Brosur Multi Block Retaining Wall System

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Retaining Walls

Constructing retaining walls

in reinforced soil - UK
Tensar. The value
2 engineered solu-
In Tensar you’ll find a partner
with the experience and flexibili-
ty to respond to your project
requirements. From design to
completion, we’ll make sure you
always benefit from a practical,
cost-effective solution to your
specific need.

Bridge abutments.

The complete reinforced soil wall system

Tensar Wall Systems comprise a soil
Independent assessment
mass, reinforced with Tensar RE uniaxial
geogrids and finished with facing units and approval
selected by the designer to meet the The main components of the Tensar Wall
client’s requirements. Designers have a System have been subjected to inde-
wide choice of facing options at their pendent assessment recognised through-
disposal to meet the aesthetic and eco- out the world and have received unri-
nomic needs of the project. valled approval from the most respected
Typical wall system with cut-in The cost effectiveness and versatility of bodies in the industry.
view (UK).
Tensar reinforced soil offers clients, speci- More comprehensive information can be
fiers and contractors many advantages found in the Performance and
over other methods, such as reinforced Properties of Tensar Uniaxial Geogrids
concrete, for the construction of retain- literature.
ing walls and bridge abutments:
• Rapid and economical construction
• Attractive range of styles and finishes
• Durable and maintenance free
• Often no specialist construction
Load bearing bridge abutment using
modular block wall facing (Australia). • Tolerance of differential settlement
• Possible use of low cost, site-won fill
• Low bearing pressure can avoid expen- Z-20.1-102
sive ground treatment
Allgemeine bauaufsichtliche Zulassung

• High resistance to earthquake loading Z-20.1-102 of the Deutsche Institut für

Bautechnik (DIBt), Berlin for reinforced soil
with the Tensar geogrids SR55, SR80, SR110.

Tensar International Support Services

Tensar International’s engineers are avail- • Geogrid layout is designed using the
able to provide clients, consultants and program Winwall, which includes a
contractors with design and construction number of well established design
support. Designs are carried out using methods
Winwall in-house software is used
sophisticated software developed in-house: • Overall stability can be checked using
to generate construction drawings.
the program Winslope
• Earthquake forces, complex geometry
and water tables may all be taken into
The services offered range from a free of
charge application suggestion to a full
design and supply service with profes-
sional indemnity cover. No liability in
negligence or responsibility of any kind is
accepted by Tensar International for any
Winslope in-house software is used Construction drawings may be provided. project where Tensar products are not
to generate Free Application
Solutions. used.
Modular Concrete Block Facing Units
Factory-made, precast concrete blocks
are available which have been devel-
oped to produce an attractive, easily
constructed face. The high efficiency
connection between the facing unit and
the Tensar geogrid is a feature of this

The blocks are manufactured from high

Docks, slipways and waterways. quality concrete in a range of colours, Double spandrel bridge.

styles and finishes. In addition some of

the systems allow a façade of masonry
or brickwork to be simply connected to
the structure using stainless steel ties for
architectural effect.

This gives the designer numerous

options from which to choose the final
appearance of the structure. The hori-
zontal alignment may be straight or
Facing up with brickwork is an option. curved, and constructed with vertical, Pedestrian walkway.

battered or terraced faces.

The use of these facing units offers the

additional advantage of not requiring
specialist lifting equipment, as they are
easily handled, and there is no need for
propping of the structure during con-

Placement of the facing units, geogrid

and the fill material are all part of the
Tensar Walls maybe constructed in attractive terraces. Bridge abutments.
same construction process. As a result,
progress is fast without the need for
specialist plant or highly skilled labour.
A selection of other facing options
The selection of a facing type will
depend upon the end use of the struc-
ture and its expected design life. Most
major structures including those sup-
porting highways or bridges have a
design life exceeding 100 years. In this
situation, the facing needs to be as
durable as the Tensar geogrid soil rein-
forcement. However, the facing need
not be unattractively standardised or
Limestone block wall
plain. (Australia).

Concrete Panels
Precast concrete facing panels - either
Full-height panel wall (Netherlands). full height or incremental - may be man-
ufactured by casting in short starter
lengths of the appropriate Tensar
geogrid at the rear. Once placed or
propped in position, the main geogrid
length is simply attached to the starter
length by forming a full-strength con-
Dewsbury wall construction.
nection. The panel mould may be
designed to accommodate a number of
attractive face styles.

The Dewsbury System

The full-strength geogrid connection.
This method of construction uses simple
components - precast concrete planks
and steel stanchions. This low-cost,
functional-looking structure may then
be faced up with brickwork or masonry
to meet the aesthetic needs of the struc-
ture. Marine wall construction.

Marine Units
These substantial precast concrete units
Incremental panel wall (UK).
are well suited to aggressive marine
conditions. The geometry of the face
units means no propping is required
during construction.

Rock boulder facing

Harbour wall with masonry pattern finish to the Marine units (UK).

Tensar reinforced soil wing

walls (UK).
Steel Mesh Panel Wrap-around faces
(SMP) faces Tensar geogrid itself may be used to
form the face of the structure. The
This method of construction utilising
wrap-around face is frequently used for
steel mesh panels and Tensar Geogrids
vertical structures where aesthetics are
provides a low-cost method of construc-
not the immediate concern, also in tem-
tion. When built as a vertical structure,
porary works situations.
this system is often used for contractors
Temporary support structure with a temporary works. These types of face may be formed
steel mesh face. using a temporary external formwork or
an internal bagwork.
More comprehensive information on
soft-faced structures, including vegetat-
ed types and faces up to 90˚, can be
found in the Steep Slopes literature.

