Study Guide: Newbery Book Awards
Study Guide: Newbery Book Awards
Study Guide: Newbery Book Awards
S./01 2/I0(# N(W3(R1 3445 6W6R0S INTRODUCTION The John Newbery Award is presented each year to the author of the most outstanding children s literature boo! that was published during the pre"ious year# The award was established in $%&$ by 'rederic (elcher) and it was named for John Newbery) an *nglish publisher and boo!seller# The award was first presented in $%&&# +ere is a complete list of the authors who ha"e won this award and the boo!s for which they were honored# ,ear $%&& $%&1 $%&2 $%&3 $%&4 $%&5 $%&6 $%&% $%1; $%1$ -oo! The Story of Mankind The Voyages of Doctor Doolittle The Dark Frigate Tales from Silver Lands Shen of the Sea Smoky, the Cowhorse Gay Neck, the Story of a igeon The Tr!m"eter of #rakow $itty, $er First $!ndred %ears The Cat &ho &ent to $eaven Author +endri! .illem /an 0oon +ugh 0ofting Charles +awes Charles 'inger Arthur -owie Chrisman .ill James Dhan 7opal (u!er8i *ric 9# :elly Rachel 'ield *li<abeth Coatsworth
"a!e 7, N(W3(R1 3445 6W6R0S $%1& $%11 $%12 $%13 $%14 $%15 $%16 $%1% $%2; $%2$ $%2& $%21 $%22 $%23 $%24 $%25 $%26 $%2% $%3; $%3$ $%3& $%31 &aterless Mo!ntain %o!ng F! of the '""er %angt(e )nvinci*le Lo!isa+ The Story of the ,!thor of Little &omen Do*ry Caddie &oodlawn -oller Skates The &hite Stag Thim*le S!mmer Daniel .oone Call )t Co!rage The Matchlock G!n ,dam of the -oad /ohnny Tremain -a**it $ill Straw*erry Girl Miss $ickory The Twenty01ne .alloons #ing of the &ind The Door in the &all ,mos Fort!ne, Free Man Ginger ye Secret of the ,ndes 0aura Adams Armer *li<abeth 0ewis Cornelia (eigs (onica =hannon Carol Ryrie -rin! Ruth =awyer :ate =eredy *li<abeth *nright James Daugherty Armstrong =perry .alter *dmonds *li<abeth Janet 7ray /ining *sther 'orbes Robert 0awson 0ois 0ens!i Carolyn =herwin -ailey .illiam 9ene du -ois (arguerite +enry (arguerite de Angeli *li<abeth ,ates *leanor *stes Ann Nolan Clar!
"a!e 3, N(W3(R1 3445 6W6R0S $%32 $%33 $%34 $%35 $%36 $%3% $%4; $%4$ $%4& $%41 $%42 $%43 $%44 $%45 $%46 $%4% $%5; $%5$ $%5& $%51 $%52 $%53 2,nd Now Mig!el The &heel on the School Carry 1n, Mr3 .owditch Miracles on Ma"le $ill -ifles for &atie The &itch of .lack*ird ond 1nion /ohn )sland of the .l!e Dol"hins The .ron(e .ow , &rinkle in Time )t4s Like This, Cat Shadow of a .!ll ), /!an de are5a '" a -oad Slowly From the Mi6ed '" Files of Mrs3 .asil 73 Frankweiler The $igh #ing So!nder S!mmer of the Swans Mrs3 Fris*y and the -ats of N)M$ /!lie of the &olves The Slave Dancer M3C3 $iggins, the Great Joseph :rumgold (eindert DeJong Jean 0ee 0atham /irginia =orenson +arold :eith *li<abeth 7eorge =peare Joseph :rumgold =cott O Dell *li<abeth 7eorge =peare (adeleine 0 *ngle *mily Ne"ille (aia .o8ciechows!a *li<abeth -orton de Tre"ino Irene +unt *# 0# :onigsburg 0loyd Ale>ander .illiam +# Armstrong -etsy -yars Robert C# O -rien Jean Craighead 7eorge 9aula 'o> /irginia +amilton
"a!e 8, N(W3(R1 3445 6W6R0S $%54 $%55 $%56 $%5% $%6; $%6$ $%6& $%61 $%62 $%63 $%64 $%65 $%66 $%6% $%%; $%%$ $%%& $%%1 $%%2 $%%3 $%%4 The Grey #ing -oll of Th!nder, $ear My Cry .ridge to Tera*ithia The &esting Game , Gathering of Days+ , New 7ngland Girl4s /o!rnal, 89:;089:< /aco* $ave ) Loved , Visit to &illiam .lake4s )nn+ oems for )nnocent and 76"erienced Travelers Dicey4s Song Dear Mr3 $enshaw The $ero and the Crown Sarah, lain and Tall The &hi""ing .oy Lincoln+ , hoto*iogra"hy /oyf!l Noise+ oems for Two Voices N!m*er the Stars Maniac Magee Shiloh Missing May The Giver &alk Two Moons The Midwife4s ,""rentice =usan Cooper (ildred D# Taylor :atherine 9aterson *llen Ras!in Joan .# -los :atherine 9aterson Nancy .illard Cynthia /oigt -e"erly Cleary Robin (c:inley 9atricia (ac0achlan =id 'leischman Russell 'reedman 9aul 'leischman 0ois 0owry Jerry =pinelli 9hyllis Reynolds Naylor Cynthia Rylant 0ois 0owry =haron Creech :aren Cushman
"a!e &, N(W3(R1 3445 6W6R0S $%%5 $%%6 $%%% &;;; &;;$ &;;& &;;1 &;;2 The View from Sat!rday 1!t of the D!st $oles .!d, Not .!ddy , %ear Down %onder , Single Shard Cris"in, The Cross of Lead The Tale of Des"era!6+ .eing the Story of a Mo!se, a rincess, Some So!", and a S"ool of Thread #ira0#ira Criss Cross The $igher ower of L!cky Good Masters= Sweet Ladies= Voices From , Medieval Village The Graveyard .ook &hen %o! -each Me A"i :ate DiCamillo *#0# :onigsburg :aren +esse 0ouis =achar Christopher 9aul Curtis Richard 9ec! 0inda =ue 9ar!
