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Thi gian lm bi: 90 pht, khng k thi gian pht

( thi c 4 trang)

M : 259

H & tn th sinh: . . . . . . / S bo danh: . .

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction.
Question 1: The dispute between Alice, William and me must be resolved if we are to work together effectively.
Question 2: Monica owns two houses and four cars. She must have had a lot of money.
Question 3: Do you know how many Vitamin C an onion has? As much as two apples do.
Question 4: Do you remember that guy when we saw outside the Petersons last week?
Question 5: The two girls were sitting under a tree, talking quietly while the others played tennis near the river.

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the
main stress in each of the following questions.
Question 6: A. household
Question 7: A. diversity
Question 8: A. introduce
Question 9: A. effort
Question 10: A. separately

B. desert
B. communicate
B. employee
B. technique
B. economy

C. crisis
C. appropriate
C. understand
C. event
C. preservative

D. pressure
D. academic
D. dependent
D. although
D. initiate

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions from 11 to 20.
Ostriches are funny-looking birds. They cant fly, and they cant sing. They swallow rocks, and even diamonds if they happen to
find any, to help them digest their food. They are also known for being very bad-tempered and will bite or kick their handlers if they
have a chance. Their scientific name is struthio camelus, which means sparrow-camel. When travelers in the desert saw ostriches at
a distance, they sometimes thought they were camels.
It seems hard to imagine that these birds would become an agricultural craze, but they did. During the late 1800s and early 1900s,
ostrich farming was big business in South Africa. There was a huge demand from all over the world for ostrich feathers to decorate
womens hats and clothing. Some hats were adorned with feathers more than 20 inches high. At the height of the industry in 1913,
there were 750,000 ostriches in one area of South Africa producing up to 100,000 tons of feathers a year. Ostrich feathers were almost
as important to the South African economy as gold, diamonds, and wool.
As is typical when people get rich quickly, there was some extravagance. The best ostriches were worth as much as some houses.
Ostrich farmers became very rich and built elaborate mansions called feather palaces to show off their wealth. These palaces had
marble floors, many towers and balconies, and huge bathrooms.
However, with the start of World War I, fashions changed. As a result, the demand for feathers fell quickly. Many ostrich farmers
were ruined. They had to sell their mansions, and their lives changed completely.
Ostriches are still farmed today in several parts of the world, but mainly for leather and meat. The business will probably never be
as big as it was during those peak years.
Question 11: Ostriches are unusual birds because .
A. they neither fly nor sing.
B. they know how to find diamonds.
C. they can help themselves digest their food.
D. they are seen in the desert as camels.
Question 12: We can learn from the passage that ..
A. only in the desert can ostriches be found.
B. ostriches are one of the best diamond hunters.
C. we might be bitten while feeding ostriches.
D. ostrich belongs to the camel family.
Question 13: Ostrich farming became very big business in South Africa because .
A. women started to wear hats and other clothing decorated with ostrich feathers.
B. farmers in South Africa couldnt do anything but raise ostriches.
C. there was a huge demand from all over the world for womens hats and clothing.
D. ostriches in South Africa are fed with diamonds.
Question 14: According to the passage, which of the following statements about ostriches is true?
A. There were 750,000 ostriches in South Africa.
B. The ostrich of South Africa could produce 100,000 tons of feathers a year.
C. Womens hats and clothing decorated with ostrich feathers were in during the late 1800s and early 1900s.
D. South African people bought ostrich feathers because they were more valuable than gold, diamonds and wool.
Question 15: The South African economy used to see the business of as very important.
A. ostrich feathers
B. womens hats C. feather palaces
D. ostrich clothing
Question 16: According to the passage, feather palaces were .
A. houses covered with ostrich feathers.
B. big mansions of the best ostrich farmers.
C. big houses of the South African farmers.
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D. mansions with marble floors, many towers and balconies, and huge bathrooms.
Question 17: The market for ostrich feathers changed very quickly
A. because when the First World War started, the fashions changed.
B. when many ostrich farmers took part in the First World War and were ruined.
C. when many ostrich farmers sold their feather palaces.
D. because ostriches made no contribution to World War I.
Question 18: According to the passage, many ostrich farmers .. in World War I when the demand for feathers fell.
A. lost their benefit
B. died
C. were killed
D. were in debt
Question 19: Though the demand for ostrich feathers has fallen since World War I, ostriches are still farmed because ...
A. there is still a huge demand from the South Africa for their feathers.
B. the South African farmers are used to running their business with ostriches.
C. they can also be sold for their leather and meat.
D. many ostrich farmers lives changed completely.
Question 20: Which statement is NOT true about the writers perspective on the ostrich business?
A. The business will probably no longer be as important to the South African economy as gold and diamonds.
B. The business can probably be as big as it was during World War I.
C. The business will probably never be as big as it was during the late 1800s and early 1900s.
D. Ostriches can be farmed not only for their feathers but also for their meat and leather.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions from 21 to 30.
The Metamorphosis is a short story about a man who turns into a cockroach. The story is both funny and sad at the same time.
It is funny because of how Gregor must learn to move his new cockroach legs and body. On the other hand, it is sad because he
loses the love of his family as a result of his becoming so disgusting.
Why did Kafka choose to tell a story about a man who turns into a cockroach? Certainly many people are afraid of cockroaches
and other insects. They think cockroaches are ugly and disgusting. Why would Kafka choose something that most of us hate? What
was his purpose? Many critics have written their ideas about Kafkas purpose.
One explanation comes from a word that Kafka used in his story. Kafka wrote his story in German, and he used the German word
Ungeziefer, or vermin, which can be used to mean a person who is rough and disgusting. In English, we do the same thing. If we call a
person a cockroach, we mean that the person is weak and cowardly. Gregor, the man, is like a cockroach. He is weak and
disgusting. Why? Because he doesnt want to be the supporter of his family. He hates his job and wishes he didnt have to do it in
order to pay off the family debt. In addition, his family has been like a parasite to him. Gregors family members have all enjoyed
relaxing, not working, while he alone has had to work. When he becomes a cockroach, he becomes the parasite to the family. So
Gregors true self is metamorphosed into an insect because his true self wants to be like a child again, helpless and having no
Another explanation comes from Kafkas relationship with his father. Kafka was a small, quiet man. He saw himself as weak and
spineless compared to his father, who was physically large and had a powerful personality. It is the same with Gregor. He also sees
himself as a failure. Furthermore, like Kafka, Gregor saw himself as not very strong. By turning himself into an insect, Greogor is
able to rebel against his father and, at the same time, punish himself for rebelling. This punishment results in his being physically and
emotionally separated from his family with no hope of joining them again, and finally he dies.
Kafkas choice of an insect makes this story work because many people feel insects are disgusting. Gregor becomes the vermin,
the disgusting son that nobody cares about. His family rejects him because of his appearance, yet he continues to love them to the end.
Question 21: What is the passage mainly about?
A. Why family members should help each other
B. Why people think cockroaches are disgusting
C. Why writers use the image of insects in their stories
D. Why Kafka wrote about a man who becomes a cockroach
Question 22: From the passage, it can be inferred that The Metamorphosis is ..
A. short
B. complex
C. disgusting
D. laughter
Question 23: In the second paragraph, the word critics is closest in meaning to
A. people
B. readers
C. us
D. reviewers
Question 24: In the third paragraph, who does we refer to?
A. People
B. Critics
C. Writers
D. Teachers
Question 25: In the third paragraph, the word parasite is closest in meaning to
A. parent
B. worker
C. supporter
D. dependent
Question 26: Before turning into a cockroach, Gregor
A. lived happily with his family.
B. had a lot of responsibilities.
C. was a parasite to his family.
D. had a quiet and relaxing life.
Question 27: From the passage, it can be inferred that
A. Kafka had a good relationship with his father.
B. Kafka was physically small and had a weak personality.
C. Kafka thought he would be an ugly and disgusting husband, so he never married.
D. Many people think cockroaches are ugly and disgusting while Kafka sees them as friendly insects.
Question 28: What is the writers purpose in the third and fourth paragraph?
A. To contrast two views on Kafkas use of a cockroach
B. To criticize Kafkas use of a cockroach
C. To explain Kafkas use of the word Ungeziefer
D. To compare people and cockroaches
Question 29: In The Metamorphosis Kafka tells the story of a man who turns into a cockroach because ..
A. Kafka wanted to show that Gregor worked hard to pay off his familys debts.
B. he wanted to say that Gregor was happier as a cockroach than a man.
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C. in the end, Gregor looked very much like a cockroach.

