Modeling, Controlling of Automatic Washing Machine

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Modeling, Controlling of Automatic

Washing Machine

Salman Chaudhary SP15-BTE-006

Syed Ahsan Raza Shamsi SP15-BTE-044

Project Advisor: Dr. Yaqoob Javed

Spring 2019


Submission Form for FYP Report

TITLE Modeling, Controlling of Automatic Washing Machine

SUPERVISOR NAME Dr. Muhammad Yaqoob Javed


Salman Chaudhary [email protected]
Syed Ahsan Raza Shamsi [email protected]

Comments about the Group and the Project:

First Person Supervisor Name

(Member’s Signature) (Checked and Signed by the Supervisor)

Co-advisor Name
Second Person (Member’s Signature) (Checked and Signed by the Co-advisor)

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

COMSATS University Islamabad

COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore Campus Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
WASHING MACHINE” has been approved for the award of

BS in Electrical (TELECOME) Engineering to

Salman Chaudhary SP15-BTE-006

Syed Ahsan Raza Shamsi SP15-BTE-044

Spring 2019

External Examiner:

Head of Department:

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering


“We dedicate our project to our parents, family and especially to teachers who remained helpful
throughout the program and helped us through every thick and thin. Without their support, we
would not had been able to compete. Sincere Thanks to all of them.”



In the name of Allah, the most Gracious and the most Beneficent. Countless praises to
Allah, the Lord of whole universe and mankind, whose blessings made us to complete
this project.
We dedicate our project to our parents, family and our respected teachers who remained
helpful throughout the program and helped us through every thick and thin. Without
their support, we would not had been able to compete. Sincere Thanks to all of them.
We would like to express my gratitude to all those who gave me the possibility to
complete my report. Firstly, we are deeply indebted to our supervisor Dr. Yaqoob
Javed and our co-advisor, whose help, stimulating suggestions and encouragement
helped us at all the time of research and writing of this report.
We would like to thank our parents who supported us during all the time of research and
without their financial support we would not had been able to complete this task. We
would like to thank our friend and family members for supporting and encouraging us to
pursue this degree.

This project presents a design of automatic washing machine which is
controlled using programmable logic controller (PLC). PLC is used to control
the system which have specific functions. Basic PLC functioning like timing,
sequence, controlling and relaying were implemented. The hardware contains
one agitator and shell tub. A motor is used to run the agitator in either direction
required as per sequence programming. solenoid valves are used for water inlet
and drain out. Operation of these devices is completely automated using PLC.

Table of contents
List of Figures……...........................................................................................vii
1 INTRODUCTION….…...…………………………………………………….1
1.1 Background ........................................................................................................1
1.2 Overview.............................................................................................................2
1.3 Objectives ...........................................................................................................3
1.4 Problem Statement .............................................................................................3
1.5 Thesis Outline ....................................................................................................4
2 LITERATURE REVIEW………...….……………...…………......................5
2.1 Scrub board (The first washing machine) ...........................................................5
2.2 Rotatory drum......................................................................................................5
2.3 Addition of wringers ...........................................................................................6
2.4 First Electronic Machine......................................................................................7
2.5 Automatic Washing Machine ..............................................................................7
2.6 Water saving washing machines .........................................................................8
2.7 Modern Washing Machines.................................................................................8
2.7.1 Detergent mixing………………………………………………………...9
2.7.1 Setting of washing temperature………………………………………….9
3 PROJECT DESIGN …….…….……………………….….……….………...11
3.1 Methodology…………………………………………………………...............11
3.2 Design description……………………………………………………………..11
3.2.1 Flow Sensor……………………………………………………………...11 Feature and Applications………………………………………………12
3.2.2 Inlet and Outlet valves…………………………………………………...13 Features and Applications……………………………………………...13
3.2.3 VFD Drive……………….……………………………………………….14 Features and Applications………………………………………………14
3.2.4 HMI……………………………………………………………………….15 Features and Applications………………………………………………16
3.2.5 PLC………………………………………………………………………..16
4 Implementation…………………………...…………..……….….....................19

4.1 Design…………………………………………………………………………...19
4.2 Testing…………………………………………………………………………..19
4.1.1 Testing of Flow Sensor……………………………………………………19
4.3 Working stages………………………………………….……………………….20
4.4 PLC Software……………………………………………………………………22
4.5 Hardware Implementation ………………………………………………………22
5 Evaluation……………………………….….......................................................23
5.1 Non-Functional Requirements…………………………………………………..23
5.1.1 Product Requirements……………………………………………………...23
5.1.2 External Requirements……………………………………………………..24
5.1.3 External Requirement………………………………………………………25
5.2 Functional Requirements…………………………………………………………27
5.2.1 PLC (FATEK)……………………………………..……………………….27
5.2.2 Variable Frequency drive………………………………………..…………27
5.2.3 HMI……………………………………………………………………...…28
5.2.4 Load Sensor………………………………………………………………..28
5.2.5 Temperature Sensor………………………………………………………..28
5.2.6 Inlet outlet valves…………………………………………………………..28
5.2.7 Motors……………………………………………………………………...29
6 Conclusion and Future Work.....................................................................30
6.1 Conclusion…………………………………………………………………..30
6.2 Future Work....................................................................................................30
Appendix A: Project Source Code.....................................................................33
Appendix B: Hardware Schematics...................................................................34
Appendix C: List of components........................................................................35
Appendix D: Project Timeline............................................................................36

