Skeletal System Mitchell High School

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Unit E: Skeletal System

Program Area: Course Title: Unit Title: Suggested Time for Instruction: Health Occupations Education Medical Sciences I Skeletal System Number: 7221

5 class periods (90 minute classes) 10 class periods (55 minute classes) 5% 100% Cognitive -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Course Percent: Unit Evaluation:


MD05. Analyze the anatomy and physiology of the skeleton.

Specific Objectives: MD05.01 MD05.02 MD05.03 Describe the structure of the bones. Analyze the function of the skeletal system. Analyze characteristics and treatment of common skeletal disorders.

Summer 2005 E.1

Unit E Master Outline

E. Skeletal System
MD05.01 Explain the structure of the bones.
A. Structure of long bones 1. Osteocytes 2. Fontanel 3. Structure a. Diaphysis (compact bone) b. Epiphysis c. Medullary canal d. Endosteum e. Spongy bone f. Periosteum g. Articular cartilage B. Parts of the skeleton 1. Axial skeleton a. Skull i. Parietal ii. Frontal iii. Occipital iv. Temporal v. Nasal bone vi. Zygomatic arch vii. Infraorbital foramen viii. Mental foramen ix. Mandible x. Maxilla xi. Vomer xii. Mastoid process xiii. Styloid process xiv. External auditory meatus xv. Suture b. Spinal column/vertebra i. Cervical vertebrae ii. Thoracic vertebrae iii. Lumbar vertebrae iv. Sacrum v. Coccyx c. Ribs and sternum i. Xiphoid process 2. Appendicular skeleton a. Clavicle and scapula b. Humerus, radius and ulna c. Carpals, metacarpals and phalanges i. Thumb ii. First through fourth digits d. Pelvis i. Ilium ii. Ischium iii. Pubis

Summer 2005 E.2

e. Femur, patella, tibia and fibula f. Tarsals, metatarsals, phalanges g. Calcaneus C. Joints 1. Ball and socket joints 2. Hinge joints 3. Pivot joints 4. Gliding joints 5. Suture


Analyze the function of the skeletal system.

A. Supports B. Protects internal organs C. Movement and anchorage 1. Abduction and adduction 2. Circumduction and rotation 3. Flexion and extension 4. Pronation and supination D. Mineral storage (calcium and phosphorus) E. Hemopoiesis 1. White blood cells made in yellow marrow 2. Red blood cells made in red marrow F. Bone formation 1. Embryo skeleton starts as osteoblasts, then change to cartilage 2. Ossification (bone replaces cartilage) starts at 8 weeks 3. Fontanel soft spot on babys head 4. Periosteum tough covering of long bones, contains blood vessels, lymph vessels and nerves G. Vertebral column 1. Encloses spinal cord 2. Separated by pads of cartilage = intervertebral discs H. Bones 1. 12 pairs of ribs = 7 true, 3 false, 2 floating 2. Femur is longest and strongest bone in body I. Joints 1. Synovial fluid - lubrication 2. Types of joints a. Ball and socket joints ball-shaped head, examp. Hip and shoulder b. Hinge joints move in one direction or plane, examp. Knees, elbows, outer joints of fingers c. Pivot joints rotate on a 2nd, arch-shaped bone, examp. radius and ulna d. Gliding joints flat surfaces glide across each other, examp. vertebrae e. Suture immovable joint in skull

Summer 2005 E.3


Discuss characteristics and treatment of common skeletal disorders.

