Kenseikai Shorinji Kempo Baru
Kenseikai Shorinji Kempo Baru
Kenseikai Shorinji Kempo Baru
Establish a basic
Elemental techniques skill level through
illustrated tips.
The above function does not work well in Netscape, please use Internet
Explorer, or use the index list below.
Index Comments
Foot positions and basic way of standing
Basic stance
and how to sit.
Basic postures of Byakuren chool and Giwa
Basic postures
1 of 4 23/06/2009 11:01
Elemantal technics of Shorinji Kempo
How to sit.
Click here to see how to sit down on the floor for Zazen.
The basic style for meditation is shown.
Foot position Name Name
Kaisoku Heisoku ,
open stance closed stance
Mae kagi
ashi ,
Gyaku choji , front foot
right angle
regular stance
a transitional
Hachiji ashi ,
ashi , cross leg
kanji "eight" stance, a
figure stance. transitional
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Elemantal technics of Shorinji Kempo
Ku no ji dachi ,
Kiba dachi , Fukko dachi ,
standard standing
low weight position knee position
Gyaku Byakuren
Gassho Manji Midare Hasso Taiki Aiki
taiki chuudan
gamae gamae gamae gamae gamae gamae
gamae gamae
3 of 4 23/06/2009 11:01
Elemantal technics of Shorinji Kempo
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 continues to do so, and reserves all rights
associated with the structure of this site and the information available on this
4 of 4 23/06/2009 11:01
Elemantal technics of Shorinji Kempo
Establish a basic
Elemental techniques skill level through
illustrated tips.
The above function does not work well in Netscape, please use Internet
Explorer, or use the index list below.
Index Comments
Foot positions and basic way of standing
Basic stance
and how to sit.
Basic postures of Byakuren chool and Giwa
Basic postures
1 of 4 23/06/2009 11:02
Elemantal technics of Shorinji Kempo
How to sit.
Click here to see how to sit down on the floor for Zazen.
The basic style for meditation is shown.
Foot position Name Name
Kaisoku Heisoku ,
open stance closed stance
Mae kagi
ashi ,
Gyaku choji , front foot
right angle
regular stance
a transitional
Hachiji ashi ,
ashi , cross leg
kanji "eight" stance, a
figure stance. transitional
2 of 4 23/06/2009 11:02
Elemantal technics of Shorinji Kempo
Ku no ji dachi ,
Kiba dachi , Fukko dachi ,
standard standing
low weight position knee position
Gyaku Byakuren
Gassho Manji Midare Hasso Taiki Aiki
taiki chuudan
gamae gamae gamae gamae gamae gamae
gamae gamae
3 of 4 23/06/2009 11:02
Elemantal technics of Shorinji Kempo
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 continues to do so, and reserves all rights
associated with the structure of this site and the information available on this
4 of 4 23/06/2009 11:02
Elemantal technics of Shorinji Kempo
Listed below are some of the basic way of moving the upper body to dodge your opponent's attack.
Listed below are some of the basic way of changing the body direction.
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Elemantal technics of Shorinji Kempo
Han tenkan
Half turn
Ukemi Back
Ukemi is a guarding technique to save your body from falling down and hit your body to the floor. There
are several types of Ukemi techniques but the basic two techniques are shown below. Click on each
figure to see the detail explanations.
2 of 3 23/06/2009 11:02
Elemantal technics of Shorinji Kempo
Fumikomi ashi,
Put your front leg a step forward.
Front leg forward step
Sashikomi ashi, Put your front leg a step forward and then draw
Forward steps your rear leg toward your front leg.
Sashikae ashi, Put your rear leg a step forward beyond your front
leg. As shown in the left FIg. first, draw your right
Forward steps changing leg near your front leg and then put it in front of
legs the left leg in 45 degree of angle.
Tobikomi ashi,
Jump forward jumping with rear leg.
Rear leg jump forward
Mae kumo ashi, Jump forward jumping with front leg. As shown in
Front leg jump forward the left Fig. land on your rear leg first.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in 1998. The same
Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years: 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003
continues to do so, and reserves all rights associated with the structure of this site and the information
available on this site.
3 of 3 23/06/2009 11:02
Elemantal technics of Shorinji Kempo
Listed below are some of the basic way of moving the upper body to dodge your opponent's attack.
Listed below are some of the basic way of changing the body direction.
1 of 3 23/06/2009 11:03
Elemantal technics of Shorinji Kempo
Han tenkan
Half turn
Ukemi Back
Ukemi is a guarding technique to save your body from falling down and hit your body to the floor. There
are several types of Ukemi techniques but the basic two techniques are shown below. Click on each
figure to see the detail explanations.
2 of 3 23/06/2009 11:03
Elemantal technics of Shorinji Kempo
Fumikomi ashi,
Put your front leg a step forward.
Front leg forward step
Sashikomi ashi, Put your front leg a step forward and then draw
Forward steps your rear leg toward your front leg.
Sashikae ashi, Put your rear leg a step forward beyond your front
leg. As shown in the left FIg. first, draw your right
Forward steps changing leg near your front leg and then put it in front of
legs the left leg in 45 degree of angle.
Tobikomi ashi,
Jump forward jumping with rear leg.
Rear leg jump forward
Mae kumo ashi, Jump forward jumping with front leg. As shown in
Front leg jump forward the left Fig. land on your rear leg first.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in 1998. The same
Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years: 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003
continues to do so, and reserves all rights associated with the structure of this site and the information
available on this site.
3 of 3 23/06/2009 11:03
Elemantal technics of Shorinji Kempo
1. Hand : There are many variations other than illustrated below. But the following are enough for usual
Open hand.
2. Arm : Although there are many other way of use, the following are mainly used in usual techniques.
1 of 2 23/06/2009 11:03
Elemantal technics of Shorinji Kempo
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in 1998. The same
Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years: 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003
continues to do so, and reserves all rights associated with the structure of this site and the information
available on this site.
2 of 2 23/06/2009 11:03
Elemantal technics of Shorinji Kempo
1 of 2 23/06/2009 11:03
Elemantal technics of Shorinji Kempo
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 continues to do so, and reserves all rights
associated with the structure of this site and the information available on this
2 of 2 23/06/2009 11:03
Elemantal technics of Shorinji Kempo
Meuchi Back
Once your opponent is prepared for your next move, it may have become difficult to execute a technique,
that is, your waza on him. Especially if your opponent is stronger than you, some special techniques are
called for. You should try to make it difficult for your opponent to concentrate on the essential elements
that determine the effectiveness of your techniques.
This category of techniques is called Meuchi and consists of flapping at eyes with fingertips. Delivering
Meuchi, you can create a window of opportunity to getting rid of his concentration. You do not have to
actually flap at your opponent's eye balls, just waving your finger tips in front of the eyes is sometimes
Kagite Back
Kagite is a typical guard style used for preventing your
opponent from controlling you once your opponent has
seized your wrist.
Once one of your hands is in your opponent's grip, do not try to
free your hand by pulling it directly back towards you.Your
opponent, with greater strength, will hold fast to your hand.
Rather, treating your hand-arm-body system as a lever, try to
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Elemantal technics of Shorinji Kempo
Do not try to pull the hand position the fulcrum of that system close to your body. The
grabbed. leverage gained will magnify your strength. This is a simple
physical principle.
Open your hand as illustrated in the left figure. By opening your
Point in the right description hand, your wrist becomes thicker and this makes your opponent
to see Kagite. a little bit difficult to fasten the grip. However, this gives your
opponent a chance to grip your finger at the same time.
Therefore do not be in Kagite style for long. Move to the next
technique as soon as possible.
Remember, to effect this guard style, put your body and not
your opponent's grip, near the fulcrum.
(1)Put the palm of your left hand against the back of your right hand so that both palm faces you.
Your left hand is to execute this maneuver on your right hand, which plays the part of your
opponent's hand.
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Elemantal technics of Shorinji Kempo
(2)Hook the middle and ring fingers of your left hand around the fleshy base of your right thumb.
(3)Using the leverage afforded by your palm, press the Boshikyu of your left hand against the back
of your right hand to fold your right wrist. You shall be able to easily fold your right wrist as far as it
will go and, thereby, point the fingers of you right hand at your chest. This will make your arms form
a straight line
(4)Twist your left hand to check a direction of the force you should apply to give the maximun pain.
You can feel how the leverage gives your left hand control over your right hand.
Yubidori Back
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in 1998. The same
Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years: 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003
continues to do so, and reserves all rights associated with the structure of this site and the information
available on this site.
3 of 3 23/06/2009 11:03
uwauke geri
This is a very essential movement. You must practice it as many times as you can so
that it comes out instinctively.
Stop motion illustration is added.(2005.12.18)
The opponent You stepping You Step back to Prepare for the
try to hit your back aside, counterattack keep distance. next movement.
face. guarding your with middle
face with kick almost at
Uwauke the same time
with Uwauke.
Although Uwauke is an early stage
technique, it is not easy to do it in a refined Click
style. here to
It is important to slide up your arm as shown see stip
in the left figure. Do not try to wipe off his motion
hand as shown in the left figure. illustration.