Cynthia :adohata 0ynne Rae 9er!ins =usan 9atron 0aura Amy =chlit< Neil 7aiman Rebecca =tead
"a!e 6, N(W3(R1 3445 6W6R0S 3RI(, S/))6RI(S 4, S(L(9.(0 WINN(RS &;$; &hen %o! -each Me by Rebecca =tead This is a science fiction boo! about a si>th grader named (iranda and her best friend) =al) who li"e in New ,or! City# (iranda s mom prepares to go on a game show and mysterious things start happening to (iranda# =al gets punched by a new !id for what seems li!e no reason) and he shuts (iranda out of his life# (iranda ma!es new friends with a boy named Colin who seems to !now a lot about time tra"el# (iranda finds a mysterious note scrawled on a tiny slip of paper? @I am coming to sa"e your friend s life) and my own# I must as! two fa"ors# 'irst) you must write me a letter#A The notes !eep coming) and (iranda slowly reali<es that whoe"er is lea"ing them !nows all about her) including things that ha"e not e"en happened yet# *ach message brings her closer to belie"ing that only she can pre"ent a tragic death# &;;% The Graveyard .ook by Neil 7aiman @The 7ra"eyard -oo!)A a story about a boy who is raised in a cemetery by ghosts after his family is !illed in the opening pages of the no"el# Among the dead are teachers) wor!ers) wealthy prigs) romantics) pragmatists and e"en a few children# A whole "illage ready to raise a li"ing child# And they do) ably led by =ilas) an enigmatic character who is not really one of them) being not Buite dead and not Buite li"ing# In this moonlit place) the boy C who is gi"en the name Nobody Owens) or -od for short C has ad"entures) ma!es friends Dnot all of them deadE) and begins to learn about his past and consider his future# Along the way) he encounters hideous ghouls) a witch) middle school bullies and an otherworldly fraternal order that holds the secret to his family s murder# .hen he is $& things change) and the no"el s momentum and tension pic! up as he learns why he s been in the gra"eyard all this time and what he needs to do to lea"e# &;;6 Good Masters= Sweet Ladies= Voices From , Medieval Village by 0aura Amy =chlit< This boo! is constructed of a series of monologues) each spo!en by a young member of a medie"al "illage# *ach character has a monologue with the e>ception of 9etronella) Jacob) (ariot) and (aud who ha"e dialogues# 'or the young people of 0aura Amy =chlit< s new boo!) @7ood (astersF =weet 0adiesF /oices 'rom a (edie"al /illage)A life tends to be nasty) brutish and short# -ut young readers are also li!ely to find it engaging and affecting# &;;5 The $igher ower of L!cky by =usan 9atron This boo! describes tenGyearGold 0uc!y Trimble who li"es in the California desert community of +ard 9an Dpop# 21E# 0uc!yHs mother was electrocuted in a thunderstorm two years earlier and her absent fatherHs first wife) -rigitte) stepped in to act as guardian# 0uc!y lo"es -rigitte but fears that she is tired of being her guardian and worries that she is about to be left alone# This boo! wea"es a tale of family lo"e) community support and the power of friendship# The reader will follow along as a little girl named 0uc!y searches for the truth of her own life#
"a!e 7, N(W3(R1 3445 6W6R0S &;;4 Criss Cross by 0ynne Rae 9er!ins The boo!) set in the $%4;s or $%5;s) centers on the comingGofGage of four smallGtown teenagers# 9er!ins uses a "ariety of hai!u) song lyrics) and split screen scenarios to tell her story# Though the town is ne"er named) se"eral of the boo!Hs illustrations echo Cheswic!) 