A. Trauma 1. Fracture any break in a bone a. Greenstick fracture common in children, bone bent and splintered but never completely separates b. Comminuted fracture splintered or broken into many pieces c. Compound fracture (open fracture) broken bones pierce skin, can lead to infection d. Simple fracture (closed fracture) bone broken, broken ends do not break the skin e. Spiral fracture bone twists, resulting in one or more breaks f. Closed reduction cast or splint g. Open reduction/internal fixation surgical intervention with devices such as wires, metal plates or screws to hold the bones in alignment c. Traction pulling force used to hold the bones in place, used for fractures of long bones 2. Sprain sudden or unusual motion, ligaments torn 3. Strain overstretching or tearing of muscle 4. Dislocation bone displaced from proper position in joint 5. Whiplash trauma to the cervical vertebra, usually from a car accident B. Arthritis inflammation of one or more joints 1. Rheumatoid chronic, autoimmune disease, joint becomes swollen and painful, joint deformities common 2. Osteoarthritis degenerative, occurs with aging, joints become large and painful, Rx with medications C. Spinal defects abnormal curvature 1. Kyphosis - hunchback 2. Lordosis - swayback 3. Scoliosis lateral curvature D. Bursitis inflammation of bursa (joint sacs) E. Herniated disk 1. Intervertebral disk ruptures or protrudes, putting pressure on spinal nerve, usually lumbo-sacral 2. Treat with bedrest, traction and surgery F. Osteomyelitis bone infection G. Osteoporosis 1. 80% affected are women 2. Loss of bone mass leading to thin, porous bones that are prone to fracture 3. On x-ray, looks like swiss cheese 4. Prevented by dietary calcium H. Rickets 1. Found in children 2. Caused by lack of vitamin D 3. Bones become soft 4. Rx with calcium, vitamin D and sunshine I. Gout uric acid deposited in joint cavity, mostly the great toe in men

Summer 2005 E.4


Treatment and diagnosis 1. Bone marrow aspiration removal of bone marrow sample with a needle for diagnostic purposes 2. Arthroscopy examination of joint using arthroscope with fiber optic lens, most knee injuries treated with arthroscopy 3. Radiography x-ray of bones

Summer 2005 E.5

Unit E:
Competency MD05:

Skeletal System
Analyze the anatomy and physiology of the skeleton.

Scott, Ann Senisi and Elizabeth Fong. Body Structures & Functions. Delmar Publishers, Current Edition. National HOSA Handbook: Section B. Published by HOSA, Flower Mound, Texas. Current Edition. Simmers, Louise. Diversified Health Occupations. Delmar Publishers, latest edition,

Teaching/Learning Indicators: The following letters are used to indicate specific skills/areas required in the instructional activity.
R W M H Reading SS Social Studies Writing S Science Math A The Arts Health professional/parent/community involvement

Summer 2005 E.6

Objective MD05.01

Describe the structure of the bones.

Teaching/Learning Activities Cognitive

Using a classroom skeleton or anatomical chart, review the anatomy of the bones. Given a drawing of the skeleton, (see Body Structures and Functions) or from the appendix of this guide (Appendix MD05.01C) have students label the bones and skull; and the long bone, using the Skeletal Anatomy list. (Appendix MD05.01B and MD05.01D)

Critical Thinking

S, H

Have students look at X-rays and name the bones that appear on the X-ray. Students must apply prior learning in order to identify the X-rays. You may also ask Is it normal? to see if students can pick out the fractures and pathology of abnormal films. Obtain discarded x-rays from doctors offices, clinics, and hospitals. Using an overhead projector, x-rays can be treated as transparencies. X-rays can be used to view bone structure as well as a diagnostic tool. (Hospitals, etc. purge their x-rays files periodically. Check to see when your health care agencies purge, in order to get films.)


S, A

Working in pairs, have students assemble and label a model skeleton. This may be done using materials chosen by the students. (Teacher may decide or may encourage student creativity.) This makes a good room decoration at Halloween.

Critical Thinking

S, A

Using a roll of newsprint, cut the paper the length of students. Working in pairs or small groups, have the students trace the body outline of a classmate. Have the students draw in the skeleton and label it. These skeletons can be saved and additional body systems added as the year progresses.

Summer 2005 E.7

Objective MD05.01 Describe the structure of the bones. Teaching/Learning Activities (Continued) Cognitive

Simon Says: Review for a test with Simon Says. Teacher: Simon Says: Touch your patella.

Critical Thinking

S, H

Have students examine a bone. Obtain bones from a butcher shop or grocery store. Examine and discuss bone marrow, cartilage, ligaments, periosteum, etc. For variety, get different types of bones and cuts.


Have students participate in a simulation of the Medical Spelling event using the Terminology lists provided for this unit of instruction.

Critical Thinking

Have students take the Critical Thinking Quiz The Skeletal System. (Appendix MD05.01D) Grade the quizzes in class, and call on students to explain the relationship among the three correct answers.

Special Needs
Each student will reach the highest level of mastery in the least restrictive environment as recommended in the students IEP.

