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4:08am Oct 1

MUFFAKHAMJAHCOLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY ASSIGMENT -2 SUBJECT: SOFTWARE REUSE TECHNIQUES. CLASS : B.E IV/IV A & B semester 1 ANSWER ANY FIVE OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1) Explain the Intent, Structure of participants of Factory Method? (Book-2 ,pgno-19) 2) Explain the Intent, Structure Applicability of Adapter Pattern? (Book-2 ,pgno-69) 3) Explain the Intent, Structure of Layered Architecture? (Book-3 ,pgno-31-35) 4) Explain the Intent, consequences of Appling Pipes and Filter Architecture? (Book-3, pgno-6769) 5) Define Components System Engineering? Write short notes on Building flexible components system? (Book-1, pgno-297-299) 6) Explain in detail about Chain of Responsibility Pattern? (Book-2, pgno-141-154) 7) Explain in detail Memento Pattern? (Book-2, pgno-201-208) 8) What are the Consequences of Mediator Pattern? (Book-2, pgno-198) 9) Explain in detail about Observer Pattern? (Book-2, pgno-209-217) 10) Explain the Intent, Structure, consequences of Visitor Method? (Book-2 ,pgno-249-258) 11) Explain in detail about State Pattern? (Book-2, pgno-219-227) 12) Explain in detail about Iterator Pattern? (Book-2, pgno-183-190) 13) Define Testing? How the Testing is performed in the Component System?(Book-1, pgno314-315) Suggested Reading: 1) Ivar Jacabson, Martin Griss, Patrick Johnsson,Software Reuse: Architecture, Process and Organization for Business Success. Pearson Education,2003. 2) James W Cooper, Java Design Patterns, a tutorial, Pearson Education, 2003. 3) Frank Buschmann, et al., Pattern Oriented Software Architecture Volume I John Wiley & Sons,1996.

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