Concession Request Form

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To be completed by Vendor

Project Name : Date Initiated : Vendor Name : P.O / RFQ No. : Description of Deviation / Query Requested (define all attachments) :

Concession Req.No. : Project No : Location : Vendor Identification No. :

Routine Proposed Action (define all attachments) :


( please refer next page for definitions and instructions )

Effect on Cost : Effect on Quality : Requested By (name / position) :

Effect on Delivery : Effect on Weight :

Signature : To be completed by Requisitioning Engineer Comments / Recommendations by Requisitioning Engineer :

Date :

Engineering Decision Accept Requisitioning Engineer Accept (with comments) QA Manager Reject Project Manager Revision to Purchase Order Client Approval (as required)

Date : COPY :
Form No. : CF - 044 Rev.0

Date :

Date :

Date :

( Please refer next page)

( Continuation page )

Definitions : The Concession Request form shall be marked 'URGENT' is the problem is likely to affect the works to be performed within five (5) working days or as 'ROUTINE' if this is not the case.

Instructions to Vendor :

This form shall be used for obtaining approval from Consultant where Vendor seeks any concession, waiver, relaxation, variation, change or deviation to or form the Purchase Order requirements.

This form shall not be used where a nonconformity has already been identified and not closed out.

Vendor shall sequentially number each concession request in the 'Vendor Identification No.' box prior to submitting to Consultant and shall maintain a log of the numbers.

Where a concession request form is raised after Vendor's drawing/document has been accepted by Consultant, the Concession Request number shall be referenced by Vendor in the drawing/document revision control box.

Initial telephone or facsimile advice of the deviation request shall be followed up immediately with the completed Vendor Concession Request form sent direct, preferably by facsimile to the Consultant Project Office.

The Vendor shall direct the initial advice and the subsequent completed Vendor Concession Request form to the appropriate Consultant Engineer located in the Consultant Project Office.

Address :

Telephone No. : Facsimile No. :

On receipt of the completed Vendor Concession Request form, the Vendor shall include the concession request in all the relevant Vendor's Manufacturer Data Report (MDR).

Form No. : CF - 044 Rev.0

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