Response of Stiff Piles in Sand To Long Term Cyclic Lateral Loading
Response of Stiff Piles in Sand To Long Term Cyclic Lateral Loading
Response of Stiff Piles in Sand To Long Term Cyclic Lateral Loading
INTRODUCTION Wind power currently offers a very competitive source of renewable energy, and therefore the market for onshore and offshore wind farms is projected to expand rapidly within the next decade. There are strong political and industrial forces, especially in northern Europe, supporting the development of offshore wind power to reduce reliance on fossil fuels and control greenhouse gas emissions. There are several foundation concepts for offshore wind farms. The cost-effectiveness of a particular concept depends to a large extent on the site conditions. Most current foundations are monopiles, which are stiff piles with large diameters, driven 2030 m into the seabed. Recently installed monopiles have diameters in the range of 46 m and a length/diameter ratio of approximately 5. Fig. 1 illustrates
Manuscript received 6 November 2007; revised manuscript accepted 8 April 2009. Published online ahead of print 15 December 2009. Discussion on this paper closes on 1 July 2010, for further details see p. ii. Department of Civil Engineering, Aalborg University, and Department of Offshore Technology, DONG Energy, Copenhagen, Denmark. Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford, UK.
the proportions of a typical offshore wind turbine on a monopile foundation. The design of monopiles relies on standards and empirical data originating from the offshore oil and gas sector. However, the loading of an offshore wind turbine is very different, in both magnitude and character, from that of oil and gas installations. It is characteristic for offshore wind turbines that the substructure will be subjected to strong cyclic loading, originating from the wind and wave loads. This occurs not only during extreme conditions but also during normal service conditions. This can lead to accumulated rotation of the wind turbine tower, adversely affecting its ultimate strength or fatigue life. The long-term movements of the foundation may signicantly impact on all parts of the wind turbine, including the support structure, machine components and blades. Therefore it is of great importance to investigate the effects of cyclic loading. The primary design drivers for offshore wind turbine foundations are deformation and stiffness rather than ultimate capacity. Modern offshore wind turbines are designed as soft-stiff structures, meaning that the rst natural frequency is in the range between the excitation frequency bands, 1P and 3P, in order to avoid resonances. 1P and 3P denote the frequency bands of the rotor rotation and the blade passing, typically in the range of 0.3 Hz and 1 Hz 79
LEBLANC, HOULSBY AND BYRNE vibrations, so that the displacements of the pile measured were related solely to the applied loading conditions. CURRENT METHODOLOGY Piles are widely used for various structures, such as bridges, high-rise structures and offshore oil and gas installations. The interactions between soil and laterally loaded piles are typically accounted for by the use of p y curves, originally introduced by Reese & Matlock (1956) and McClelland & Focht (1958). The p y curves adopt the Winkler approach by uncoupling the response of various layers in the soil, and can therefore easily include effects of non-linearity, soil layering and other soil properties. A p y curve denes the relationship p(y) between the soil resistance p arising from the non-uniform stress eld surrounding the pile mobilised in response to the lateral pile displacement y, at any point along the pile. The implementation of p y curves requires a numerical procedure to solve the fourth-order differential equation for beam bending with appropriate boundary conditions
z L
respectively. Long-term cyclic loading of the foundation is likely to change the stiffness of the surrounding soil and therefore the interaction of the foundation and the soil, owing to the accumulation of irreversible deformations. Any signicant change in stiffness may result in interference between the rst natural frequency and the excitation frequencies, 1P or 3P, which would be highly problematic. Thus it is important to assess the concepts of stiffness and/or strength changes during long-term cyclic loading. The performance of monopiles subjected to long-term cyclic loading must therefore be addressed to achieve a safe design of an offshore wind turbine. Although many useful methods have been proposed to predict the response of piles to lateral cyclic loading, methods predicting the accumulated rotation and resulting stiffness due to long-term cyclic loading are limited. This paper explores the loaddisplacement behaviour of stiff monopiles in sand subjected to long-term cyclic loading. The objective is to provide information for the development of a conceptual model capable of predicting the response of monopiles to this loading. Laboratory tests were conducted to simulate a driven monopile in drained conditions subjected to 800060 000 load cycles of combined moment and horizontal loading. In comparison, a typical offshore wind turbine is designed for a fatigue load with 107 cycles. The laboratory tests were carried out on the laboratory oor, with due consideration of issues of scaling of the results. The main advantage of performing the experiments at 1g was the capability to apply up to 60 000 load cycles in a realistic time frame while maintaining high-quality displacement measurements. It was possible to isolate the testing rig from the effect of external