D. the cockroach represented Gregors desire to become helpless like a child.
Question 30: From the passage, it can be inferred that The Metamorphosis has ..
A. a happy ending.
B. a sad beginning.
C. an unhappy ending.

D. a romantic beginning.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for
each of the blanks from 31 to 40.
One thing an advertisement (31) ice-cream never tells you is (32) there is a strong possibility that it will give you a
headache. Studies (33) recently show that a third of people (34) pain or discomfort just after eating or drinking cold things.
It is (35) its most painful about a minute later, usually lasting 15 seconds or so. The centre of the pain is dependent on (36)
part of the palate, the top of the mouth, the ice-cream touches. You may also experience (37) toothache. The remedy is fairly
simple: If you are eating anything very cold, (38) there is no contact with the back of the palate. (39) this slight drawback,
sales of ice-cream continue to increase (40) .
Question 31: A. for
B. of
C. to
D. on
Question 32: A. if
B. unless
C. that
D. when
Question 33: A. carried on
B. carried with
C. carried about
D. carried out
Question 34: A. experiences
B. experience
C. were experienced
D. was experienced
Question 35: A. at
B. on
C. with
D. to
Question 36: A. each
B. which
C. a
D. some
Question 37: A. a
B. the
C. some
D. X (no word is needed)
Question 38: A. assure
B. ensure
C. surely
D. sure
Question 39: A. Because of
B. In spite of
C. So as to
D. Contrary to
Question 40: A. per year
B. for recent years
C. years after years
D. every year

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the
following questions.
Question 41: He often encourages his children to read books instead of sitting in front of the television all day.
A. In his opinion, sitting in front of the television all day should discourage.
B. To our fathers, it is reading books that encourages, not sitting in front of the television all day.
C. We get our fathers idea of preferring reading books than sitting in front of the television all day.
D. Reading books, in the fathers opinion, is better for his children than sitting in front of the television all day.
Question 42: By whom is this work often done?
A. Who often does this work do?
B. Who often does this work?
C. Who does often do this work?
D. Who often do this work?
Question 43: Youve got to help me, John, said Mary.
A. Mary ordered John to have to help her.
B. Mary offered to help John because of her duty.
C. Mary pleaded with John to help her.
D. Mary pleaded John for his responsibility to her.
Question 44: Man continues to take minerals from the earth in immense quantities.
A. Minerals are continued to be taken from the earth in immense quantities by Man.
B. Minerals continue to be taken from the earth in immense quantities.
C. Minerals from the earth are continued to take in immense quantities by man.
D. Minerals from the earth in immense quantities continue to be taken.
Question 45: It was such a popular program that we lost interest in it soon.
A. Such a popular program it was that we were not interested in it any more.
B. Such popularity was the program that we lost interest in it soon.
C. So popular was the program that it soon became less and less interested.
D. The more and more popular it was the program, the less and less we lost interest in it.
Question 46: I havent seen that man here before.
A. Its the first time I have seen that man here.
B. Its the first man I have seen here.
C. Its here that I first have seen that man.
D. Its the man that I have seen here before.
Question 47: I can never cook as well as my mother does.
A. My mother can cook more better than me.
B. I never cook a lot worse than my mother can.
C. My mother cooks better than I can.
D. My mother can never cook as bad as me.
Question 48: Its going to start raining, so we should go out before that.
A. Lets go out before the beginning rain.
B. Lets go out before it rains.
C. We should go out before it is raining.
D. We should go out before we see it raining.
Question 49: Like my father, my brother doesnt drink.
A. Both my father and my brother doesnt drink.
B. Not only my father but also my brother dont drink.
C. My brother takes after my father in drinking.
D. Neither my father nor my brother drinks.
Question 50: Although she was in poor health, she continued to do her duties.
A. Although in poor health, she continued to do her duties.
B. Despite in poor health, she continued to do her duties.
C. She continued to do her duties; however, she was in poor health.
D. Poor health as she was, she continued to do her duties.
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Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Question 51: Peter painted the room grey. It now looks dark and dreary. He a different color.
A. had to choose
B. must choose
C. could have chosen
D. should have chosen
Question 52: X: I have told you many times about that, remember. Y: .
A. Said enough
B. Enough said
C. Say enough
D. Enough say
Question 53: X: I will never forget what he has done to my family. Y: .
A. I do, too
B. I agree with you
C. Let bygones be bygones
D. Yes, I am
Question 54: Instead of the good news, he seemed to be indifferent.
A. being exciting at
B. exciting about
C. being excited about
D. excited at
Question 55: After Mary her degree, she intends to work in her fathers company.
A. will finish
B. had finished
C. will have finished
D. finishes
Question 56: She chose this coat in the end because were all too expensive.
A. the other ones
B. other
C. the other
D. another
Question 57: My daughter has always her classmates at school.
A. got well on with
B. got well along with
C. got on well with
D. well along got with
Question 58: Some moral values have really in the last few years.
A. put off
B. gone down
C. come across
D. got over
Question 59: As an agricultural crop, sunflowers are extremely .
A. environmental friendly B. friendly environment C. friendly environmental D. environmentally friendly
Question 60: the weather improves, we will have to cancel the game.
A. Unless
B. Only if
C. If only
D. Otherwise
Question 61: the fighting stopped, travel across country has been quite safe.
A. Unless
B. Since
C. After that
D. Because
Question 62: Shut the door, ?
A. wont you
B. could you
C. shall we
D. dont you
Question 63: They introduced us to the landlord, most of our school would be built.
A. whose land
B. on his land
C. on whose land
D. on which the land
Question 64: He refused to give up work, hed won a million pounds.
A. because
B. however
C. as though
D. even though
Question 65: She while Im talking.
A. always interrupts B. always interrupts me C. is always interrupting me
D. is always interrupting
Question 66: X: "She's been promoted to chief executive." Y: " ."
A. Oh, really? I didn't realize B. You are a liar
C. Oh, really? I didn't
D. You are a good colleague
Question 67: X: Will you lend her the money? Y:
A. Yes, its not of your business.
B. Not unless she promises to pay me back.
C. Why do you want my money?
D. Why dont you pay her?
Question 68: Bens wife is a terrible snob; she looks almost anyone that doesnt come from rich families.
A. up to
B. forward to
C. down on
D. out on
Question 69: In the accident four people were injured, one severely and the others, luckily, escaped .
A. harmless
B. harmful
C. harm
D. unharmed
Question 70: There is general that the study techniques of many students are weak.
A. recognition
B. recognizing
C. realizing
D. realization
Question 71: X: Terrific game, isnt it? Y: .
A. Yes, terrible
B. No, sure is
C. Yes, wonderful
D. Not a word
Question 72: He didnt know anyone at the party than the host.
A. other
B. apart
C. more
D. except
Question 73: I wish they change their minds so often!
A. wont
B. wouldnt
C. dont
D. hadnt
Question 74: Susan as a nurse for 3 years before her marriage.
A. has worked
B. has been working
C. worked
D. would have worked
Question 75: This school has the highest standards in the area.
A. learners
B. intelligence
C. academic
D. studious
Question 76: Smoking is considered a bad . .
A. conduct
B. manner
C. custom
D. habit
Question 77: It was the war came to an end.
A. not until in 1974
B. not until 1974 when
C. until before 1974
D. not until 1974 that
Question 78: When we were little at school, we all . . him to steal the sweets.
A. dared
B. threatened
C. made
D. let
Question 79: He seems for teaching career.
A. disqualified
B. qualifying
C. unqualified
D. qualify
Question 80: In Britain the are all painted red.
A. letter boxes
B. letters boxes
C. letters boxes
D. letters boxes

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Thi gian lm bi: 90 pht, khng k thi gian pht

( thi c 4 trang)

M : 343

H & tn th sinh: . . . . . . / S bo danh: . .

