Figurative Language Cornell Notes

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Unit 2:

Poetry, Literary Devices, & Figurative Language

Reading Standards:

*RDG 1.1: (2) Analyze idioms, analogies, metaphors, and similes to infer the literal and figurative meanings of phrases. *RDG 3.6: (5) Identify significant literary devices (e.g., metaphor, symbolism, dialect, irony) that define a writer's style and use those elements to interpret the work. Supporting Standard RDG 3.7: Analyze a work of literature, showing how it reflects the heritage, traditions, attitudes, and beliefs of its author. (Biographical approach)

Academic Vocabulary:

Question: What is figurative language and what are its components?

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Literary Devices:

used by an author to strengthen writing.


is a contradiction between appearance or reality. Situational irony occurs when the opposite of what you expect happens. Dramatic irony occurs when the reader knows something that a character does not.


Symbolism is an object, character, or event that stands for something larger and more complex. A symbol is something or an object that represents something

Writers Style


a writer consistently writes.


Dialect is a variation of language spoken by people in a subgroup or a specific geographic location. Dialect is a type of accent spoken by people from different cultures or regions. Example: Text Language LOL, BRB, TTYL, OMG, WYD

Figurative Language


words to bring to mind pictures, images, or emotions rather than the words exact meaning.


Examples: I smell a rat. I'm convinced that something is definitely wrong here. Cat got your tongue? Youre keeping quiet Who let the cat out of the bag? Who told the secret

Expressions whose meaning cannot be understood by the usual meaning of the individual words in it. Words or phrases have meaning unique to a specific region or language.

Metaphor Comparison

of two unlike objects or things not using like or as but often using is or are She is a



Examples of similes: As common as dirt As cool as a cucumber Im Fly like a bird As cunning as a fox Im Hot like fire As cute as a cup cake Shes deep like the ocean As dead as a doornail

A simile is a comparison of two unlike objects or things using like or as. Example: As cold as ice or Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee


extreme exaggeration or overstatement to make a point. Example: That guy is taller than a redwood tree. (This means that the man is very tall)


comparison between two things for the purpose of explanation or clarification. Example: She was on him like white on rice or boy is to girl as sun is to moon.

Giving human characteristics to non-living things or ideas. Example: The sun smiled down on us as we sat. (This means it was a sunny day. The sun cannot smile or feel happiness.)

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