Manufacturing Quality Plan (MQP)

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Manufacturer / Sub-Supplier’s Name, Works Project:

Address Manufacturing Quality Plan
Manufacturer / Item: Sub-System Package / System:
Sub-Supplier’s Contract No.:
Logo MQP No.:
Rev. No.: Date:
Component / Characteristic / Check / Responsibility Remarks
S.N. of Check Reference Document Acceptance Criteria Format of Record
Operations Test
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 D* 8 9

Legend: * Records, Indentified With “Tick” (  ) Shall be Essentially Included by Doc. No.:
Supplier in QA Documentation. Rev. No.:
Manufacturer / ** M: Manufacturer/Sub-Supplier; C: Main Supplier, F:FWPL; O: Owner
Main-Supplier P: Perform W: Witness and V: Review & Verification of the test records.
‘F’ / ‘O’ is indicated in Column ‘W’ indicate witness point and CHP
Signatures Note: The Representative of Project Owner may also be associated for inspections
Reviewed by Approved by Approval Category
Manufacturer / Sub-Supplier’s Name, Works Project:
Address Manufacturing Quality Plan
Manufacturer / Item: Sub-System Package / System:
Sub-Supplier’s Contract No.:
Logo MQP No.:
Rev. No.: Date:
Instructions for preparing Manufacturing Quality Plan (MQP)
In the cell ‘Item’: Indicate Full name / description of the item for which QP is applicable along with the name of the sub-system to which the item belongs.
Column 2: Indicate the name of the component and / or operation whose characteristics are to be measured / verified / monitored.
Column 3: Identify the characteristic / check / test / examination for the component or operation (E.g.: visual for appearance / surface finish, dimension, hydraulic test, chemical
composition, tensile strength / elongation, performance, ultrasonic, magnetic particle, dye penetrant, radiographic, polarization index, high voltage, insulation resistance, etc.)
Columns 4: 100% check or sample basis specifying percentage sample to be checked. The column “4” ‘Quantum of Check’ can be sub-divided into 2 or 3 columns to clearly indicate the
quantum of checks by manufacturer/ Sub Supplier, Main Supplier and FWPL.
Column 5: Indicate applicable LITL Specification / approved document, Manufacturer’s plant standard, IS, DIN, BS, ASME, IEC or other national/international standards, statutory codes,
drawings etc.
Column 6: Indicate the requirement (values) and tolerance limits or mention the appropriate document(s) as in Column 5, which contain the requirements.
Column 7: Indicate appropriate format / certificate on which test / inspection results are to be recorded.
Column 7 ‘D’: Records identified by FWPL with Tick mark (√) shall be essentially included by Manufacturer in QA documentation.
Column 8: Responsibility for performance (‘P’), witnessing (‘W’) and review and verification (‘V’) of inspection and test results to be indicated as ‘M’ = Manufacturer, ‘C’ = Main Contractor,
‘F’ = FWPL or its nominated Inspection agency and ‘O’ = the Owner of the project. Wherever ‘F’ or ‘O’ is indicated under ‘P’ (Perform) or ‘W’ (Witness), it means Customer Hold Point (CHP)
and the Manufacturer is required to give appropriate notice for deputing the personnel for inspection / witnessing and shall not proceed with subsequent operations / despatch of the item
without specific permission from FWPL.
Column 9: Remarks: Any specific remark shall be written here.
Categories of Approval of QP
1. CAT-I = QP approved without any comments or after resolving all comments and is ready for implementation. .
2. CAT-II = QP approved with comments. QP may be implemented after modifying the same based on the comments; simultaneously the QP, after modification shall be submitted for
approval under CAT-I.
3. CAT-III = QP is returned for major clarification / revision and QP is required to be resubmitted after appropriate changes / clarifications for review. QP to be implemented only after
approval by FWPL. The details of changes / clarifications required and the comments are communicated on the reviewed QP.

Legend: * Records, Indentified With “Tick” (  ) Shall be Essentially Included by Doc. No.:
Supplier in QA Documentation. Rev. No.:
Manufacturer / ** M: Manufacturer/Sub-Supplier; C: Main Supplier, F:FWPL; O: Owner
Main-Supplier P: Perform W: Witness and V: Review & Verification of the test records.
‘F’ / ‘O’ is indicated in Column ‘W’ indicate witness point and CHP
Signatures Note: The Representative of Project Owner may also be associated for inspections
Reviewed by Approved by Approval Category

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