d4 y p y 0, z 2 0; L (1) dz4 in which Ep and Ip denote the elastic modulus and second moment of area of a pile respectively. The p y curves evolved primarily from research in the oil and gas industry, as the demand for large pile-supported offshore structures increased during the 1970s and 1980s. Research has included testing of full-sized piles in sand under both static and cyclic loading conditions. An overview of the important tests and results is given by Reese & Impe (2001). The p y curves for piles in sand described by Reese et al. (1974) and ONeill & Murchison (1983) led to recommendations in the standards (DNV, 1977; API, 1993) for oil and gas installations. In 2004 these recommendations were adopted in the standard Design of offshore wind turbine structures (DNV, 2004), which represents the current state of the art for design of monopiles in the offshore wind industry. The method adopted in the standards uses a procedure to construct non-linear p y curves for monopiles in sand subjected to cyclic loading as a function of the static ultimate lateral resistance pu , Bz p Apu tanh (2) Apu y Ep I p where A 0.9 for cyclic loading, and B is an adjustment parameter to account for the relative density of the sand. This method was originally developed by ONeill & Murchison (1983), and has some theoretical basis. However, it relies to a high degree on empiricism, using data obtained primarily from two full-scale load tests reported by Cox et al. (1974). These tests were conducted using two slender piles, with diameter 0.61 m and length 21 m. The piles were subjected to static and cyclic lateral load. To assess the validity of the method, systematic studies were conducted by Murchison & ONeill (1984), which proved the method to be superior to other methods. However, the validity of the method relies on very few tests on relatively exible driven steel piles subjected to cyclic loading. Shortcomings of current methodology The current design methodology, based on p y curves, has gained broad recognition, owing to the low failure rate of piles over several decades. However, when applied to offshore wind turbine foundations, the design methodology
RESPONSE OF STIFF PILES IN SAND TO LONG-TERM CYCLIC LATERAL LOADING is being used outside its veried range, and several design issues are not properly taken into account. First, current standards rely on methods built upon empirical data obtained from long, slender and exible piles. When scaling to large-diameter piles, a distinction must be made between a pile that behaves in an almost rigid fashion and one that is relatively exible, since this affects the soilpile behaviour (Briaud et al., 1984). A rigid pile rotates without exing signicantly, and develops a toe kick under moment and lateral loading. Criteria for rigid or exible behaviour have been proposed by various researchers (e.g. Dobry et al., 1982; Budhu & Davies, 1987; Carter & Kulhawy, 1988). The range of transition from exible to rigid pile behaviour may, according to Poulos & Hull (1989), be evaluated by 4:8 , Es L4 , 388:6 Ep I p (3)
determined degradation parameter that depends on the installation method, soil density and load characteristics. By investigating a subset of the full-scale tests, Lin & Liao (1999) proposed that the accumulated displacement of piles can be predicted by u N u0 ln N (5) u0 in which u0 and u N denote the pile-head deection in the rst and Nth load cycle respectively, and is an empirical degradation parameter, similar to , depending on the installation method, soil density and load characteristics. The methods proposed by Long & Vanneste (1994) and Lin & Liao (1999) provide simple means for predicting the effects of cyclic loading. However, the determination of the empirical degradation parameters relies on a small number of tests carried out on long, exible piles subjected to fewer than 50 cycles of loading. Further investigations are needed to verify the form of the models, and to extend them for use in predicting the long-term behaviour of stiff, driven piles. Other investigations include small-scale tests on stiff piles subjected to 10 000 cycles, as reported by Peng et al. (2006). However, only a few tests are reported, and the data interpretation is limited. A more