Summer 2005 E.8

Objective MD05.02

Analyze the functions of the skeletal system.

Teaching/Learning Activities Critical Thinking

S, R, A

Have students read the text section on Joints and Related Structures. (Body Structures and Functions) Given what was learned from the text, have students construct a joint to demonstrate movement. Students may use materials of choice. Suggested materials: door hinge, wooden blocks, ball, cup, wooden spools, rubber bands, nails. Students should share their joint with the class, explaining the type of movement, and where their joint would be found in the body.


Using the CD ROM which accompanies the textbook (Body Structures and Functions), allow students time to explore functions of the skeletal system. Multiple choice questions, as well as fun games are available (concentration, hangman,etc.)


S, A

Using HOSA guidelines for Extemporaneous Writing, have the student write a paper entitled How Your Bones Protect Your Body.

Critical Thinking

Bones as storage units: Remove the skin, muscle, etc. from an uncooked chicken leg. Place the bone in a container that has an air tight seal. Cover the bone with white vinegar. Cover and refrigerate for a couple of days. Observe the color change of the vinegar as nutrients are withdrawn from the bone. Examine the bone. It becomes very soft as the nutrients are removed.


Have students quiz each other on the types of motion: flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, circumduction, rotation, pronation, and supination.

Special Needs
Each student will reach the highest level of mastery in the least restrictive environment as recommended in the students IEP.

Summer 2005 E.9

Objective MD05.03

Analyze characteristics and treatment of common skeletal disorders.

Teaching/Learning Activities Cognitive

Using the matching worksheet in the appendix, match the common fracture types with treatments. (Appendix MD05.03A)

Critical Thinking

S, A

Have students apply a cast using real plaster cast materials: Using small branches from trees to make fractures, have students realign the ends and fragments, and apply a cast. Students will realize importance of immobility in the healing of a fracture.

Employability H
Arrange for a radiologic technologist to talk to the class regarding x ray procedures used to diagnose fractures. In addition, ask the technologist to bring films that show kyphosis, lordosis, and scoliosis, as well as a normal spine to explain/contrast the differences. Arrange for a physical therapist to talk to the class regarding rehabilitation of skeletal injuries and defects.

Technology S, R
Have students do an Internet search on the disorders arthritis and osteoporosis. The goal will be to fill out a summary chart comparing the two disorders. (Appendix 005.03B)

Have students participate in a Biomedical Debate on the topic Osteoporosis vs. Arthritis. One group should argue that Osteoporosis is worse, and the other that Arthritis is worse. Teams may use data from the Internet search in the preceding activity.

Singularly or in pairs, assign students a topic related to the characteristics and treatment of skeletal disorders. Using the Extemporaneous Health Poster guidelines, have students create a poster illustrating the key points of the assigned topic. Have students share their posters in class, explaining/teaching their topic to the rest of the class. Suggested topics: Use the terminology list for Disorders and Related Terminology. There are 28 terms listed. Combine like terms as necessary to make sure that all terms are addressed in the posters.

Special Needs
Each student will reach the highest level of mastery in the least restrictive environment as recommended in the students IEP.

Summer 2005 E.10

Daily Lesson Plans

Unit E:
Lessons: Hours: Steps
Focus and Review

Skeletal System
5 7 clock hours Lesson #1
Review medical terminology from Unit A that pertains to the Skeletal System.

Lesson #2
Play skeletal Simon Says.

Lesson #3
Have students demonstrate their joint. See if the class can determine the type of joint, and give an example. MD05.03 Analyze characteristics and treatment of common skeletal disorders. Using the overheads, briefly introduce students to common skeletal disorders. Assign the Health Poster activity, assigning topics for students to research and illustrate.

Statement of Objectives Teacher Input

MD05.01 Describe the structure of the bones.

MD05.02 Analyze the function of the skeletal system.

Using a classroom skeleton and anatomy overheads (E.24E.26), review the anatomy of the skeletal system. Use x-rays as overheads to show how bones appear on xrays.

Using the overheads, discuss the function of the skeletal system.

Guided Practice

In groups of 3-4, have students trace the outline of a classmate on a long sheet of newsprint, and then let the teams draw in the bones.