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Question 1: Peter painted the room grey. It now looks dark and dreary. He a different color.
A. had to choose
B. must choose
C. could have chosen
D. should have chosen
Question 2: X: I have told you many times about that, remember. Y: .
A. Said enough
B. Enough said
C. Say enough
D. Enough say
Question 3: X: I will never forget what he has done to my family. Y: .
A. I do, too
B. I agree with you
C. Let bygones be bygones
D. Yes, I am
Question 4: Instead of the good news, he seemed to be indifferent.
A. being exciting at
B. exciting about
C. being excited about
D. excited at
Question 5: After Mary her degree, she intends to work in her fathers company.
A. will finish
B. had finished
C. will have finished
D. finishes
Question 6: She chose this coat in the end because were all too expensive.
A. the other ones
B. other
C. the other
D. another
Question 7: My daughter has always her classmates at school.
A. got well on with
B. got well along with
C. got on well with
D. well along got with
Question 8: Some moral values have really in the last few years.
A. put off
B. gone down
C. come across
D. got over
Question 9: As an agricultural crop, sunflowers are extremely .
A. environmental friendly B. friendly environment C. friendly environmental D. environmentally friendly
Question 10: the weather improves, we will have to cancel the game.
A. Unless
B. Only if
C. If only
D. Otherwise
Question 11: X: Terrific game, isnt it? Y: .
A. Yes, terrible
B. No, sure is
C. Yes, wonderful
D. Not a word
Question 12: He didnt know anyone at the party than the host.
A. other
B. apart
C. more
D. except
Question 13: I wish they change their minds so often!
A. wont
B. wouldnt
C. dont
D. hadnt
Question 14: Susan as a nurse for 3 years before her marriage.
A. has worked
B. has been working
C. worked
D. would have worked
Question 15: This school has the highest standards in the area.
A. learners
B. intelligence
C. academic
D. studious
Question 16: Smoking is considered a bad . .
A. conduct
B. manner
C. custom
D. habit
Question 17: It was the war came to an end.
A. not until in 1974
B. not until 1974 when
C. until before 1974
D. not until 1974 that
Question 18: When we were little at school, we all . . him to steal the sweets.
A. dared
B. threatened
C. made
D. let
Question 19: He seems for teaching career.
A. disqualified
B. qualifying
C. unqualified
D. qualify
Question 20: In Britain the are all painted red.
A. letter boxes
B. letters boxes
C. letters boxes
D. letters boxes
Question 21: the fighting stopped, travel across country has been quite safe.
A. Unless
B. Since
C. After that
D. Because
Question 22: Shut the door, ?
A. wont you
B. could you
C. shall we
D. dont you
Question 23: They introduced us to the landlord, most of our school would be built.
A. whose land
B. on his land
C. on whose land
D. on which the land
Question 24: He refused to give up work, hed won a million pounds.
A. because
B. however
C. as though
D. even though
Question 25: She while Im talking.
A. always interrupts B. always interrupts me C. is always interrupting me
D. is always interrupting
Question 26: X: "She's been promoted to chief executive." Y: " ."
A. Oh, really? I didn't realize B. You are a liar
C. Oh, really? I didn't
D. You are a good colleague
Question 27: X: Will you lend her the money? Y:
A. Yes, its not of your business.
B. Not unless she promises to pay me back.
C. Why do you want my money?
D. Why dont you pay her?
Question 28: Bens wife is a terrible snob; she looks almost anyone that doesnt come from rich families.
A. up to
B. forward to
C. down on
D. out on
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Question 29: In the accident four people were injured, one severely and the others, luckily, escaped .
A. harmless
B. harmful
C. harm
D. unharmed
Question 30: There is general that the study techniques of many students are weak.
A. recognition
B. recognizing
C. realizing
D. realization

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction.
Question 31: The dispute between Alice, William and me must be resolved if we are to work together effectively.
Question 32: Monica owns two houses and four cars. She must have had a lot of money.
Question 33: Do you know how many Vitamin C an onion has? As much as two apples do.
Question 34: Do you remember that guy when we saw outside the Petersons last week?
Question 35: The two girls were sitting under a tree, talking quietly while the others played tennis near the river.

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the
main stress in each of the following questions.
Question 36: A. household
Question 37: A. diversity
Question 38: A. introduce
Question 39: A. effort
Question 40: A. separately

B. desert
B. communicate
B. employee
B. technique
B. economy

C. crisis
C. appropriate
C. understand
C. event
C. preservative

D. pressure
D. academic
D. dependent
D. although
D. initiate

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for
each of the blanks from 41 to 50.
One thing an advertisement (41) ice-cream never tells you is (42) there is a strong possibility that it will give you a
headache. Studies (43) recently show that a third of people (44) pain or discomfort just after eating or drinking cold things.
It is (45) its most painful about a minute later, usually lasting 15 seconds or so. The centre of the pain is dependent on (46)
part of the palate, the top of the mouth, the ice-cream touches. You may also experience (47) toothache. The remedy is fairly
simple: If you are eating anything very cold, (48) there is no contact with the back of the palate. (49) this slight drawback,
sales of ice-cream continue to increase (50) .
Question 41: A. for
B. of
C. to
D. on
Question 42: A. if
B. unless
C. that
D. when
Question 43: A. carried on
B. carried with
C. carried about
D. carried out
Question 44: A. experiences
B. experience
C. were experienced
D. was experienced
Question 45: A. at
B. on
C. with
D. to
Question 46: A. each
B. which
C. a
D. some
Question 47: A. a
B. the
C. some
D. X (no word is needed)
Question 48: A. assure
B. ensure
C. surely
D. sure
Question 49: A. Because of
B. In spite of
C. So as to
D. Contrary to
Question 50: A. per year
B. for recent years
C. years after years
D. every year