9ennsyl"ania) a suburb fourteen miles northeast of 9ittsburgh where 9er!ins was raised# &;;3 #ira0#ira by Cynthia :adohata The boo!Hs plot is about a JapaneseGAmerican family li"ing in 7eorgia# The main character and narrator of the story is a girl named :atie) a member of the JapaneseGAmerican family# +er parents wor! in a chic!en processing factory under harsh conditions) while her sister is diagnosed with fatal anemia# :atie deals with the pressures of schoolwor!) and the guilt of resenting the attention gi"en to her dying sister) whom she lo"es "ery much and who teaches her that the world can still be @!iraG!ira)A which is Japanese for @shining#A &;;2 The Tale of Des"era!6+ .eing the Story of a Mo!se, a rincess, Some So!", and a S"ool of Thread by :ate DiCamillo The Tale of Des"erea!6 is a story about a small mouse that was the last born in his family# +e was a "ery small mouse with huge ears and open eyes# This is not normal for a mouse# This unusual mouse was born in a castle and fell in lo"e with the princess) a humanF The mouse li!es to read and lo"es light and music# +e re"eals himself to the 9rincess) and he allows her to touch him# +e e"en spea!s to her# The 9rince is also allowed to touch the mouse# Despereau> s father reports his son s beha"ior to the mouse council# .hen they hear about his beha"ior) they sentence him to death in the castle s dungeon# A red thread of death is attached to his nec!) and he is thrown into the dar! dungeon# Despereau> earns his life bac! by telling a story to 7regory) the Jailer# &;;1 Cris"in, The Cross of Lead by A"i This boo! tells the story of a thirteenGyearGold peasant) !nown as Asta s son) who li"ed in medie"al *ngland during the $2th century# +is life is completely changed when his mother dies) his dwelling is burnt) and he is accused of a crime he didn t commit# +e fled his "illage) alone and frightened) after being declared @a wolf s headA and was pursued by those he once trusted# +e too! nothing with him e>cept his mother s cross and his newly disco"ered name of Crispin# During his flight) he encountered -ear) a 8uggler who became his new @master)A and who encouraged him to thin! and to learn sur"i"al s!ills# .hen -ear was captured and tortured by the enemy) Crispin fought to free his master and friend# As the plot e"ol"es) Crispin learns why he is being pursued) and he uses this !nowledge to his ad"antage#
"a!e 8, N(W3(R1 3445 6W6R0S &;;& , Single Shard by 0inda =ue 9ar! This boo! is set in twelfthGcentury :orea and tells the story of TreeGear) an orphan) who li"es under a bridge with a crippled man called CraneGman# The boy and the man sur"i"e by sharing bits of food from the rubbish heaps# Their li"es change drastically when TreeGear accidentally drops a piece of pottery made by (in) a master potter# +e offers to wor! for the potter to repay the cost of the bro!en pottery) and he is gi"en se"eral hard tas!s to perform# (in s wife pro"ides him with a free meal during the day) and TreeGear sa"es some of each meal for his friend) CraneGman# TreeGear yearns to wor! at the pottery wheel) but he is denied the pri"ilege# +e continues to wor! for (in and helps the potter by ta!ing a special order to the Royal Court for e>amination) in hopes of obtaining a royal commission to ma!e more pottery# +e must tra"el many miles by foot with the pri<ed pottery and is robbed along his route# The robbers toss the pottery o"er a cliff# TreeGear finds a single shard of pottery and continues on with it to the Royal Court) where the shard is e>amined# A commission is granted to (in# Upon returning to the potter s "illage) TreeGear learns that CraneGman has died# (in and his wife gi"e TreeGear a home) and he learns the potter s trade# &;;$ , %ear Down %onder by Richard 9ec! This awardGwinning boo! is a seBuel to the $%%% Newbery +onor -oo!) , Long &ay from Chicago3 This first boo! introduces us to two Chicago children) Joey and (ary Alice) who spend each summer at their 7randma Dowdel s house in rural Illinois# In the second boo!) , %ear Down %onder, only (ary Alice is featured# Joey has ta!en a 8ob with the Ci"ilian Conser"ation Corps and has mo"ed westward# Their father lost his 8ob during the Depression) and (ary Alice is sent to li"e with 7randma Dowdel in her @hic!Gtown#A +er cat) -ootsie) accompanies her# (ary Alice dreads li"ing with her large) uncon"entional grandmother) who is not a popular person in the small community due to her unpredictable mannerisms and her cold) @matterGofGfactA ways# +owe"er) the year pro"ides much entertainment as 7randma frightens away the boys who attempt to !noc! o"er her outhouse on +alloween) embarrasses and ridicules some of the more elite members of the community) and crashes into a pecan tree with a tractor to 8ar the pecans from their branches# (ary Alice grows to lo"e her grandmother more with each passing day) and they form a strong emotional bond# At the conclusion of the boo!) (ary Alice marries Royce (cNabb in 7randma s house in rural Illinois) and 7randma Dowdel gi"es her away in marriage# The author) Richard 9ec!) was born and raised in Decatur) Illinois# +e now li"es in New ,or! City#