theoretical approach is given by Lesny & Hinz (2007), who attempt to predict accumulated displacements using data from cyclic triaxial tests and a nite element model incorporating Miners law. The method is theoretical, and still requires validation against experimental data. DIMENSIONLESS EQUATIONS FOR SCALING OF LABORATORY TESTS The basis of this paper is a set of laboratory oor experiments on stiff monopiles in sand. Results from laboratory tests of foundations in sand must be carefully scaled to predict the behaviour of a full-scale structure. As is well recognised for structures on sand, the loading response is governed by the frictional behaviour of the sand, which in turn is governed by the isotropic stress level. In the laboratory the isotropic stress level controlling the test behaviour is low, resulting in higher friction angles but lower shear stiffnesses, in comparison with a full-scale test. These issues of scaling can be addressed by choosing appropriate scaling methods, as presented in the following. To ensure that the peak friction angle in a laboratory test corresponds to the value in a full-scale test, the soil sample is prepared at a lower relative density. This is straightforward, but the issues of stiffness are more complex. An attempt to account for the inuence of isotropic stress level is made by expressing the shear modulus G as n G v 9 c1 (6) pa pa in which pa is the atmospheric pressure, c1 is a dimensionless constant, v 9 is an appropriate effective vertical stress, and n is the pressure exponent (Kelly et al., 2006). Evaluation of the shear modulus using equation (6) requires the determination of a representative vertical effective stress, v 9. The vertical effective stress around a pile varies with depth. Thus an appropriate choice is to use the vertical stress at a depth c2 L below the sea-bed, given by v 9 c2 L9 (7) in which 9 is the effective unit weight and c2 is a dimensionless constant. The pressure exponent in equation (6) is reported to vary from 0.435 at very small strains to 0.765 at very large strains (Wroth et al., 1979). The shear
in which Es denotes the elastic modulus of the soil. A typical monopile has a diameter of 4 m, wall thickness of 0.050.07 m and penetration depth of 18 m. According to equation (3), the transition from rigid to exible pile behaviour occurs in the range from Es % 14 MPa to Es % 1121 MPa. Thus for most sands encountered the monopile behaviour tends toward the rigid case. Second, the recommended p y curves for cyclic loading are designed primarily for evaluation of the ultimate lateral capacity. Important design issues, such as accumulated rotation and stiffness changes due to long-term cyclic loading, are poorly accounted for. Long-term cyclic loading is likely to densify, or in some circumstances possibly loosen, the surrounding soil, resulting in changes to the stiffness of the foundation. Additionally, an accumulated rotation during the lifetime of an offshore wind turbine is expected, since the cyclic loading often occurs from one direction. The current design methodology is not capable of predicting either effects of soil densication or long-term movements of the monopile. Finally, the current methodology accounts for cyclic loading in an incomplete manner. Repetitive lateral load tests on two offshore piers in Tampa Bay, reported by Long & Vanneste (1994), showed much greater displacements than predicted using the p y curves proposed by Reese et al. (1974). The reason for this discrepancy, according to Long & Vanneste (1994), is that the cyclic p y curves do not account for such factors as installation method, load characteristics or number of load cycles. METHODS FOR PREDICTING THE RESPONSE TO LONG-TERM CYCLIC LOADING The inadequacy of the current methodology for predicting the cyclic loading response of piles means that new models, incorporating factors affecting the cyclic behaviour, must be developed. Results from 34 full-scale cyclic lateral load tests of piles in sand were collected by Long & Vanneste (1994) to identify the factors affecting the cyclic behaviour. These included soil density, pile type, installation method and, most importantly, the characteristics of the cyclic load. Long & Vanneste (1994) adopted a method, originally introduced by Little & Briaud (1988), to account for cyclic loading. The method is based on the deterioration of static p y curves, which is taken into account by reducing the static soil reaction modulus according to RN N R0 (4)
in which R0 and RN denote the soil reaction modulus on the rst and Nth load cycle respectively, and is an empirically
