Falls Desktop
Falls Desktop
Falls Desktop
Join us in celebrating th
ibrar! "irt#da! $art! %or $re-&c#oolers ibrar! "irt#da! $art! %or &c#ool-Age (#ildren *Meet and +reet, Former &ta%% and Friends Members Evening $rogram %eaturing .arious /%%icials, 0ncluding Free ibrar! $resident &iob#an 1eardon "uilding t#e Falls o% &c#u!l3ill ibrar! $o4erpoint $resentation: 1onald 56 "ednar, A ($, (it! $lanner Music o% t#e $eriod: Don 5a4as# and 1and! &#upp 1eception upstairs in t#e librar! 1eading 1oom
"f you #ish$$$lon% skirts for #omen, bo#ties for men all events are free For more information &hone 1'$8(8$!18'