1.RagragPreventing Pressure Sore.1
1.RagragPreventing Pressure Sore.1
1.RagragPreventing Pressure Sore.1
Are lesions caused by unrelieved pressure on soft tissues overlying a bony prominence which reduces or completely obstructs the blood flow to the superficial tissues.
An area of nonblanchable erythema, tissue swelling, and congestion, and the patient complaints of discomfort.
A break in the skin through the epidermis or dermis. A blister, abrasion, or shallow crater may be seen.
It extends into the subcutaneous tissues. Clinically, a deep crater with or without undermining of adjacent tissues is noted.
It extends into the underlying structures including the muscle and, possibly, the bone.
1) Assess pressure points. Nonblanchable erythema of intact skin, hardness, discoloration, or warmth of the skin may indicate skin ulceration.
4) Use pressure-relieving or pressure-reducing devices such as an air mattress, gel-type floatation pads, wheelchair cushion, or specialized beds.
7) Consult with nutritionist regarding dietary needs of the patient; Patient should be hydrated.
9) Avoid shearing forces. Turning sheets can be use to decrease shear & friction.
10) Measure the sore to determine its size & monitor if treatment is adequate.
11) Assist in wound care & debridement: autolytic, biological, chemical/enzymatic, or surgical.