LEBLANC, HOULSBY AND BYRNE ~ against son between tests can be obtained by plotting M ~ while e ~ are kept ~ and other parameters inuencing k constant. ~ rela~ Several other parameters may inuence the M tionship. These can be understood by investigating the static moment resistance of a monopile. Consider the idealised horizontal stress distribution, in the ultimate lateral limit state, along a stiff pile in sand, as illustrated in Fig. 2. The resulting distributed horizontal load along the pile is determined by KD v 9 KD9 z, in which K is a factor depending on the friction angle (e.g. Broms, 1964) and d is the depth of the pivot point. The pile toe is assumed to shear at the critical state friction angle cr . Thus the shear resistance at the bottom of the pile is governed by the vertical effective force arising from the overburden sand, (/4)D2 L9, plus a contribution arising from the structure, c3 V, in which V is equal to the gravity force acting on the structure, and c3 is a dimensionless constant between 0 and 1. On the basis of these assumptions, the equations of horizontal equilibrium and moment equilibrium at the pile head are given by 1 H c3 V D2 L9 sin cr d 2 L2 KD9 4 2 (11) 3 3 1 L 2 d KD9 M c3 V D2 L9 L sin cr 4 3 (12) respectively. These equations can be combined to eliminate d and give the interaction equation 2 3 1 3 3 M 1 H 3 2 2 2 2 L KD9 2 L KD9 (13) 2 c3 V D L9 sin cr 4 (14) L2 KD9 where is introduced for simplicity. This relation can be rearranged to obtain an expression given entirely in nondimensional parameters, 3 2 3 M 1 1 H 12 (15) K DL3 9 2 K L2 D9 |{z} |{z}
strain range of greatest interest is likely to fall in the range 103 to 104 (Simpson, 2002). In this range n is reported to be around 0.75 for sands (Park & Tatsuoka, 1994; Porovic & Jardine, 1994). However, a value of 0.5 may capture most of the important features of increased shear stiffness with pressure (Wroth & Houlsby, 1985). This is conrmed by Kelly et al. (2006), who successfully adopted a value of 0.5 to compare the results of laboratory and full-scale tests of suction caisson foundations. For the case of a monopile subjected to a horizontal load H and moment M at the sea-bed, the resulting lateral displacement u and rotation can be obtained from an elastic stiffness relation, expressed as 2 3 M ! ! k1 k2 L 6 L7 (8) 4 5 DG k2 k3 u H in which k1 , k2 and k3 are dimensionless constants. To obtain the momentrotation relationship, u can be eliminated to give " # GL2 D k 1 k 3 k 2 2 (9) M k 3 k 2 HL= M The issue of scaling is addressed by incorporating equations (6) and (7) in equation (9) to obtain a momentrotation relationship given entirely in terms of non-dimensional parameters, r p c1 c2 k 1 k 3 k 2 M pa 2 (10) DL3 9 L9 k 3 k 2 HL= M |{z} |{z} | {z}
~ M ~ k ~
~ ~ is the non-dimensional stiffness, and M ~ and in which k are the non-dimensional values of moment and rotation respectively. The non-dimensional moment/force ratio arising ~ will be denoted e ~ M = HL, called the non-dimensional in k load eccentricity. This suggests that a satisfactory compari-
~ M
~ H
introducing the pile aspect ratio and the non-dimensional ~ and H ~ respectively. The nonvertical and horizontal loads V ~ can be replaced by H ~M ~ =e ~ dimensional horizontal load H . Thus it follows from equations (15) and (16) that the static ~ , is uniquely determined by moment capacity, in terms of M ~, e ~ and . This suggests the non-dimensional parameters V that the non-dimensional momentrotation relationship in equation (10) could be written as ~ ~ V ~ k ~, e ~, M (17) Thus a satisfactory comparison of both stiffness and strength, between laboratory and full-scale tests, is likely to ~, while keeping V ~ against ~, e ~ and be obtained by plotting M constant. This scaling law derived for monotonic loading
2 c3V 4 D L sin cr
Fig. 2. Horizontal stress distribution in ultimate limit state for laterally loaded stiff pile in sand
RESPONSE OF STIFF PILES IN SAND TO LONG-TERM CYCLIC LATERAL LOADING is also assumed to cover the cyclic response of stiff piles in sand. The non-dimensional parameters are listed in Table 1.
EXPERIMENTAL EQUIPMENT A simple and efcient mechanical load rig is used to apply loads to the pile. The rig was originally developed by Rovere (2004) for testing of caisson foundations. The rig consists of a 550 mm 3 600 mm 3 600 mm container for sand, a steel frame with pulleys, three weight hangers, and a lever with a driving motor, as illustrated in Fig. 3. The lever is attached to the steel frame through a pivot, and carries a motor, which rotates a mass m1 to cause cyclic loading. The motor is a geared single-phase AC motor rotating at a frequency of 0.106 Hz. The pulley ropes are 3 mm lowstretch spectral ropes. The load rig is a simple static system. Initially, when m1 m2 0, the weight of the mass m3 is chosen to balance any force acting on the lever. Thus, assuming that % /2, as is the case for minor lever deections, any sinusoidal load in the form f (t ) f0 + fa sin(t ) can be applied to the pile by appropriately choosing m1 [(l2 /la )fa ]/g and m2 [(lc /la )fa f0 ]/g. Since m2 . 0, it follows that la or lc must full the condition la /lc , fa /f0 . The load rig is very stable, and can accurately provide a sinusoidal loading for more than 1 000 000 cycles.