Counterattack shall be done almost at the same
time with Uwauke.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
1 of 1 23/06/2009 10:26
Sode nuki
What it means
Make sure that your opponent's wrist bent after you turn
your elbow counterclockwise.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
1 of 1 23/06/2009 10:40
Uwauke duki
Uwauke duki
(Uwa uke zuki)
What it means
This technique is a very fundamental one, practice as many time as possible so that
your body moves automatically.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
1 of 1 23/06/2009 10:25
Uchiuke Duki
Uchiuke duki
(Uchi uke zuki)
What it means
The first two charactors of are pronounced "Uchi Uke" meaning "Inside guard" and
the last one charactor is pronounced "duki" meaning a punch.
The opponents You make his Make sure that You punch You kick Step back and
try to punch punch miss your you guard your his body his body. prepare for the
your face. face by face with Uchi with the next movement.
stepping uke so that he opposite
forward at 45 can not hit you hand.
degree angle. any more.
Apply Uchi uke
at the same
Do not wipe off your opponent's hand with your
hand. You have to step forward at 45 degree angle to
make his punch miss you even if you do not use your
hand to block his punch.
Click here
to see stop
motion figures
of the left
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in 1998.
The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years: 1998, 1999,
2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all rights associated
with the structure of this site and the information available on this site.
1 of 1 23/06/2009 10:26
Eri nuki
Eri nuki
What it means
Make sure that your opponent's wrist bent after you turn
your elbow counterclockwise so that he has to let your lapel
free because of pain caused by keep holding your lapel.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
1 of 1 23/06/2009 10:40
Oshikiri nuki
Your opponent Take Kagite Turn your right Push your right
seizes your guard position forearm forearm out to
upper arms with so that you do clockwise to put kill your
his hands. not lose the your right arm opponent's left
control. inside of your wrist.
opponent's left
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Oshikiri nuki
Push your forearm
out to cut your
opponent's lock. Try
to push it out a
little bit backward.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
2 of 2 23/06/2009 10:40
Shitauke geri
Shitauke geri
This is a very essential movement. You must practice it as many times as you can so
that it comes out instinctively.
Although Shitauke is an early stage technique, it is not easy to do it in a
refined style.
It is important to slide down your arm. Do not try to wipe off the offending hand or
Counterattack shall be done almost at the same time with Shitauke.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
1 of 1 23/06/2009 10:26
Uragaeshi nage
Uragaeshi nage
You will learn Uragaeshi nage at early stage of learning Shorinji Kempo. This
technique can be easily practiced once you know its tips.
You are applying At the moment push your left Then turn his
Gyaku gote or your opponent's hand to make him wrist clockwise
Maki gote.
gote hip hits the turn around the and pull.
floor, point where his
hip is
contacting the
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Uragaeshi nage
It is essential that you
should turn your opponent
exactly when his hip hits
the floor. After his back
lies on the floor, it is
impossible to turn him
As you can see in the right
animation, turn him making
the + mark in the animation
as a pivot of turning. Make
his head go through under
your hands.
After his body turned, twist
your opponent's wrist
clockwise and pull it low.
By this action your opponent
will be forced to roll to
the chest down position.
It is important to make
enough space to make him
turn and roll by moving your
feet. Try as many time as
possible to get the tips.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
2 of 2 23/06/2009 10:40
Shitauke jungeri
This is a very essential movement. You must practice it as many times as you can so
that it comes out instinctively.
Although Shita uke is an early stage technique, it is not easy to do it in a
refined style.
It is important to slide down your arm. Do not try to wipe off the offending hand or
Counterattack shall be done almost at the same time with Shita uke.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
1 of 1 23/06/2009 10:26
Sode maki
Put your right let your Deliver meuchi put your left
hand forward to opponent seize and, hand on to your
your right upper opponent's left
sleeve. hand.
Keep your opponent's hand tightly fixed to your right hand's angle
by pushing it with your left hand. Make sure your opponent's hand is in
"s" shape.
1 of 2 23/06/2009 10:41
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
2 of 2 23/06/2009 10:41
Tukiten ichi
Tsukiten ichi
Your opponent You sway and Your opponet You kick back. Prepare for
trys to throw a guard it with throws middle Kick almost at next movement.
punch to your Uwauke.
Uwauke punch. You the same time
face. guard it with of guarding.
Guard your face
at a same time.
Speed is essential for this technique. The animation
above makes several stopping for better understanding.
Practice as many times as you can to achieve smooth movement.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
1 of 1 23/06/2009 10:27
What it means
Put your right let your Deliver shuto put your left
hand forward to opponent seize giri,
giri as shown hand on to your
your right upper below, ormeuchi
meuchi opponent's left
sleeve. and, hand.
Keep your opponent's
hand tightly fixed to your
right hand's angle by Click here to see stop
pushing it with your left motion figures of the left
hand. Make sure your animation.
opponent's hand is in " "
1 of 2 23/06/2009 10:41
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
2 of 2 23/06/2009 10:41
Kote nuki
Kote nuki
The opponent Deliver Meuchi take Kagite Turn your palm Turn your elbow Hit into his
seizes your right away and, guard style. down and push out till your face with the
right wrist by Move to Kote out your elbow wrist is hand just
his right hand. nuki.
nuki from inside released released.
out, not moving completely.
the pivot.
This will not work
well, if you try to
escape when his arm is
not stretched
straight. He can
follow your movement
if his arm has freedom
to bend.
Never try to escape by
pulling your hand.
Tips :
Stretch his elbow
straight. It is the
most inportant check
point in Kotenuki.
Kotenuki As
far as his arm is
straight, you can
easily apply
When you push out your
elbow, do not move the
pivot but turn your
wrist like cutting his
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in 1998. The
same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years: 1998, 1999, 2000,
1 of 2 23/06/2009 10:27
Kote nuki
2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all rights associated with the
structure of this site and the information available on this site.
2 of 2 23/06/2009 10:27
Sodemaki tembin
Sodemaki tenbin
(Sodemaki tembin)
What it means
Put your right let your Deliver meuchi put your left
hand forward to opponent seize and, hand on to your
your right upper opponent's left
sleeve. hand.
Click here
to see stop
Keep your opponent's elbow tightly fixed at your side
motion figures
body.Apply this technique hard and quickly. Slow attack
of the
will let your opponent have a chande to escape.
1 of 2 23/06/2009 10:41
Sodemaki tembin
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003,2004,2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
2 of 2 23/06/2009 10:41
Katate Yorinuki
Katate Yorinuki
Your opponent You deliver Pull your body Turn your palm Keep pushing Punch.
seizes your Meuchi and near to the down and push out your elbow
hand. guard in point your hand your elbow out until your hand
Kagite is seized. from under, is completely
twisting your freed.
hand clockwise.
When starting Yorinuki turn your palm down and
then twisting your hand clockwise, push your
elbow toward your opponent's body.
Get back to safe position as soon as you escape.
Do not pull your hand toward you when you try to
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in 1998. The
same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years: 1998, 1999, 2000,
2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all rights associated with the
structure of this site and the information available on this site.
1 of 1 23/06/2009 10:27
Johaku dori
Jo(u)haku dori
Your opponents You deliver Lock his hand Take down his Try to twist a Kick.
seizes your Meuchi and with your fold hand with your little to push
upper arm. guard in arm and the arm. down his hand.
Kagite opposite hand.
You must make your
opponent's hand and arm to
form the figure as shown in
the left Fig.
Try to fix your your
opponent's hand as firm as
possible so that it may not
slip away.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in 1998. The
same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years: 1998, 1999, 2000,
2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all rights associated with the
structure of this site and the information available on this site.
1 of 1 23/06/2009 10:41
Ryoute Yorinuki
Your opponent Guard in Kagite Pull your body Apply meuchi Middle punch.
seizes your both position. near to the with your right
hand. point your hand hand.
is seized. Apply
Yorinuki to
your right hand.
Before you apply second Yorinuki,
Yorinuki make your body close to your
opponent and set your left hand close to you so that you can easily
turn your elbow in Yorinuki movement. You may step forward your
right foot when applying second Yori nuki,
nuki but in advance phase
you must be able to apply second Yori nuki without stepping
forward your right foot as shown in the animation.
Do not pull your hand toward you when you try to escape.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
1 of 1 23/06/2009 10:27
Technique explanation Kusshin duki
Kusshin duki
(Kusshin zuki)
Guard your face and body while ducking.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
1 of 1 23/06/2009 10:39
Introduction to Maki nuki
Maki nuki
He seizes your You deliver Take Kagite Turn your right Push out your Hit his face
right wrist Meuchi at style and move palm down and elbow till your with your hand
with his left once. to Maki nuki push out your wrist becomes just freed.
hand. at once. right elbow free.
Try to move your hand to the position
shown in the left figure by sliding your palm
around his wrist. Then push out your elbow
counterclockwise. Do not move the pivot while
pushing out your elbow.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in 1998. The
same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years: 1998, 1999, 2000,
2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all rights associated with the
structure of this site and the information available on this site.