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions from 51 to 60.
Ostriches are funny-looking birds. They cant fly, and they cant sing. They swallow rocks, and even diamonds if they happen to
find any, to help them digest their food. They are also known for being very bad-tempered and will bite or kick their handlers if they
have a chance. Their scientific name is struthio camelus, which means sparrow-camel. When travelers in the desert saw ostriches at
a distance, they sometimes thought they were camels.
It seems hard to imagine that these birds would become an agricultural craze, but they did. During the late 1800s and early 1900s,
ostrich farming was big business in South Africa. There was a huge demand from all over the world for ostrich feathers to decorate
womens hats and clothing. Some hats were adorned with feathers more than 20 inches high. At the height of the industry in 1913,
there were 750,000 ostriches in one area of South Africa producing up to 100,000 tons of feathers a year. Ostrich feathers were almost
as important to the South African economy as gold, diamonds, and wool.
As is typical when people get rich quickly, there was some extravagance. The best ostriches were worth as much as some houses.
Ostrich farmers became very rich and built elaborate mansions called feather palaces to show off their wealth. These palaces had
marble floors, many towers and balconies, and huge bathrooms.
However, with the start of World War I, fashions changed. As a result, the demand for feathers fell quickly. Many ostrich farmers
were ruined. They had to sell their mansions, and their lives changed completely.
Ostriches are still farmed today in several parts of the world, but mainly for leather and meat. The business will probably never be
as big as it was during those peak years.
Question 51: Ostriches are unusual birds because .
A. they neither fly nor sing.
B. they know how to find diamonds.
C. they can help themselves digest their food.
D. they are seen in the desert as camels.
Question 52: We can learn from the passage that ..
A. only in the desert can ostriches be found.
B. ostriches are one of the best diamond hunters.
C. we might be bitten while feeding ostriches.
D. ostrich belongs to the camel family.
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Question 53: Ostrich farming became very big business in South Africa because .
A. women started to wear hats and other clothing decorated with ostrich feathers.
B. farmers in South Africa couldnt do anything but raise ostriches.
C. there was a huge demand from all over the world for womens hats and clothing.
D. ostriches in South Africa are fed with diamonds.
Question 54: According to the passage, which of the following statements about ostriches is true?
A. There were 750,000 ostriches in South Africa.
B. The ostrich of South Africa could produce 100,000 tons of feathers a year.
C. Womens hats and clothing decorated with ostrich feathers were in during the late 1800s and early 1900s.
D. South African people bought ostrich feathers because they were more valuable than gold, diamonds and wool.
Question 55: The South African economy used to see the business of as very important.
A. ostrich feathers
B. womens hats C. feather palaces
D. ostrich clothing
Question 56: According to the passage, feather palaces were .
A. houses covered with ostrich feathers.
B. big mansions of the best ostrich farmers.
C. big houses of the South African farmers.
D. mansions with marble floors, many towers and balconies, and huge bathrooms.
Question 57: The market for ostrich feathers changed very quickly
A. because when the First World War started, the fashions changed.
B. when many ostrich farmers took part in the First World War and were ruined.
C. when many ostrich farmers sold their feather palaces.
D. because ostriches made no contribution to World War I.
Question 58: According to the passage, many ostrich farmers .. in World War I when the demand for feathers fell.
A. lost their benefit
B. died
C. were killed
D. were in debt
Question 59: Though the demand for ostrich feathers has fallen since World War I, ostriches are still farmed because ...
A. there is still a huge demand from the South Africa for their feathers.
B. the South African farmers are used to running their business with ostriches.
C. they can also be sold for their leather and meat.
D. many ostrich farmers lives changed completely.
Question 60: Which statement is NOT true about the writers perspective on the ostrich business?
A. The business will probably no longer be as important to the South African economy as gold and diamonds.
B. The business can probably be as big as it was during World War I.
C. The business will probably never be as big as it was during the late 1800s and early 1900s.
D. Ostriches can be farmed not only for their feathers but also for their meat and leather.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions from 61 to 70.
The Metamorphosis is a short story about a man who turns into a cockroach. The story is both funny and sad at the same time.
It is funny because of how Gregor must learn to move his new cockroach legs and body. On the other hand, it is sad because he
loses the love of his family as a result of his becoming so disgusting.
Why did Kafka choose to tell a story about a man who turns into a cockroach? Certainly many people are afraid of cockroaches
and other insects. They think cockroaches are ugly and disgusting. Why would Kafka choose something that most of us hate? What
was his purpose? Many critics have written their ideas about Kafkas purpose.
One explanation comes from a word that Kafka used in his story. Kafka wrote his story in German, and he used the German word
Ungeziefer, or vermin, which can be used to mean a person who is rough and disgusting. In English, we do the same thing. If we call a
person a cockroach, we mean that the person is weak and cowardly. Gregor, the man, is like a cockroach. He is weak and
disgusting. Why? Because he doesnt want to be the supporter of his family. He hates his job and wishes he didnt have to do it in
order to pay off the family debt. In addition, his family has been like a parasite to him. Gregors family members have all enjoyed
relaxing, not working, while he alone has had to work. When he becomes a cockroach, he becomes the parasite to the family. So
Gregors true self is metamorphosed into an insect because his true self wants to be like a child again, helpless and having no
Another explanation comes from Kafkas relationship with his father. Kafka was a small, quiet man. He saw himself as weak and
spineless compared to his father, who was physically large and had a powerful personality. It is the same with Gregor. He also sees
himself as a failure. Furthermore, like Kafka, Gregor saw himself as not very strong. By turning himself into an insect, Greogor is
able to rebel against his father and, at the same time, punish himself for rebelling. This punishment results in his being physically and
emotionally separated from his family with no hope of joining them again, and finally he dies.
Kafkas choice of an insect makes this story work because many people feel insects are disgusting. Gregor becomes the vermin,
the disgusting son that nobody cares about. His family rejects him because of his appearance, yet he continues to love them to the end.
Question 61: What is the passage mainly about?
A. Why family members should help each other
B. Why people think cockroaches are disgusting
C. Why writers use the image of insects in their stories
D. Why Kafka wrote about a man who becomes a cockroach
Question 62: From the passage, it can be inferred that The Metamorphosis is ..
A. short
B. complex
C. disgusting
D. laughter
Question 63: In the second paragraph, the word critics is closest in meaning to
A. people
B. readers
C. us
D. reviewers
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Question 64: In the third paragraph, who does we refer to?

A. People
B. Critics
C. Writers
D. Teachers
Question 65: In the third paragraph, the word parasite is closest in meaning to
A. parent
B. worker
C. supporter
D. dependent
Question 66: Before turning into a cockroach, Gregor
A. lived happily with his family.
B. had a lot of responsibilities.
C. was a parasite to his family.
D. had a quiet and relaxing life.
Question 67: From the passage, it can be inferred that
A. Kafka had a good relationship with his father.
B. Kafka was physically small and had a weak personality.
C. Kafka thought he would be an ugly and disgusting husband, so he never married.
D. Many people think cockroaches are ugly and disgusting while Kafka sees them as friendly insects.
Question 68: What is the writers purpose in the third and fourth paragraph?
A. To contrast two views on Kafkas use of a cockroach
B. To criticize Kafkas use of a cockroach
C. To explain Kafkas use of the word Ungeziefer
D. To compare people and cockroaches
Question 69: In The Metamorphosis Kafka tells the story of a man who turns into a cockroach because ..
A. Kafka wanted to show that Gregor worked hard to pay off his familys debts.
B. he wanted to say that Gregor was happier as a cockroach than a man.
C. in the end, Gregor looked very much like a cockroach.
D. the cockroach represented Gregors desire to become helpless like a child.
Question 70: From the passage, it can be inferred that The Metamorphosis has ..
A. a happy ending.
B. a sad beginning.
C. an unhappy ending.
D. a romantic beginning.

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the
following questions.
Question 71: He often encourages his children to read books instead of sitting in front of the television all day.
E. In his opinion, sitting in front of the television all day should discourage.
F. To our fathers, it is reading books that encourages, not sitting in front of the television all day.
G. We get our fathers idea of preferring reading books than sitting in front of the television all day.
H. Reading books, in the fathers opinion, is better for his children than sitting in front of the television all day.
Question 72: By whom is this work often done?
A. Who often does this work do?
B. Who often does this work?
C. Who does often do this work?
D. Who often do this work?
Question 73: Youve got to help me, John, said Mary.
A. Mary ordered John to have to help her.
B. Mary offered to help John because of her duty.
C. Mary pleaded with John to help her.
D. Mary pleaded John for his responsibility to her.
Question 74: Man continues to take minerals from the earth in immense quantities.
A. Minerals are continued to be taken from the earth in immense quantities by Man.
B. Minerals continue to be taken from the earth in immense quantities.
C. Minerals from the earth are continued to take in immense quantities by man.
D. Minerals from the earth in immense quantities continue to be taken.
Question 75: It was such a popular program that we lost interest in it soon.
E. Such a popular program it was that we were not interested in it any more.
F. Such popularity was the program that we lost interest in it soon.
G. So popular was the program that it soon became less and less interested.
H. The more and more popular it was the program, the less and less we lost interest in it.
Question 76: I havent seen that man here before.
A. Its the first time I have seen that man here.
B. Its the first man I have seen here.
C. Its here that I first have seen that man.
D. Its the man that I have seen here before.
Question 77: I can never cook as well as my mother does.
A. My mother can cook more better than me.
B. I never cook a lot worse than my mother can.
C. My mother cooks better than I can.
D. My mother can never cook as bad as me.
Question 78: Its going to start raining, so we should go out before that.
A. Lets go out before the beginning rain.
B. Lets go out before it rains.
C. We should go out before it is raining.
D. We should go out before we see it raining.
Question 79: Like my father, my brother doesnt drink.
A. Both my father and my brother doesnt drink.
B. Not only my father but also my brother dont drink.
C. My brother takes after my father in drinking.
D. Neither my father nor my brother drinks.
Question 80: Although she was in poor health, she continued to do her duties.
A. Although in poor health, she continued to do her duties.
B. Despite in poor health, she continued to do her duties.
C. She continued to do her duties; however, she was in poor health.
D. Poor health as she was, she continued to do her duties.