"a!e 9, N(W3(R1 3445 6W6R0S &;;; .!d, Not .!ddy by Christopher 9aul Curtis =et in the $%1;s in (ichigan) -ud DNot -uddyE is a tenGyearGold orphan on the run from a succession of abusi"e foster homes# Armed with his own boo!) .!d Caldwell4s -!les and Things for $aving a F!nner Life and Making a .etter Liar 1!t of %o!rself, an ad"ertisement for a 8a<< band) and the belief that the legendary) standGup bass player) +erman *# Calloway) is his real father) he sets out on an ad"enturous pilgrimage to find his father# $%%% $oles by 0ouis =achar =tanley ,elnats is sent to Camp 7reen 0a!e) a 8u"enile detention center# Ironically) there is no la!e) and he is innocent in the first place# .hile he is there) the warden ma!es him dig a fi"eGfoot by fi"eGfoot hole with the rest of the detainees# This assignment is based upon the philosophy that hard labor will con"ert delinBuents into upstanding citi<ens# Ultimately) he disco"ers that this is only a co"er# The warden really has them digging for loot buried on the detention center grounds by the legendary :issin :ate# $%%6 1!t of the D!st by :aren +esse This boo! centers on its $2GyearGold narrator) -illie Jo) who documents her trials during the Depression in her 8ournal) which is written in free form) poetic style# +er mother dies in an accident while her father is on an alcoholic binge# -illie Jo blames her father and herself for her mother s death# -illie Jo s hands are also badly burned during the accident) and she becomes reluctant to pursue her musical talent on her piano# =he faces unspea!able grief with stoic courage and ultimately 8umps a train west) but she soon disco"ers that the @O!lahoma DustA remains within her) and she must return to her home# $%%5 The View from Sat!rday by *#0# :onigsburg This boo! tells the story of a group of si>thGgraders who were chosen as members of the Academic -owl team# They win the si>thGgrade contest and go on to be winners during the se"enth and eighth grades) too# Throughout the process) they learn more about themsel"es and each other) as well as scholastic bowl facts) tri"ia) and concepts# $%%4 The Midwife4s ,""rentice by :aren Cushman -rat) a poor homeless girl in medie"al *ngland) gets a luc!y brea! and rises to the ran! of apprentice to the rude midwife) Jane =harp# 'inally she disco"ers a caring family and becomes !nown as Alyce# Thin!ing that she !nows as much as the midwife) she attempts a deli"ery) but she fails on this first deli"ery attempt# Instead of confronting her failure) she runs from the town# This is the story of her struggles) her mista!es) and her selfGreali<ations#
"a!e 10, N(W3(R1 3445 6W6R0S $%%3 &alk Two Moons by =haron Creech =alamanca Tree +iddle is $1# +er mother has disappeared# =he tells the story of her trip with her grandparents from Ohio to Idaho to 9hoebe) a friend whose mother has also "anished# 9hoebe claims to be recei"ing intermittent notes from her missing mother# One of these notes said) @Don t 8udge a man until you ha"e wal!ed two moons in his moccasins#A O"er the course of their interaction) =alamanca embraces her Nati"e American ancestry and disco"ers the truth of her mother s disappearance# $%%2 The Giver by 0ois 0owry This story is based upon a futuristic utopian society in which there is no po"erty) sic!ness) unhappiness) or unemployment# Twel"eGyearGold Jonas is named the official Recei"er of (emories# In time) he disco"ers the truth of his society s hypocrisy and chooses to stand up for what is right# $%%1 Missing May by Cynthia Rylant (ay) one of =ummer s adopti"e parents) has died) and =ummer and her adopti"e father) Ob) are preoccupied with their grief o"er (ay s