List of Figures
Figure 1.1 Entire Delta Control System ................................................................1
Figure 2.1 One of the First Scrub .Boards ............................................................5
Figure 2.2 Rotatory Drum………………………………………………………..6
Figure 2.3 Rotatory Drum with addition of Wringers….......................................6
Figure 2.4 First Electronic Washing Machine Designed ……………………….7
Figure 2.5 Simple Auto Washing Machine ……………………..………………8
Figure 2.6 Water Saving Auto Washing Machines ……………………………..8
Figure 2.7 Two in One Advance Automatic Washing Machine ………………..9
Figure 2.8 Requirements for detergents point…………………………………...9
Figure 2.9 push button of temperature…………………………………………10
Figure 2.10 Starting condition of washing machine…………………………...10
Figure 3.1 Flow sensor………………………………………………………...12
Figure 3.2 Inlet and outlet valves……………………………………………...14
Figure 3.3 Variable frequency drive…………………………………………...14
Figure 3.4 HMI version……………………………………………………….16
Figure 4.1 Implementation flowchart…………………………………………19
Figure 4.2 Reference chassis………………………………………………….20
Figure 4.3 Implementation process of washing machine……………………..21
Figure 4.4 Implementation of ladder logic……………………………………22

1 Introduction
Automation plays an increasingly important role in the world economy. Now-a-days, people are living in
such a tight schedule they don’t have time to wash their clothes manually as well as it is much of a time
consuming. A washing machine is an automatic machine, controlled by a motor and different hardware
equipment, whose operation is sequenced and automated without human interference. This term is mostly
applicable only for the machines which are operating with water as the primary cleaning solution, which is
completely opposed to some other technologies which works under dry cleaners as well ultrasonic
Washing entails immersing, dipping, rubbing or scrubbing in water or other liquids, which is usually
accompanied by soap ,detergent and bleach which is active ingredient with NaCIO. Improvement in
technology, search for higher integration, invention of new ideas, and development in world of electronics
has brought about an increased demand for the automation control for most machinery and their process.
The simplest machines may simply agitate clothes in water while switched on; automatic machine may
fill, empty, wash and spin in an automated complex cycle.
There are two electronic controllers which are analog and digital controllers. Analog controllers uses basic
forms of operational amplifier circuits or other forms of control actions. The digital controllers are
microprocessor & microcontroller based system like PLC [1].
In such cases plc based washing machine can be used which is easy, reliable and time saving. Such
washing machine once given a instruction performs its task efficiently. In this automated washing machine
DC Motor is used which is capable of working at variable speeds as per one’s requirement. A sequence of
operation like washing – Rinsing – Squeezing – Drying are programmed in ladder Programming.

Figure 1.1 Entire Delta Control System [2]

1.1 Background
A conventional washing machine would have a number of user selectable programs to take into account
the type of wash, size of load, temperature, etc.
The machine then follows the pre-set routine irrespective of what is actually happening to the clothes
inside. But if the clothes were clean half way through the cycle, it does not stop. It runs till the pre-set
program ends, so excess amount of water and energy is consumed. On the other hand, cloths may still be
dirty and need more washing till at the end of programs, but it does not run. So, wash quality is reduced.
Based on the analysis, a polynomial equation was derived and it was predicted that the specific water
consumption as 9.63 liters of water per kg for a capacity of 2 kg and 33.8 liters of water per kg for a
capacity of 10 kg washing machine. In extra high mode, the specific energy consumption for 2, 3, 4 and 5
kg of loads are 22.46, 20.31, 21.13 and 21.29 WH respectively. From the specific energy consumption
arrived, it is concluded that 3 kg is the optimum load for whirlpool H-65 washing machine. The drying
efficiency for 2, 3, 4 and 5 kg of load are 25.6%, 28.5%, 27.6% and 24% respectively. From this the
drying efficiency is maximum for optimum load of 3 kg. Cold water is used for the process of wash and
rinse, 46.33 kWh of energy is consumed per year which results to cost of Rs 162.14 per year [3].