The experiments were conducted using unsaturated yellow Leighton Buzzard silica sand. The characteristics of the sand are summarised in Table 2, and further information is given by Schnaid (1990). The container for the sand was carefully lled by pouring sand from a low drop height to achieve a very loose state. A denser state was also obtained using a hammer drill to vibrate the bottom plate of the sand container. The tests were conducted using a stiff copper pile. The outer dimensions of the pile are scaled to approximately 1:50, in relation to a typical monopile. The pile properties are listed in Table 3. The pile was driven into the sand by gentle driving with a plastic hammer from a xed drop height. The number of strokes needed to reach the nal penetration depth varied from 460 20 to 740 30 for loose and medium dense sand respectively. The monopile was xed horizontally during installation using side supports. Horizontal deections were measured by two dial gauges. The load rig is illustrated in Fig. 4. TEST PROGRAMME The test programme was designed to investigate the response of the pile and its dependence on the relative density of the sand and the characteristics of the applied cyclic load. The average relative densities were Rd 4% and Rd 38%, corresponding to a loose and a medium-dense state respectively. A relationship between effective stress, relative density and peak friction angle for Yellow Buzzard Sand is given by Schnaid (1990), and is used to compare peak friction angles between the laboratory tests and a fullscale monopile. For the calculation it is assumed that a representative effective stress can be taken at 0.8L beneath the sea-bed. Fig. 5 illustrates that the peak friction angles used in the laboratory were estimated as 358 and 438, which equate to eld conditions of Rd 8% and Rd 75%, corresponding to a loose and a dense state respectively. The characteristics of the applied cyclic load must be uniquely dened. In the following, load levels are referred to in terms of the applied moment M. The corresponding horizontal force follows from H M/e. Two independent parameters are dened to characterise the applied sinusoidal loading,
Table 1. Non-dimensional parameters Moment loading Vertical force Horizontal force Rotation: degrees Load eccentricity Aspect ratio ~ M ~ V ~ H M L3 D9 V L2 D9
H L2 D9 r ~ pa L9 ~ e M HL L D
Table 2. Characteristics of yellow Leighton Buzzard Sand (Schnaid, 1990) Property Particle sizes, D10, D30, D50, D60 : mm Specic gravity, Gs Minimum dry unit weight, min : kN/m3 Maximum dry unit weight, max : kN/m3 Critical angle of friction, cr : degrees Value 0.63/0.70/0.80/0.85 2.65 14.65 17.58 34.3
430 mm
360 mm
l2 Motor
80 mm
Fig. 3. Mechanical load rig used to investigate response of stiff piles to long-term cyclic loading
Pile diameter, D: mm Wall thickness: mm Penetration depth, L: mm Load eccentricity, e: mm Pile weight, V: N
Fig. 4. Experimental set-up: (a) mechanical load rig; (b) side supports used during installation; (c) installed pile with two dial gauges measuring horizontal deections; (d) driving motor
Laboratory 48 46
44 42 40 38 36 34 0 4%
Fig. 5. Friction angles of yellow Leighton Buzzard Sand as function of effective isotropic stress p9 and relative density Rd
b c
in which MR refers to the static moment capacity of the pile, and Mmin and Mmax are the minimum and maximum in a load cycle. The ratio b is a measure of the size of the
cyclic loading, normalised with respect to the static moment capacity. It follows that 0 , b , 1. The ratio c 2 [1; 1] quanties the characteristics of the cyclic load, and takes the value 1 for a static test, 0 for one-way loading, and 1 for two-way loading. A visual interpretation of the load ratios is given in Fig. 6. Initially, static load tests were performed to determine the ~ R , as shown in Fig. 7. static moment capacity in terms of M From the momentrotation curves it is not possible to identify a distinct point of failure. Thus failure is dened by ~ 48 0.0698 rad. The momentrotation curves in Fig. 7 ~ % 0:038 rad 3 ( M ~ =M ~ R )2:33 are for convenience tted by : 1 92 ~ ~ =M ~ R) and % 0:042 rad 3 ( M for Rd 4% and Rd ~R , M ~ , 38% respectively, valid in the range 0:25 M ~ R. 0:50 M It is important to select appropriate values of b so that the experiments reect realistic loading conditions. Typical design loads for an offshore wind turbine are shown in Table 4. The limit state ULS refers to the ultimate load-carrying capacity and ULS/1.35 to the worst expected transient load. SLS and FLS are the serviceability and fatigue limit states occurring 102 and 107 times during the lifetime of the wind turbine respectively. Further information is given by DNV (2004). The design loads are compared with the laboratory load-