absence# Cletus) one of =ummer s playmates) tries to help =ummer and Ob contact (ay s spirit# Although they will always miss (ay) they disco"er that their togetherness lessens the pain of their loss# $%%& Shiloh by 9hyllis Reynolds Naylor (arty 9reston) an $$GyearGold boy) finds a hungry beagle near =hiloh =chool# +e brings him home and names him after the school# 0ater he disco"ers that the dog belongs to Judd Tra"ers) who mistreats the dog) and he s forced to return the dog to Judd# The boo! tells of (arty s ad"entures and emotions as he tries to sa"e the dog from his cruel master# $%%$ Maniac Magee by Jerry =pinelli Jeffrey 0ionel @(aniac (ageeA ran away from his aunt and uncle s house after his parents died# +e ended up in a town named Two (ills) where the blac!s and whites refused to intermingle due to their mutual fear and distrust# +e shoo! things up in this small town and calmed down some of the tensions# +e performs some ama<ing feats and learns much about racism# $%%; N!m*er the Stars by 0ois 0owry This is a story of two friends) *llen and Anne (arie) during .orld .ar II# It ta!es place in $%21# *llen is Jewish) and Anne (arie is not# .hen *llen has to flee the Na<is) she stays in Anne (arie s apartment for a short time and pretends to be Anne (arie s sister when the guards arri"e# Anne (arie shows much courage and persistence when trying to help her friend#
"a!e 11, N(W3(R1 3445 6W6R0S $%6% /oyf!l Noise+ oems for Two Voices by 9aul 'leischman This comical boo! of poetry is designed with two separate columns on each page so that children can alternate reading the "erse aloud# The poems consist of stories about insects and are accompanied by "i"id illustrations and large te>t# $%66 Lincoln+ , hoto*iogra"hy by Russell 'reedman This biography combines photographs) art) and written te>t to recreate the story of Abraham 0incoln s life and career# $%65 The &hi""ing .oy by =id 'leischman This is the story of the relationship between 9rince -rat) the royal heir) and an orphan named Jemmy# =ince royal heirs could not be span!ed) Jemmy was appointed to ta!e the 9rince s whippings# Jemmy intended to run away) but the 9rince ran away first) and he too! Jemmy with him# The authorities then charged Jemmy with !idnapping the 9rince# $%64 Sarah, lain and Tall by 9atricia (ac0achlan =arah li"es in (aine# =he answers an ad"ertisement from a widowed (idwestern farmer named Caleb) who is searching for a new wife and a mother for his two children# =he tra"els to :ansas to meet Caleb and his family# At first she is homesic!) and the children worry that she will abandon them) but in the end) =arah decides to stay# =he reali<es that she would miss Caleb and his children more than she misses (aine# $%63 The $ero and the Crown by Robin (c:inley Aerin has been an outcast all her life because she is the daughter of the notorious @witchwomanA who was mistress to the !ing# Aerin s mother died of grief because Aerin was a girl instead of the son the !ing so desperately wanted# Despite her gender) Aerin was destined to become a hero) and she was ultimately endowed with the power of the -lue =word# =he became a legendary dragon slayer and was !nown throughout the land as 0ady Aerin) DragonG:iller# $%62 Dear Mr3 $enshaw by -e"erly Cleary 0eigh -otts) a secondGgrade boy) writes to his fa"orite author) (r# +enshaw) in the pages of his diary# +e shares his acti"ities) inner thoughts) and actual feelings that re"eal truths about his painful and aw!ward transition from childhood to adolescence#
"a!e 17, N(W3(R1 3445 6W6R0S $%5% The &esting Game by *llen Ras!in This boo! is about a group of si>teen potential inheritors who gather for the reading of (r# =amuel .