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Thi gian lm bi: 90 pht, khng k thi gian pht

( thi c 4 trang)

M : 424

H & tn th sinh: . . . . . . / S bo danh: . .

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions from 1 to 10.
The Metamorphosis is a short story about a man who turns into a cockroach. The story is both funny and sad at the same time.
It is funny because of how Gregor must learn to move his new cockroach legs and body. On the other hand, it is sad because he
loses the love of his family as a result of his becoming so disgusting.
Why did Kafka choose to tell a story about a man who turns into a cockroach? Certainly many people are afraid of cockroaches
and other insects. They think cockroaches are ugly and disgusting. Why would Kafka choose something that most of us hate? What
was his purpose? Many critics have written their ideas about Kafkas purpose.
One explanation comes from a word that Kafka used in his story. Kafka wrote his story in German, and he used the German word
Ungeziefer, or vermin, which can be used to mean a person who is rough and disgusting. In English, we do the same thing. If we call a
person a cockroach, we mean that the person is weak and cowardly. Gregor, the man, is like a cockroach. He is weak and
disgusting. Why? Because he doesnt want to be the supporter of his family. He hates his job and wishes he didnt have to do it in
order to pay off the family debt. In addition, his family has been like a parasite to him. Gregors family members have all enjoyed
relaxing, not working, while he alone has had to work. When he becomes a cockroach, he becomes the parasite to the family. So
Gregors true self is metamorphosed into an insect because his true self wants to be like a child again, helpless and having no
Another explanation comes from Kafkas relationship with his father. Kafka was a small, quiet man. He saw himself as weak and
spineless compared to his father, who was physically large and had a powerful personality. It is the same with Gregor. He also sees
himself as a failure. Furthermore, like Kafka, Gregor saw himself as not very strong. By turning himself into an insect, Greogor is
able to rebel against his father and, at the same time, punish himself for rebelling. This punishment results in his being physically and
emotionally separated from his family with no hope of joining them again, and finally he dies.
Kafkas choice of an insect makes this story work because many people feel insects are disgusting. Gregor becomes the vermin,
the disgusting son that nobody cares about. His family rejects him because of his appearance, yet he continues to love them to the end.
Question 1: What is the passage mainly about?
A. Why family members should help each other
B. Why people think cockroaches are disgusting
C. Why writers use the image of insects in their stories
D. Why Kafka wrote about a man who becomes a cockroach
Question 2: From the passage, it can be inferred that The Metamorphosis is ..
A. short
B. complex
C. disgusting
D. laughter
Question 3: In the second paragraph, the word critics is closest in meaning to
A. people
B. readers
C. us
D. reviewers
Question 4: In the third paragraph, who does we refer to?
A. People
B. Critics
C. Writers
D. Teachers
Question 5: In the third paragraph, the word parasite is closest in meaning to
A. parent
B. worker
C. supporter
D. dependent
Question 6: Before turning into a cockroach, Gregor
A. lived happily with his family.
B. had a lot of responsibilities.
C. was a parasite to his family.
D. had a quiet and relaxing life.
Question 7: From the passage, it can be inferred that
A. Kafka had a good relationship with his father.
B. Kafka was physically small and had a weak personality.
C. Kafka thought he would be an ugly and disgusting husband, so he never married.
D. Many people think cockroaches are ugly and disgusting while Kafka sees them as friendly insects.
Question 8: What is the writers purpose in the third and fourth paragraph?
A. To contrast two views on Kafkas use of a cockroach
B. To criticize Kafkas use of a cockroach
C. To explain Kafkas use of the word Ungeziefer
D. To compare people and cockroaches
Question 9: In The Metamorphosis Kafka tells the story of a man who turns into a cockroach because ..
A. Kafka wanted to show that Gregor worked hard to pay off his familys debts.
B. he wanted to say that Gregor was happier as a cockroach than a man.
C. in the end, Gregor looked very much like a cockroach.
D. the cockroach represented Gregors desire to become helpless like a child.
Question 10: From the passage, it can be inferred that The Metamorphosis has ..
A. a happy ending.
B. a sad beginning.
C. an unhappy ending.
D. a romantic beginning.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions from 11 to 20.
Ostriches are funny-looking birds. They cant fly, and they cant sing. They swallow rocks, and even diamonds if they happen to
find any, to help them digest their food. They are also known for being very bad-tempered and will bite or kick their handlers if they
have a chance. Their scientific name is struthio camelus, which means sparrow-camel. When travelers in the desert saw ostriches at
a distance, they sometimes thought they were camels.
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It seems hard to imagine that these birds would become an agricultural craze, but they did. During the late 1800s and early 1900s,
ostrich farming was big business in South Africa. There was a huge demand from all over the world for ostrich feathers to decorate
womens hats and clothing. Some hats were adorned with feathers more than 20 inches high. At the height of the industry in 1913,
there were 750,000 ostriches in one area of South Africa producing up to 100,000 tons of feathers a year. Ostrich feathers were almost
as important to the South African economy as gold, diamonds, and wool.
As is typical when people get rich quickly, there was some extravagance. The best ostriches were worth as much as some houses.
Ostrich farmers became very rich and built elaborate mansions called feather palaces to show off their wealth. These palaces had
marble floors, many towers and balconies, and huge bathrooms.
However, with the start of World War I, fashions changed. As a result, the demand for feathers fell quickly. Many ostrich farmers
were ruined. They had to sell their mansions, and their lives changed completely.
Ostriches are still farmed today in several parts of the world, but mainly for leather and meat. The business will probably never be
as big as it was during those peak years.
Question 11: Ostriches are unusual birds because .
A. they neither fly nor sing.
B. they know how to find diamonds.
C. they can help themselves digest their food.
D. they are seen in the desert as camels.
Question 12: We can learn from the passage that ..
A. only in the desert can ostriches be found.
B. ostriches are one of the best diamond hunters.
C. we might be bitten while feeding ostriches.
D. ostrich belongs to the camel family.
Question 13: Ostrich farming became very big business in South Africa because .
A. women started to wear hats and other clothing decorated with ostrich feathers.
B. farmers in South Africa couldnt do anything but raise ostriches.
C. there was a huge demand from all over the world for womens hats and clothing.
D. ostriches in South Africa are fed with diamonds.
Question 14: According to the passage, which of the following statements about ostriches is true?
A. There were 750,000 ostriches in South Africa.
B. The ostrich of South Africa could produce 100,000 tons of feathers a year.
C. Womens hats and clothing decorated with ostrich feathers were in during the late 1800s and early 1900s.
D. South African people bought ostrich feathers because they were more valuable than gold, diamonds and wool.
Question 15: The South African economy used to see the business of as very important.
A. ostrich feathers
B. womens hats C. feather palaces
D. ostrich clothing
Question 16: According to the passage, feather palaces were .
A. houses covered with ostrich feathers.
B. big masions of the best ostrich farmers.
C. big houses of the South African farmers.
D. mansions with marble floors, many towers and balconies, and huge bathrooms.
Question 17: The market for ostrich feathers changed very quickly
A. because when the First World War started, the fashions changed.
B. when many ostrich farmers took part in the First World War and were ruined.
C. when many ostrich farmers sold their feather palaces.
D. because ostriches made no contribution to World War I.
Question 18: According to the passage, many ostrich farmers .. in World War I when the demand for feathers fell.
A. lost their benefit
B. died
C. were killed
D. were in debt
Question 19: Though the demand for ostrich feathers has fallen since World War I, ostriches are still farmed because ...
A. there is still a huge demand from the South Africa for their feathers.
B. the South African farmers are used to running their business with ostriches.
C. they can also be sold for their leather and meat.
D. many ostrich farmers lives changed completely.
Question 20: Which statement is NOT true about the writers perspective on the ostrich business?
A. The business will probably no longer be as important to the South African economy as gold and diamonds.
B. The business can probably be as big as it was during World War I.
C. The business will probably never be as big as it was during the late 1800s and early 1900s.
D. Ostriches can be farmed not only for their feathers but also for their meat and leather.

