Right Face

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Worksheet: Right Face

Introduction to Mobile Robotics > Right Face

Follow the steps in the online directions, and answer the questions at the appropriate times.



1. What happened when you ran the program? When we ran the program the robot did a clockwise turn around its right wheel as only the left wheel was moving. 2. Which motor(s) spun? The C Motor spun. 3. What direction did each motor spin? The C Motor spun forward whilst Motor B stayed in place. 4. Did the robots body turn to its left or its right? The robots body turned to its right. 5. About how much did the robots body turn, relative to a full turn? The robot turned about a quarter of a circle clockwise. 6. This behaviour is called a swing turn. Around what point does the robot swing? The robot spins on its right wheel. Contemplate

7. Write a brief one or two sentence description of what each icon in the program Swing Turn does.

The first block tells motor C to go forward. The second block issues motor B to stop. The third block, the rotation sensor tells the motors to go for 720 degrees. The fourth and fifth blocks ask motor C and B to stop.

8. The robot started at position A on the diagram shown here. It then turned in place until it reached position B.


Suppose the robot turned to its left to reach position B. What fraction of a full turn did it make to get from A to B? The robot would do a three-quarter turn.


Suppose the robot turned to its right to reach position B. What fraction of a full turn did it make to get from A to B? The robot would do a quarter turn.

9. Consider the effects of some additional factors. i. How do you think different wheels will affect the robots ability to turn? Different wheels would affect the robots speed, but not its ability to turn. Does it matter? For turning, the wheel would not matter. ii. Does the surface on which the robot is turning matter? The surface in which the robot is turning on will matter as if the surface is slippery the robot might not turn.

10. The robot in the given program turned right by moving its left wheel forward while holding its right wheel stationary. i. Could you also turn right by holding the left wheel stationary and running the right wheel in reverse? By holding the left wheel stationary an running the right wheel in reverse, it will turn the robot right. ii. Write the program to make the robot do the backward right turn proposed in part (i).

Continue: Left Turn

Answer the following:

11. What program blocks are different between the left turn and original right turn behaviours? The program blocks that need to be changed are the two motors which need to be switched and the weight block needs to be changed to motor B. 12. Could a left turn also be done with the backward-moving wheel idea from question 10? Program your robot to make the backward-left turn.

Continue Point Turn

Answer the following:

13. Describe the difference between the motion of a swing turn and a point turn. 14. Describe a situation where: i. A swing turn is more useful than a point turn. A swing turn is more useful when you want the robot to turn slower and more controlledlooking. ii. A point turn is more useful than a swing turn. A point turn is more useful than a swing turn when more quickly and efficiently.

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