Longevity Herbs For Dogs
Longevity Herbs For Dogs
Longevity Herbs For Dogs
Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) Ginkgo is our primary anti-aging herb. It acts on two major systems of the body: the nervous system and the cardiovascular system. Ginkgo has proved effective in treating l!heimer"s disease# depression# and senile dementia. (In animals# senile dementia associated with l!heimer"s-like symptoms is referred to as cognitive dysfunction or dimming mind syndrome.) Ginkgo enhances both long-term and short-term memory in puppies and old critters alike. $his popular herb improves circulation and has good antio%idant activity. &tudies also indicate that ginkgo is often effective as a treatment for age-related hearing and vision loss# di!!iness and vertigo# and tinnitus (ringing in the ear). Rosemary ('osmarinus officinalis) 'osemary contains bioactive ingredients that help prevent the breakdown of the chemical acetylcholine in the brain. deficiency in acetylcholine is believed to be a contributing factor in senility in general and l!heimer"s disease in particular. 'osemary is also an important antio%idant. Flaxseed Oil ((inum usitatissimum) )la%seed oil is an e%cellent source of omega-* fatty acids# the good fats that reduce triglycerides and cholesterol (the prime fatty arterial blockers) and prevent blood clots. Turmeric (+urcuma longa) $urmeric is the yellow component of curry powder# and it stimulates the liver"s bile production. $his herb is a potent antio%idant. $urmeric is also heart healthy# acting as a blood thinner (which prevents clots) and helping to prevent e%cess cholesterol accumulation. Green Tea (+amellia sinensis) $he green variety of tea contains flavonoids and polyphenols# which are a type of flavonoid that may be a more powerful antio%idant than vitamins + and ,. Green tea is o%idi!ed for a shorter period of time that black tea- practitioners don"t think the black variety has the same health benefits. Gotu Kola (+entella asiatica) traditional herb of both +hinese and yurvedic medicine# gotu kola has antio%idant activity that protects the body from damage by free radicals. $he herb is particularly useful for stress-related disorders and memory problems.