Renal Review

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RENAL REVIEW June 2013 1.

Which of the following should the nurse suspect as an iatrogenic cause of acute renal failure? (1) ETOH (2) Diet (3) Nephrotoxic meds (4) Exercise 2. What laboratory test is a common measure of renal function? (1) CBC (2) BUN/CREATININE (3) Glucose (4) ALT- alanine amino transferase 3. A 45 y/o female hospitalized with acute pancreatitis has orders for meperidine (Demerol) 50 mg IM Q 4 hrs PRN as needed for pain. Demerol has been ordered rather than morphine for this client because it: (1) Has a faster onset of action than morphine (2) Is less addictive than morphine. (3) Causes fewer spasms in the sphincter of Oddi (4) Has fewer cognitive side effects 4. A 65 y/o F w/ a hx of hepatic encephalopathy is hospitalized for pneumonia and dehydration. When she complains to the nurse about the small portions of meat ordered by the dietitian, the best response would be: (1) Ask your doc. about it (2) The amount of meat on the tray is dictated by certain blood test results. (3) Your protein is being limited, but you can have more food from another group. 5. The physical assessment findings of spider angiomas, palmar erythema, peropheral edema, ascities, and change in mental status are consistent with which of the following d/o? (1)Cirrhosis (2)Pancreatitis 6. The physical assessment of a 55 y/o female with end-stage cirrhosis reveals a protuberant abdomen with bulging flanks and dullness to the dependent side while lying on the right. The appropriate terminology for documentation of this assessment is what? (1) Fluid overload (2) Ascities (3) Distension 7. When doing discharge teaching to a client with chronic cirrhosis, why is it important to put emphasis on bleeding percautions? (1) Because of the cirrhosis, the liver is unable to produce clotting factors (2) the low protein diet will result in reduced clotting factors (3) The increased production of bile decreases clotting factors. (4) The required medications reduce clotting factors. 8. A client with a hx. of renal calculi has progressively lost renal fx. and is admitted to the unit w/ a dx. of chronic renal failure. The physician has prescribed polystyrene sulfonate (Kayexalate). Which of the following is the best reason to use this drug in renal failure? (1)to lower serum phosphat elevels (2) To correct acidosis (3) To exchange potassium for sodium 9. Which nursing intervention is most important during the oliguric phase of acute renal failure (ARF)? (1) Encourage coughing and deep breathing (2) Promoteing carb intake (3) Limiting fluid intake (4) Controlling pain