1.2 Overview
A programmable logic controller, or PLC, can be used to control any process that requires automation,
such as processes found in a chemical plant, automated machinery, or laboratory equipment. When used in
such a process, the PLC is programmed to perform a set of logical steps in a specific order to complete the
desired task. These steps are programmed into the PLC using a ladder logic program, which consists of a
specific set of instructions which will be used to define the process and control the machine.
Over time machines became more and more automated, first with very complex electromechanically
controllers, then fully electronic controllers; users put clothes into the machine, select a suitable program
via a switch, start the machine, and come back to remove clean and slightly damp clothes at the end of the
cycle. The controller starts and stops many different processes including pumps and valves to fill and
empty the drum with water, heating and rotating at different speeds, with different combinations of setting
for different fabrics. Wash cycles are given below:

1. As soon as start button is pressed, water inlet valve start filling the container till a desired level according
to timer T1.
2. As water reaches to the desired level, inlet valve gets OFF with timer 1.
3. Now timer 2 gets ON for washing clothes. It washes the clothes until timer 2 gets OFF.
4. As timer 2 gets OFF water outlet valve gets open to drain the dirty water.
5. As dirty water is drained out, outlet valve gets OFF.
6. This is how first process is completed.

1. Washing machines perform several rinses after the main wash to remove the detergent.
2. Here we are performing a single cycle of rinse after the main wash.
3. Firstly Outlet Valve gets open.
4. Now our water inlet valve is again open to rinse the clothes with the clean water.
5. Timer T2 gets ON.
6. It rinses the clothes till timer gets OFF.
7. After this process outlet valve remains open.

1. Higher spin speeds remove more water, leading to faster drying.
2. Now as the wash tub is sliding upwards the timer T2 gets ON for spinning.
3. Spinner spins the clothes till the desired time.
4. Water is continuously draining out from the outlet valve.
5. This is how process of spinning is completed and we get neat and clean clothes.

1.3 Objectives
 Modeling of washing machines.
 Controlling process using HMI.
 Flow sensor base intelligent control for washing.
 Interfacing of hardware with software.

1.4 Problem Statement

Currently, the people around the globe are living a complex life. Everyone looks forward to quicker results
and actions in day their day to day tasks. What is now referred to as an automatic washer was at one time
referred to as a "washer/extractor", which combined the features of these two devices into a single
machine, plus the ability to fill and drain water by itself. It is possible to take this a step further, and to
also merge the automatic washing machine and clothes dryer into a single device.

1.4 Thesis Outline
This thesis is a documentation of the development and implementation of an autonomous telepresence
robot. This thesis is mainly divided into six chapters. The details of chapters are given below:
Chapter 2
In this chapter, a brief literature review on the background of washing machines.
Chapter 3
This chapter explains the requirements of each component used in our project. Their specifications are
mentioned along with their objectives.
Chapter 4
This chapter explains the methodology applied to complete each objective in our project.
Chapter 5
This chapter explains the implementation process of our project, All the possible methods that were used
while implementing the project.
Chapter 6
This chapter explains the tests and results of each objective completed and also ends the topic and theses
explaining the possible future work in the project.

2 Literature Review
The modern washing machine is less than 200 years old, having been invented in the 1850s. But people
were washing their clothes long before washers and dryers came on the scene.
Ancient peoples cleaned their clothes by pounding them on rocks or rubbing them with abrasive sands and
washing the dirt away in local streams. The Romans invented a crude soap, similar to lye, that contained
ash and fat from sacrificed animals. In colonial times, the most common way of washing clothes was to
boil them in a large pot or cauldron, then lay them on a flat board and beat them with a paddle called a
The metal washboard, which many people associate with pioneer life, wasn't invented until about 1833.
Before that, washboards were made entirely of wood, including the carved, ridged washing surface. As
late as the Civil War, laundry was often a communal ritual, especially in communities near rivers, springs,
and other bodies of water, where the washing would take place and this cycle of improvements goes on
list of phases through which today’s automatic washing machine has passed is given below [4].

2.1 Scrub board (The first washing machine)

The earliest manual washing machines imitated the motion of the human hand on the washboard, by using
a lever to move one curved surface over another and rubbing clothes between two ribbed surfaces. It is an
example of man-made technology being used to assist in the washing of clothes. Over a century earlier a
patent application covering a washing and wringing machine had been filed, but never built[5].

Figure 2.1 One of the First Scrub Boards [6]

2.2 Rotatory drum

The James King, an America, patented the first washing machine to use a drum in 1851. The drum made
King's machine resemble a modern machine. He patented a machine that utilized two concentric half-full
cylinders. Water in the outer cylinder was heated by a fire beneath it; a hand crank turned the perforated
inner cylinder that contained clothing and soap. The inner-ribbed design of the rotating cylinder raised the
clothes as the cylinder turned. Once the clothes reached the top of the cylinder, they dropped back down
into the soapy water. The first underwater agitator type machine, the second type, was patented in 1869.

Figure 2.2 Rotatory Drum [7]

2.3 Addition of wringers

Wringers were added to the machines in 1861 and the electric wringer style washer became available in
1911, the washing machine allowed laundry to be done more efficiently than ever. In today’s washing
machine Spin cycles have replaced wringers and automatic timing run by microchips mean there is no
need to provide direct hands on labor.