1 of 1 23/06/2009 10:28
Ude maki
Ude maki
What it means
Let your opponent Your opponent Deliver meuchi Use the same
seizes your lower seizes your with your left technique as
lapel. lower lapel with hand and strike Erinuki to your
his left hand. down your right right hand.
elbow onto your
opponent's left
Attach your left Make sure your Pull your right Use your both
hand onto the opponent' arm is elbow down. hand to make
back of your in S character your opponent
opponent's left shape. immobilized.
hand. Turn your
Raise your right
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Ude maki
Turn your arm so
that it goes by your
ear and your
opponent's grip
becomes ineffective.
Make sure that your
opponent's hand is in
S character shape.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
2 of 2 23/06/2009 10:42
Gyaku gote
What it means
You will learn Gyaku gote at early stage of learning Shorinji Kempo. This technique is most suitable for
learning how to use Boshikyu,
Boshikyu because without using Boshikyu properly it will not work well.
You can take your opponent down by Gyaku gote,
gote moreover if you can do Nisoku tenkai smoothly you can
throw him away.
Practice this technique as many times as possible to master this most Shorinji Kempo like technique.
He seizes your You Hook your left Use your Use Nisoku immobilize
wrist. deliverMeuchi
Meuchi hand to his Boshikyu to tenkai to him by
and take hand and make lock his hand throw him applying
Kagite style. your wrist as shown in down. Yubi gatame.
free from his the tips
grip. bellow.
Unlike Kote nuki,
nuki use your right arm in the direction that
your arm push the base of his index finger to turn his wrist
Use your left hand's Boshikyu to bend his wrist together with
your right arm.
Push out your left elbow to make his right elbow come close
to you.
To look at the stop motion illustration of the right
animation, click here.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in 1998. The same Keijiro
Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years: 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005
1 of 2 23/06/2009 10:28
continues to do so, and reserves all rights associated with the structure of this site and the information
available on this site.
2 of 2 23/06/2009 10:28
Katamuna otoshi
Katamuna otoshi
Although this technique may relatively be easy to learn, it is very effective. The principle of this
technique is very useful and it can be applied in various situations. Many Juho use this technique to
lock a wrist.
He grabs your You deliver Add left hand to Make your both When your elbow Kick his body so
clothes at your Meuchi and grab his left arms straight and comes higher that he will not
chest and push attach your hand from over turn them than his, turn attack you any
forward. right hand to his fist. counterclockwise. your elbow over more.
his left hand Turn his fist 180 it and push down
from under his degree. your elbow
fist. without moving
the pivot.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in 1998. The same
Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years: 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003,
2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all rights associated with the structure of this site and
the information available on this site.
1 of 1 23/06/2009 10:42
Katate Okurigote
Katate Okurigote
Your opponent You throw Put your left Push out your Using your both Firmly lock his Kick and try
try to seize Meuchi at once hand on his right elbow arm, pull down left wrist by Yubidori to
your right hand and turn your left hand. from under and his left hand your both hand. immobilize him.
by his left right hand press his left to your left You have to
hand. counterclockwise thumb. Use your knee. learn from an
like Maki nuki.
nuki left Boshikyu instructor
to lock his about the tips.
Use your left Boshikyu as
shown in the right Fig. And use
your right arm to make his left
thumb lose its power.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in 1998. The same Keijiro
Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years: 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005
continues to do so, and reserves all rights associated with the structure of this site and the information
available on this site.
1 of 1 23/06/2009 10:28
Eri juji
Eri juji
What it means
Although this technique may relatively be easy to learn, it is very effective. The
principle of this technique is very useful and it can be applied in various
situations. Many Juho use this technique to lock a wrist.
He grabs your You deliver attach your left Hit his left
clothes at your Meuchi and hand to his left wrist with your
chest and push hand from over right hand from
forward. his fist. under his wrist,
to bend it.
(note 1) You may grab his palm with your both hands, while in this figure you grab
his palm with one hand and use another hand to hold his elbow to make it sure that
his arm makes S shape.
1 of 2 23/06/2009 10:42
Eri juji
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 continues to do so, and reserves all rights
associated with the structure of this site and the information available on this
2 of 2 23/06/2009 10:42
Okuri maki tenbin
Do not pause after fasetning his elbow, move as quick as
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
1 of 1 23/06/2009 10:28
harai uke geri
Let your Your opponent You guard his Counterattack Prepare for the
opponent tries tries to kick Mawashi geri with a middle next movement.
to kick your your body. with Uchi kick
body by raising harai uke.
your right
Speed is essential for this technique. Practice as many
times as you can to achieve smooth movement.
Do not stretch your elbow when blocking his kick. There is a
chance to damage your arm if your elbow is hit when it is
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
1 of 1 23/06/2009 10:43
Introduction to Ude juji
Although you will learn Ude juji gatame in early stage, it includes essence of
Shorinji Kempo such as how to use Boshikyu.
Boshikyu When this technique works well you can
throw a big man very easily.
You seize his Slide your arm Lock his elbow Put his waist Apply Tachi
hand and twist along with his and push out onto your waist gassho gatame
it. Deliver arm twisted till your right hand. and throw him to immobilize
Meuchi to make it comes to his backward. him after he
him unable to elbow. falls down.
counterattack. Twist his hand
to make his palm
turn up.
You must twist his hand using your
Boshikyu to make his palm turn up
and even make it face to you. This
will make him difficult to punch you
with his free hand.
Do not lift your hand up to throw
him back.
1 of 2 23/06/2009 10:29
Introduction to Ude juji
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
2 of 2 23/06/2009 10:29
Furiten ni
Furiten ni
Your opponent You sway and Your opponent Counterattack Prepare for the
tries to throw guard it with throws upper with a side next movement.
a punch, Furi Soto oshi uke.
uke punch, Furi kick
duki to your duki again. You
face. guard it with
Uchi otoshi
Speed is essential for this technique. The animation
above makes several stopping for better understanding.
Practice as many times as you can to achieve smooth movement.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
1 of 1 23/06/2009 10:43
Explore techniques "Mae yubi gatame"
Apply this technique after you throw
down your opponent with Gyakugote.
You must make your opponent's elbow
straight by pushing it with your knee
as in the left figure.
Twist your opponent's right hand with
your Boshikyu counterclockwise, and
make your opponent's middle finger
bend by pushing it with your right
hand's finger.
(A)Make your palm and fingers
(B)Then, try to bend your palm with
your fingers straight. You can see
that the angle X is large.
(C)Next, bend your fingers in such a
way that you make a fist. You will
see that this time the angle Y is
much smaller than the angle X.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1 of 2 23/06/2009 10:29
Explore techniques "Mae yubi gatame"
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
2 of 2 23/06/2009 10:29
Technique explanation Keriten3
Keriten san
Your opponent You sway back Your opponent Your opponent You
trys to punch and guard your throws his kicks your counterattack
in your face face with punch to your body. You guard with kick at
with his front Uwauke.
Uwauke body. You guard it with once.
hand. it with Jujiuke,
Shitauke blocking with
both hands
Speed is essential. Illustrative animation stops at the
end of each movements for better understanding. Do not pause
at each end of the movements when you execute this technique.
Try to counterattack almost at the same time you block your
opponent's kick.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
1 of 1 23/06/2009 10:43
Explore Techniques "Tachigassho gatame"
<Tips> is important to keep your opponent's arm
straight while removing your opponent's control over
that arm by twisting it.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
1 of 1 23/06/2009 10:29
Tukiten san
Tukiten san
Your opponent You sway and Your opponent Guarding the counterattack
tries to throw guard it with throws middle following punch with a kick.
a punch to your Uwauke.
Uwauke punch. You with Uwauke,
face. guard it with
Guard your face
at a same time.
Speed is essential for this technique. Practice as many
times as you can to achieve smooth movement.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
1 of 1 23/06/2009 10:43
Uchiuke geri
Try not to move widely because this technique is not
Tenshin geri which use foot work to make your opponent's
punch miss your face.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
1 of 1 23/06/2009 10:29
Sanbou uke namikaeshi
When you guard with Hiza uke or knee
guard, try to prepare for the next
movement, high kick, with the leg used
for Hiza uke.
Speed is the most important for this
technique. Try to kick back as soon as
you block the kick with Hiza uke.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
1 of 1 23/06/2009 10:44
Tenshin geri
Tenshin geri
What it means
This technique is a very fundamental one, practice as many time as possible so that
your body moves automatically.
There are many Click here to see
variation to shift stop motion figures
your body. Ask of the animation
instructers to learn below.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
1 of 2 23/06/2009 10:30
Tenshin geri
this site.
2 of 2 23/06/2009 10:30
Katate Oshinuki
Katate Oshinuki
Your opponent Counterattack Attach your left Try to let your Throw
seizes your with left Shuto hand to his left right elbow hit Kumadeduki.
right wrist by to prevent his elbow to make it his arm.
his left hand. further attack. stretched and
turn your
If your
opponent's left
arm is not
Oshinuki can not
work well. Try to
stretch his arm
by attaching your
left hand to his
Turn your forearm
in vertical plane
so that your
elbow hit his
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
1 of 1 23/06/2009 10:44
Han tenshin geri
What it means
It is important to make your opponent's kick miss your
body by Han tenshin body movement. Counterattack shall be
done almost at the same time with Han tenshin.
