Agilent uncertainty
optimum level of internal analyses to meet the strictest interpre-
process control and external If you normally require a Z540 or tations of Z540/17025 requirements.
17025 calibration before you can put The exact same analyses are used in
accreditation. equipment into program use, you can our certified Service Centers. All seat
now perform such a calibration on licenses include Z540/17025 reporting
Your “cost of calibration” will be
your own, rather than arranging for a capability. For the 90-day licenses, you
predictable from year-to-year,
special calibration from Agilent or other can choose whether to pay a modest
because all technical support, software
service providers. Your “incoming price premium for Z540/17025 over
updates, new products and options,
inspection” can be run as a Z540 the commercial calibration license
and revision control are included in the
(or 17025) calibration. price. Agilent TME software already
price of a single renewable license.
meets the requirements of Z540.3.
A knowingly maladjusted
instrument was chosen to gather
this data, to demonstrate how
measurement uncertainty can affect
the pass/fail conclusion associated
with measurement data that never
exceeds the actual specification
limit. “Indeterminate,” in this
case, should be taken to mean
“Adjustment Recommended,”
Instruments Covered Minimum PC System
For the latest list of instruments covered please see: ● PC Hardware
• 450 MHz Pentium II
Product family Models (600 MHz or faster recommended)
PSA spectrum analyzers E4440A, E4443A, E4445A, E4446A, E4447A, E4448A • 128 MB RAM
ESA spectrum analyzers E4401B, E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, (256 MB or more recommended)
E4407B, E4408B, E4411B, E7401A, E7402A, • 200 MB available hard drive
E7403A, E7404A, E7405A NOTE: Data storage will average
VSA vector signal analyzer E4406A approximately 200 MB of disk
VSA vector signal analyzer 896xxA space per 100 full instrument
CSA spectrum analyzer N1996A calibrations. Test data is saved for
EXA signal analyzer N9010A every test that is run within TME
MXA signal analyzer N9020A therefore overall data storage
EMI receiver N9039A needs will vary depending on the
PSG signal generators E8241A, E8244A, E8247C, E8251A, E8254A, E8257C, number of instruments calibrated.
E8257D, E8267C, E8267D • Minimum 800 x 600 display with
ESG signal generators E4428C, E4438C, E4400B, E4420B, E4421B, E4422B, 256 colors
E4423B, E4424B, E4425B, E4426B, E4430B, E4431B, • GPIB card (One of the following
E4432B, E4433B, E4434B, E4435B, E4436B, E4437B cards must be installed prior to
MXG signal generators N5181A, N5182A installing this application):
E8663B signal generator E8663B • Agilent 82350A*
NFA noise figure analyzers N8972A, N8973A, N8974A, N8975A • NI GPIB/TNT**
Wireless connectivity N4010A • NI PCI-GPIB**
test set ● Operating system supported:
PNA network analyzers E8356A, E8357A, E8358A, E8361A, E8362A, E8362B, • Windows 2000 (SP3 or higher)
E8363A, E8363B, E8364A, E8364B, E8801A, E8802A, • XP Professional (SP1 or SP2)
E8803A, N3381A, N2282A, N3383A, N5230A
Upconverter synthetic N8211A, N8212A ● Additional software:
instrument • I/O Libraries
P-series power meters N1911A, N1912A, add N8262A – Agilent VISA* (Recommended
Wireless comms test set E6601A version M.01.01.04 or later)
U2000-series power sensors U200xA or
Wireless network test set N8300A – NI VISA** (Recommended
Downconverter synthetic N8201A version 3.2 or later ***)
instrument • Web Browser
– Internet Explorer (IE) 5.5 or higher
Licensed Software Features Important Web Links
(externally accessible)
Seat 90-day
License or Z540/ To download actual calibration software:
Feature Individual 17025
Perpetual Individual
License License To redeem license certificates:
Fully meets audit requirements X X X
(processes comply with ISO 17025)
For more information:
Fully traceable to national and interna- X X X • Program Overview
tional standards • Recommended Lab Standards
Agilent quality measurement methods X X X • Alternative Supported Lab Standards
Networked Installation X X X • Getting Started Guide and Tutorial
• Free Sample Trial
Determination of malfunction X X X
Instrument adjustment if found out of X X X
Full after calibration performance data X X X
Full “on receipt” performance data X X X
Calibration suitable for general use X X X
Increased measurement confidence X X X
from many more test points
Complete instrument functionality tested X X X
Measurement uncertainties provided X X
with the calibration data
Full conformance to ANSI Z540 and X X
IEC/ISO17025 requirements
Agilent Email Updates
Remove all doubt
For more information on Agilent Our repair and calibration services Technologies’ products, applications or
Get the latest information on the products will get your equipment back to you, services, please contact your local Agilent
and applications you select.
performing like new, when promised. office. The complete list is available at:
You will get full value out of your Agilent
Agilent Direct equipment throughout its lifetime. Your
equipment will be serviced by Agilent- Americas
Quickly choose and use your test trained technicians using the latest Canada 877 894 4414
equipment solutions with confidence. factory calibration procedures, auto- Latin America 305 269 7500
mated repair diagnostics and genuine United States 800 829 4444
parts. You will always have the utmost
Agilent Asia Pacific
confidence in your measurements.
Open Australia 1 800 629 485 Agilent offers a wide range of additional China 800 810 0189
Agilent Open simplifies the process of expert test and measurement services Hong Kong 800 938 693
connecting and programming test systems for your equipment, including initial India 1 800 112 929
to help engineers design, validate and start-up assistance onsite education Japan 81 426 56 7832
manufacture electronic products. Agilent Korea 080 769 0800
and training, as well as design, system
offers open connectivity for a broad range Malaysia 1 800 888 848
integration, and project management.
of system-ready instruments, open industry Singapore 1 800 375 8100
software, PC-standard I/O and global For more information on repair and Taiwan 0800 047 866
support, which are combined to more Thailand 1 800 226 008
calibration services, go to
easily integrate test system development. Europe & Middle East
Austria 0820 87 44 11
Belgium 32 (0) 2 404 93 40 Denmark 45 70 13 15 15
LXI is the LAN-based successor to GPIB, Finland 358 (0) 10 855 2100
providing faster, more efficient connec- France 0825 010 700*
tivity. Agilent is a founding member of the *0.125 € fixed network rates
LXI consortium. Germany 01805 24 6333*
Ireland 1890 924 204
Israel 972 3 9288 504/544
Italy 39 02 92 60 8484
Netherlands 31 (0) 20 547 2111
Spain 34 (91) 631 3300
Sweden 0200-88 22 55
Switzerland (French) 41 (21) 8113811 (Opt 2)
Switzerland (German) 0800 80 53 53 (Opt 1)
United Kingdom 44 (0) 118 9276201
Other European Countries:
Revised: October 24, 2007