Pressure Ulcers: Jorge G. Ruiz, MD, FACP
Pressure Ulcers: Jorge G. Ruiz, MD, FACP
Pressure Ulcers: Jorge G. Ruiz, MD, FACP
Stage IV Pressure sore
Pressure Ulcers
Staging. Limitations
Shearing forces
Pressure Ulcers
Risk Factors
Spinal cord injuries Chronic systemic illness
Traumatic brain injury Fractures
Neuromuscular disorders Aging skin
Immobility decreased epidermal
Malnutrition dermoepidermal junction
Fecal and urinary flattens
incontinence fewer blood vessels
Altered level of Decreased pain
consciousness perception
Pressure Ulcers
Risk Assessment
Large eschar: Surgical consultation
Stage 3
Loose material can be debrided with wet-to-dry
dressings every 8 hours
Polyurethane and hydrocolloid dressings
(Duoderm) are more effective
Hydrocolloids are impermeable to gas and
moisture and are changed every 1-4 days
Deeper stage 3 or 4: Wounds need to be packed
with material depending on exudate
Stage 3
Hydrocolloid dressings are not
Dry wounds: less absorptive Hydrogels or
moist soaks with normal saline
Exudative wounds: Absorptive dressings
such as Hydrophilic foam alginates
(Kaltostat ) or saline impregnated gauze
Packings are changed daily
Stage 3
Consider specialized beds:
air fluidized beds
low-air-loss beds
They should be used for at least 60 days
Patients with large defects: surgery consult
Patients with large defects in the sacral area and
urinary incontinence may require catheterization
Low Air Loss Mattress
Stage 4
They require surgical consultation for
initial debridement
Wet-to-dry dressings may help
Whirlpool baths may facilitate debridement
Clean deep ulcers require packing
Consider grafting procedures
Always keep in mind the goals of the
Managing Bacterial Colonization
and Infection
Stage 2, 3 and 4 pressure ulcers are invariably
colonized with bacteria.
In most cases, adequate cleansing and
debridement prevent bacterial colonization from
proceeding to the point of clinical infection
If purulence or foul odor is present, more
frequent cleansing and possibly debridement
are required.
Infected Pressure Sore
Managing Bacterial Colonization
and Infection
Do not use swab cultures to diagnose wound
infection (colonization)
Consider 2-week trial of topical antibiotics for
clean pressure ulcers that are not healing or
producing exudate
Effective against gram negative, positive, and
Perform quantitative bacterial cultures of soft
tissue and evaluate for osteomyelitis when ulcer
does not respond to topical antibiotic therapy.
Managing Bacterial Colonization
and Infection
Systemic antibiotic therapy for patients with
bacteremia, sepsis, advancing cellulitis, or
Do not use topical antiseptics (povidone iodine,
iodophor, Dakins® solution, hydrogen peroxide,
acetic acid) to reduce bacteria in wound tissue.
Systemic antibiotics are not required for
pressure ulcers with signs of local infection.
Protect pressure ulcers from exogenous sources
of contamination
Infection Control
Follow body substance isolation precautions or
an equivalent system.
Use clean gloves for each patient.
When treating multiple ulcers on the same
patient, attend to the most contaminated ulcer
Use sterile instruments to debride ulcers
Use clean dressings, rather than sterile ones, to
treat pressure ulcers.
Operative Repair of Pressure
Operative procedures to repair pressure
ulcers include one or more of the
Direct closure
Skin grafting
Skin flaps
Musculocutaneous flaps
Free flaps.
Operative Repair of Pressure
Consider for operative repair when clean Stage
III-IV do not respond to optimal patient care
Candidates are medically stable, well nourished
and can tolerate operative blood loss and
postop immobility.
Correct factors that may be associated with
impaired healing (smoking, spasticity, levels of
bacterial colonization, incontinence, and UTI)
Minimize pressure to the operative site by use of
special beds
Assessment of Ulcer Healing
Evaluate at least weekly
If general condition deteriorates, the ulcer
should be reassessed promptly
Evaluate using size, depth, presence of exudate,
epithelialization, granulation tissue, necrotic
tissue, sinus tracts, undermining, tunneling,
purulent drainage or signs of infection.
A clean pressure ulcer with adequate
innervation and blood supply should show
progress toward healing in 2 to 4 weeks
Healing ulcers should be assessed regularly
Monitor the individual's general health,
nutritional status, psychosocial support, pain
level and be alert to signs of complications
The frequency of monitoring should be
determined by the clinician based on the
condition of the patient, ulcer, rate of healing,
and the health care setting.
Pressure Ulcers
Amyloidosis Septic arthritis
Endocarditis Sinus tract or abscess
Heterotopic bone Squamous cell carcinoma
formation in the ulcer
Maggot infestation Systemic complications of
Meningitis topical treatment
Perineal-urethral fistula Osteomyelitis
Pseudoaneurysm Bacteremia
Advancing cellulitis