Click here to
see stop motion
figures of the
left animation.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1 of 2 23/06/2009 10:30
Han tenshin geri
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
2 of 2 23/06/2009 10:30
Morote Juji nuki
What it means
1 of 2 23/06/2009 10:44
Morote Juji nuki
Click here to
see stop motion
figures of the
animation below.
First turn your
elbow up and
after your elbow
becomes higher
than his arm,
then push out
your elbow over
his arm. Do not
try to pull your
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
2 of 2 23/06/2009 10:44
Yoko tenshin geri
What it means
Pull back your Prepare for the
with your left
left foot. next movement.
There are many Click here to see
variation to shift stop motion figures
your body. Ask of the animation
instructers to learn below.
1 of 2 23/06/2009 10:30
Yoko tenshin geri
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
2 of 2 23/06/2009 10:30
Nidan nuki
Nidan nuki
What it means
Put your both let your Your opponent You flip your
hands forward to opponent seize twist your right palm and
your hands. You hand and push it
try to guard in so that you can
Kagite not apply Yori
position. nuki.
Keep your opponent's elbow
tightly fixed at your side Click here to
body.Apply this technique hard see stop motion
and quickly. Slow attack will figures of the
let your opponent have a chande animation below.
to escape.
1 of 2 23/06/2009 10:44
Nidan nuki
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
2 of 2 23/06/2009 10:44
Juji uke geri
Speed is essential for this technique. The animation
above makes several stopping for better understanding.
Practice as many times as you can to achieve smooth movement.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
1 of 1 23/06/2009 10:30
morote hiki nuki
Put your right let your opponent Guarding in Attach your left
hand forward to seize it with his Kagite position hand on to your
both hands. deliver Shuto to right hand and
his neck.
Cut your opponent's thumb in a direction Click
in which you will get minimum resistance, here to see
that is toward the fingertip of the stop motion
thumb. If you try to move your hand in a figures of
wrong direction you can not free your the
hand, because your opponent seizes your animation
hand with his both hand. You can not win below
1 of 2 23/06/2009 10:44
morote hiki nuki
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
2 of 2 23/06/2009 10:44
Tsubame gaeshi
Tsubame gaeshi
For this technique speed is essential. Practice as many time as you can to achieve maximum speed.
Let your opponent Your opponent Slide your arm Middle punch Punch in his Kick and step
try to hit your trys to punch used for Uchi uke shall follow. face. back to prepare
face by making your face. You at once to hit for the next
your upper guard block it with his neck. movement.
absent. Uchi uke.
Do not wait a moment after Uchi uke.
uke Without speed
this technique works wrong giving your opponent a
chance to deliver a following punch.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in 1998. The same Keijiro
Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years: 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003、 2004, 2005
continues to do so, and reserves all rights associated with the structure of this site and the information
available on this site.
1 of 1 23/06/2009 10:30
Kintekigeri hizauke namikaeshi
When you guard with Hiza uke or knee
guard, try to prepare for the next movement
with the leg used for Hiza uke.
Speed is the most important for this technique.
Try to kick back as soon as you block the kick
with Hiza uke.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
1 of 1 23/06/2009 10:44
Explore the technique "Chidori gaeshi"
Chidori gaeshi
Let your opponent Your opponent Use your arm used Middle punch Kick down his Hit his neck
try to hit your trys to punch for Uchi uke at shall follow. rear leg by your bone.
face by making your face. You once to hit his right Sokuto
your upper guard block it with face. geri,
geri side kick.
absent. Uchi uke.
Do not wait a moment after Uchi uke. Without
speed this technique works wrong giving your opponent
a chance to deliver a following punch.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in 1998. The same Keijiro
Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years: 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005
continues to do so, and reserves all rights associated with the structure of this site and the information
available on this site.
1 of 1 23/06/2009 10:30
Gyakugeri hizauke namikaeshi
When you guard with Hiza uke or knee
guard, try to prepare for the next movement
with the leg used for Hiza uke.
Speed is the most important for this
technique. Try to kick back as soon as you
block the kick with Hiza uke.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
1 of 1 23/06/2009 10:44
Introduction to "Kiri nuki"
Kiri nuki
The opponent Deliver Meuchi Take the guard Turn your wrist When your wrist
seizes your right away. style Kagite counter is set free,
wrist by his and move to clockwise as if counterattack
left hand. Kiri nuki at you cut his with that hand.
once. thumb by your
Caution: Tips:
Do not try to pull Try to turn your
your wrist straight wrist slightly to make
down. Pulling it the palm face you and use
straight down will end your wrist and arm as if
up in "force to force you cut his thumb. After
competition". his grip is unlocked turn
your parm down and draw
your wrist to your body.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
1 of 1 23/06/2009 10:31
Maki gote
Maki gote
You will learn Maki gote at early stage of learning Shorinji Kempo.
Practice this technique as many times as possible to master this most Shorinji Kempo
like technique.
Your opponent You take Kagite Putting down Using Two step
seizes your position and your leg turn, throw your
right wrist with grab his hand forward, push opponent down.
his both hands. with your left out your right
hand, and kick. elbow and use
your left
Boshikyu to
lock his right
Kick in body to
Prepare to the
prevent further
next movement.
Use your left hand's Boshikyu to bend your
opponent's right wrist together with your
right arm.
Push out your right elbow and pull it down to
make his right wrist to be locked with the
help of your left Boshikyu.
1 of 2 23/06/2009 10:45
Maki gote
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
2 of 2 23/06/2009 10:45
Juji nuki
Ju(u)ji nuki
Your opponent You take guard Lift up your Put your elbow Push down your Hit his face to
seizes your style Kagite elbow without over his arm. elbow near to prevent his
wrist and try with Meuchi.
Meuchi . moving the your body. further attack.
to push it And move to pivot.
forward. Juni nuki.
First turn your elbow
sideways and after your
elbow becomes higher
than his arm, then push
out your elbow over his
arm to the position in
figure(3), now just
pushing down your elbow
without moving the pivot
will make your wrist
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in 1998. The
same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years: 1998, 1999, 2000,
2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all rights associated with the
structure of this site and the information available on this site.
1 of 1 23/06/2009 10:31
Katate oshi gote
Katate oshigote
This technique is a little bit complicated, but if you can follow your instructor, it can be
easily learned. The way your opponent's wrist is locked is same as Gyaku gote,
gote it is different
in the use of your hands to lock his wrist.
This technique also requires the skill to use your Boshikyu.
He seizes your You deliver Meuchi Attach your left Throw him down Immobilize him
hand. and take kagite hand to his left using your hands with Kanuki
style. hand from under as illustrated katame.
and hook it to the below.
base of his thumb.
First twist your right hand
clockwise as shown in the left
animation and set his grip near to
Then attach your left hand to the
back of his hand from under his
Turn your hands clockwise, with your
left hand's help pushing the back of
his left hand.
After your right hand becomes free,
put it on to your left hand and now
use your both hands to lock his
Because you can use both hands in a
way that both hands can cooperate
easily, sometimes Oshi gote is
easier than Gyaku gote for the
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in 1998. The
same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years: 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001,
2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all rights associated with the structure
of this site and the information available on this site.
1 of 1 23/06/2009 10:45
Gasshou nuki
Gassho(u) nuki
What it means
This technique is basically same to Kiri nuki . It can be said that Kiri nuki
applied to both hand is Gasshou nuki.
Start, You must guard Make your both pull down your Punch.
in Kagite palm slap hands quickly,
position. together and turning your
1 of 2 23/06/2009 10:31
Gasshou nuki
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
2 of 2 23/06/2009 10:31
Ryoute Oshigote
Ryoute oshigote
What it means
When your opponent seizes your both wrists with his both
hands, apply the same technique as Oshigote and lock his
hand using your left hand's Boshikyu and throw him down.
Your opponent Guard in kagite Attach your left Push your right
seizes your both position. hand to his left elbow out and lock
hands. hand from under his left wrist.
and hook it to the
base of his thumb.
1 of 2 23/06/2009 10:45
Ryoute Oshigote
Click here to
see stop motion
figures of the
animation below.
First twist your
right hand
clockwise as
shown in the left
animation and set
his grip near to
Then attach your
left hand to the
back of his hand
from under his
Turn your hands
clockwise, with
your left hand's
help pushing the
back of his left
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
2 of 2 23/06/2009 10:45
Sodemaki tembin
Kirikaeshi nuki
What it means
Put your left When seized, Turn your left Push out your
hand forward to deliver Meuchi hand left elbow to
let your and put your counterclockwise free your hand
opponent seize left elbow and make your seized.
your left hand. affixed to yous left palm go
side body. over your
opponent's left
1 of 2 23/06/2009 10:31
Sodemaki tembin
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
2 of 2 23/06/2009 10:31
Kotemaki gaeshi
Kotemaki gaeshi
What it means
Your opponent You deliver Meuchi Attach your left Throw him down
seizes your hand and take kagite hand to his left using your hands
from under your style. hand from under as illustrated
wrist. and hook it to the below.
base of his thumb.