Figure 2.3 Rotatory Drum with addition of Wringers [8]

2.4 First Electronic Machine
The arrival of electric power meant that hand-operated washing devices could be augmented with motors.
A washing machine called the “Thor”, which was invented by Alva J. Fisher and manufactured by the
Hurley Machine Company in 1908, is often cited as the first drum-based electric washing machine. The
Thor was a drum type washing machine with a galvanized tub and an electric motor. A patent for this
machine was issued on August 9th 1910. In first electric clothes washers motor rotated the tub but, motor
was not protected beneath the machine and water often dripped into it causing short-circuits and jolting

Figure 2.4 First Electronic Washing Machine Designed [9]

2.5 Automatic Washing Machine

The addition of a motor-driven drain pump moved the machine one step closer to complete automaticity.
The next development of the washing machine was the fitting of a clock timing device which allowed the
machine to be set to operate for a pre-determined length of wash cycle. Now, the operator no longer
needed to constantly monitor its action. By the early 1950s, many American manufacturers were
supplying machines with a spin-dry feature to replace the wringer which removed buttons, and caused
accidents involving hair and hands.

Figure 2.5 Simple Auto Washing Machine [10]

2.6 Water saving washing machines

Different washing machine programs also use varying amounts of water. While the average 40 degree
Celsius cotton program uses approximately 11 litres per kilogram of washing, the equivalent 40 degree
Celsius synthetics program is less efficient - using over 15 litres per kilogram. But the maximum wash
load for a synthetic wash is usually about half the amount you can clean on the cottons program. So per
kilogram of washing you can launder in one go – cotton washes usually work out better, but only if you
always fill the drum.

Figure 2.6 Water Saving Auto Washing Machines [11]

2.7 Modern Washing Machines

Washing machines stand out because of their front-loading design and color choices. Modern design was
the use of two drums, which allowed the machine to thoroughly wash clothes faster and handle large loads
of laundry better.

The front-loading design helps the two drum action. The two drums were designed to rotate in opposite
directions, gently, and efficiently releasing dirt from clothing. The modern washing machine was being
used that includes buttons that basically cleans the clothes inserted in it by itself. Models that were
equipped with sensors that allowed various temperature settings for different fabrics, that measured the
moisture in the clothes, and that signaled when the drying job was done. Machines also facilitated the
process of ironing by straightening the clothes without shrinks.

Figure 2.7 Two in One Advance Automatic Washing Machine [12]

2.7.1 Detergent mixing

The detergent is sliding out through putting the required detergent and softening agent into the particular
compartments. The detergent require numbers has shown in the figure 2.8. The better washing results, and
assemble washing program should be selected according to type of laundry which we use. Now, turn the
program probe to select the right program.

Figure 2.8 Requirements for detergents point


By pressing and hold on the temperature button which is on the washing machine can be selected. In the
figure we see the temperature selected button of washing machine

Figure 2.9 push button of temperature
After that Press the Start/Pause button. The washing machine will operate according to program which we
have to set into it. The washing machine will stop operation automatically when a washing cycle ends.
The sign will appear on the display. Then the washer door will be open and take out the laundry.

Figure 2.10 starting condition of washing machine

3 Project Design
This chapter covers the description of the project design. it also illustrates the methodology, architectural
outline and difficulties faced during project implementation.

3.1 Methodology
The working principle of our project is collecting data from the flow sensors and then display that data on
HMI to make decisions of spinning time clockwise and anti-clockwise, which is then connect to PLC and
from there we control speed of VFD.
Our project consists of two parts.
o Hardware
o Software

3.2 Design description

Hardware consists of a module that contains:
 Flow Sensor
 Inlet valve
 Outlet valve
 VFD drive
 Power Supply (+12V).

3.2.1 Flow Sensor

Liquid flow sensors are used for gauging mass flow, flow velocity, or a volumetric flow rate of a
liquid. Liquid flow measurement is defined as the expression of measurement of the quantity of a large
volume of liquid movement. Liquid flow can be gauged in a number of different ways, including
volumetric or mass flow rates such as liters per second.
Positive displacement flow meters gauges liquid flow by gathering a fixed volume of liquid and then
counting the number of times the capacity is filled. These measurements are related by the density of the
liquid, and it is important to remember that the density of a liquid is mostly not dependent on conditions
such as composition, temperature or pressure.

Figure 3-1 Flow sensor [11] Feature and Applications

 Viscosity
 Phase (Single/Double)
 Temperature Pressure
 Conductivity
 Turbidity
 Corrosiveness
 Flow Profile (ex: Transitional, Turbulent, and Laminar.
Below are key, variable features of flow meters important to their application.