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction.
Question 21: The dispute between Alice, William and me must be resolved if we are to work together effectively.
Question 22: Monica owns two houses and four cars. She must have had a lot of money.
Question 23: Do you know how many Vitamin C an onion has? As much as two apples do.
Question 24: Do you remember that guy when we saw outside the Petersons last week?
Question 25: The two girls were sitting under a tree, talking quietly while the others played tennis near the river.

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the
main stress in each of the following questions.
Question 26: A. household
B. desert
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C. crisis

D. pressure
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Question 27: A. diversity

Question 28: A. introduce
Question 29: A. effort
Question 30: A. separately

B. communicate
B. employee
B. technique
B. economy

C. appropriate
C. understand
C. event
C. preservative

D. academic
D. dependent
D. although
D. initiate

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for
each of the blanks from 31 to 40.
One thing an advertisement (31) ice-cream never tells you is (32) there is a strong possibility that it will give you a
headache. Studies (33) recently show that a third of people (34) pain or discomfort just after eating or drinking cold things.
It is (35) its most painful about a minute later, usually lasting 15 seconds or so. The centre of the pain is dependent on (36)
part of the palate, the top of the mouth, the ice-cream touches. You may also experience (37) toothache. The remedy is fairly
simple: If you are eating anything very cold, (38) there is no contact with the back of the palate. (39) this slight drawback,
sales of ice-cream continue to increase (40) .
Question 31: A. for
B. of
C. to
D. on
Question 32: A. if
B. unless
C. that
D. when
Question 33: A. carried on
B. carried with
C. carried about
D. carried out
Question 34: A. experiences
B. experience
C. were experienced
D. was experienced
Question 35: A. at
B. on
C. with
D. to
Question 36: A. each
B. which
C. a
D. some
Question 37: A. a
B. the
C. some
D. X (no word is needed)
Question 38: A. assure
B. ensure
C. surely
D. sure
Question 39: A. Because of
B. In spite of
C. So as to
D. Contrary to
Question 40: A. per year
B. for recent years
C. years after years
D. every year

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Question 41: Peter painted the room grey. It now looks dark and dreary. He a different color.
A. had to choose
B. must choose
C. could have chosen
D. should have chosen
Question 42: X: I have told you many times about that, remember. Y: .
A. Said enough
B. Enough said
C. Say enough
D. Enough say
Question 43: X: I will never forget what he has done to my family. Y: .
A. I do, too
B. I agree with you
C. Let bygones be bygones
D. Yes, I am
Question 44: Instead of the good news, he seemed to be indifferent.
A. being exciting at
B. exciting about
C. being excited about
D. excited at
Question 45: After Mary her degree, she intends to work in her fathers company.
A. will finish
B. had finished
C. will have finished
D. finishes
Question 46: She chose this coat in the end because were all too expensive.
A. the other ones
B. other
C. the other
D. another
Question 47: My daughter has always her classmates at school.
A. got well on with
B. got well along with
C. got on well with
D. well along got with
Question 48: Some moral values have really in the last few years.
A. put off
B. gone down
C. come across
D. got over
Question 49: As an agricultural crop, sunflowers are extremely .
A. environmental friendly B. friendly environment C. friendly environmental D. environmentally friendly
Question 50: the weather improves, we will have to cancel the game.
A. Unless
B. Only if
C. If only
D. Otherwise
Question 51: the fighting stopped, travel across country has been quite safe.
A. Unless
B. Since
C. After that
D. Because
Question 52: Shut the door, ?
A. wont you
B. could you
C. shall we
D. dont you
Question 53: They introduced us to the landlord, most of our school would be built.
A. whose land
B. on his land
C. on whose land
D. on which the land
Question 54: He refused to give up work, hed won a million pounds.
A. because
B. however
C. as though
D. even though
Question 55: She while Im talking.
A. always interrupts B. always interrupts me C. is always interrupting me
D. is always interrupting
Question 56: X: "She's been promoted to chief executive." Y: " ."
A. Oh, really? I didn't realize B. You are a liar
C. Oh, really? I didn't
D. You are a good colleague
Question 57: X: Will you lend her the money? Y:
A. Yes, its not of your business.
B. Not unless she promises to pay me back.
C. Why do you want my money?
D. Why dont you pay her?
Question 58: Bens wife is a terrible snob; she looks almost anyone that doesnt come from rich families.
A. up to
B. forward to
C. down on
D. out on
Question 59: In the accident four people were injured, one severely and the others, luckily, escaped .
A. harmless
B. harmful
C. harm
D. unharmed
Question 60: There is general that the study techniques of many students are weak.
A. recognition
B. recognizing
C. realizing
D. realization
Question 61: X: Terrific game, isnt it? Y: .
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A. Yes, terrible
B. No, sure is
C. Yes, wonderful
Question 62: He didnt know anyone at the party than the host.
A. other
B. apart
C. more
Question 63: I wish they change their minds so often!
A. wont
B. wouldnt
C. dont
Question 64: Susan as a nurse for 3 years before her marriage.
A. has worked
B. has been working
C. worked
Question 65: This school has the highest standards in the area.
A. learners
B. intelligence
C. academic
Question 66: Smoking is considered a bad . .
A. conduct
B. manner
C. custom
Question 67: It was the war came to an end.
A. not until in 1974
B. not until 1974 when
C. until before 1974
Question 68: When we were little at school, we all . . him to steal the sweets.
A. dared
B. threatened
C. made
Question 69: He seems for teaching career.
A. disqualified
B. qualifying
C. unqualified
Question 70: In Britain the are all painted red.
A. letter boxes
B. letters boxes
C. letters boxes

D. Not a word
D. except
D. hadnt
D. would have worked
D. studious
D. habit
D. not until 1974 that
D. let
D. qualify
D. letters boxes

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the
following questions.
Question 71: He often encourages his children to read books instead of sitting in front of the television all day.
In his opinion, sitting in front of the television all day should discourage.
J. To our fathers, it is reading books that encourages, not sitting in front of the television all day.
K. We get our fathers idea of preferring reading books than sitting in front of the television all day.
L. Reading books, in the fathers opinion, is better for his children than sitting in front of the television all day.
Question 72: By whom is this work often done?
A. Who often does this work do?
B. Who often does this work?
C. Who does often do this work?
D. Who often do this work?
Question 73: Youve got to help me, John, said Mary.
A. Mary ordered John to have to help her.
B. Mary offered to help John because of her duty.
C. Mary pleaded with John to help her.
D. Mary pleaded John for his responsibility to her.
Question 74: Man continues to take minerals from the earth in immense quantities.
A. Minerals are continued to be taken from the earth in immense quantities by Man.
B. Minerals continue to be taken from the earth in immense quantities.
C. Minerals from the earth are continued to take in immense quantities by man.
D. Minerals from the earth in immense quantities continue to be taken.
Question 75: It was such a popular program that we lost interest in it soon.
I. Such a popular program it was that we were not interested in it any more.
J. Such popularity was the program that we lost interest in it soon.
K. So popular was the program that it soon became less and less interested.
L. The more and more popular it was the program, the less and less we lost interest in it.
Question 76: I havent seen that man here before.
A. Its the first time I have seen that man here.
B. Its the first man I have seen here.
C. Its here that I first have seen that man.
D. Its the man that I have seen here before.
Question 77: I can never cook as well as my mother does.
A. My mother can cook more better than me.
B. I never cook a lot worse than my mother can.
C. My mother cooks better than I can.
D. My mother can never cook as bad as me.
Question 78: Its going to start raining, so we should go out before that.
A. Lets go out before the beginning rain.
B. Lets go out before it rains.
C. We should go out before it is raining.
D. We should go out before we see it raining.
Question 79: Like my father, my brother doesnt drink.
A. Both my father and my brother doesnt drink.
B. Not only my father but also my brother dont drink.
C. My brother takes after my father in drinking.
D. Neither my father nor my brother drinks.
Question 80: Although she was in poor health, she continued to do her duties.
A. Although in poor health, she continued to do her duties.
B. Despite in poor health, she continued to do her duties.
C. She continued to do her duties; however, she was in poor health.
D. Poor health as she was, she continued to do her duties.