1 of 2 23/06/2009 10:45
Kotemaki gaeshi
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
2 of 2 23/06/2009 10:45
Sodemaki tembin
Sankaku nuki
What it means
Put your right let your Push out your Deliver your
hand forward to opponent seize elbow and push elbow to your
it. When seized, it down. opponent's body.
take Sankaku
guard position.
Click here to see
Use your arm as if
stop motion figures
you cut your opponent's
of the animation
thumb down.
1 of 2 23/06/2009 10:32
Sodemaki tembin
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
2 of 2 23/06/2009 10:32
Morote Juji nuki
What it means
1 of 2 23/06/2009 10:46
Morote Juji nuki
Click here to
see stop motion
figures of the
animation below.
First turn your
elbow up and
after your elbow
becomes higher
than his arm,
then push out
your elbow over
his arm. Do not
try to pull your
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
2 of 2 23/06/2009 10:46
Ryoute Yorinuki
Tightly hold
Use your right
Apply Okuri your opponent's
hand in the same kick in his
gote to your hand with your
way as Katate body.
left hand. right
Okuri gote.
You may use Maki nuki to free your hand instead of Yori nuki
depending on the situation. Do not pull your hand toward you when
you try Yori nuki.
Keep your hands low and close your body when locking your
opponent's hand with Okuri gote.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
1 of 1 23/06/2009 10:32
Uchiage geri
This technique is a very fundamental one, practice as many time as possible so that
your body moves automatically.
Uchiage uke is one of the quickest
guard of Shorinji Kempo. Try as many
times as possible with variations. When
practicing Uchiage uke,
uke try to raise
your elbow first.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
1 of 1 23/06/2009 10:46
Okuri Yokotembin
What it means
You (right) put your Your opponent (left) You take Kagite Attach your left
right hand forward to seizes your right guard position and hand to your
let your opponent wrist. deliver Meuchi.
Meuchi opponent's left hand
seize it. and,
apply Okuri gote. But Strike your Turn your body Deliver your left
assume your opponent's left arm counterclockwise punch to his face.
opponent's wrist is joint down and push and throw him down.
too strong to be up your left hand.
Use your left Boshikyu in the
same way as Katate okurigote and
keep your left arm in Kagite
angle. And attach your right arm
at his left Tembin critical
point and push it downward to
make him down.
1 of 2 23/06/2009 10:32
Okuri Yokotembin
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
2 of 2 23/06/2009 10:32
Ju(u)ji gote
You put your right You guard in Turn your left Turn your both
hands upright Kagite position so hand over his hands
position so that that he can not wrist and attach counterclockwise
your opponent take any advantage your left palm on and put your right
easily seizes your and apply meuchi.
meuchi to the back of his elbow over his
hand. hand. left elbow and
bend his arm in
"S" shape.
Hit sanmai to
Pull down and Prepare for the
prevent his
control him. next movement.
further attack.
Attach your left hand so
that he may escape away. Turn
your right elbow to the
position over your opponent's
right elbow. Use your left
Boshikyu to suppress his left
Try to make S character shape
figure with his right hand. Use
your right elbow to bend his
left arm to make S character
Juji gote never works if his
arm is not bent in S character
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
1 of 2 23/06/2009 10:33
this site.
2 of 2 23/06/2009 10:33
Uchiage geri
Uchiage geri
This technique is a very fundamental one, practice as many time as possible so that
your body moves automatically.
Uchiage uke is one of the quickest
guard of Shorinji Kempo. Try as many
times as possible with variations. When
practicing Uchiage uke,
uke try to raise
your elbow first.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
1 of 1 23/06/2009 10:46
Ryaku juji gote
What it means
Push out your right elbow to lock Click here to
his right hand. see stop motion
figures of the
animation below.
1 of 2 23/06/2009 10:33
Ryaku juji gote
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
2 of 2 23/06/2009 10:33
Explore techniques "Kannuki gatame"
Kannuki gatame
Kannuki gatame is a
technique to lock an
opponent's wrist as
shown in the right
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
1 of 1 23/06/2009 10:46
You put your both You guard in Kagite Because your both Turn your right hand
hands upright position so that he hands are not free, counterclockwise
position so that your can not take any use a kick for attaching your left
opponent easily advantage. atemi.
atemi hand on to his left
seizes your both hand.
Turn your right elbow to
the position over your
opponent's right elbow. Attach
your left hand so that he may
escape away. Use your left
Boshikyu to suppress his left
Try to make S character shape
figure with his right hand. Use
your right elbow to bend his
left arm to make S character
Juuji gote never works if his
arm is not bent in S character
1 of 2 23/06/2009 10:38
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
2 of 2 23/06/2009 10:38
Kiri gote
What it means
Your opponent You deliver And guard in Attach your Lock his arm in
seizes your Meuchi
Meuch i and Kagiteposition.
Kagite left hand from "S" shape and
right hand with turn your right under his right kick to prevent
his right hand hand clockwise. hand so that it his further
to twist it may not slip attack..
into your back. away. Turn your
right hand
vertically to
make his arm
"S" shape.
When you succeed to turn your
opponent's hand in the position
shown in the middle of the left
upper Fig, attach your left
hand with its palm facing up to
his hand.
You have to make "S" shape with
his hand and arm to effectively
apply this technique.
1 of 2 23/06/2009 10:38
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
2 of 2 23/06/2009 10:38
Kaishin duki
Kaishin duki
What it means
Make sure your Click here
opponent's punch does not to see stop
hit you even if you do not motion figures
guard with your hand, that of the
is, step aside enough to animation
make such safe positioning. below.
Try as many times as you
can to achieve smooth
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1 of 2 23/06/2009 10:47
Kaishin duki
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
2 of 2 23/06/2009 10:47
Explore techniques "Ura gatame"
Ura gatame
Ura gatame is a
technique to lock an
opponent's arm and
shoulder as shown in
the right Fig..
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
1 of 1 23/06/2009 10:38
Hangetsu geri
Hangetsu geri
What it means
Make sure your right Click here to
hand used for guard see stop motion
hooked to your opponent's figures of the
hand and force your animation below.
opponent in unstable
1 of 2 23/06/2009 10:47
Hangetsu geri
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
2 of 2 23/06/2009 10:47
juuji gatame
Ju(u)ji gatame
What it means
The first two characters part of sounds "Juuji
Juuji which means that this
technique is used in combination with such as "Eri
Eri juuji"
juuji or "Juuji
Juuji gote".
gote The last
one character sounds "gatame
gatame meaning "Lock" or "make something unable to move".
Thus, this technique is used right after Eri juuji or Juuji gote and instead of let
your opponent go away but make him unable to move or run by locking his hand.
Juuji gatameis
gatame applicable right
after Eri juuji or Juuji gote.
gote This
technique take your opponnet down as
shown in the right animation.
You have to learn how to make "S" figure shown below
when learning Eri juji or Juuji gote.
gote After you make
his hand and arm "S" figure, turn his palm
counterclockwise as shown below.
Use Boshikyuu when turning his palm.
1 of 2 23/06/2009 10:38
juuji gatame
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
2 of 2 23/06/2009 10:38
Gedan gaeshi
Gedan gaeshi
What it means
The counter kick in the above animation is corrected from left middle kick (wrong) to
right middle kick (correct). (03.02.08)
Speed is essential Click here to
for this technique. see stop motion
Practice as many times figures of the
as you can to achieve animation below.
smooth movement.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1 of 2 23/06/2009 10:47
Gedan gaeshi
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
2 of 2 23/06/2009 10:47
Tukiten san
Your opponent You dodge and Throw a middle Upper punch. And a kick,
tries to throw guard it with punch while three
a punch to your Soto uke.
uke guarding your consecutive
face. face with Soto counterattack,
uke san renkou.
Speed is essential for this technique. The animation
above makes several stopping for better understanding.
Practice as many times as you can to achieve smooth movement.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in 1998. The
same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years: 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001,
2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all rights associated with the structure
of this site and the information available on this site.
1 of 1 23/06/2009 10:39
Chudan gaeshi
You try to make He trys to kick Preparing for At the same Step back and
your opponent your middle. the time with Shita prepare for the
kick your body counterattack, uke,
uke next movement.
by setting your you guard your counterattack
guard loose. body with Shita with your high
uke. kick, or middle
Prepare for the counterattack when you guard your body
with Shita uke.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
1 of 1 23/06/2009 10:47
Sotouke geri
Speed is essential for this technique. The animation
above makes several stopping for better understanding.
Practice as many times as you can to achieve smooth movement.
Try left and right also. You may use Kumo ashi sagari after
the kick as shown below.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
1 of 1 23/06/2009 10:39
Soto oshi uke duki
What it means
Since furi duki is a Click here
powerful swing punch, you to see stop
have to use your body motion figures
movement to prevent it of the
hitting your face. Practice animation
as many times as you can to below.
achieve smooth movement.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1 of 2 23/06/2009 10:39
Soto oshi uke duki
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
2 of 2 23/06/2009 10:39
Explore techniques "Gyaku tensin geri"
You stand with Your opponent Guarding your Prepare for the
Hasso gamae step forward body with Shita next movement.
guard position. and punch in uke,
your body. You counterattack
dodge it with with Mawashi
Gyaku tenshin. geri.
