Unter Nehmen Dora

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BY MiKe HaughT

Dora the Explorers

When the war began to turn against the Italians in North Africa, Germany had to plan to send help. To do that, they needed to collect as much information as they could about Libya and the Sahara Desert. The Abwehr, Germanys intelligence service, sent its rst mission to Murzuk in southern Libya in March 1941. This expedition was made up almost entirely with scientic personnel, including astronomers, geologists, and cartographers. The mission was code-named Unternehmen Dora, or Operation Dora. Only a few months before the Abwehr team arrived, the French and British had launched a series of raids against Murzuk. When the Germans arrived in the area the Italians were busy reinforcing the garrisons and were not particularly interested in helping to provide security, so the Abwehr would have to provide its own. Soon, a small security section of a few armed Steyr trucks and a pair of Sd Kfz 222 armoured cars. On 28 October 1941 the rst Brandenburger Halbkompanie (Half Company) arrived in North Africa, but these troops were diverted and used as normal troops in Rommels advance in January 1942. The Italians, still weary of a French attack, suggested that the reinforced expedition (now called Sonderkommando Dora, or Special Force Dora) should be situated at El Gatrun. The Germans set up an aireld there and ew in a motley collection of odd aircraft, including a captured Spitre aircraft for reconnaissance work. From El Gatrun Dora sent three armed expeditions out to explore the mountains and passes of southeastern Algeria, northern Niger, and the Tibesti mountains of Chad. The rst expedition led by Leutnant Becker headed into Algeria where they found a German dressed as an Arab who had deserted the French Foreign Legion when the war started. He was able to give Beckers team detailed information about the area. Becker pressed on into Algeria where his troops, dressed as British and French troops, slipped through the thin French picket line along the border. However, the ruse failed the second time they accidentally ran into a much stronger French force. A reght broke out and four of the Brandenburgers were killed and two trucks destroyed. The survivors piled into the remaining cars and made a run for the Libyan border, narrowly escaping and returning to Gatrun. Von Leipzig led the second expedition, dressed as British soldiers to avoid suspicion. This group moved into Niger to check out the Tmm Pass. A French roadblock stopped the Germans, but von Leipzig was able to fool them into letting them pass. The team found the pass to be heavily manned by the French and surmised that several divisions would be required to break through. With that, von Leipzig returned to Gatrun.


Dora nally received its own protection on 22 January, with the arrival of Oberleutnant von Leipzigs company of 100 men and 24 captured British vehicles (including 12 captured 2-pdr portee trucks) all taken after the Allies lost Tobruk. With their arrival, Dora took on a more military aspect with the added mission to nd out if the Free French in Chad were a threat to Rommels Afrikakorps.

Brandenburger vehicles at El Gatrun

The third mission, commanded by Feldwebel Stegmann, ventured the furthest, slipping through French outposts and into the Tibesti Mountains. With the help of the local Tibbu Bedouins, who hated the French, they inltrated the town of Bardai, a major French military base. Here they found out that the company-sized French garrison was about to be reinforced by a large number of troops. Stegmann decided to withdraw back to Gatrun, but not wanting to risk running though French lines again, the group travelled north using the mountains to cover their movement. During this these expeditions the captured Spitre which took lots of aerial photos of the French forces in northern Chad and supported Brandenburgers if they ran into trouble.

The missions returned to Gatrun after 14 days in the desert. The expeditions returned having accurately documented the area and mapped out roads that could be used in the future to raid the British land-based supply convoys in Egypt and the Sudan. In terms of their primary mission to assess the French strength in the area, all three expeditions agreed that the French strongly held the mountain passes, and that a serious amount of troops would be needed to capture them (something that Rommel could hardly aord). However, they also determined that the French posed no real threat to the Axis forces in the north, as they possessed very little capability to move a sizable force beyond Murzuk.

To Hon Brak Sebha Um El Araneb Murzuk Tragen FEZZAN Becker MURZUK SAND SEA Tejerry El Gatrun Tmessa Zuila Bu Hascisca Unternehmen Dora El Fugha 0 Miles 0 KM 100

To Marada 100


Unternehmen Dora Expeditions Brandenburger Expeditions

Wau El Kebir Waw en Namus RIBIANA SAND SEA


Free French

Skirmish Oasis

Tripoli Benghazi Tobruk


TRIPOlItANIA Hon Zella Murzuk Marada Jalo Siwa

von Leipzig



ta ins

Tummo Stegmann

von Leipzigs Algerian expedition


Wour Bardai

im st E TIB

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To Zouar


Zouar CHAD

Dora visiting Waw en Namus


Coincidentally, this is exactly what the French were planning to do. The troop buildup that Stegmann had discovered was being amassed for a major assault on Murzuk. Colonel Philippe Leclerc, commander of the Free French, launched his attack in mid-February. Italian and German forces in the region had been expecting this attack, thanks in part to the information gathered by Sonderkommando Dora. The French columns was detected by air and each defeated and sent back to Chad.

