The document discusses various issues related to mental health. It notes that on October 10th it is recognized as 'World Mental Health Day' to raise awareness about mental health issues. According to a 2011 survey, approximately 10 lakh (1 million) people in India suffer from some form of mental illness, with 115 million cases globally. The top causes of mental illness are stress, anxiety, depression and substance abuse. Suicide is the 13th leading cause of death worldwide, with the highest rates occurring among those aged 15 to 24. It is estimated that the number of mentally ill people in India will rise to 15 lakh by 2020.
The document outlines some of the key social, cultural and biological factors that contribute to
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The document discusses various issues related to mental health. It notes that on October 10th it is recognized as 'World Mental Health Day' to raise awareness about mental health issues. According to a 2011 survey, approximately 10 lakh (1 million) people in India suffer from some form of mental illness, with 115 million cases globally. The top causes of mental illness are stress, anxiety, depression and substance abuse. Suicide is the 13th leading cause of death worldwide, with the highest rates occurring among those aged 15 to 24. It is estimated that the number of mentally ill people in India will rise to 15 lakh by 2020.
The document outlines some of the key social, cultural and biological factors that contribute to
Original Description:
Life is Special. Article on World Suicide Prevention Day.
The document discusses various issues related to mental health. It notes that on October 10th it is recognized as 'World Mental Health Day' to raise awareness about mental health issues. According to a 2011 survey, approximately 10 lakh (1 million) people in India suffer from some form of mental illness, with 115 million cases globally. The top causes of mental illness are stress, anxiety, depression and substance abuse. Suicide is the 13th leading cause of death worldwide, with the highest rates occurring among those aged 15 to 24. It is estimated that the number of mentally ill people in India will rise to 15 lakh by 2020.
The document outlines some of the key social, cultural and biological factors that contribute to
Attribution Non-Commercial No-Derivs (BY-NC-ND)
100%(20)100% found this document useful (20 votes)
The document discusses various issues related to mental health. It notes that on October 10th it is recognized as 'World Mental Health Day' to raise awareness about mental health issues. According to a 2011 survey, approximately 10 lakh (1 million) people in India suffer from some form of mental illness, with 115 million cases globally. The top causes of mental illness are stress, anxiety, depression and substance abuse. Suicide is the 13th leading cause of death worldwide, with the highest rates occurring among those aged 15 to 24. It is estimated that the number of mentally ill people in India will rise to 15 lakh by 2020.
The document outlines some of the key social, cultural and biological factors that contribute to
Attribution Non-Commercial No-Derivs (BY-NC-ND)