Temporary wraparound face during

construction of a reservoir.

Tensar RE geogrid specifications

Tensar geogrid - typical characteristics and dimensions
Property Units 40RE 55RE 80RE 120RE 160RE
Minimum carbon black (1) % 2 2 2 2 2
Roll width m 1.0 & 1.3 1.0 & 1.3 1.0 & 1.3 1.0 & 1.3 1.0 & 1.3
Roll length m 50 50 50 50 30
Unit weight kg/m2 0.34 0.42 0.60 0.94 1.26
Roll weight kg 19 & 24 23 & 29 32 & 41 49 & 63 40 & 51
AL mm 235 235 235 235 230
AT mm 16 16 16 16 16
BWT mm 16 16 16 16 16
FWL mm 6 6 6 6 6
tB mm 1.8 - 2.0 2.5 - 2.7 3.4 - 3.7 5.5 - 5.9 7.1 - 7.7
tF mm 0.7 0.9 1.3 2.0 2.6
Quality control strength
tULT (2) kN/m 52.5 64.5 88.0 136.0 173.0
Load at 2% strain (2) kN/m 12.7 16.1 23.7 38.0 52.5
Load at 5% strain (2) kN/m 24.7 30.9 45.2 75.5 103.0
Approx strain at tULT % 11.5 11.5 11.5 11.5 11.5
Junction strength (3) % 100 100 100 100 100
Long term creep rupture strength ULS (4)
PC or TCR for 10ºC (5) kN/m 23.3 28.7 38.2 54.6 69.4
PC or TCR for 20ºC (5) kN/m 20.7 25.5 34.0 48.7 61.7

(1) Carbon black inhibits attack by UV light. Determined in accordance with BS 2782:Part 4:Method 452B:1993. Any section of grid
fully exposed to sunlight can be expected to retain 90% of its quality control strength for periods in excess of 40 years in temper-
ature climates and 20 years in tropical climates.
(2) Determined in accordance with BS EN ISO 10319:1996 and as lower 95% confidence limit in accordance with
ISO 2602:1980 (BS 2846:Part 2:1981).
(3) Determined in accordance with GRI Test Method GG2-87, and expressed as a % of the quality control strength.
(4) Determined as a lower bound using standard extrapolation techniques to creep rupture data obtained following the test proce-
dure in BS EN ISO 13431:1999 for 120 year design life.
(5) In-soil temperature.
(6) Tensar RE geogrids are inert to all chemicals naturally found in soils and have no solvents at ambient temperature. They are not
susceptible to hydrolysis and are resistant to aqueous solutions of salts, acids and alkalis (pH 2.0 to 12.5) and are non-biodegrad-
(7) All quoted dimensions and values are typical unless stated otherwise.
Data sheets are also available for 60 year creep rupture strengths and Tensar SR geogrids.
Contact Tensar International or your local distributor to receive further
literature covering Tensar products and applications.
Also available on request are product specifications, installation guides
and specification notes.
The complete range of Tensar literature consists of:
• Tensar Geosynthetics in Civil Engineering A guide to the products
and their applications
• Ground Stabilisation Reinforcing unbound layers
in roads and trafficked areas
• Steep Slopes Constructing embankments
with steep slopes
• Retaining Walls Constructing retaining walls in reinforced soil
• Foundations over Piles Constructing over weak ground
without settlement
• Basal Reinforcement Constructing embankments over
weak ground
• Railways Reinforcing ballast under railway track
• Asphalt Pavements Reinforcing asphalt layers
in roads and trafficked areas
• Erosion Controlling erosion on soil and rock slopes

Your local distributor is:

Tensar International Limited Tel: +44 (0)1254 262431

New Wellington Street Fax: +44 (0)1254 266868
Blackburn BB2 4PJ E-mail: [email protected]
United Kingdom

Tensar geogrids are manufactured under tightly controlled condi-

tions. The quality assurance procedures covering design and appli-
cation and the manufacturing process have been certified by the
British Standards Institution as a Registered Firm in accordance
with BS EN ISO 9001:2000

Tensar is a registered trade mark.

©Copyright Tensar International Limited

Printed May 2004 Issue 3, 79010057

The information in this brochure is supplied by Tensar International free of charge. Tensar
International do not assume any duty of care to you or any third party. No liability for negligence
(other than for death and personal injury) can arise from any use of or reliance on the information
in this brochure or use of any Tensar International product mentioned. Tensar International will
not be liable if this brochure contains any misrepresentation or misstatement. Determination of
the suitability for any project of the information and any Tensar International product mentioned in
it must be made by your engineer or other professional advisor who has full knowledge of the proj-
ect. You, together with any such engineer or advisor, must assume all risk of loss and damage of
any kind arising from use of the information or any product of Tensar International other than the
risk of death and personal injury. If you or any third party subsequently purchases a product
referred to in this brochure or any other Tensar International product the entire terms of the con-
tract of purchase and the entire obligation of Tensar International relating to the product or arising
from its use shall be as set out in Tensar International's Standard Conditions in force at the time of
purchase, a copy of which may be requested from Tensar International.

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