# .esting s will# To their surprise) the will prescribes a contest whose outcome will determine the disbursement of the murdered man s fortune# One of them is his murderer) and the group is challenged to disco"ery the murder s identity# The possible inheritors are each paired up with a @perfectA partner) gi"en I$;);;;) and pro"ided with some clues# The Buestion is? Can they sol"e the mystery and re"eal the name of the murderer before someone gets hurtJ $%5& Mrs3 Fris*y and the -ats of N)M$ by Robert C# O -rien The central character) (rs# 'risby) is a widowed mouse# =he needs to mo"e her four children to summer Buarters immediately to escape death# Unfortunately) it is not so easy# +er youngest) Timothy) has pneumonia and can t be mo"ed# 0uc!ily) she meets the rats of NI(+) who are e>tremely intelligent escapees from a laboratory e>periment# They help her sol"e her problem and se"eral other problems that occur within the plot# $%5$ S!mmer of the Swans by -etsy -yars A young girl) =ara) and Charlie) her mentallyGdisturbed brother) ha"e been li"ing with their aunt after their mother s death# The story begins during summer "acation# During this season) swans freBuent a la!e near their home) and =ara and Charlie "isit them during the day# One day the brother runs away# =ara assumes that he has gone to "isit the swans# During the frantic search for the retarded child) =ara reali<es how much Charlie really means to her# $%5; So!nder by .illiam +# Armstrong This boo! centers on a =outhern) AfricanGAmerican family during the $6;;s# The mother is a maid for a rich family# The father is a sharecropper# They ha"e three boys and a mongrel dog named =ounder# The father is ta!en to 8ail for stealing a hog to feed his family# At this point) =ounder is shot and can t be found# Ultimately) a battered =ounder returns) but in the meantime) the oldest son has to ta!e on the father s wor! to feed the family) thus Buic!ly transforming him from a child to an adult# $%45 '" a -oad Slowly by Irene +unt This is the story of a young protagonist named Julie) whose mother dies when she is se"en# =he goes to li"e with her Aunt Cordelia) who is a spinster# The boo! chronicles the many growing changes and emotional traumas that she undergoes between the ages of se"en to eighteen#
"a!e 13, N(W3(R1 3445 6W6R0S $%35 Miracles on Ma"le $ill by /irginia =orenson In this boo! we meet (arly) Joe) (r# Chris) and (argie) as well as other family members and friends# It s based upon the e>periences of a family that helps old friends with their maple syrup crop) and it is told from the "iew of a small girl# They li"e in the countryside where miracles do happen) and each chapter of this boo! depicts a separate miracle of nature) thus inspiring the reader to appreciate the e"eryday miracles# $%34 Carry on, Mr3 .owditch by Jean 0ee 0atham This biography centers on the figure of Nat -owditch) a historical mathematician) astronomer) and sailor# Nat fulfilled his dream of becoming a captain and was the author of The ,merican ractical Navigator# Action and ad"enture intersperse with historical detail in this e>citing boo!# $%24 Straw*erry Girl by 0ois 0ens!i This boo! is about a girl and her family who mo"e to a new house# They struggle to produce crops) relate to their @notGsoGniceA new neighbors) who are consumed with feuding) and they triumph o"er other life s other hardships# $%2& The Matchlock G!n by .alter *dmunds This short boo! centers on *dward) a young boy who li"ed during the 'rench and Indian .ar# +is father left home to go fight against the Indians in the war) but he left an old =panish gun with *dward) and he told him to use the gun) if necessary) to protect his mother and sister# The gun was so large and aw!ward that *dward wondered if he would be able to use it to defend their home if the situation occurred# $%1% Thim*le S!mmer by *li<abeth *nright This boo! is about a girl named 7arnet who finds a sil"er thimble in the ground# =hortly afterwards) a slew of luc!y occurrences ensue# A rain finally comes to end the drought that pre"ented her father from ma!ing a li"ing# The go"ernment loans their family some money to build a new barn) and they adopt *ric) a nice orphan# =he also adopts a pig that she names Timmy# =he ta!es care of Timmy all summer and wins a blue ribbon and pri<e money for him at the fair in =eptember# =he concludes that the thimble must ha"e been magical) and she spends the rest of the summer e>uberant# $%13 Do*ry by (onica =hannon This boo! is about a young boy) Dobry) who grows up on a farm in -ulgaria in the $%&;s and 1;s# As he gets older) he reali<es that his true dream is to be a sculptor#