RNC 0001
RNC 0001
RNC 0001
If thii is coirect, pie.rse ccr:fil^m l:y muri<'i trg. teari ng orf, anci retLrrrring the attaciled RepLrblican Af f il.iation Conf i rmation Card by 0CTOBER 11,20L3. This is an essential first step i n our 201.3/ 14 sr-rategy to remove 0bama Democra ts from offi ce and get Ameri ca back on
the rignt track. You are recei vi ng tl,i s today because the Democrat voter registration machjne works nonstop, so the work or strengtheni ng and growi !g our Party must never end. Democrats are using groups like the giscleditgd and now-defunct ACORN to recruit tens of thousands of new Deinoc rats i n Vi r-gifi a by thi s \ovember and the mid-term election in 2014. l'Je must mat:h thei r efforts. because you are the foundation of our Party. As a And tirat begins with you.II, wno sti-ongi't ber.ieves in Republican principles of sma1l iiberty-ioving irrrtividual you and goes to the pcr1ls and votes gcver4rrent, r esoons j Dle sDen.Ji ng alrd ioii taxes your and affiljation coiltact of accuracy the Party. 5o ensur'.;-rB ourof ire the be6rc'cr, inf ormar.i on as our grass,-coLs ope-attcns x,ck into high gear is critical. This'is the first phase cf the most jntensive voter outreach and Party-buiiding undertaking jn our Party's history. Yortr particjpation is crjtical to its success. 5o please teai off and return ih-. attached RepL,bl.ican Aff iliation Confirmation Card t9q?y. And please incLude ycur 20i3 Republic:n Annual Hembership Renewal contribut'ion of $500, $750, $1,000, or vlhatever amount you can afford. Raisirg the funrJs needed trl srr5tain our Pariv's infras.truct-u-re, -C?,tttljdate te-cruitmel]t,-and voter butreach programs is essential. We musr fite our next funding report jn the next few weeks. Individual support from Republicans such as yourself is the backbone of that
fundi ng
help us reach ttrat goal by including your membership renewal contribution of 5;5e. or $1.000 xith yotrr Confirmation Card. Thank you'
,l.ejnre Priebus Chair-man, Repuolican N,ationai Commiitee
Please deiach here and return the card below
REFUBLICAN AFFJI.IATION AND RENEI,.JAL CONFIRMATION CARD Repubtican Nationat Ccmmi ttee ' 310 F i rst Street, SE Washi ngton, DC 20003 ' www. G0P. com
AFFiLIATI0N: RePublican
Washington, DC 20003
If thii is coiiFct, pie.rse corlfir;n t:y mari<'i trg. iearing orf, ancj retLt rriing the attacned Affiliation Confirmation Card by OCTOBER 11, 2013. This is an essential first stbp in our 201.3/14 s*-rategy to remove Obama Democrats from office and get Amelica back on the rignt track. You are recei vi ng tl,j s today because the Democrat voter registration mach"i ne works nonstop, so the work or strengtheni ng and growi !g our Party must never end. Democrats are usi ng groups 1i l<e the _gi scf ed]-tgd and now-def unct ACORN to recruit tens of thousands of new Seiiocrats in Vir-gifia-Ev-fFTi \ovember ar:d the mid-term election in 2014. l./e must match thei r efforts. because you are the foundation of our Party. As a And tirat begins with you.II, iiberty-ioving ir-lrlividual hrno sti-ongi'y bel.ieves in Republican principles of small you and goes to the po1ls and votes gcvernrrent, ( esoonsi D.Le sten,li ng alrd ioil taxes your and affiliation coiltact of accuracy r-,ur the Farty. enst,,r,ng 5o of ire ihe beCrc'ci< inf ormar.i on as our grass,-ccLs ope,-aiicns kick into high gear is critical. This js the first phase cf the most interrsive voter outreach and Party-buitding undertaking in our Party's nistory. Yortr partrcipation is crjtical to its success. 5o please teai off and return'Lhe attached Republican Affiliation Confirmation Card today. And please jnclude ycur 20i3 Republic:n Annual Hembership Renevtal contribution of $500, $750, $1,000, or whatever amount you can afford. Rajsing, the funrJs needed tr] srr5tain our Partv's infraatruct-Ll-re, -c-axdjdate rqcruitment---and voter butreach programs is essential. We musr file our next funding report jn the next few weeks. Individual support from Republicans such as yourself is the backbone of that fundi ng effort. F1 ease he1 p us reach that goal by including your membership renewal contribution of $500. 5;5e. or $1.000 vtith your Confi rmation Card. Thank you.
,i.einle Pi-iebus Chai rnan , Repuol i can Netiona r. Commi
' '
First Street,