MATH 2505, Assignment θ: Hamza Zahid February 7, 2012

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MATH 2505, Assignment

Hamza Zahid February 7, 2012

Question 1. Assume f is uniformly continuous function on the bounded set S and an unbounded function on S . Then for any n N, there exists xn S such that |f (xn )| > n. Since (xn ) is in S and bounded, therefore by BolzanoWeierstrass Theorem, it has a convergent subsequence (xnk ). Thus (xnk ) is a cauchy sequence. Because f is uniformly continuous, f (xnk ) is also a cauchy sequence. Therefore f (xnk ) is convergent, and in particular, bounded. But |f (xnk )| > nk . This is a contradiction. So f is bounded on S .
1 1 (0, 1). Then x Question 2. For any M > 0, let x = 2 2 = 2M > M . So M 1 1 x2 is not bounded. Since (0, 1) is bounded, x2 is not uniformly continuous by Question 1.

Question 3. Since f is dened on Q. So, let x be a point in R, not in Q. Then there exists a sequence (qn ) of rational numbers which converge to x. Furthermore, the sequence (qn ) is a Cauchy sequence, since any convergent sequence in R is Cauchy (by theorem 10.11). We know f is uniformly continuous function on Q. Hence, (f (qn )) is a Cauchy sequence too (by Theorem 19.4). Hence (f (qn )) converges in R to a limit. Also, if we use a dierent sequence of rationals (pn ) to approach x, f ((pn )) would converge to the same limit. Call this limit y where f (x) = y. Then let (xn ) be any sequence of Q approaching x. Then, (f (xn )) must approach y . This proves f is continuous at x which means, in other words, that there is a continuous function g on R that extends f .

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