10. A patient with chronic renal failure has developed faulty RBC production. The nurse should monitor this clinet for early manifestation of what? (1)n/v (2)dyspnea nd tachypnea (3) fatigue and weakness (4) thrush and fever 11. A client with renal failure is undergoing continuous ambulatory peritoneal dualysis (CAPD). What nursing diagnosis is most appropriate? (1) Impaired urinary elimination (2) Risk for infection (3) ACtivity intolerance 12. Which of the following should the nurse teach a client using recombinant epoetin alpha (Epogen) for chronic renal failure? (1) Will help with the bleeding probs. associated with kidney damage. (2) Should reduce fatigue and improve energy level (3) May reduce the need for dialysis. 13. An appropriate lunch selection for a client with azotemia would include which of the following foods? (1) Pasta, veggies, and canned peaches (2) Hamburger patty, scoop of cottage cheese, and sliced pears (3) Chicken breast and cheddar cheese on a bun, whith lettuce and tomato (4) Turket sandwich with Swiss cheese and milk. 14. Which of the following diets should be ordered for clients with chronic renal failure? (1)Low protein, high carbohydrates (2) High protein, high carbohydrates (3) High protein, low carbohydrates (4) Low protein, low carbohydrates 15. The goal of treatment for the client with chronic renal failure is to: (1)Maintain present renal function. (2)Prepare the client for dialysis. (3)Prepare for transplantation. (4)Limit involvement and activity to decrease stress. 16. What is the best test to measure renal function? (1)Creatinine (2)Bilirubin (3)Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) (4)Electrolytes 17. A healthy 26-year-old woman takes a 10 kilometer run on a hot day. She does not take drinking water with her and at the end of the run, she feels nauseated and vomits repeatedly, and is unable to take in any food or fluids. She goes to a local clinic, where she is noted to have a blood pressure of 88/40 mmHg, and to have dry mucous membranes, clear lungs, no edema.and dry skin. Labs show: Na+ 152 mEq/L, K+ 3.1 mEq/L, HCO3- 34 mEq/L, Cl- 110 mEq/L, BUN 27 mg/dL, Cr 1.1 mg/dL. The pH is 7.46. . Which of the following is most likely to be true? A. She has an elevation in her total body sodium B. She has a very low level of ADH C. Her urine osmolality is very high D. At the renal tubular level, she will have increased water reabsorption in the ascending thick limb of the loop of Henle E. Her tubular secretion of creatinine must be increased After traveling in Southeast Asia, a 37-year-old woman is admitted to the hospital with a six day history of diarrhea. On exam, her blood pressure is 84/60, she has dry mucous membranes and decreased skin turgor, her lungs are clear, and there is no peripheral edema. Labs show: Na+ 118 mEq/L, K+ 3.3 mEq/L, Cl- 96 mEq/L, HCO3- 14 mEq/L, and BUN is 19 mg/dL and Cr is 1.2 mg/dL. An arterial pH is 7.30. The urine specific gravity is 1.030, with a urinary osmolarity of 1000 mOsm/L.

18. Why is the serum sodium abnormal? A. There is decreased glomerular filtration of sodium B. There has been excess sodium loss from her skin C. She has a profound osmotic diuresis causing urinary sodium loss D. There is excess reabsorption of water in the medullary collecting duct E. There is a shift of sodium from the extracellular to the intracellular 19. Why is the serum bicarbonate abnormal? A. There is excess bicarbonate loss from the lower gastrointestinal tract B. There is excess hydrochloric acid loss from the upper gastrointestinal tract C. There is an increase in aldosterone production in the cortical collecting duct D. The abnormal bicarbonate is a compensation for acute respiratory alkalosis E. There is excess bicarbonate loss in the urine 20. A 5-year-old boy is admitted to the hospital with a headache and a stiff neck and is diagnosed with viral meningitis. He is treated with antibiotics. On the day after admission, his blood pressure is 112/50, his temperature is 101 F, skin turgor and mucous membranes are normal, his lungs are clear, and his abdomen is soft. He is lethargic and irritable and his neck is stiff. Labs show: Na+ 115 mEq/L, K+ 4.0 mEq/L, Cl- 80 mEq/L, HCO3- 25 mEq/L, BUN 4 mg/dL, and Cr 0.1 mg/dL. Urine sodium is 67 mEq/L. Why is the serum sodium abnormal? A. He must be drinking large quantities of water B. There is increased tubular secretion of sodium. C. There is an increased synthesis of ADH D. He probably has central diabetes insipidus E. There is an increased glomerular filtration rate causing increased sodium filtration 21. A worried set of parents bring their 15 year old high school student daughter to see you because she is not feeling well. Her parents report that she has been trying to diet to lose weight. Her past medical history and the family history is negative, and you find no abnormalities on an initial physical examination. Lab tests show: Na+ 127 mEq/L, K+ 3.9 mEq/L, Cl- 96 mEq/L, HCO323 mEq/L, BUN 7 mg/dL, and Cr 0.5 mg/dL. The urine specific gravity is 1.001 and the urine osmolality is 56 mOsm/kg. What is the most likely explanation for her hyponatremia? A. Surreptitious use of diuretics B. An early central nervous system malignancy C. Ingestion of an extremely low sodium diet D. Ingestion of very large volumes of water E. Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus 22. A 90-year-old man with diabetes and advanced dementia is brought to the emergency room from his nursing home with a fever, which has been present for over a week. On exam, his blood pressure is 110/80. His temperature is 102 F, his heart rate is 100/minute and his respiratory rate is 40/minute. His mucous membranes are parched, and he has rales at both lung bases and no peripheral edema. His serum sodium level is 170 mEq/L. Why is the serum sodium level elevated? A. Loss of water from his skin B. Loss of water from his respiratory tract C. Loss of water from his kidneys D. Inability to drink water E. All of the above factors are contributory 23. A 51-year-old man has been on the medication lithium carbonate for bipolar (manicdepressive) psychiatric disease for the past ten years. He is doing well with the diagnosis and works full time, but has been told he has nephrogenic diabetes insipidus as a result of lithium therapy. Which of the following findings would be consistent with a diagnosis of nephrogenic diabetes insipidus? A. a urine specific gravity of 1.035 B. a serum sodium level of 122 mEq/L C. a urine volume of 7000 ml/day D. a urine osmolality of 1300 mOsm/kg


