Remote Controlled Fan Regulator
Remote Controlled Fan Regulator
Remote Controlled Fan Regulator
Submitted by
1. Abstract 3
2. Introduction 4
3. Block Diagram 6
4. Block Diagram Description 7
5. Circuit Diagram 16
6. Working of the Circuit 17
7. Component List 19
8. PCB Fabrication 20
9. Soldering 23
10. PCB Layout 24
11. Component View 25
12. Application 26
13. Advantages 27
14. Conclusion 28
15. Reference 29
In remote controlled fan regulator we can regulate the speed of the fan by
using a remote. Here the variation in the firing angle of triac is used for
regulating the speed.
Any button on the remote can be used for controlling speed of the fan. Using
this circuit, we can change the speed of the fan from our couch or bed. This
circuit is used for controlling the speed of the fan in 5 levels. This
innovation can be a success only if people are made aware about its
advantages and how user-friendly it is. The circuit can be used to regulate
the intensity of light. This innovation finds its use mainly to help old age
people who don’t want to walk in order to control the speed of fan. It also
finds its use of somebody wants to change the speed while sleeping.
A circuit that allows total control over your equipments without having to
move around is a revolutionary concept. Total control over the speed of the
fan is a boon to many. This product brings to you this very concept.
Remote control facilitates the operation of fan regulators around the home or
office from a distance. It provides a system that is simple to understand and
also to operate, a system that would be cheap and affordable, a reliable and
easy to maintain system of remote control and durable system irrespective of
usage. It adds more comfort to everyday living by removing the
inconvenience of having to move around to operate a fan regulator. The
system seeks to develop a system that is cost effective while not
undermining the need for efficient working.
The first remote control, called “lazy bones” was developed in 1950 by
Zenith Electronics Corporation (then known as Zenith Radio Corporation).
The device was developed quickly, and it was called “Zenith space
command”, the remote went into production in the fall of 1956, becoming
the first practical wireless remote control device. Today, remote control is a
standard on electronic products, including VCRs, cable and satellite boxes,
digital video disc players and home audio players. In the year 2000, more
than 99 percent of all TV set and 100 percent of all VCR and DVD players
sold are equipped with remote controls. The average individual these days
probably picks up a remote control at least once or twice a day.
Basically, a remote control works in the following manner. A button is
pressed. This completes a specific connection which produces a Morse code
line signal specific to that button. The transistor amplifies the signal and
sends it to the LED which translates the signal into infrared light. The sensor
on the appliance detects the infrared light and reacts appropriately.
The remote control’s function is to wait for the user to press a key and then
translate that into infrared light signals that are received by the receiving
appliance. The carrier frequency of such infrared signals is typically around
The aim of this work is to design and construct a remote control for a fan
regulator. The remote control device sends an infra-red beam, which is
received by the infra-red sensor on the regulator and the speed of the fan is
Infrared Receiver
Infrared receiver module is used for receiving the signals transmitted by the
remote control.
Here, two NE 555 ICs are wired as monostable multivibrators. The trigger to
the first multivibrator is the signals from the infrared receiver module. This
multivibrator is used to delay the clock pulse of the decade counter. The
second multivibrator is triggered by the opto coupler.
Here, CD 4017 is used as decade counter. Here actually ten outputs are there
from which five are used (Q0 to Q4), Q5 is not used and Q6 is used to reset.
The output of monostable multivibrator(IC1) is used to delay the clock pulse
of the decade counter.
Opto Coupler
MCT2E is the opto coupler used here. MCT2E is NPN silicon planar
phototransistor optically coupled to a gallium arsenide infrared emitting
diode. It is used to trigger the monostable multivibrator(IC3).
Opto Isolator
Triac BT 136
The triac used here is BT136. It is thyristor with a firing angle nearly 45o. A
snubber circuit consisting of a resistor and capacitor is used to control the
firing angle of Triac. This firing angle determines the speed of the fan.
decade counter is given to NE555 and this is given to the transistor BC548.
It is given to the Opto isolator MOC 3021. It is used for driving the Triac
BT136. Triac is a type of thyristor. Here the resistor R13 (470hm) and
capacitor C7 (0.01µF) combination is used as snubber network for the Triac.
Printed Circuit Boards play a vital role here in determining the overall
performance of the electronic equipment. A good PCB design ensures that
the noise introduced as a result of component placement and track layout is
held within limits while still providing components years of assembly
maintenance and performance reliability.
The base materials used for PCB’s are glass epoxy, epoxy paper, polyester
etc. Copper foil used for copper clad is manufactured by the process of
electronic deposition.
The coated copper clad and laminated film negative is kept in intimate
contact with each other.
The layout can be done either by hand or by using PCB designing software
The required circuit is designed and the layout of the circuit is done on the
component side as well as the copper clad side. Spaces are provided for
holes to insert the respective components. Etch resistant ink coatings are
given on the interconnecting marks.
The copper clad PCB is etched with ferrous chloride solution containing a
small amount of Hydro Chloric Acid for increasing activeness of Ferric
Chloride in etching. Wherever the varnish coating is there the copper
remains. Then it is washed with water and Oxalic Acid.
The required holes of suitable size are drilled using twist drill. Now the
Printed Circuit Board(PCB) is complete and ready for soldering.
The same circuit finds its use in many more applications. By this the
intensity of light can be controlled using a remote. The intensity of light can
be controlled in five levels from off position to maximum intensity possible.
So it finds use as a night lamp by keeping the intensity of lamp in low level.
The circuit also finds its use for switching ON and OFF any electronic
circuitry. Our normal T.V remote can be used for all these purposes. So it is
very useful or a real help to old age and sick people, since they can control
the speed from the place where they are sitting.
We feel that our product serves something good to this world and we like to
present it before this prosperous world.
Electronics for You Magazine
Electronic Devices and Circuits – J. B.Gupta
Linear Integrated circuits – Gaykwad