: degrees
K 10
06 ~ M ULS/135
14 12 10 ~ 08 M 06 04 02 0 Rd 4% ~ MR 06 Rd 38% ~ MR 124
~ H
Fig. 8. Cyclic loading ranges, in terms of b , in relation to design loads of a typical offshore wind turbine
Fig. 7. Moment capacity determined from static load tests for ~ 1:19 e
cycles. The evolution of the accumulated rotation is evaluated in terms of the dimensionless ratio N N 0 s s (19)
Table 4. Typical design loads for a 2 MW turbine N ULS ULS/1.35 SLS FLS 1 1 102 107 M: MN m 95 70 45 28 H: MN 4.6 3.4 2.0 1.4 V: MN 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0
which expresses the magnitude of the rotation (N) caused by cyclic loading in terms of the rotation s that would occur in a static test when the load is equivalent to the maximum cyclic load (as dened by b 3 M R ). The non~ is obtained substituting measured dimensional stiffness k values of k M/ (see Fig. 9) into equation (10), which is rearranged to give ~ k L5=2 D k p pa 9 (20)
~ and H ~ , by ing, in terms of non-dimensional parameters M scaling the design loads such that ULS coincides with the static moment capacity of the laboratory pile. Fig. 8 shows this static capacity, determined from equation (15), compared with the capacities determined from ve static load ~. Also tests in loose sand, conducted at different values of e ~ 1:19. The shown on the gure are ranges of b for e comparison suggests that 30% , b , 50% is the range of primary interest for piles with designs governed by the ULS. The value of c is expected to vary between 0.5 and 1, since the response of a wind turbine is governed by large aerodynamical damping, resulting in one-way cycling rather than two-way cycling. For completeness, c was investigated in the full range from 1 to 1. The chosen test programme is summarised in Table 5. DISCUSSION The results of the laboratory tests are investigated by plotting the angular rotation of the pile in response to the applied moment M for both static and cyclic tests. The method for data extraction is outlined in Fig. 9. The gathered data provides information on both stiffness and accumulated rotation as functions of N, the number of load
Accumulated displacements The method proposed by Lin & Liao (1999) suggests that accumulated rotation is proportional to ln(N). This approach was investigated by plotting /s as a function of ln(N). A good t was obtained for N , 100, but extrapolation beyond N . 500 underestimated the accumulated rotation. A better t was found if the accumulated rotation was modelled as increasing exponentially with N rather than logarithmically, as is in agreement with the method proposed by Little & Briaud (1988) and Long & Vanneste (1994). The exponential behaviour appears as straight lines in double logarithmic axes, as shown in Fig. 10. The results for one-way loading, plotted in Figs 10(a) and 10(b), show a very good t with an exponential expression. The results include approximately 104 load cycles, whereas the fatigue limit state is governed by 107 load cycles. The closeness of t up to 104 cycles indicates that, in the absence of further experimental data, it might be reasonable to extrapolate to N 107 . Further data are, of course, required to conrm this hypothesis. The results obtained by varying c , plotted in Figs 10(c)
Table 5. Test programme No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Type Static Static Static Static Static Cyclic Cyclic Cyclic Cyclic Cyclic Cyclic Cyclic Cyclic Cyclic Static Cyclic Cyclic Cyclic Cyclic Cyclic Cyclic ~ e 0.10 0.42 0.78 1.19 3.33 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19
Rd : % 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 38 38 38 38 38 38 38
: degrees 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 43 43 43 43 43 43 43
b 0.20 0.27 0.34 0.40 0.53 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.27 0.40 0.52 0.40 0.40 0.40
N 8 200 18 200 8 400 17 700 8 600 8 510 7 400 8 800 65 370 8 090 7 423 17 532 9 003 9 814 9 862
k0 (N) Mmax M
kN s M
accepted, and the majority of lateral load tests reported in the literature are conducted at c 0, with some at c 1. However, the results presented here clearly illustrate that loading with c % 0.6 causes an accumulated rotation that is more than four times larger than for one-way loading, that is, c 0. The authors are not aware of similar observations in cyclic loading tests, but clearly this result has profound implications for assessing the results of cycling. Variation of pile stiffness Interpretation of the stiffness results involves a greater scatter of the data. This is partly because the measurement of secant stiffness in a cycle involves differences of small ~N as a function of ln(N) indicates displacements. Plotting k that the stiffness evolves approximately logarithmically with cycle number, as shown in Fig. 12. This suggests that the evolution of stiffness can be approximated by ~0 A k ln N ~N k k (22)