Go to the schools computer lab and, using the CD ROM that came with the Body Structures and Functions textbook, have students complete the Structure of the Skeletal System activities. Homework: Create a joint. The more creative, the better. Use any type of material. May work independently or in pairs.

Allow students time to research their topic using classroom or Internet resources, and create a plan for their poster.

Independe nt Practice

Homework - Using the skeletal anatomy list (MD05.01B) label the parts of the skeleton (MD05.01C) and the skull (MD05.01D). Give a 10-question skeletal anatomy spelling quiz. Give one bonus point for on the unit test for all students who spell all 10 terms correctly.

Complete the health poster as assigned on posterboard. Prepare to describe the poster in class. Remind students of homework assignment, and that they will be graded on their poster using the HOSA EHP rating sheet.


Review types of motion by explaining an activity and having students identify the motion. Examples: 1. Miss America wave. 2. Kicking a ball. Computer Lab Body Structures and Functions CD ROM Handouts


Skeleton Skeletal system overheads X-rays of bones Newsprint Handouts for homework

Overheads EHP rating sheets

Summer 2005 E.11

Unit E: Steps
Focus and Review

Skeletal System (Continued) Lesson #4

* Poster presentations

Lesson #5
Answer student questions before the test.

Statement of Objectives Teacher Input

MD05.03 Analyze characteristics and treatment of common skeletal disorders. Allow students to review and teach the objective through the sharing and explanation of assigned posters. Class members should take notes on the poster content as they are presented. Teacher should assure that key points of each disorder/treatment are addressed on the student presentations. Posters should be put up around the classroom for students to see. They should be taken down immediately before the test.

MD05.03 Analyze characteristics and treatment of common skeletal disorders. TEST Skeletal System

Guided Practice

Test review: In pairs take the Critical Thinking quiz The Skeletal System.

Take unit test. Grade test in class.

Independe nt Practice

Study for test.

Have students look up the answers to the questions they got wrong and turn in their corrected test.


Discuss answers to Critical Thinking quiz in class. Review important points from each disease poster.

Introduce the next unit. Make a reading assignment. Use remaining class time for HOSA business/update.


Handouts Critical Thinking Quiz

Test and key. Green pens for grading tests.

Summer 2005 E.12

Unit E: Skeletal System Terminology List*

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. abduction adduction appendicular skeleton axial skeleton ball and socket joint bursa circumduction compact bone diaphysis endosteum epiphysis extension flexion fontanel gliding joint 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. hemopoiesis hinge joint joint medullary canal ossification osteocyte periosteum pivot joint pronation rotation spongy bone supination suture synovial fluid

* See also Skeletal Anatomy terminology

Disorders and Related Terminology 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. arthritis (rheumatoid and osteoarthritis) arthroscopy bone marrow aspiration bursitis closed reduction comminuted fracture compound fracture dislocation gout greenstick fracture herniated disk kyphosis 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. lordosis open reduction/internal fixation osteomyelitis osteoporosis radiography rickets scoliosis simple fracture spiral fracture sprain strain traction whiplash

Appendix MD05.01A

Summer 2005 E.13

Skeletal Anatomy - Terminology

You will be required to identify the following bones on a diagram of the skeleton: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. skull cervical vertebrae clavicle scapula sternum xiphoid process humerus ribs radius ulna thoracic vertebrae lumbar vertebrae sacrum coccyx ilium ischium 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. pubis carpals metacarpals thumb first digit second digit third digit fourth digit femur patella tibia fibula tarsals metatarsals phalanges calcaneus

You will be required to identify the following parts of the skull: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. parietal frontal occipital temporal nasal bone zygomatic arch infraorbital foramen mental foramen 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. mandible maxilla vomer mastoid process styloid process external auditory meatus suture

You will be required to label the following parts of the long bone: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. epiphyses diaphysis red marrow spongy bone compact bone 6. 7. 8. 9. yellow marrow periosteum articular cartilage medullary canal

Appendix MD05.01B

Summer 2005 E.14

Name _______________________________

Date __________________

The Skeleton

Appendix MD05.01C

Summer 2005 E.15

The Skull
Label and color the following parts of the skull: parietal frontal occipital temporal nasal bone zygomatic arch infraorbital foramen mental foramen mandible maxilla vomer mastoid process styloid process external auditory meatus suture