Click here to see
Be sure to dodge the punch with
stop motion
Gyaku tenshin and prepare for
counterattack with kick at once.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
1 of 1 23/06/2009 10:47
Technique explanation Keriten1
Keriten ichi
Ready. You step forward to guard your face with Guard your body with
Your opponent trys to dodge his punch and right hand soto uke.
uke uchi harai uke
punch in your face against your
with gyaku duki.
duki opponent's mawashi
geri and hold his
Counterattack with a Stepping forward your Throw him with sukui Prepare for the nest
kick. leg used to kick, nage.
nage movement.
Speed is essential. Illustrative animation stops at the
end of each movements for better understanding. Do not pause
at each end of the movements when you execute this technique.
Try to counterattack almost at the same time you block your
opponent's kick.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in 1998.
The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years: 1998, 1999,
2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all rights associated
with the structure of this site and the information available on this site.
1 of 1 23/06/2009 10:48
Tsukiten ni
Tsukiten ni
What it means
Speed is essential Click here to
for this technique. see stop motion
Practice as many times figures of the
as you can to achieve animation below.
smooth movement.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
1 of 2 23/06/2009 10:48
Tsukiten ni
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
2 of 2 23/06/2009 10:48
Explore the technique "Hangetu gaeshi"
Hangetu gaeshi
What it means
The first two characters part of
is pronounced "Hangetu
Hangetu meaning "half
moon" and the last one character part
is pronounced "gaeshi
gaeshi meaning
"counter" or "return". This technique
is given the name because it uses
Hangetu uke"
uke as a defenc technique.
Hangetu uke"
uke is named so because the
shape of your palm in Hangetu uke
looks like a half moon as shown in the
left figure.
Without speed this technique works wrong giving
your opponent a chance to deliver a following punch.
Use your left hand, press it onto your opponent's
left forearm, so that he will not be able to initiate
1 of 2 23/06/2009 10:48
Explore the technique "Hangetu gaeshi"
Click here to
see stop motion
figures of the
left animation.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
2 of 2 23/06/2009 10:48
Haraiuke danduki
What it means
You start from Your opponent You guard your Step your right
Ichiji gamae.
gamae steps forward body with harai foot forward
and try mawashi uke.
uke and
geri counterattack
with right
Speed is essential Click here to
for this technique. see stop motion
Practice as many times figures of the
as you can to achieve animation below.
smooth movement.
1 of 2 23/06/2009 10:49
Haraiuke danduki
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004,2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
2 of 2 23/06/2009 10:49
Suigetsu gaeshi
Suigetsu gaeshi
What it means
Let your opponent Your opponent You block it with Strike his body
try to hit your tries to punch Uchi uke.
uke at Suigetsu
face by making your face. critical point
your upper guard with your right
absent. hiraken swing
Click here to see a stop
Do not wait a moment after Uchi uke.
uke Without
motion illustration of
speed this technique works wrong giving your opponent
Suigetsu gaeshi.
a chance to deliver a following punch.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
1 of 2 23/06/2009 10:49
Suigetsu gaeshi
this site.
2 of 2 23/06/2009 10:49
Explore the technique "Mikaduki gaeshi"
Mikaduki gaeshi
(Mikazuki gaeshi)
What it means
Let your Your opponent Push down his Hit his face at
opponent(right) tries to punch right hand with Mikaduki with
try to hit your your face with your left hand ( your right hira
face by making his right hand. Kake te uke ) kenswing
ken punch.
your upper guard You block it with
absent. Uchi uke.
Do not wait a moment after Uchi Click here
uke. Without speed this technique to see stop
works wrong giving your opponent a motion
chance to deliver a following punch. figures.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
1 of 2 23/06/2009 10:49
Explore the technique "Mikaduki gaeshi"
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
2 of 2 23/06/2009 10:49
Jungeri chi ichi
Prepare for
Upper punch. Middle punch.
next movement.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
1 of 1 23/06/2009 10:49
Gyakugeri chi ichi
Prepare for
Upper punch. Middle punch. next
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
1 of 1 23/06/2009 10:50
Explore techniques "Fukko chi 2"
Fukko chi ni
You are sitting He walks towards Guard your face Counterattack Stand up using
down and your you and tries to with uchi uke with your right your left hand to
opponent stands kick your face against the hand punch. hook up his left
upright. with mawashi following punch leg to throw him
geri Guard it in your face. down.
with your right
Try to draw up your knee as soon as possible to keep your
freedom of your body movement.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years: 1998,
1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all rights
associated with the structure of this site and the information available on this site.
1 of 1 23/06/2009 10:54
Haraiuke chi ni
You (right) stand Your opponent You step aside Your opponent
in Kesshu gamae.
gamae comes close to with your left step forward with
you and try to foot and guard his left foot,
deliver left your body with and delivers
mawashi geri to uchi harai uke.
uke right upper
your body. punch. You turn
your body a
little and gurad
your face with
uchi uke.
Use your hip's turning power to guard
Click here to see
against your opponent's mawashi geri.
geri When
the stop motion
guarding with uchi harai uke,
uke your arm mast
be bent a little to avoid possible injury at
your elbow joint.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1 of 2 23/06/2009 10:54
Haraiuke chi ni
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003,2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
2 of 2 23/06/2009 10:54
Jungeri chi san
Start, your opponent You guard his Guard upper blow Use Shitauke to
steps forward to kick with following the guard succeeding
kick you. Uniharai uke, kick with middle punch and
"wipe off guard". Uwauke.
Uwauke counterattack
with kick.
Speed is essential. Exercise as many times as you can so
that you can perform the techniques automatically.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years: 1998,
1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all rights
associated with the structure of this site and the information available on this site.
1 of 1 23/06/2009 10:54
Sokutou geri hikiashi nami kaeshi
When withdrawing your foot, prepare
for the next counterattack.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003,2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
1 of 1 23/06/2009 10:54
Dangeri sanbouke namikaeshi
Your opponent kick your lower He tries to kick Without putting Middle kick.
steps in to body and you in your face and down your leg,
guard with Hiza you guard your counterattack
uke knee upper body with with your kick.
guard. Sanbou uke.
When you guard with Sanbou uke,
try to prepare for the next movement,
Speed is the most important for this
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
1 of 1 23/06/2009 10:54
Tuki nuki
Tsuki nuki
What it means
The animation above shows a case that your opponent grips your both hands. In this
case, use Tsuki nuki for your front hand and apply Yori nuki for another hand.
There are many variation such as your opponent grips your right hand with his right
hand, or with his both hands. Try as many variations as possible.
Put your both let your Twist your hand Deliver your
hands forward to opponent seize and push out elbow to your
your hands. your elbow and opponent's body.
push down your
Click here
Move your hand as if you
to see stop
cut your opponent's thumb
motion figures
holding your wrist. Twist
of the
your hand and push out your
1 of 2 23/06/2009 10:54
Tuki nuki
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
2 of 2 23/06/2009 10:54
Introduction to Morote maki nuki
Your opponent You turn your Take kagite Push our your
seizes your right hand guard position right elbow and
right wrist counterclockwise and deliver turn your right
with his both and make your meuchi.
meuchi hand
hands. right hand go counterclockwise.
1 of 2 23/06/2009 10:55
Introduction to Morote maki nuki
Make sure that in
kagite position, your
right hand is outside of
your opponent. Then push
out your elbow
counterclockwise. Do not
move the pivot while
pushing out your elbow.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
2 of 2 23/06/2009 10:55
Morote oshi nuki
Your opponent( You take kagite Attach your left Turn your right
right) seizes guard position hand to your elbow forward so
your right hand and deliver right hand push that it hits
with his both meuchi.
meuchi it out through your opponent's
hands. your opponent's arm.
hit your
With your right opponent's neck Prepare for the
arm at the critical next movement.
1 of 2 23/06/2009 10:56
Morote oshi nuki
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
2 of 2 23/06/2009 10:56
morote wa nuki
Morote wa nuki
What it means
1 of 2 23/06/2009 10:56
morote wa nuki
Apply yori nuki to your
opponent's left hand and kote
nuki to the right hand
respectivly, but at the same
time. When your right hand has
difficulty to unlock your
opponent' left grip, turn your
right palm to your chest a
Ask your instructer for the
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
2 of 2 23/06/2009 10:56
Sodemaki tembin
Uchi nuki
What it means
Put your right let your You deliver Make the Choji
hand forward to opponent seize Meuchi with the in your left
your right left hand. hand aim at your
wrist. opponent's
critical point
in his left
Ask your
instructor about Click here to see
Choji and the stop motion figures of
critical point the animation below.
in the wrist.
1 of 2 23/06/2009 10:57
Sodemaki tembin
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
2 of 2 23/06/2009 10:57
Morote Gyakugote
What it means
Because your opponent seizes your hand with his both hands,
you have to apply this technique correctly. Unless you can
apply morote wa nuki properly, you will not be able to
free your hand nor apply morote gyaku gote.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
1 of 1 23/06/2009 10:57
Gasshou gyakugote
What it means
immobilize him
Use Nisoku
by applying
tenkai to throw and
Tachi gasshou
him down.