a low plasma level of ADH

24. A middle aged male patient is brought to your emergency room after a cardiorespiratory arrest. She cannot give a history and no details about his medical history are available. An initial blood gas shows a pH of 6.90, a pCO2 of 100, and a HCO3- of 28 mEq/L. Which of the following is most consistent with his clinical presentation? A. heroin overdose B. ethyleneglycoloverdose C. salicylate (aspirin) overdose D. diuretic overdose E. diabetic ketoacidosis 25. A 38 year old woman comes to see you in your clinic, Before seeing her, you review her bloodwork. The Na+ is 134 mEq/L, the K+ is 4.4 mEq/L, the Cl- is 99 mEq/L, and the HCO3- is 16 mEq/L. The arterial blood gas is 7.28 and the pCO2 is 30 mmHg. Which of the following diagnoses is the most likely? A. pregnancy B. distal renal tubular acidosis C. an aldosterone producing tumor D. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease E. kidney failure 26. A 75-year-old man is admitted to the hospital with worsening congestive heart failure. He has been taking increasing doses of diuretics--furosemide and metolazone, a thiazide like agent, as an outpatient. On exam, the blood pressure is 122/82. He has jugular venous distension, rales, and an S3 gallop. He has 2 + lower extremity edema. His labs show a Na+ of 125 mEq/L, K+ 3.4 mEq/L, Cl- 86 mEq/L, HCO3- 39 mEq/L, BUN 25 mg/dL, and Cr 1.6 mg/dL. The arterial pH is 7.47 and the pCO2 is 45 mmHg. Which of the following processes is the most important cause of his acid-base disturbance? A. increased proximal tubular reabsorption of bicarbonate B. decreased diffusion of CO2 from the alveolar capillary to the alveolar space C. increased respiratory drive D. increased production of lactic acid E. decreased glomerular filtration rate 27. You receive the following set of laboratory tests on a patient. The arterial pH is 7.60. The pCO2 is 25 mmHg and the serum HCO3- is 25 mEq/L. What is the acid base disturbance that is present? A. respiratory acidosis B. respiratory alkalosis C. metabolicacidosis D metabolic alkalosis E. it is impossible to tell with the information given 28. A pressure is 138/82, and the rest of the exam is normal. Over two ensuing visits, her blood pressure is 136/84 and 132/88. She has a normal electrocardiogram and urine analysis and the BUN is 11 mg/dL with a creatinine of 1.0 mg/dL. Which of the following statements is correct? A. Her blood pressure is at an acceptable level of control. B. Compared to someone with a blood pressure of 120/80, this patient is at a higher risk for the development of kidney failure and congestive heart failure in the future C. A renal arteriogram will diagnose the elevation of the blood pressure D. She should have serum and urinary catecholamines measured E. She should begin therapy with antihypertensive medications 29. A 80-year-old man has a long history of smoking and also has a history of two myocardial infarctions, a cerebrovascular accident (stroke) and has recently had worsened hypertension; the blood pressure is now 200/110. A renal arteriogram shows severe left renal artery stenosis. Which of the following laboratory tests is likely to be present in this condition? A. elevation in serum potassium B. decrease in serum bicarbonate C. increase in serum aldosterone D. decrease in serum renin