Appendix MD05.01D

Summer 2005 E.16

Critical Thinking Quiz The Skeletal System

Circle the term that does not belong with the other three. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. tibia skull mandible ischium humerus suture calcaneus articular cartilage cervical maxilla mental foramen patella phalanges coccyx scapula ulna rib cage frontal bone scapula ulna red marrow mandible red marrow lumbar zygomatic maxilla tibia ribs xiphoid process calcaneus fibula pelvis temporal bone ilium radius spongy bone scapula medullary cavity thoracic mandible occipital radius xiphoid process ischium sternum femur vertebral column occipital bone pubis phalanges yellow marrow occipital epiphysis sternum occipital nasal bone humerus vertebrae vomer ilium

Appendix MD05.01E

Summer 2005 E.17

ANSWER KEY: Critical Thinking Quiz The Skeletal System

Circle the term that does not belong with the other three. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. tibia skull mandible ischium humerus suture calcaneus articular cartilage cervical maxilla mental foramen patella phalanges coccyx scapula ulna rib cage frontal bone scapula ulna red marrow mandible red marrow lumbar zygomatic maxilla tibia ribs xiphoid process calcaneus fibula pelvis temporal bone ilium radius spongy bone scapula medullary cavity thoracic mandible occipital radius xiphoid process ischium sternum femur vertebral column occipital bone pubis phalanges yellow marrow occipital epiphysis sternum occipital nasal bone humerus vertebrae vomer ilium

Summer 2005 E.18

Fractures Worksheet
MATCHING: Match common fracture types with treatments. Write the correct answer in each blank. (An answer may be used more than once.) a. c. e. g. greenstick fracture compound fracture closed reduction traction b. d. f. simple fracture comminuted fracture open reduction

_____ 1. Surgical correction of a broken bone. _____ 2. Bone is broken completely, but ends do not penetrate the skin. _____ 3. Nonsurgical correction of broken bone and application of a cast. _____ 4. A fracture in which the bone splinters, but the break is incomplete. _____ 5. Bones are broken into many pieces. _____ 6. A fracture in which the bone ends penetrate the skin. _____ 7. A pulling force used to hold the bones in place. _____ 8.

Appendix MD05.03A

Summer 2005 E.19

Answer Key: Fractures Worksheet

MATCHING: Match common fracture types with treatments. Write the correct answer in each blank. a. c. e. g. greenstick fracture compound fracture closed reduction traction b. d. f. simple fracture comminuted fracture open reduction

___f__1. Surgical correction of a broken bone. ___b_ 2. Bone is broken completely, but ends do not penetrate the skin. ___e_ 3. Nonsurgical correction of broken bone and application of a cast. ___a_ 4. A fracture in which the bone splinters, but the break is incomplete. ___d_ 5. Bones are broken into many pieces. ___c_ 6. A fracture in which the bone ends penetrate the skin. ___g_ 7. A pulling force used to hold the bones in place. ___b_ 8.

Summer 2005 E.20

Disease Disorder Comparison Chart

Name _____________________________ Class _____________________

Name of Disease/ Disorder

Brief Description


Signs and Symptoms




Appendix MD05.03B

Summer 2005 E.21

Unit E: Skeletal System


Summer 2005 E.22

Skeletal System
206 bones in the body

1. Supports body and provides shape. 2. Protects internal organs. 3. Movement and anchorage of muscles. 4. Mineral storage. (Calcium and phorphorus) 5. Hemopoiesis OSTEOCYTE mature bone cell

Embryo skeletal starts as osteoblasts (primitive embryonic cells) then change to cartilage. At 8 weeks, OSSIFICATION begins. (Mineral matter begins to replace cartilage) Infant bones soft because ossification not complete at birth. FONTANEL - Soft spot on babys head
Summer 2005 E.23


DIAPHYSIS shaft EPIPHYSES ends MEDULLARY CAVITY center of shaft, filled with yellow bone marrow, which is mostly fat cells, also cells that form white blood cells. ENDOSTEUM lines marrow cavity Shaft is made of COMPACT BONE ends are SPONGY BONE. Ends contain red marrow where red blood cells are made. PERIOSTEUM tough, outside covering of bone contains blood vessels, lymph vessels and nerves.