0 (a)
N (b)
Fig. 9. Method for determination of stiffness and accumulated rotation: (a) cyclic test; (b) static test
and 10(d), exhibit a more volatile behaviour, particularly for c , 0. However, the trend in the data also follows the exponential behaviour shown in the one-way load tests. Based on these observations, it is proposed that displacements due to cyclic loading can be predicted by N : Tb b , Rd Tc c N 0 31 s (21)
in which Tb and Tc are dimensionless functions, depending on the load characteristics and relative density. The function Tc is dened such that Tc (c 0) 1. The expression in equation (21) was tted to the data in Fig. 10 (the dotted lines) to empirically determine values of Tb and Tc. These values are plotted in Fig. 11 as functions of b and c respectively. The behaviour of the functions Tb (b , Rd ) and Tc (c ) is clearly apparent, and curves were easily tted. Generally, the loose sand results in low values of Tb as compared with the denser sand. The value of Tc is found to be independent of relative density. The Tc curve in Fig. 11 shows a remarkable result. Clearly, when c 1, then Tc must be zero, since no accumulated displacement will occur under static load. Also, when c 1, then it is expected that Tc will be zero, since the force applied is equal in both directions. The maximum one-way load is obtained when c 0, and intuitively it seems reasonable to expect that this loading will cause the largest accumulated rotation. This assumption is commonly
where A k is a dimensionless constant. It is observed from Fig. 12 that all slopes are almost equal. This suggests that Ak is independent of both relative density and load characteristics within the observed range. The expression in equation (22) was tted to the data in Fig. 12 (the dotted lines) ~0 were determined using the value Ak 8.02, and values of k ~ from the point of intersection with the k -axis where N 1. ~0 can be expressed The empirically determined values of k by ~0 K b b K c c k (23)
in which Kb and Kc are dimensionless functions, depending on the load characteristics and relative density. The function Kc is dened such that Kc (c 0) 1. The empirically determined values of Kb and Kc , as functions of b and c respectively, are illustrated in Fig. 13. The behaviour of the functions Kb (b ) and Kc (c ) was easily determined and curves tted. It is not possible to make a clear distinction between the results for Rd 4% and Rd 38%. This indicates that values of stiffness are somewhat independent of the relative density, at least for the low to medium densities tested. However, this is unlikely to hold for Rd ! 100%,
c 000 Rd 4%
100 s 101
b 020
b 027
102 0 10
103 N (a)
102 100
103 N (b)
b 040 Rd 4%
10 s
c 034 c 067
10 s
c 000 c 050
c 098
c 081
102 100
103 N (c)
102 0 10
103 N (d)
Fig. 10. Measured displacements as a function of N, Rd , b and c . Dotted lines obtained using equation (21)
since no increase in stiffness is expected for sand in its densest state. The most important outcome of the results is that stiffness always tends to increase. This observation opposes the current methodology of degrading static p y curves to account for cyclic loading. Example An example is given to demonstrate the use of the proposed methods. Consider a stiff monopile, with L 18 m and D 4 m, driven into sand with a friction angle of 358. The task is to determine the increase in stiffness and accumulated rotation due to 107 load cycles characterised by b 0.3 and c 0.2. ~0 must be determined. These Initially, values of s and k can be calculated by various methods, for example using p y curves, nite element models or, alternatively, using the non-dimensional framework which has been presented here. The non-dimensional approach requires that the full-scale ~ ~, V structure and laboratory pile have comparable values of ~, as is the case in this example. The non-dimensional and e static rotation for b 0.3 gives a non-dimensional moment ~ 0:3 3 M ~ R 0.3 3 0.6 0.18, at which point the of M ~ 0.0023. The corresponding non-dimensional rotation is static rotation of the full-scale monopile follows from the ~, which gives s 0.0033. The initial nondenition of dimensional stiffness is determined from equation (23), by ~0 240 3 evaluating Kb and Kc from Fig. 13, to obtain k 0.9 % 216. The non-dimensional stiffness can optionally be transformed to the absolute value of the full-scale stiffness using the relationship in equation (20).