increase in serum ADH level

30. A treated with varying medications for that period of time, but because of the cost of medications and side effects, he has not been optimally compliant. Over the past five years at least, his blood pressure has always been over 160/100. When you see him on a routine visit, his blood pressure is 180/110 and his heart rate is 82/minute. Of the following, what would most likely be present if you perform a history, physical exam and laboratory tests? A. abnormal liver function tests B. elevated glucose level C. a history of frequent headaches D. left ventricular hypertrophy on electrocardiogram E. peripheral edema 31. Which of the following changes would be expected to increase the glomerular filtration rate? A. vasodilation of the efferent arteriole B. increase in hydrostatic pressure in Bowmans space C. increase in glomerular hydrostatic pressure D. increase in the capillary hydrostatic pressure E. all of the above 32. Which of the following factors act as a vasodilator? A. parathyroid hormone B. angiotensin II C. ADH D. endothelin E. nitric oxide 33. Which of the following laboratory values would be present in a patient with cirrhosis of the liver, who has a blood pressure of 90/60, ascites, and severe peripheral edema? A. fractional excretion of sodium of < 1 % B. urine sodium concentration of 100 mEq/L C. serum BUN/creatinine concentration ratio of 5 D. urine specific gravity of 1.002 E. all of the above 34. A 19-year-old male college student decides to eat chicken soup and chips for lunch. He is late for track practice, so he has no time to drink water and forgets to bring any with him. The weather is warm (70 F) and dry. He doesnt sweat much but feels very thirsty. What do you expect to occur? A. Total urinary Na excretion will fall because of his lack of water. B. On exam, he has orthostatic hypotension (fall in blood pressure with standing), because of large insensible losses. C. The ascending loop of henle will turn off allowing for concentration of urine and maximal water retention. D. The collecting tubules receive diluted urine, then reabsorbs water to allow for concentration of urine. E. Because he is unable to drink water, the fall in GFR will allow for production of dilute urine. 35. A 53-year-old female has vomiting and diarrhea for 2 days and is only able to keep fluids down for the last day. On examination, her blood pressure is 120/60 mmHg and heart rate 60 bpm. She is not dizzy or lightheaded because: A. Excretion of urea is enhanced to prevent symptoms of uremia. B. Baroreceptors stimulate urea reabsorption which expands intravascular space C. Norepinephrine enhances sodium reabsorption, which expands the ECF. D. Plasma sodium concentration increases therefore expanding the intravascular space. E. The expansion of intravascular space is maintained primarily by continued water intake. 36. In normal renal function sodium excretion is dependent on: A. The amount sodium ingested B. Antidiuretichormone(ADH) C. Blood pH