Tips; your left hand as shown
below. Push his boshikyuu with your
boshikyuu and turn his hand
1 of 2 23/06/2009 10:57
Gasshou gyakugote
Click here to
see stop motion
figures of the
animation below.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
2 of 2 23/06/2009 10:57
Gyaku Gasshou nage
What it means
Tips; your left hand as shown below. Push the back of his hand
with your boshikyuu and turn his hand counterclockwise
1 of 2 23/06/2009 10:57
Gyaku Gasshou nage
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
2 of 2 23/06/2009 10:57
Nigiri kaeshi
Nigiri kaeshi
What it means
use your
Boshikyu to Use Nisoku immobilize him
lock his hand tenkai to throw by applying
as shown in the him down. Yubi gatame.
tips bellow.
Use your left hand's Boshikyu to bend his wrist
together with the help of your right hand.
1 of 2 23/06/2009 10:57
Nigiri kaeshi
Click here
to see stop
motion figures
of the
animation on
the left.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
2 of 2 23/06/2009 10:57
Gyakute nage
Gyakute nage
What it means
1 of 2 23/06/2009 10:58
Gyakute nage
Do not hesitate to
apply this technique
whenever you find
difficulty in taking
down your opponent.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
2 of 2 23/06/2009 10:58
Kote nage
Kote nage
What it means
Take Hasso You guard his Attach your left And kick him
gamae position right middle hand used for with your right
to let your punch with left Shita uke to leg.
opponent(left) Shita uke.
uke his right hand.
initiate middle
Pull up your
opponent's hand Turn his right Throw him down Apply kick,
to make his hand locking his by moving his punch or locking
position wrist. hand largely. technique.
Turn your both hands very largely while twisting your
opponent's wrist as shown below. This technique uses swinging
power of your both hands with a help of the turning energy of
your body.
1 of 2 23/06/2009 10:58
Kote nage
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
2 of 2 23/06/2009 10:58
Ryuu nage
Ryu(u) nage
What it means
1 of 2 23/06/2009 10:58
Ryuu nage
Click here
to see stop
figures of
the animation
Do not
hesitate to
apply this
whenever you
difficulty in
taking down
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
2 of 2 23/06/2009 10:58
Katate Okurigote
Your opponent is You take kagite deliver left Turn your right
going to seize guard position, middle punch to hand
your right wrist and prevent his counterclockwise
with his both further movement. like Maki nuki
hands. and attach your
left palm onto the
back of his left
1 of 2 23/06/2009 10:58
Katate Okurigote
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
2 of 2 23/06/2009 10:58
Techniques, Okuri dori
Okuri dori
What it means
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
1 of 1 23/06/2009 10:58
Sodemaki tembin
Okuri gasshou
What it means
Let your opponent(left) clasp your You bend your Deliver Meuchi.
right hand in palm to palm style. right wrist to
your side.
here to
see stop
Use your Boshikyuu.
of the
1 of 2 23/06/2009 10:58
Sodemaki tembin
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
2 of 2 23/06/2009 10:58
Uwauke duki
Uwauke nage
The opponent ( You step forward You hit his body Seize his right
left ) tries to and guard your with right hand. hand with your
hit your face with face with Uwa left hand and hold
ura ken.
ken uke.
uke his elbow with
your right hand as
shown in the tips
Throw him by
Withdraw your left Kick him so that
turning quickly Prepare for the
leg and lock his he can not easily
while locking his next movement.
arm. attack you again.
Hold your opponent's
right elbow with your left
hand from under his arm. Use
your left hand to turn his
right arm counterclockwise to
make the back of his hand
face you.
Withdraw your left leg and
turn your body to throw him.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
1 of 1 23/06/2009 10:59
Uwauke gyakute nage
Your opponent ( You step forward You hit his body Seize his right
left ) tries to and guard your with right hand. hand with your
hit your face with face with Uwa left hand and make
ura ken.
ken uke.
uke your right hand go
under his right
hand to attach it
to your left hand.
1 of 2 23/06/2009 10:59
Uwauke gyakute nage
Hold your opponent's right
hand with your both hands. Use
your right elbow to turn his
right hand.
Withdraw your left leg and
turn your body to throw him.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
2 of 2 23/06/2009 10:59
Uwauke se nage
Uwauke se nage
What it means
Start. Your opponent ( You step forward Hit his body with
left ) tries to and guard your right fist.
hit your face with face with leftUwa
hira ken.
ken uke.
Apply any
Make your body go Throw him down
Seize his right technique to
under his body and with Judo
hand with your control him after
make it set on technique Seoi
both hands. he was thrown down
your back. nage.
on the floor.
Put your left hand Let your When your body Twist your body
on to your opponent(right) decline enough, for safe landing.
opponent's back. throw you. use your back
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Uwauke se nage
muscle power to
bend your back.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
2 of 2 23/06/2009 10:59
Katate nage
When you go under your
opponent's hand, you may be in
danger of losing your balance
unless you make your body as This is the worst way.
low as possible and move as You almost lose your balance.
quickly as possible.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1 of 2 23/06/2009 10:59
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
2 of 2 23/06/2009 10:59
Gyaku katate nage
What it means
Let your opponent Your opponent Deliver Meuchi Attach your left
seize your right seizes your right with your left hand on to your
hand. hand with his hand. opponent's right
right hand. hand.
When you go under your
opponent's hand, you may
be in danger of losing
your balance unless you
make your body as low as This is the worst way.
possible and move as You almost lose your balance.
quickly as possible.
1 of 2 23/06/2009 10:59
Gyaku katate nage
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
2 of 2 23/06/2009 10:59
Bukkotsu nage
Bukkotsu nage
What it means
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Bukkotsu nage
Hold your opponent's left collar
with your right hand and use your
right thumb as shown in the left
Withdraw your left leg and turn your
body to throw him.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
2 of 2 23/06/2009 10:59
Explore techniques "Tachi ichiji gatame"
It is important to use
your Boshikyu.
Do not let your
opponent's arm bend,
make it straight and
twist and push it down
toward his shoulder.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
1 of 1 23/06/2009 11:00
Explore techniques "Sekoshi ichiji gatame"
Start from Ura Step your right Also step your Push your left
gatame position. leg over your left leg over hand down to
opponent's back. his back. immobilize your
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
1 of 1 23/06/2009 11:00
Techniques, Okuri yubi dori
Twist your
opponent's thumb
as shown in the
right figure.
1 of 2 23/06/2009 11:00
Techniques, Okuri yubi dori
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
2 of 2 23/06/2009 11:00
Sodemaki gaeshi
Sodemaki gaeshi
Step forward
Before he trys
your right leg
Take down your to get up, take Control him with
and turn your
opponent. kannuki kannukigatame.
right hand
Fix your opponent's
hand in the angle your
right elbow makes. Rock
it in the same way as
katake oshigote.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1 of 2 23/06/2009 11:00
Sodemaki gaeshi
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
2 of 2 23/06/2009 11:00
Johaku nuki
Jo(u)haku nuki
Your opponent Take Kagite Turn your right stretch it down. Hit your
seizes your guard position arm opponent's face
upper arms with so that you do counterclockwise with uraken.
his hands. not lose the and,
Turn your arm so
that it goes by your
ear and your
opponent's grip
becomes ineffective.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
1 of 1 23/06/2009 10:39
Kusshib geri
Kusshin geri
Your opponent Duck guarding Go under your Kick your Prepare for
trys to punch your face. opponent's opponent. next movement.
in your face. hand.
Guard your face and body while ducking.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
1 of 1 23/06/2009 10:39
Ryuusui geri
Ryu(u)sui geri
What it means
You must tilt your body forward and your right shoulder and hip to right leg must be
in smooths line along which water can run down very smoothly. Thus the name
ryuusui comes from this form.
The opponent You step Guard your face Counterattack Step back and
try to hit your forward at a 45 with Soto uke with middle prepare for the
face with his degree angle and your body kick. next movement.
left hand. and bend to with Shita uke
make his punch preparing
miss you. against his
kick that may
1 of 2 23/06/2009 10:24
Ryuusui geri
Forward dodge style ;Do not afraid of being hit. Bend
down forward and aside to let his punch miss your face.
It is better keep your back straight.
Backward dodge style; Make sure that your left leg and
your left waist and shoulder make smooth line.
In case of
style, guard
your body wit
your right
shita uke and
To see a stop motion left Niou uke
explanation click against
below. possible
Forward dodge style consecutive
Backward dodge style attack.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 continues to do so, and reserves all
rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on
this site.
2 of 2 23/06/2009 10:24
Byakurenken 1st
When your opponent tries to punch in your
face, block the punch with uchiuke and using
the hand used for the block to counterattack.
This technique is called Tubamegaeshi.
Byakurenken 1st is a hokei to practice the
consequential movement by oneself.
Speed is essential. Do not pause after uchiuke.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in 1998. The same
Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years: 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003
continues to do so, and reserves all rights associated with the structure of this site and the information
available on this site.
1 of 1 23/06/2009 11:27
Enjoy Shorinji Kempo enbu, a sequence of techniques, in GIF animation.