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laoK 32
(Date : 13-09-2013)
(News Paper : RamPrahar)
laa[-f [ja spoSala
drvaYaI- 10 saPToMbarlaa jaagaitk Aa%mah%yaa ivaraoQa idna paLlaa jaatao. hotU haca kI jagaBarat yaa kR%yaapasaUna laaokaMnaa raoKNao va %yaabaabat jaaga$kta inamaa-Na krNao. 2011 cyaa jaagaitk Ahvaalaanausaar drvaYaI- 10 laaK laaok Aa%mah%yaa krtat mhNajao tasaalaa 115 vya>I. ha AakDa kuzlyaahI KUna maaramaayaa dMgalaI va laZayaa yaaMpoxaa baraca jaast Aaho. maanavaI maR%yaUcao jaagaitk stravarIla ho p`mauK 13 vao karNa Aaho. Sa@yatao vaya vaYao - 15 to 24 yaa vayaaogaTat Aa%mah%yaocao p`maaNa far idsaUna yaoto. vaYa- 2020 pya-Mt ha AakDa drvaYaI- 15 laaKa pya-Mt paohaocaNyaacaI Sa@yata Aaho. Aaplyaa Baartatca maagaIla vaYaI- Aa%mah%yaaMcaa AakDa dID laaK haota. Aa%mah%yaolaa p`vaR<a haoNyaacaI karNao vya>Igat saamaaijak va maanaisak ASaa Anaok sva$pacaI AsalaI trI yaa samasyaolaa taoMD doNyaasaazI maanavaI AayauYyaacaa ]_oSa va %yaat laplaolao AsaIma saaOMdya- samajaUna GaoNao far garjaocao Aaho. jaIvana ho KrMca sauMdr Aaho. ivaSaoYat maanavaI jaIvana. (acaI jaaNaIva haoNyaasaazI ivaSvaacyaa [ithasaat ekda trI DaokavaNyaacaI garja Aaho. AapNa rahtao to ivaSva maagaIla 13.7 Abja vaYaa-MpasaUna tr pRqvaI saUya-maalaa 4.5 Abja vaYaa-MpasaUna Aist<vaat Aaho. AajaimatIsa pRqvaIvar 87 laaK p`karcao jaIva Aahot. %yaaMtIla 65 laK jaimanaIvar tr 22 laaK p`kar samaud`at saapDtat. yaaMpOkI AMdajao 90 T@ko jaIva AjaUnahI SaaoQaayacao Aqavaa naaoMdNaIkRt vhayacao Aahot. tsaoca ]plabQa jaIvaaMpOkI 90 T@@yaaMhUnahI AiQak jaIva kaLacyaa AaoGaat pRqvaItlaava$na naahIsao Jaalao Aahot. ASaaMpOkI bauwI Aa%maivaSvaasa maohnat va svabaLavar svatcao Aist<va iTkivaNaara ek jaIva mhNajao AapNa manauYya p`aNaI. tsaoca (a Aitp`aicana ivaSvaatIla &at Asaa ekmaova ]%aMt jaIva mhNajao pNa maanavaca. hIca AsaaQaarNa baaba ho mhNaNyaasa puroSaI Aaho kI Our Life is Special. - p`%yaok maanavaI jaIvana Kasa Aaho. AbjaavaQaI vaYaa-Mcyaa ivaSvaacyaa pRqvaIcyaa va %yaavarIla inasaga- va jaIvaaMcyaa p`vaasaat maanavaacaa ]gama f@t 20 to 25 laaK vaYaa-MpUvaI- Jaalaa Aaho. maagaIla kahI hjaar vaYao- tao bayaapOkI saBya sausaMskRt AayauYya jagat Aaho. tr maagaIla f@t daona to tIna Satko tao Kyaa Aqaa-nao iva&ana yauga AnauBavat Aaho. yaa iva&anatM~&anaacyaa AaQaaro maanava saurixat samaRw va ivalaasaI AayauYya ]pBaaogat Aaho. varIla saMpnnatosaaobat Aalaolyaa tIva` spQao-mauLo maanava Anaok saamaaijak maanaisak va Baavainak tDjaaoDIMnaa saamaaora jaat Aaho. yaa savaa-MmaQaUna AalaolaI Agaitkta Aa%mah%yaosaar#yaa Taokacyaa inaNa-yaalaa jaaNyaasa p`vaR<a krt Aaho. ASaa vaoLI ho samajaUna GaoNao garjaocao Aaho kI Life is not matter of milestones, but moments you have lived . qaaoD@yaat saaMgaayacao tr yaa mayaa-dIt AayauYyaat vyaavasaaiyak patLIvar imaLivalaolyaa yaSaapoxaa Baavainak maanaisak patLIvar imaLivalaolao samaaQaana AiQak mah<vaacao Aaho. HAVE BEAUTIFUL LIFE. Regards. Santosh Takale, Scientific Officer, BARC Ph - 0-9967584554. [email protected] Print only if essential.......SAVE TREES
Thunder in The Sky Secrets On The Acquisition and Exercise - Cleary, Thomas F., 1949 - Guiguzi, Active 4th Century B.C. - 1st Paperback Ed., - 9781570620270 - Anna's Archive