Worksheet2 Rightface2013

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Worksheet: Right Face

Introduction to Mobile Robotics > Right Face

Follow the steps in the online directions, and answer the questions at the appropriate times.



1. What happened when you ran the program? It turned in a clockwise direction using motor c. 2. Which motor(s) spun? Motor C enabled the robot to spin during the program. 3. What direction did each motor spin? The robot turned in a clockwise direction. 4. Did the robots body turn to its left or its right? The robot turned to its right. 5. About how much did the robots body turn, relative to a full turn? It turned 720 degrees. 6. This behaviour is called a swing turn. Around what point does the robot swing? At the very end of the turn when the robot does a jerk. Contemplate

7. Write a brief one or two sentence description of what each icon in the program Swing Turn does.

The first motor, which is C, goes forward while the second one, motor B, stops. The third motor, C, does a forward rotation 720 degrees and the last two motors, C and B stop.

8. The robot started at position A on the diagram shown here. It then turned in place until it reached position B.


Suppose the robot turned to its left to reach position B. What fraction of a full turn did it make to get from A to B? From point A to point B with the robot turning to its left, it went 270 degrees in order to reach its final point. Suppose the robot turned to its right to reach position B. What fraction of a full turn did it make to get from A to B? From point A to point B with the robot turning to its right, it went 90 degrees in order to reach its final point.


9. Consider the effects of some additional factors. i. How do you think different wheels will affect the robots ability to turn? Does it matter? Yes it will matter because of the grip of the wheel. If the wheel is smooth it would not be able to turn as well and it would have more trouble to pick up the friction. Also it would not be able to stop as quickly. Does the surface on which the robot is turning matter? Yes it would matter what surface the robot is on as if it is on a really slippery surface it wouldnt do as well or if it was on a marble surface. 10. The robot in the given program turned right by moving its left wheel forward while holding its right wheel stationary. i. Could you also turn right by holding the left wheel stationary and running the right wheel in reverse? No you cant turn right when you hold the left wheel stationary and the right in reverse. ii. Write the program to make the robot do the backward right turn proposed in part (i). The right wheel would be stationary while the left wheel would be turning in an anticlockwise direction. ii.

Continue: Left Turn

Answer the following:

11. What program blocks are different between the left turn and original right turn behaviours? The difference is that both motors were not in use and one of the motors had a stop sign on it. 12. Could a left turn also be done with the backward-moving wheel idea from question 10? Program your robot to make the backward-left turn. Yes a left turn can happen.

Continue Point Turn

Answer the following:

13. Describe the difference between the motion of a swing turn and a point turn. A swing turn is when only one wheel is turning the entire robot while a point turn is when both wheels are in motion doing a pivot turn 14. Describe a situation where: i. A swing turn is more useful than a point turn. A swing turn would be more useful if you wanted to stop straight after the turn for the robot to go and do another activity. ii. A point turn is more useful than a swing turn. A point turn would be more useful when you wanted to do a motion after the turn. It would then be one continuous motion which would make the process smoother.

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