Enbu starts with Uwauke against Shitauke against Juniuke against Counterattack with
gassho rei. junduki. middle punch. gyakugeri. kick.
Gyakugedan kamae Being held at your Guard against leg Apply Kick.
to let the opponent sleeve. sweep. Sodemakikaeshi.
grab your sleeve.
Uwauke against Shitauke against Sanbou uke against Counterattack with Enbu ends with
junduki middle punch. upper Mawashi geri. kick. Gassho rei.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in 1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi
maintained and improved this site during the years: 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 continues to do so, and
reserves all rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on this site.
1 of 1 23/06/2009 11:28
Enbu "tenchiken 1st"
Tenchiken 1st
This consists of basic offending and defending
In the illustration below, an opponent is added for better understanding of the each movement.
Stand in Kesshu form. Drawing back your Step forward in 45 Draw your right leg a Guarding with right
right leg, stand in left degree of angle, throw little forward. Throw Sotouke, punch into
Chudan gamae. left punch in the face. your right punch to the the body with left
body. Kagiduki, or hook
Practice as many times as you can.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in 1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi
maintained and improved this site during the years: 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 continues to do so, and
reserves all rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on this site.
1 of 1 23/06/2009 11:26
Enbu "tenchiken 2nd"
Tenchiken 2nd
This consists of basic offending and defending
techniques. It includes rengeki, two punches,
kicks or mixed, punch and kick, in sequence
without no pause in between.
Stand in left ichiji Upper left furiduki Right middle punch Duck and guard your Stepping forward your
gamae. stepping diagonally right after the upper face with uchiage right leg, throw right
forward. furiduki. uke. Throw left upper punch.
middle kagi duki at
the same time.
Practice as many times as you can. Do not lose a rhythm of rengeki.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in 1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi
maintained and improved this site during the years: 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 continues to do so, and
reserves all rights associated with the structure of this site and the information available on this site.
1 of 1 23/06/2009 11:26
Enbu "tenchiken 3rd"
Tenchiken 3rd
This consists of basic offending and defending
techniques. Changing the direction of offense
is one of the feature of it.
Stand in left ichiji Upper left Right middle Mawashi geri in Stepping forward
gamae. furiduki stepping punch in the the direction of 60 your right leg in
diagonally direction of 30 degree of angle to the triangular
forward. degree of angle to the right. direction to the
the right. right, throw right
shutou giri.
Change the direction of offense as shown in
the left figure; furiduki(1), gyaku duki(2),
mawasi geri(3), shutou giri(4).
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in 1998. The same
Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years: 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003
continues to do so, and reserves all rights associated with the structure of this site and the information
available on this site.
1 of 1 23/06/2009 11:26
Enbu "tenchiken 4th"
Stand in left ichiji Jump with your Right kick and, left kick Stepping forward
gamae. left leg. immediately. your left leg,
throw left shutou
For tobi ren geri,
use your leg as shown in
the left figure. Second
kick may be mawashi
geri instead of choku
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in 1998. The same
Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years: 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003
continues to do so, and reserves all rights associated with the structure of this site and the information
available on this site.
1 of 1 23/06/2009 11:27
Enbu "tenchiken 5th"
Tenchiken 5th
This consists of
sequence of
Uchiharai uke and AVI movie
consecutive kick 335KB
techniques. 8 sec
Start with right Ichiji gamae so that you can practice Tenchiken 5th right after
Tenchiken 4th.
Right Ichiji Step aside your Kick with right Step forward High kick with
gamae left foot and leg and put it your right leg left leg and put
Uchiharai uke on the same in Kagiashi it in front of
with right hand. spot. position and you.
Uchiharai uke
with left hand.
Uchiharai uke
Turn left using
with right hand
the momentum of Stepping forward Soto uke with
and step Side kick to
pulling back your right foot, right hand and
forward left your front with
right leg and upper punch with middle punch
leg in right leg.
stand with your your right hand. with left hand.
left foot.
Stand still in Kakuritu position, or single foot standing
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 continues to do so, and reserves all rights
associated with the structure of this site and the information available on this
1 of 2 23/06/2009 11:27
Enbu "tenchiken 5th"
2 of 2 23/06/2009 11:27
Enbu "tenchiken 6th"
Tenchiken 6th
This consists of basic
offending and defending AVI Movie
techniques. It includes 315KB
uchi harai uke and Performing 8
sokuto geri and others. sec.
Step forward
diagonally to
Sokuto geri to Tsuru ashi Left middle
your right and
your right. dachi. punch.
right upper
Modori duki is a punch used while you move
In the above animation, each movement is stopped
a while for the better understanding. When you
practice, do not stop at each movement. You must
move very smoothly and quickly.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 continues to do so, and reserves all rights
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Enbu "tenchiken 6th"
associated with the structure of this site and the information available on this
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Giwa ken 1st
Prepare to start in Draw your right leg Stepping forward in 45 Draw your right leg a
Kesshu gamae. Keep back and take Chudan degree of angle to little forward and
your breath steady. gamaeposition. dodge your opponent's deliver your right
punch, throw your left middle punch.
upper punch.
Try as many time as you can so that you can do it fluently.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in 1998. The same
Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years: 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003
continues to do so, and reserves all rights associated with the structure of this site and the information
available on this site.
1 of 1 23/06/2009 11:26
Giwaken 2nd
Giwaken 2nd
Giwaken 2nd is usually practiced in
consequence with Giwaken 1st. This causes
Giwaken 2nd to start in hidari mae chuudan
gamae. Han tenkan, or half turn, is used in
Giwaken 2nd. However, you may apply Zen
tenkan, or full turn, arbitrary after you master
han tenkan.
Hidari mae Step your left foot Right middle Right kick.
chuudan gamae diagonally forward, punch.
and uchi uke.
The animation on the top of this page is simplified, one han tenkan is
omitted. Giwaken 2nd shall be completed in the position after you apply
four right han tenkan.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in 1998. The same
Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years: 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003
continues to do so, and reserves all rights associated with the structure of this site and the information
available on this site.
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Ryuouken 1st
Until 13 Sept. 2002, in this web page, it was explained that an upper punch should be
followed by a middle punch, however it was found to be incorrect according to the
latest honbu guide line. Therefore this page was revised to meet with latest honbu
guide line.
(Revised 14. Sept. 2002)
Ryuou ken 1st is a pair basic standard formation. You can learn
basic movements of Kote nuki and the following techniques. The
same formation for single person is defined as Tan En Houkei,
or single standard formation. The movement is not exactly same
to the right hand side person in the right animation. In case
you are to have an examination, follow the movement as described
Numbers Movement
(1)Step forward your left foot and take kagite guard position with your
1,2 right hand. Set your left hand at chuududanposition.
(2)Deliver meuchi with your left hand and return it in chuudan position.
(3)Pull your right foot a little bit forward and apply kotenuki to your
right hand.
3,4 (4)With your right hand which you are supposed to have freed from your
opponent's grip deliver urakento
uraken your opponent's face, put your left hand
in front of your chest.
(5)Stepping aside to the right deliver middle punch with your left hand.
Set your right hand in front your chest. ( revised 2005.10.3)
(6)Dodging to the left, upper punch with your right hand. Set your left
hand in front of your chest.
(7)Take right ichiji gamae position, and mawashigeri with your right leg.
Put your right foot where it was, after the kick.
(8)Setp back your right foot guarding your body with your left shita uke.
8 Thus take left ichiji gamae. Use happou moku and prepare for the next
(9)Pull your right foot forward to your left foot and stand in kesshu
position. Chousoku,
Chousoku happou moku and gasshou rei.
Prepare to start in Draw your right leg Do not let him seize When he seized on the
Kesshu gamae.
gamae Keep back. Take Chudan your hand for the second time, take
your breath steady. gamae.
gamae first time. Use Kagite guard
Shita uke to guard position at once and
your hand. deliver Meuchi with
left hand.
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Ryuouken 1st
Stepping aside to
Apply Kote nuki.
nuki Dodging to the left,
Throw Uraken in his the right, punch his
Push your right throw your right
face. body with your left
elbow completely. punch in his face.
Put your right leg Guarding with left Take Ichiji gamae
Kick his face or in the former Shita uke,
uke draw position and prepare
body with Mawashi position and ready your right leg for the next
geri. for the next behind your left movement.
movement. leg. Gassho rei.
Prepare to start Draw your right Do not let him When he seized on
in Kesshu gamae.
gamae leg back. Take seize your hand the second time,
Keep your breath Chudan gamae.
gamae for the first take Kagite guard
steady. time. Use Shita position at once
uke to guard your and deliver Meuchi
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Ryuouken 1st
Put your right leg Guarding with left Take Ichiji gamae
Kick his face or in the former Shita uke,
uke draw position and
body with Mawashi position and ready your right leg prepare for the
geri. for the next behind your left next movement.
movement. leg. Gassho rei.
Do not try to pull your hand when seized. Use his force
to pull to take Kagite guard position.
(C)Copy right, K.Hayashi. This site was written and developed by Keijiro Hayashi in
1998. The same Keijiro Hayashi maintained and improved this site during the years:
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 continues to do so, and reserves all rights
associated with the structure of this site and the information available on this
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