When Rommel was nally turned back at El Alamein, Sonderkommando Dora was recalled to Tripoli, where it met up with Brandenburgers of Battalion von Koenen. The two combined and fought a ghting withdrawal. At Wadi Zemzem, the Brandenburgers bloodied the nose of the British Long Range Desert Group and Popskis Private Army before safely retreating back into Tunisa.

UnTernehmen DOra SPeCial Rules

Unternehmen Dora uses all of the normal German special rules found in the Flames Of War rulebook in addition those found below.

The Brandenburgers were to become the enemy, adopting their language, uniforms, and equipment. But they always wore German uniforms underneath in case they were discovered. A platoon equipped with Enemy Disguises must be identied before the enemy can shoot at it or assault it. These units start the game unidentied. If a platoon equipped with Enemy Disguises shoots or launches an assault, they are immediately identied by all enemy platoons. In order to identify a platoon equipped with Enemy Disguises, an enemy platoon must attempt to shoot at it or select it as the target for an artillery bombardment. Before rolling to hit with the shooting platoon, roll a Skill Test for the platoon. If they pass the Skill Test, they identify the German platoon and shoot at it as normal. The German unit is now identied to all enemy platoons. If they fail, they do not identify the unit, but may shoot at other German units instead. Aircraft cannot choose an unidentied team as the target of an air strike. Enemy reconnaissance teams automatically identify a platoon equipped with Enemy Disguises if they are within 8/20cm when they attempt to shoot at them.

Unternehmen Dora could rely on local help to inltrate their expeditions behind enemy lines. The Tibbu Bedouins, among others, hated the colonial French and wanted to see them gone. In a mission where Unternehmen Dora is attacking an enemy and has the rst turn, any or all Brandenburger Dora Platoon, which are equipped with Enemy Disguises, may attempt to get closer to their objectives. Brandenburger Dora Platoon equipped with Enemy Disguises may deploy 6/15cm closer to the objectives than normal. After all deployment is complete, roll a die for each platoon that deployed closer to the objective: on a roll of 2+, they have slipped safely through the enemy picket line. on a roll of 1, they are detected and your opponent now has the rst turn. If any of your platoons have been detected, all of your platoons equipped with Enemy Disguises are immediately identied.

Unternehmen Dora

Unternehment Dora is a Mid-war ( ) force. You must field one platoon from each box shaded black and may field one platoon from each box shaded grey.

Unternehmen Dora HQ







Brandenburger Dora Platoon InFanTRY

Brandenburger Dora Platoon InFanTRY

Panzersph Patrol InFanTRY

Captured Fighter Platoon InFanTRY

Brandenburger Dora Platoon

Brandenburger Dora Platoon

Brandenburger Dora Platoon

Brandenburger Dora Platoon


Unternehmen Dora included mostly scientic personnel with little combat experience. This was compensated by the addition of Brandenburger personnel who provided the groups security. Together they formed a good team. Unternehmen Dora is rated Condent Veteran.

Company HQ 75 points



Add an extra hull-mounted MG to any or all trucks for +5 points per truck. Equip the entire platoon with Enemy Disguises for +10 points per vehicle.
Company Command Brandenburger truck 2iC Command Brandenburger truck

Company HQ

Unterhehmen dora HQ

Unternehmen (Operation) Dora was assigned to southwestern Libya to map the region and assess the possibility of conducting raiding operations against the British in eastern Africa. The force was established in Gatron, south of Murzuk, and sent out several mapping patrols and reconnaissance missions against the Free French in Chad.

Teams from the Unternehmen Dora HQ use the Motorcycle Reconnaissance rules except for the Basing Motorcycles rule (cars and trucks are based individually). Brandenburger trucks dismount as MG teams.

COmbaT PlaTOOns
HQ Section with: 4 Brandenburger trucks 145 points
Command Brandenburger truck Brandenburger truck

Unteroffizier Unteroffizier

Add an extra hull-mounted MG to any or all trucks for +5 points per truck. Equip the entire platoon with Enemy Disguises for +10 points per vehicle. Replace up to one Brandenburger truck in the platoon with a Brandenburger truck (2cm) at no cost. Replace up to two Brandenburger trucks in the platoon with a Captured 2pdr truck for +5 points per truck.

Brandenburger truck Brandenburger Patrol

Brandenburger truck Brandenburger Patrol

Brandenburger Dora platoon

Brandenburger patrols were responsible for collecting geographical and geological data in the southern Sahara. While not a raiding force in the strictest sense, they certainly were well armed for self-defence.

Teams from a Brandenburger Dora Platoon use the Motorcycle Reconnaissance rules except for the Basing Motorcycles rule (trucks are based individually). All trucks in a Brandenburger Dora Platoon dismount as MG teams.

WeaPOns PlaTOOns
2 Sd Kfz 222 1 Sd Kfz 222 70 points 35 points

Command Sd Kfz 222

Sd Kfz 222

A Panzersph Patrol is a Reconnaissance Platoon. Unternehmen Dora had two Sd Kfz 222 armoured cars as part of its protection detail. They spent most of their time garrisoned at Gatrun, but occasionally accompanied the Brandenburgers when a run in with the French was expected. However the armoured cars were not well suited to Saharan conditions and one permanently broke down. Not to let its repower go to waste, the Brandenburgers installed the Sd Kfz 222s gun on one of their Steyr 1500A trucks.