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Thi gian lm bi: 90 pht, khng k thi gian pht

( thi c 4 trang)

M : 601

H & tn th sinh: . . . . . . / S bo danh: . .

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for
each of the blanks from 1 to 10.
One thing an advertisement (1) ice-cream never tells you is (2) there is a strong possibility that it will give you a
headache. Studies (3) recently show that a third of people (4) pain or discomfort just after eating or drinking cold things. It
is (5) its most painful about a minute later, usually lasting 15 seconds or so. The centre of the pain is dependent on (6) part
of the palate, the top of the mouth, the ice-cream touches. You may also experience (7) toothache. The remedy is fairly simple:
If you are eating anything very cold, (8) there is no contact with the back of the palate. (9) this slight drawback, sales of
ice-cream continue to increase (10) .
Question 1: A. for
B. of
C. to
D. on
Question 2: A. if
B. unless
C. that
D. when
Question 3: A. carried on
B. carried with
C. carried about
D. carried out
Question 4: A. experiences
B. experience
C. were experienced
D. was experienced
Question 5: A. at
B. on
C. with
D. to
Question 6: A. each
B. which
C. a
D. some
Question 7: A. a
B. the
C. some
D. X (no word is needed)
Question 8: A. assure
B. ensure
C. surely
D. sure
Question 9: A. Because of
B. In spite of
C. So as to
D. Contrary to
Question 10: A. per year
B. for recent years
C. years after years
D. every year

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions from 11 to 20.
The Metamorphosis is a short story about a man who turns into a cockroach. The story is both funny and sad at the same time.
It is funny because of how Gregor must learn to move his new cockroach legs and body. On the other hand, it is sad because he
loses the love of his family as a result of his becoming so disgusting.
Why did Kafka choose to tell a story about a man who turns into a cockroach? Certainly many people are afraid of cockroaches
and other insects. They think cockroaches are ugly and disgusting. Why would Kafka choose something that most of us hate? What
was his purpose? Many critics have written their ideas about Kafkas purpose.
One explanation comes from a word that Kafka used in his story. Kafka wrote his story in German, and he used the German word
Ungeziefer, or vermin, which can be used to mean a person who is rough and disgusting. In English, we do the same thing. If we call a
person a cockroach, we mean that the person is weak and cowardly. Gregor, the man, is like a cockroach. He is weak and
disgusting. Why? Because he doesnt want to be the supporter of his family. He hates his job and wishes he didnt have to do it in
order to pay off the family debt. In addition, his family has been like a parasite to him. Gregors family members have all enjoyed
relaxing, not working, while he alone has had to work. When he becomes a cockroach, he becomes the parasite to the family. So
Gregors true self is metamorphosed into an insect because his true self wants to be like a child again, helpless and having no
Another explanation comes from Kafkas relationship with his father. Kafka was a small, quiet man. He saw himself as weak and
spineless compared to his father, who was physically large and had a powerful personality. It is the same with Gregor. He also sees
himself as a failure. Furthermore, like Kafka, Gregor saw himself as not very strong. By turning himself into an insect, Greogor is
able to rebel against his father and, at the same time, punish himself for rebelling. This punishment results in his being physically and
emotionally separated from his family with no hope of joining them again, and finally he dies.
Kafkas choice of an insect makes this story work because many people feel insects are disgusting. Gregor becomes the vermin,
the disgusting son that nobody cares about. His family rejects him because of his appearance, yet he continues to love them to the end.
Question 11: What is the passage mainly about?
A. Why family members should help each other
B. Why people think cockroaches are disgusting
C. Why writers use the image of insects in their stories
D. Why Kafka wrote about a man who becomes a cockroach
Question 12: From the passage, it can be inferred that The Metamorphosis is ..
A. short
B. complex
C. disgusting
D. laughter
Question 13: In the second paragraph, the word critics is closest in meaning to
A. people
B. readers
C. us
D. reviewers
Question 14: In the third paragraph, who does we refer to?
A. People
B. Critics
C. Writers
D. Teachers
Question 15: In the third paragraph, the word parasite is closest in meaning to
A. parent
B. worker
C. supporter
D. dependent
Question 16: Before turning into a cockroach, Gregor
A. lived happily with his family.
B. had a lot of responsibilities.
C. was a parasite to his family.
D. had a quiet and relaxing life.
Question 17: From the passage, it can be inferred that
A. Kafka had a good relationship with his father.
B. Kafka was physically small and had a weak personality.
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C. Kafka thought he would be an ugly and disgusting husband, so he never married.

D. Many people think cockroaches are ugly and disgusting while Kafka sees them as friendly insects.
Question 18: What is the writers purpose in the third and fourth paragraph?
A. To contrast two views on Kafkas use of a cockroach
B. To criticize Kafkas use of a cockroach
C. To explain Kafkas use of the word Ungeziefer
D. To compare people and cockroaches
Question 19: In The Metamorphosis Kafka tells the story of a man who turns into a cockroach because ..
A. Kafka wanted to show that Gregor worked hard to pay off his familys debts.
B. he wanted to say that Gregor was happier as a cockroach than a man.
C. in the end, Gregor looked very much like a cockroach.
D. the cockroach represented Gregors desire to become helpless like a child.
Question 20: From the passage, it can be inferred that The Metamorphosis has ..
A. a happy ending.
B. a sad beginning.
C. an unhappy ending.
D. a romantic beginning.

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction.
Question 21: The dispute between Alice, William and me must be resolved if we are to work together effectively.
Question 22: Monica owns two houses and four cars. She must have had a lot of money.
Question 23: Do you know how many Vitamin C an onion has? As much as two apples do.
Question 24: Do you remember that guy when we saw outside the Petersons last week?
Question 25: The two girls were sitting under a tree, talking quietly while the others played tennis near the river.

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Question 26: Peter painted the room grey. It now looks dark and dreary. He a different color.
A. had to choose
B. must choose
C. could have chosen
D. should have chosen
Question 27: X: I have told you many times about that, remember. Y: .
A. Said enough
B. Enough said
C. Say enough
D. Enough say
Question 28: X: I will never forget what he has done to my family. Y: .
A. I do, too
B. I agree with you
C. Let bygones be bygones
D. Yes, I am
Question 29: Instead of the good news, he seemed to be indifferent.
A. being exciting at
B. exciting about
C. being excited about
D. excited at
Question 30: After Mary her degree, she intends to work in her fathers company.
A. will finish
B. had finished
C. will have finished
D. finishes
Question 31: She chose this coat in the end because were all too expensive.
A. the other ones
B. other
C. the other
D. another
Question 32: My daughter has always her classmates at school.
A. got well on with
B. got well along with
C. got on well with
D. well along got with
Question 33: Some moral values have really in the last few years.
A. put off
B. gone down
C. come across
D. got over
Question 34: As an agricultural crop, sunflowers are extremely .
A. environmental friendly B. friendly environment C. friendly environmental D. environmentally friendly
Question 35: the weather improves, we will have to cancel the game.
A. Unless
B. Only if
C. If only
D. Otherwise
Question 36: the fighting stopped, travel across country has been quite safe.
A. Unless
B. Since
C. After that
D. Because
Question 37: Shut the door, ?
A. wont you
B. could you
C. shall we
D. dont you
Question 38: They introduced us to the landlord, most of our school would be built.
A. whose land
B. on his land
C. on whose land
D. on which the land
Question 39: He refused to give up work, hed won a million pounds.
A. because
B. however
C. as though
D. even though
Question 40: She while Im talking.
A. always interrupts B. always interrupts me C. is always interrupting me
D. is always interrupting
Question 41: X: Terrific game, isnt it? Y: .
A. Yes, terrible
B. No, sure is
C. Yes, wonderful
D. Not a word
Question 42: He didnt know anyone at the party than the host.
A. other
B. apart
C. more
D. except
Question 43: I wish they change their minds so often!
A. wont
B. wouldnt
C. dont
D. hadnt
Question 44: Susan as a nurse for 3 years before her marriage.
A. has worked
B. has been working
C. worked
D. would have worked
Question 45: This school has the highest standards in the area.
A. learners
B. intelligence
C. academic
D. studious
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Question 46: Smoking is considered a bad . .