D. E.

Plasma sodium concentration Plasma potassium concentration

37. Glomerular filtration rate: A. Falls when the efferent arteriole is vasoconstricted B. Is overestimated by urea clearance as calculated by (Urine urea concentration x Urine volume)/ Plasma Urea C. Will vary significantly according to amount of Na intake in patients with normal kidney function D. Cannot be estimated with acute renal failure E. Normally ranges from 30-60 ml/min in a 20 year old male 38. Renal handling of solutes occur in the following manner: A. Small substances which have a positive charge are poorly filtered through the glomerulus B. Urea is partially filtered through the glomerulus. C. All proteins are freely filtered but reabsorbed proximally D. Water is reabsorbed along with sodium throughout the entire length of the tubule E. Glucose is freely filtered and reabsorbed proximally 39. A 68-year-old man has dementia and is lives in a nursing home. His confusion has worsened over the last couple of days. Laboratory data shows that the plasma Na is 150 mEq/L. On examination, weight is 60 kg, and BP is 130/70, HR 70. How much water is required to restore his sodium to normal (140 mEq/L)? A. 1L B. 2.5 L C. 3.5 L D. 5L E. Insufficient data to calculate 40. A 17 year-old female presents with sudden onset edema with hypertension. Kidney function is abnormal with a creatinine of 2.6 mg/dl and albumin is 2.3 g/dl. She reports urinary foaming, but denies gross hematuria or other urinary symptoms including dysuria or frequency. Which of the following urinalysis and sediment is most consistent with the above clinical presentation? A. Specific gravity 1.015/ pH 5/ 4+ protein / no cells or casts B. Specific gravity 1.010/ pH 5/ 4+ protein / 25-50 dysmorphic RBCs/ one RBC cast C. Specific gravity 1.020/ pH 5/ trace protein / 5 RBCs/ 50-100 WBCs/ no casts D. Specific gravity 1.020/ pH 5/ no protein / no cells or casts E. Specific gravity 1.020/ pH 5/ no protein / 5-10 RBCs/ hyperpigmented (dark) granular casts (RBC= red blood cell, WBC= white blood cell) 41. Urine dipstick shows a specific gravity of 1.015, pH 5.5/ negative protein/ no blood or leukocyte esterase and sediment reveals no cells or casts. Creatinine is 2.0 mg/dl. The following clinical presentation is most consistent with the above urine findings: A. 64-year-old female with a 20 year history of diabetes mellitus and diabetic retinopathy B. 23-year-old female diagnosed with lupus nephritis C. 38-year-old female with dysuria, urinary frequency and foul smelling urine D. 40-year-old male with no medical history now with septic shock complicated by oliguric(150 ml/24 hr) acute renal failure E. 65-year-old male with back pain, anemia and spine X-ray revealing lytic lesions suggestive of multiple myeloma with tubular proteinuria (light chains). 42. Which one of the following urine sediment findings is NOT correctly matched? A. Hyaline cast- Tamm Horsfall Protein produced by tubular cells B. Red blood cells- Bladder cancer C. Coarse hyperpigmented granular cast- acute glomerulonephritis D. White blood cell casts- acute interstitial nephritis E. White blood cell casts- pyelonephritis THE NEXT TWO QUESTIONS REFER TO THE FOLLOWING CASE A 67-year-old female has a 15 year history of hypertension which has been poorly controlled with past medical history including hypercholesterolemia, CAD (coronary artery disease), s/p CABG

