Slep Sample Test

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Sample Test Questions

Section 1
The first section of the SLEP test measures ability to understand spoken English and is 35-40 minutes long. It is divided into four parts, with four different types of questions.


On tape: Look at the picture marked 2.

Part A
For the first type of question, the student must match one of four recorded sentences with a picture in the test book. The sentences are spoken only once and are not printed in the test book. This part contains items dealing with correct recognition of minimal pair contrasts, juncture, stress, sound clusters, tense, voice, prepositions, and vocabulary.

On tape: a. The bird is standing on top of the pole. b. The bird is flying over the fence. c. The bird is digging in the sand. d. The bird is eating the grass. On tape: Look at the picture marked 3.

Sample Questions
Note: Pictures are for illustrative purposes only. Actual pictures and drawings in the test book are two to four times larger than the sample picture in this brochure. 1. On tape:Look at the picture marked 1.


3. On tape: a. Theres a statue of a lion. b. The line is very straight. c. The wine is near the window. d. Theres a lane near the building.

On tape: a. There is an arrow in the sky. b. The building has a tall tower. c. The judge is bowing his head. d. There is a toy in front of the building.


On tape: Look at the picture marked 4.


On tape: While I was waiting for my sister, she got the news. a. b. c. d. While I was waiting for my sister, she got the news. While my sister was waiting for me, she got the news. I was waiting for my sister to get the news. I was waiting for my sister when I got the news.

In test book:

On tape: a. The b. The c. The d. The Part B These questions approximate the type of dictation exercises used frequently in English language classes: the student must match a sentence printed in the test book with a sentence heard on the tape. The questions focus on the relationship between structure and meaning. Sample Questions 1. On tape: The class can finish it in less than an hour. a. b. c. d. The The The The class cant finish in half an hour. class wont be finished for an hour. classes will take at least an hour. class can finish it in less than an hour. brain is protected by bone. train is on the track. drain is stopped up. rain is coming down.


On tape: He didnt know how to get to the gym. a. b. c. d. He He He He didnt go to the gym. explained how to use the gym. told us to get to the gym. didnt know how to get to the gym.

In test book:


On tape: Bill has one brother and one sister, and so does Jane. a. b. c. d. Bill has one brother and one sister, and so does Jane. Bill has one brother and a sister named Jane. Bill and Jane are brother and sister. Bills brother and sister like to be with Jane.

In test book:

Section 2 Part A
For the questions in this part, the student must match a printed sentence with one of four drawings. The particular focus of this item type is the use of prepositions, pronouns, adverbs, and numbers. Sample Questions 1. One girl is eating ice cream but two arent.

In test book:


On tape: Why arent they fixing the car? a. b. c. d. Are they fixing the car? Im fixing the car. Why arent they fixing the car? The car has been fixed.

In test book:


The small square is in the upper left corner.

Section 2 Part B
This part of Section 2 contains questions of two types. In one, the student must complete passages by selecting the appropriate words or phrases from among four choices printed at intervals in the passages. Sample Passage and Questions


He is bending over to pick up the box.


Sound is something we

a. b. c. d.

hears. hearing. heard. hear.

It comes to your


a. b. c. d.

eyes nose ears mouth

in different ways. It might be pleasant,


The car almost hit him while he was crossing the street.


a. like the voice of a friend, b. c. d.

when as or since

unpleasant, like the screech


a. of a trains wheels on a railroad b. c. d.

station. track. light. conductor.

Some sounds are loud.


a. and some are soft; some are high, and some are b. c. d. very a. b. c. d. importance importantly important import

full. low. Sound is quiet. big.


to us because it is the basic

means of communication.

In the second type of question, the student must answer questions about the passage for which he or she supplied the missing words or phrases. Sample Questions

Key Section 1 Part A Part B

b a a b 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. d c a d a


What does screech in line 3 mean? A. noise B. motion C. place D. piece

1. 2. 3. 4.


Which of the phrases below is another example of a pleasant sound, similar to the phrase in the sentence that begins in line 2, like the voice of friend? a. Like the ring of an alarm c. Like the honk of a horn b. Like the wail of a siren d. Like the song of a bird

Section 2 Part A
1. 2. 3. 4. c c a c

Part B
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. d c c b b c a d b


Which sentence below has almost the same meaning as the sentence that begins in line 5? a. b. c. d. It is meaningful to communicate with sound. The main way we communicate is with sound. The meaning of sound is basic to communication. In order to communicate, we need basic sounds.

L. A. Pierce College Study Skills/Tutorial Center

PRACTICE ESSAY You will have 30 minutes to complete this portion of the English Placement Examination. Write an essay on ONE of the following topics. You must stick to the topics assigned. Essays not on the assigned topics will not be graded. Organize your thoughts so that your discussion will be clear and coherent. Give your essay an appropriate title, and indicate the number of the topic you have chosen. THE INSTRUCTION SHEET MUST BE RETURNED WITH THE ESSAY. Essays submitted without the instruction sheet will be disqualified automatically. ***** SAMPLE TOPICS ***** 1. 2. If you won $1,000,000 in the state lottery, how would it change your life? A friend or relative from another country is coming to live in Los Angeles. How would you help them adjust to live in LA.?

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