Flow Range
Minimum and maximum volumetric or mass flows to determine the flow velocity range of the flow meter.
This ability is calculated using the ratio of maximum to minimum flow rates and a Reynolds Number. The
ability of the flow meter is commonly denoted as a turndown ratio: using the meter outside this range can
negatively affect its performance

The accuracy of a flow meter is its skill in determining the nearest approximation of the true value. Once
the precise measurements and characteristics of the fluid and pipes to be used are noted, the next step is
finding an appropriate flow meter with a high accuracy rate. Percentage of calibrated span (CS), the
percentage of actual reading (AR), or percentage of full scale (FS) units are typically used to indicate the
accuracy of flow meters. Percent CS and FS signify that the absolute error will increase with a change in

the measured flow rate. In contrast, percent AR signifies no change in absolute error with rising and
falling flow rates.

The k-factor is the ratio of the number of a meter’s pulses to the corresponding net volume of the fluid
flowing through the meter during measurement; in other words, it is the pulses per unit volume, an
indication of volumetric output. The received pulses are continuously divided by the k-factor through the
electronic device giving various outputs like rate and factor totalization. 1\k is usually termed as meter
factor. Though the frequency of the pulses is directly proportional to the turbine rotor rotational rate,
effects like temperature and change in pressure can alternate the k-factor of a meter. So, the manufacturer
of the meter should be consulted if the K factor varies with changes in liquid form or with changes in the
area of the pipe.

The dependability of the K factor over a particular flow rate is defined as the linearity of the flow meter.
This linearity of the flow meter is usually defined as the band, containing minimum and maximum k-
factors as well as a k-mean. The manufacturer normally specifies these lower and upper limits as the
maximum and minimum flow range of the particular liquid; these constraints are sometimes defined using
temperature and pressure instead.

3.2.2 Inlet and Outlet valves

Inlet valve. [′in‚let ‚valv] (mechanical engineering) The valve through which a fluid is drawn into the
cylinder of a positive-displacement engine, pump, or compressor. Also known as induction valve.
Outlet valve. a valve that controls the escape of fluid or gas from a pipe, channel, or duct. Features and Applications

 Very sensitive to LPG and natural gas
 Lowly sensitive to smoke and alcohol.
 Responds quickly
 High Stability and longevity
 Non-complex architecture

Figure 3-2 Inlet and outlet valves [15]

3.2.3 VFD Drive

A Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) is a type of motor controller that drives an electric motor by varying
the frequency and voltage supplied to the electric motor. Other names for a VFD are variable speed drive,
adjustable speed drive, adjustable frequency drive, AC drive, microdrive, and inverter.

Figure 3-3 Variable frequency drive [19] Features and Applications

The two main features of variable frequency drive are adjustable speeds and soft start/stop capabilities.
These two features make VFD’s a powerful controller to control the AC motors. VFD consists of mainly
four sections; those are rectifier, intermediate DC link, inverter and controlling circuit.

It is the first stage of variable frequency drive. It converts AC power fed from mains to DC power. This
section can be unidirectional or bidirectional based on the application used like four quadrant operation of
the motor. It utilizes diodes, SCR’s, transistors and other electronic switching devices. If it uses diodes,
converted DC power is uncontrolled output while using SCR, DC output power is varied by gate control.
A minimum of six diodes are required for the three phase conversion, so the rectifier unit is considered as
six pulse converter.

DC bus:
DC power from the rectifier section is fed to DC link. This section consists of capacitors and inductors to
smooth against ripples and store the DC power. The main function of DC link is to receive, store and
deliver DC power.

This section comprises of electronic switches like transistors, thyristors, IGBT, etc. It receives DC power
from DC link and converts into AC which is delivered to the motor. It uses  modulation
techniques like pulse width modulation by to vary output frequency for controlling the speed of induction

Control circuit:
It consists of microprocessor unit and performs various functions like controlling, configuring drive
settings, fault conditions and interfacing communication protocols. It receives feedback signal from motor
as current speed reference and accordingly regulates the ratio of voltage to frequency to control motor

3.2.4 HMI
A HMI, as known as Human-Machine Interface, is a device or software that allows its user to
communicate with machineries and production plants. By translating a huge amount of complex data into
accessible information. In this way the operator has all the necessary tools to control the production
Contextualizing this definition in the world of Industrial Automation, it’s clear how the more responsive
and user-friendly the HMI, the more efficient and cost-effective the job.

Figure 3-4 HMI version [1] Features and Applications

 Tag-Level Security
 Integrating Multiple User Security Models
 Security and Web Gateways
 Smart Clients
 Concurrent Engineering and Hot Start
 Built-in Redundancy
 Synchronization Tools, Store and Forward
 Built-in Communication Protocols
 Remote Stations and Automated Management
 Network Transport-layer Independence

3.2.5 PLC
Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) is a special computer device used in industrial control systems.
Due to its robust construction, exceptional functional features like sequential control, counters and timers,
ease of programming, reliable controlling capabilities and ease of hardware usage – this PLC is used as
more than a special-purpose digital computer in industries as well as in other control-system areas. Most
of the industries abbreviate these devices as “PC” but it is also used for personal computers; due to this,
many manufacturers named these devices as PLCs. 
The programmable logic controller is used not only for industrial purpose but also in civil applications
such as washing machine, elevators working and traffic signals control. Different types of PLCs from a
vast number of manufacturers are available in today’s market. Therefore, in the following paragraphs, let
us study about programmable logic controller’s basics, principles and applications.

