Cherokee Native Americans

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Cherokee Native American Tribe By: Kassidy, Mia, Jessica, Shaden, Miki,and Kiara Fifth Grade, Mrs Perez

Pearl Ridge Elementary 2013


Table of Contents
Introduction................................1 History and Background.............2 Region........................................3 Culture/Customs........................4

Today you are going to read about a Native American tribe called the Cherokee tribe. You are going to learn about their history and background, their region, their cultures and customs, clothing, food, shelter, transportation, and some interesting facts. Hope you like it!
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Clothing.....................................5 Food..........................................6 Shelter.......................................7 Transportation...........................8 Interesting Facts.......................9 About the Authors....................10 Bibliography.............................11

The cherokee tribe had many famous Indians and many legends. This one Indian named Sequoyah created the cherokee language that is still used today. When the Americans came they called them the Creek, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Seminole, and the cherokee tribe. The five civilized tribes. They all lived in the south east and that's how they got their name. They all lived around each other and was called Origin of the strawberry.


The Cherokee Indians settled in the southeastern United States (principally Georgia, North and South Carolina, Virginia and West Virginia, and Kentucky) In the summer there region is hot and has lots of trees. In the winter theirs region would be cold so they wore deerskin. Usually there region is normal weather so the women wore tops, skirts, and moccasins. The men wore loin clothes.

Many Indians from the Cherokee tribe loved arts and crafts. They made pottery that was made of clay. They got clay by ponds, rivers and swamps. They make pipe carvings and river cane baskets. They made there own bows and arrows. They had flint knifes for skinning animals. They also made wooden hoes for farming. When they go fishing they used spears and fishing poles. They didn't wast anything at all, not even a feather from a chicken.

! In the 1800's there was an Indian tribe called the Cherokee. While they were alive compared to our clothing it was like no other. The men wore breechcloths with leggings. While the women's wore beautiful wrapped around skirts. Also with a poncho style blouse. Their clothing were made out of woven ber or even deerskin, but for their shoes it was different from ours. Instead of sketchers, converse, or Nike. Cherokee Indians had moccasins, but when the Europeans came they had to adapt to their characteristic style. Unlike other tribes the cherokees didn't wear long headdresses. The men were different from the woman's. They would usually shave their hair making a single scalp look. Cherokees would wear porcupine roaches. Women had their hair in a special way. They wear it long, but only cutting their hair when mourning a family member. Men liked to decorate their face or bodies. Using the tribal tattoo art and when going to war they would paint themselves in bright colors. Not like other Indian tribes the women didn't paint or give themselves !

! ! Cherokee Indian women farmed and the Cherokee Indian men hunted and shed. They ate deer, turtle, Indian corn, beans, squash, rabbits, and sh. The food they eat contains rich protein and high ber. The tools the men used are bows and arrows, blowguns, and darts. They used shing pools and spears to catch sh. When the women farmed they had to plant, tend and harvested the crops in the main tribal garden after the men cleared the eld. There main source of food is corn. Cherokee Indians also have recipes. Some of them are cornbread, stew and soups were the main meal components in a traditional Cherokee diet. Some specialties are bean bread, fried homing, potato soup, corn pones, bread pudding, and fried bread.!


! ! The Cherokee Indians lived in wattle and daub homes.These houses were framed with tree logs and then covered with mud or grass to ll the walls. The roofs were made of thatch or bar! The Trail of Tears is a treaty they signed with the U.S in return for land in Oklahoma and $5 million.! A typical Cherokee village will have 30-50 families.! The woman were responsible for the house,farming, and family. And the men were responsible for hunting and war.! They would sweeten their food with honey and maple sap.! They enjoyed playing a game called Anejodi.! Sequoyah was a famous Cherokee who invented the alphabet and the writing system for the Cherokee language.! Cherokee art included painted baskets,decorated pots,carvings in wood, and beadwork.! The name Cherokee comes From a Muskogean word that means "speakers of another language"! They are the largest tribe in the U.S.! The Cherokee call themselves Ani-Yunwiya meaning "principal people".!

Interesting Facts
Now the cherokee Indians didn't use cars or buses to get around. The Cherokees used long dugout canoes. Made from long hollowed logs. Great to paddle in the sea. Not only did they use that for getting around. Also walking was normal to them. They used dogs as pack animals. It helped them with heavy loads when they couldn't lift it. Once when the Europeans came they brought horses with them. So the cherokee Indians adapted to it and started using it for their transportation by getting around.

-A typical Cherokee village will have 30-50 families. -The woman were responsible for the house,farming, and family. And the men were responsible for hunting and war. -They would sweeten their food with honey and maple sap. -They enjoyed playing a game called Anejodi. Sequoyah was a famous Cherokee who invented the alphabet and the writing system for the Cherokee language. -Cherokee art included painted baskets,decorated pots,carvings in wood, and beadwork. The name Cherokee comes From a Muskogean word that means "speakers of another language" -They are the largest tribe in the U.S.

In the later half of 1838, Cherokee people who had not voluntarily moved west earlier were forced to leave their homes in the East. The trail to the West was long and treacherous and many were dying along the way. The people's hearts were heavy with sadness and their tears mingled with the dust of the trail. The Elders knew that the survival of the children depended upon the strength of the woman. One evening around the campfire The Elders called upon Heaven Dweller, ga lv la di e hi. They told Him of the People's suffering and the tears. They were afraid the children would not survive to rebuild the cherokee. Gal v la di e hi spoke to them, "to let you know how much I care, I will give you a sign. In the morning, tell the women to look back along the trail. Where their tears have fallen, I will cause to grow a plant that will have seven leaves for the seven clans of the Cherokee. Amidst the plant will be delicate white rose with five petals. In the center of the blossom will be a pile of gold to remind the Cherokee of the white man's greed for the gold fund on the Cherokee homeland. This plant will be sturdy and strong with stickers on all the stems. It will defy anything which tries to destroy it. The next morning the Elders told the women to look back down the trail. A plant was growing fast and covering the trail where they had walked. As the women watched, blossoms formed and slowly opened. They forgot their sadness. Like the plant the women began to feel strong and beautiful. As the plant protected its blossoms, they knew they would have the courage and determination to protect their children who would begin a new nation in the west.
Part 1 Part 2

The Legend Of The Cherokee Rose

Bibliography Wikipedia

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About the authors

Hi our names are Jessica, Kassidy, Kiara, Mia, Miki,and Shaden, and we are the creators of the Cherokee Native American tribe book. We are all 5th graders at Pearl Ridge Elementary School and we are all 10 years old. We decided to learn more about the Cherokee tribe because they were one of the five civilized tribes. We all researched different information about the Cherokee tribe. We hoped you liked it.

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