(coronary artery bypass graft), atrial fibrillation and ischemic cardiomyopathy. Creatinine measured 2 years ago is 1.8 mg/dl. She is chronically on oxygen at home. On exam, BP 100/70, HR 60, RR 12. O2 saturation 94% on 2 L of oxygen by nasal canula. Heart with irregularly irregular beat and systolic murmur, Lung with crackles on right lower base and LE with 1-2+ edema. She is on furosemide (loop diuretic) and metolazone (thiazide diuretic), lisinopril (ACE inhibitor), metoprolol (beta-blocker), aspirin, digoxin Laboratory data: Na 135, K 5.4, Cl 102, HCO3 26, BUN 50, Creatinine 2.4, Albumin 3.4, Ca 7.0, phos 7.4. 43. Which of the following statements best describes the abnormal laboratory data? A. The diuretic is contributing to her urinary protein loss resulting in a low albumin B. She has hyperphosphatemia due to vitamin D deficiency C. Hyponatremia occurs due to the ACE inhibitor D. Hyperkalemia arises due to hyperaldosteronism E. Creatinine is elevated as a result of progression of her underlying renal disease 44. She is hospitalized numerous times over the next year for congestive heart failure requiring intravenous loop diuretics and BUN rises to 165 mg/dl and creat 3.8 mg/dl. Additionally, she has chronic dyspnea on exertion, declining appetite, pruritis, hiccups and profound fatigue. What is likely to be true regarding her condition? A. Hypernatremia develops due to poor excretion of sodium resulting in fatigue B. Metabolic acidosis contributes to hypokalemia and weakness C. Secondary hyperparathyroidism causes hypercalcemia D. 1,25-(OH)2 vitamin D (activated vitamin D) deficiency causes worsening hyperparathyroidism and pruritis E. Anemia develops primarily due to nutritional deficiency 45. A GFR of 15 ml/min. Other medical history includes coronary artery disease (CAD) and HTN(hypertension). He is found to have 3 vessel coronary artery disease and is planned for CABG (coronary artery bypass graft) next week. On exam, BP 140/70, HR 80, Heart RRR, Lung decreased BS at bases and clear apically, LE with 2+ edema. Laboratory data: Na 138, K 5.9, Cl 104, HCO3 24, BUN 54, Creat 3.5, glucose 230, Alb 3.2, WBC 8, Hgb 10.6, platelet 260. Which of the following complications may be anticipated? A. He is at high risk for developing renal failure and may require dialysis B. Excessive bleeding may occur due to platelet dysfunction C. Congestive heart failure may occur due to poor Na excretion after IVF administration during surgery D. Cardiac arrest may occur due to the hyperkalemia E. All of the above CASE A 76-year-old male with a bseline creatinine level of 1.6 mg/dL complains of severe abdominal pain and fever to 40o C. Past medical history includes, diabetes mellitus, HTN, osteoarthritis and peripheral vascular disease. On examination, BP is 80/50, HR 120. He has rebound tenderness and no bowel sounds are present. He is taken emergently to the OR that evening and is found to have perforation of the colon with fecal contamination requiring partial colectomy. He receives 2L of isotonic solution and is immediately started on ampicillin/sulbactam (antibiotic), however becomes oliguric. His medications include the following: Metoprolol (beta-blocker), Lisinopril (ACE inhibitor), Aspirin, glipizide (sulfonylurea), Ibuprofen (NSAID) Laboratory data on post- operative day #1 is as follows: Na 133, K 5.7, Cl 105, HCO3 18, BUN 22, Creat 2.6. WBC 15, Hgb 10, Hct 30, platelet 250. 64-year-old man has chronic kidney disease due to diabetic nephropathy with an estimated Urine Na 50, Urine creat 35. 46. Which of following explanations for the electrolyte abnormalities found above is correct? A. Sodium concentration falls due to excess colonic losses of sodium B. Urea concentration is rising due to free water losses C. Potassium rises due to inhibition of tubular secretion and decline in GFR D. Urine Na is quite low suggestive of hypoperfusion to the kidney


All of the above.