A. conduct
B. manner
C. custom
D. habit
Question 47: It was the war came to an end.
A. not until in 1974
B. not until 1974 when
C. until before 1974
D. not until 1974 that
Question 48: When we were little at school, we all . . him to steal the sweets.
A. dared
B. threatened
C. made
D. let
Question 49: He seems for teaching career.
A. disqualified
B. qualifying
C. unqualified
D. qualify
Question 50: In Britain the are all painted red.
A. letter boxes
B. letters boxes
C. letters boxes
D. letters boxes
Question 51: X: "She's been promoted to chief executive." Y: " ."
A. Oh, really? I didn't realize B. You are a liar
C. Oh, really? I didn't
D. You are a good colleague
Question 52: X: Will you lend her the money? Y:
A. Yes, its not of your business.
B. Not unless she promises to pay me back.
C. Why do you want my money?
D. Why dont you pay her?
Question 53: Bens wife is a terrible snob; she looks almost anyone that doesnt come from rich families.
A. up to
B. forward to
C. down on
D. out on
Question 54: In the accident four people were injured, one severely and the others, luckily, escaped .
A. harmless
B. harmful
C. harm
D. unharmed
Question 55: There is general that the study techniques of many students are weak.
A. recognition
B. recognizing
C. realizing
D. realization

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the
main stress in each of the following questions.
Question 56: A. household
Question 57: A. diversity
Question 58: A. introduce
Question 59: A. effort
Question 60: A. separately

B. desert
B. communicate
B. employee
B. technique
B. economy

C. crisis
C. appropriate
C. understand
C. event
C. preservative

D. pressure
D. academic
D. dependent
D. although
D. initiate

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the
following questions.
Question 61: He often encourages his children to read books instead of sitting in front of the television all day.
M. In his opinion, sitting in front of the television all day should discourage.
N. To our fathers, it is reading books that encourages, not sitting in front of the television all day.
O. We get our fathers idea of preferring reading books than sitting in front of the television all day.
P. Reading books, in the fathers opinion, is better for his children than sitting in front of the television all day.
Question 62: By whom is this work often done?
A. Who often does this work do?
B. Who often does this work?
C. Who does often do this work?
D. Who often do this work?
Question 63: Youve got to help me, John, said Mary.
A. Mary ordered John to have to help her.
B. Mary offered to help John because of her duty.
C. Mary pleaded with John to help her.
D. Mary pleaded John for his responsibility to her.
Question 64: Man continues to take minerals from the earth in immense quantities.
A. Minerals are continued to be taken from the earth in immense quantities by Man.
B. Minerals continue to be taken from the earth in immense quantities.
C. Minerals from the earth are continued to take in immense quantities by man.
D. Minerals from the earth in immense quantities continue to be taken.
Question 65: It was such a popular program that we lost interest in it soon.
M. Such a popular program it was that we were not interested in it any more.
N. Such popularity was the program that we lost interest in it soon.
O. So popular was the program that it soon became less and less interested.
P. The more and more popular it was the program, the less and less we lost interest in it.
Question 66: I havent seen that man here before.
A. Its the first time I have seen that man here.
B. Its the first man I have seen here.
C. Its here that I first have seen that man.
D. Its the man that I have seen here before.
Question 67: I can never cook as well as my mother does.
A. My mother can cook more better than me.
B. I never cook a lot worse than my mother can.
C. My mother cooks better than I can.
D. My mother can never cook as bad as me.
Question 68: Its going to start raining, so we should go out before that.
A. Lets go out before the beginning rain.
B. Lets go out before it rains.
C. We should go out before it is raining.
D. We should go out before we see it raining.
Question 69: Like my father, my brother doesnt drink.
A. Both my father and my brother doesnt drink.
B. Not only my father but also my brother dont drink.
C. My brother takes after my father in drinking.
D. Neither my father nor my brother drinks.
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Question 70: Although she was in poor health, she continued to do her duties.
A. Although in poor health, she continued to do her duties.
B. Despite in poor health, she continued to do her duties.
C. She continued to do her duties; however, she was in poor health.
D. Poor health as she was, she continued to do her duties.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions from 71 to 80.
Ostriches are funny-looking birds. They cant fly, and they cant sing. They swallow rocks, and even diamonds if they happen to
find any, to help them digest their food. They are also known for being very bad-tempered and will bite or kick their handlers if they
have a chance. Their scientific name is struthio camelus, which means sparrow-camel. When travelers in the desert saw ostriches at
a distance, they sometimes thought they were camels.
It seems hard to imagine that these birds would become an agricultural craze, but they did. During the late 1800s and early 1900s,
ostrich farming was big business in South Africa. There was a huge demand from all over the world for ostrich feathers to decorate
womens hats and clothing. Some hats were adorned with feathers more than 20 inches high. At the height of the industry in 1913,
there were 750,000 ostriches in one area of South Africa producing up to 100,000 tons of feathers a year. Ostrich feathers were almost
as important to the South African economy as gold, diamonds, and wool.
As is typical when people get rich quickly, there was some extravagance. The best ostriches were worth as much as some houses.
Ostrich farmers became very rich and built elaborate mansions called feather palaces to show off their wealth. These palaces had
marble floors, many towers and balconies, and huge bathrooms.
However, with the start of World War I, fashions changed. As a result, the demand for feathers fell quickly. Many ostrich farmers
were ruined. They had to sell their mansions, and their lives changed completely.
Ostriches are still farmed today in several parts of the world, but mainly for leather and meat. The business will probably never be
as big as it was during those peak years.
Question 71: Ostriches are unusual birds because .
A. they neither fly nor sing.
B. they know how to find diamonds.
C. they can help themselves digest their food.
D. they are seen in the desert as camels.
Question 72: We can learn from the passage that ..
A. only in the desert can ostriches be found.
B. ostriches are one of the best diamond hunters.
C. we might be bitten while feeding ostriches.
D. ostrich belongs to the camel family.
Question 73: Ostrich farming became very big business in South Africa because .
A. women started to wear hats and other clothing decorated with ostrich feathers.
B. farmers in South Africa couldnt do anything but raise ostriches.
C. there was a huge demand from all over the world for womens hats and clothing.
D. ostriches in South Africa are fed with diamonds.
Question 74: According to the passage, which of the following statements about ostriches is true?
A. There were 750,000 ostriches in South Africa.
B. The ostrich of South Africa could produce 100,000 tons of feathers a year.
C. Womens hats and clothing decorated with ostrich feathers were in during the late 1800s and early 1900s.
D. South African people bought ostrich feathers because they were more valuable than gold, diamonds and wool.
Question 75: The South African economy used to see the business of as very important.
A. ostrich feathers
B. womens hats C. feather palaces
D. ostrich clothing
Question 76: According to the passage, feather palaces were .
A. houses covered with ostrich feathers.
B. big mansions of the best ostrich farmers.
C. big houses of the South African farmers.
D. mansions with marble floors, many towers and balconies, and huge bathrooms.
Question 77: The market for ostrich feathers changed very quickly
A. because when the First World War started, the fashions changed.
B. when many ostrich farmers took part in the First World War and were ruined.
C. when many ostrich farmers sold their feather palaces.
D. because ostriches made no contribution to World War I.
Question 78: According to the passage, many ostrich farmers .. in World War I when the demand for feathers fell.
A. lost their benefit
B. died
C. were killed
D. were in debt
Question 79: Though the demand for ostrich feathers has fallen since World War I, ostriches are still farmed because ...
A. there is still a huge demand from the South Africa for their feathers.
B. the South African farmers are used to running their business with ostriches.
C. they can also be sold for their leather and meat.
D. many ostrich farmers lives changed completely.
Question 80: Which statement is NOT true about the writers perspective on the ostrich business?
A. The business will probably no longer be as important to the South African economy as gold and diamonds.
B. The business can probably be as big as it was during World War I.
C. The business will probably never be as big as it was during the late 1800s and early 1900s.
D. Ostriches can be farmed not only for their feathers but also for their meat and leather.

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