Principle of Programmable Logic Controller:
Programmable Logic Controllers are used for continuously monitoring the input values from sensors and
produces the outputs for the operation of actuators based on the program. Every PLC system comprises
these three modules:
 CPU module
 Power supply module
 One or more I/O module

PLC Architecture

CPU Module:
A CPU module consists of central processor and its memory. The processor is responsible for performing
all the necessary computations and processing of data by accepting the inputs and producing the
appropriate outputs.

Power Supply Module:

This module supplies the required power to the whole system by converting the available AC power to DC
power required for the CPU and I/O modules. The 5V DC output drives the computer circuitry.

I/O Modules:
The input and out modules of the programmable logic controller are used to connect the sensors and
actuators to the system to sense the various parameters such as temperature, pressure and flow, etc. These
I/O modules are of two types: digital or analog.

Communication Interface Modules:
These are intelligent I/O modules which transfers the information between a CPU and communication
network. These communication modules are used for communicating with other PLC’s and computers,
which are placed at remote place or far-off locate.
The program in the CPU of programmable logic controller consists of operating system and user
programs. The purpose of the operating system with CPU is to deal with the tasks and operations of the
PLC such as starting and stopping operations, storage area and communication management, etc. A user
program is used by the user for finishing and controlling the tasks in automation.
The Principle of operation of the PLC can be understood with the cyclic scanning also called as scan
cycle, which is given in the below figure.

PLC Scan Cycle

A typical PLC scans cycle includes of the following steps:
 The operating system starts cycling and monitoring of time.
 The CPU starts reading the data from the input module and checks the status of all the
 The CPU starts executing the user or application program written in relay-ladder logic or
any other PLC-programming language.
 Next, the CPU performs all the internal diagnosis and communication tasks.
 According to the program results, it writes the data into the output module so that all
outputs are updated.
 This process continues as long as the PLC is in run mode.

4 Implementation of Project

Implementation lets the reader go through all the rigorous steps we went through while making this
The implementation process follows the following steps, given in figure 5-1.

Hardware Software PLC,HMI and

Design Design VFD

Figure 4-1 Implementation flowchart

4.1 Design
The design phase in this project includes the development of the structure. As stated above, the design of
the project is pivotal since it greatly effects the running condition of the hardware and in our case, even the
minute errors could have caused the loss of equipment by burning etc. Keeping this in mind, we came to
the conclusion that we design the hardware of project ourselves.

4.2 Testing
4.2.1 Testing of Flow Sensor
Flow meter accuracy and repeatability are fundamental to the success of industry where liquid flow rate
measuring devices are used; therefore they are closely scrutinized according to set criteria. Many
techniques are used to ensure the liquid flow rate measuring device is performing correctly. Depending on
the requirements of the flow meter and the environment where it is being used, testing of liquid flow rate
measuring devices can occur via three routes: calibration, in-field proving and verification.
The reason for calibration is to find out whether deviations are there due to process usage or
manufacturing. As a result, calibration processes may occur in two scenarios: in re-calibration after use or
in the last step during manufacturing. There are many design standards which govern calibration systems
such as master meter comparison, gravimetric methods, and volumetric methods. All these methods are
capable of producing results with uncertainties of 4 to 1 or better compared to the meter that is tested.
Also, ISO 17025 and NIST standards govern the whole calibration system. For instance, The National
Institute of Standards and Technologies defines principles for traceability. ISO 17025 provides rigorous,
third-party accreditation. Together, both sets of standards define metrics for administrative systems,
calibration of rig components, documentation supporting traceability, personnel proficiency and
measurement uncertainty for the calibration facility.

Figure 4-2 Reference chassis

4.3 Working stages

Start the washing machine by
pressing the 'start' switch.
Set the clock for the water level by
squeezing the 'LEVEL SWITCH'.
The inlet valve is on for that specific time set by the clock.
Ensure that the 'Entryway LOCK SWITCH' is on.
Motor running - Forward bearing for 5sec. - Reverse course for 3sec. (This happens for 2min.) - Forward
direction for 60 sec.
Motor stop running
Outlet valve stays 'ON' for 60 sec.
Again delta valve stays ON for time set by level switch.
Motor starts running - Forward course for 60 sec
Motor quits running
Outlet valve stays ON for 60 sec

Motor running -Forward direction for 120 sec
Motor stops running
Alarm starts ringing

