Time Lesson Plan
Time Lesson Plan
Time Lesson Plan
s should be able to convert time using a.m. notation to the twenty-four hour clock. Most students should be able to convert between times given in 12 and 24 hours Some students should be able to compare and order times given in either 12 or 24 hour notation Keywords: Time, Analogue, Digital, 12 hour, 24 hour, Convert, a.m., p.m. Learning Activities Starter/Introduction Students order events along a time scale and begin to recognise the difference between the 12 and 24 hour notations. Students could work on the hand out to aid the pace of the lesson. Use the time line to introduce the equivalence between the 12 and 24 hour clock. Development Use the first set of examples on the second slide to discuss how the small hand represents the number of hours and the larger hand the minutes that have passed in each hour. To convert between a 12 to 24 hour time students need to understand the digital notation of the 24 hour clock. (##:##) represents (hours passed from midnight : minutes passed in each hour), for instance, 6 a.m. means 6 hours have passed since midnight or 06:00. Similarly 8.30 p.m. represents 8 hours from midday (12pm) so a total of 20 hours from midnight therefore 8.30 p.m. is 20:30. Use the examples in the interactive Excel file and mini-whiteboards to provide additional practice. When ready, students should be able to progress on to completing the conversion table on the third slide independently. Plenary The plenary is intended to review each learning objective by having students match 12 and 24 hour times to their verbal description. Have the class work on miniwhiteboards to assess their progress. Differentiation More able: Students could begin to calculate the difference between times in different notations, for instance, the difference between 21:51 and 7.15 p.m. Less Able Students may benefit from having an analogue clock to hand in order to count the hours past midnight. Resources: Mini-whiteboards Worksheet Interactive Excel File YouTube Video