AXIAL & APPENDICULAR SKELETON AXIAL skull, spinal column, ribs, sternum, hyoid APPENDICULAR shoulder girdle, arms, pelvis, legs

Summer 2005 E.24


1 frontal 2 parietal 2 temporal 1 occipital 1 ethmoid 1 sphenoid

2 nasal 1 vomer 2 inferior concha 2 maxilla 2 lacrimal 2 zygomatic 2 palatine 1 mandible

Summer 2005 E.25

Spine Vertebral Column

Encloses the spinal cord Vertebrae separated by pads of cartilage = intervertebral discs Cervical vertebrae (7) Thoracic vertebrae (12) Lumbar vertebrae (5) Sacrum Coccyx

Summer 2005 E.26

Ribs and Sternum

Sternum divided into 3 parts bottom tip is XIPHOID PROCESS 12 pairs of ribs first 7 are true ribs connected to sternum by cartilage - next 3 are false ribs cartilage connects them to 7th rib (not sternum) - next 2 are floating

Appendicular Skeleton
clavicle collar bone scapula shoulder blade humerus upper arm radius and ulna lower arm carpals wrist bones held together by ligaments metalcarpals hand bones phalanges fingers pelvis 3 bones (ilium, ischium, and pubis) femur upper leg, longest and strongest bone in body tibia and fibula lower leg patella kneecap tarsal bones ankle calcaneus heel bone metatarsals foot bones

Summer 2005 E.27

Joints are points of contact between 2 bones classified according to movement: SYNOVIAL FLUID lubricating substance in joints BALL AND SOCKET JOINT bone with ballshaped head fits into concave socket of 2nd bone. Shoulders and hips. HINGE JOINTS move in one direction or plane. Knees, elbows, outer joints of fingers. PIVOT JOINT those with an extension rotate on a 2nd, arch shaped bone. Radius and ulna, atlas and axis. GLIDING JOINTS flat surfaces glide across each other. Vertebrae of spine. SUTURE immovable joint

Types of Motion

Summer 2005 E.28

Disorders of the Bones and Joints

FRACTURE a break Treated by: CLOSED REDUCTION cast or splint applied OPEN REDUCTION surgical intervention with devices such as wires, metal plates or screws to hold the bones in alignment (internal fixation) TRACTION pulling force used to hold the bones in place used for fractures of long bones CLOSED or SIMPLE fracture bone broken, broken ends do not break the skin OPEN or COMPOUND broken bones pierce the skin, can lead to infection GREENSTICK in children, bone bent and splintered but never completely separates COMMINUTED splintered or broken into many pieces SPIRAL bone twists, resulting in one or more breaks DISLOCATION bone displaced from proper position in joint SPRAIN sudden or unusual motion , ligaments torn but joint not dislocated STRAIN overstretching or tearing muscle RADIOGRAPHY x-ray, for diagnosis evaluation of bones

Summer 2005 E.29

Diseases of Bones
BURSITIS inflammation of a bursa joint sacs ARTHRITIS inflammation of one or more joints RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS chronic, autoimmune disease joints become swollen and painful, joint deformities common OSTEOARTHRITIS degenerative, occurs with aging, 80% Americans affected, joint becomes enlarged and painful.

GOUT increase of uric acid deposited in joint cavity, mostly the great toe in men. RICKETS found in children, caused by lack of Vitamin D, bones become soft. Treated with calcium, Vitamin D and sunshine. HERNIATED DISC intervertebral disc ruptures or protrudes, putting pressure on spinal nerve, usually lumbar-sacral region, treated with bedrest, traction and surgery. WHIPLASH trauma to the cervical vertebra, usually from a car accident

Summer 2005 E.30

Abnormal curvatures of the spine:

KYPHOSIS hunchback LORDOSIS swayback SCOLIOSIS lateral curvature

OSTEOPOROSIS 80% of those affected are women. Mineral density of bone is reduced 35% - 65%. The loss of bone mass leaves the bone thinner, porous and more prone to fracture. (On x-ray, looks like swiss cheese.) Prevented by dietary calcium. OSTEOMYELITIS bone infection

Diagnosis and Treatment:

ARTHROSCOPY examination into joint using arthroscope with fiber optic lens, most knee injuries treated with arthroscopy. BONE MARROW ASPIRATION removal of marrow sample with a needle for diagnostic purposes.

Summer 2005 E.31

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