Working in Flow chart

At the point when client press the START switch, one should choose the water level contingent on the
amount of garments which are being washed. Here we are utilizing clock to confine the degree of water, as
yield of clock is given to the gulf valve. For instance for level 1, clock is set for 15 sec and for level 4,
clock is set for 60 sec, which means when client chooses water level 4 then bay valve stays ON for 60 sec.
Further after water gets filled in the drum to the set level, PLC guarantees that the entryway lock switch is
ON i.e entryway of clothes washer is shut. After that engine turns over pivoting dependent on the
calculations set in stage 1 for example in forward and turn around bearing. In this stage drenching and
washing of garments happens. After finish of stage 1 channel valve opens and expels all the water from
the drum. In second stage again water is permitted through gulf valve up to the level set by the client, and
engine turns over to pivot according to the calculations set in the program, and further water is depleted
out through outlet valve. In this stage flushing of garments happens. In the third stage engine pivots
forward way with no water in the drum. In this way remaining water from garments get channel out
because of diffusive power, this procedure is known as turning. After fruition of all the three phases,
engine stops and alert goes ON.
Flow chart

Figure 4.3 Implementation process of washing machine

5.2 PLC Software

Win pro ladder software by Siemens automation is used for testing purpose. Whereas fatek PLC series is
used during hardware implementation.
Choosing this includes benefits:
 Cross-reference information

 Drag-and-drop editing
 Diagnostics
 Dependable communications
 Database editing
 Reporting

Figure 4.4 Implementation of ladder logic

4.5 Hardware Implementation

We had designed prototype of PLC based washing machine to get rough idea of various functioning and
implementation process. For this we had used fatek PLC series, two solenoid valve, DC motor, four relays
and few patch cords. Relay circuit is connected on the PCB as per the relay logic to get desired output.
Different motoring conditions are obtained through relay circuit. This relay’s input are connected to PLC
through various patch cords and relays output is given to motor, inlet valve, outlet valve and buzzer. Just
for project purpose motor operations are being carried out in two different drums one for motoring
operations and other for different valve operation, so that we get a clear image of various motoring

5 Evaluation
This chapter covers various specification required for functioning of the PLC based washing machine and
non-functional necessities. It also illustrates the requirement of hardware helpful in the project.

5.1 Non-Functional Requirements
In non-functional requirements, we discuss the characteristics of the project that are not obvious functions
but nevertheless hold a great importance. It is also known as “Quality Attributes”. All the non-functional
requirements are divided into two parts:
 Product requirements
 External requirements

5.1.1 Product Requirements

Product Requirements includes the software simulation used, Hardware components, Modification,
Portability and Usability.
The description is given below:

Table 5.1 Product Requirements

Requiremen Priority Details
t ID
Hardware components:
PLC (fatec), Variable
frequency drive (Puma),
NFPR-01-01 1 Load sensor (current
transformer), temperature
sensor, inlet outlet valves
and motors.
This product can be used by
anyone who wants to
monitor washing and taking
NFPR-01-02 2 extra care of clothes by
making machine do all the
hard work from separating
different types of clothes of
different material and color
and their requirement to

The whole setup is not
portable it means that first it
is installed at any place and
then you can use this
machine by giving AC
NFPR-01-03 3 supply. This device can
become portable in future
While designing hardware
and software design a lot of
NFPR-01-04 4 modification was required to
get desired result.

5.1.2 External Requirements

External Requirements includes Accuracy, Reliability, Safety and Security. Following are the external
requirements of our project.

Table 3.2 External Requirements

Requirement Priority Details
Accuracy of the sensors
are accurate; they are
NFER-03-01 1 producing satisfying
results. The precision of
this project is almost

Our project, its software
NFER-03-02 1 and hardware are reliable.
There is a very less
chance of something

going wrong. Up until
now, integration of all
hardware components is

This device is safe to use
NFER-03-03 2 at any hour of a day. At
extreme conditions, this
device has shown
promising results.

At this level, there is no
NFER-03-04 2 such strict security

5.1.3 External Requirement

It deals with the requirements that are associated with the project externally. These requirements are
Security, Accuracy, Safety, Reliability, Supportability, Complexity and Performance.

Table 3.3: External Requirements

Requirement ID Priority Details
NFR-03-001 1 The software and hardware
design of this project is
pretty good and reliable. It
may be going produce
errors and faulty results if
necessary instructions are
not followed.
This project is more safe and
NFR-03-002 2 useable. It can be used any
time to wash clothes
without making an effort.

The design process of this
project is little bit difficult
NFR-03-003 3 because the integration of
hardware and programming
PLC is very complex. It
means that the everything
will be ruined if we will not
program PLC accurately.
Anyhow this project makes
life easy for everyone.
The accuracy of this project
NFR-03-005 2 is about 60 percent until
now and it may be 90-95
percent accurate at the end
with good working
Supportability of the
NFR-03-006 3 designed product is that
how much it meets the
criteria. The criteria involve
the output system
requirements and the
necessary required material
such as components and
software tools.