47. A 15-year-old male describes bloody urine and is found to have an elevated creatinine of 1.7 mg/dl. He feels well but recalls having a fever and sore throat a couple of weeks ago. What would you expect to see on further examination and laboratory determination? A. Serum complements should be depleted as this is an immune mediated glomerulonephritis B. 24 hr urine protein level is 8 grams daily C. Urine sediment evaluation will reveal large blood but no or few RBCs D. Protein is not detectable on urine dipstick but is 2 gram/day as measured by 24 hr urine. E. None of the above. 48. A 59-year-old man has had diabetes mellitus for 21 years complicated by retinopathy and peripheral neuropathy. He has also had hypertension, proteinuria and mild renal failure for five years. His medications are amlodipine, doxazosin and glypizide. Serum creatinine is 1.9mg/dL, and potassium 5.6mEq/L (compared with 1.8mg/dL and 5.4mEq/L six months earlier). Serum glucose is 183 mg/dL. The potassium level is probably explained by: A. amlodipine B. doxazosin C. hyporeninemichypoaldosteronism D. depressed glomerular filtration rate E. osmotic diuresis 49. One cause of an elevated serum potassium concentration is: A. hemolysis induced by drawing the blood sample B. excess insulin effect C. central -blockers, like clonidine D. pheochromocytoma of the adrenal gland E. potassium shifts due to alkalosis 50. Vomiting causes hypokalemia through increased renin secretion and: A. high urine flow B. catecholamines C. lactic acidosis D. reduced potassium intake E. non-reabsorbable anion in the urine 51. Each of the following diuretics is paired with a candidate side-effect. Which of the following diuretics is correctly paired with an associated side effect? A. Furosemide : ototoxicity B. Hydrochlorothiazide : hypoglycemia C. Triamterene : hypokalemia D. Bumetanide : hyperkalemia E. Acetazolamide: metabolic alkalosis A 61-year-old man with a lengthy history of type I diabetes mellitus develops significant water retention and symptoms suggestive of pulmonary congestion. Laboratory studies show: Serum creatinine 7 mg/dL BUN 75 mg/dL Serum sodium 145 mEq/L Serum potassium 7.2 mEq/L Serum chloride100 mEq/L 52. Other lab data support a diagnosis of advanced renal disease, possibly as a result of longstanding diabetes. Shortly after the patient begins treatment with a diuretic, he exhibits cardiac conduction changes that progress to heart block and then to cardiac arrest. Which of the following diuretics is most likely responsible for the cardiac effects in this patient? A. Ethacrynic acid B. Furosemide C. Amiloride D. Mannitol



53. Which of the following diuretics is most likely to result in hyperuricemia? A. Acetazolamide B. Glycerol C. Spironolactone D. Hydrochlorothiazide E. Triamterene 54. Which of the following diuretics does not require access to the tubule to reach its site of action? A. Metolazone B. Spironolactone C. Furosemide D. Hydrochlorothiazide E. Amiloride 55. A 57-year-old woman weighs 80 kg (176 lb), and her blood pressure is 140/96 mm Hg. She has pitting edema in both legs. Her physician prescribes exercise, restricted sodium intake, and a diuretic agent. Taking inappropriately high doses of which of the following diuretics would be most likely to produce profound diuresis and vascular collapse? A. Hydrochlorothiazode B. Spironolactone C. Triamterene D. Acetazolamide E. Furosemide 56. Which of the following would be most likely to be useful as a diuretic in a patient with a history of extreme allergic sensitivity to sulfonamides? A. Acetazolamide B. Furosemide C. Hydrochlorothiazide D. Ethacrynic acid E. Torsemide 57. Which of the following diuretics would be most likely to be used to alkalinize the urine? A. Acetazolamide B. Furosemide C. Hydrochlorothiazide D. Ethacrynic Acid E. Spironolactone 58. A 35-year-old, otherwise healthy, Asian man has blood pressures of 142/92, 134/85 and 137/86 on different office visits over four months. The patient has: A. Hypertension and requires drug therapy B. Hypertension and requires lifestyle modifications C. Pre-hypertension and requires lifestyle modifications D. Pre-hypertension with no additional risk for cardiovascular events E. Normal blood pressure with no additional risk for cardiovascular events 59. A 35-yearr-old obese white woman has new onset diabetes mellitus and an average blood pressure of 137/88. With lifestyle modification, blood pressure averages 134/82. Urinalysis shows 100mg/dL protein. Estimated GFR is 60ml/min. You should: A. Encourage continued lifestyle modification B. Add relaxation therapy and antioxidant vitamins C. Use drug therapy to bring blood pressure below 130/80 D. Look for left ventricular hypertrophy with an electrocardiogram E. Look for coronary calcification with electron-beam computed tomography 60. Which class of drugs reduce heart rate, cardiac output, peripheral vascular resistance and renin secretion? A. Diuretics

B. -blockers C. 1-blockers D. Calcium channel blockers E. ACE inhibitors

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