Panzersph Patrol

Panzersph Patrol

2cm KwK38 gun mounted in a Steyr 1500A truck


Captured British ghter 100 points

The Captured Fighter Platoon counts as a normal platoon for all purposes. A Captured Fighter Platoon cannot be placed from Ambush or held in Reserve.

Captured British fighter Flight

Captured Fighter Platoon

CaPTured BriTish FighTer SPeCial Rules

The captured Spitre ew low over the Brandenburger patrols photographing the area and oering support. The Captured British ghter aircraft uses many of the aircraft rules. However, one of the primary dierences is that the Captured British ghter aircraft starts the game on the table and remains there for the rest of the game until it is shot down or chased o, at which point it is permanently removed from the game. In the Starting Step of each turn, you reposition your Captured British ghter aircraft anywhere on the table (but not within 16/40cm of friendly troops) when you would position any other aircraft. If your opponent has air support, they can roll for Fighter Interception as usual and use this to attempt to shoot your Captured British ghter aircraft down instead of intercepting Ground Attack Aircraft.

AIR AttAck
Although not its mission, the Spitre could oer the Brandenburgers some limited re support. The Captured British ghter aircraft carries machine-guns and, unlike normal aircraft, may make attacks by itself like a normal team. Treat it as a team on the ground (although the model sits just above the table) when determining what it can see, as the Captured British ghter aircraft ies low to support its comrades and take photos. It cannot see over terrain. Platoons that are hit by the Captured British ghter aircraft are not Pinned Down as it is only a single aircraft.

The primary mission of the Brandenburger planes is to photograph the region for the maps Dora was working on and gather intelligence wherever possible. In missions using the Demolition special rules, a Captured British ghter aircraft may photograph an objective instead of demolishing it. The Captured British ghter aircraft must start its turn adjacent to the objective it intends to photograph. It cannot be relocated or shoot in the same turn it attempts to photograph the objective. In the Assault Step, roll a die: on a result of 5+ the Captured British ghter aircraft successfully photographs the objective, otherwise, the Captured British ghter aircraft fails to photograph the objective and must try again next turn. Once photographed, demolished. the objective is counted as

The Brandenburgers left the British markings on the Spitre to confuse the French anti-aircraft gunners. The Captured British ghter uses the Enemy Disguises special rule.

The captured Spitre relied on its disguise to navigate past French anti-aircraft gunners. It worked for the most part, until the plane started shooting at them! The opposing player can re anti-aircraft re at your Captured British ghter aircraft at the end of the Shooting Step, after all other shooting is complete, but just before aircraft make their attacks, just as they can at any other aircraft. This is conducted just like ring at Ground-attack Aircraft, including the limits on anti-aircraft guns ability to see over terrain. Self-defence Anti-aircraft Weapons may shoot at the Captured British ghter aircraft.

The Captured British ghter aircraft must survive to the end of the game in order to count as having Escaped.

German Arsenal
TanK Teams
Name Mobility Front Weapon Range ROF Armour Side Top Anti-tank Firepower Equipment and Notes

Brandenburger truck Brandenburger truck (2cm) 2cm KwK38 gun Captured 2 pdr truck 4cm PaK192(e) gun Wheeled Wheeled 16/40cm Wheeled 24/60cm - - 3 - 3 - - 5 - 7 - - 5+ - 4+ AA MG. Co-ax MG. Self-defence anti-aircraft No HE

Sd. Kfz 222 2cm KwK38 gun Wheeled 16/40cm 1 3 0 5 0 5+ Co-ax MG. Self-defence anti-aircraft

Captured British Aircraft Machine-guns - 16/40cm - 2 - 2 - 6 AA MG. Hull-mounted

InfanTrY Teams
Team MG team Range 16/40cm ROF 3 Anti-tank Firepower Notes 2 6 ROF 2 when Pinned Down.

Unternehmen Dora had a wide variety of trucks at its disposal. Most of the German-made vehicles were not up to the demanding task of desert travelling, and all suered serious performance problems, limiting their range and overland capabilities. To remedy this Dora got a fresh supply of British trucks captured at Tobruk, including some 2 pdr portee trucks. Feel free to model some or all of your trucks in your Unternehmen Dora with Steyr Kfz 70 trucks, Opel Blitz 3ton trucks, Horch or Kbelwagen jeeps. A disguised platoon would have been equipped with captured British 15cwt and 3-ton trucks of all varieties.


Kbelwagen Horch Kfz 15 GE409 Kbelwagen (x3) GE412 Horch Kfz 15 car (x2) or GE413 Horch Kfz 15 car (x2)

Steyr 1500 Kfz 70 GE425 Steyr 1500 Kfz 70 (x2) Opel Blitz 3-ton GE439 Reinforced Trucks (x2) or GE430 Opel Blitz 3, 6-36S (x2) British 15cwt British 3-ton BR430 Morris 15 cwt truck (x2) or BR431 CMP 15 cwt truck (x2) BR451 CMP 3-ton lorry (x2)

British 2pdr truck BR154 2 pdr portee

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