5.2 Functional Requirements
Functional requirements of this project contain all the functional port of this project and all the
components that are used in the project. It also deals with the calculations, data analysis and processing of
the functions with the mutual relation of software and the hardware. Functional requirements may be
considered as must do requirements. Some of these functional requirements components are:
 PLC (fatek)
 Variable frequency driver (Puma)
 Load sensor (current transformer)
 Temperature sensor
 Inlet outlet valves
 Washing and spinner motors.

5.2.1 PLC (FATEK)

A programmable logic controller (PLC) or programmable controller is an industrial digital
computer which has been ruggedized and adapted for the control of manufacturing processes, such
as assembly lines, or robotic devices, or any activity that requires high reliability control and ease of
programming and process fault diagnosis.
Here in this project PLC is being used as computer or mind which we be connect with HMI, sensors and
motor driver plc will be programmed as in to understand the requirement of user and then by switching
commands make other components to work like motors etc.

5.2.2 Variable Frequency drive

A variable-frequency drive (VFD) or adjustable-frequency drive (AFD), variable-voltage/variable-
frequency(VVVF) drive, variable speed drive, AC drive, micro drive or inverter drive is a type
of adjustable-speed drive used in electro-mechanical drive systems to control AC
motor speed and torque by varying motor input frequency and voltage.
VFDs are used in applications ranging from small appliances to large compressors. About 25% of the
world's electrical energy is consumed by electric motors in industrial applications, which can be more
efficient when using VFDs in centrifugal load service however, the global market penetration for all
applications of VFDs is relatively small.
In this project VFD is working as driver of motors to control speed of motors and that desired speed will
be programmed to PLC and then both components will be interlinked and perform and produce results.

5.2.3 HMI
A Human-Machine Interface (HMI) is a user interface or dashboard that connects a person to a machine,
system, or device. While the term can technically be applied to any screen that allows a user to interact
with a device, HMI is most commonly used in the context of an industrial process.
The perfect combination of PLC processing and HMI monitoring and control, the 3.8-inch smart axis
Touch is an all-in-one touchscreen interface and logic controller packed in a compact body big on
features. In this project HMI can be used to give instructions to PLC and then plc will connect with driver
and motors and sensors.

5.2.4 Load Sensor

Load cell is transducer which transforms force or pressure into electrical output. Magnitude of this
electrical output is directly proportion to the force being applied. Load cells have strain gauge, which
deforms when pressure is applied on it. And then strain gauge generates electrical signal on deformation
as its effective resistance changes on deformation. A load cell usually consists of four strain gauges in a
Wheatstone bridge configuration. Load cell comes in various ranges like 5kg, 10kg, 100kg and more, here
we have used Load cell, which can weight upto 40kg. In this project load sensor is being used to sense the
load of clothes then according to them starch amount and surf.

5.2.5 Temperature Sensor

Contact sensors include thermocouples and thermistors that touch the object they are to measure,
and noncontact sensors measure the thermal radiation a heat source releases to determine its temperature.
The latter group measures temperature from a distance and often are used in hazardous environments.
Water protected temperature sensors can be used in our project and from there we will have exact right
amount of temperature of water and will that be sufficient with clothes.

5.2.6 Inlet outlet valves

These valves are being used to change water of machine from dirty to clean after washing clothes or
before washing clothes.

5.2.7 Motors
In this project motors are being used for washing and drying purpose in washing machine on motor will
connect as spinner and second one will be for washer. And both will be connect with vfd variable
frequency drive to control speed of motors.

6 Conclusion and future work
6.1 Conclusion
In this project, we developed a automatic washing machine to manage a following parameters such as
water, powder, flow and weight to operate well. For managing design and modeling of the machine we are
using a technique called PLC base controller. This controller is more efficient as compare to other once.
The controller of PLC is interface with washing machine and final product is developed.

Generally the normal machines are not much efficient. So, we can make it efficient by controlling
parameters follow as: water, washing power, flow, speed, and weight.
6.2 Future Work
This project can be made more advanced by using a programmable IC for the washing machine. Some of
the constructed things are not fully automated like washing powder handling and such thing like that so
we can make it more manageable and controllable.


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Appendix A: Project Schematic Code

Appendix B: Hardware Schematics

Figure: modeling of washing machine

Appendix C: List of Components

Flow sensors
12V DC supply
Bread board
Washing machine

Appendix D: Project Timeline


TITLE Modeling, Controlling of Automatic Washing Machine

1 Milestone Deliverable
Hardware implementation of , using sensor
2 Month 1 Hardware circuit
Hardware implementation of, using sensor
3 Month 2 Hardware circuit
and controlled equipment’s
Modeling of the system, using sensor and
4 Month 3 Software tool
controlled equipment’s
5 Month 4 Design a code with software and circuit Hardware circuit

6 Month 5 Integration of code

7 Month 6 Synchronization of Hardware and Software Complete product

8 Month 7 Report preparations Thesis

9 Month 8 Presentation making and practice Presentation

* You can provide Gantt chart instead of filling this form, if you like


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