~0, it is possible to estimate the accumulated Given s and k rotation and stiffness change due to long-term cyclic loading. Values of Tb and Tc are determined from Fig. 11, with the representative relative density chosen as Rd 4%, since the angle of friction is 358. The resulting increase in stiffness follows from equation (22), as ~0 8:02ln 107 % 345 ~N k k ) ~0 ~N k k 60% ~0 k (24)
This result indicates that the stiffness can be expected to increase by approximately 60% during the lifetime of the wind turbine. The accumulated rotation follows from equation (21), as 0:31 0:047 3 1:5 3 107 % 10:4 s ) 0:0344 rad (% 28) The accumulated rotation is estimated to be 28, which is a value that would breach the tolerance criterion. It should be noted that the accumulated rotation is calculated on the basis of 107 load cycles, acting in the same direction. Less rotation must be expected, since the actual loading would be multidirectional. Of course, if b is in the range between 0.7 and 0.4, then much higher rotation is predicted. If the monopile is more conservatively designed, say by using a static design capacity equal to 1.5 times ULS, then b will be approximately 0.2. In this case, the predicted
015 Tb 010
Rd 4%
04 b (a)
5 Rd 4% 4 Rd 38%
to be less severe in terms of accumulated rotation, as compared with unidirectional loading. The tests showed that cyclic loading always increased the pile stiffness, and the increase was found to be independent of relative density. This contrasts with the current methodology of degrading static p y curves to account for cyclic loading. A method, based on the experimental work carried out, is presented to predict changes in stiffness due to longterm cyclic loading. The results in this paper lay out a basic framework to incorporate effects of cyclic loading in a simple manner. Further work should be carried out to investigate piles installed in very dense sand, the effect of altering pile dimensions, and how a representative cyclic load is chosen. The effect of the loading frequency on the drained response of laterally loaded piles in sand is limited. However, owing to the scale of eld monopiles it is possible that the response in saturated sand may not be completely drained, and further work on the effects of loading frequency will need to be undertaken. Finally, comparisons with full-scale measurements should be carried out to ensure that the proposed methods are reliable and valid.
3 Tc 2
0 10
0 c (b)
Fig. 11. Functions relating (a) Tb and (b) Tc to relative density Rd , and characteristics of cyclic load in terms of b and c
accumulated rotation and increase in stiffness are 0.278 and 42% respectively. CONCLUSION A series of tests was conducted on small-scale driven piles subjected to long-term cyclic loading. A typical design of a monopile was adopted and used to quantify realistic pile dimensions and loading ranges. Furthermore, a complete non-dimensional framework for stiff piles in sand is presented and applied to interpret the test results. The accumulated rotation of a stiff pile is largely affected by the characteristics of the applied cyclic load. Thus parameters characterising the load, other than maximum load levels, are required for accurate predictions. For example, results for one-way loading were found to differ by a factor of four as compared with two-way loading. A very signicant result was that the most onerous loading condition was found to be between one-way and two-way loading. A method to predict the accumulated rotation during the lifetime of an offshore wind turbine foundation is presented. When applied, the method predicts that typical tolerances for accumulated rotation are breached if the foundation is designed so that the design capacity is equal to the ULS load. This suggests that considerations of accumulated rotation are the primary design driver. The proposed method does not account for multidirectional loading, which is likely
dimensionless constants pile diameter particle sizes pile pivot point elastic modulus of pile elastic modulus of soil load eccentricity load rig forces shear modulus specic gravity gravitational acceleration horizontal load at sea-bed moment of inertia of pile Broms factor dimensionless functions pile stiffness dimensionless parameters pile stiffness in rst cycle pile stiffness in Nth cycle penetration depth of pile load rig dimensions moment at sea-bed static moment resistance of pile load rig masses number of load cycles atmospheric pressure effective isotropic stress relative density dimensionless functions time gravity force acting on the structure horizontal deection depth below sea-bed dimensionless parameter dry unit weight effective unit weight load characteristic parameters pile aspect ratio pile rotation pile rotation in rst cycle pile rotation in Nth cycle static pile rotation effective vertical stress angle of friction critical state angle of friction rotational frequency
~ kN
103 N (b)
450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 100 b 040 Rd 4%
450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 100 b 040 Rd 38%
~ kN
103 N (c)
103 N (d)
Fig. 12. Measured stiffness as a function of N, Rd , b and c . Dotted lines are obtained using equation (22)
400 350 14 300 250 Kb 200 150 08 100 50 0 06 12 16 Rd 4% Rd 38%
Kc 10
03 b (a)
04 10
0 c (b)
Fig. 13. Values of (a) Kb and (b) Kc as function of relative density Rd , and characteristics of cyclic load in terms of b and c
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